from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import os import sys import re from . import catalog from . import build_tools from . import converters from . import base_spec class ext_function_from_specs(object): def __init__(self,name,code_block,arg_specs): = name self.arg_specs = base_spec.arg_spec_list(arg_specs) self.code_block = code_block self.compiler = '' self.customize = base_info.custom_info() def header_code(self): pass def function_declaration_code(self): code = 'static PyObject* %s(PyObject*self, PyObject* args,' \ ' PyObject* kywds)\n{\n' return code % def template_declaration_code(self): code = 'template\n' \ 'static PyObject* %s(PyObject*self, PyObject* args,' \ ' PyObject* kywds)\n{\n' return code % #def cpp_function_declaration_code(self): # pass #def cpp_function_call_code(self): #s pass def parse_tuple_code(self): """ Create code block for PyArg_ParseTuple. Variable declarations for all PyObjects are done also. This code got a lot uglier when I added local_dict... """ declare_return = 'py::object return_val;\n' \ 'int exception_occurred = 0;\n' \ 'PyObject *py_local_dict = NULL;\n' arg_string_list = self.arg_specs.variable_as_strings() + ['"local_dict"'] arg_strings = ','.join(arg_string_list) if arg_strings: arg_strings += ',' declare_kwlist = 'static const char *kwlist[] = {%s NULL};\n' % \ arg_strings py_objects = ', '.join(self.arg_specs.py_pointers()) init_flags = ', '.join(self.arg_specs.init_flags()) init_flags_init = '= '.join(self.arg_specs.init_flags()) py_vars = ' = '.join(self.arg_specs.py_variables()) if py_objects: declare_py_objects = 'PyObject ' + py_objects + ';\n' declare_py_objects += 'int ' + init_flags + ';\n' init_values = py_vars + ' = NULL;\n' init_values += init_flags_init + ' = 0;\n\n' else: declare_py_objects = '' init_values = '' #Each variable is in charge of its own cleanup now. #cnt = len(arg_list) #declare_cleanup = "blitz::TinyVector clean_up(0);\n" % cnt ref_string = ', '.join(self.arg_specs.py_references()) if ref_string: ref_string += ', &py_local_dict' else: ref_string = '&py_local_dict' format = "O" * len(self.arg_specs) + "|O" + ':' + parse_tuple = 'if(!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args,' \ 'kywds,"%s",const_cast(kwlist),%s))\n' % \ (format,ref_string) parse_tuple += ' return NULL;\n' return declare_return + declare_kwlist + declare_py_objects \ + init_values + parse_tuple def arg_declaration_code(self): arg_strings = [] for arg in self.arg_specs: arg_strings.append(arg.declaration_code()) arg_strings.append(arg.init_flag() + " = 1;\n") code = "".join(arg_strings) return code def arg_cleanup_code(self): arg_strings = [] have_cleanup = filter(lambda x:x.cleanup_code(),self.arg_specs) for arg in have_cleanup: code = "if(%s)\n" % arg.init_flag() code += "{\n" code += indent(arg.cleanup_code(),4) code += "}\n" arg_strings.append(code) code = "".join(arg_strings) return code def arg_local_dict_code(self): arg_strings = [] for arg in self.arg_specs: arg_strings.append(arg.local_dict_code()) code = "".join(arg_strings) return code def function_code(self): decl_code = indent(self.arg_declaration_code(),4) cleanup_code = indent(self.arg_cleanup_code(),4) function_code = indent(self.code_block,4) local_dict_code = indent(self.arg_local_dict_code(),4) dict_code = "if(py_local_dict) \n" \ "{ \n" \ " py::dict local_dict = py::dict(py_local_dict); \n" + \ local_dict_code + \ "} \n" try_code = "try \n" \ "{ \n" + \ decl_code + \ " /**/ \n" + \ function_code + \ indent(dict_code,4) + \ "\n} \n" catch_code = "catch(...) \n" \ "{ \n" + \ " return_val = py::object(); \n" \ " exception_occurred = 1; \n" \ "} \n" return_code = " /*cleanup code*/ \n" + \ cleanup_code + \ ' if(!(PyObject*)return_val && !exception_occurred)\n' \ ' {\n \n' \ ' return_val = Py_None; \n' \ ' }\n \n' \ ' return return_val.disown(); \n' \ '} \n' all_code = self.function_declaration_code() + \ indent(self.parse_tuple_code(),4) + \ indent(try_code,4) + \ indent(catch_code,4) + \ return_code return all_code def python_function_definition_code(self): args = (, function_decls = '{"%s",(PyCFunction)%s , METH_VARARGS|' \ 'METH_KEYWORDS},\n' % args return function_decls def set_compiler(self,compiler): self.compiler = compiler for arg in self.arg_specs: arg.set_compiler(compiler) class ext_function(ext_function_from_specs): def __init__(self,name,code_block, args, local_dict=None, global_dict=None, auto_downcast=1, type_converters=None): call_frame = sys._getframe().f_back if local_dict is None: local_dict = call_frame.f_locals if global_dict is None: global_dict = call_frame.f_globals if type_converters is None: type_converters = converters.default arg_specs = assign_variable_types(args,local_dict, global_dict, auto_downcast, type_converters) ext_function_from_specs.