from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function import sys import collections import pickle from os import path import numpy as np from numpy.compat import asbytes from numpy.testing import ( TestCase, run_module_suite, assert_, assert_equal, assert_array_equal, assert_array_almost_equal, assert_raises ) class TestFromrecords(TestCase): def test_fromrecords(self): r = np.rec.fromrecords([[456, 'dbe', 1.2], [2, 'de', 1.3]], names='col1,col2,col3') assert_equal(r[0].item(), (456, 'dbe', 1.2)) assert_equal(r['col1'].dtype.kind, 'i') if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: assert_equal(r['col2'].dtype.kind, 'U') assert_equal(r['col2'].dtype.itemsize, 12) else: assert_equal(r['col2'].dtype.kind, 'S') assert_equal(r['col2'].dtype.itemsize, 3) assert_equal(r['col3'].dtype.kind, 'f') def test_method_array(self): r = np.rec.array(asbytes('abcdefg') * 100, formats='i2,a3,i4', shape=3, byteorder='big') assert_equal(r[1].item(), (25444, asbytes('efg'), 1633837924)) def test_method_array2(self): r = np.rec.array([(1, 11, 'a'), (2, 22, 'b'), (3, 33, 'c'), (4, 44, 'd'), (5, 55, 'ex'), (6, 66, 'f'), (7, 77, 'g')], formats='u1,f4,a1') assert_equal(r[1].item(), (2, 22.0, asbytes('b'))) def test_recarray_slices(self): r = np.rec.array([(1, 11, 'a'), (2, 22, 'b'), (3, 33, 'c'), (4, 44, 'd'), (5, 55, 'ex'), (6, 66, 'f'), (7, 77, 'g')], formats='u1,f4,a1') assert_equal(r[1::2][1].item(), (4, 44.0, asbytes('d'))) def test_recarray_fromarrays(self): x1 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) x2 = np.array(['a', 'dd', 'xyz', '12']) x3 = np.array([1.1, 2, 3, 4]) r = np.rec.fromarrays([x1, x2, x3], names='a,b,c') assert_equal(r[1].item(), (2, 'dd', 2.0)) x1[1] = 34 assert_equal(r.a, np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])) def test_recarray_fromfile(self): data_dir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'data') filename = path.join(data_dir, 'recarray_from_file.fits') fd = open(filename, 'rb') * 2) r1 = np.rec.fromfile(fd, formats='f8,i4,a5', shape=3, byteorder='big') * 2) r2 = np.rec.array(fd, formats='f8,i4,a5', shape=3, byteorder='big') fd.close() assert_equal(r1, r2) def test_recarray_from_obj(self): count = 10 a = np.zeros(count, dtype='O') b = np.zeros(count, dtype='f8') c = np.zeros(count, dtype='f8') for i in range(len(a)): a[i] = list(range(1, 10)) mine = np.rec.fromarrays([a, b, c], names='date,data1,data2') for i in range(len(a)): assert_(([i] == list(range(1, 10)))) assert_((mine.data1[i] == 0.0)) assert_((mine.data2[i] == 0.0)) def test_recarray_from_repr(self): a = np.array([(1,'ABC'), (2, "DEF")], dtype=[('foo', int), ('bar', 'S4')]) recordarr = np.rec.array(a) recarr = a.view(np.recarray) recordview = a.view(np.dtype((np.record, a.dtype))) recordarr_r = eval("numpy." + repr(recordarr), {'numpy': np}) recarr_r = eval("numpy." + repr(recarr), {'numpy': np}) recordview_r = eval("numpy." + repr(recordview), {'numpy': np}) assert_equal(type(recordarr_r), np.recarray) assert_equal(recordarr_r.dtype.type, np.record) assert_equal(recordarr, recordarr_r) assert_equal(type(recarr_r), np.recarray) assert_equal(recarr_r.dtype.type, np.record) assert_equal(recarr, recarr_r) assert_equal(type(recordview_r), np.ndarray) assert_equal(recordview.dtype.type, np.record) assert_equal(recordview, recordview_r) def test_recarray_views(self): a = np.array([(1,'ABC'), (2, "DEF")], dtype=[('foo', int), ('bar', 'S4')]) b = np.array([1,2,3,4,5], dtype=np.int64) #check that np.rec.array gives right dtypes assert_equal(np.rec.array(a).dtype.type, np.record) assert_equal(type(np.rec.array(a)), np.recarray) assert_equal(np.rec.array(b).dtype.type, np.int64) assert_equal(type(np.rec.array(b)), np.recarray) #check that viewing as recarray does the same assert_equal(a.view(np.recarray).dtype.type, np.record) assert_equal(type(a.view(np.recarray)), np.recarray) assert_equal(b.view(np.recarray).dtype.type, np.int64) assert_equal(type(b.view(np.recarray)), np.recarray) #check that view to non-structured dtype preserves type=np.recarray r = np.rec.array(np.ones(4, dtype="f4,i4")) rv = r.view('f8').view('f4,i4') assert_equal(type(rv), np.recarray) assert_equal(rv.dtype.type, np.record) #check that getitem also preserves np.recarray and np.record r = np.rec.array(np.ones(4, dtype=[('a', 'i4'), ('b', 'i4'), ('c', 'i4,i4')])) assert_equal(r['c'].dtype.type, np.record) assert_equal(type(r['c']), np.recarray) assert_equal(r[['a', 'b']].dtype.type, np.record) assert_equal(type(r[['a', 