Exercise type evaluation


Our aim is to evaluate different exercise formats for use in a diagnostic test at different levels of proficiency according to the Common European Framework of Reference. (Note: We do not consider level C2.) As for the exercise types, we consider bundled gaps, sentence rearrangement tasks, sentence composition tasks, yes-no vocabulary tests, and multiple choice test.

On this page, you can evaluate the different exercise types. Please pay more attention to the exercise type and less to the actual content. The task is not to solve the exercises but judge the appropriateness of the task for different learner levels.

On the right side, you can see the evaluation form that will be used. Please indicate for which levels the task shown is appropriate. Please take into account the lowest level at which the task becomes accessible to the learner and the highest level at which the task is still interesting but not boring.
You can select
  • one level, if the lowest and highest level are the same
  • two levels, if the lowest and highest level are adjacent
  • more than two levels to indicate a range from lowest to highest

There is also a comment box if you wish to leave some comments concerning the task type. Leaving comments is optional.

I would be grateful if you could go through the seven small examples and click on Submit. Please also feel free to share the link with other people who might be willing to evaluate exercise types.

Information about you
Please select your position:

Please select:

Bundled gaps (variant 1)
Which word fits into these gaps? Each gap contains the same word. Write the word.
Hennes var på hans lår , gned in värme i hans kalla ben .
En annan taxi tar om skolbarnen .
Novelty hade flera trumf på .
I första har hon spelat dragspel och fiol .
Bundled gaps (variant 2)
Select all the sentences where the word hand(en) can be used.

Vocabulary knowledge (variant 1)
Select all the words that you don't know.
Vocabulary knowledge (variant 2)
Select all existing Swedish words.
Sentence rearrangement
Rearrange the following segments to form a sentence.
  • jag
  • ett paraply
  • ute
  • det regnar
  • tar

Sentence composition
Write a sentence using all of these words:
studera fakultet vad din kan man ?
Multiple choice
Which word fits into the gap?
Det snöade _____ blåste mycket hårda vindar i stora delar av Sverige.

Exercise type A1 A2 B1 B2 C1

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For which levels is this exercise type relevant?

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