0%1:23:00:: 113742358 zero, 0, nought, cipher, cypher n a mathematical element that when added to another number yields the same number 0%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302186132 zero, 0 s indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration; "a zero score" 1000000000000%1:23:00:: 113752172 billion, one million million, 1000000000000 n the number that is represented as a one followed by 12 zeros; in the United Kingdom the usage followed in the United States is frequently seen 1000000000000%1:23:01:: 113752443 trillion, one million million, 1000000000000 n the number that is represented as a one followed by 12 zeros; "in England they call a trillion a billion" 1000000000%1:23:00:: 113751829 billion, one thousand million, 1000000000 n the number that is represented as a one followed by 9 zeros 1000000%1:23:00:: 113751533 million, 1000000, one thousand thousand, meg n the number that is represented as a one followed by 6 zeros 100000%1:23:00:: 113751404 hundred thousand, 100000, lakh n the cardinal number that is the fifth power of ten 10000%1:23:00:: 113751265 ten thousand, 10000, myriad n the cardinal number that is the product of ten and one thousand 1000%1:23:00:: 113750844 thousand, one thousand, 1000, M, K, chiliad, G, grand, thou, yard n the cardinal number that is the product of 10 and 100 1000%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302198752 thousand, one thousand, 1000, m, k s denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000 items or units 1000th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302212473 thousandth, 1000th s the ordinal number of one thousand in counting order 100%1:23:00:: 113750415 hundred, 100, C, century, one C n ten 10s 100%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302196107 hundred, one hundred, 100, c s being ten more than ninety 100th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302209423 hundredth, centesimal, 100th s the ordinal number of one hundred in counting order 10%1:23:00:: 113746512 ten, 10, X, tenner, decade n the cardinal number that is the sum of nine and one; the base of the decimal system 101%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302196211 hundred and one, one hundred one, 101, ci s being one more than one hundred 101st%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302209551 hundred-and-first, 101st s the ordinal number of one hundred one in counting order 10%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302187296 ten, 10, x s being one more than nine 105%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302196333 one hundred five, 105, cv s being five more than one hundred 105th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302209678 hundred-and-fifth, 105th s the ordinal number of one hundred five in counting order 10-membered%5:00:00:membered:00 301503760 ten-membered, 10-membered s of a chemical compound having a ring with ten members 10th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302203373 tenth, 10th s coming next after the ninth and just before the eleventh in position 110%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302196439 one hundred ten, 110, cx s being ten more than one hundred 110th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302209806 hundred-and-tenth, 110th s the ordinal number of one hundred ten in counting order 11%1:23:00:: 113746672 eleven, 11, XI n the cardinal number that is the sum of ten and one 1%1:23:00:: 113742573 one, 1, I, ace, single, unity n the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number; "he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it"; "they had lunch at one" 11%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302187379 eleven, 11, xi s being one more than ten 115%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302196543 one hundred fifteen, 115, cxv s being five more than one hundred ten 115th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302209933 hundred-and-fifteenth, 115th s the ordinal number of one hundred fifteen in counting order 11_november%1:28:00:: 115185837 Martinmas, St Martin's Day, 11 November n the feast of Saint Martin; a quarter day in Scotland 11-plus%1:04:00:: 100637145 eleven-plus, 11-plus n (formerly in Britain) an examination taken by 11 and 12 year old students to select suitable candidates for grammar school 11th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302203500 eleventh, 11th s coming next after the tenth and just before the twelfth in position 120%1:23:00:: 113750574 long hundred, great hundred, 120 n the cardinal number that is the product of ten and twelve 120%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302196657 one hundred twenty, 120, cxx s being ten more than one hundred ten 120th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302210068 hundred-and-twentieth, 120th s the ordinal number of one hundred twenty in counting order 12%1:23:00:: 113746785 twelve, 12, XII, dozen n the cardinal number that is the sum of eleven and one 12%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302187465 twelve, 12, xii, dozen s denoting a quantity consisting of 12 items or units 125%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302196769 one hundred twenty-five, 125, cxxv s being five more than one hundred twenty 125th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302210202 hundred-and-twenty-fifth, 125th s the ordinal number of one hundred twenty-five in counting order 12th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302203629 twelfth, 12th s coming next after the eleventh and just before the thirteenth in position 12-tone_music%1:10:00:: 107057539 twelve-tone music, 12-tone music, twelve-tone system, 12-tone system n a type of serial music introduced by Arnold Schoenberg; uses a tone row formed by the twelve semitones of the chromatic scale (and inverted or backward versions of the row) 12-tone_system%1:10:00:: 107057539 twelve-tone music, 12-tone music, twelve-tone system, 12-tone system n a type of serial music introduced by Arnold Schoenberg; uses a tone row formed by the twelve semitones of the chromatic scale (and inverted or backward versions of the row) 130%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302196891 one hundred thirty, 130, cxxx s being ten more than one hundred twenty 130th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302210344 hundred-and-thirtieth, 130th s the ordinal number of one hundred thirty in counting order 13%1:23:00:: 113747199 thirteen, 13, XIII, baker's dozen, long dozen n the cardinal number that is the sum of twelve and one 13%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302187606 thirteen, 13, xiii s being one more than twelve 135%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302197007 one hundred thirty-five, 135, cxxxv s being five more than one hundred thirty 135th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302210478 hundred-and-thirty-fifth, 135th s the ordinal number of one hundred thirty-five in counting order 13th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302203763 thirteenth, 13th s coming next after the twelfth in position 140%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302197130 one hundred forty, 140, cxl s being ten more than one hundred thirty 140th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302210620 hundred-and-fortieth, 140th s the ordinal number of one hundred forty in counting order 14%1:23:00:: 113747348 fourteen, 14, XIV n the cardinal number that is the sum of thirteen and one 144%1:23:00:: 113750504 gross, 144 n twelve dozen 14%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302187699 fourteen, 14, xiv s being one more than thirteen 145%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302197244 one hundred forty-five, 145, cxlv s being five more than one hundred forty 145th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302210752 hundred-and-forty-fifth, 145th s the ordinal number of one hundred forty-five in counting order 14_july%1:28:00:: 115200493 Bastille Day, 14 July n a legal holiday in France celebrating the storming of the Paris bastille in 1789 14th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302203868 fourteenth, 14th s coming next after the thirteenth in position 1%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302186338 one, 1, i, ane s used of a single unit or thing; not two or more; "`ane' is Scottish" 150%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302197364 one hundred fifty, 150, cl s being ten more than one hundred forty 150th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302210892 hundred-and-fiftieth, 150th s the ordinal number of one hundred fifty in counting order 15%1:23:00:: 113747469 fifteen, 15, XV n the cardinal number that is the sum of fourteen and one 1530s%1:28:00:: 115148787 1530s n the decade from 1530 to 1539 15%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302187793 fifteen, 15, xv s being one more than fourteen 155%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302197476 one hundred fifty-five, 155, clv s being five more than one hundred fifty 155th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302211024 hundred-and-fifty-fifth, 155th s the ordinal number of one hundred fifty-five in counting order 15_august_1945%1:28:00:: 115162882 V-J Day, 15 August 1945 n the date of Allied victory over Japan, World War II 15_may_organization%1:14:00:: 108039312 15 May Organization n a terrorist organization formed in 1979 by a faction of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine but disbanded in the 1980s when key members left to join a faction of al-Fatah 15_minutes%1:28:00:: 115228267 quarter-hour, 15 minutes n a quarter of an hour 15th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302203976 fifteenth, 15th s coming next after the fourteenth and just before the sixteenth in position 160%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302197595 one hundred sixty, 160, clx s being ten more than one hundred fifty 160th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302211164 hundred-and-sixtieth, 160th s the ordinal number of one hundred sixty in counting order 16%1:23:00:: 113747606 sixteen, 16, XVI n the cardinal number that is the sum of fifteen and one 16%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302187903 sixteen, 16, xvi s being one more than fifteen 165%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302197708 one hundred sixty-five, 165, clxv s being five more than one hundred sixty 165th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302211296 hundred-and-sixty-fifth, 165th s the ordinal number of one hundred sixty-five in counting order 16_pf%1:10:00:: 106475933 Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, 16 PF n a self-report personality inventory developed by Raymond B. Cattell to measure the 16 personality dimensions that emerged from his factor analysis of a wide range of traits 16th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302204131 sixteenth, 16th s coming next after the fifteenth in position 170%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302197828 one hundred seventy, 170, clxx s being ten more than one hundred sixty 170th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302211436 hundred-and-seventieth, 170th s the ordinal number of one hundred seventy in counting order 17%1:23:00:: 113747725 seventeen, 17, XVII n the cardinal number that is the sum of sixteen and one 1728%1:23:00:: 113751158 great gross, 1728 n a cardinal number equal to one dozen gross 17%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302187995 seventeen, 17, xvii s being one more than sixteen 1750s%1:28:00:: 115149933 1750s n the decade from 1750 to 1759 175%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302197944 one hundred seventy-five, 175, clxxv s being five more than one hundred seventy 175th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302211572 hundred-and-seventy-fifth, 175th s the ordinal number of one hundred seventy-five in counting order 1760s%1:28:00:: 115150304 1760s n the decade from 1760 to 1769 1770s%1:28:00:: 115150790 1770s n the decade from 1770 to 1779 1780s%1:28:00:: 115151175 1780s n the decade from 1780 to 1789 1790s%1:28:00:: 115151561 1790s n the decade from 1790 to 1799 17_november%1:14:00:: 108042536 Revolutionary Organization 17 November, 17 November n a Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization in Greece that is violently opposed to imperialism and capitalism and NATO and the United States; an active terrorist group during the 1980s 17th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302204237 seventeenth, 17th s coming next after the sixteenth in position 180%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302198069 one hundred eighty, 180, clxxx s being ten more than one hundred seventy 180th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302211716 hundred-and-eightieth, 180th s the ordinal number of one hundred eighty in counting order 18%1:23:00:: 113747865 eighteen, 18, XVIII n the cardinal number that is the sum of seventeen and one 1820s%1:28:00:: 115148958 1820s n the decade from 1820 to 1829 1830s%1:28:00:: 115149271 1830s n the decade from 1830 to 1839 1840s%1:28:00:: 115149562 1840s n the decade from 1840 to 1849 18%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302188108 eighteen, 18, xviii s being one more than seventeen 1850s%1:28:00:: 115149853 1850s n the decade from 1850 to 1859 1860s%1:28:00:: 115150224 1860s n the decade from 1860 to 1869 1870s%1:28:00:: 115150710 1870s n the decade from 1870 to 1879 1880s%1:28:00:: 115151084 eighties, 1880s n the decade from 1880 to 1889 1890s%1:28:00:: 115151470 nineties, 1890s n the decade from 1890 to 1899 18-karat_gold%1:27:00:: 114639269 18-karat gold n an alloy that contains 75 per cent gold 18th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302204363 eighteenth, 18th s coming next after the seventeenth in position 1900s%1:28:00:: 115148707 1900s n the decade from 1900 to 1909 190%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302198187 one hundred ninety, 190, xcl s being ten more than one hundred eighty 190th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302211850 hundred-and-ninetieth, 190th s the ordinal number of one hundred eighty-five in counting order 19%1:23:00:: 113747989 nineteen, 19, XIX n the cardinal number that is the sum of eighteen and one 1920s%1:28:00:: 115148867 twenties, 1920s n the decade from 1920 to 1929 1930s%1:28:00:: 115149180 thirties, 1930s n the decade from 1930 to 1939 1940s%1:28:00:: 115149472 forties, 1940s n the decade from 1940 to 1949 19%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302188205 nineteen, 19, xix s being one more than eighteen 1950s%1:28:00:: 115149763 fifties, 1950s n the decade from 1950 to 1959 1960s%1:28:00:: 115150134 sixties, 1960s n the decade from 1960 to 1969 1970s%1:28:00:: 115150618 seventies, 1970s n the decade from 1970 to 1979 1980s%1:28:00:: 115150993 eighties, 1980s n the decade from 1980 to 1989 1990s%1:28:00:: 115151379 nineties, 1990s n the decade from 1990 to 1999 19th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302204472 nineteenth, 19th s coming next after the eighteenth in position 1_chronicles%1:10:00:: 106435651 I Chronicles, 1 Chronicles n the first of two Old Testament books telling the history of Judah and Israel until the return from the Babylonian Captivity in 536 BC 1-dodecanol%1:27:00:: 114930670 lauryl alcohol, 1-dodecanol n a colorless insoluble solid alcohol used to make detergents and pharmaceuticals 1_esdras%1:10:00:: 106459978 I Esdra, 1 Esdras n an Apocryphal book consisting of a compilation from I Chronicles and II Chronicles and Ezra and Nehemiah 1-hitter%1:04:00:: 100475142 one-hitter, 1-hitter n a game in which a pitcher allows the opposing team only one hit 1_kings%1:10:00:: 106435004 I Kings, 1 Kings n the first of two Old Testament books telling the histories of the kings of Judah and Israel 1_maccabees%1:10:00:: 106460776 I Maccabees, 1 Maccabees n an Apocryphal book describing the life of Judas Maccabaeus 1_samuel%1:10:00:: 106434650 I Samuel, 1 Samuel n the first of two books in the Old Testament that tell of Saul and David 1st%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302202047 first, 1st s indicating the beginning unit in a series 1st_baron_beaverbrook%1:18:00:: 110839791 Beaverbrook, 1st Baron Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken n British newspaper publisher and politician (born in Canada); confidant of Winston Churchill (1879-1964) 1st_baron_verulam%1:18:00:: 110830456 Bacon, Francis Bacon, Sir Francis Bacon, Baron Verulam, 1st Baron Verulam, Viscount St. Albans n English statesman and philosopher; precursor of British empiricism; advocated inductive reasoning (1561-1626) 1st_class%1:10:00:: 106265272 first class, 1st class, first-class mail, 1st-class mail n mail that includes letters and postcards and packages sealed against inspection 1st-class_mail%1:10:00:: 106265272 first class, 1st class, first-class mail, 1st-class mail n mail that includes letters and postcards and packages sealed against inspection 1st_earl_attlee%1:18:00:: 110827873 Attlee, Clement Attlee, Clement Richard Attlee, 1st Earl Attlee n British statesman and leader of the Labour Party who instituted the welfare state in Britain (1883-1967) 1st_earl_baldwin_of_bewdley%1:18:00:: 110832085 Baldwin, Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley n English statesman; member of the Conservative Party (1867-1947) 1st_earl_of_balfour%1:18:00:: 110832568 Balfour, Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of Balfour n English statesman; member of the Conservative Party (1848-1930) 1st_lieutenant%1:18:00:: 110092978 first lieutenant, 1st lieutenant n a commissioned officer in the Army or Air Force or Marines ranking above a 2nd lieutenant and below a captain 1st_viscount_montgomery_of_alamein%1:18:00:: 111188316 Montgomery, Bernard Law Montgomery, Sir Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein n English general during World War II; won victories over Rommel in North Africa and led British ground forces in the invasion of Normandy (1887-1976) 200%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302198302 two hundred, 200, cc s being ten more than one hundred ninety 200th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302211989 two-hundredth, 200th s the ordinal number of two hundred in counting order 20%1:23:00:: 113748128 twenty, 20, XX n the cardinal number that is the sum of nineteen and one 20/20%1:09:00:: 105655810 twenty-twenty, 20/20 n normal visual acuity, as measured by the ability to read charts at a distance of 20 feet 20%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302188317 twenty, 20, xx s denoting a quantity consisting of 20 items or units 20th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302204716 twentieth, 20th s coming next after the nineteenth in position 21%1:23:00:: 113748246 twenty-one, 21, XXI n the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty and one 2%1:23:00:: 113743269 two, 2, II, deuce n the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one or a numeral representing this number 21%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302188431 twenty-one, 21, xxi s being one more than twenty 21st%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302204823 twenty-first, 21st s coming next after the twentieth in position .22%1:06:00:: 104502851 twenty-two, .22 n a .22 caliber firearm (pistol or rifle) 22%1:23:00:: 113748367 twenty-two, 22, XXII n the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-one and one 22%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302188525 twenty-two, 22, xxii s being two more than twenty .22_caliber%3:01:00:: 303146310 .22 caliber, .22-caliber, .22 calibre, .22-calibre a of or relating to the bore of a gun (or its ammunition) that measures twenty-two hundredths of an inch in diameter; "a .22 caliber pistol" .22-caliber%3:01:00:: 303146310 .22 caliber, .22-caliber, .22 calibre, .22-calibre a of or relating to the bore of a gun (or its ammunition) that measures twenty-two hundredths of an inch in diameter; "a .22 caliber pistol" .22_calibre%3:01:00:: 303146310 .22 caliber, .22-caliber, .22 calibre, .22-calibre a of or relating to the bore of a gun (or its ammunition) that measures twenty-two hundredths of an inch in diameter; "a .22 caliber pistol" .22-calibre%3:01:00:: 303146310 .22 caliber, .22-caliber, .22 calibre, .22-calibre a of or relating to the bore of a gun (or its ammunition) that measures twenty-two hundredths of an inch in diameter; "a .22 caliber pistol" 22-karat_gold%1:27:00:: 114639368 22-karat gold n an alloy that contains 87 per cent gold 22nd%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302204932 twenty-second, 22nd s coming next after the twenty-first in position 23%1:23:00:: 113748493 twenty-three, 23, XXIII n the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-two and one 23%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302188620 twenty-three, 23, xxiii s being three more than twenty 23rd%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302205045 twenty-third, 23rd s coming next after the twenty-second in position 24%1:23:00:: 113748622 twenty-four, 24, XXIV, two dozen n the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-three and one 24%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302188720 twenty-four, 24, xxiv s being four more than twenty 24/7%1:28:00:: 115118011 24/7 n uptime is 24 hours a day 7 days a week 24-hour_interval%1:28:00:: 115155220 day, twenty-four hours, twenty-four hour period, 24-hour interval, solar day, mean solar day n time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis; "two days later they left"; "they put on two performances every day"; "there are 30,000 passengers per day" 24-karat_gold%1:27:00:: 114639467 24-karat gold, pure gold n 100 per cent gold 24th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302205158 twenty-fourth, 24th s coming next after the twenty-third in position 2%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302186470 two, 2, ii s being one more than one; "he received two messages" 25%1:23:00:: 113748763 twenty-five, 25, XXV n the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-four and one 25%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302188817 twenty-five, 25, xxv s being five more than twenty 25th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302205271 twenty-fifth, 25th s coming next after the twenty-fourth in position 26%1:23:00:: 113748890 twenty-six, 26, XXVI n the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-five and one 26%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302188913 twenty-six, 26, xxvi s being six more than twenty 26th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302205384 twenty-sixth, 26th s coming next after the twenty-fifth in position 27%1:23:00:: 113749017 twenty-seven, 27, XXVII n the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-six and one 27%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302189008 twenty-seven, 27, xxvii s being seven more than twenty 27th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302205496 twenty-seventh, 27th s coming next after the twenty-sixth in position 28%1:23:00:: 113749146 twenty-eight, 28, XXVIII n the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-seven and one 28%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302189108 twenty-eight, 28, xxviii s being eight more than twenty 28th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302205610 twenty-eighth, 28th s coming next after the twenty-seventh in position 29%1:23:00:: 113749278 twenty-nine, 29, XXIX n the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-eight and one 29%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302189209 twenty-nine, 29, xxix s being nine more than twenty 29th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302205725 