from import assert_equal import numpy as np from sklearn.utils import testing from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer def _make_func(args_store, kwargs_store, func=lambda X, *a, **k: X): def _func(X, *args, **kwargs): args_store.append(X) args_store.extend(args) kwargs_store.update(kwargs) return func(X) return _func def test_delegate_to_func(): # (args|kwargs)_store will hold the positional and keyword arguments # passed to the function inside the FunctionTransformer. args_store = [] kwargs_store = {} X = np.arange(10).reshape((5, 2)) testing.assert_array_equal( FunctionTransformer(_make_func(args_store, kwargs_store)).transform(X), X, 'transform should have returned X unchanged', ) # The function should only have received X. assert_equal( args_store, [X], 'Incorrect positional arguments passed to func: {args}'.format( args=args_store, ), ) assert_equal( kwargs_store, {}, 'Unexpected keyword arguments passed to func: {args}'.format( args=kwargs_store, ), ) # reset the argument stores. args_store[:] = [] # python2 compatible inplace list clear. kwargs_store.clear() y = object() testing.assert_array_equal( FunctionTransformer( _make_func(args_store, kwargs_store), pass_y=True, ).transform(X, y), X, 'transform should have returned X unchanged', ) # The function should have received X and y. assert_equal( args_store, [X, y], 'Incorrect positional arguments passed to func: {args}'.format( args=args_store, ), ) assert_equal( kwargs_store, {}, 'Unexpected keyword arguments passed to func: {args}'.format( args=kwargs_store, ), ) def test_np_log(): X = np.arange(10).reshape((5, 2)) # Test that the numpy.log example still works. testing.assert_array_equal( FunctionTransformer(np.log1p).transform(X), np.log1p(X), ) def test_kw_arg(): X = np.linspace(0, 1, num=10).reshape((5, 2)) F = FunctionTransformer(np.around, kw_args=dict(decimals=3)) # Test that rounding is correct testing.assert_array_equal(F.transform(X), np.around(X, decimals=3)) def test_kw_arg_update(): X = np.linspace(0, 1, num=10).reshape((5, 2)) F = FunctionTransformer(np.around, kw_args=dict(decimals=3)) F.kw_args['decimals'] = 1 # Test that rounding is correct testing.assert_array_equal(F.transform(X), np.around(X, decimals=1)) def test_kw_arg_reset(): X = np.linspace(0, 1, num=10).reshape((5, 2)) F = FunctionTransformer(np.around, kw_args=dict(decimals=3)) F.kw_args = dict(decimals=1) # Test that rounding is correct testing.assert_array_equal(F.transform(X), np.around(X, decimals=1)) def test_inverse_transform(): X = np.array([1, 4, 9, 16]).reshape((2, 2)) # Test that inverse_transform works correctly F = FunctionTransformer( func=np.sqrt, inverse_func=np.around, inv_kw_args=dict(decimals=3)) testing.assert_array_equal( F.inverse_transform(F.transform(X)), np.around(np.sqrt(X), decimals=3))