from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function from numpy import ones, ndarray, array, asarray, concatenate, zeros, shape, \ alltrue, equal, divide, arccos, arcsin, arctan, cos, cosh, \ sin, sinh, exp, ceil, floor, fabs, log, log10, sqrt, argmin, \ argmax, argsort, around, absolute, sign, negative, float32 import sys numericTypes = (int, long, float, complex) def isnumeric(t): return isinstance(t, numericTypes) def time_it(): import time expr = "ex[:,1:,1:] = ca_x[:,1:,1:] * ex[:,1:,1:]" \ "+ cb_y_x[:,1:,1:] * (hz[:,1:,1:] - hz[:,:-1,1:])" \ "- cb_z_x[:,1:,1:] * (hy[:,1:,1:] - hy[:,1:,:-1])" ex = ones((10,10,10),dtype=float32) ca_x = ones((10,10,10),dtype=float32) cb_y_x = ones((10,10,10),dtype=float32) cb_z_x = ones((10,10,10),dtype=float32) hz = ones((10,10,10),dtype=float32) hy = ones((10,10,10),dtype=float32) N = 1 t1 = time.time() for i in range(N): passed = check_expr(expr,locals()) t2 = time.time() print('time per call:', (t2 - t1)/N) print('passed:', passed) def check_expr(expr,local_vars,global_vars={}): """ Currently only checks expressions (not suites). Doesn't check that lhs = rhs. checked by compiled func though """ values = {} # first handle the globals for var,val in global_vars.items(): if isinstance(val, ndarray): values[var] = dummy_array(val,name=var) elif isnumeric(val): values[var] = val # now handle the locals for var,val in local_vars.items(): if isinstance(val, ndarray): values[var] = dummy_array(val,name=var) if isnumeric(val): values[var] = val exec(expr,values) try: exec(expr,values) except: try: eval(expr,values) except: return 0 return 1 empty = array(()) empty_slice = slice(None) def make_same_length(x,y): try: Nx = len(x) except: Nx = 0 try: Ny = len(y) except: Ny = 0 if Nx == Ny == 0: return empty,empty elif Nx == Ny: return asarray(x),asarray(y) else: diff = abs(Nx - Ny) front = ones(diff, int) if Nx > Ny: return asarray(x), concatenate((front,y)) elif Ny > Nx: return concatenate((front,x)),asarray(y) def binary_op_size(xx,yy): """ This returns the resulting size from operating on xx, and yy with a binary operator. It accounts for broadcasting, and throws errors if the array sizes are incompatible. """ x,y = make_same_length(xx,yy) res = zeros(len(x)) for i in range(len(x)): if x[i] == y[i]: res[i] = x[i] elif x[i] == 1: res[i] = y[i] elif y[i] == 1: res[i] = x[i] else: # offer more information here about which variables. raise ValueError("frames are not aligned") return res class dummy_array(object): def __init__(self,ary,ary_is_shape=0,name=None): = name if ary_is_shape: self.shape = ary # self.shape = asarray(ary) else: try: self.shape = shape(ary) except: self.shape = empty # self.value = ary def binary_op(self,other): try: x = other.shape except AttributeError: x = empty new_shape = binary_op_size(self.shape,x) return dummy_array(new_shape,1) def __cmp__(self,other): # This isn't an exact compare, but does work for == # cluge for Numeric if isnumeric(other): return 0 if len(self.shape) == len(other.shape) == 0: return 0 return not alltrue(equal(self.shape,other.shape),axis=0) def __add__(self,other): return self.binary_op(other) def __radd__(self,other): return self.binary_op(other) def __sub__(self,other): return self.binary_op(other) def __rsub__(self,other): return self.binary_op(other) def __mul__(self,other): return self.binary_op(other) def __rmul__(self,other): return self.binary_op(other) def __div__(self,other): return self.binary_op(other) def __rdiv__(self,other): return self.binary_op(other) def __mod__(self,other): return self.binary_op(other) def __rmod__(self,other): return self.binary_op(other) def __lshift__(self,other): return self.binary_op(other) def __rshift__(self,other): return self.binary_op(other) # unary ops def __neg__(self,other): return self def __pos__(self,other): return self def __abs__(self,other): return self def __invert__(self,other): return self # Not sure what to do with coersion ops. Ignore for now. # # not currently supported by compiler. # __divmod__ # __pow__ # __rpow__ # __and__ # __or__ # __xor__ # item access and slicing def __setitem__(self,indices,val): # ignore for now pass def __len__(self): return self.shape[0] def __getslice__(self,i,j): i = max(i, 0) j = max(j, 0) return self.