Adjectives Syntactic descriptions have been provided for 1715 adjectives in the Swedish PAROLE lexicons. There are 60 different adjectival syntactic descriptions used to subcategorize adjectival frames The main division line among the types of adjectival subcategorization frames has been drawn between those that can function as heads in predicative positions and those that function as modifiers in nominal phrases. The syntactic behaviour of the adjectives in the modifier position is defined by grammatical rules and for this reason, it is less interesting from the lexical point of view. The adjectives functioning as modifiers share the subcategorization frame encoded as DAN, in which the modifying adjective is put in the left position with respect to the head noun. The majority of the adjectives occurring in this position can also be used in a subjective predicative function and thus they subsume under the subcategorization frame of the type DACVASuPr. The descriptions DAN and DACVASuPr capture the most common subcategorization frames for adjectives. In the Swedish PAROLE lexicon, there are many adjectives that impose lexically determined restrictions on their complements when used in predicative constructions. These have been assigned to more specific subcategorization frames. For instance, the adjectives that can take an infinitive clause as their optional complement are assigned the subcategorization frame DAINFCLf (befriande ). The class of adjectives that can undergo Tough-Movement is captured by the description type DAACOMPLfforAINFCLf. PAROLE_adj_description_types (the list over types of descriptions with examples, used for adjective conctructions; based on data in LExINS Svenska ord, NEO, corpus) Descriptions include information on: (i) possible position of an adjective in a construction (DAN (adjective + noun) attributive position; DACVASUPR predicative position) (ii) type(s) av adjective complements (prep.phrases include preposition(s) in the description code); (iii) facultative/obligatory status of a complement (F = facultative compl.); (iv) animacy (A)/inanimacy (X) of nouns in compl. phrases; DAN abstrakt (konst) DACVASUPR (vara) absurd DAACOMPLFMOTA aggressiv (mot ngn) DAACOMPLFFORAINFCLF angenäm (för ngn) (att + INF) DAINFCLF befriande (att INF) DAACOMPLFOMINFCL angelägen (om att INF) DAACOMPLFOMS ense (om att SATS) DAACOMPLFFORA acceptabel (för ngn) DAACOMPLFIX beläst (i ngt) DAACOMPLFIA kär (i ngn) DAACOMPLFAVX berusad (av ngt) DAACOMPLFAVAX akterseglad (av ngn/ngt) DAACOMPLFFORAX ansvarig (för ngn/ngt) DAACOMPLFMEDAX aktsam (med ngn/ngt) DAACOMPLFMOTAX allergisk (mot ngn/ngt) DAACOMPLFPAAX avundsjuk (på ngn/ngt) DAACOMPLFOVERAX begeistrad (över ngn/ngt) DAACOMPLFOMAX aktsam (om ngn/ngt) DAACOMPLFFRANAX avskild (från ngn/ngt) DAACOMPLFTILLAX kallsinnig (till ngn/ngt) DAACOMPLFIAX betagen (i ngn/ngt) DAACOMPLFFORX beryktad (för ngt) DAACOMPLFTILLX behörig (till ngt) DAACOMPLFOVERX arg (över ngt) DAACOMPLFMEDX avhållsam (med ngt) DAACOMPLFPAX beredd (på ngt) DAACOMPLFOMX angelägen (om ngt) DAACOMPLFMOTX effektiv (mot ngt) DAACOMPLFFRANX frånvarande (från ngt) DAACOMPLFEFTERX girig (efter ngt) DAACOMPLFVIDX van (vid ngt) DAACOMPLFAVA bortskämd (av ngn) DAACOMPLFPAA arg (på ngn) DAACOMPLFMEDA familjär (med ngn) DAACOMPLTILLX berättigad till ngt DAACOMPLAVX betingad av ngt DAACOMPLMEDX bevuxen med ngt DAACOMPLAVAX besatt av ngn/ngt DAACOMPLMEDAX belåten med ngn/ngt DAACOMPLOMAX mån om ngn/ngt DAACOMPLMEDA jämnårig med ngn DAACOMPLFTILLA närstående (till ngn) DAACOMPLFPAINFCL duktig (på att INF) DAACOMPLFIINFCL fenomenal (i att INF) DAACOMPLOMS mån om att SATS DAACOMPLFOVERS förvånad (över att SATS) DAACOMPLFFORS orolig (för att SATS) DAACOMPLFORAX främmande ngn/ngt DAACOMPLIAX glad i ngn/ngt DAACOMPLIX bevandrad i ngt DAINFCL beredd att INF DAACOMPLFFFORATILLX användbar (för ngn till ngt) DAACOMPLAX kvitt ngn/ngt DAACOMPLFHOSA inneboende (hos ngn) DAACOMPLFOMA omtänksam (om ngn) DAACOMPLX värd ngt DAACOMPLFA underlägsen (ngn) DAACOMPLFAX hängiven (ngn/ngt) DAACOMPLFFORAXINFCLF påfrestande (för ngn/ngt) (att + INF)