from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import sys import os import re import glob import string import stat import tempfile from distutils.dir_util import remove_tree from numpy.testing import TestCase, assert_, run_module_suite from numpy.testing.noseclasses import KnownFailureTest from scipy.weave import catalog from weave_test_utils import (clear_temp_catalog, restore_temp_catalog, empty_temp_dir, cleanup_temp_dir, dec) skip_on_windows = dec.skipif(sys.platform == 'win32', "Test works only on posix") def samefile(a, b): try: return os.path.samefile(a, b) except AttributeError: return os.path.realpath(a) == os.path.realpath(b) class TestIntermediateDir(TestCase): """ Tests for intermediate dir (store of .cpp and .o during builds). These tests test whether intermediate dir is safe. If it's not, new one should be created. """ def dirs_are_valid(self, wrong_dir, tmpdir): # Test if new dir is created and is consistent. new_im_dir = catalog.intermediate_dir(tmpdir) assert_(not samefile(new_im_dir, wrong_dir)) new_im_dir2 = catalog.intermediate_dir(tmpdir) assert_(samefile(new_im_dir, new_im_dir2)) @skip_on_windows def test_ownership(self): # Test if intermediate dir is owned by correct user. im_dir = catalog.intermediate_dir() im_dir_stat = os.stat(im_dir) proc_uid = os.getuid() assert_(proc_uid == im_dir_stat.st_uid) r_im_dir_stat = os.stat(os.path.dirname(im_dir)) assert_(proc_uid == r_im_dir_stat.st_uid) @skip_on_windows def test_incorrect_ownership(self): # Test if new intermediate dir is created when there is only one # im dir owned by improper user. import pwd tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: im_dir = catalog.create_intermediate_dir(tmpdir) root_im_dir = os.path.dirname(im_dir) nobody = pwd.getpwnam('nobody')[2] nobody_g = pwd.getpwnam('nobody')[3] try: os.chown(root_im_dir, nobody, nobody_g) except OSError: raise KnownFailureTest("Can't change owner.") else: self.dirs_are_valid(im_dir, tmpdir) finally: remove_tree(tmpdir) @skip_on_windows def test_permissions(self): # im dir should have permissions 0700 im_dir = catalog.intermediate_dir() im_dir_stat = os.stat(im_dir) assert_(stat.S_IMODE(im_dir_stat.st_mode) == 0o0700) r_im_dir_stat = os.stat(os.path.dirname(im_dir)) assert_(stat.S_IMODE(r_im_dir_stat.st_mode) == 0o0700) @skip_on_windows def test_incorrect_permissions(self): # If permissions on existing im dir are not correct, # a new one should be created. tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: im_dir = catalog.create_intermediate_dir(tmpdir) root_im_dir = os.path.dirname(im_dir) try: os.chmod(root_im_dir, 0o777) except OSError: raise KnownFailureTest("Can't set file permissions.") else: self.dirs_are_valid(im_dir, tmpdir) finally: remove_tree(tmpdir) @skip_on_windows def test_symlink(self): # im dir shouldn't be a symlink r_im_dir = os.path.dirname(catalog.intermediate_dir()) assert_(os.path.islink(r_im_dir) is False) @skip_on_windows def test_symlink_raise(self): # If existing im dir is a symlink, new one should be created. tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: im_dir = catalog.create_intermediate_dir(tmpdir) root_im_dir = os.path.dirname(im_dir) tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='scipy-test', dir=tmpdir) try: os.rename(root_im_dir, tempdir) except OSError: raise KnownFailureTest("Can't move intermediate dir.") try: os.symlink(tempdir, root_im_dir) except OSError: raise KnownFailureTest( "Can't create symlink to intermediate dir.") else: self.dirs_are_valid(im_dir, tmpdir) finally: remove_tree(tmpdir) class TestDefaultDir(TestCase): """ Tests for 'catalog.default_dir()'. These should verified posix and win default_dir function. """ def test_win(self): # test if default_dir for Windows platform is accessible # # since default_dir_win() does not have any Windows specific code, # let's test it everywhere d = catalog.default_dir_win() assert_(catalog.is_writable(d)) @skip_on_windows def test_posix(self): # test if posix default_dir is writable d = catalog.default_dir_posix() assert_(catalog.is_writable(d)) @skip_on_windows def test_posix_home_inaccessible(self): # what happens when home catalog dir is innaccessible tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: d_dir = catalog.default_dir_posix(tmpdir) try: os.chmod(d_dir, 0o000) except OSError: raise KnownFailureTest("Can't change permissions of default_dir.") new_ddir = catalog.default_dir_posix(tmpdir) assert_(not os.path.samefile(new_ddir, d_dir)) new_ddir2 = catalog.default_dir_posix(tmpdir) assert_(os.path.samefile(new_ddir, new_ddir2)) finally: os.chmod(d_dir, 0o700) remove_tree(tmpdir) @skip_on_windows def test_posix_dirs_inaccessible(self): # test if new dir is created if both implicit dirs are not valid tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: d_dir = catalog.default_dir_posix(tmpdir) try: os.chmod(d_dir, 0o000) except OSError: raise KnownFailureTest("Can't change permissions of default_dir.") d_dir2 = catalog.default_dir_posix(tmpdir) try: os.chmod(d_dir2, 0o000) except OSError: raise KnownFailureTest("Can't change permissions of default_dir.") new_ddir = catalog.default_dir_posix(tmpdir) assert_(not (os.path.samefile(new_ddir, d_dir) or os.path.samefile(new_ddir, d_dir2))) new_ddir2 = catalog.default_dir_posix(tmpdir) assert_(os.path.samefile(new_ddir, new_ddir2)) finally: os.chmod(d_dir, 0o700) os.chmod(d_dir2, 0o700) remove_tree(tmpdir) def test_is_writable(self): # default_dir has to be writable path = catalog.default_dir() name = os.path.join(path,'dummy_catalog') test_file = open(name,'w') try: test_file.write('making sure default location is writable\n') finally: test_file.close() os.remove(name) class TestOsDependentCatalogName(TestCase): pass class TestCatalogPath(TestCase): def test_default(self): in_path = catalog.default_dir() path = catalog.catalog_path(in_path) d,f = os.path.split(path) assert_(d == in_path) assert_(f == catalog.os_dependent_catalog_name()) def test_current(self): in_path = '.' path = catalog.catalog_path(in_path) d,f = os.path.split(path) assert_(d == os.path.abspath(in_path)) assert_(f == catalog.os_dependent_catalog_name()) @skip_on_windows def test_user(path): in_path = '~' path = catalog.catalog_path(in_path) d,f = os.path.split(path) assert_(d == os.path.expanduser(in_path)) assert_(f == catalog.os_dependent_catalog_name()) def test_module(self): # hand it a module and see if it uses the parent directory # of the module. path = catalog.catalog_path(os.__file__) d,f = os.path.split(os.__file__) d2,f = os.path.split(path) assert_(d2 == d) def test_path(self): # use os.__file__ to get a usable directory. in_path,f = os.path.split(os.__file__) path = catalog.catalog_path(in_path) d,f = os.path.split(path) assert_(d == in_path) def test_bad_path(self): # stupid_path_name in_path = 'stupid_path_name' path = catalog.catalog_path(in_path) assert_(path is None) class TestGetCatalog(TestCase): """ This only tests whether new catalogs are created correctly. And whether non-existent return None correctly with read mode. Putting catalogs in the right place is all tested with catalog_dir tests. """ def get_test_dir(self,erase=0): # make sure tempdir catalog doesn't exist pardir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='cat_test') cat_glob = os.path.join(pardir,catalog.os_dependent_catalog_name()+'.*') cat_files = glob.glob(cat_glob) if erase: for cat_file in cat_files: os.remove(cat_file) return pardir def test_nonexistent_catalog_is_none(self): pardir = self.get_test_dir(erase=1) cat = catalog.get_catalog(pardir,'r') remove_tree(pardir) assert_(cat is None) def test_create_catalog(self): pardir = self.get_test_dir(erase=1) cat = catalog.get_catalog(pardir,'c') assert_(cat is not None) cat.close() remove_tree(pardir) class TestCatalog(TestCase): def clear_environ(self): if 'PYTHONCOMPILED' in os.environ: self.old_PYTHONCOMPILED = os.environ['PYTHONCOMPILED'] del os.environ['PYTHONCOMPILED'] else: self.old_PYTHONCOMPILED = None def reset_environ(self): if self.old_PYTHONCOMPILED: os.environ['PYTHONCOMPILED'] = self.old_PYTHONCOMPILED self.old_PYTHONCOMPILED = None def setUp(self): self.clear_environ() def tearDown(self): self.reset_environ() def test_set_module_directory(self): q = catalog.catalog() q.set_module_directory('bob') r = q.get_module_directory() assert_(r == 'bob') def test_clear_module_directory(self): q = catalog.catalog() r = q.get_module_directory() assert_(r is None) q.set_module_directory('bob') r = q.clear_module_directory() assert_(r is None) def test_get_environ_path(self): if sys.platform == 'win32': sep = ';' else: sep = ':' os.environ['PYTHONCOMPILED'] = sep.join(('path1','path2','path3')) q = catalog.catalog() path = q.get_environ_path() assert_(path == ['path1','path2','path3']) def test_build_search_order1(self): # MODULE in search path should be replaced by module_dir. q = catalog.catalog(['first','MODULE','third']) q.set_module_directory('second') order = q.build_search_order() assert_(order == ['first','second','third',catalog.default_dir()]) def test_build_search_order2(self): # MODULE in search path should be removed if module_dir==None. q = catalog.catalog(['first','MODULE','third']) order = q.build_search_order() assert_(order == ['first','third',catalog.default_dir()]) def test_build_search_order3(self): # If MODULE is absent, module_dir shouldn't be in search path. q = catalog.catalog(['first','second']) q.set_module_directory('third') order = q.build_search_order() assert_(order == ['first','second',catalog.default_dir()]) def test_build_search_order4(self): # Make sure environment variable is getting used. q = catalog.catalog(['first','second']) if sys.platform == 'win32': sep = ';' else: sep = ':' os.environ['PYTHONCOMPILED'] = sep.join(('MODULE','fourth','fifth')) q.set_module_directory('third') order = q.build_search_order() assert_(order == ['first','second','third','fourth','fifth',catalog.default_dir()]) def test_catalog_files1(self): # Be sure we get at least one file even without specifying the path. q = catalog.catalog() files = q.get_catalog_files() assert_(len(files) == 1) def test_catalog_files2(self): # Ignore bad paths in the path. q = catalog.catalog() os.environ['PYTHONCOMPILED'] = '_some_bad_path_' files = q.get_catalog_files() assert_(len(files) == 1) def test_get_existing_files1(self): # Shouldn't get any files when temp doesn't exist and no path set. backup_dir = clear_temp_catalog() q = catalog.catalog() files = q.get_existing_files() restore_temp_catalog(backup_dir) assert_(len(files) == 0) def test_get_existing_files2(self): # Shouldn't get a single file from the temp dir. backup_dir = clear_temp_catalog() q = catalog.catalog() # create a dummy file q.add_function('code', os.getpid) del q q = catalog.catalog() files = q.get_existing_files() restore_temp_catalog(backup_dir) assert_(len(files) == 1) def test_access_writable_file(self): # There should always be a writable file -- even if it is in temp q = catalog.catalog() file = q.get_writable_file() try: f = open(file,'w') f.write('bob') finally: f.close() os.remove(file) def test_writable_with_bad_path(self): # There should always be a writable file -- even if search paths # contain bad values. if sys.platform == 'win32': sep = ';' else: sep = ':' os.environ['PYTHONCOMPILED'] = sep.join(('_bad_path_name_')) q = catalog.catalog() file = q.get_writable_file() try: f = open(file,'w') f.write('bob') finally: f.close() os.remove(file) def test_writable_dir(self): # Check that we can create a file in the writable directory q = catalog.catalog() d = q.get_writable_dir() file = os.path.join(d,'some_silly_file') try: f = open(file,'w') f.write('bob') finally: f.close() os.remove(file) def test_unique_module_name(self): # Check that we can create a file in the writable directory q = catalog.catalog() file = q.unique_module_name('bob') cfile1 = file+'.cpp' assert_(not os.path.exists(cfile1)) # Make sure it is writable try: f = open(cfile1,'w') f.write('bob') finally: f.close() # try again with same code fragment -- should get unique name file = q.unique_module_name('bob') cfile2 = file+'.cpp' assert_(not os.path.exists(cfile2+'.cpp')) os.remove(cfile1) def test_add_function_persistent1(self): # Test persisting a function in the default catalog backup_dir = clear_temp_catalog() q = catalog.catalog() # just use some already available functions funcs = [string.upper, string.lower, string.find,string.replace] for i in funcs: q.add_function_persistent('code',i) pfuncs = q.get_cataloged_functions('code') # any way to clean modules??? restore_temp_catalog(backup_dir) for i in funcs: assert_(i in pfuncs) def test_add_function_ordered(self): backup_dir = clear_temp_catalog() q = catalog.catalog() q.add_function('f',string.upper) q.add_function('f',string.lower) q.add_function('ff',string.find) q.add_function('ff',string.replace) q.add_function('fff',string.atof) q.add_function('fff',string.atoi) del q # now we're gonna make a new catalog with same code # but different functions in a specified module directory env_dir = empty_temp_dir() r = catalog.catalog(env_dir) r.add_function('ff',os.abort) r.add_function('ff',os.chdir) r.add_function('fff',os.access) r.add_function('fff', del r # now we're gonna make a new catalog with same code # but different functions in a user specified directory user_dir = empty_temp_dir() s = catalog.catalog(user_dir) s.add_function('fff',re.match) s.add_function('fff',re.purge) del s # open new catalog and make sure it retreives the functions # from d catalog instead of the temp catalog (made by q) os.environ['PYTHONCOMPILED'] = env_dir t = catalog.catalog(user_dir) funcs1 = t.get_functions('f') funcs2 = t.get_functions('ff') funcs3 = t.get_functions('fff') restore_temp_catalog(backup_dir) # make sure everything is read back in the correct order # a little cheating... I'm ignoring any functions that might have # been read in from a prior catalog file (such as the defualt one). # the test should really be made so that these aren't read in, but # until I get this figured out... #assert_(funcs1 == [string.lower,string.upper]) #assert_(funcs2 == [os.chdir,os.abort,string.replace,string.find]) #assert_(funcs3 == [re.purge,re.match,, # os.access,string.atoi,string.atof]) assert_(funcs1[:2] == [string.lower,string.upper]),repr(funcs1) assert_(funcs2[:4] == [os.chdir,os.abort,string.replace,string.find]) assert_(funcs3[:6] == [re.purge,re.match,, os.access,string.atoi,string.atof]) cleanup_temp_dir(user_dir) cleanup_temp_dir(env_dir) if __name__ == '__main__': run_module_suite()