from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import __usage__ = """ To run tests locally: python tests/ [-l] [-v] """ import warnings import threading import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_allclose, \ assert_array_almost_equal_nulp, run_module_suite, \ assert_raises, assert_equal, assert_array_equal from numpy import dot, conj, random from scipy.linalg import eig, eigh from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, csr_matrix, isspmatrix, diags from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator, aslinearoperator from scipy.sparse.linalg.eigen.arpack import eigs, eigsh, svds, \ ArpackNoConvergence, arpack from scipy.linalg import svd, hilbert from scipy._lib._gcutils import assert_deallocated # eigs() and eigsh() are called many times, so apply a filter for the warnings # they generate here. _eigs_warn_msg = "Single-precision types in `eigs` and `eighs`" def setup_module(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=_eigs_warn_msg) def teardown_module(): warnings.filterwarnings("default", message=_eigs_warn_msg) # precision for tests _ndigits = {'f': 3, 'd': 11, 'F': 3, 'D': 11} def _get_test_tolerance(type_char, mattype=None): """ Return tolerance values suitable for a given test: Parameters ---------- type_char : {'f', 'd', 'F', 'D'} Data type in ARPACK eigenvalue problem mattype : {csr_matrix, aslinearoperator, asarray}, optional Linear operator type Returns ------- tol Tolerance to pass to the ARPACK routine rtol Relative tolerance for outputs atol Absolute tolerance for outputs """ rtol = {'f': 3000 * np.finfo(np.float32).eps, 'F': 3000 * np.finfo(np.float32).eps, 'd': 2000 * np.finfo(np.float64).eps, 'D': 2000 * np.finfo(np.float64).eps}[type_char] atol = rtol tol = 0 if mattype is aslinearoperator and type_char in ('f', 'F'): # iterative methods in single precision: worse errors # also: bump ARPACK tolerance so that the iterative method converges tol = 30 * np.finfo(np.float32).eps rtol *= 5 if mattype is csr_matrix and type_char in ('f', 'F'): # sparse in single precision: worse errors rtol *= 5 return tol, rtol, atol def generate_matrix(N, complex=False, hermitian=False, pos_definite=False, sparse=False): M = np.random.random((N,N)) if complex: M = M + 1j * np.random.random((N,N)) if hermitian: if pos_definite: if sparse: i = np.arange(N) j = np.random.randint(N, size=N-2) i, j = np.meshgrid(i, j) M[i,j] = 0 M =, M.T) else: M =, M.T) if sparse: i = np.random.randint(N, size=N * N // 4) j = np.random.randint(N, size=N * N // 4) ind = np.where(i == j) j[ind] = (j[ind] + 1) % N M[i,j] = 0 M[j,i] = 0 else: if sparse: i = np.random.randint(N, size=N * N // 2) j = np.random.randint(N, size=N * N // 2) M[i,j] = 0 return M def _aslinearoperator_with_dtype(m): m = aslinearoperator(m) if not hasattr(m, 'dtype'): x = np.zeros(m.shape[1]) m.dtype = (m * x).dtype return m def assert_allclose_cc(actual, desired, **kw): """Almost equal or complex conjugates almost equal""" try: assert_allclose(actual, desired, **kw) except: assert_allclose(actual, conj(desired), **kw) def argsort_which(eval, typ, k, which, sigma=None, OPpart=None, mode=None): """Return sorted indices of eigenvalues using the "which" keyword from eigs and eigsh""" if sigma is None: reval = np.round(eval, decimals=_ndigits[typ]) else: if mode is None or mode == 