""" C/C++ integration ================= NOTE: this module is deprecated and will be removed from Scipy before the 1.0 release -- use the standalone weave package (`https://github.com/scipy/weave`_) instead. inline -- a function for including C/C++ code within Python blitz -- a function for compiling Numeric expressions to C++ ext_tools -- a module that helps construct C/C++ extension modules. accelerate -- a module that inline accelerates Python functions .. note:: On Linux one needs to have the Python development headers installed in order to be able to compile things with the `weave` module. Since this is a runtime dependency these headers (typically in a pythonX.Y-dev package) are not always installed when installing scipy. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import sys from numpy import deprecate if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: raise ImportError("scipy.weave only supports Python 2.x") @deprecate(old_name="scipy.weave", new_name="weave") def _deprecated(): pass try: _deprecated() except DeprecationWarning as e: # don't fail import if DeprecationWarnings raise error -- works around # the situation with Numpy's test framework pass from .weave_version import weave_version as __version__ try: from .blitz_tools import blitz, BlitzWarning except ImportError: pass # scipy (core) wasn't available from .inline_tools import inline from . import ext_tools from .ext_tools import ext_module, ext_function try: from .accelerate_tools import accelerate except: pass from numpy.testing import Tester test = Tester().test