'b']]), np.recarray) #and that it preserves subclasses (gh-6949) class C(np.recarray): pass c = r.view(C) assert_equal(type(c['c']), C) # check that accessing nested structures keep record type, but # not for subarrays, non-void structures, non-structured voids test_dtype = [('a', 'f4,f4'), ('b', 'V8'), ('c', ('f4',2)), ('d', ('i8', 'i4,i4'))] r = np.rec.array([((1,1), b'11111111', [1,1], 1), ((1,1), b'11111111', [1,1], 1)], dtype=test_dtype) assert_equal(r.a.dtype.type, np.record) assert_equal(r.b.dtype.type, np.void) assert_equal(r.c.dtype.type, np.float32) assert_equal(r.d.dtype.type, np.int64) # check the same, but for views r = np.rec.array(np.ones(4, dtype='i4,i4')) assert_equal(r.view('f4,f4').dtype.type, np.record) assert_equal(r.view(('i4',2)).dtype.type, np.int32) assert_equal(r.view('V8').dtype.type, np.void) assert_equal(r.view(('i8', 'i4,i4')).dtype.type, np.int64) #check that we can undo the view arrs = [np.ones(4, dtype='f4,i4'), np.ones(4, dtype='f8')] for arr in arrs: rec = np.rec.array(arr) # recommended way to view as an ndarray: arr2 = rec.view(rec.dtype.fields or rec.dtype, np.ndarray) assert_equal(arr2.dtype.type, arr.dtype.type) assert_equal(type(arr2), type(arr)) def test_recarray_repr(self): # make sure non-structured dtypes also show up as rec.array a = np.array(np.ones(4, dtype='f8')) assert_(repr(np.rec.array(a)).startswith('rec.array')) # check that the 'np.record' part of the dtype isn't shown a = np.rec.array(np.ones(3, dtype='i4,i4')) assert_equal(repr(a).find('numpy.record'), -1) a = np.rec.array(np.ones(3, dtype='i4')) assert_(repr(a).find('dtype=int32') != -1) def test_recarray_from_names(self): ra = np.rec.array([ (1, 'abc', 3.7000002861022949, 0), (2, 'xy', 6.6999998092651367, 1), (0, ' ', 0.40000000596046448, 0)], names='c1, c2, c3, c4') pa = np.rec.fromrecords([ (1, 'abc', 3.7000002861022949, 0), (2, 'xy', 6.6999998092651367, 1), (0, ' ', 0.40000000596046448, 0)], names='c1, c2, c3, c4') assert_(ra.dtype == pa.dtype) assert_(ra.shape == pa.shape) for k in range(len(ra)): assert_(ra[k].item() == pa[k].item()) def test_recarray_conflict_fields(self): ra = np.rec.array([(1, 'abc', 2.3), (2, 'xyz', 4.2), (3, 'wrs', 1.3)], names='field, shape, mean') ra.mean = [1.1, 2.2, 3.3] assert_array_almost_equal(ra['mean'], [1.1, 2.2, 3.3]) assert_(type(ra.mean) is type(ra.var)) ra.shape = (1, 3) assert_(ra.shape == (1, 3)) ra.shape = ['A', 'B', 'C'] assert_array_equal(ra['shape'], [['A', 'B', 'C']]) ra.field = 5 assert_array_equal(ra['field'], [[5, 5, 5]]) assert_(isinstance(ra.field, collections.Callable)) def test_fromrecords_with_explicit_dtype(self): a = np.rec.fromrecords([(1, 'a'), (2, 'bbb')], dtype=[('a', int), ('b', np.object)]) assert_equal(a.a, [1, 2]) assert_equal(a[0].a, 1) assert_equal(a.b, ['a', 'bbb']) assert_equal(a[-1].b, 'bbb') # ndtype = np.dtype([('a', int), ('b', np.object)]) a = np.rec.fromrecords([(1, 'a'), (2, 'bbb')], dtype=ndtype) assert_equal(a.a, [1, 2]) assert_equal(a[0].a, 1) assert_equal(a.b, ['a', 'bbb']) assert_equal(a[-1].b, 'bbb') def test_recarray_stringtypes(self): # Issue #3993 a = np.array([('abc ', 1), ('abc', 2)], dtype=[('foo', 'S4'), ('bar', int)]) a = a.view(np.recarray) assert_equal([0] ==[1], False) def test_recarray_returntypes(self): qux_fields = {'C': (np.dtype('S5'), 0), 'D': (np.dtype('S5'), 6)} a = np.rec.array([('abc ', (1,1), 1, ('abcde', 'fgehi')), ('abc', (2,3), 1, ('abcde', 'jklmn'))], dtype=[('foo', 'S4'), ('bar', [('A', int), ('B', int)]), ('baz', int), ('qux', qux_fields)]) assert_equal(type(, np.ndarray) assert_equal(type(a['foo']), np.ndarray) assert_equal(type(, np.recarray) assert_equal(type(a['bar']), np.recarray) assert_equal(, np.record) assert_equal(type(a['qux']), np.recarray) assert_equal(a.qux.dtype.type, np.record) assert_equal(dict(a.qux.dtype.fields), qux_fields) assert_equal(type(a.baz), np.ndarray) assert_equal(type(a['baz']), np.ndarray) assert_equal(type(a[0].bar), np.record) assert_equal(type(a[0]['bar']), np.record) assert_equal(a[0].bar.A, 1) assert_equal(a[0].bar['A'], 1) assert_equal(a[0]['bar'].A, 1) assert_equal(a[0]['bar']['A'], 1) assert_equal(a[0].qux.D, asbytes('fgehi')) assert_equal(a[0].qux['D'], asbytes('fgehi')) assert_equal(a[0]['qux'].D, asbytes('fgehi')) assert_equal(a[0]['qux']['D'], asbytes('fgehi')) class TestRecord(TestCase): def setUp(self): = np.rec.fromrecords([(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)], dtype=[("col1", "