'normal': if OPpart is None: reval = 1. / (eval - sigma) elif OPpart == 'r': reval = 0.5 * (1. / (eval - sigma) + 1. / (eval - np.conj(sigma))) elif OPpart == 'i': reval = -0.5j * (1. / (eval - sigma) - 1. / (eval - np.conj(sigma))) elif mode == 'cayley': reval = (eval + sigma) / (eval - sigma) elif mode == 'buckling': reval = eval / (eval - sigma) else: raise ValueError("mode='%s' not recognized" % mode) reval = np.round(reval, decimals=_ndigits[typ]) if which in ['LM', 'SM']: ind = np.argsort(abs(reval)) elif which in ['LR', 'SR', 'LA', 'SA', 'BE']: ind = np.argsort(np.real(reval)) elif which in ['LI', 'SI']: # for LI,SI ARPACK returns largest,smallest abs(imaginary) why? if typ.islower(): ind = np.argsort(abs(np.imag(reval))) else: ind = np.argsort(np.imag(reval)) else: raise ValueError("which='%s' is unrecognized" % which) if which in ['LM', 'LA', 'LR', 'LI']: return ind[-k:] elif which in ['SM', 'SA', 'SR', 'SI']: return ind[:k] elif which == 'BE': return np.concatenate((ind[:k//2], ind[k//2-k:])) def eval_evec(symmetric, d, typ, k, which, v0=None, sigma=None, mattype=np.asarray, OPpart=None, mode='normal'): general = ('bmat' in d) if symmetric: eigs_func = eigsh else: eigs_func = eigs if general: err = ("error for %s:general, typ=%s, which=%s, sigma=%s, " "mattype=%s, OPpart=%s, mode=%s" % (eigs_func.__name__, typ, which, sigma, mattype.__name__, OPpart, mode)) else: err = ("error for %s:standard, typ=%s, which=%s, sigma=%s, " "mattype=%s, OPpart=%s, mode=%s" % (eigs_func.__name__, typ, which, sigma, mattype.__name__, OPpart, mode)) a = d['mat'].astype(typ) ac = mattype(a) if general: b = d['bmat'].astype(typ.lower()) bc = mattype(b) # get exact eigenvalues exact_eval = d['eval'].astype(typ.upper()) ind = argsort_which(exact_eval, typ, k, which, sigma, OPpart, mode) exact_eval = exact_eval[ind] # compute arpack eigenvalues kwargs = dict(which=which, v0=v0, sigma=sigma) if eigs_func is eigsh: kwargs['mode'] = mode else: kwargs['OPpart'] = OPpart # compute suitable tolerances kwargs['tol'], rtol, atol = _get_test_tolerance(typ, mattype) # on rare occasions, ARPACK routines return results that are proper # eigenvalues and -vectors, but not necessarily the ones requested in # the parameter which. This is inherent to the Krylov methods, and # should not be treated as a failure. If such a rare situation # occurs, the calculation is tried again (but at most a few times). ntries = 0 while ntries < 5: # solve if general: try: eval, evec = eigs_func(ac, k, bc, **kwargs) except ArpackNoConvergence: kwargs['maxiter'] = 20*a.shape[0] eval, evec = eigs_func(ac, k, bc, **kwargs) else: try: eval, evec = eigs_func(ac, k, **kwargs) except ArpackNoConvergence: kwargs['maxiter'] = 20*a.shape[0] eval, evec = eigs_func(ac, k, **kwargs) ind = argsort_which(eval, typ, k, which, sigma, OPpart, mode) eval = eval[ind] evec = evec[:,ind] # check eigenvectors LHS =, evec) if general: RHS = eval *, evec) else: RHS = eval * evec assert_allclose(LHS, RHS, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, err_msg=err) try: # check eigenvalues assert_allclose_cc(eval, exact_eval, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, err_msg=err) break except AssertionError: ntries += 1 # check eigenvalues assert_allclose_cc(eval, exact_eval, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, err_msg=err) class