twenty-ninth, 29th s coming next after the twenty-eighth in position 2_chronicles%1:10:00:: 106435916 II Chronicles, 2 Chronicles n the second of two Old Testament books telling the history of Judah and Israel until the return from the Babylonian Captivity in 536 BC 2d%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302202146 second, 2nd, 2d s coming next after the first in position in space or time or degree or magnitude 2-dimensional%5:00:00:multidimensional:00 300660551 two-dimensional, 2-dimensional, flat s lacking the expected range or depth; not designed to give an illusion or depth; "a film with two-dimensional characters"; "a flat two-dimensional painting" 2_esdras%1:10:00:: 106460167 II Esdras, 2 Esdras n an Apocryphal book of angelic revelations 2-hitter%1:04:00:: 100475273 two-hitter, 2-hitter n a game in which a pitcher allows the opposing team only 2 hits 2-hydroxybenzoic_acid%1:27:00:: 115010038 salicylic acid, 2-hydroxybenzoic acid n a white crystalline substance with a bitter aftertaste; used as a fungicide or in making aspirin or dyes or perfumes 2_kings%1:10:00:: 106435198 II Kings, 2 Kings n the second of two Old Testament books telling the histories of the kings of Judah and Israel 2_maccabees%1:10:00:: 106460926 II Maccabees, 2 Maccabees n an Apocryphal book describing the life of Judas Maccabaeus 2-methylpropenoic_acid%1:27:00:: 114615822 methacrylic acid, 2-methylpropenoic acid n an unsaturated acid (C4H6O2) used to make resins and plastics 2nd%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302202146 second, 2nd, 2d s coming next after the first in position in space or time or degree or magnitude 2nd_lieutenant%1:18:00:: 110569011 second lieutenant, 2nd lieutenant n a commissioned officer in the Army or Air Force or Marine Corps holding the lowest rank 2_samuel%1:10:00:: 106434826 II Samuel, 2 Samuel n the second of two books of the Old Testament that tell of Saul and David 300%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302198409 three hundred, 300, ccc s being one hundred more than two hundred 300th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302212108 three-hundredth, 300th s the ordinal number of three hundred in counting order 30%1:23:00:: 113749407 thirty, 30, XXX n the cardinal number that is the product of ten and three 30%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302189306 thirty, 30, xxx s being ten more than twenty 30_minutes%1:28:00:: 115228162 half-hour, 30 minutes n a half of an hour 30th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302205838 thirtieth, 30th s coming next after the twenty-ninth in position 3%1:23:00:: 113744044 three, 3, III, trio, threesome, tierce, leash, troika, triad, trine, trinity, ternary, ternion, triplet, tercet, terzetto, trey, deuce-ace n the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one 31%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302189396 thirty-one, 31, xxxi s being one more than thirty 31st%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302205947 thirty-first, 31st s coming next after the thirtieth in position 32%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302189491 thirty-two, 32, xxxii s being two more than thirty 32nd%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302206056 thirty-second, 32nd s the ordinal number of thirty-two in counting order 33%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302189587 thirty-three, 33, xxxiii s being three more than thirty 33rd%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302206173 thirty-third, 33rd s the ordinal number of thirty-three in counting order 34%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302189688 thirty-four, 34, xxxiv s being four more than thirty 34th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302206291 thirty-fourth, 34th s the ordinal number of thirty-four in counting order 3%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302186580 three, 3, iii s being one more than two 35%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302189786 thirty-five, 35, xxxv s being five more than thirty 35th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302206409 thirty-fifth, 35th s the ordinal number of thirty-five in counting order 36%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302189883 thirty-six, 36, xxxvi s being six more than thirty 365_days%1:28:00:: 115202131 common year, 365 days n a year that is not a leap year 366_days%1:28:00:: 115202230 leap year, intercalary year, 366 days, bissextile year n in the Gregorian calendar: any year divisible by 4 except centenary years divisible by 400 36th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302206526 thirty-sixth, 36th s the ordinal number of thirty-six in counting order 37%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302189979 thirty-seven, 37, xxxvii s being seven more than thirty 37th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302206642 thirty-seventh, 37th s the ordinal number of thirty-seven in counting order 38%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302190080 thirty-eight, 38, xxxviii s being eight more than thirty .38_caliber%3:01:00:: 303146602 .38 caliber, .38-caliber, .38 calibre, .38-calibre a of or relating to the bore of a gun (or its ammunition) that measures thirty-eight hundredths of an inch in diameter; "a .38 caliber shell" .38-caliber%3:01:00:: 303146602 .38 caliber, .38-caliber, .38 calibre, .38-calibre a of or relating to the bore of a gun (or its ammunition) that measures thirty-eight hundredths of an inch in diameter; "a .38 caliber shell" .38_calibre%3:01:00:: 303146602 .38 caliber, .38-caliber, .38 calibre, .38-calibre a of or relating to the bore of a gun (or its ammunition) that measures thirty-eight hundredths of an inch in diameter; "a .38 caliber shell" .38-calibre%3:01:00:: 303146602 .38 caliber, .38-caliber, .38 calibre, .38-calibre a of or relating to the bore of a gun (or its ammunition) that measures thirty-eight hundredths of an inch in diameter; "a .38 caliber shell" 38th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302206762 thirty-eighth, 38th s the ordinal number of thirty-eight in counting order 39%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302190182 thirty-nine, 39, ixl s being nine more than thirty 39th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302206881 thirty-ninth, 39th s the ordinal number of thirty-nine in counting order 3-d%1:09:00:: 105939948 three-D, 3-D, 3D n having a three-dimensional form or appearance; "aren't dreams always in 3-D?" 3d%1:09:00:: 105939948 three-D, 3-D, 3D n having a three-dimensional form or appearance; "aren't dreams always in 3-D?" 3-d%1:10:00:: 106618937 three-D, 3-D, 3D n a movie with images having three dimensional form or appearance 3d%1:10:00:: 106618937 three-D, 3-D, 3D n a movie with images having three dimensional form or appearance 3-dimensional%5:00:00:multidimensional:00 300660809 three-dimensional, 3-dimensional, third-dimensional, three-d s involving or relating to three dimensions or aspects; giving the illusion of depth; "lifelike three-dimensional characters"; "a three-dimensional account of conditions under the new government"; "they shot the movie in three-D" 3d_radar%1:06:00:: 104427559 three-dimensional radar, 3d radar n radar that will report altitude as well as azimuth and distance of a target 3-hitter%1:04:00:: 100475403 three-hitter, 3-hitter n a game in which a pitcher allows the opposing team only 3 hits 3-membered%5:00:00:membered:00 301502796 three-membered, 3-membered s of a chemical compound having a ring with three members 3rd%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302202307 third, 3rd, tertiary s coming next after the second and just before the fourth in position 3rd_october_organization%1:14:00:: 108016385 Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia, ASALA, Orly Group, 3rd October Organization n a militant Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization formed in 1975 to force Turkey to acknowledge killing more than a million Armenians and forcibly removing them from border areas in 1915; wants Turkey to pay reparations and cede territory to Armenia; "ASALA bombing at Orly Airport in Paris in 1983 killed 8 and wounded 55 people" 3tc%1:06:00:: 103636062 lamivudine, 3TC n a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor that is very effective in combination with zidovudine in treating AIDS and HIV 400%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302198520 four hundred, 400, cd s being one hundred more than three hundred 400th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302212231 four-hundredth, 400th s the ordinal number of four hundred in counting order 40%1:23:00:: 113749527 forty, 40, XL n the cardinal number that is the product of ten and four 401-k%1:09:00:: 105911560 401-k plan, 401-k n a retirement savings plan that is funded by employee contributions and (often) matching contributions from the employer; contributions are made from your salary before taxes and the funds grow tax-free until they are withdrawn, at which point they can be converted into an IRA; funds can be transferred if you change employers and you can (to some extent) manage the investments yourself 401-k_plan%1:09:00:: 105911560 401-k plan, 401-k n a retirement savings plan that is funded by employee contributions and (often) matching contributions from the employer; contributions are made from your salary before taxes and the funds grow tax-free until they are withdrawn, at which point they can be converted into an IRA; funds can be transferred if you change employers and you can (to some extent) manage the investments yourself 40%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302190278 forty, 40, xl, twoscore s being ten more than thirty 40th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302206998 fortieth, 40th s the ordinal number of forty in counting order 4%1:23:00:: 113744304 four, 4, IV, tetrad, quatern, quaternion, quaternary, quaternity, quartet, quadruplet, foursome, Little Joe n the cardinal number that is the sum of three and one 41%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302190377 forty-one, 41, xli s being one more than forty 41st%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302207105 forty-first, 41st s the ordinal number of forty-one in counting order 42%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302190469 forty-two, 42, xlii s being two more than forty 42nd%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302207219 forty-second, 42nd s the ordinal number of forty-two in counting order 43%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302190562 forty-three, 43, xliii s being three more than forty 43rd%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302207334 forty-third, 43rd s the ordinal number of forty-three in counting order 440_yards%1:23:00:: 113651931 quarter mile, 440 yards n a unit of length equal to a quarter of 1 mile 44%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302190660 forty-four, 44, xliv s being four more than forty 44th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302207450 forty-fourth, 44th s the ordinal number of forty-four in counting order 4%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302186665 four, 4, iv s being one more than three 45%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302190755 forty-five, 45, xlv s being five more than forty .45_caliber%3:01:00:: 303146895 .45 caliber, .45-caliber, .45 calibre, .45-calibre a of or relating to the bore of a gun (or its ammunition) that measures forty-five hundredths of an inch in diameter .45-caliber%3:01:00:: 303146895 .45 caliber, .45-caliber, .45 calibre, .45-calibre a of or relating to the bore of a gun (or its ammunition) that measures forty-five hundredths of an inch in diameter .45_calibre%3:01:00:: 303146895 .45 caliber, .45-caliber, .45 calibre, .45-calibre a of or relating to the bore of a gun (or its ammunition) that measures forty-five hundredths of an inch in diameter .45-calibre%3:01:00:: 303146895 .45 caliber, .45-caliber, .45 calibre, .45-calibre a of or relating to the bore of a gun (or its ammunition) that measures forty-five hundredths of an inch in diameter 45th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302207566 forty-fifth, 45th s the ordinal number of forty-five in counting order 46%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302190849 forty-six, 46, xlvi s being six more than forty 46th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302207681 forty-sixth, 46th s the ordinal number of forty-six in counting order 47%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302190942 forty-seven, 47, xlvii s being seven more than forty 47th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302207795 forty-seventh, 47th s the ordinal number of forty-seven in counting order 48%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302191040 forty-eight, 48, xlviii s being eight more than forty 48th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302207913 forty-eighth, 48th s the ordinal number of forty-eight in counting order 49%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302191139 forty-nine, 49, il s being nine more than forty 49th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302208030 forty-ninth, 49th s the ordinal number of forty-nine in counting order 4-dimensional%5:00:00:multidimensional:00 300661146 four-dimensional, 4-dimensional s involving or relating to the fourth dimension or time 4-hitter%1:04:00:: 100475535 four-hitter, 4-hitter n a game in which a pitcher allows the opposing team 4 hits 4-membered%5:00:00:membered:00 301502925 four-membered, 4-membered s of a chemical compound having a ring with four members 4th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302202443 fourth, 4th, quaternary s coming next after the third and just before the fifth in position or time or degree or magnitude; "the quaternary period of geologic time extends from the end of the tertiary period to the present" 4to%1:07:00:: 105096820 quarto, 4to n the size of a book whose pages are made by folding a sheet of paper twice to form four leaves 4wd%1:06:00:: 103389611 four-wheel drive, 4WD n a transmission that provides power directly to all four wheels of a motor vehicle 4wd%1:06:01:: 103389761 four-wheel drive, 4WD n a motor vehicle with a four-wheel drive transmission system 500%1:23:00:: 113750712 five hundred, 500, D n the cardinal number that is the product of one hundred and five 500%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302198631 five hundred, 500, d s denoting a quantity consisting of 500 items or units 500th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302212352 five-hundredth, 500th s the ordinal number of five hundred in counting order 50%1:23:00:: 113749644 fifty, 50, L n the cardinal number that is the product of ten and five 50%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302191232 fifty, 50, l s being ten more than forty 50th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302208145 fiftieth, 50th s the ordinal number of fifty in counting order 5%1:23:00:: 113744521 five, 5, V, cinque, quint, quintet, fivesome, quintuplet, pentad, fin, Phoebe, Little Phoebe n the cardinal number that is the sum of four and one 51%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302191336 fifty-one, 51, li s being one more than fifty 52%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302191427 fifty-two, 52, lii s being two more than fifty 53%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302191519 fifty-three, 53, liii s being three more than fifty 54%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302191616 fifty-four, 54, liv s being four more than fifty 5%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302186750 five, 5, v s being one more than four 55%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302191710 fifty-five, 55, lv s being five more than fifty 55th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302208270 fifty-fifth, 55th s the ordinal number of fifty-five in counting order 56%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302191803 fifty-six, 56, lvi s being six more than fifty 57%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302191895 fifty-seven, 57, lvii s being seven more than fifty 58%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302191992 fifty-eight, 58, lviii s being eight more than fifty 59%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302192090 fifty-nine, 59, ilx s being nine more than fifty 5-hitter%1:04:00:: 100475661 five-hitter, 5-hitter n a game in which a pitcher allows the opposing team 5 hits 5-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme_a_reductase%1:27:00:: 114612444 HMG-CoA reductase, 5-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase n a liver enzyme that is responsible for producing cholesterol 5-hydroxytryptamine%1:27:00:: 114808273 serotonin, 5-hydroxytryptamine n a neurotransmitter involved in e.g. sleep and depression and memory 5-membered%5:00:00:membered:00 301503052 five-membered, 5-membered s of a chemical compound having a ring with five members 5th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302202712 fifth, 5th s coming next after the fourth and just before the sixth in position 60%1:23:00:: 113749778 sixty, 60, LX n the cardinal number that is the product of ten and six 60%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302192184 sixty, 60, lx, threescore s being ten more than fifty 60_minutes%1:28:00:: 115227846 hour, hr, 60 minutes n a period of time equal to 1/24th of a day; "the job will take more than an hour" 60th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302208385 sixtieth, 60th s the ordinal number of sixty in counting order 6%1:23:00:: 113744722 six, 6, VI, sixer, sise, Captain Hicks, half a dozen, sextet, sestet, sextuplet, hexad n the cardinal number that is the sum of five and one 61%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302192284 sixty-one, 61, lxi s being one more than sixty 62%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302192376 sixty-two, 62, lxii s being two more than sixty 63%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302192469 sixty-three, 63, lxiii s being three more than sixty 64%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302192567 sixty-four, 64, lxiv s being four more than sixty 64th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302208492 sixty-fourth, 64th s the ordinal number of sixty-four in counting order 6%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302186833 six, 6, vi, half dozen, half-dozen s denoting a quantity consisting of six items or units 65%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302192662 sixty-five, 65, lxv s being five more than sixty 65th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302208608 sixty-fifth, 65th s the ordinal number of sixty-five in counting order 66%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302192756 sixty-six, 66, lxvi s being six more than sixty 67%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302192849 sixty-seven, 67, lxvii s being seven more than sixty 68%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302192947 sixty-eight, 68, lxviii s being eight more than sixty 69%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302193046 sixty-nine, 69, ilxx s being nine more than sixty 6_june_1944%1:28:00:: 115162523 D-day, 6 June 1944 n date of the Allied landing in France, World War II 6-membered%5:00:00:membered:00 301503179 six-membered, 6-membered s of a chemical compound having a ring with six members; "having three carbon and three nitrogen atoms in a six-membered ring" 6th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302202854 sixth, 6th s coming next after the fifth and just before the seventh in position 70%1:23:00:: 113749894 seventy, 70, LXX n the cardinal number that is the product of ten and seven 70%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302193141 seventy, 70, lxx s being ten more than sixty 70th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302208723 seventieth, 70th s the ordinal number of seventy in counting order 7%1:23:00:: 113744916 seven, 7, VII, sevener, heptad, septet, septenary n the cardinal number that is the sum of six and one 71%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302193249 seventy-one, 71, lxxi s being one more than seventy 72%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302193346 seventy-two, 72, lxxii s being two more than seventy 73%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302193444 seventy-three, 73, lxxiii s being three more than seventy 74%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302193547 seventy-four, 74, lxxiv s being four more than seventy 7%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302186970 seven, 7, vii s being one more than six 75%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302193647 seventy-five, 75, lxxv s being five more than seventy 75th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302208852 seventy-fifth, 75th s the ordinal number of seventy-five in counting order 76%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302193746 seventy-six, 76, lxxvi s being six more than seventy 77%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302193844 seventy-seven, 77, lxxvii s being seven more than seventy 78%1:06:00:: 104178190 seventy-eight, 78 n a shellac based phonograph record that played at 78 revolutions per minute 78%1:23:00:: 113750033 seventy-eight, 78, LXXVIII n the cardinal number that is the sum of seventy and eight 78%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302193947 seventy-eight, 78, lxxviii s being eight more than seventy 79%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302194051 seventy-nine, 79, ilxxx s being nine more than seventy 7-membered%5:00:00:membered:00 301503375 seven-membered, 7-membered s of a chemical compound having a ring with seven members 7th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302202979 seventh, 7th s coming next after the sixth and just before the eighth in position 80%1:23:00:: 113750164 eighty, 80, LXXX, fourscore n the cardinal number that is the product of ten and eight 80%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302194151 eighty, 80, lxxx, fourscore s being ten more than seventy 80th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302208971 eightieth, 80th s the ordinal number of eighty in counting order 8%1:23:00:: 113745086 eight, 8, VIII, eighter, eighter from Decatur, octad, ogdoad, octonary, octet n the cardinal number that is the sum of seven and one 81%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302194255 eighty-one, 81, lxxxi s being one more than eighty 82%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302194351 eighty-two, 82, lxxxii s being two more than eighty 83%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302194448 eighty-three, 83, lxxxiii s being three more than eighty 84%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302194550 eighty-four, 84, lxxxiv s being four more than eighty 8%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302187073 eight, 8, viii s being one more than seven 85%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302194649 eighty-five, 85, lxxxv s being five more than eighty 85th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302209080 eighty-fifth, 85th s the ordinal number of eighty-five in counting order 86%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302194747 eighty-six, 86, lxxxvi s being six more than eighty 87%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302194844 eighty-seven, 87, lxxxvii s being seven more than eighty 880_yards%1:23:00:: 113651804 half mile, 880 yards n a unit of length equal to half of 1 mile 88%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302194946 eighty-eight, 88, lxxxviii s being eight more