NIST/ITL StRD Dataset Name: AtmWtAg (AtmWtAg.dat) File Format: ASCII Certified Values (lines 41 to 47) Data (lines 61 to 108) Procedure: Analysis of Variance Reference: Powell, L.J., Murphy, T.J. and Gramlich, J.W. (1982). "The Absolute Isotopic Abundance & Atomic Weight of a Reference Sample of Silver". NBS Journal of Research, 87, pp. 9-19. Data: 1 Factor 2 Treatments 24 Replicates/Cell 48 Observations 7 Constant Leading Digits Average Level of Difficulty Observed Data Model: 3 Parameters (mu, tau_1, tau_2) y_{ij} = mu + tau_i + epsilon_{ij} Certified Values: Source of Sums of Mean Variation df Squares Squares F Statistic Between Instrument 1 3.63834187500000E-09 3.63834187500000E-09 1.59467335677930E+01 Within Instrument 46 1.04951729166667E-08 2.28155932971014E-10 Certified R-Squared 2.57426544538321E-01 Certified Residual Standard Deviation 1.51048314446410E-05 Data: Instrument AgWt 1 107.8681568 1 107.8681465 1 107.8681572 1 107.8681785 1 107.8681446 1 107.8681903 1 107.8681526 1 107.8681494 1 107.8681616 1 107.8681587 1 107.8681519 1 107.8681486 1 107.8681419 1 107.8681569 1 107.8681508 1 107.8681672 1 107.8681385 1 107.8681518 1 107.8681662 1 107.8681424 1 107.8681360 1 107.8681333 1 107.8681610 1 107.8681477 2 107.8681079 2 107.8681344 2 107.8681513 2 107.8681197 2 107.8681604 2 107.8681385 2 107.8681642 2 107.8681365 2 107.8681151 2 107.8681082 2 107.8681517 2 107.8681448 2 107.8681198 2 107.8681482 2 107.8681334 2 107.8681609 2 107.8681101 2 107.8681512 2 107.8681469 2 107.8681360 2 107.8681254 2 107.8681261 2 107.8681450 2 107.8681368