DictWithRepr(dict): def __init__(self, name): = name def __repr__(self): return "<%s>" % class SymmetricParams: def __init__(self): self.eigs = eigsh self.which = ['LM', 'SM', 'LA', 'SA', 'BE'] self.mattypes = [csr_matrix, aslinearoperator, np.asarray] self.sigmas_modes = {None: ['normal'], 0.5: ['normal', 'buckling', 'cayley']} # generate matrices # these should all be float32 so that the eigenvalues # are the same in float32 and float64 N = 6 np.random.seed(2300) Ar = generate_matrix(N, hermitian=True, pos_definite=True).astype('f').astype('d') M = generate_matrix(N, hermitian=True, pos_definite=True).astype('f').astype('d') Ac = generate_matrix(N, hermitian=True, pos_definite=True, complex=True).astype('F').astype('D') v0 = np.random.random(N) # standard symmetric problem SS = DictWithRepr("std-symmetric") SS['mat'] = Ar SS['v0'] = v0 SS['eval'] = eigh(SS['mat'], eigvals_only=True) # general symmetric problem GS = DictWithRepr("gen-symmetric") GS['mat'] = Ar GS['bmat'] = M GS['v0'] = v0 GS['eval'] = eigh(GS['mat'], GS['bmat'], eigvals_only=True) # standard hermitian problem SH = DictWithRepr("std-hermitian") SH['mat'] = Ac SH['v0'] = v0 SH['eval'] = eigh(SH['mat'], eigvals_only=True) # general hermitian problem GH = DictWithRepr("gen-hermitian") GH['mat'] = Ac GH['bmat'] = M GH['v0'] = v0 GH['eval'] = eigh(GH['mat'], GH['bmat'], eigvals_only=True) self.real_test_cases = [SS, GS] self.complex_test_cases = [SH, GH] class NonSymmetricParams: def __init__(self): self.eigs = eigs self.which = ['LM', 'LR', 'LI'] # , 'SM', 'LR', 'SR', 'LI', 'SI'] self.mattypes = [csr_matrix, aslinearoperator, np.asarray] self.sigmas_OPparts = {None: [None], 0.1: ['r'], 0.1 + 0.1j: ['r', 'i']} # generate matrices # these should all be float32 so that the eigenvalues # are the same in float32 and float64 N = 6 np.random.seed(2300) Ar = generate_matrix(N).astype('f').astype('d') M = generate_matrix(N, hermitian=True, pos_definite=True).astype('f').astype('d') Ac = generate_matrix(N, complex=True).astype('F').astype('D') v0 = np.random.random(N) # standard real nonsymmetric problem SNR = DictWithRepr("std-real-nonsym") SNR['mat'] = Ar SNR['v0'] = v0 SNR['eval'] = eig(SNR['mat'], left=False, right=False) # general real nonsymmetric problem GNR = DictWithRepr("gen-real-nonsym") GNR['mat'] = Ar GNR['bmat'] = M GNR['v0'] = v0 GNR['eval'] = eig(GNR['mat'], GNR['bmat'], left=False, right=False) # standard complex nonsymmetric problem SNC = DictWithRepr("std-cmplx-nonsym") SNC['mat'] = Ac SNC['v0'] = v0 SNC['eval'] = eig(SNC['mat'], left=False, right=False) # general complex nonsymmetric problem GNC = DictWithRepr("gen-cmplx-nonsym") GNC['mat'] = Ac GNC['bmat'] = M GNC['v0'] = v0 GNC['eval'] = eig(GNC['mat'], GNC['bmat'], left=False, right=False) self.real_test_cases = [SNR, GNR] self.complex_test_cases = [SNC, GNC] def test_symmetric_modes(): params = SymmetricParams() k = 2 symmetric = True for D in params.real_test_cases: for typ in 'fd': for which in params.which: for mattype in params.mattypes: for (sigma, modes) in params.sigmas_modes.items(): for mode in modes: yield (eval_evec, symmetric, D, typ, k, which, None, sigma, mattype, None, mode) def test_hermitian_modes(): params = SymmetricParams() k = 2 symmetric = True for D in params.complex_test_cases: for typ in 'FD': for which in params.which: if which == 