than eighty 89%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302195049 eighty-nine, 89, ixc s being nine more than eighty 8_may_1945%1:28:00:: 115162764 V-E Day, 8 May 1945 n the date of Allied victory in Europe, World War II 8-membered%5:00:00:membered:00 301503504 eight-membered, 8-membered s of a chemical compound having a ring with eight members 8th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302203123 eighth, 8th s coming next after the seventh and just before the ninth in position 8vo%1:07:00:: 105096408 octavo, eightvo, 8vo n the size of a book whose pages are made by folding a sheet of paper three times to form eight leaves 90%1:23:00:: 113750297 ninety, 90, XC n the cardinal number that is the product of ten and nine 90%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302195145 ninety, 90, xc s being ten more than eighty 90th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302209197 ninetieth, 90th s the ordinal number of ninety in counting order 9-11%1:28:00:: 115300051 9/11, 9-11, September 11, Sept. 11, Sep 11 n the day in 2001 when Arab suicide bombers hijacked United States airliners and used them as bombs 9/11%1:28:00:: 115300051 9/11, 9-11, September 11, Sept. 11, Sep 11 n the day in 2001 when Arab suicide bombers hijacked United States airliners and used them as bombs 9%1:23:00:: 113745270 nine, 9, IX, niner, Nina from Carolina, ennead n the cardinal number that is the sum of eight and one 91%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302195234 ninety-one, 91, xci s being one more than ninety 92%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302195328 ninety-two, 92, xcii s being two more than ninety 93%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302195423 ninety-three, 93, xciii s being three more than ninety 94%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302195523 ninety-four, 94, xciv s being four more than ninety 9%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302187161 nine, 9, ix s denoting a quantity consisting of one more than eight and one less than ten 95%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302195620 ninety-five, 95, xcv s being five more than ninety 95th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302209306 ninety-fifth, 95th s the ordinal number of ninety-five in counting order 96%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302195716 ninety-six, 96, xcvi s being six more than ninety 97%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302195811 ninety-seven, 97, xcvii s being seven more than ninety 98%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302195911 ninety-eight, 98, xcviii s being eight more than ninety 99%5:00:00:cardinal:00 302196012 ninety-nine, 99, ic s being nine more than ninety 9-membered%5:00:00:membered:00 301503633 nine-membered, 9-membered s of a chemical compound having a ring with nine members 9th%5:00:00:ordinal:00 302203249 ninth, 9th s coming next after the eighth and just before the tenth in position a%1:08:00:: 105400860 A, type A, group A n the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen a%1:10:00:: 106831177 A, a n the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet a%1:23:00:: 113637376 ampere, amp, A n the basic unit of electric current adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites; "a typical household circuit carries 15 to 50 amps" a%1:23:01:: 113658027 angstrom, angstrom unit, A n a metric unit of length equal to one ten billionth of a meter (or 0.0001 micron); used to specify wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation a%1:27:00:: 115089803 vitamin A, antiophthalmic factor, axerophthol, A n any of several fat-soluble vitamins essential for normal vision; prevents night blindness or inflammation or dryness of the eyes a%1:27:01:: 114829565 deoxyadenosine monophosphate, A n one of the four nucleotides used in building DNA; all four nucleotides have a common phosphate group and a sugar (ribose) a%1:27:02:: 114706889 adenine, A n (biochemistry) purine base found in DNA and RNA; pairs with thymine in DNA and with uracil in RNA aa%1:10:00:: 106697935 Associate in Arts, AA n an associate degree in arts aa%1:14:00:: 108010191 Alcoholics Anonymous, AA n an international organization that provides a support group for persons trying to overcome alcoholism aa%1:27:00:: 114931472 aa n a dry form of lava resembling clinkers aaa%1:26:00:: 114106456 abdominal aortic aneurysm, AAA n an aneurysm of the abdominal aorta associated with old age and hypertension aachen%1:15:00:: 108769439 Aachen, Aken, Aix-la-Chapelle n a city in western Germany near the Dutch and Belgian borders; formerly it was Charlemagne's northern capital aah%2:32:00:: 200865776 ooh, aah v express admiration and pleasure by uttering `ooh' or `aah'; "They oohed and aahed when they unwrapped the presents" aaland_islands%1:15:00:: 108780510 Aland islands, Aaland islands, Ahvenanmaa n an archipelago of some 6,000 islands in the Gulf of Bothnia under Finnish control aalborg%1:15:00:: 108762243 Aalborg, Alborg n a city and port in northern Jutland aalii%1:20:00:: 112740967 aalii n a small Hawaiian tree with hard dark wood aalst%1:15:00:: 108850663 Aalst n a town in central Belgium aalto%1:18:00:: 110806693 Aalto, Alvar Aalto, Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto n Finnish architect and designer of furniture (1898-1976) a._a._michelson%1:18:00:: 111178393 Michelson, A. A. Michelson, Albert Michelson, Albert Abraham Michelson n United States physicist (born in Germany) who collaborated with Morley in the Michelson-Morley experiment (1852-1931) a._a._milne%1:18:00:: 111180812 Milne, A. A. Milne, Alan Alexander Milne n English writer of stories for children (1882-1956) aar%1:17:00:: 109186064 Aare, Aar, Aare River n a river in north central Switzerland that runs northeast into the Rhine aardvark%1:05:00:: 102082791 aardvark, ant bear, anteater, Orycteropus afer n nocturnal burrowing mammal of the grasslands of Africa that feeds on termites; sole extant representative of the order Tubulidentata aardwolf%1:05:00:: 102118176 aardwolf, Proteles cristata n striped hyena of southeast Africa that feeds chiefly on insects aare%1:17:00:: 109186064 Aare, Aar, Aare River n a river in north central Switzerland that runs northeast into the Rhine aare_river%1:17:00:: 109186064 Aare, Aar, Aare River n a river in north central Switzerland that runs northeast into the Rhine aarhus%1:15:00:: 108762104 Arhus, Aarhus n port city of Denmark in eastern Jutland aaron%1:18:00:: 110806841 Aaron n (Old Testament) elder brother of Moses and first high priest of the Israelites; created the golden calf aaron%1:18:01:: 110807016 Aaron, Henry Louis Aaron, Hank Aaron n United States professional baseball player who hit more home runs than Babe Ruth (born in 1934) aaron_burr%1:18:00:: 110874162 Burr, Aaron Burr n United States politician who served as vice president under Jefferson; he mortally wounded his political rival Alexander Hamilton in a duel and fled south (1756-1836) aaron_copland%1:18:00:: 110909929 Copland, Aaron Copland n United States composer who developed a distinctly American music (1900-1990) aaron_montgomery_ward%1:18:00:: 111373897 Ward, Montgomery Ward, Aaron Montgomery Ward n United States businessman who in 1872 established a successful mail-order business (1843-1913) aaron's_rod%1:20:00:: 112889713 common mullein, great mullein, Aaron's rod, flannel mullein, woolly mullein, torch, Verbascum thapsus n tall-stalked very woolly mullein with densely packed yellow flowers; ancient Greeks and Romans dipped the stalks in tallow for funeral torches aarp%1:14:00:: 108487149 Association for the Advancement of Retired Persons, AARP n an association of people to promote the welfare of senior citizens aas%1:10:00:: 106698031 Associate in Applied Science, AAS n an associate degree in applied science aave%1:10:00:: 106947658 African American Vernacular English, AAVE, African American English, Black English, Black English Vernacular, Black Vernacular, Black Vernacular English, Ebonics n a nonstandard form of American English characteristically spoken by African Americans in the United States ab%1:08:00:: 105401096 AB, type AB, group AB n the blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens ab%1:08:01:: 105557339 abdominal, abdominal muscle, ab n the muscles of the abdomen ab%1:10:00:: 106698640 Bachelor of Arts, BA, Artium Baccalaurens, AB n a bachelor's degree in arts and sciences ab%1:28:00:: 115216563 Ab, Av n the eleventh month of the civil year; the fifth month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar (in July and August) aba%1:06:00:: 102665985 aba n a fabric woven from goat hair and camel hair aba%1:06:01:: 102666079 aba n a loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth; worn by Arabs abaca%1:20:00:: 112353431 abaca, Manila hemp, Musa textilis n Philippine banana tree having leafstalks that yield Manila hemp used for rope and paper etc abaca%1:27:00:: 114947558 Manila hemp, Manilla hemp, abaca n a kind of hemp obtained from the abaca plant in the Philippines abacinate%2:39:00:: 202168378 abacinate v blind by holding a red-hot metal plate before someone's eyes; "The prisoners were abacinated by their captors" aback%4:02:00:: 400075656 aback, aback r by surprise; "taken aback by the caustic remarks" aback%4:02:01:: 400075739 aback, aback r having the wind against the forward side of the sails; "the ship came up into the wind with all yards aback" abactinal%3:00:00:: 301665972 abactinal a (of radiate animals) located on the surface or end opposite to that on which the mouth is situated abacus%1:06:00:: 102666196 abacus n a calculator that performs arithmetic functions by manually sliding counters on rods or in grooves abacus%1:06:01:: 102666347 abacus n a tablet placed horizontally on top of the capital of a column as an aid in supporting the architrave abadan%1:15:00:: 108911602 Abadan n a port city in southwestern Iran abaft%4:02:00:: 400275409 aft, abaft, astern, aft, abaft, astern r at or near or toward the stern of a ship or tail of an airplane; "stow the luggage aft"; "ships with square sails sail fairly efficiently with the wind abaft"; "the captain looked astern to see what the fuss was about" abalone%1:05:00:: 101942869 abalone, ear-shell n any of various large edible marine gastropods of the genus Haliotis having an ear-shaped shell with pearly interior abamp%1:23:00:: 113637722 abampere, abamp n a unit of current equal to 10 amperes abampere%1:23:00:: 113637722 abampere, abamp n a unit of current equal to 10 amperes abandon%1:07:00:: 104885398 abandon, wantonness, unconstraint n the trait of lacking restraint or control; reckless freedom from inhibition or worry; "she danced with abandon" abandon%1:12:00:: 107481223 wildness, abandon n a feeling of extreme emotional intensity; "the wildness of his anger" abandon%2:31:00:: 200614057 abandon, forsake, desolate, desert v leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch; "The mother deserted her children" abandon%2:31:01:: 200613393 abandon, give up v stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas or claims; "He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage"; "Both sides have to give up some claims in these negotiations" abandon%2:38:00:: 202076676 vacate, empty, abandon v leave behind empty; move out of; "You must vacate your office by tonight" abandon%2:40:00:: 202228031 abandon v forsake, leave behind; "We abandoned the old car in the empty parking lot" abandon%2:40:01:: 202227741 abandon, give up v give up with the intent of never claiming again; "Abandon your life to God"; "She gave up her children to her ex-husband when she moved to Tahiti"; "We gave the drowning victim up for dead" abandoned%5:00:00:uninhabited:00 301313004 abandoned, derelict, deserted s forsaken by owner or inhabitants ; "weed-grown yard of an abandoned farmhouse" abandoned%5:00:00:uninhibited:00 301317231 abandoned s free from constraint; "an abandoned sadness born of grief"- Liam O'Flaherty abandoned_infant%1:18:00:: 110107883 foundling, abandoned infant n a child who has been abandoned and whose parents are unknown abandoned_person%1:18:00:: 109753930 abandoned person n someone for whom hope has been abandoned abandoned_ship%1:06:00:: 102666501 abandoned ship, derelict n a ship abandoned on the high seas abandonment%1:04:01:: 100055315 desertion, abandonment, defection n withdrawing support or help despite allegiance or responsibility; "his abandonment of his wife and children left them penniless" abandonment%1:04:02:: 100091013 abandonment n the voluntary surrender of property (or a right to property) without attempting to reclaim it or give it away abandonment%1:04:03:: 100204439 abandonment, forsaking, desertion n the act of giving something up abarticulation%1:26:00:: 114294271 abarticulation n dislocation of a joint abase%2:37:00:: 201799794 humiliate, mortify, chagrin, humble, abase v cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of; "He humiliated his colleague by criticising him in front of the boss" abasement%1:04:00:: 100273449 humiliation, abasement n depriving one of self-esteem abasement%1:26:00:: 114440623 abasement, degradation, abjection n a low or downcast state; "each confession brought her into an attitude of abasement"- H.L.Menchken abash%2:37:00:: 201792097 embarrass, abash v cause to be embarrassed; cause to feel self-conscious abashed%5:00:00:discomposed:00 300531628 abashed, chagrined, embarrassed s feeling or caused to feel uneasy and self-conscious; "felt abashed at the extravagant praise"; "chagrined at the poor sales of his book"; "was embarrassed by her child's tantrums" abashment%1:12:00:: 107508092 abashment, bashfulness n feeling embarrassed due to modesty abasia%1:26:00:: 114549070 abasia n inability to walk abasia_trepidans%1:26:00:: 114549284 abasia trepidans n abasia due to trembling of the legs abasic%3:01:00:: 302598608 abasic, abatic a of or relating to abasia (inability to walk) abatable%5:00:00:stoppable:00 302288022 abatable s capable of being abated abatable_nuisance%1:09:00:: 105830832 abatable nuisance n a nuisance that can remedied (suppressed or extinguished or rendered harmless); "the continued existence of an abatable nuisance is not authorized under the law" abate%2:30:00:: 200245059 abate, let up, slack off, slack, die away v become less in amount or intensity; "The storm abated"; "The rain let up after a few hours" abate%2:30:01:: 200245289 slake, abate, slack v make less active or intense abatement%1:04:00:: 100361333 abatement n the act of abating; "laws enforcing noise abatement" abatement%1:11:01:: 107368256 suspension, respite, reprieve, hiatus, abatement n an interruption in the intensity or amount of something abatement_of_a_nuisance%1:04:00:: 100361459 abatement of a nuisance, nuisance abatement n (law) the removal or termination or destruction of something that has been found to be a nuisance abatic%3:01:00:: 302598608 abasic, abatic a of or relating to abasia (inability to walk) abatis%1:06:00:: 102666735 abattis, abatis n a line of defense consisting of a barrier of felled or live trees with branches (sharpened or with barbed wire entwined) pointed toward the enemy abator%1:18:00:: 109754051 abator n a person who abates a nuisance aba_transit_number%1:10:00:: 106425534 bank identification number, BIN, ABA transit number n an identification number consisting of a two-part code assigned to banks and savings associations; the first part shows the location and the second identifies the bank itself a_battery%1:06:00:: 102666624 A battery n the battery used to heat the filaments of a vacuum tube abattis%1:06:00:: 102666735 abattis, abatis n a line of defense consisting of a barrier of felled or live trees with branches (sharpened or with barbed wire entwined) pointed toward the enemy abattoir%1:06:00:: 102666943 abattoir, butchery, shambles, slaughterhouse n a building where animals are butchered abaxial%3:00:00:: 300002312 abaxial, dorsal a facing away from the axis of an organ or organism; "the abaxial surface of a leaf is the underside or side facing away from the stem" abaxially%4:02:00:: 400512503 abaxially, abaxially r in an abaxial manner abaya%1:06:00:: 102667093 abaya n (Arabic) a loose black robe from head to toe; traditionally worn by Muslim women abb%1:14:00:: 108011266 Alex Boncayao Brigade, ABB, Revolutionary Proletarian Army, RPA-ABB n an urban hit squad and guerrilla group of the Communist Party in the Philippines; formed in the 1980s abbacy%1:15:00:: 108550364 abbacy n the jurisdiction or office of an abbot abbatial%3:01:00:: 302598768 abbatial a of or having to do with or belonging to an abbey or abbot, or abbess abbe%1:18:00:: 109754152 abbe n a French abbot abbe_condenser%1:06:00:: 102667244 Abbe condenser n a condenser having 2 or 3 lenses with wide aperture for use in microscopes abbess%1:18:00:: 109754217 abbess, mother superior, prioress n the superior of a group of nuns abbey%1:06:00:: 102667379 abbey n a monastery ruled by an abbot abbey%1:06:01:: 102667478 abbey n a convent ruled by an abbess abbey%1:06:02:: 102667576 abbey n a church associated with a monastery or convent abbot%1:18:00:: 109754404 abbot, archimandrite n the superior of an abbey of monks abbott_lawrence_lowell%1:18:00:: 111142368 Lowell, Abbott Lawrence Lowell n United States educator and president of Harvard University (1856-1943) abbreviate%2:30:00:: 200243749 abbreviate v shorten; "Abbreviate `New York' and write `NY'" abbreviate%2:30:01:: 200243900 abridge, foreshorten, abbreviate, shorten, cut, contract, reduce v reduce in scope while retaining essential elements; "The manuscript must be shortened" abbreviated%5:00:00:short:01 301436432 abbreviated, brief s (of clothing) very short; "an abbreviated swimsuit"; "a brief bikini" abbreviated%5:00:00:short:02 301442597 abbreviated, shortened, truncated s cut short in duration; "the abbreviated speech"; "her shortened life was clearly the result of smoking"; "an unsatisfactory truncated conversation" abbreviation%1:04:00:: 100359135 abbreviation n shortening something by omitting parts of it abbreviation%1:10:00:: 107091587 abbreviation n a shortened form of a word or phrase abbreviator%1:18:00:: 109754907 abridger, abbreviator n one who shortens or abridges or condenses a written work abc%1:09:00:: 105872742 rudiment, first rudiment, first principle, alphabet, ABC, ABC's, ABCs n the elementary stages of any subject (usually plural); "he mastered only the rudiments of geometry" abcoulomb%1:23:00:: 113636866 abcoulomb n a unit of electrical charge equal to 10 coulombs abc's%1:09:00:: 105872742 rudiment, first rudiment, first principle, alphabet, ABC, ABC's, ABCs n the elementary stages of any subject (usually plural); "he mastered only the rudiments of geometry" abcs%1:09:00:: 105872742 rudiment, first rudiment, first principle, alphabet, ABC, ABC's, ABCs n the elementary stages of any subject (usually plural); "he mastered only the rudiments of geometry" abdias%1:10:00:: 106439712 Obadiah, Abdias, Book of Obadiah n an Old Testament book telling Obadiah's prophecies; the shortest book in the Christian Bible abdias%1:18:00:: 111211236 Obadiah, Abdias n a Hebrew minor prophet abdicable%5:00:00:unwanted:00 302528048 abdicable s capable of being discarded or renounced or relinquished; "abdicable responsibilites" abdicate%2:41:00:: 202379198 abdicate, renounce v give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors, or duties and obligations; "The King abdicated when he married a divorcee" abdication%1:10:00:: 107254456 abdication, stepping down n a formal resignation and renunciation of powers abdication%1:10:01:: 106511762 abdication, stepping down n the act of abdicating abdicator%1:18:00:: 109755657 abdicator n one who formally relinquishes an office or responsibility abdomen%1:08:00:: 105556943 abdomen, venter, stomach, belly n the region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvis abdomen%1:08:01:: 105558345 abdominal cavity, abdomen n the cavity containing the major viscera; in mammals it is separated from the thorax by the diaphragm abdominal%1:08:00:: 105557339 abdominal, abdominal muscle, ab n the muscles of the abdomen abdominal%3:01:00:: 302934594 abdominal a of or relating to or near the abdomen; "abdominal muscles" abdominal_actinomycosis%1:26:00:: 114259739 abdominal actinomycosis n a serious form of actinomycosis that affects the abdomen abdominal_aorta%1:08:00:: 105336635 abdominal aorta n a branch of the descending aorta abdominal_aortic_aneurysm%1:26:00:: 114106456 abdominal aortic aneurysm, AAA n an aneurysm of the abdominal aorta associated with old age and hypertension abdominal_breathing%1:04:00:: 100833296 abdominal breathing n breathing in which most of the respiratory effort is done by the abdominal muscles; "abdominal breathing is practiced by singers" abdominal_cavity%1:08:00:: 105558345 abdominal cavity, abdomen n the cavity containing the major viscera; in mammals it is separated from the thorax by the diaphragm abdominal_delivery%1:04:00:: 100185778 cesarean delivery, caesarean delivery, caesarian delivery, cesarean section, cesarian section, caesarean section, caesarian section, C-section, cesarean, cesarian, caesarean, caesarian, abdominal delivery n the delivery of a fetus by surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus (from the belief that Julius Caesar was born that way) abdominal_external_oblique_muscle%1:08:00:: 105557839 external oblique muscle, musculus obliquus externus abdominis, abdominal external oblique muscle, oblique n a diagonally arranged abdominal muscle on either side of the torso abdominal_muscle%1:08:00:: 105557339 abdominal, abdominal muscle, ab n the muscles of the abdomen abdominal_nerve_plexus%1:08:00:: 105508735 solar plexus, coeliac plexus, plexus celiacus, abdominal nerve plexus n a large plexus of sympathetic nerves in the abdomen behind the stomach abdominal_pregnancy%1:26:00:: 114047440 abdominal pregnancy n ectopic pregnancy in the abdominal cavity abdominal_wall%1:08:00:: 105604434 abdominal wall n a wall of the abdomen abdominocentesis%1:04:00:: 100943471 abdominocentesis, paracentesis n centesis of the belly to remove fluid for diagnosis abdominoplasty%1:04:00:: 100034777 abdominoplasty, tummy tuck n cosmetic surgery of the abdomen to remove wrinkles and tighten the skin over the stomach abdominous%5:00:00:fat:01 300986457 abdominous, paunchy, potbellied s having a large belly abdominousness%1:07:00:: 104999964 abdominousness, paunchiness n the bodily property of a protruding belly abdominovesical%3:01:00:: 302598981 abdominovesical a of or relating to the abdomen and the urinary bladder abduce%2:32:00:: 201015866 adduce, abduce, cite v advance evidence for abducens%1:08:00:: 105479108 abducent, abducent nerve, abducens, abducens nerve, nervus abducens, sixth cranial nerve n a small motor nerve supplying the lateral rectus muscle of the eye abducens_muscle%1:08:00:: 105316407 abducens muscle, lateral rectus muscle, lateral rectus, rectus lateralis n the ocular muscle whose contraction turns the eyeball outward abducens_nerve%1:08:00:: 105479108 abducent, abducent nerve, abducens, abducens nerve, nervus abducens, sixth cranial nerve n a small motor nerve supplying the lateral rectus muscle of the eye abducent%1:08:00:: 105479108 abducent, abducent nerve, abducens, abducens nerve, nervus abducens, sixth cranial nerve n a small motor nerve supplying the lateral rectus muscle of the eye abducent%3:00:00:: 300002956 abducent, abducting a especially of muscles; drawing away from the midline of the body or from an adjacent part abducent_nerve%1:08:00:: 105479108 abducent, abducent nerve, abducens, abducens nerve, nervus abducens, sixth cranial nerve n a small motor nerve supplying the lateral rectus muscle of the eye abduct%2:35:00:: 201449427 abduct v pull away from the body; "this muscle abducts" abduct%2:35:02:: 201471043 kidnap, nobble, abduct, snatch v take away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to