PATH = "annotation" #where the original annotation is stored PATH2 = "source" #where the original sources are stored PATH3 = "documents" #where to copy the sources STDERR.puts "Usage: Download the original Absabank, unzip the two archives and combine the files. Run ruby imm_absabank level, where level is either D(ocument) or P(aragraph)" level = ARGV[0] #D or P #flags that enable additional analysis. Not fully documented, do not affect the conversion itself annotator_stats = false #output statistics per annotator? sd_analysis = false #extract the texts annotated by a given set of annotators list_combinations = false #list combinations of users and the number of texts annotated by every user in the combination if list_combinations combinations ={0} small_combinations = [] smallcomb_threshold = 2 comb_file ="comb#{smallcomb_threshold}.tsv","w:utf-8") end #see readme.txt output ="#{level}_annotation.tsv","w:utf-8") #output_users ="#{level}_users.tsv","w:utf-8") if level == "P" output.puts "doc\tpar\tn_opinions\tmin\tmax\taverage\tsd\tsimplified\t0\t1\t3\t4\t6\t7\t8\t9\t10\t11\tsign_conflict?\ttitle?\ttext" #output_users.puts "doc\tpar\tuser\tsentiment" else output.puts "doc\tn_opinions\tmin\tmax\taverage\tsd\tsimplified\t0\t1\t3\t4\t6\t7\t8\t9\t10\t11\tsign_conflict?" #output_users.puts "doc\tuser\tsentiment" end if sd_analysis or list_combinations def comb_in_comb(smallcomb, largecomb) sc = smallcomb.split(";") lc = largecomb.split(";") flag = true sc.each do |user| if !lc.include?(user) flag = false break end end return flag end if sd_analysis source = "7;8;11" # #7;8;11 sd_file ="sd_source#{source}.tsv","w:utf-8") sd_file.puts "doc\tpar\taverage\tsd\tsimplified\t#{source.split(";").join("\t")}\tsign_conflict?\ttext" end end #copy the source text. Do it for all sources, even those that are not D- or P-level annotated def get_source_text(filename) tokens = 0 sfile ="#{PATH2}\\#{filename}", "r:utf-8") ofile ="#{PATH3}\\#{filename}.txt", "w:utf-8") sfile.each_line do |line| line1 = line.strip if !["","#D IMM.","#T IMM.", "#P IMM."].include?(line1) ofile.puts line1 tokens += line1.count(" ") + 1 end end #STDERR.puts tokens return tokens end def voting(array) #5/1: 2 voices for pos/neg, 4/2: 1 voice, 3: 1 voice for neut. If tie neut vs. marked, choose marked. If tie pos vs. neg, choose neut. pos = array.count(5)*2 + array.count(4) neg = array.count(1)*2 + array.count(2) if pos > neg vote = 1 elsif neg > pos vote = -1 else vote = 0 end return vote end #store the paragraph text in hash, include annotated paragraphs in the spreadsheet later def get_source_pars(filename, output) tokenhash = sfile ="#{PATH2}\\#{filename}", "r:utf-8") p = 0 flag = 0 ofile = "" parhash ={|hash, key| hash[key] =} titlehash ="") sfile.each_line do |line| line1 = line.strip if line1 == "#P IMM." or line1 == "#T IMM." p += 1 if line1 == "#T IMM." titlehash[p] = "title" end if output == "file" ofile ="#{PATH4}\\#{filename}_#{p}.txt", "w:utf-8") end flag = 3 end if flag > 1 if line1 !="" if line1 != "#P IMM." and line1 != "#T IMM." if output == "file" ofile.puts line1 else parhash[p] << line1.strip.gsub("\t","") end tokenhash[p] += line1.count(" ") + 1 end else flag -= 1 end elsif flag == 1 and output == "file" ofile.close end end #STDERR.puts tokenhash return parhash, titlehash, tokenhash end #calculate mean and sd def stats(input, type) if type == "hash" sent_array = input.values elsif type == "array" sent_array = input end sent_sum = 0.0 sent_array.each do |sent| sent_sum += sent end mean = sent_sum/sent_array.length sumsq = 0.0 sent_array.each do |sent| sumsq += (mean - sent)*(mean - sent) end sd = Math.sqrt(sumsq/sent_array.length) return mean, sd end ntokens = 0 dirlist = Dir.children(PATH) #all folders in the annotation folder output_storage ={|hash, key| hash[key] =} users_total ={|hash, key| hash[key] =} dirlist.each do |dir| if dir != "z01240_flashback-56154591" #excluding the document which contains ironic paragraphs (see readme) filelist = Dir.children("#{PATH}\\#{dir}") #all annotator files sentiments = {} users = [] #sent_hash ={|hash, key| hash[key] =} #for storing sentiment values sent_hash ={|hash, key| hash[key] ={""}} #for storing sentiment values if level == "D" tokens = get_source_text(dir) elsif level == "P" parhash, titlehash, tokenhash = get_source_pars(dir, "nofile") #resp.: the paragraph itself, whether it's the title, how many tokens end par = 0 countingflag ={true} #to keep track of whether this paragraph has already been considered when counting the total number of tokens filelist.each do |file| par = 0 if file[0..-5] != "jacobo" #ignore Jacobo according to his recommendation if file[0..-5] == "lars" #recode Lars as user 0 user = 0 else user = file.split(".")[0][4..-1].to_i end f ="#{PATH}\\#{dir}\\#{file}","r:utf-8") handle = false #whether we are at the P or D level f.each_line.with_index do |line, lineindex| line1 = line.strip if line1.include?("#Text=##{level} IMM.") or (level == "P" and line1.include?