'BE': continue # BE invalid for complex for mattype in params.mattypes: for sigma in params.sigmas_modes: yield (eval_evec, symmetric, D, typ, k, which, None, sigma, mattype) def test_symmetric_starting_vector(): params = SymmetricParams() symmetric = True for k in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: for D in params.real_test_cases: for typ in 'fd': v0 = random.rand(len(D['v0'])).astype(typ) yield (eval_evec, symmetric, D, typ, k, 'LM', v0) def test_symmetric_no_convergence(): np.random.seed(1234) m = generate_matrix(30, hermitian=True, pos_definite=True) tol, rtol, atol = _get_test_tolerance('d') try: w, v = eigsh(m, 4, which='LM', v0=m[:, 0], maxiter=5, tol=tol, ncv=9) raise AssertionError("Spurious no-error exit") except ArpackNoConvergence as err: k = len(err.eigenvalues) if k <= 0: raise AssertionError("Spurious no-eigenvalues-found case") w, v = err.eigenvalues, err.eigenvectors assert_allclose(dot(m, v), w * v, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) def test_real_nonsymmetric_modes(): params = NonSymmetricParams() k = 2 symmetric = False for D in params.real_test_cases: for typ in 'fd': for which in params.which: for mattype in params.mattypes: for sigma, OPparts in params.sigmas_OPparts.items(): for OPpart in OPparts: yield (eval_evec, symmetric, D, typ, k, which, None, sigma, mattype, OPpart) def test_complex_nonsymmetric_modes(): params = NonSymmetricParams() k = 2 symmetric = False for D in params.complex_test_cases: for typ in 'DF': for which in params.which: for mattype in params.mattypes: for sigma in params.sigmas_OPparts: yield (eval_evec, symmetric, D, typ, k, which, None, sigma, mattype) def test_standard_nonsymmetric_starting_vector(): params = NonSymmetricParams() sigma = None symmetric = False for k in [1, 2, 3, 4]: for d in params.complex_test_cases: for typ in 'FD': A = d['mat'] n = A.shape[0] v0 = random.rand(n).astype(typ) yield (eval_evec, symmetric, d, typ, k, "LM", v0, sigma) def test_general_nonsymmetric_starting_vector(): params = NonSymmetricParams() sigma = None symmetric = False for k in [1, 2, 3, 4]: for d in params.complex_test_cases: for typ in 'FD': A = d['mat'] n = A.shape[0] v0 = random.rand(n).astype(typ) yield (eval_evec, symmetric, d, typ, k, "LM", v0, sigma) def test_standard_nonsymmetric_no_convergence(): np.random.seed(1234) m = generate_matrix(30, complex=True) tol, rtol, atol = _get_test_tolerance('d') try: w, v = eigs(m, 4, which='LM', v0=m[:, 0], maxiter=5, tol=tol) raise AssertionError("Spurious no-error exit") except ArpackNoConvergence as err: k = len(err.eigenvalues) if k <= 0: raise AssertionError("Spurious no-eigenvalues-found case") w, v = err.eigenvalues, err.eigenvectors for ww, vv in zip(w, v.T): assert_allclose(dot(m, vv), ww * vv, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) def test_eigen_bad_shapes(): # A is not square. A = csc_matrix(np.zeros((2, 3))) assert_raises(ValueError, eigs, A) def test_eigen_bad_kwargs(): # Test eigen on wrong keyword argument A = csc_matrix(np.zeros((2, 2))) assert_raises(ValueError, eigs, A, which='XX') def test_ticket_1459_arpack_crash(): for dtype in [np.float32, np.float64]: # XXX: this test does not seem to catch the issue for float32, # but we made the same fix there, just to be sure N = 6 k = 2 np.random.seed(2301) A = np.random.random((N, N)).astype(dtype) v0 = np.array([-0.71063568258907849895, -0.83185111795729227424, -0.34365925382227402451, 0.46122533684552280420, -0.58001341115969040629, -0.78844877570084292984e-01], dtype=dtype) # Should not crash: evals, evecs = eigs(A, k, v0=v0) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # sparse SVD tests def sorted_svd(m, k, which='LM'): # Compute svd of a dense matrix m, and return singular vectors/values # sorted. if isspmatrix(m): m = m.todense() u, s, vh = svd(m) if which == 'LM': ii = np.argsort(s)[-k:] elif which == 'SM': ii = np.argsort(s)[:k] else: raise ValueError("unknown which=%r" % (which,)) return u[:, ii], s[ii], vh[ii] def svd_estimate(u, s, vh): return,, vh)) def svd_test_input_check(): x = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 3], [1, 0, 2], [0, 0, 1]], float) assert_raises(ValueError, svds, x, k=-1) assert_raises(ValueError, svds, x, k=0) assert_raises(ValueError, svds, x, k=10) assert_raises(ValueError, svds, x, k=x.shape[0]) assert_raises(ValueError, svds, x, k=x.shape[1]) assert_raises(ValueError, svds, x.T, k=x.shape[0]) assert_raises(ValueError, svds, x.T, k=x.shape[1]) def test_svd_simple_real(): x = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 3], [1, 0, 2], [0, 0, 1]], float) y = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 8], [3, 4, 3, 5], [1, 0, 2, 3], [0, 0, 1, 0]], float) z = csc_matrix(x) for m in [x.T, x, y, z, z.T]: for k in range(1, min(m.shape)): u, s, vh = sorted_svd(m, k) su, ss, svh = svds(m, k) m_hat = svd_estimate(u, s, vh) sm_hat = svd_estimate(su, ss, svh) assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(m_hat, sm_hat, nulp=1000) def test_svd_simple_complex(): x = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 3], [1 + 1j, 0, 2], [0, 0, 1]], complex) y = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 8 + 5j], [3 - 2j, 4, 3, 5], [1, 0, 2, 3], [0, 0, 1, 0]], complex) z = csc_matrix(x) for m in [x, x.T.conjugate(), x.T, y, y.conjugate(), z, z.T]: for k in range(1, min(m.shape) - 1): u, s, vh = sorted_svd(m, k) su, ss, svh = svds(m, k) m_hat = svd_estimate(u, s, vh) sm_hat = svd_estimate(su, ss, svh) assert_array_almost_equal_nulp(m_hat, sm_hat, nulp=1000) def test_svd_maxiter(): # check that maxiter works as expected x = hilbert(6) # ARPACK shouldn't converge on such an ill-conditioned matrix with just # one iteration assert_raises(ArpackNoConvergence, svds, x, 1, maxiter=1, ncv=3) # but 100 iterations should be more than enough u, s, vt = svds(x, 1, maxiter=100, ncv=3) assert_allclose(s, [1.7], atol=0.5) def test_svd_return(): # check that the return_singular_vectors parameter works as expected x = hilbert(6) _, s, _ = sorted_svd(x, 2) ss = svds(x, 2, return_singular_vectors=False) assert_allclose(s, ss) def test_svd_which(): # check that the which parameter works as expected x = hilbert(6) for which in ['LM', 'SM']: _, s, _ = sorted_svd(x, 2, which=which) ss = svds(x, 2, which=which, return_singular_vectors=False) ss.sort() assert_allclose(s, ss, atol=np.sqrt(1e-15)) def test_svd_v0(): # check that the v0 parameter works as expected x = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]], float) u, s, vh = svds(x, 1) u2, s2, vh2 = svds(x, 1, v0=u[:,0]) assert_allclose(s, s2, atol=np.sqrt(1e-15)) def _check_svds(A, k, U, s, VH): n, m = A.shape # Check