extract a ransom; "The industrialist's son was kidnapped" abducting%3:00:00:: 300002956 abducent, abducting a especially of muscles; drawing away from the midline of the body or from an adjacent part abduction%1:04:00:: 100775460 abduction n the criminal act of capturing and carrying away by force a family member; if a man's wife is abducted it is a crime against the family relationship and against the wife abduction%1:04:01:: 100333037 abduction n (physiology) moving of a body part away from the central axis of the body abductor%1:08:00:: 105291010 abductor, abductor muscle n a muscle that draws a body part away from the median line abductor%1:18:00:: 110230801 kidnapper, kidnaper, abductor, snatcher n someone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom) abductor_muscle%1:08:00:: 105291010 abductor, abductor muscle n a muscle that draws a body part away from the median line abeam%4:02:00:: 400075881 abeam, abeam r at right angles to the length of a ship or airplane abecedarian%1:14:00:: 108093653 Abecedarian n a 16th century sect of Anabaptists centered in Germany who had an absolute disdain for human knowledge abecedarian%1:18:00:: 109755788 abecedarian n a novice learning the rudiments of some subject abecedarian%5:00:00:alphabetic:00 300100881 abecedarian s alphabetically arranged (as for beginning readers) abecedarius%1:10:00:: 106377971 abecedarius n a poem having lines beginning with letters of the alphabet in regular order abed%4:02:00:: 400229216 abed, abed r in bed abel%1:18:00:: 109587217 Abel n (Old Testament) Cain and Abel were the first children of Adam and Eve born after the Fall of Man; Abel was killed by Cain abel%1:18:01:: 110807197 Abel, Niels Abel, Niels Henrik Abel n Norwegian mathematician (1802-1829) abelard%1:18:00:: 110807317 Abelard, Peter Abelard, Pierre Abelard n French philosopher and theologian; lover of Heloise (1079-1142) abele%1:20:00:: 112732009 white poplar, white aspen, abele, aspen poplar, silver-leaved poplar, Populus alba n a poplar that is widely cultivated in the United States; has white bark and leaves with whitish undersurfaces abelia%1:20:00:: 112671651 abelia n any of various deciduous or evergreen ornamental shrubs of the genus Abelia having opposite simple leaves and cymes of small white or pink or purplish flowers; Asia and Mexico abelian_group%1:09:00:: 106017472 Abelian group, commutative group n a group that satisfies the commutative law abel_janszoon_tasman%1:18:00:: 111332068 Tasman, Abel Tasman, Abel Janszoon Tasman n Dutch navigator who was the first European to discover Tasmania and New Zealand (1603-1659) abelmoschus%1:20:00:: 112171750 Abelmoschus, genus Abelmoschus n genus of tropical coarse herbs having large lobed leaves and often yellow flowers abelmoschus_esculentus%1:20:00:: 112171966 okra, gumbo, okra plant, lady's-finger, Abelmoschus esculentus, Hibiscus esculentus n tall coarse annual of Old World tropics widely cultivated in southern United States and West Indies for its long mucilaginous green pods used as basis for soups and stews; sometimes placed in genus Hibiscus abelmoschus_moschatus%1:20:00:: 112172481 abelmosk, musk mallow, Abelmoschus moschatus, Hibiscus moschatus n bushy herb of tropical Asia grown for its yellow or pink to scarlet blooms that resemble the hibiscus abelmosk%1:20:00:: 112172481 abelmosk, musk mallow, Abelmoschus moschatus, Hibiscus moschatus n bushy herb of tropical Asia grown for its yellow or pink to scarlet blooms that resemble the hibiscus abel_tasman%1:18:00:: 111332068 Tasman, Abel Tasman, Abel Janszoon Tasman n Dutch navigator who was the first European to discover Tasmania and New Zealand (1603-1659) abenaki%1:18:00:: 109645871 Abnaki, Abenaki n a member of the Algonquian people of Maine and southern Quebec aberdare%1:15:00:: 108895148 Aberdare n a mining town in southern Wales aberdeen%1:15:00:: 108892186 Aberdeen n a city in northeastern Scotland on the North Sea aberdeen%1:15:01:: 109094093 Aberdeen n a town in northeastern Maryland aberdeen%1:15:02:: 109139380 Aberdeen n a town in northeastern South Dakota aberdeen%1:15:03:: 109153570 Aberdeen n a town in western Washington aberdeen_angus%1:05:00:: 102405929 Aberdeen Angus, Angus, black Angus n black hornless breed from Scotland aberdonian%3:01:00:: 302599114 Aberdonian a of or relating to Aberdeen aberrance%1:26:00:: 114503665 aberrance, aberrancy, aberration, deviance n a state or condition markedly different from the norm aberrancy%1:26:00:: 114503665 aberrance, aberrancy, aberration, deviance n a state or condition markedly different from the norm aberrant%1:18:00:: 109755893 aberrant n one whose behavior departs substantially from the norm of a group aberrant%5:00:00:abnormal:00 301596122 aberrant, deviant, deviate s markedly different from an accepted norm; "aberrant behavior"; "deviant ideas" aberrate%2:42:00:: 202661769 aberrate v diverge or deviate from the straight path; produce aberration; "The surfaces of the concave lens may be proportioned so as to aberrate exactly equal to the convex lens" aberrate%2:42:01:: 202662076 aberrate v diverge from the expected; "The President aberrated from being a perfect gentleman" aberration%1:19:00:: 111420139 aberration, distortion, optical aberration n an optical phenomenon resulting from the failure of a lens or mirror to produce a good image aberration%1:26:00:: 114386590 aberration n a disorder in one's mental state aberration%1:26:01:: 114503665 aberrance, aberrancy, aberration, deviance n a state or condition markedly different from the norm abet%2:41:00:: 202549211 abet v assist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing abetalipoproteinemia%1:26:00:: 114151884 abetalipoproteinemia n a rare inherited disorder of fat metabolism; characterized by severe deficiency of beta-lipoproteins and abnormal red blood cells (acanthocytes) and abnormally low cholesterol levels abetment%1:10:00:: 107251619 abetment, abettal, instigation n the verbal act of urging on abettal%1:10:00:: 107251619 abetment, abettal, instigation n the verbal act of urging on abetter%1:18:00:: 109756049 abettor, abetter n one who helps or encourages or incites another abettor%1:18:00:: 109756049 abettor, abetter n one who helps or encourages or incites another abeyance%1:26:00:: 114010636 abeyance, suspension n temporary cessation or suspension abeyant%5:00:00:inactive:01 300034032 abeyant, dormant s inactive but capable of becoming active; "her feelings of affection are dormant but easily awakened" abfarad%1:23:00:: 113636529 abfarad n a capacitance unit equal to one billion farads abhenry%1:23:00:: 113639147 abhenry n a unit of inductance equal to one billionth of a henry abhor%2:37:00:: 201774426 abhor, loathe, abominate, execrate v find repugnant; "I loathe that man"; "She abhors cats" abhorrence%1:12:00:: 107503430 abhorrence, abomination, detestation, execration, loathing, odium n hate coupled with disgust abhorrent%5:00:00:offensive:01 301625063 abhorrent, detestable, obscene, repugnant, repulsive s offensive to the mind; "an abhorrent deed"; "the obscene massacre at Wounded Knee"; "morally repugnant customs"; "repulsive behavior"; "the most repulsive character in recent novels" abhorrer%1:18:00:: 109756195 abhorrer n a signer of a 1679 address to Charles II in which those who petitioned for the reconvening of parliament were condemned and abhorred abidance%1:04:00:: 101021889 abidance n the act of abiding (enduring without yielding) abidance%1:04:01:: 101053920 residency, residence, abidance n the act of dwelling in a place abidance%1:04:02:: 101203676 conformity, conformation, compliance, abidance n acting according to certain accepted standards; "their financial statements are in conformity with generally accepted accounting practices" abide%2:31:00:: 200668099 digest, endure, stick out, stomach, bear, stand, tolerate, support, brook, abide, suffer, put up v put up with something or somebody unpleasant; "I cannot bear his constant criticism"; "The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks"; "he learned to tolerate the heat"; "She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage" abide%2:42:01:: 202637202 bide, abide, stay v dwell; "You can stay with me while you are in town"; "stay a bit longer--the day is still young" abide_by%2:41:00:: 202542280 comply, follow, abide by v act in accordance with someone's rules, commands, or wishes; "He complied with my instructions"; "You must comply or else!"; "Follow these simple rules"; "abide by the rules" abide_by%2:41:01:: 202457233 respect, honor, honour, abide by, observe v show respect towards; "honor your parents!" abiding%5:00:00:permanent:00 301754873 abiding, enduring, imperishable s unceasing; "an abiding belief"; "imperishable truths" abidjan%1:15:00:: 108736779 Abidjan n city recognized by the United States as the capital of the Ivory Coast; largest city of the Ivory Coast abience%1:16:00:: 109180616 abience n (psychology) an urge to withdraw or avoid a situation or an object abient%3:01:00:: 302599689 abient a characterized by avoidance or withdrawal abies%1:20:00:: 111620560 Abies, genus Abies n true firs abies_alba%1:20:00:: 111621547 European silver fir, Christmas tree, Abies alba n tall timber tree of central and southern Europe having a regular crown and grey bark abies_amabilis%1:20:00:: 111621281 amabilis fir, white fir, Pacific silver fir, red silver fir, Christmas tree, Abies amabilis n medium to tall fir of western North America having a conic crown and branches in tiers; leaves smell of orange when crushed abies_balsamea%1:20:00:: 111621950 balsam fir, balm of Gilead, Canada balsam, Abies balsamea n medium-sized fir of northeastern North America; leaves smell of balsam when crushed; much used for pulpwood and Christmas trees abies_bracteata%1:20:00:: 111622771 Santa Lucia fir, bristlecone fir, Abies bracteata, Abies venusta n a pyramidal fir of southwestern California having spiny pointed leaves and cone scales with long spines abies_concolor%1:20:00:: 111621727 white fir, Colorado fir, California white fir, Abies concolor, Abies lowiana n medium to tall fir of central to western United States having a narrow erect crown and soft wood abies_fraseri%1:20:00:: 111622184 Fraser fir, Abies fraseri n small fast-growing but short-lived fir of southern Alleghenies similar to balsam fir but with very short leaves abies_grandis%1:20:00:: 111622368 lowland fir, lowland white fir, giant fir, grand fir, Abies grandis n lofty fir of the Pacific coast of northwestern America having long curving branches and deep green leaves abies_lasiocarpa%1:20:00:: 111622591 Alpine fir, subalpine fir, Abies lasiocarpa n medium-tall timber tree of the Rocky Mountains having a narrowly conic to columnar crown abies_lowiana%1:20:00:: 111621727 white fir, Colorado fir, California white fir, Abies concolor, Abies lowiana n medium to tall fir of central to western United States having a narrow erect crown and soft wood abies_venusta%1:20:00:: 111622771 Santa Lucia fir, bristlecone fir, Abies bracteata, Abies venusta n a pyramidal fir of southwestern California having spiny pointed leaves and cone scales with long spines abila%1:17:00:: 109321694 Jebel Musa, Abila, Abyla n a promontory in northern Morocco opposite the Rock of Gibraltar; one of the Pillars of Hercules abilene%1:15:00:: 109142674 Abilene n a city in central Texas abilene%1:15:01:: 109088151 Abilene n a town in central Kansas to the west of Topeka; home of Dwight D. Eisenhower ability%1:07:00:: 105200169 ability n the quality of being able to perform; a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishment ability%1:09:00:: 105616246 ability, power n possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done; "danger heightened his powers of discrimination" ab_initio%4:02:00:: 400103194 initially, ab initio, initially, ab initio r at the beginning; "at first he didn't notice anything strange" abiogenesis%1:19:00:: 111420376 abiogenesis, autogenesis, autogeny, spontaneous generation n a hypothetical organic phenomenon by which living organisms are created from nonliving matter abiogenetic%3:01:00:: 302599837 abiogenetic a originating by abiogenesis abiogenist%1:18:00:: 109756400 abiogenist n a believer in abiogenesis abiotrophy%1:11:00:: 107428111 abiotrophy n a loss of vitality and a degeneration of cells and tissues not due to any apparent injury a_bit%4:02:00:: 400033663 a bit, a little, a trifle, a bit, a little, a trifle r to a small degree; somewhat; "it's a bit warm"; "felt a little better"; "a trifle smaller" abject%5:00:00:contemptible:00 300904745 abject, low, low-down, miserable, scummy, scurvy s of the most contemptible kind; "abject cowardice"; "a low stunt to pull"; "a low-down sneak"; "his miserable treatment of his family"; "You miserable skunk!"; "a scummy rabble"; "a scurvy trick" abject%5:00:00:hopeless:00 301229435 abject, unhopeful s showing utter resignation or hopelessness; "abject surrender" abject%5:00:00:submissive:00 300789281 abject s showing humiliation or submissiveness; "an abject apology" abject%5:00:00:unfortunate:00 301049941 abject s most unfortunate or miserable; "the most abject slaves joined in the revolt"; "abject poverty" abjection%1:26:01:: 114440623 abasement, degradation, abjection n a low or downcast state; "each confession brought her into an attitude of abasement"- H.L.Menchken abjectly%4:02:00:: 400264339 abjectly, resignedly, abjectly, resignedly r in a hopeless resigned manner; "she shrugged her shoulders abjectly" abjuration%1:10:00:: 107206096 retraction, abjuration, recantation n a disavowal or taking back of a previous assertion abjure%2:32:00:: 200798717 abjure, recant, forswear, retract, resile v formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure; "He retracted his earlier statements about his religion"; "She abjured her beliefs" abjurer%1:18:00:: 109754541 abjurer n a person who abjures abkhas%1:14:00:: 108487953 Abkhaz, Abkhas n Circassian people living east of the Black Sea abkhas%1:18:00:: 109639543 Abkhaz, Abkhazian, Abkhas, Abkhasian n a member of the Circassian people who live to the east of the Black Sea abkhasian%1:10:00:: 106978656 Abkhazian, Abkhasian n a Circassian language spoken by the Abkhaz abkhasian%1:18:00:: 109639543 Abkhaz, Abkhazian, Abkhas, Abkhasian n a member of the Circassian people who live to the east of the Black Sea abkhaz%1:14:00:: 108487953 Abkhaz, Abkhas n Circassian people living east of the Black Sea abkhaz%1:15:00:: 109019355 Abkhaz, Abkhazia n an autonomous province of Georgia on the Black Sea; a strong independence movement has resulted in much instability abkhaz%1:18:00:: 109639543 Abkhaz, Abkhazian, Abkhas, Abkhasian n a member of the Circassian people who live to the east of the Black Sea abkhaz%3:01:00:: 302599269 Abkhaz, Abkhazian a of or relating to Abkazia or its people or their language abkhazia%1:15:00:: 109019355 Abkhaz, Abkhazia n an autonomous province of Georgia on the Black Sea; a strong independence movement has resulted in much instability abkhazian%1:10:00:: 106978656 Abkhazian, Abkhasian n a Circassian language spoken by the Abkhaz abkhazian%1:18:00:: 109639543 Abkhaz, Abkhazian, Abkhas, Abkhasian n a member of the Circassian people who live to the east of the Black Sea abkhazian%3:01:00:: 302599269 Abkhaz, Abkhazian a of or relating to Abkazia or its people or their language ablactate%2:34:00:: 201186958 wean, ablactate v gradually deprive (infants and young mammals) of mother's milk; "she weaned her baby when he was 3 months old and started him on powdered milk"; "The kitten was weaned and fed by its owner with a bottle" ablactation%1:04:00:: 100198270 weaning, ablactation n the act of substituting other food for the mother's milk in the diet of a child or young mammal ablactation%1:22:00:: 113423405 ablactation n the cessation of lactation ablate%2:30:00:: 200275466 ablate v wear away through erosion or vaporization ablate%2:30:10:: 200177578 ablate v remove an organ or bodily structure ablated%5:00:00:decreased:00 300882018 ablated s made smaller or less by melting or erosion or vaporization; "the rocket's ablated head shield" ablation%1:04:00:: 100393369 ablation, extirpation, cutting out, excision n surgical removal of a body part or tissue ablation%1:22:00:: 113423489 ablation n the erosive process that reduces the size of glaciers ablative%1:10:00:: 106312418 ablative, ablative case n the case indicating the agent in passive sentences or the instrument or manner or place of the action described by the verb ablative%3:01:00:: 303041636 ablative a relating to the ablative case ablative%5:00:00:subtractive:00 300050260 ablative s tending to ablate; i.e. to be removed or vaporized at very high temperature; "ablative material on a rocket cone" ablative_absolute%1:10:00:: 106312612 ablative absolute n a constituent in Latin grammar; a noun and its modifier can function as a sentence modifier ablative_case%1:10:00:: 106312418 ablative, ablative case n the case indicating the agent in passive sentences or the instrument or manner or place of the action described by the verb ablaut%1:10:00:: 107112103 ablaut n a vowel whose quality or length is changed to indicate linguistic distinctions (such as sing sang sung song) ablaze%5:00:00:colorful:00 300402731 ablaze s resembling flame in brilliance or color; "maple trees ablaze in autumn" ablaze%5:00:00:light:06 300270496 ablaze, inflamed, reddened s lighted with red light as if with flames; "streets ablaze with lighted Christmas trees"; "the inflamed clouds at sunset"; "reddened faces around the campfire" ablaze%5:00:00:lighted:00 300475308 ablaze, afire, aflame, aflare, alight, on fire s lighted up by or as by fire or flame; "forests set ablaze (or afire) by lightning"; "even the car's tires were aflame"; "a night aflare with fireworks"; "candles alight on the tables"; "houses on fire" ablaze%5:00:00:passionate:00 301726021 ablaze, aflame, aroused s keenly excited (especially sexually) or indicating excitement; "his face all ablaze with excitement"- Bram Stoker; "he was aflame with desire" able%3:00:00:: 300001740 able a (usually followed by `to') having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something; "able to swim"; "she was able to program her computer"; "we were at last able to buy a car"; "able to get a grant for the project" able%5:00:00:capable:00 300306663 able s having inherent physical or mental ability or capacity; "able to learn"; "human beings are able to walk on two feet"; "Superman is able to leap tall buildings" able%5:00:00:competent:00 300510348 able, capable s have the skills and qualifications to do things well; "able teachers"; "a capable administrator"; "children as young as 14 can be extremely capable and dependable" able%5:00:00:fit:01 301017439 able, able-bodied s having a strong healthy body; "an able seaman"; "every able-bodied young man served in the army" able-bodied%5:00:00:fit:01 301017439 able, able-bodied s having a strong healthy body; "an able seaman"; "every able-bodied young man served in the army" able-bodiedism%1:04:00:: 101154237 ableism, ablism, able-bodiedism, able-bodism n discrimination in favor of the able-bodied able-bodied_seaman%1:18:00:: 109756500 able seaman, able-bodied seaman n a seaman in the merchant marine; trained in special skills able-bodism%1:04:00:: 101154237 ableism, ablism, able-bodiedism, able-bodism n discrimination in favor of the able-bodied ableism%1:04:00:: 101154237 ableism, ablism, able-bodiedism, able-bodism n discrimination in favor of the able-bodied ablepharia%1:26:00:: 114152169 ablepharia n a congenital absence of eyelids (partial or complete) able_seaman%1:18:00:: 109756500 able seaman, able-bodied seaman n a seaman in the merchant marine; trained in special skills ablism%1:04:00:: 101154237 ableism, ablism, able-bodiedism, able-bodism n discrimination in favor of the able-bodied abloom%5:00:00:mature:01 301488856 abloom, efflorescent s bursting into flower; "flowering spring trees" abls%1:10:00:: 106698775 Bachelor of Arts in Library Science, ABLS n a bachelor's degree in library science ablution%1:04:00:: 100255450 ablution n the ritual washing of a priest's hands or of sacred vessels ablutionary%5:00:00:purifying:00 302117866 ablutionary, cleansing s cleansing the body by washing; especially ritual washing of e.g. hands; "ablutionary rituals" ably%4:02:00:: 400185172 competently, aptly, ably, capably, competently, aptly, ably, capably r with competence; in a competent capable manner; "they worked competently" abm%1:06:00:: 102716626 antiballistic missile, ABM n a defensive missile designed to shoot down incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles; "the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks placed limits on the deployment of ABMs" abnaki%1:10:00:: 106908048 Abnaki n the Algonquian language spoken by the Abnaki and Penobscot abnaki%1:18:00:: 109645871 Abnaki, Abenaki n a member of the Algonquian people of Maine and southern Quebec abnaki%3:01:00:: 302599409 Abnaki a of or relating to the Abnakis or their language abnegate%2:32:00:: 200758042 abnegate v deny or renounce; "They abnegated their gods" abnegate%2:33:00:: 201116275 abnegate v surrender (power or a position); "The King abnegated his power to the ministers" abnegate%2:40:00:: 202213074 deny, abnegate v deny oneself (something); restrain, especially from indulging in some pleasure; "She denied herself wine and spirits" abnegation%1:04:00:: 100205649 abnegation, self-abnegation, denial, self-denial, self-renunciation n renunciation of your own interests in favor of the interests of others abnegation%1:10:00:: 107204665 abnegation n the denial and rejection of a doctrine or belief; "abnegation of the Holy Trinity" abnegator%1:18:00:: 109754633 abnegator n one who gives up or relinquishes or renounces something abney_level%1:06:00:: 102667693 Abney level n a surveying instrument consisting of a spirit level and a sighting tube; used to measure the angle of inclination of a line from the observer to the target abnormal%3:00:00:: 301595596 abnormal, unnatural a not normal; not typical or usual or regular or conforming to a norm; "abnormal powers of concentration"; "abnormal amounts of rain"; "abnormal circumstances"; "an abnormal interest in food" abnormal%3:00:03:: 301598592 abnormal a departing from the normal in e.g. intelligence and development; "they were heartbroken when they learned their child was abnormal"; "an abnormal personality" abnormal%5:00:00:immoderate:00 301533535 abnormal s much greater than the normal; "abnormal profits"; "abnormal ambition" abnormalcy%1:26:00:: 114501726 abnormality, abnormalcy n an abnormal physical condition resulting from defective genes or developmental deficiencies abnormality%1:04:00:: 100737188 abnormality, irregularity n behavior that breaches the rule or etiquette or custom or morality abnormality%1:07:00:: 104798185 abnormality, freakishness n marked strangeness as a consequence of being abnormal abnormality%1:09:01:: 105646535 abnormality, mental defectiveness n retardation sufficient to fall outside the normal range of intelligence abnormality%1:26:00:: 114501726 abnormality, abnormalcy n an abnormal physical condition resulting from defective genes or developmental deficiencies abnormally%4:02:00:: 400227171 abnormally, abnormally r in an abnormal manner; "they were behaving abnormally"; "his blood pressure was abnormally low" abnormal_psychology%1:09:00:: 106137759 abnormal psychology, psychopathology n the branch of psychology concerned with abnormal behavior abo%1:18:00:: 109676490 Aborigine, Abo, Aboriginal, native Australian, Australian Aborigine n a dark-skinned member of a race of people living in Australia when Europeans arrived abo_antibodies%1:27:00:: 115027888 ABO antibodies n blood type antibodies aboard%4:02:00:: 400249736 aboard, on base, aboard, on base r on first or second or third base; "Their second homer with Bob Allison aboard" aboard%4:02:01:: 400249878 aboard, on board, aboard, on board r on a ship, train, plane