from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import os import sys import tempfile import string import time from numpy.testing import TestCase, assert_, run_module_suite from scipy.weave import inline_tools, ext_tools, c_spec from scipy.weave.build_tools import msvc_exists, gcc_exists from scipy.weave.catalog import unique_file from weave_test_utils import debug_print, dec def unique_mod(d,file_name): f = os.path.basename(unique_file(d,file_name)) m = os.path.splitext(f)[0] return m class IntConverter(TestCase): compiler = '' @dec.slow def test_type_match_string(self): s = c_spec.int_converter() assert_(not s.type_match('string')) @dec.slow def test_type_match_int(self): s = c_spec.int_converter() assert_(s.type_match(5)) @dec.slow def test_type_match_float(self): s = c_spec.int_converter() assert_(not s.type_match(5.)) @dec.slow def test_type_match_complex(self): s = c_spec.int_converter() assert_(not s.type_match(5.+1j)) @dec.slow def test_var_in(self): mod_name = 'int_var_in' + self.compiler mod_name = unique_mod(test_dir,mod_name) mod = ext_tools.ext_module(mod_name) a = 1 code = "a=2;" test = ext_tools.ext_function('test',code,['a']) mod.add_function(test) mod.compile(location=test_dir, compiler=self.compiler) exec('from ' + mod_name + ' import test') b = 1 test(b) try: b = 1. test(b) except TypeError: pass try: b = 'abc' test(b) except TypeError: pass @dec.slow def test_int_return(self): mod_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + self.compiler mod_name = unique_mod(test_dir,mod_name) mod = ext_tools.ext_module(mod_name) a = 1 code = """ a=a+2; return_val = PyInt_FromLong(a); """ test = ext_tools.ext_function('test',code,['a']) mod.add_function(test) mod.compile(location=test_dir, compiler=self.compiler) exec('from ' + mod_name + ' import test') b = 1 c = test(b) assert_(c == 3) class FloatConverter(TestCase): compiler = '' @dec.slow def test_type_match_string(self): s = c_spec.float_converter() assert_(not s.type_match('string')) @dec.slow def test_type_match_int(self): s = c_spec.float_converter() assert_(not s.type_match(5)) @dec.slow def test_type_match_float(self): s = c_spec.float_converter() assert_(s.type_match(5.)) @dec.slow def test_type_match_complex(self): s = c_spec.float_converter() assert_(not s.type_match(5.+1j)) @dec.slow def test_float_var_in(self): mod_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + self.compiler mod_name = unique_mod(test_dir,mod_name) mod = ext_tools.ext_module(mod_name) a = 1. code = "a=2.;" test = ext_tools.ext_function('test',code,['a']) mod.add_function(test) mod.compile(location=test_dir, compiler=self.compiler) exec('from ' + mod_name + ' import test') b = 1. test(b) try: b = 1. test(b) except TypeError: pass try: b = 'abc' test(b) except TypeError: pass @dec.slow def test_float_return(self): mod_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + self.compiler mod_name = unique_mod(test_dir,mod_name) mod = ext_tools.ext_module(mod_name) a = 1. code = """ a=a+2.; return_val = PyFloat_FromDouble(a); """ test = ext_tools.ext_function('test',code,['a']) mod.add_function(test) mod.compile(location=test_dir, compiler=self.compiler) exec('from ' + mod_name + ' import test') b = 1. c = test(b) assert_(c == 3.) class ComplexConverter(TestCase): compiler = '' @dec.slow def test_type_match_string(self): s = c_spec.complex_converter() assert_(not s.type_match('string')) @dec.slow def test_type_match_int(self): s = c_spec.complex_converter() assert_(not s.type_match(5)) @dec.slow def test_type_match_float(self): s = c_spec.complex_converter() assert_(not s.type_match(5.)) @dec.slow def test_type_match_complex(self): s = c_spec.complex_converter() assert_(s.type_match(5.+1j)) @dec.slow def test_complex_var_in(self): mod_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + self.compiler mod_name = unique_mod(test_dir,mod_name) mod = ext_tools.ext_module(mod_name) a = 1.+1j code = "a=std::complex(2.,2.);" test = ext_tools.ext_function('test',code,['a']) mod.add_function(test) mod.compile(location=test_dir, compiler=self.compiler) exec('from ' + mod_name + ' import test') b = 1.+1j test(b) try: b = 1. test(b) except TypeError: pass try: b = 'abc' test(b) except TypeError: pass @dec.slow def test_complex_return(self): mod_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + self.compiler mod_name = unique_mod(test_dir,mod_name) mod = ext_tools.ext_module(mod_name) a = 1.+1j code = """ a= a + std::complex(2.,2.); return_val = PyComplex_FromDoubles(a.real(),a.imag()); """ test = ext_tools.ext_function('test',code,['a']) mod.add_function(test) mod.compile(location=test_dir, compiler=self.compiler) exec('from ' + mod_name + ' import test') b = 1.+1j c = test(b) assert_(c == 3.