import codecs from sent_features import SentFeatures from weka.core.dataset import Instance, Instances, Attribute # TO DO: create a CEFR_Classifier() with: # extract_features (=SentenceFeature) # build dataset - support both WEKA and sklearn? # predict (=classify_level()) def classify_level(sent, classifier, stats, params={}, match={}): """ Classifies the CEFR level of 'sent'. 2016 june - based on check_readability() in @ sent: @ stats: SentStatistics instance @ params: parameters for SentMatch (HitEx) @ match: SentMatch instance # TO DO: add argument for choosing bw WEKA and sklearn adapt to both sents and texts in- vs cross-domain setups """ sent_feats = SentFeatures(sent, stats, params) fs = sent_feats.features feature_names = fs.keys() # set the order of training attributes for values with"auxiliaries/feature_names.txt") as f: train_fn = [l.strip("\n") for l in f.readlines()] f_list = [fs[tfn] for tfn in train_fn] # create Instance, attributes and a dummy dataset (required for prediction) inst = Instance.create_instance(f_list) attributes = [] for feat_n in train_fn: attributes.append(Attribute.create_numeric(feat_n)) attributes.append(Attribute.create_nominal("level", ["A1", "A2", "B1", "B2", "C1"])) dataset = Instances.create_instances("readability", attributes, 0) dataset.add_instance(inst) dataset.class_is_last() # make prediction cefr_mapping = {"A1":1.0, "A2":2.0, "B1":3.0, "B2":4.0, "C1":5.0} trg_cefr_fl = cefr_mapping[params["target_cefr"]] for instance in dataset: pred = classifier.classify_instance(instance) pred_cefr = pred+1 #if pred_cefr < 1 or pred_cefr > 5: level_diff = pred_cefr - trg_cefr_fl # negative value = easier than target nominal_level = [k for k,v in cefr_mapping.items() if v == pred_cefr][0] return (level_diff, nominal_level, fs) #return also fs -> for detailed info in webservice