or other vehicle aboard%4:02:02:: 400249964 aboard, aboard r part of a group; "Bill's been aboard for three years now" aboard%4:02:04:: 400250056 aboard, alongside, aboard, alongside r side by side; "anchored close aboard another ship" abo_blood_group_system%1:09:00:: 105733361 ABO blood group system, ABO system, ABO group n a classification system for the antigens of human blood; used in blood transfusion therapy; four groups are A and B and AB and O abocclusion%1:26:00:: 114053965 abocclusion n the condition in which the upper teeth do not touch the lower teeth when biting abode%1:06:00:: 103259505 dwelling, home, domicile, abode, habitation, dwelling house n housing that someone is living in; "he built a modest dwelling near the pond"; "they raise money to provide homes for the homeless" abode%1:15:00:: 108558963 residence, abode n any address at which you dwell more than temporarily; "a person can have several residences" abo_group%1:09:00:: 105733361 ABO blood group system, ABO system, ABO group n a classification system for the antigens of human blood; used in blood transfusion therapy; four groups are A and B and AB and O abohm%1:23:00:: 113646694 abohm n a unit of resistance equal to a billionth of an ohm abolish%2:41:00:: 202427334 abolish, get rid of v do away with; "Slavery was abolished in the mid-19th century in America and in Russia" abolishable%5:00:00:destructible:00 300738182 abolishable s capable of being abolished abolishment%1:04:00:: 100228283 abolition, abolishment n the act of abolishing a system or practice or institution (especially abolishing slavery); "the abolition of capital punishment" abolition%1:04:00:: 100228283 abolition, abolishment n the act of abolishing a system or practice or institution (especially abolishing slavery); "the abolition of capital punishment" abolitionary%3:01:00:: 303138752 abolitionary a relating to or favoring abolition, especially abolition of slavery abolitionism%1:09:00:: 105958208 abolitionism n the doctrine that calls for the abolition of slavery abolitionist%1:18:00:: 109756637 abolitionist, emancipationist n a reformer who favors abolishing slavery abomasal%3:01:00:: 303138895 abomasal a relating to the abomasum (the fourth compartment of the stomach of ruminants) abomasum%1:05:00:: 102399942 abomasum, fourth stomach n the fourth compartment of the stomach of a ruminant; the one where digestion takes place a-bomb%1:06:00:: 102753044 atom bomb, atomic bomb, A-bomb, fission bomb, plutonium bomb n a nuclear weapon in which enormous energy is released by nuclear fission (splitting the nuclei of a heavy element like uranium 235 or plutonium 239) abominable%5:00:00:bad:00 301126291 atrocious, abominable, awful, dreadful, painful, terrible, unspeakable s exceptionally bad or displeasing; "atrocious taste"; "abominable workmanship"; "an awful voice"; "dreadful manners"; "a painful performance"; "terrible handwriting"; "an unspeakable odor came sweeping into the room" abominable%5:00:00:hateful:00 301460679 abominable, detestable, execrable, odious s unequivocally detestable; "abominable treatment of prisoners"; "detestable vices"; "execrable crimes"; "consequences odious to those you govern"- Edmund Burke abominable_snowman%1:18:00:: 109487252 abominable snowman, yeti n a large hairy humanoid creature said to live in the Himalayas abominably%4:02:00:: 400055101 terribly, atrociously, awfully, abominably, abysmally, rottenly, terribly, atrociously, awfully, abominably, abysmally, rottenly r in a terrible manner; "she sings terribly" abominably%4:02:01:: 400309632 detestably, repulsively, abominably, odiously, detestably, repulsively, abominably, odiously r in an offensive and hateful manner; "I don't know anyone who could have behaved so abominably" abominate%2:37:00:: 201774426 abhor, loathe, abominate, execrate v find repugnant; "I loathe that man"; "She abhors cats" abomination%1:04:00:: 100745431 abomination n an action that is vicious or vile; an action that arouses disgust or abhorrence; "his treatment of the children is an abomination" abomination%1:12:00:: 107503430 abhorrence, abomination, detestation, execration, loathing, odium n hate coupled with disgust abomination%1:18:00:: 109756961 abomination n a person who is loathsome or disgusting abominator%1:18:00:: 109754780 abominator, loather n one who hates or loathes abor%1:10:00:: 106933824 Miri, Mirish, Abor, Dafla n little known Kamarupan languages aborad%4:02:00:: 400172875 aborad, aborad r away from the mouth or oral region aboral%3:00:00:: 301665674 aboral a opposite to or away from the mouth; "the aboral surface of a starfish" aboriginal%1:18:00:: 109676490 Aborigine, Abo, Aboriginal, native Australian, Australian Aborigine n a dark-skinned member of a race of people living in Australia when Europeans arrived aboriginal%1:18:01:: 109620794 native, indigen, indigene, aborigine, aboriginal n an indigenous person who was born in a particular place; "the art of the natives of the northwest coast"; "the Canadian government scrapped plans to tax the grants to aboriginal college students" aboriginal%3:00:00:: 301037148 native, aboriginal a characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning; "native Americans"; "the aboriginal peoples of Australia" aboriginal%3:01:00:: 302599509 Aboriginal a of or pertaining to members of the indigenous people of Australia; "an Aboriginal rite" aboriginal%5:00:00:early:00 300813589 aboriginal, primal, primeval, primaeval, primordial s having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state; "aboriginal forests"; "primal eras before the appearance of life on earth"; "the forest primeval"; "primordial matter"; "primordial forms of life" aboriginal_australian%1:10:00:: 106940290 Australian, Aboriginal Australian n the Austronesian languages spoken by Australian aborigines aborigine%1:18:00:: 109620794 native, indigen, indigene, aborigine, aboriginal n an indigenous person who was born in a particular place; "the art of the natives of the northwest coast"; "the Canadian government scrapped plans to tax the grants to aboriginal college students" aborigine%1:18:01:: 109676490 Aborigine, Abo, Aboriginal, native Australian, Australian Aborigine n a dark-skinned member of a race of people living in Australia when Europeans arrived abort%1:04:00:: 100034939 abort n the act of terminating a project or procedure before it is completed; "I wasted a year of my life working on an abort"; "he sent a short message requesting an abort due to extreme winds in the area" abort%2:29:00:: 200059899 abort v terminate a pregnancy by undergoing an abortion abort%2:29:01:: 200060063 abort v cease development, die, and be aborted; "an aborting fetus" abort%2:30:00:: 200353839 abort v terminate before completion; "abort the mission"; "abort the process running on my computer" aborticide%1:04:00:: 100231315 aborticide, feticide n the act of destroying a fetus aborticide%1:06:00:: 102667906 abortifacient, aborticide, abortion-inducing drug n a drug (or other chemical agent) that causes abortion abortifacient%1:06:00:: 102667906 abortifacient, aborticide, abortion-inducing drug n a drug (or other chemical agent) that causes abortion abortifacient%5:00:00:causative:00 300322844 abortifacient s causing abortion abortion%1:04:00:: 100230324 abortion n termination of pregnancy abortion%1:11:00:: 107319652 miscarriage, abortion n failure of a plan abortion-inducing_drug%1:06:00:: 102667906 abortifacient, aborticide, abortion-inducing drug n a drug (or other chemical agent) that causes abortion abortionist%1:18:00:: 109757175 abortionist n a person (who should be a doctor) who terminates pregnancies abortion_pill%1:06:00:: 102668093 abortion pill, mifepristone, RU 486 n an abortion-inducing drug (trade name RU_486) developed in France; when taken during the first five weeks of pregnancy it blocks the action of progesterone so that the uterus sloughs off the embryo abortive%5:00:00:unfruitful:00 301082714 abortive, stillborn, unsuccessful s failing to accomplish an intended result; "an abortive revolt"; "a stillborn plot to assassinate the President" abortively%4:02:00:: 400264475 abortively, abortively r in an unfruitful manner abortus%1:05:00:: 101460303 abortus n a human fetus whose weight is less than 0.5 kilogram when removed or expelled from the mother's body abo_system%1:09:00:: 105733361 ABO blood group system, ABO system, ABO group n a classification system for the antigens of human blood; used in blood transfusion therapy; four groups are A and B and AB and O aboulia%1:26:00:: 114026166 abulia, aboulia n a loss of will power aboulic%5:00:00:neurotic:00 301583486 abulic, aboulic s suffering from abulia; showing abnormal inability to act or make decisions abound%2:42:00:: 202715279 abound v be abundant or plentiful; exist in large quantities abound%2:42:01:: 202715595 abound, burst, bristle v be in a state of movement or action; "The room abounded with screaming children"; "The garden bristled with toddlers" abound_in%2:42:00:: 202715923 abound in, teem in, pullulate with v exist in large quantity abounding%5:00:00:abundant:00 300014358 abounding, galore s existing in abundance; "abounding confidence"; "whiskey galore" about%4:02:00:: 400007015 approximately, about, close to, just about, some, roughly, more or less, around, or so, approximately, about, close to, just about, some, roughly, more or less, around, or so r (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct; "lasted approximately an hour"; "in just about a minute"; "he's about 30 years old"; "I've had about all I can stand"; "we meet about once a month"; "some forty people came"; "weighs around a hundred pounds"; "roughly $3,000"; "holds 3 gallons, more or less"; "20 or so people were at the party" about%4:02:01:: 400071165 about, around, about, around r in the area or vicinity; "a few spectators standing about"; "hanging around"; "waited around for the next flight" about%4:02:02:: 400072201 about, around, about, around r in or to a reversed position or direction; "about face"; "suddenly she turned around" about%4:02:03:: 400358114 about, about r in rotation or succession; "turn about is fair play" about%4:02:04:: 400072329 about, around, about, around r used of movement to or among many different places or in no particular direction; "wandering about with no place to go"; "people were rushing about"; "news gets around (or about)"; "traveled around in Asia"; "he needs advice from someone who's been around"; "she sleeps around" about%4:02:05:: 400073033 about, almost, most, nearly, near, nigh, virtually, well-nigh, about, almost, most, nearly, near, nigh, virtually, well-nigh r (of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished; all but; "the job is (just) about done"; "the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded"; "we're almost finished"; "the car all but ran her down"; "he nearly fainted"; "talked for nigh onto 2 hours"; "the recording is well-nigh perfect"; "virtually all the parties signed the contract"; "I was near exhausted by the run"; "most everyone agrees" about%4:02:06:: 400071840 about, around, about, around r all around or on all sides; "dirty clothes lying around (or about)"; "let's look about for help"; "There were trees growing all around"; "she looked around her" about%5:00:00:active:01 300032358 about, astir s on the move; "up and about"; "the whole town was astir over the incident" about-face%1:04:01:: 100163406 about-face, volte-face, reversal, policy change n a major change in attitude or principle or point of view; "an about-face on foreign policy" about-face%1:04:02:: 100346936 about-face, about turn n act of pivoting 180 degrees, especially in a military formation about-face%2:31:00:: 200689068 about-face v change one's mind and assume the opposite viewpoint about-face%2:38:00:: 201909042 about-face v turn, usually 180 degrees about_turn%1:04:00:: 100346936 about-face, about turn n act of pivoting 180 degrees, especially in a military formation above%1:10:00:: 106392660 above n an earlier section of a written text; "for instructions refer to the above" above%4:02:00:: 400079947 above, supra, above, supra r at an earlier place; "see above" above%4:02:01:: 400080169 above, higher up, in a higher place, to a higher place, above, higher up, in a higher place, to a higher place r in or to a place that is higher above%5:00:00:preceding:00 300125993 above s appearing earlier in the same text; "flaws in the above interpretation" above_all%4:02:00:: 400150671 above all, most importantly, most especially, above all, most importantly, most especially r above and beyond all other consideration; "above all, you must be independent" above_all%4:02:01:: 400158190 first and last, above all, first and last, above all r taking everything together; "she was first and last a scientist" aboveboard%4:02:00:: 400314384 honestly, aboveboard, honestly, aboveboard r in an honest manner; "in he can't get it honestly, he is willing to steal it"; "was known for dealing aboveboard in everything" aboveboard%5:00:00:straight:04 302318728 aboveboard, straightforward s without concealment or deception; honest; "their business was open and aboveboard"; "straightforward in all his business affairs" aboveground%5:00:00:surface:00 302471264 aboveground s on or above the surface of the ground; "aboveground nuclear testing"; "surface instruments for detecting oil deposits"; "surface transportation" above-mentioned%5:00:00:preceding:00 300126116 above-mentioned, above-named s mentioned or named earlier in the same text above-named%5:00:00:preceding:00 300126116 above-mentioned, above-named s mentioned or named earlier in the same text abracadabra%1:10:00:: 106610063 abracadabra n gibberish and nonsense abrachia%1:26:00:: 114466258 abrachia n the condition of having no arms abradant%1:06:00:: 102668393 abrader, abradant n a tool or machine used for wearing down or smoothing or polishing abradant%1:27:00:: 114799244 abrasive, abradant, abrasive material n a substance that abrades or wears down abrade%2:35:00:: 201254013 abrade, corrade, abrase, rub down, rub off v wear away abrade%2:35:01:: 201251651 scour, abrade v rub hard or scrub; "scour the counter tops" abrader%1:06:00:: 102668393 abrader, abradant n a tool or machine used for wearing down or smoothing or polishing abrading_stone%1:06:00:: 102668613 abrading stone n a primitive stone artifact (usually made of sandstone) used as an abrader abraham%1:18:00:: 110807487 Abraham, Ibrahim n the first of the Old Testament patriarchs and the father of Isaac; according to Genesis, God promised to give Abraham's family (the Hebrews) the land of Canaan (the Promised Land); God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son; "Judaism, Christianity, and Islam each has a special claim on Abraham" abraham_lincoln%1:18:00:: 111132462 Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, President Lincoln, President Abraham Lincoln n 16th President of the United States; saved the Union during the American Civil War and emancipated the slaves; was assassinated by Booth (1809-1865) abraham's_bosom%1:09:00:: 105628031 Abraham's bosom, bosom of Abraham n the place where the just enjoy the peace of heaven after death abraham_stoker%1:18:00:: 111318824 Stoker, Bram Stoker, Abraham Stoker n Irish writer of the horror novel about Dracula (1847-1912) abramis%1:05:00:: 101440344 Abramis, genus Abramis n European fishes abramis_brama%1:05:00:: 101440467 European bream, Abramis brama n European freshwater fish having a flattened body and silvery scales; of little value as food abranchial%3:00:00:: 301107094 abranchiate, abranchial, abranchious, gill-less a having no gills abranchiate%3:00:00:: 301107094 abranchiate, abranchial, abranchious, gill-less a having no gills abranchious%3:00:00:: 301107094 abranchiate, abranchial, abranchious, gill-less a having no gills abrase%2:35:00:: 201254013 abrade, corrade, abrase, rub down, rub off v wear away abrasion%1:19:00:: 111460063 grinding, abrasion, attrition, detrition n the wearing down of rock particles by friction due to water or wind or ice abrasion%1:22:00:: 113423615 abrasion, attrition, corrasion, detrition n erosion by friction abrasion%1:26:00:: 114286549 abrasion, scratch, scrape, excoriation n an abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off abrasive%1:27:00:: 114799244 abrasive, abradant, abrasive material n a substance that abrades or wears down abrasive%5:00:00:disagreeable:00 300090219 harsh, abrasive s sharply disagreeable; rigorous; "the harsh facts of court delays"; "an abrasive character" abrasive%5:00:00:rough:00 302239289 abrasive, scratchy s causing abrasion abrasive_material%1:27:00:: 114799244 abrasive, abradant, abrasive material n a substance that abrades or wears down abrasiveness%1:07:00:: 104949066 harshness, abrasiveness, scratchiness n the roughness of a substance that causes abrasions abrasiveness%1:07:01:: 104780114 abrasiveness n the quality of being sharply disagreeable abreact%2:37:00:: 201815471 abreact v discharge bad feelings or tension through verbalization abreaction%1:04:00:: 100253395 catharsis, katharsis, abreaction n (psychoanalysis) purging of emotional tensions abreast%4:02:00:: 400250484 abreast, abreast r alongside each other, facing in the same direction abreast%5:00:00:informed:00 301306645 abreast, au courant, au fait, up on s being up to particular standard or level especially in being up to date in knowledge; "kept abreast of the latest developments"; "constant revision keeps the book au courant"; "always au fait on the latest events"; "up on the news" abridge%2:30:00:: 200243900 abridge, foreshorten, abbreviate, shorten, cut, contract, reduce v reduce in scope while retaining essential elements; "The manuscript must be shortened" abridge%2:30:01:: 200236843 abridge v lessen, diminish, or curtail; "the new law might abridge our freedom of expression" abridged%3:00:00:: 300004413 abridged a (used of texts) shortened by condensing or rewriting; "an abridged version" abridgement%1:10:00:: 106468123 condensation, abridgement, abridgment, capsule n a shortened version of a written work abridger%1:18:00:: 109754907 abridger, abbreviator n one who shortens or abridges or condenses a written work abridgment%1:10:00:: 106468123 condensation, abridgement, abridgment, capsule n a shortened version of a written work abroach%5:00:00:tapped:00 301659762 abroach, broached s of a cask or barrel; "the cask was set abroach" abroad%4:02:00:: 400104003 abroad, abroad r to or in a foreign country; "they had never travelled abroad" abroad%4:02:01:: 400181676 overseas, abroad, overseas, abroad r in a place across an ocean abroad%4:02:02:: 400263180 afield, abroad, afield, abroad r far away from home or one's usual surroundings; "looking afield for new lands to conquer"- R.A.Hall abroad%5:00:00:foreign:02 301037763 abroad, overseas s in a foreign country; "markets abroad"; "overseas markets" abrocoma%1:05:00:: 102368280 Abrocoma, genus Abrocoma n abrocomes abrocome%1:05:00:: 102368399 abrocome, chinchilla rat, rat chinchilla n ratlike rodent with soft fur and large ears of the Andes abrogate%2:41:00:: 202478584 abrogate v revoke formally abrogation%1:04:00:: 100231887 abrogation, repeal, annulment n the act of abrogating; an official or legal cancellation abrogator%1:18:00:: 109757311 abrogator n an authority or official empowered to abolish or annul or repeal abronia%1:20:00:: 111836556 Abronia, genus Abronia n genus of western North American herbs having showy flowers abronia_elliptica%1:20:00:: 111837020 snowball, sweet sand verbena, Abronia elliptica n plant having heads of fragrant white trumpet-shaped flowers; grows in sandy arid regions abronia_fragrans%1:20:00:: 111837204 sweet sand verbena, Abronia fragrans n taller than Abronia elliptica and having night-blooming flowers abronia_latifolia%1:20:00:: 111837351 yellow sand verbena, Abronia latifolia n plant having hemispherical heads of yellow trumpet-shaped flowers; found in coastal dunes from California to British Columbia abronia_maritima%1:20:00:: 111837562 beach pancake, Abronia maritima n plant having hemispherical heads of wine-red flowers; found in coastal dunes from California to Mexico abronia_umbellata%1:20:00:: 111837743 beach sand verbena, pink sand verbena, Abronia umbellata n prostrate herb having heads of deep pink to white flowers; found in coastal dunes from British Columbia to Baja California abronia_villosa%1:20:00:: 111837970 desert sand verbena, Abronia villosa n soft-haired sticky plant with heads of bright pink trumpet-shaped flowers; found in sandy desert soil; after ample rains may carpet miles of desert with pink from the southwestern United States to northern Mexico abrupt%5:00:00:discourteous:00 300640520 abrupt s surprisingly and unceremoniously brusque in manner; "an abrupt reply" abrupt%5:00:00:staccato:00 302294122 abrupt, disconnected s marked by sudden changes in subject and sharp transitions; "abrupt prose" abrupt%5:00:00:steep:00 301145151 abrupt, precipitous, sharp s extremely steep; "an abrupt canyon"; "the precipitous rapids of the upper river"; "the precipitous hills of Chinese paintings"; "a sharp drop" abrupt%5:00:00:sudden:00 301143585 abrupt s exceedingly sudden and unexpected; "came to an abrupt stop"; "an abrupt change in the weather" abruption%1:04:00:: 101068528 breaking off, abruption n an instance of sudden interruption abruptio_placentae%1:26:00:: 114054102 abruptio placentae n a disorder of pregnancy in which the placenta prematurely separates from the wall of the uterus abruptly%4:02:00:: 400061528 abruptly, suddenly, short, dead, abruptly, suddenly, short, dead r quickly and without warning; "he stopped suddenly" abruptly-pinnate%5:00:00:compound:00 302172617 even-pinnate, abruptly-pinnate, paripinnate s (of a leaf shape) pinnate with a pair of leaflets at the apex abruptly-pinnate_leaf%1:20:00:: 113160116 even-pinnate leaf, abruptly-pinnate leaf n a pinnate leaf with a pair of leaflets at the apex abruptness%1:07:00:: 105060476 abruptness, precipitateness, precipitousness, precipitance, precipitancy, suddenness n the quality of happening with headlong haste or without warning abruptness%1:07:01:: 105069624 abruptness, precipitousness, steepness n the property possessed by a slope that is very steep abruptness%1:07:02:: 104915462 abruptness, brusqueness, curtness, gruffness, shortness n an abrupt discourteous manner abruzzi%1:15:00:: 108804154 Abruzzi, Abruzzi e Molise n a mountainous region of central Italy on the Adriatic abruzzi_e_molise%1:15:00:: 108804154 Abruzzi, Abruzzi e Molise n a mountainous region of central Italy on the Adriatic abs%1:27:00:: 114592028 acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, ABS n any of a class of composite plastics used to make car bodies and cases for computers and other appliances abscess%1:26:00:: 114312172 abscess n symptom consisting of a localized collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue abscessed%5:00:00:septic:00 302114190 abscessed s infected and filled with pus; "an abscessed tooth" abscessed_tooth%1:26:00:: 114312363 abscessed tooth n an abscess of a common kind in the tissue around a tooth abscise%2:35:00:: 201255222 abscise v remove or separate by abscission abscise%2:35:01:: 201255355 abscise v shed flowers and leaves and fruit following formation of a scar tissue abscissa%1:09:00:: 106011589 abscissa n the value of a coordinate on the horizontal axis abscission%1:04:00:: 100392709 abscission, cutting off n the act of cutting something off abscission%1:22:00:: 113423779 abscission n shedding of flowers and leaves and fruit following formation of scar tissue in a plant abscond%2:38:00:: 202073714 abscond, bolt, absquatulate, decamp, run off, go off, make off v run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along; "The thief made off with our silver"; "the accountant absconded with the cash from the safe" absconder%1:18:00:: 109755241 absconder n a fugitive who runs away and hides to avoid arrest or prosecution abscondment%1:04:00:: 