from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function from .c_spec import common_base_converter from .c_spec import num_to_c_types import numpy num_typecode = {'?': 'PyArray_BOOL', 'b': 'PyArray_BYTE', 'B': 'PyArray_UBYTE', 'h': 'PyArray_SHORT', 'H': 'PyArray_USHORT', 'i': 'PyArray_INT', 'I': 'PyArray_UINT', 'l': 'PyArray_LONG', 'L': 'PyArray_ULONG', 'q': 'PyArray_LONGLONG', 'Q': 'PyArray_ULONGLONG', 'f': 'PyArray_FLOAT', 'd': 'PyArray_DOUBLE', 'g': 'PyArray_LONGDOUBLE', 'F': 'PyArray_CFLOAT', 'D': 'PyArray_CDOUBLE', 'G': 'PyArray_CLONGDOUBLE'} type_check_code = \ """ class numpy_type_handler { public: void conversion_numpy_check_type(PyArrayObject* arr_obj, int numeric_type, const char* name) { // Make sure input has correct numeric type. int arr_type = arr_obj->descr->type_num; if (PyTypeNum_ISEXTENDED(numeric_type)) { char msg[80]; sprintf(msg, "Conversion Error: extended types not supported for variable '%s'", name); throw_error(PyExc_TypeError, msg); } if (!PyArray_EquivTypenums(arr_type, numeric_type)) { const char* type_names[23] = {"bool", "byte", "ubyte","short", "ushort", "int", "uint", "long", "ulong", "longlong", "ulonglong", "float", "double", "longdouble", "cfloat", "cdouble", "clongdouble", "object", "string", "unicode", "void", "ntype", "unknown"}; char msg[500]; sprintf(msg,"Conversion Error: received '%s' typed array instead of '%s' typed array for variable '%s'", type_names[arr_type],type_names[numeric_type],name); throw_error(PyExc_TypeError,msg); } } void numpy_check_type(PyArrayObject* arr_obj, int numeric_type, const char* name) { // Make sure input has correct numeric type. int arr_type = arr_obj->descr->type_num; if (PyTypeNum_ISEXTENDED(numeric_type)) { char msg[80]; sprintf(msg, "Conversion Error: extended types not supported for variable '%s'", name); throw_error(PyExc_TypeError, msg); } if (!PyArray_EquivTypenums(arr_type, numeric_type)) { const char* type_names[23] = {"bool", "byte", "ubyte","short", "ushort", "int", "uint", "long", "ulong", "longlong", "ulonglong", "float", "double", "longdouble", "cfloat", "cdouble", "clongdouble", "object", "string", "unicode", "void", "ntype", "unknown"}; char msg[500]; sprintf(msg,"received '%s' typed array instead of '%s' typed array for variable '%s'", type_names[arr_type],type_names[numeric_type],name); throw_error(PyExc_TypeError,msg); } } }; numpy_type_handler x__numpy_type_handler = numpy_type_handler(); #define conversion_numpy_check_type x__numpy_type_handler.conversion_numpy_check_type #define numpy_check_type x__numpy_type_handler.numpy_check_type """ size_check_code = \ """ class numpy_size_handler { public: void conversion_numpy_check_size(PyArrayObject* arr_obj, int Ndims, const char* name) { if (arr_obj->nd != Ndims) { char msg[500]; sprintf(msg,"Conversion Error: received '%d' dimensional array instead of '%d' dimensional array for variable '%s'", arr_obj->nd,Ndims,name); throw_error(PyExc_TypeError,msg); } } void numpy_check_size(PyArrayObject* arr_obj, int Ndims, const char* name) { if (arr_obj->nd != Ndims) { char msg[500]; sprintf(msg,"received '%d' dimensional array instead of '%d' dimensional array for variable '%s'", arr_obj->nd,Ndims,name); throw_error(PyExc_TypeError,msg); } } }; numpy_size_handler x__numpy_size_handler = numpy_size_handler(); #define conversion_numpy_check_size x__numpy_size_handler.conversion_numpy_check_size #define numpy_check_size x__numpy_size_handler.numpy_check_size """ numeric_init_code = \ """ Py_Initialize(); import_array(); PyImport_ImportModule("numpy"); """ class array_converter(common_base_converter): def init_info(self): common_base_converter.init_info(self) self.type_name = 'numpy' self.check_func = 'PyArray_Check' self.c_type = 'PyArrayObject*' self.return_type = 'PyArrayObject*' self.to_c_return = '(PyArrayObject*) py_obj' self.matching_types = [numpy.ndarray] self.headers = ['"numpy/arrayobject.h"', '',''] self.support_code = [size_check_code, type_check_code] self.module_init_code = [numeric_init_code] def get_var_type(self,value): return value.dtype.char def template_vars(self,inline=0): res = common_base_converter.template_vars(self,inline) if hasattr(self,'var_type'): res['num_type'] = num_to_c_types[self.var_type] res['num_typecode'] = num_typecode[self.var_type] res['array_name'] = + "_array" res['cap_name'] = return res def declaration_code(self,templatize=0,inline=0): res = self.template_vars(inline=inline) cap_name = res['cap_name'] = cap_name code2 = '#define %(cap_name)s1(i) (*((%(num_type)s*)(%(array_name)s->data + (i)*S%(name)s[0])))\n' \ '#define %(cap_name)s2(i,j) (*((%(num_type)s*)(%(array_name)s->data + (i)*S%(name)s[0] + (j)*S%(name)s[1])))\n' \ '#define %(cap_name)s3(i,j,k) (*((%(num_type)s*)(%(array_name)s->data + (i)*S%(name)s[0] + (j)*S%(name)s[1] + (k)*S%(name)s[2])))\n' \ '#define %(cap_name)s4(i,j,k,l) (*((%(num_type)s*)(%(array_name)s->data + (i)*S%(name)s[0] + (j)*S%(name)s[1] + (k)*S%(name)s[2] + (l)*S%(name)s[3])))\n' res['_code2_'] = code2 % res code = '%(py_var)s = %(var_lookup)s;\n' \ '%(c_type)s %(array_name)s = %(var_convert)s;\n' \ 'conversion_numpy_check_type(%(array_name)s,%(num_typecode)s,"%(name)s");\n' \ '%(_code2_)s' \ 'npy_intp* N%(name)s = %(array_name)s->dimensions;\n' \ 'npy_intp* S%(name)s = %(array_name)s->strides;\n' \ 'int D%(name)s = %(array_name)s->nd;\n' \ '%(num_type)s* %(name)s = (%(num_type)s*) %(array_name)s->data;\n' code = code % res self.__doundef = 1 return code def cleanup_code(self): code = common_base_converter.cleanup_code(self) try: if self.__doundef != 1: return code cap_name = newcode = "#undef %(cap_name)s1\n#undef %(cap_name)s2\n"\ "#undef %(cap_name)s3\n#undef %(cap_name)s4\n"\ % {'cap_name':cap_name} code = "%s%s" % (code, newcode) except AttributeError: pass return code