from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function import os import sys from tempfile import TemporaryFile from numpy.distutils import exec_command # In python 3 stdout, stderr are text (unicode compliant) devices, so to # emulate them import StringIO from the io module. if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: from io import StringIO else: from StringIO import StringIO class redirect_stdout(object): """Context manager to redirect stdout for exec_command test.""" def __init__(self, stdout=None): self._stdout = stdout or sys.stdout def __enter__(self): self.old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = self._stdout def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self._stdout.flush() sys.stdout = self.old_stdout # note: closing sys.stdout won't close it. self._stdout.close() class redirect_stderr(object): """Context manager to redirect stderr for exec_command test.""" def __init__(self, stderr=None): self._stderr = stderr or sys.stderr def __enter__(self): self.old_stderr = sys.stderr sys.stderr = self._stderr def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self._stderr.flush() sys.stderr = self.old_stderr # note: closing sys.stderr won't close it. self._stderr.close() class emulate_nonposix(object): """Context manager to emulate != 'posix' """ def __init__(self, osname='non-posix'): self._new_name = osname def __enter__(self): self._old_name = = self._new_name def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): = self._old_name def test_exec_command_stdout(): # Regression test for gh-2999 and gh-2915. # There are several packages (nose, scipy.weave.inline, Sage inline # Fortran) that replace stdout, in which case it doesn't have a fileno # method. This is tested here, with a do-nothing command that fails if the # presence of fileno() is assumed in exec_command. # The code has a special case for posix systems, so if we are on posix test # both that the special case works and that the generic code works. # Test posix version: with redirect_stdout(StringIO()): with redirect_stderr(TemporaryFile()): exec_command.exec_command("cd '.'") if == 'posix': # Test general (non-posix) version: with emulate_nonposix(): with redirect_stdout(StringIO()): with redirect_stderr(TemporaryFile()): exec_command.exec_command("cd '.'") def test_exec_command_stderr(): # Test posix version: with redirect_stdout(TemporaryFile(mode='w+')): with redirect_stderr(StringIO()): exec_command.exec_command("cd '.'") if == 'posix': # Test general (non-posix) version: with emulate_nonposix(): with redirect_stdout(TemporaryFile()): with redirect_stderr(StringIO()): exec_command.exec_command("cd '.'")