100055633 abscondment, decampment n the act of running away secretly (as to avoid arrest) abseil%1:04:00:: 100326809 rappel, abseil n (mountaineering) a descent of a vertical cliff or wall made by using a doubled rope that is fixed to a higher point and wrapped around the body abseil%2:38:00:: 201923058 rappel, abseil, rope down v lower oneself with a rope coiled around the body from a mountainside; "The ascent was easy--roping down the mountain would be much more difficult and dangerous"; "You have to learn how to abseil when you want to do technical climbing" abseiler%1:18:00:: 109757449 abseiler, rappeller n a person who descends down a nearly vertical face by using a doubled rope that is wrapped around the body and attached to some high point absence%1:04:00:: 101234345 absence n failure to be present absence%1:26:00:: 113960974 absence n the state of being absent; "he was surprised by the absence of any explanation" absence%1:26:01:: 114088412 absence, absence seizure n the occurrence of an abrupt, transient loss or impairment of consciousness (which is not subsequently remembered), sometimes with light twitching, fluttering eyelids, etc.; common in petit mal epilepsy absence%1:28:00:: 115270862 absence n the time interval during which something or somebody is away; "he visited during my absence" absence_seizure%1:26:00:: 114088412 absence, absence seizure n the occurrence of an abrupt, transient loss or impairment of consciousness (which is not subsequently remembered), sometimes with light twitching, fluttering eyelids, etc.; common in petit mal epilepsy absence_without_leave%1:04:00:: 100055793 absence without leave, unauthorized absence n unauthorized military absence absent%2:30:00:: 200421535 absent, remove v go away or leave; "He absented himself" absent%3:00:00:: 301847672 absent a not being in a specified place absent%5:00:00:inattentive:00 300165171 absent, absentminded, abstracted, scatty s lost in thought; showing preoccupation; "an absent stare"; "an absentminded professor"; "the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence" absent%5:00:00:nonexistent:00 300927832 lacking, absent, missing, wanting s nonexistent; "the thumb is absent"; "her appetite was lacking" absentee%1:18:00:: 109757653 absentee n one that is absent or not in residence absentee_ballot%1:10:00:: 106476573 absentee ballot n (election) a ballot that is cast while absent (usually mailed in prior to election day) absenteeism%1:04:00:: 101234528 absenteeism n habitual absence from work absentee_rate%1:24:00:: 113817761 absentee rate n the percentage of workers who do not report to work absently%4:02:00:: 400066190 absently, abstractedly, inattentively, absentmindedly, absently, abstractedly, inattentively, absentmindedly r in an absentminded or preoccupied manner; "he read the letter absently" absentminded%5:00:00:inattentive:00 300165171 absent, absentminded, abstracted, scatty s lost in thought; showing preoccupation; "an absent stare"; "an absentminded professor"; "the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence" absentmindedly%4:02:00:: 400066190 absently, abstractedly, inattentively, absentmindedly, absently, abstractedly, inattentively, absentmindedly r in an absentminded or preoccupied manner; "he read the letter absently" absentmindedness%1:09:00:: 105701209 absentmindedness n preoccupation so great that the ordinary demands on attention are ignored absinth%1:13:00:: 107908411 absinth, absinthe n strong green liqueur flavored with wormwood and anise absinthe%1:13:00:: 107908411 absinth, absinthe n strong green liqueur flavored with wormwood and anise absinthe%1:20:00:: 111929477 common wormwood, absinthe, old man, lad's love, Artemisia absinthium n aromatic herb of temperate Eurasia and North Africa having a bitter taste used in making the liqueur absinthe absinthe_oil%1:27:00:: 114893881 wormwood oil, absinthe oil n a dark bitter oil obtained from wormwood leaves; flavors absinthe liqueurs absolute%1:09:00:: 105854474 absolute n something that is conceived or that exists independently and not in relation to other things; something that does not depend on anything else and is beyond human control; something that is not relative; "no mortal being can influence the absolute" absolute%3:00:00:: 300005205 absolute a perfect or complete or pure; "absolute loyalty"; "absolute silence"; "absolute truth"; "absolute alcohol" absolute%5:00:00:arbitrary:00 300719328 absolute s not limited by law; "an absolute monarch" absolute%5:00:00:inalienable:00 300094069 absolute, infrangible, inviolable s not capable of being violated or infringed; "infrangible human rights" absolute%5:00:00:unequivocal:00 300897015 absolute s expressing finality with no implication of possible change; "an absolute guarantee to respect the nation's authority" absolute%5:00:01:complete:00 300520892 absolute, downright, out-and-out, rank, right-down, sheer s complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers; "absolute freedom"; "an absolute dimwit"; "a downright lie"; "out-and-out mayhem"; "an out-and-out lie"; "a rank outsider"; "many right-down vices"; "got the job through sheer persistence"; "sheer stupidity" absolute_alcohol%1:27:00:: 114709791 absolute alcohol n pure ethyl alcohol (containing no more than 1% water) absolute_ceiling%1:07:00:: 105132827 absolute ceiling n the maximum altitude at which an airplane can maintain horizontal flight absolute_frequency%1:23:00:: 113598237 frequency, absolute frequency n the number of observations in a given statistical category absolutely%4:02:00:: 400008997 absolutely, perfectly, utterly, dead, absolutely, perfectly, utterly, dead r completely and without qualification; used informally as intensifiers; "an absolutely magnificent painting"; "a perfectly idiotic idea"; "you're perfectly right"; "utterly miserable"; "you can be dead sure of my innocence"; "was dead tired"; "dead right" absolutely%4:02:01:: 400007488 absolutely, absolutely r totally and definitely; without question; "we are absolutely opposed to the idea"; "he forced himself to lie absolutely still"; "iron is absolutely necessary" absolute_magnitude%1:07:00:: 105090979 absolute magnitude n (astronomy) the magnitude that a star would have if it were viewed from a distance of 10 parsecs (32.62 light years) from the earth absolute_majority%1:23:00:: 113581067 majority, absolute majority n (elections) more than half of the votes absoluteness%1:07:00:: 104738398 absoluteness n the quality of being absolute; "the absoluteness of the pope's decree could not be challenged" absoluteness%1:07:01:: 105124534 starkness, absoluteness, utterness n the quality of being complete or utter or extreme; "the starkness of his contrast between justice and fairness was open to many objections" absolute_pitch%1:09:00:: 105658106 absolute pitch, perfect pitch n the ability to identify the pitch of a tone absolute_scale%1:24:00:: 113853002 Kelvin scale, absolute scale n a temperature scale that defines absolute zero as 0 degrees; water freezes at 273.16 degrees and boils at 373.16 degrees absolute_space%1:03:00:: 100029007 absolute space n physical space independent of what occupies it absolute_temperature%1:07:00:: 105013095 absolute temperature n temperature measured on the absolute scale absolute_threshold%1:09:00:: 105712559 absolute threshold n the lowest level of stimulation that a person can detect absolute_value%1:23:00:: 113581465 absolute value, numerical value n a real number regardless of its sign absolute_viscosity%1:23:00:: 113589140 coefficient of viscosity, absolute viscosity, dynamic viscosity n a measure of the resistance to flow of a fluid under an applied force absolute_zero%1:07:00:: 105013204 absolute zero n (cryogenics) the lowest temperature theoretically attainable (at which the kinetic energy of atoms and molecules is minimal); 0 Kelvin or -273.15 centigrade or -459.67 Fahrenheit absolution%1:04:00:: 100094240 absolution, remission, remittal, remission of sin n the act of absolving or remitting; formal redemption as pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of penance absolution%1:26:00:: 114574349 absolution n the condition of being formally forgiven by a priest in the sacrament of penance absolutism%1:09:00:: 105958337 absolutism n the doctrine of an absolute being absolutism%1:09:01:: 106213688 absolutism, totalitarianism, totalism n the principle of complete and unrestricted power in government absolutism%1:14:00:: 108440630 dictatorship, absolutism, authoritarianism, Caesarism, despotism, monocracy, one-man rule, shogunate, Stalinism, totalitarianism, tyranny n a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.) absolutism%1:26:00:: 114443912 absolutism, tyranny, despotism n dominance through threat of punishment and violence absolutist%1:18:00:: 109755398 absolutist n one who advocates absolutism absolutist%3:01:00:: 303139045 absolutist, absolutistic a pertaining to the principle of totalitarianism absolutistic%3:01:00:: 303139045 absolutist, absolutistic a pertaining to the principle of totalitarianism absolve%2:32:00:: 200902424 absolve, justify, free v let off the hook; "I absolve you from this responsibility" absolve%2:32:02:: 200903711 shrive, absolve v grant remission of a sin to; "The priest absolved him and told him to say ten Hail Mary's" absolved%5:00:00:innocent:00 301320184 absolved, clear, cleared, exculpated, exonerated, vindicated s freed from any question of guilt; "is absolved from all blame"; "was now clear of the charge of cowardice"; "his official honor is vindicated" absolver%1:18:00:: 109755555 absolver n someone who grants absolution absolvitory%5:00:00:exculpatory:00 300923495 absolvitory, exonerative, forgiving s providing absolution absorb%2:30:00:: 200395698 absorb v cause to become one with; "The sales tax is absorbed into the state income tax" absorb%2:31:00:: 200602255 absorb, assimilate, ingest, take in v take up mentally; "he absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe" absorb%2:31:03:: 200600370 absorb, engross, engage, occupy v consume all of one's attention or time; "Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely" absorb%2:31:06:: 200601043 steep, immerse, engulf, plunge, engross, absorb, soak up v devote (oneself) fully to; "He immersed himself into his studies" absorb%2:35:00:: 201539063 absorb, suck, imbibe, soak up, sop up, suck up, draw, take in, take up v take in, also metaphorically; "The sponge absorbs water well"; "She drew strength from the minister's words" absorb%2:35:01:: 201539633 absorb v become imbued; "The liquids, light, and gases absorb" absorb%2:35:10:: 201470524 absorb v assimilate or take in; "The immigrants were quickly absorbed into society" absorb%2:40:00:: 202216560 absorb, take over v take up, as of debts or payments; "absorb the costs for something" absorb%2:43:00:: 202765464 absorb, take in v suck or take up or in; "A black star absorbs all matter" absorbable%3:00:00:: 300008734 absorbable a capable of being absorbed or taken in through the pores of a surface absorbance%1:07:00:: 105089367 optical density, transmission density, photographic density, absorbance n (physics) a measure of the extent to which a substance transmits light or other electromagnetic radiation absorbate%1:27:00:: 114597628 absorbate n a material that has been or is capable of being absorbed absorbed%5:00:00:attentive:00 300163948 captive, absorbed, engrossed, enwrapped, intent, wrapped s giving or marked by complete attention to; "that engrossed look or rapt delight"; "then wrapped in dreams"; "so intent on this fantastic...narrative that she hardly stirred"- Walter de la Mare; "rapt with wonder"; "wrapped in thought" absorbed%5:00:00:unreflected:00 302009166 absorbed s retained without reflection; "the absorbed light intensity" absorbefacient%5:00:00:absorbent:00 300006777 absorbefacient, sorbefacient s inducing or promoting absorption absorbency%1:07:00:: 104940964 absorbency n the property of being absorbent absorbent%1:27:00:: 114597413 absorbent material, absorbent n a material having capacity or tendency to absorb another substance absorbent%3:00:00:: 300006336 absorbent, absorptive a having power or capacity or tendency to absorb or soak up something (liquids or energy etc.); "as absorbent as a sponge" absorbent_cotton%1:27:00:: 114598251 absorbent cotton n cotton made absorbent by removal of the natural wax absorbent_material%1:27:00:: 114597413 absorbent material, absorbent n a material having capacity or tendency to absorb another substance absorber%1:27:00:: 114598079 absorber n (physics) material in a nuclear reactor that absorbs radiation absorbing%5:00:00:interesting:00 301344171 absorbing, engrossing, fascinating, gripping, riveting s capable of arousing and holding the attention; "a fascinating story" absorptance%1:23:00:: 113586455 absorption coefficient, coefficient of absorption, absorptance n a measure of the rate of decrease in the intensity of electromagnetic radiation (as light) as it passes through a given substance; the fraction of incident radiant energy absorbed per unit mass or thickness of an absorber; "absorptance equals 1 minus transmittance" absorption%1:09:00:: 105700087 preoccupation, preoccupancy, absorption, engrossment n the mental state of being preoccupied by something absorption%1:09:01:: 105704266 concentration, engrossment, absorption, immersion n complete attention; intense mental effort absorption%1:22:00:: 113423922 absorption, soaking up n (chemistry) a process in which one substance permeates another; a fluid permeates or is dissolved by a liquid or solid absorption%1:22:01:: 113434688 assimilation, absorption n the process of absorbing nutrients into the body after digestion absorption%1:22:02:: 113424183 absorption n (physics) the process in which incident radiated energy is retained without reflection or transmission on passing through a medium; "the absorption of photons by atoms or molecules" absorption%1:22:03:: 113434878 assimilation, absorption n the social process of absorbing one cultural group into harmony with another absorption_band%1:19:00:: 111420631 absorption band n a dark band in the spectrum of white light that has been transmitted through a substance that exhibits absorption at selective wavelengths absorption_coefficient%1:23:00:: 113586455 absorption coefficient, coefficient of absorption, absorptance n a measure of the rate of decrease in the intensity of electromagnetic radiation (as light) as it passes through a given substance; the fraction of incident radiant energy absorbed per unit mass or thickness of an absorber; "absorptance equals 1 minus transmittance" absorption_factor%1:07:00:: 105010062 absorptivity, absorption factor n (physics) the property of a body that determines the fraction of the incident radiation or sound flux absorbed or absorbable by the body absorption_indicator%1:27:00:: 114598383 absorption indicator n an indicator used in reactions that involve precipitation absorption_spectrum%1:19:00:: 111421214 absorption spectrum n the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation that has passed through a medium that absorbed radiation of certain wavelengths absorption_unit%1:23:00:: 113599871 absorption unit n a unit for measuring absorption absorptive%3:00:00:: 300006336 absorbent, absorptive a having power or capacity or tendency to absorb or soak up something (liquids or energy etc.); "as absorbent as a sponge" absorptivity%1:07:00:: 105010062 absorptivity, absorption factor n (physics) the property of a body that determines the fraction of the incident radiation or sound flux absorbed or absorbable by the body absquatulate%2:38:00:: 202073714 abscond, bolt, absquatulate, decamp, run off, go off, make off v run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along; "The thief made off with our silver"; "the accountant absconded with the cash from the safe" abstain%2:34:00:: 201196037 abstain, refrain, desist v choose not to consume; "I abstain from alcohol" abstain%2:41:00:: 202463426 abstain v refrain from voting abstainer%1:18:00:: 109757944 abstainer, abstinent, nondrinker n a person who refrains from drinking intoxicating beverages abstainer%1:18:01:: 109758173 abstainer, ascetic n someone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline abstemious%3:00:00:: 300009046 abstemious a sparing in consumption of especially food and drink; "the pleasures of the table, never of much consequence to one naturally abstemious"- John Galsworthy abstemious%5:00:00:temperate:00 302401863 abstemious, light s marked by temperance in indulgence; "abstemious with the use of adverbs"; "a light eater"; "a light smoker"; "ate a light supper" abstemiously%4:02:00:: 400264555 abstemiously, temperately, abstemiously, temperately r in a sparing manner; without overindulgence; "he ate and drank abstemiously"; "indulged temperately in cocktails" abstemiousness%1:07:00:: 104883942 abstemiousness n moderation in eating and drinking abstemiousness%1:07:01:: 105114262 abstemiousness n restricted to bare necessities abstention%1:07:00:: 104882622 abstinence, abstention n the trait of abstaining (especially from alcohol) abstentious%5:00:00:abstemious:00 300009346 abstinent, abstentious s self-restraining; not indulging an appetite especially for food or drink; "not totally abstinent but abstemious" abstinence%1:04:00:: 101068773 abstinence n act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite abstinence%1:07:00:: 104882622 abstinence, abstention n the trait of abstaining (especially from alcohol) abstinent%1:18:00:: 109757944 abstainer, abstinent, nondrinker n a person who refrains from drinking intoxicating beverages abstinent%5:00:00:abstemious:00 300009346 abstinent, abstentious s self-restraining; not indulging an appetite especially for food or drink; "not totally abstinent but abstemious" abstract%1:09:00:: 105854150 abstraction, abstract n a concept or idea not associated with any specific instance; "he loved her only in the abstract--not in person" abstract%1:10:00:: 106468951 outline, synopsis, abstract, precis n a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory abstract%2:31:00:: 200692329 abstract v consider a concept without thinking of a specific example; consider abstractly or theoretically abstract%2:31:01:: 200734587 abstract v consider apart from a particular case or instance; "Let's abstract away from this particular example" abstract%2:32:00:: 201008288 abstract v give an abstract (of) abstract%2:40:00:: 202276866 pilfer, cabbage, purloin, pinch, abstract, snarf, swipe, hook, sneak, filch, nobble, lift v make off with belongings of others abstract%3:00:00:: 300011757 abstract a existing only in the mind; separated from embodiment; "abstract words like `truth' and `justice'" abstract%5:00:00:nonrepresentational:00 301980557 abstract, abstractionist, nonfigurative, nonobjective s not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of nature; "a large abstract painting" abstract%5:00:00:theoretical:01 300862526 abstract s dealing with a subject in the abstract without practical purpose or intention; "abstract reasoning"; "abstract science" abstract_art%1:06:00:: 102669079 abstractionism, abstract art n an abstract genre of art; artistic content depends on internal form rather than pictorial representation abstract_artist%1:18:00:: 109758424 abstractionist, abstract artist n a painter of abstract pictures abstracted%5:00:00:inattentive:00 300165171 absent, absentminded, abstracted, scatty s lost in thought; showing preoccupation; "an absent stare"; "an absentminded professor"; "the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence" abstractedly%4:02:00:: 400066190 absently, abstractedly, inattentively, absentmindedly, absently, abstractedly, inattentively, absentmindedly r in an absentminded or preoccupied manner; "he read the letter absently" abstractedness%1:09:00:: 105700625 abstractedness, abstraction n preoccupation with something to the exclusion of all else abstract_entity%1:03:00:: 100002137 abstraction, abstract entity n a general concept formed by extracting common features from specific examples abstracter%1:18:00:: 109755086 abstractor, abstracter n one who makes abstracts or summarizes information abstract_expressionism%1:06:00:: 102668747 Abstract Expressionism, action painting n a New York school of painting characterized by freely created abstractions; the first important school of American painting to develop independently of European styles abstraction%1:03:00:: 100002137 abstraction, abstract entity n a general concept formed by extracting common features from specific examples abstraction%1:04:00:: 100392848 abstraction n the act of withdrawing or removing something abstraction%1:06:00:: 102669001 abstraction n an abstract painting abstraction%1:09:00:: 105854150 abstraction, abstract n a concept or idea not associated with any specific instance; "he loved her only in the abstract--not in person" abstraction%1:09:01:: 105700625 abstractedness, abstraction n preoccupation with something to the exclusion of all else abstraction%1:09:02:: 105780104 abstraction, generalization, generalisation n the process of formulating general concepts by abstracting common properties of instances abstractionism%1:06:00:: 102669079 abstractionism, abstract art n an abstract genre of art; artistic content depends on internal form rather than pictorial representation abstractionism%1:09:00:: 105940869 abstractionism, unrealism n a representation having no reference to concrete objects or specific examples abstractionist%1:18:00:: 109758424 abstractionist, abstract artist n a painter of abstract pictures abstractionist%5:00:00:nonrepresentational:00 301980557 abstract, abstractionist, nonfigurative, nonobjective s not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of nature; "a large abstract painting" abstractive%5:00:00:theoretical:00 300860932 abstractive s of an abstracting nature or having the power of abstracting; "abstractive analysis" abstractly%4:02:00:: 400197947 abstractly, abstractly r in abstract terms abstractness%1:07:00:: 104762134 abstractness n the quality of being considered apart from a specific instance or object abstractor%1:18:00:: 109755086 abstractor, abstracter n one who makes abstracts or summarizes information abstract_thought%1:09:00:: 105772356 reasoning, logical thinking, abstract thought n thinking that is coherent and logical abstruse%5:00:00:esoteric:00 300899226 abstruse, deep, recondite s difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge; "the professor's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them"; "a deep metaphysical theory"; "some recondite problem in historiography" abstrusely%4:02:00:: 400264759 abstrusely, abstrusely r in a manner difficult to understand; "the professor's abstrusely reasoned theories were wasted on his students" abstruseness%1:07:00:: 104823416 obscureness, obscurity, abstruseness, reconditeness n the quality of being unclear or abstruse and hard to understand abstruseness%1:09:00:: 105926358 reconditeness, abstruseness, abstrusity, profoundness, profundity n wisdom that is recondite and abstruse and profound; "the anthropologist was impressed by the reconditeness of the native proverbs" abstrusity%1:09:00:: 105926358 reconditeness, abstruseness, abstrusity, profoundness, profundity n wisdom that is recondite and abstruse and profound; "the anthropologist was impressed by the reconditeness of the native proverbs" absurd%1:26:00:: 113928191 absurd, the absurd n a situation in which life seems irrational and meaningless; "The absurd is the essential concept and the first truth"--Albert Camus absurd%5:00:00:foolish:00 302570643 absurd, cockeyed, derisory, idiotic, laughable, ludicrous, nonsensical, preposterous, ridiculous s incongruous;inviting ridicule; "the absurd excuse that the dog ate his homework"; "that's a cockeyed idea"; "ask a nonsensical question and get a nonsensical answer"; "a contribution so small as to be laughable"; "it is ludicrous to call a