A grammar for GHC External Core. (c) Aarne Ranta 2003 under GNU GPL. The grammar is in Core.cf and it is compiled with bnfc -m Core.cf ; make To test it on an ext-core file, either do hugs -P.:/home/aarne/BNFC: TestCore.hs hugsprompt> runFile pModule "" or, if the file is big, ghc --make -i/home/aarne/BNFC TopCore.hs -o TopCore ./TopCore replacing /home/aarne/BNFC with your BNFC directory in both cases. I guess there will be some problems with qualified/unqualified identifiers depending on GHC version. Mine is fairly old, 5.02.2. The .hcr files in the package core.tgz are generated by that, so they will work at least.