""" =================================================================== Statistical functions for masked arrays (:mod:`scipy.stats.mstats`) =================================================================== .. currentmodule:: scipy.stats.mstats This module contains a large number of statistical functions that can be used with masked arrays. Most of these functions are similar to those in scipy.stats but might have small differences in the API or in the algorithm used. Since this is a relatively new package, some API changes are still possible. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ argstoarray betai chisquare count_tied_groups describe f_oneway f_value_wilks_lambda find_repeats friedmanchisquare kendalltau kendalltau_seasonal kruskalwallis ks_twosamp kurtosis kurtosistest linregress mannwhitneyu plotting_positions mode moment mquantiles msign normaltest obrientransform pearsonr plotting_positions pointbiserialr rankdata scoreatpercentile sem signaltonoise skew skewtest spearmanr theilslopes threshold tmax tmean tmin trim trima trimboth trimmed_stde trimr trimtail tsem ttest_onesamp ttest_ind ttest_onesamp ttest_rel tvar variation winsorize zmap zscore compare_medians_ms gmean hdmedian hdquantiles hdquantiles_sd hmean idealfourths kruskal ks_2samp median_cihs meppf mjci mquantiles_cimj rsh sen_seasonal_slopes trimmed_mean trimmed_mean_ci trimmed_std trimmed_var ttest_1samp """ from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import from .mstats_basic import * from .mstats_extras import * # Functions that support masked array input in stats but need to be kept in the # mstats namespace for backwards compatibility: from scipy.stats import gmean, hmean, zmap, zscore, chisquare