("#Text=#T IMM.")) handle = true end if handle line2 = line1.split("\t") if line2[2] == "IMM" #if we found the necessary line ok_length = true #testing whether any other columns than 6 or 7 can contain sentiment annotation #line2.each.with_index do |col, colindex| # if [1,2,3,4,5].include?(col[0].to_i) and ![0,1,2,6,7].include?(colindex) # STDOUT.puts "#{dir} #{user} #{lineindex}" # end #end if line2.length > 7 sent_index = 7 irony_index = 6 elsif line2.length == 7 sent_index = 6 irony_index = 5 else ok_length = false #I am not entirely sure, but it seems the shorter lines always lack the annotation end if ok_length if level == "P" par += 1 #numbering the paragraphs to interpret the hashes correctly end users << user sentiments[user] = line2[sent_index][0] if line2[irony_index].include?("false") irony = "false" elsif line2[irony_index].include?("true") irony = "true" end #if level == "P" # output_users.puts "#{dir}\t#{par}\t#{user}\t#{sentiments[user]}" #else # output_users.puts "#{dir}\t#{user}\t#{sentiments[user]}" #end if sentiments[user] != "_" #if annotation is not empty #sent_hash[par] << sentiments[user].to_i sent_hash[par][user] = sentiments[user].to_i users_total[user] << sentiments[user].to_i if countingflag[par] #if this paragraph/documents has not yet been counted when counting tokens #STDERR.puts "#{dir}, #{user}, #{par}, #{sentiments[user].to_i}" if level == "P" ntokens += tokenhash[par] else ntokens += tokens end end countingflag[par] = false #do not count it anymore for other users end end if level == "D" #At D level, we do not have to look for anything else. At P level, we continue until the end break end end end end f.close end end sent_hash.each_pair do |par, user_hash| sent_array = user_hash.values mean, sd = stats(sent_array, "array") if sent_array.length > 0 # if a paragraph consists of several lines, merge these lines together (there are no cases with >2 lines) userstring = "" for i in [0,1,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11] userstring << "#{user_hash[i]}\t" end userstring = userstring[0..-2] #vote = voting(sent_array) if mean < 3 vote = -1 elsif mean > 3 vote = 1 else vote = 0 end if (sent_array.include?(1) or sent_array.include?(2)) and (sent_array.include?(4) or sent_array.include?(4)) sign_disagreement = "true" end if sd_analysis or list_combinations combination = [] for j in [1,3,6,7,8,9,10,11] if [1,2,3,4,5].include?(user_hash[j]) combination << j end end if sd_analysis if combination == source or comb_in_comb(source,combination.join(";")) userstring2 = "" isource = [] source.split(";").each do |u| isource << u.to_i end for i in isource userstring2 << "#{user_hash[i]}\t" end userstring2 = userstring2[0..-2] sd_file.puts "#{dir}\t#{par}\t#{mean}\t#{sd}\t#{vote}\t#{userstring2}\t#{sign_disagreement}\t#{parhash[par][0]}" end end if list_combinations combinations[combination.join(";")] += 1 if combination.length == smallcomb_threshold small_combinations << combination.join(";") end end end if level == "P" if parhash[par].length > 1 parhash[par][0] = "#{parhash[par][0].strip} #{parhash[par][1].strip}" end output_storage[dir] << "#{dir}\t#{par}\t#{sent_array.length}\t#{sent_array.min}\t#{sent_array.max}\t#{mean}\t#{sd}\t#{vote}\t#{userstring}\t#{sign_disagreement}\t#{titlehash[par]}\t#{parhash[par][0]}" #output.puts "#{dir}\t#{par}\t#{sent_array.length}\t#{sent_array.min}\t#{sent_array.max}\t#{mean}\t#{sd}\t#{vote}\t#{userstring}\t#{sign_disagreement}\t#{titlehash[par]}\t#{parhash[par][0]}" else output_storage[dir] << "#{dir}\t#{sent_array.length}\t#{sent_array.min}\t#{sent_array.max}\t#{mean}\t#{sd}\t#{vote}\t#{userstring}\t#{sign_disagreement}" #output.puts "#{dir}\t#{sent_array.length}\t#{sent_array.min}\t#{sent_array.max}\t#{mean}\t#{sd}\t#{vote}\t#{userstring}\t#{sign_disagreement}" end end end end #if dirlist != ironic doc end output_storage.keys.shuffle.each do |dir| output.puts output_storage[dir] end STDERR.puts "#{level} level; #{ntokens} tokens" if annotator_stats output2 ="#{level}_annotators.tsv","w:utf-8") output2.puts "measure\t0\t1\t3\t4\t6\t7\t8\t9\t10\t11" nstring = "n" meanstring = "mean" sdstring = "sd" for i in [0,1,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11] do array = users_total[i] mean, sd = stats(array, "array") n = array.length nstring << "\t#{n}" meanstring << "\t#{mean}" sdstring << "\t#{sd}" end #end output2.puts nstring output2.puts meanstring output2.puts sdstring end if list_combinations small_combinations.uniq! combinations2 ={0} combinations.each_pair do |comb, freq| #STDOUT.puts "#{comb}\t#{freq}\t#{comb.count(";")+1}" if comb.count(";") + 1 > smallcomb_threshold small_combinations.each do |smallcomb| if comb_in_comb(smallcomb,comb) #STDERR.puts smallcomb, comb combinations2[smallcomb] += combinations[comb] end end end end combinations2.each_pair do |comb, freq| freq += combinations[comb] #above, we counted only occurrences within larger combinations comb_file.puts "#{comb}\t#{freq}" end end