cottage a mansion"; "a preposterous attempt to turn back the pages of history"; "her conceited assumption of universal interest in her rather dull children was ridiculous" absurd%5:00:00:illogical:00 301431112 absurd s inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense; "the absurd predicament of seeming to argue that virtue is highly desirable but intensely unpleasant"- Walter Lippman absurdity%1:07:01:: 104891683 absurdity, fatuity, fatuousness, silliness n a ludicrous folly; "the crowd laughed at the absurdity of the clown's behavior" absurdity%1:10:00:: 106607809 absurdity, absurdness, ridiculousness n a message whose content is at variance with reason absurdly%4:02:00:: 400301039 absurdly, absurdly r in an absurd manner or to an absurd degree; "an absurdly rich young woman" absurdness%1:10:00:: 106607809 absurdity, absurdness, ridiculousness n a message whose content is at variance with reason abu_ali_al-husain_ibn_abdallah_ibn_sina%1:18:00:: 110829733 Avicenna, ibn-Sina, Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina n Arabian physician and influential Islamic philosopher; his interpretation of Aristotle influenced St. Thomas Aquinas; writings on medicine were important for almost 500 years (980-1037) abudefduf%1:05:00:: 102607345 Abudefduf, genus Abudefduf n damsel fishes abudefduf_saxatilis%1:05:00:: 102607470 sergeant major, Abudefduf saxatilis n large blue-grey black-striped damselfish; nearly worldwide abu_dhabi%1:15:00:: 109044536 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates's capital n a sheikhdom of eastern Arabia and capital of the United Arab Emirates abu_hafs_al-masri_brigades%1:14:00:: 108010364 Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades n a terrorist group that has worked with Al Qaeda; claimed responsibility for attacks in Iraq and Turkey abuja%1:15:00:: 108974171 Abuja, capital of Nigeria, Nigerian capital n capital of Nigeria in the center of the country abukir%1:17:00:: 109186225 Abukir, Abukir Bay n a bay on the Mediterranean Sea in northern Egypt abukir_bay%1:17:00:: 109186225 Abukir, Abukir Bay n a bay on the Mediterranean Sea in northern Egypt abulia%1:26:00:: 114026166 abulia, aboulia n a loss of will power abulic%5:00:00:neurotic:00 301583486 abulic, aboulic s suffering from abulia; showing abnormal inability to act or make decisions abul-walid_mohammed_ibn-ahmad_ibn-mohammed_ibn-roshd%1:18:00:: 110829450 Averroes, ibn-Roshd, Abul-Walid Mohammed ibn-Ahmad Ibn-Mohammed ibn-Roshd n Arabian philosopher born in Spain; wrote detailed commentaries on Aristotle that were admired by the Schoolmen (1126-1198) abundance%1:07:00:: 105115040 abundance, copiousness, teemingness n the property of a more than adequate quantity or supply; "an age of abundance" abundance%1:24:00:: 113820000 abundance n (chemistry) the ratio of the total mass of an element in the earth's crust to the total mass of the earth's crust; expressed as a percentage or in parts per million abundance%1:24:01:: 113820239 abundance n (physics) the ratio of the number of atoms of a specific isotope of an element to the total number of isotopes present abundant%3:00:00:: 300013887 abundant a present in great quantity; "an abundant supply of water" abundantly%4:02:00:: 400214554 abundantly, copiously, profusely, extravagantly, abundantly, copiously, profusely, extravagantly r in an abundant manner; "they were abundantly supplied with food"; "he thanked her profusely" abu_nidal_organization%1:14:00:: 108020242 Fatah Revolutionary Council, Fatah-RC, Abu Nidal Organization, ANO, Arab Revolutionary Brigades, Black September, Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Muslims n a Palestinian international terrorist organization that split from the PLO in 1974; has conducted terrorist attacks in 20 countries; "in the 1980s the Fatah-RC was considered the most dangerous and murderous Palestinian terror group" abu_sayyaf%1:14:00:: 108010559 Abu Sayyaf, Bearer of the Sword n a small gang of terrorist thugs claiming to seek a separate Islamic state for the Muslim minority in the Philippines; uses bombing and assassination and extortion and kidnapping; "In 2001 Abu Sayyaf kidnapped twenty people and beheaded one of the American captives" abuse%1:04:01:: 100947719 misuse, abuse n improper or excessive use; "alcohol abuse"; "the abuse of public funds" abuse%1:04:02:: 100419908 maltreatment, ill-treatment, ill-usage, abuse n cruel or inhumane treatment; "the child showed signs of physical abuse" abuse%1:10:00:: 106715223 abuse, insult, revilement, contumely, vilification n a rude expression intended to offend or hurt; "when a student made a stupid mistake he spared them no abuse"; "they yelled insults at the visiting team" abuse%2:30:00:: 200203213 pervert, misuse, abuse v change the inherent purpose or function of something; "Don't abuse the system"; "The director of the factory misused the funds intended for the health care of his workers" abuse%2:30:02:: 200203556 abuse v use wrongly or improperly or excessively; "Her husband often abuses alcohol"; "while she was pregnant, she abused drugs" abuse%2:32:00:: 200845299 abuse, clapperclaw, blackguard, shout v use foul or abusive language towards; "The actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket"; "The angry mother shouted at the teacher" abuse%2:41:00:: 202516594 mistreat, maltreat, abuse, ill-use, step, ill-treat v treat badly; "This boss abuses his workers"; "She is always stepping on others to get ahead" abused%3:00:01:: 300017352 abused, ill-treated, maltreated, mistreated a subjected to cruel treatment; "an abused wife" abused%5:00:00:misused:00 302495564 abused s used improperly or excessively especially drugs; "an abused substance" abuser%1:18:00:: 109758643 abuser, maltreater n someone who abuses abusive%5:00:00:harmful:00 301160584 abusive s characterized by physical or psychological maltreatment; "abusive punishment"; "argued...that foster homes are abusive" abusive%5:00:00:offensive:02 301628531 abusive, opprobrious, scurrilous s expressing offensive reproach abusively%4:02:00:: 400055739 abusively, abusively r in an abusive manner; "he behaved abusively toward his children" abut%2:35:00:: 201466978 border, adjoin, edge, abut, march, butt, butt against, butt on v lie adjacent to another or share a boundary; "Canada adjoins the U.S."; "England marches with Scotland" abutilon%1:20:00:: 112172715 Abutilon, genus Abutilon n herbs or shrubs or small trees: flowering maple; Indian mallow abutilon_theophrasti%1:20:00:: 112173069 velvetleaf, velvet-leaf, velvetweed, Indian mallow, butter-print, China jute, Abutilon theophrasti n tall annual herb or subshrub of tropical Asia having velvety leaves and yellow flowers and yielding a strong fiber; naturalized in southeastern Europe and United States abutment%1:06:00:: 102669295 abutment n a masonry support that touches and directly receives thrust or pressure of an arch or bridge abutment%1:15:00:: 108620763 abutment n point of contact between two objects or parts abutment_arch%1:06:00:: 102669442 abutment arch n an arch supported by an abutment abutter%1:18:00:: 109758781 abutter n the owner of contiguous property abuzz%5:00:00:noisy:00 301920697 abuzz, buzzing s noisy like the sound of a bee; "the room was abuzz over the latest scandal" abwatt%1:23:00:: 113644165 abwatt n a power unit equal to the power dissipated when 1 abampere flows across a potential difference of 1 abvolt (one ten-thousandth of a milliwatt) abvolt%1:23:00:: 113642464 abvolt n a unit of potential equal to one-hundred-millionth of a volt aby%2:41:00:: 202520509 expiate, aby, abye, atone v make amends for; "expiate one's sins" abydos%1:15:00:: 109040299 Abydos n an ancient Greek colony on the Asiatic side of the Dardanelles; scene of the legend of Hero and Leander abye%2:41:00:: 202520509 expiate, aby, abye, atone v make amends for; "expiate one's sins" abyla%1:17:00:: 109321694 Jebel Musa, Abila, Abyla n a promontory in northern Morocco opposite the Rock of Gibraltar; one of the Pillars of Hercules aby_moritz_warburg%1:18:00:: 111373550 Warburg, Aby Warburg, Aby Moritz Warburg n German art historian (1866-1929) abysm%1:17:00:: 109186359 abyss, abysm n a bottomless gulf or pit; any unfathomable (or apparently unfathomable) cavity or chasm or void extending below (often used figuratively) abysmal%5:00:00:deep:01 300690683 abysmal, abyssal, unfathomable s resembling an abyss in depth; so deep as to be unmeasurable; "the abyssal depths of the ocean" abysmal%5:00:00:immeasurable:00 301499155 abysmal s very great; limitless; "abysmal misery"; "abysmal stupidity" abysmally%4:02:00:: 400055101 terribly, atrociously, awfully, abominably, abysmally, rottenly, terribly, atrociously, awfully, abominably, abysmally, rottenly r in a terrible manner; "she sings terribly" abyss%1:17:00:: 109186359 abyss, abysm n a bottomless gulf or pit; any unfathomable (or apparently unfathomable) cavity or chasm or void extending below (often used figuratively) abyssal%3:01:00:: 302973733 abyssal a relating to ocean depths from 2000 to 5000 meters abyssal%5:00:00:deep:01 300690683 abysmal, abyssal, unfathomable s resembling an abyss in depth; so deep as to be unmeasurable; "the abyssal depths of the ocean" abyssal_zone%1:17:00:: 109186592 abyssal zone n the deep sea (2000 meters or more) where there is no light abyssinia%1:15:00:: 108778061 Ethiopia, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Yaltopya, Abyssinia n Ethiopia is a republic in northeastern Africa on the Red Sea; formerly called Abyssinia abyssinian%1:05:00:: 102124313 Abyssinian, Abyssinian cat n a small slender short-haired breed of African origin having brownish fur with a reddish undercoat abyssinian_banana%1:20:00:: 112353754 Abyssinian banana, Ethiopian banana, Ensete ventricosum, Musa ensete n large evergreen arborescent herb having huge paddle-shaped leaves and bearing inedible fruit that resemble bananas but edible young flower shoots; sometimes placed in genus Musa abyssinian_cat%1:05:00:: 102124313 Abyssinian, Abyssinian cat n a small slender short-haired breed of African origin having brownish fur with a reddish undercoat aby_warburg%1:18:00:: 111373550 Warburg, Aby Warburg, Aby Moritz Warburg n German art historian (1866-1929) ac%1:19:00:: 111423952 alternating current, AC, alternating electric current n an electric current that reverses direction sinusoidally; "In the US most household current is AC at 60 cycles per second" ac%1:27:00:: 114627655 actinium, Ac, atomic number 89 n a radioactive element of the actinide series; found in uranium ores acacia%1:20:00:: 111756092 acacia n any of various spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Acacia acacia_auriculiformis%1:20:00:: 111756870 black wattle, Acacia auriculiformis n Australian tree that yields tanning materials acacia_cambegei%1:20:00:: 111757017 gidgee, stinking wattle, Acacia cambegei n scrubby Australian acacia having extremely foul-smelling blossoms acacia_catechu%1:20:00:: 111757190 catechu, Jerusalem thorn, Acacia catechu n East Indian spiny tree having twice-pinnate leaves and yellow flowers followed by flat pods; source of black catechu acacia_dealbata%1:20:00:: 111757653 silver wattle, mimosa, Acacia dealbata n evergreen Australasian tree having white or silvery bark and young leaves and yellow flowers acacia_farnesiana%1:20:00:: 111757851 huisache, cassie, mimosa bush, sweet wattle, sweet acacia, scented wattle, flame tree, Acacia farnesiana n tropical American thorny shrub or small tree; fragrant yellow flowers used in making perfumery acacia_melanoxylon%1:20:00:: 111758122 lightwood, Acacia melanoxylon n tall Australian acacia yielding highly valued black timber acacia_pycnantha%1:20:00:: 111758276 golden wattle, Acacia pycnantha n shrubby Australian tree having clusters of fragrant golden yellow flowers; widely cultivated as an ornamental acacia_xanthophloea%1:20:00:: 111758483 fever tree, Acacia xanthophloea n African tree supposed to mark healthful regions academe%1:14:00:: 108274923 academia, academe n the academic world academia%1:14:00:: 108274923 academia, academe n the academic world academic%1:18:00:: 109759069 academician, academic, faculty member n an educator who works at a college or university academic%3:01:00:: 302599939 academic a associated with academia or an academy; "the academic curriculum"; "academic gowns" academic%5:00:00:scholarly:00 302083908 academic, donnish, pedantic s marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects academic%5:00:00:theoretical:01 300862718 academic s hypothetical or theoretical and not expected to produce an immediate or practical result; "an academic discussion"; "an academic question" academic_administrator%1:18:00:: 109758885 academic administrator n an administrator in a college or university academically%4:02:00:: 400121286 academically, academically r in regard to academic matters; "academically, this is a good school" academic_costume%1:06:00:: 102669534 academic costume n a costume worn on formal occasions by the faculty or students of a university or college academic_degree%1:10:00:: 106697331 academic degree, degree n an award conferred by a college or university signifying that the recipient has satisfactorily completed a course of study; "he earned his degree at Princeton summa cum laude" academic_department%1:14:00:: 108115204 academic department n a division of a school that is responsible for a given subject academic_freedom%1:26:00:: 113992194 academic freedom n the freedom of teachers and students to express their ideas in school without religious or political or institutional restrictions academic_gown%1:06:00:: 102669723 academic gown, academic robe, judge's robe n a gown worn by academics or judges academician%1:18:00:: 109759069 academician, academic, faculty member n an educator who works at a college or university academician%1:18:01:: 109759311 academician, schoolman n a scholar who is skilled in academic disputation academician%1:18:02:: 109759501 academician n someone elected to honorary membership in an academy academicianship%1:04:00:: 100588473 academicianship n the position of member of an honorary academy academicism%1:07:00:: 104802079 scholasticism, academicism, academism n orthodoxy of a scholastic variety academic_program%1:09:00:: 105909730 academic program n (education) a program of education in liberal arts and sciences (usually in preparation for higher education) academic_relation%1:24:00:: 113840404 academic relation n a professional relation between instructors and those they instruct academic_requirement%1:09:00:: 105892991 academic requirement n a requirement for admission to or completion of an academic program academic_robe%1:06:00:: 102669723 academic gown, academic robe, judge's robe n a gown worn by academics or judges academic_session%1:28:00:: 115225249 school term, academic term, academic session, session n the time during which a school holds classes; "they had to shorten the school term" academic_term%1:28:00:: 115225249 school term, academic term, academic session, session n the time during which a school holds classes; "they had to shorten the school term" academic_year%1:28:00:: 115203565 school year, academic year n the period of time each year when the school is open and people are studying academism%1:07:00:: 104802079 scholasticism, academicism, academism n orthodoxy of a scholastic variety academy%1:06:00:: 102669885 academy n a learned establishment for the advancement of knowledge academy%1:14:00:: 108279298 academy n a secondary school (usually private) academy%1:14:01:: 108277805 academy n a school for special training academy%1:14:02:: 108280124 academy, honorary society n an institution for the advancement of art or science or literature academy_award%1:10:00:: 107268967 Academy Award, Oscar n an annual award by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for achievements in motion picture production and performance academy_of_motion_picture_arts_and_sciences%1:14:00:: 108280462 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences n an academy that gives annual awards for achievements in motion picture production and performance academy_of_television_arts_and_sciences%1:14:00:: 108280649 Academy of Television Arts and Sciences n an academy that gives annual awards for outstanding achievements in television acadia%1:15:00:: 108821187 Acadia n the French-speaking part of the Canadian Maritime Provinces acadian%1:18:00:: 109677168 Acadian n an early French settler in the Maritimes acadia_national_park%1:15:00:: 108602037 Acadia National Park n a national park in Maine showing marine erosion and glaciation; includes seashore and also the highest point on the Atlantic coast acalypha%1:20:00:: 112922283 Acalypha, genus Acalypha n a genus of herbs and shrubs belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae acalypha_virginica%1:20:00:: 112922458 three-seeded mercury, Acalypha virginica n weedy herb of eastern North America acantha%1:25:00:: 113912839 spur, spine, acantha n any sharply pointed projection acanthaceae%1:20:00:: 112811856 Acanthaceae, family Acanthaceae, acanthus family n widely distributed herbs and shrubs and trees; sometimes placed in the order Scrophulariales acanthion%1:08:00:: 105231264 acanthion n the craniometric point at the anterior extremity of the intermaxillary suture acanthisitta%1:05:00:: 101588858 Acanthisitta, genus Acanthisitta n a genus of Xenicidae acanthisitta_chloris%1:05:00:: 101588996 rifleman bird, Acanthisitta chloris n small green-and-bronze bird acanthisittidae%1:05:00:: 101588172 Xenicidae, family Xenicidae, Acanthisittidae, family Acanthisittidae n alternative names for the family comprising the New Zealand wrens acanthocephala%1:05:00:: 101923171 Acanthocephala, phylum Acanthocephala n phylum or class of elongated wormlike parasites that live in the intestines of vertebrates: spiny-headed worms acanthocephalan%1:05:00:: 101923404 acanthocephalan, spiny-headed worm n any of various worms living parasitically in intestines of vertebrates having a retractile proboscis covered with many hooked spines acanthocereus%1:20:00:: 111842861 Acanthocereus, genus Acanthocereus n mostly trailing cacti having nocturnal white flowers; tropical America and Caribbean region acanthocereus_pentagonus%1:20:00:: 111843053 pitahaya cactus, pitahaya, Acanthocereus tetragonus, Acanthocereus pentagonus n cactus of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico having edible juicy fruit acanthocereus_tetragonus%1:20:00:: 111843053 pitahaya cactus, pitahaya, Acanthocereus tetragonus, Acanthocereus pentagonus n cactus of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico having edible juicy fruit acanthocybium%1:05:00:: 102625132 Acanthocybium, genus Acanthocybium n wahoos acanthocybium_solandri%1:05:00:: 102625258 wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri n large fast-moving predacious food and game fish; found worldwide acanthocyte%1:08:00:: 105454452 acanthocyte n an abnormal red blood cell that has thorny projections of protoplasm acanthocytosis%1:26:00:: 114071758 acanthocytosis n the presence of acanthocytes in the blood stream (as in abetalipoproteinemia) acanthoid%5:00:00:pointed:00 301810011 acanthoid, acanthous, spinous s shaped like a spine or thorn acantholysis%1:26:00:: 114221601 acantholysis n a breakdown of a cell layer in the epidermis (as in pemphigus) acanthoma%1:26:00:: 114235667 acanthoma, skin tumor n a neoplasm originating in the epidermis acanthophis%1:05:00:: 101750027 Acanthophis, genus Acanthophis n Australian elapid snakes acanthophis_antarcticus%1:05:00:: 101750167 death adder, Acanthophis antarcticus n venomous Australian snake resembling an adder acanthopterygian%1:05:00:: 102552171 spiny-finned fish, acanthopterygian n a teleost fish with fins that are supported by sharp inflexible rays acanthopterygii%1:05:00:: 102551824 Acanthopterygii, superorder Acanthopterygii n teleost fishes having fins with sharp bony rays acanthoscelides%1:05:00:: 102182498 Acanthoscelides, genus Acanthoscelides n a genus of Bruchidae acanthoscelides_obtectus%1:05:00:: 102182642 bean weevil, Acanthoscelides obtectus n larvae live in and feed on growing or stored beans acanthosis%1:26:00:: 114221741 acanthosis n an abnormal but benign thickening of the prickle-cell layer of the skin (as in psoriasis) acanthosis_nigricans%1:26:00:: 114221924 acanthosis nigricans, keratosis nigricans n a skin disease characterized by dark wartlike patches in the body folds; can be benign or malignant acanthotic%3:01:00:: 302600131 acanthotic a of or relating to or having acanthosis acanthous%5:00:00:pointed:00 301810011 acanthoid, acanthous, spinous s shaped like a spine or thorn acanthuridae%1:05:00:: 102621107 Acanthuridae, family Acanthuridae n surgeonfishes acanthurus%1:05:00:: 102621419 Acanthurus, genus Acanthurus n type genus of the Acanthuridae: doctorfishes acanthurus_chirurgus%1:05:00:: 102621577 doctorfish, doctor-fish, Acanthurus chirurgus n surgeon fish of the West Indies acanthus%1:20:00:: 112812235 acanthus n any plant of the genus Acanthus having large spiny leaves and spikes or white or purplish flowers; native to Mediterranean region but widely cultivated acanthus_family%1:20:00:: 112811856 Acanthaceae, family Acanthaceae, acanthus family n widely distributed herbs and shrubs and trees; sometimes placed in the order Scrophulariales acanthus_mollis%1:20:00:: 112812478 bear's breech, bear's breeches, sea holly, Acanthus mollis n widely cultivated southern European acanthus with whitish purple-veined flowers a_capella_singing%1:04:00:: 100546070 a cappella singing, a capella singing n singing without instrumental accompaniment acapnia%1:26:00:: 114042165 hypocapnia, acapnia n a state in which the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is lower than normal; can result from deep or rapid breathing acapnial%3:01:00:: 302600244 acapnic, acapnial, acapnotic a relating to or demonstrating acapnia acapnic%3:01:00:: 302600244 acapnic, acapnial, acapnotic a relating to or demonstrating acapnia acapnotic%3:01:00:: 302600244 acapnic, acapnial, acapnotic a relating to or demonstrating acapnia a_cappella%4:02:00:: 400001740 a cappella, a cappella r without musical accompaniment; "they performed a cappella" a_cappella%5:00:00:unaccompanied:01 302252352 a cappella s sung without instrumental accompaniment; "they sang an a cappella Mass" a_cappella_singing%1:04:00:: 100546070 a cappella singing, a capella singing n singing without instrumental accompaniment acapulco%1:15:00:: 108742205 Acapulco, Acapulco de Juarez n a port and fashionable resort city on the Pacific coast of southern Mexico; known for beaches and water sports (including cliff diving) acapulco_de_juarez%1:15:00:: 108742205 Acapulco, Acapulco de Juarez n a port and fashionable resort city on the Pacific coast of southern Mexico; known for beaches and water sports (including cliff diving) acapulco_gold%1:06:00:: 102670049 Acapulco gold, Mexican green n a particularly potent variety of marijuana acaracide%1:27:00:: 114598834 acaricide, acaracide n a chemical agent used to kill mites acardia%1:26:00:: 114019296 acardia n congenital absence of the heart (as in the development of some monsters) acariasis%1:26:00:: 114453066 acariasis, acariosis, acaridiasis n infestation with itch mites acaricide%1:27:00:: 114598834 acaricide, acaracide n a chemical agent used to kill mites acarid%1:05:00:: 101780142 acarid n very small free-living arachnid that is parasitic on animals or plants; related to ticks acaridae%1:05:00:: 101780026 Acaridae, family Acaridae n mites acaridiasis%1:26:00:: 114453066 acariasis, acariosis, acaridiasis n infestation with itch mites acarina%1:05:00:: 101775879 Acarina, order Acarina n mites and ticks acarine%1:05:00:: 101776192 acarine n mite or tick acariosis%1:26:00:: 114453066 acariasis, acariosis, acaridiasis n infestation with itch mites acaroid_resin%1:27:00:: 114598937 acaroid resin, accaroid resin, accroides, accroides resin, accroides gum, gum accroides