__getitem__((slice(i,j),)) def __getitem__(self,indices): # ayeyaya this is a mess # print indices, type(indices), indices.shape if not isinstance(indices, tuple): indices = (indices,) if Ellipsis in indices: raise IndexError("Ellipsis not currently supported") new_dims = [] dim = 0 for index in indices: try: dim_len = self.shape[dim] except IndexError: raise IndexError("To many indices specified") # if (type(index) is SliceType and index.start == index.stop == index.step): if (index is empty_slice): slc_len = dim_len elif isinstance(index, slice): beg,end,step = index.start,index.stop,index.step # handle if they are dummy arrays # if hasattr(beg,'value') and type(beg.value) != ndarray: # beg = beg.value # if hasattr(end,'value') and type(end.value) != ndarray: # end = end.value # if hasattr(step,'value') and type(step.value) != ndarray: # step = step.value if beg is None: beg = 0 if end == sys.maxint or end is None: end = dim_len if step is None: step = 1 if beg < 0: beg += dim_len if end < 0: end += dim_len # the following is list like behavior, # which isn't adhered to by arrays. # FIX THIS ANOMALY IN NUMERIC! if beg < 0: beg = 0 if beg > dim_len: beg = dim_len if end < 0: end = 0 if end > dim_len: end = dim_len # This is rubbish. if beg == end: beg,end,step = 0,0,1 elif beg >= dim_len and step > 0: beg,end,step = 0,0,1 # elif index.step > 0 and beg <= end: elif step > 0 and beg <= end: pass # slc_len = abs(divide(end-beg-1,step)+1) # handle [::-1] and [-1::-1] correctly # elif index.step > 0 and beg > end: elif step > 0 and beg > end: beg,end,step = 0,0,1 elif(step < 0 and index.start is None and index.stop is None): beg,end,step = 0,dim_len,-step elif(step < 0 and index.start is None): # +1 because negative stepping is inclusive beg,end,step = end+1,dim_len,-step elif(step < 0 and index.stop is None): beg,end,step = 0,beg+1,-step elif(step < 0 and beg > end): beg,end,step = end,beg,-step elif(step < 0 and beg < end): beg,end,step = 0,0,-step slc_len = abs(divide(end-beg-1,step)+1) new_dims.append(slc_len) else: if index < 0: index += dim_len if 0 <= index < dim_len: # this reduces the array dimensions by one pass else: raise IndexError("Index out of range") dim += 1 new_dims.extend(self.shape[dim:]) if 0 in new_dims: raise IndexError("Zero length slices not currently supported") return dummy_array(new_dims,1) def __repr__(self): val = str((, str(self.shape))) return val def unary(ary): return ary def not_implemented(ary): return ary # all imported from Numeric and need to be reassigned. unary_op = [arccos, arcsin, arctan, cos, cosh, sin, sinh, exp,ceil,floor,fabs,log,log10,sqrt] unsupported = [argmin,argmax, argsort,around, absolute,sign,negative,floor] for func in unary_op: func = unary for func in unsupported: func = not_implemented def reduction(ary,axis=0): if axis < 0: axis += len(ary.shape) if axis < 0 or axis >= len(ary.shape): raise ValueError("Dimension not in array") new_dims = list(ary.shape[:axis]) + list(ary.shape[axis+1:]) return dummy_array(new_dims,1) # functions currently not supported by compiler # reductions are gonna take some array reordering for the general case, # so this is gonna take some thought (probably some tree manipulation). def take(ary,axis=0): raise NotImplementedError # and all the rest