shapes. assert_equal(U.shape, (n, k)) assert_equal(s.shape, (k,)) assert_equal(VH.shape, (k, m)) # Check that the original matrix can be reconstituted. A_rebuilt = (U*s).dot(VH) assert_equal(A_rebuilt.shape, A.shape) assert_allclose(A_rebuilt, A) # Check that U is a semi-orthogonal matrix. UH_U =, U) assert_equal(UH_U.shape, (k, k)) assert_allclose(UH_U, np.identity(k), atol=1e-12) # Check that V is a semi-orthogonal matrix. VH_V =, VH.T.conj()) assert_equal(VH_V.shape, (k, k)) assert_allclose(VH_V, np.identity(k), atol=1e-12) def test_svd_LM_ones_matrix(): # Check that svds can deal with matrix_rank less than k in LM mode. k = 3 for n, m in (6, 5), (5, 5), (5, 6): for t in float, complex: A = np.ones((n, m), dtype=t) U, s, VH = svds(A, k) # Check some generic properties of svd. _check_svds(A, k, U, s, VH) # Check that the largest singular value is near sqrt(n*m) # and the other singular values have been forced to zero. assert_allclose(np.max(s), np.sqrt(n*m)) assert_array_equal(sorted(s)[:-1], 0) def test_svd_LM_zeros_matrix(): # Check that svds can deal with matrices containing only zeros. k = 1 for n, m in (3, 4), (4, 4), (4, 3): for t in float, complex: A = np.zeros((n, m), dtype=t) U, s, VH = svds(A, k) # Check some generic properties of svd. _check_svds(A, k, U, s, VH) # Check that the singular values are zero. assert_array_equal(s, 0) def test_svd_LM_zeros_matrix_gh_3452(): # Regression test for a github issue. # # Note that for complex dype the size of this matrix is too small for k=1. n, m, k = 4, 2, 1 A = np.zeros((n, m)) U, s, VH = svds(A, k) # Check some generic properties of svd. _check_svds(A, k, U, s, VH) # Check that the singular values are zero. assert_array_equal(s, 0) class CheckingLinearOperator(LinearOperator): def __init__(self, A): self.A = A self.dtype = A.dtype self.shape = A.shape def _matvec(self, x): assert_equal(max(x.shape), np.size(x)) return def _rmatvec(self, x): assert_equal(max(x.shape), np.size(x)) return self.A.T.conjugate().dot(x) def test_svd_linop(): nmks = [(6, 7, 3), (9, 5, 4), (10, 8, 5)] def reorder(args): U, s, VH = args j = np.argsort(s) return U[:,j], s[j], VH[j,:] for n, m, k in nmks: # Test svds on a LinearOperator. A = np.random.RandomState(52).randn(n, m) L = CheckingLinearOperator(A) v0 = np.ones(min(A.shape)) U1, s1, VH1 = reorder(svds(A, k, v0=v0)) U2, s2, VH2 = reorder(svds(L, k, v0=v0)) assert_allclose(np.abs(U1), np.abs(U2)) assert_allclose(s1, s2) assert_allclose(np.abs(VH1), np.abs(VH2)) assert_allclose(,, VH1)),,, VH2))) # Try again with which="SM". A = np.random.RandomState(1909).randn(n, m) L = CheckingLinearOperator(A) U1, s1, VH1 = reorder(svds(A, k, which="SM")) U2, s2, VH2 = reorder(svds(L, k, which="SM")) assert_allclose(np.abs(U1), np.abs(U2)) assert_allclose(s1, s2) assert_allclose(np.abs(VH1), np.abs(VH2)) assert_allclose(,, VH1)),,, VH2))) if k < min(n, m) - 1: # Complex input and explicit which="LM". for (dt, eps) in [(complex, 1e-7), (np.complex64, 1e-3)]: rng = np.random.RandomState(1648) A = (rng.randn(n, m) + 1j * rng.randn(n, m)).astype(dt) L = CheckingLinearOperator(A) U1, s1, VH1 = reorder(svds(A, k, which="LM")) U2, s2, VH2 = reorder(svds(L, k, which="LM")) assert_allclose(np.abs(U1), np.abs(U2), rtol=eps) assert_allclose(s1, s2, rtol=eps) assert_allclose(np.abs(VH1), np.abs(VH2), rtol=eps) assert_allclose(,, VH1)),,, VH2)), rtol=eps) def