__init__(self,name,code_block,arg_specs) from . import base_info class ext_module(object): def __init__(self,name,compiler=''): standard_info = converters.standard_info = name self.functions = [] self.compiler = compiler self.customize = base_info.custom_info() self._build_information = base_info.info_list(standard_info) def add_function(self,func): self.functions.append(func) def module_code(self): code = '\n'.join([ """\ #ifdef __CPLUSPLUS__ extern "C" { #endif """, self.warning_code(), self.header_code(), self.support_code(), self.function_code(), self.python_function_definition_code(), self.module_init_code(), """\ #ifdef __CPLUSCPLUS__ } #endif """ ]) return code def arg_specs(self): all_arg_specs = base_spec.arg_spec_list() for func in self.functions: all_arg_specs += func.arg_specs return all_arg_specs def build_information(self): info = self._build_information + [self.customize] + \ self.arg_specs().build_information() for func in self.functions: info.append(func.customize) #redundant, but easiest place to make sure compiler is set for i in info: i.set_compiler(self.compiler) return info def get_headers(self): all_headers = self.build_information().headers() # blitz/array.h always needs to go before most other headers, so we # hack that here, but we need to ensure that Python.h is the very # first header included. As indicated in # # "Warning: Since Python may define some pre-processor definitions which # affect the standard headers on some systems, you must include Python.h # before any standard headers are included. " # Since blitz/array.h pulls in system headers, we must massage this # list a bit so that the order is Python.h, blitz/array.h, ... if '"blitz/array.h"' in all_headers: all_headers.remove('"blitz/array.h"') # Insert blitz AFTER Python.h, which must remain the first header all_headers.insert(1,'"blitz/array.h"') return all_headers def warning_code(self): all_warnings = self.build_information().warnings() w = map(lambda x: "#pragma warning(%s)\n" % x,all_warnings) return '#ifndef __GNUC__\n' + ''.join(w) + '\n#endif' def header_code(self): h = self.get_headers() h = map(lambda x: '#include ' + x + '\n',h) return ''.join(h) + '\n' def support_code(self): code = self.build_information().support_code() return ''.join(code) + '\n' def function_code(self): all_function_code = "" for func in self.functions: all_function_code += func.function_code() return ''.join(all_function_code) + '\n' def python_function_definition_code(self): all_definition_code = "" for func in self.functions: all_definition_code += func.python_function_definition_code() all_definition_code = indent(''.join(all_definition_code),4) code = 'static PyMethodDef compiled_methods[] = \n' \ '{\n' \ '%s' \ ' {NULL, NULL} /* Sentinel */\n' \ '};\n' return code % (all_definition_code) def module_init_code(self): init_code_list = self.build_information().module_init_code() init_code = indent(''.join(init_code_list),4) code = 'PyMODINIT_FUNC init%s(void)\n' \ '{\n' \ '%s' \ ' (void) Py_InitModule("%s", compiled_methods);\n' \ '}\n' % (,init_code, return code def generate_file(self,file_name="",location='.'): code = self.module_code() if not file_name: file_name = + '.cpp' name = generate_file_name(file_name,location) #return name return generate_module(code,name) def set_compiler(self,compiler): # This is not used anymore -- I think we should ditch it. #for i in self.arg_specs() # i.set_compiler(compiler) for i in self.build_information(): i.set_compiler(compiler) for i in self.functions: i.set_compiler(compiler) self.compiler = compiler def build_kw_and_file(self,location,kw): arg_specs = self.arg_specs() info = self.build_information() _source_files = info.sources() # remove duplicates source_files = {} for i in _source_files: source_files[i] = None source_files = source_files.keys() # add internally specified macros, includes, etc. to the key words # values of the same names so that