# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ The following test performs a random series of reads, seeks, and tells, and checks that the results are consistent. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import random import functools from io import BytesIO from nltk.corpus.reader import SeekableUnicodeStreamReader def check_reader(unicode_string, encoding, n=1000): bytestr = unicode_string.encode(encoding) strlen = len(unicode_string) stream = BytesIO(bytestr) reader = SeekableUnicodeStreamReader(stream, encoding) # Find all character positions chars = [] while True: pos = reader.tell() chars.append( (pos, reader.read(1)) ) if chars[-1][1] == '': break # Find all strings strings = dict( (pos,'') for (pos,c) in chars ) for pos1, char in chars: for pos2, _ in chars: if pos2 <= pos1: strings[pos2] += char while True: op = random.choice('tsrr') # Check our position? if op == 't': # tell reader.tell() # Perform a seek? if op == 's': # seek new_pos = random.choice([p for (p,c) in chars]) reader.seek(new_pos) # Perform a read? if op == 'r': # read if random.random() < .3: pos = reader.tell() else: pos = None if random.random() < .2: size = None elif random.random() < .8: size = random.randint(0, int(strlen/6)) else: size = random.randint(0, strlen+20) if random.random() < .8: s = reader.read(size) else: s = reader.readline(size) # check that everything's consistent if pos is not None: assert pos in strings assert strings[pos].startswith(s) n -= 1 if n == 0: return 'passed' #Call the randomized test function `check_reader` with a variety of #input strings and encodings. ENCODINGS = ['ascii', 'latin1', 'greek', 'hebrew', 'utf-16', 'utf-8'] STRINGS = [ """ This is a test file. It is fairly short. """, "This file can be encoded with latin1. \x83", """\ This is a test file. Here's a blank line: And here's some unicode: \xee \u0123 \uffe3 """, """\ This is a test file. Unicode characters: \xf3 \u2222 \u3333\u4444 \u5555 """, ] def test_reader(): for string in STRINGS: for encoding in ENCODINGS: try: # skip strings that can't be encoded with the current encoding string.encode(encoding) yield check_reader, string, encoding except UnicodeEncodeError: pass # nose shows the whole string arguments in a verbose mode; this is annoying, # so large string test is separated. LARGE_STRING = """\ This is a larger file. It has some lines that are longer \ than 72 characters. It's got lots of repetition. Here's \ some unicode chars: \xee \u0123 \uffe3 \ueeee \u2345 How fun! Let's repeat it twenty times. """*10 def test_reader_on_large_string(): for encoding in ENCODINGS: try: # skip strings that can't be encoded with the current encoding LARGE_STRING.encode(encoding) def _check(encoding, n=1000): check_reader(LARGE_STRING, encoding, n) yield _check, encoding except UnicodeEncodeError: pass def teardown_module(module=None): import gc gc.collect()