from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import types from numpy import arange, float32, float64 from numpy.testing import TestCase, assert_equal, assert_, run_module_suite from scipy.weave import ext_tools, c_spec from scipy.weave.standard_array_spec import array_converter from weave_test_utils import empty_temp_dir, dec build_dir = empty_temp_dir() class TestExtModule(TestCase): # should really do some testing of where modules end up @dec.slow def test_simple(self): # Simplest possible module mod = ext_tools.ext_module('simple_ext_module') mod.compile(location=build_dir) import simple_ext_module @dec.slow def test_multi_functions(self): mod = ext_tools.ext_module('module_multi_function') var_specs = [] code = "" test = ext_tools.ext_function_from_specs('test',code,var_specs) mod.add_function(test) test2 = ext_tools.ext_function_from_specs('test2',code,var_specs) mod.add_function(test2) mod.compile(location=build_dir) import module_multi_function module_multi_function.test() module_multi_function.test2() @dec.slow def test_with_include(self): # decalaring variables a = 2. # declare module mod = ext_tools.ext_module('ext_module_with_include') mod.customize.add_header('') # function 2 --> a little more complex expression var_specs = ext_tools.assign_variable_types(['a'],locals(),globals()) code = """ std::cout.clear(std::ios_base::badbit); std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "test printing a value:" << a << std::endl; std::cout.clear(std::ios_base::goodbit); """ test = ext_tools.ext_function_from_specs('test',code,var_specs) mod.add_function(test) # build module mod.compile(location=build_dir) import ext_module_with_include ext_module_with_include.test(a) @dec.slow def test_string_and_int(self): # decalaring variables a = 2 b = 'string' # declare module mod = ext_tools.ext_module('ext_string_and_int') code = """ a=b.length(); return_val = PyInt_FromLong(a); """ test = ext_tools.ext_function('test',code,['a','b']) mod.add_function(test) mod.compile(location=build_dir) import ext_string_and_int c = ext_string_and_int.test(a,b) assert_(c == len(b)) @dec.slow def test_return_tuple(self): # decalaring variables a = 2 # declare module mod = ext_tools.ext_module('ext_return_tuple') var_specs = ext_tools.assign_variable_types(['a'],locals()) code = """ int b; b = a + 1; py::tuple returned(2); returned[0] = a; returned[1] = b; return_val = returned; """ test = ext_tools.ext_function('test',code,['a']) mod.add_function(test) mod.compile(location=build_dir) import ext_return_tuple c,d = ext_return_tuple.test(a) assert_(c == a and d == a+1) class TestExtFunction(TestCase): # TODO: should really do some testing of where modules end up @dec.slow def test_simple(self): # Simplest possible function mod = ext_tools.ext_module('simple_ext_function') var_specs = [] code = "" test = ext_tools.ext_function_from_specs('test',code,var_specs) mod.add_function(test) mod.compile(location=build_dir) import simple_ext_function simple_ext_function.test() class TestAssignVariableTypes(TestCase): def test_assign_variable_types(self): a = arange(10, dtype=float32) b = arange(5, dtype=float64) c = 5 arg_list = ['a','b','c'] actual = ext_tools.assign_variable_types(arg_list,locals()) ad = array_converter(), ad.var_type, ad.dims = 'a', float32, 1 bd = array_converter(), bd.var_type, bd.dims = 'b', float64, 1 cd = c_spec.int_converter(), cd.var_type = 'c', types.IntType desired = [ad,bd,cd] assert_equal(actual,desired) if __name__ == "__main__": run_module_suite()