distutils will use them. kw['define_macros'] = kw.get('define_macros',[]) + \ info.define_macros() kw['include_dirs'] = kw.get('include_dirs',[]) + info.include_dirs() kw['libraries'] = kw.get('libraries',[]) + info.libraries() kw['library_dirs'] = kw.get('library_dirs',[]) + info.library_dirs() kw['extra_compile_args'] = kw.get('extra_compile_args',[]) + \ info.extra_compile_args() kw['extra_link_args'] = kw.get('extra_link_args',[]) + \ info.extra_link_args() kw['sources'] = kw.get('sources',[]) + source_files file = self.generate_file(location=location) return kw,file def setup_extension(self,location='.',**kw): kw,file = self.build_kw_and_file(location,kw) return build_tools.create_extension(file, **kw) def compile(self,location='.',compiler=None, verbose=0, **kw): if compiler is not None: self.compiler = compiler # !! removed -- we don't have any compiler dependent code # currently in spec or info classes # hmm. Is there a cleaner way to do this? Seems like # choosing the compiler spagettis around a little. #compiler = build_tools.choose_compiler(self.compiler) #self.set_compiler(compiler) kw,file = self.build_kw_and_file(location,kw) # This is needed so that files build correctly even when different # versions of Python are running around. # Imported at beginning of file now to help with test paths. # import catalog #temp = catalog.default_temp_dir() # for speed, build in the machines temp directory temp = catalog.intermediate_dir() success = build_tools.build_extension(file, temp_dir=temp, compiler_name=compiler, verbose=verbose, **kw) if not success: raise SystemError('Compilation failed') def generate_file_name(module_name,module_location): module_file = os.path.join(module_location,module_name) return os.path.abspath(module_file) def generate_module(module_string, module_file): """ generate the source code file. Only overwrite the existing file if the actual source has changed. """ file_changed = 1 if os.path.exists(module_file): f = open(module_file,'r') old_string = f.close() if old_string == module_string: file_changed = 0 if file_changed: f = open(module_file,'w') f.write(module_string) f.close() return module_file def assign_variable_types(variables,local_dict={}, global_dict={}, auto_downcast=1, type_converters=converters.default): incoming_vars = {} incoming_vars.update(global_dict) incoming_vars.update(local_dict) variable_specs = [] errors = {} for var in variables: try: example_type = incoming_vars[var] # look through possible type specs to find which one # should be used to for example_type spec = None for factory in type_converters: if factory.type_match(example_type): spec = factory.type_spec(var,example_type) break if not spec: # should really define our own type. raise IndexError else: variable_specs.append(spec) except KeyError: errors[var] = ("The type and dimensionality specifications" + "for variable '" + var + "' are missing.") except IndexError: errors[var] = ("Unable to convert variable '" + var + "' to a C++ type.") if errors: raise TypeError(format_error_msg(errors)) if auto_downcast: variable_specs = downcast(variable_specs) return variable_specs def downcast(var_specs): """ Cast python scalars down to most common type of arrays used. Right now, focus on complex and float types. Ignore int types. Require all arrays to have same type before forcing downcasts. Note: var_specs are currently altered in place (horrors...!) """ numeric_types = [] #grab all the numeric types associated with a variables. for var in var_specs: if hasattr(var,'numeric_type'): numeric_types.append(var.numeric_type) # if arrays are present, but none of them are double precision, # make all numeric types float or complex(float) if (('f' in numeric_types or 'F' in numeric_types) and not ( 'd' in numeric_types or 'D' in numeric_types)): for var in var_specs: if hasattr(var,'numeric_type'): if issubclass(var.numeric_type, complex): var.numeric_type = 'F' elif issubclass(var.numeric_type, float): var.numeric_type = 'f' return var_specs def indent(st,spaces): indention = ' '*spaces indented = indention + st.replace('\n','\n'+indention) # trim off any trailing spaces indented = re.sub(r' +$',r'',indented) return indented def format_error_msg(errors): #minimum effort right now... import pprint import cStringIO msg = cStringIO.StringIO() pprint.pprint(errors,msg) return msg.getvalue()