+3j) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # File conversion tests #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class FileConverter(TestCase): compiler = '' @dec.slow def test_py_to_file(self): file_name = os.path.join(test_dir, "testfile") file = open(file_name,'w') code = """ fprintf(file,"hello bob"); """ inline_tools.inline(code,['file'],compiler=self.compiler,force=1) file.close() file = open(file_name,'r') assert_( == "hello bob") @dec.slow def test_file_to_py(self): file_name = os.path.join(test_dir, "testfile") # not sure I like Py::String as default -- might move to std::sting # or just plain char* code = """ const char* _file_name = file_name.c_str(); FILE* file = fopen(_file_name, "w"); return_val = file_to_py(file, _file_name, "w"); """ file = inline_tools.inline(code,['file_name'], compiler=self.compiler, force=1) file.write("hello fred") file.close() file = open(file_name,'r') assert_( == "hello fred") #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Instance conversion tests #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class InstanceConverter(TestCase): pass #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Callable object conversion tests #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CallableConverter(TestCase): compiler = '' @dec.slow def test_call_function(self): func = string.find search_str = "hello world hello" sub_str = "world" # * Not sure about ref counts on search_str and sub_str. # * Is the Py::String necessary? (it works anyways...) code = """ py::tuple args(2); args[0] = search_str; args[1] = sub_str; return_val =; """ actual = inline_tools.inline(code,['func','search_str','sub_str'], compiler=self.compiler,force=1) desired = func(search_str,sub_str) assert_(desired == actual) class SequenceConverter(TestCase): compiler = '' @dec.slow def test_convert_to_dict(self): d = {} inline_tools.inline("",['d'],compiler=self.compiler,force=1) @dec.slow def test_convert_to_list(self): l = [] inline_tools.inline("",['l'],compiler=self.compiler,force=1) @dec.slow def test_convert_to_string(self): s = 'hello' inline_tools.inline("",['s'],compiler=self.compiler,force=1) @dec.slow def test_convert_to_tuple(self): t = () inline_tools.inline("",['t'],compiler=self.compiler,force=1) class StringConverter(TestCase): compiler = '' @dec.slow def test_type_match_string(self): s = c_spec.string_converter() assert_(s.type_match('string')) @dec.slow def test_type_match_int(self): s = c_spec.string_converter() assert_(not s.type_match(5)) @dec.slow def test_type_match_float(self): s = c_spec.string_converter() assert_(not s.type_match(5.)) @dec.slow def test_type_match_complex(self): s = c_spec.string_converter() assert_(not s.type_match(5.+1j)) @dec.slow def test_var_in(self): mod_name = 'string_var_in'+self.compiler mod_name = unique_mod(test_dir,mod_name) mod = ext_tools.ext_module(mod_name) a = 'string' code = 'a=std::string("hello");' test = ext_tools.ext_function('test',code,['a']) mod.add_function(test) mod.compile(location=test_dir, compiler=self.compiler) exec('from ' + mod_name + ' import test') b = 'bub' test(b) try: b = 1. test(b) except TypeError: pass try: b = 1 test(b) except TypeError: pass @dec.slow def test_return(self): mod_name = 'string_return'+self.compiler mod_name = unique_mod(test_dir,mod_name) mod = ext_tools.ext_module(mod_name) a = 'string' code = """ a= std::string("hello"); return_val = PyString_FromString(a.c_str()); """ test = ext_tools.ext_function('test',code,['a']) mod.add_function(test) mod.compile(location=test_dir, compiler=self.compiler) exec('from ' + mod_name + ' import test') b = 'bub' c = test(b) assert_(c == 'hello') class ListConverter(TestCase): compiler = '' @dec.slow def test_type_match_bad(self): s = c_spec.list_converter() objs = [{},(),'',1,1.,1+1j] for i in objs: assert_(not s.type_match(i)) @dec.slow def test_type_match_good(self): s = c_spec.list_converter() assert_(s.type_match([])) @dec.slow def test_var_in(self): mod_name = 'list_var_in'+self.compiler mod_name = unique_mod(test_dir,mod_name) mod = ext_tools.ext_module(mod_name) a = [1] code = 'a=py::list();' test = ext_tools.ext_function('test',code,['a']) mod.add_function(test) mod.compile(location=test_dir, compiler=self.compiler) exec('from ' + mod_name + ' import test') b = [1,2] test(b) try: b = 1. test(b) except TypeError: pass try: b = 'string' test(b) except TypeError: pass @dec.slow def test_return(self): mod_name = 'list_return'+self.compiler mod_name = unique_mod(test_dir,mod_name) mod = ext_tools.ext_module(mod_name) a = [1] code = """ a=py::list(); a.append("hello"); return_val = a; """ test = ext_tools.ext_function('test',code,['a']) mod.add_function(test) mod.compile(location=test_dir, compiler=self.compiler) exec('from ' + mod_name + ' import test') b = [1,2] c = test(b) assert_(c == ['hello']) @dec.slow def test_speed(self): mod_name = 'list_speed'+self.compiler mod_name = unique_mod(test_dir,mod_name) mod = ext_tools.ext_module(mod_name) a = range(1000000) code = """ int v, sum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < a.len(); i++) { v = a[i]; if (v % 2) sum += v; else sum -= v; } return_val = sum; """ with_cxx = ext_tools.ext_function('with_cxx',code,['a']) mod.add_function(with_cxx) code = """ int vv, sum = 0; PyObject *v; for(int i = 0; i < a.len(); i++) { v = PyList_GetItem(py_a,i); //didn't set error here -- just speed test vv = py_to_int(v,"list item"); if (vv % 2) sum += vv; else sum -= vv; } return_val = sum; """ no_checking = ext_tools.ext_function('no_checking',code,['a']) mod.add_function(no_checking) mod.compile(location=test_dir, compiler=self.compiler) exec('from ' + mod_name + ' import with_cxx, no_checking') t1 = time.time() sum1 = with_cxx(a) t2 = time.time() debug_print('speed test for list access') debug_print('compiler:', self.compiler) debug_print('scxx:', t2 - t1) t1 = time.time() sum2 = no_checking(a) t2 = time.time() debug_print('C, no checking:', t2 - t1) sum3 = 0 t1 = time.time() for i in a: if i % 2: sum3 += i else: sum3 -= i t2 = time.time() debug_print('python:', t2 - t1) assert_(sum1 == sum2 and sum1 == sum3) class TupleConverter(TestCase): compiler = '' @dec.slow def test_type_match_bad(self): s = c_spec.tuple_converter() objs = [{},[],'',1,1.,1+1j] for i in objs: assert_(not s.type_match(i)) @dec.slow def test_type_match_good(self): s = c_spec.tuple_converter() assert_(s.type_match((1,))) @dec.slow def test_var_in(self): mod_name = 'tuple_var_in'+self.compiler mod_name = unique_mod(test_dir,mod_name) mod = ext_tools.ext_module(mod_name) a = (1,) code = 'a=py::tuple();' test = ext_tools.ext_function('test',code,['a']) mod.add_function(test) mod.compile(location=test_dir, compiler=self.compiler) exec('from ' + mod_name + ' import test') b = (1,2) test(b) try: b = 1. test(b) except TypeError: pass try: b = 'string' test(b) except TypeError: pass @dec.slow def test_return(self): mod_name = 'tuple_return'+self.compiler mod_name = unique_mod(test_dir,mod_name) mod = ext_tools.ext_module(mod_name) a = (1,) code = """ a=py::tuple(2); a[0] = "hello"; a.set_item(1,py::None); return_val = a; """ test = ext_tools.ext_function('test',code,['a']) mod.add_function(test) mod.compile(location=test_dir, compiler=self.compiler) exec('from ' + mod_name + ' import test') b = (1,2) c = test(b) assert_(c == ('hello',None)) class DictConverter(TestCase): """Base Class for dictionary conversion tests.""" # Default string specifying the compiler to use. While this is set # in all sub-classes, this base test class is found by the test # infrastructure and run. Therefore, we give it a default value # so that it can run on its own. compiler = '' @dec.slow def test_type_match_bad(self): s = c_spec.dict_converter() objs = [[],(),'',1,1.,1+1j] for i in objs: assert_(not s.type_match(i)) @dec.slow def test_type_match_good(self): s = c_spec.dict_converter() assert_(s.type_match({})) @dec.slow def test_var_in(self): mod_name = 'dict_var_in'+self.compiler mod_name = unique_mod(test_dir,mod_name) mod = ext_tools.ext_module(mod_name) a = {'z':1} code = 'a=py::dict();' # This just checks to make sure the type is correct test = ext_tools.ext_function('test',code,['a']) mod.add_function(test) mod.compile(location=test_dir, compiler=self.compiler) exec('from ' + mod_name + ' import test') b = {'y':2} test(b) try: b = 1. test(b) except TypeError: pass try: b = 'string' test(b) except TypeError: pass @dec.slow def test_return(self): mod_name = 'dict_return'+self.compiler mod_name = unique_mod(test_dir,mod_name) mod = ext_tools.ext_module(mod_name) a = {'z':1} code = """ a=py::dict(); a["hello"] = 5; return_val = a; """ test = ext_tools.ext_function('test',code,['a']) mod.add_function(test) mod.compile(location=test_dir, compiler=self.compiler) exec('from ' + mod_name + ' import test') b = {'z':2} c = test(b) assert_(c['hello'] == 5) for _n in dir(): if _n[-9:] == 'Converter': if msvc_exists(): exec("class Test%sMsvc(%s):\n compiler = 'msvc'" % (_n,_n)) else: exec("class Test%sUnix(%s):\n compiler = ''" % (_n,_n)) if gcc_exists(): exec("class Test%sGcc(%s):\n compiler = 'gcc'" % (_n,_n)) def setup_location(): test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() sys.path.insert(0,test_dir) return test_dir test_dir = None def setUpModule(): global test_dir test_dir = setup_location() def tearDownModule(): import shutil if test_dir is not None: shutil.rmtree(test_dir) if __name__ == "__main__": run_module_suite()