test_linearoperator_deallocation(): # Check that the linear operators used by the Arpack wrappers are # deallocatable by reference counting -- they are big objects, so # Python's cyclic GC may not collect them fast enough before # running out of memory if eigs/eigsh are called in a tight loop. M_d = np.eye(10) M_s = csc_matrix(M_d) M_o = aslinearoperator(M_d) with assert_deallocated(lambda: arpack.SpLuInv(M_s)): pass with assert_deallocated(lambda: arpack.LuInv(M_d)): pass with assert_deallocated(lambda: arpack.IterInv(M_s)): pass with assert_deallocated(lambda: arpack.IterOpInv(M_o, None, 0.3)): pass with assert_deallocated(lambda: arpack.IterOpInv(M_o, M_o, 0.3)): pass def test_svds_partial_return(): x = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 3], [1, 0, 2], [0, 0, 1]], float) # test vertical matrix z = csr_matrix(x) vh_full = svds(z, 2)[-1] vh_partial = svds(z, 2, return_singular_vectors='vh')[-1] dvh = np.linalg.norm(np.abs(vh_full) - np.abs(vh_partial)) if dvh > 1e-10: raise AssertionError('right eigenvector matrices differ when using return_singular_vectors parameter') if svds(z, 2, return_singular_vectors='vh')[0] is not None: raise AssertionError('left eigenvector matrix was computed when it should not have been') # test horizontal matrix z = csr_matrix(x.T) u_full = svds(z, 2)[0] u_partial = svds(z, 2, return_singular_vectors='vh')[0] du = np.linalg.norm(np.abs(u_full) - np.abs(u_partial)) if du > 1e-10: raise AssertionError('left eigenvector matrices differ when using return_singular_vectors parameter') if svds(z, 2, return_singular_vectors='u')[-1] is not None: raise AssertionError('right eigenvector matrix was computed when it should not have been') def test_svds_wrong_eigen_type(): # Regression test for a github issue. # # Function was not checking for eigenvalue type and unintended # values could be returned. x = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 3], [1, 0, 2], [0, 0, 1]], float) assert_raises(ValueError, svds, x, 1, which='LA') def test_parallel_threads(): results = [] v0 = np.random.rand(50) def worker(): x = diags([1, -2, 1], [-1, 0, 1], shape=(50, 50)) w, v = eigs(x, k=3, v0=v0) results.append(w) w, v = eigsh(x, k=3, v0=v0) results.append(w) threads = [threading.Thread(target=worker) for k in range(10)] for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() worker() for r in results: assert_allclose(r, results[-1]) def test_reentering(): # Just some linear operator that calls eigs recursively def A_matvec(x): x = diags([1, -2, 1], [-1, 0, 1], shape=(50, 50)) w, v = eigs(x, k=1) return v / w[0] A = LinearOperator(matvec=A_matvec, dtype=float, shape=(50, 50)) # The Fortran code is not reentrant, so this fails (gracefully, not crashing) assert_raises(RuntimeError, eigs, A, k=1) assert_raises(RuntimeError, eigsh, A, k=1) def test_regression_arpackng_1315(): # Check that issue arpack-ng/#1315 is not present. # Adapted from arpack-ng/TESTS/bug_1315_single.c # If this fails, then the installed ARPACK library is faulty. for dtype in [np.float32, np.float64]: np.random.seed(1234) w0 = np.arange(1, 1000+1).astype(dtype) A = diags([w0], [0], shape=(1000, 1000)) v0 = np.random.rand(1000).astype(dtype) w, v = eigs(A, k=9, ncv=2*9+1, which="LM", v0=v0) assert_allclose(np.sort(w), np.sort(w0[-9:]), rtol=1e-4) if __name__ == "__main__": run_module_suite()