n an alcohol-soluble resin from Australian trees; used in varnishes and in manufacturing paper acarophobia%1:26:00:: 114381732 acarophobia n a morbid fear of small insects and mites and worms acarpellous%3:00:00:: 300316167 acarpelous, acarpellous a having no carpels acarpelous%3:00:00:: 300316167 acarpelous, acarpellous a having no carpels acarpous%5:00:00:unfruitful:00 301082925 acarpous s producing no fruit acarus%1:05:00:: 101781570 acarus, genus Acarus n any of several mites of the order Acarina acaryote%1:08:00:: 105449538 akaryocyte, akaryote, acaryote n a cell without a nucleus (as an erythrocyte) acatalectic%1:10:00:: 106348215 acatalectic n (prosody) a line of verse that has the full number of syllables acatalectic%3:00:00:: 300317886 acatalectic a (verse) metrically complete; especially having the full number of syllables in the final metrical foot acataphasia%1:26:00:: 114096123 acataphasia n a disorder in which a lesion to the central nervous system leaves you unable to formulate a statement or to express yourself in an organized manner acathexia%1:26:00:: 114014425 acathexia n an inability to retain bodily secretions acathexis%1:16:00:: 109185865 acathexis n (psychoanalysis) a lack of cathexis; a condition in which significant objects or memories arouse no emotion in an individual acaudal%3:00:00:: 300320847 acaudate, acaudal a lacking a tail or taillike appendage acaudate%3:00:00:: 300320847 acaudate, acaudal a lacking a tail or taillike appendage acaulescent%3:00:00:: 300322321 acaulescent, stemless a (of plants) having no apparent stem above ground acc%1:14:00:: 108196622 Air Combat Command, ACC n a command that is the primary provider of air combat weapon systems to the United States Air Force; operates fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, battle-management, and rescue aircraft accaroid_resin%1:27:00:: 114598937 acaroid resin, accaroid resin, accroides, accroides resin, accroides gum, gum accroides n an alcohol-soluble resin from Australian trees; used in varnishes and in manufacturing paper accede%2:32:00:: 200878348 submit, bow, defer, accede, give in v yield to another's wish or opinion; "The government bowed to the military pressure" accede%2:32:01:: 200804139 assent, accede, acquiesce v to agree or express agreement; "The Maestro assented to the request for an encore" accede%2:41:00:: 202381397 accede, enter v take on duties or office; "accede to the throne" accelerando%1:28:00:: 115264726 accelerando n a gradually increasing tempo of music; "my ear will not accept such violent accelerandos" accelerando%4:02:00:: 400264927 accelerando, accelerando r with increasing speed; "here you must play accelerando" accelerando%5:00:00:increasing:02 302537841 accelerando s gradually increasing in tempo accelerate%2:30:00:: 200438178 accelerate, speed up, speed, quicken v move faster; "The car accelerated" accelerate%2:30:01:: 200439343 accelerate, speed, speed up v cause to move faster; "He accelerated the car" accelerated%5:00:00:fast:01 300977105 accelerated s speeded up, as of an academic course; "in an accelerated program in school" acceleration%1:04:00:: 100330457 acceleration, quickening, speedup n the act of accelerating; increasing the speed acceleration%1:07:00:: 105060783 acceleration n an increase in rate of change; "modern science caused an acceleration of cultural change" acceleration%1:28:00:: 115275851 acceleration n (physics) a rate of increase of velocity acceleration_unit%1:23:00:: 113599982 acceleration unit n a unit for measuring acceleration accelerative%5:00:00:increasing:00 302535161 accelerative, acceleratory s tending to increase velocity accelerator%1:06:00:: 102670186 accelerator, throttle, throttle valve n a valve that regulates the supply of fuel to the engine accelerator%1:06:01:: 102670382 accelerator, particle accelerator, atom smasher n a scientific instrument that increases the kinetic energy of charged particles accelerator%1:06:02:: 102670683 accelerator, accelerator pedal, gas pedal, gas, throttle, gun n a pedal that controls the throttle valve; "he stepped on the gas" accelerator%1:27:00:: 114723628 catalyst, accelerator n (chemistry) a substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected accelerator_factor%1:27:00:: 115071366 proaccelerin, prothrombin accelerator, accelerator factor, factor V n a coagulation factor accelerator_pedal%1:06:00:: 102670683 accelerator, accelerator pedal, gas pedal, gas, throttle, gun n a pedal that controls the throttle valve; "he stepped on the gas" acceleratory%5:00:00:increasing:00 302535161 accelerative, acceleratory s tending to increase velocity accelerometer%1:06:00:: 102670935 accelerometer n an instrument for measuring the acceleration of aircraft or rockets accent%1:10:00:: 107085375 stress, emphasis, accent n the relative prominence of a syllable or musical note (especially with regard to stress or pitch); "he put the stress on the wrong syllable" accent%1:10:01:: 107131511 accent, speech pattern n distinctive manner of oral expression; "he couldn't suppress his contemptuous accent"; "she had a very clear speech pattern" accent%1:10:02:: 106822198 accent, accent mark n a diacritical mark used to indicate stress or placed above a vowel to indicate a special pronunciation accent%1:10:03:: 107155661 dialect, idiom, accent n the usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people; "the immigrants spoke an odd dialect of English"; "he has a strong German accent"; "it has been said that a language is a dialect with an army and navy" accent%1:26:00:: 114434866 emphasis, accent n special importance or significance; "the red light gave the central figure increased emphasis"; "the room was decorated in shades of grey with distinctive red accents" accent%2:32:00:: 200983333 stress, accent, accentuate v put stress on; utter with an accent; "In Farsi, you accent the last syllable of each word" accent%2:32:01:: 201013367 stress, emphasize, emphasise, punctuate, accent, accentuate v to stress, single out as important; "Dr. Jones emphasizes exercise in addition to a change in diet" accented%3:00:00:: 302319538 stressed, accented a bearing a stress or accent; "an iambic foot consists of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable as in `delay'" accented%3:00:04:: 302320751 tonic, accented a used of syllables; "a tonic syllables carries the main stress in a word" accenting%1:04:00:: 101264243 emphasizing, accenting, accentuation n the act of giving special importance or significance to something accent_mark%1:10:00:: 106822198 accent, accent mark n a diacritical mark used to indicate stress or placed above a vowel to indicate a special pronunciation accentor%1:05:00:: 101527194 accentor n small sparrow-like songbird of mountainous regions of Eurasia accentual%3:00:01:: 302290454 accentual a (of verse) having a metric system based on stress rather than syllables or quantity; "accentual poetry is based on the number of stresses in a line"; "accentual rhythm" accentual%3:01:00:: 303139235 accentual a of or pertaining to accent or stress accentual_system%1:10:00:: 107112805 accentual system, prosodic system n the system of accentuation used in a particular language accentuate%2:32:00:: 201013367 stress, emphasize, emphasise, punctuate, accent, accentuate v to stress, single out as important; "Dr. Jones emphasizes exercise in addition to a change in diet" accentuate%2:32:01:: 200983333 stress, accent, accentuate v put stress on; utter with an accent; "In Farsi, you accent the last syllable of each word" accentuation%1:04:00:: 101264243 emphasizing, accenting, accentuation n the act of giving special importance or significance to something accentuation%1:10:00:: 107085786 accentuation n the use or application of an accent; the relative prominence of syllables in a phrase or utterance accept%2:31:00:: 200686447 accept v consider or hold as true; "I cannot accept the dogma of this church"; "accept an argument" accept%2:31:01:: 200719231 accept v react favorably to; consider right and proper; "People did not accept atonal music at that time"; "We accept the idea of universal health care" accept%2:31:03:: 200668805 accept, live with, swallow v tolerate or accommodate oneself to; "I shall have to accept these unpleasant working conditions"; "I swallowed the insult"; "She has learned to live with her husband's little idiosyncrasies" accept%2:31:08:: 200718489 accept v be sexually responsive to, used of a female domesticated mammal; "The cow accepted the bull" accept%2:32:00:: 200797697 accept, consent, go for v give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to; "I cannot accept your invitation"; "I go for this resolution" accept%2:40:00:: 202236124 accept, take, have v receive willingly something given or offered; "The only girl who would have him was the miller's daughter"; "I won't have this dog in my house!"; "Please accept my present" accept%2:40:01:: 202301825 bear, take over, accept, assume v take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person; "I'll accept the charges"; "She agreed to bear the responsibility" accept%2:40:03:: 202236624 accept, admit, take, take on v admit into a group or community; "accept students for graduate study"; "We'll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member" accept%2:40:07:: 202210622 accept v receive (a report) officially, as from a committee accept%2:40:12:: 202209936 take, accept v make use of or accept for some purpose; "take a risk"; "take an opportunity" accept%2:42:00:: 202741546 accept, take v be designed to hold or take; "This surface will not take the dye" acceptability%1:07:00:: 104792679 acceptability, acceptableness n satisfactoriness by virtue of conforming to approved standards acceptable%3:00:00:: 300017782 acceptable a worthy of acceptance or satisfactory; "acceptable levels of radiation"; "performances varied from acceptable to excellent" acceptable%5:00:00:fit:02 301020709 acceptable s adequate for the purpose; "the water was acceptable for drinking" acceptable%5:00:00:good:01 301124768 satisfactory, acceptable s meeting requirements; "the step makes a satisfactory seat" acceptable%5:00:00:standard:03 302297966 acceptable s judged to be in conformity with approved usage; "acceptable English usage" acceptableness%1:07:00:: 104792679 acceptability, acceptableness n satisfactoriness by virtue of conforming to approved standards acceptably%4:02:00:: 400055312 acceptably, tolerably, so-so, acceptably, tolerably, so-so r in an acceptable (but not outstanding) manner; "she plays tennis tolerably" acceptance%1:04:00:: 100180413 adoption, acceptance, acceptation, espousal n the act of accepting with approval; favorable reception; "its adoption by society"; "the proposal found wide acceptance" acceptance%1:04:03:: 100082525 acceptance n the act of taking something that is offered; "her acceptance of the gift encouraged him"; "he anticipated their acceptance of his offer" acceptance%1:07:00:: 104638175 toleration, acceptance, sufferance n a disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations; "all people should practice toleration and live together in peace" acceptance%1:09:00:: 106193727 credence, acceptance n the mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true; "he gave credence to the gossip"; "acceptance of Newtonian mechanics was unquestioned for 200 years" acceptance%1:10:01:: 107176073 acceptance n (contract law) words signifying consent to the terms of an offer (thereby creating a contract) acceptance%1:21:00:: 113381602 acceptance, banker's acceptance n banking: a time draft drawn on and accepted by a bank acceptance%1:26:00:: 113932421 acceptance n the state of being acceptable and accepted; "torn jeans received no acceptance at the country club" acceptance_sampling%1:04:00:: 100806621 acceptance sampling n a statistical procedure for accepting or rejecting a batch of merchandise or documents; involves determining the maximum number of defects discovered in a sample before the entire batch is rejected acceptant%5:00:00:receptive:00 301985557 acceptive, acceptant s accepting willingly; "acceptive of every new idea"; "an acceptant type of mind" acceptation%1:04:00:: 100180413 adoption, acceptance, acceptation, espousal n the act of accepting with approval; favorable reception; "its adoption by society"; "the proposal found wide acceptance" acceptation%1:10:00:: 106602801 word meaning, word sense, acceptation n the accepted meaning of a word acceptation%1:26:00:: 114412725 acceptation n acceptance as true or valid accepted%5:00:00:acknowledged:00 300027599 accepted, recognized, recognised s generally approved or compelling recognition; "several accepted techniques for treating the condition"; "his recognized superiority in this kind of work" accepting%5:00:00:acceptive:00 300076127 accepting s tolerating without protest; "always more accepting of coaching suggestion than her teammates"; "the atmosphere was judged to be more supporting and accepting" acceptive%3:00:00:: 300075952 acceptive a inclined to accept rather than reject; "she was seldom acceptive of my suggestions" acceptive%5:00:00:receptive:00 301985557 acceptive, acceptant s accepting willingly; "acceptive of every new idea"; "an acceptant type of mind" acceptor%1:18:00:: 109759684 acceptor n the person (or institution) who accepts a check or draft and becomes responsible for paying the party named in the draft when it matures acceptor%1:27:00:: 114583843 acceptor n (chemistry) in the formation of a coordinate bond it is the compound to which electrons are donated acceptor_rna%1:27:00:: 114833143 transfer RNA, tRNA, acceptor RNA, soluble RNA n RNA molecules present in the cell (in at least 20 varieties, each variety capable of combining with a specific amino acid) that attach the correct amino acid to the protein chain that is being synthesized at the ribosome of the cell (according to directions coded in the mRNA) access%1:04:00:: 100281132 access n the act of approaching or entering; "he gained access to the building" access%1:06:00:: 102671062 access, approach n a way of entering or leaving; "he took a wrong turn on the access to the bridge" access%1:06:01:: 102671224 access, memory access n (computer science) the operation of reading or writing stored information access%1:07:00:: 105176188 entree, access, accession, admission, admittance n the right to enter access%1:07:01:: 105175467 access n the right to obtain or make use of or take advantage of something (as services or membership) access%1:10:00:: 106354204 access, access code n a code (a series of characters or digits) that must be entered in some way (typed or dialed or spoken) to get the use of something (a telephone line or a computer or a local area network etc.) access%2:38:00:: 202007417 access, get at v reach or gain access to; "How does one access the attic in this house?"; "I cannot get to the T.V. antenna, even if I climb on the roof" access%2:40:00:: 202248808 access v obtain or retrieve from a storage device; as of information on a computer accessary%1:18:00:: 109759875 accessory, accessary n someone who helps another person commit a crime accessary%5:00:00:supportive:00 302355248 accessary, accessory s aiding and abetting in a crime; "he was charged with being accessory to the crime" access_code%1:10:00:: 106354204 access, access code n a code (a series of characters or digits) that must be entered in some way (typed or dialed or spoken) to get the use of something (a telephone line or a computer or a local area network etc.) accessibility%1:07:00:: 104718999 handiness, accessibility, availability, availableness n the quality of being at hand when needed accessibility%1:07:02:: 104655649 approachability, accessibility n the attribute of being easy to meet or deal with accessible%3:00:00:: 300019131 accessible a capable of being reached; "a town accessible by rail" accessible%5:00:00:approachable:00 300134251 accessible s easy to get along with or talk to; friendly; "an accessible and genial man" accessible%5:00:00:available:00 300183675 accessible s easily obtained; "most students now have computers accessible"; "accessible money" accessible%5:00:00:comprehensible:00 300533221 accessible, approachable s capable of being read with comprehension; "readily accessible to the nonprofessional reader"; "the tales seem more approachable than his more difficult novels" accession%1:04:03:: 100236581 accession, rise to power n the act of attaining or gaining access to a new office or right or position (especially the throne); "Elizabeth's accession in 1558" accession%1:07:00:: 105176188 entree, access, accession, admission, admittance n the right to enter accession%1:10:02:: 107177192 accession, assenting n agreeing with or consenting to (often unwillingly); "accession to such demands would set a dangerous precedent"; "assenting to the Congressional determination" accession%1:21:00:: 113253423 accession, addition n something added to what you already have; "the librarian shelved the new accessions"; "he was a new addition to the staff" accession%1:21:01:: 113341962 accession n (civil law) the right to all of that which your property produces whether by growth or improvement accession%1:22:00:: 113424477 accession n a process of increasing by addition (as to a collection or group); "the art collection grew through accession" accession%2:32:00:: 200999568 accession v make a record of additions to a collection, such as a library accessional%3:01:00:: 303139363 accessional a of or constituting an accession accessorial%5:00:00:inessential:00 300902946 accessorial s nonessential but helpful; "accessorial services included sorting and packing" accessory%1:06:00:: 102671421 accessory, appurtenance, supplement, add-on n a supplementary component that improves capability accessory%1:06:01:: 102671780 accessory, accoutrement, accouterment n clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing accessory%1:18:00:: 109759875 accessory, accessary n someone who helps another person commit a crime accessory%5:00:00:supportive:00 302354897 accessory, adjunct, ancillary, adjuvant, appurtenant, auxiliary s furnishing added support; "an ancillary pump"; "an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism"; "The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other" accessory%5:00:01:supportive:00 302355248 accessary, accessory s aiding and abetting in a crime; "he was charged with being accessory to the crime" accessory_after_the_fact%1:18:00:: 109760080 accessory after the fact n a person who gives assistance or comfort to someone known to be a felon or known to be sought in connection with the commission of a felony accessory_before_the_fact%1:18:00:: 109760290 accessory before the fact n a person who procures or advises or commands the commission of a felony but who is not present at its perpetration accessory_cephalic_vein%1:08:00:: 105356442 accessory cephalic vein, vena cephalica accessoria n a vein that passes along the radial edge of the forearm and joins the cephalic vein near the elbow accessory_during_the_fact%1:18:00:: 109760476 accessory during the fact n a person who witnesses a crime but does not try to prevent it accessory_fruit%1:20:00:: 113140367 accessory fruit, pseudocarp n fruit containing much fleshy tissue besides that of the ripened ovary; as apple or strawberry accessory_hemiazygos_vein%1:08:00:: 105356657 accessory hemiazygos vein, accessory hemiazygous vein, vena hemiazygos accessoria n a vein formed by the union of the 4th to 7th posterior intercostal veins; empties into the azygos vein accessory_hemiazygous_vein%1:08:00:: 105356657 accessory hemiazygos vein, accessory hemiazygous vein, vena hemiazygos accessoria n a vein formed by the union of the 4th to 7th posterior intercostal veins; empties into the azygos vein accessory_nerve%1:08:00:: 105480401 accessory nerve, spinal accessory, nervus accessorius, eleventh cranial nerve n arises from two sets of roots (cranial and spinal) that unite to form the nerve accessory_vertebral_vein%1:08:00:: 105356889 accessory vertebral vein, vena vertebralis accessoria n a vein that accompanies the vertebral vein but passes through the foramen of the transverse process of the 7th cervical vertebra and empties into the brachiocephalic vein access_road%1:06:00:: 102671988 access road, slip road n a short road giving access to an expressway; "in Britain they call an access road a slip road" access_time%1:28:00:: 115171857 access time n (computer science) the interval between the time data is requested by the system and the time the data is provided by the drive; "access time is the sum of seek time and rotational latency and command processing overhead" accho%1:15:00:: 108793310 Acre, Akko, Akka, Accho n a town and port in northwestern Israel in the eastern Mediterranean acciaccatura%1:10:00:: 106871983 grace note, appoggiatura, acciaccatura n an embellishing note usually written in smaller size accidence%1:09:00:: 106178238 inflectional morphology, accidence n the part of grammar that deals with the inflections of words accident%1:11:00:: 107300960 accident, stroke, fortuity, chance event n anything that happens suddenly or by chance without an apparent cause; "winning the lottery was a happy accident"; "the pregnancy was a stroke of bad luck"; "it was due to an accident or fortuity" accident%1:11:01:: 107301336 accident n an unfortunate mishap; especially one causing damage or injury accidental%1:10:00:: 106867345 accidental n a musical notation that makes a note sharp or flat or natural although that is not part of the key signature accidental%5:00:00:unintended:00 301338909 accidental, inadvertent s happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally ; "with an inadvertent gesture she swept the vase off the table"; "accidental poisoning"; "an accidental shooting" accidental_injury%1:11:00:: 107313636 injury, accidental injury n an accident that results in physical damage or hurt accidentally%4:02:00:: 400040547 by chance, accidentally, circumstantially, unexpectedly, by chance, accidentally, circumstantially, unexpectedly r without advance planning; "they met accidentally" accidentally%4:02:02:: 400062650 unintentionally, accidentally, unintentionally, accidentally r without intention; in an unintentional manner; "she hit him unintentionally" accidentally%4:02:03:: 400212411 incidentally, accidentally, incidentally, accidentally r of a minor or subordinate nature; "these magnificent achievements were only incidentally influenced by Oriental models" accident-prone%5:00:00:inclined:02 301293049 accident-prone s having more than the average number of accidents accident_surgery%1:09:00:: 106064838 traumatology, accident surgery n the branch of medicine that deals with the surgical repair of injuries and wounds arising from accidents accipiter%1:05:00:: 101606335 Accipiter, genus Accipiter n type genus of the family Accipitridae accipiter_cooperii%1:05:00:: 101606809 Cooper's hawk, blue darter, Accipiter cooperii n bluish-grey North American hawk having a darting flight accipiter_gentilis%1:05:00:: 101606522 goshawk, Accipiter gentilis n large hawk of Eurasia and North America used in falconry accipiter_nisus%1:05:00:: 101606672 sparrow hawk, Accipiter nisus n small hawk of Eurasia and northern Africa accipitridae%1:05:00:: 101605119 Accipitridae, family Accipitridae n hawks; Old World vultures; kites; harriers; eagles accipitriformes%1:05:00:: 101604968 Accipitriformes, order Accipitriformes n in some classifications an alternative name for the Falconiformes accipitrine%3:01:00:: 303139452 accipitrine a of or relating to or belonging to the genus Accipiter (or to typical hawks) acclaim%1:10:00:: 106691684 acclaim, acclamation, plaudits, plaudit, eclat n enthusiastic approval; "the book met with modest acclaim"; "he acknowledged the plaudits of the crowd"; "they gave him more eclat than he really deserved" acclaim%2:32:00:: 200861725 acclaim, hail, herald v praise vociferously; "The critics hailed the young pianist as a new Rubinstein" acclaim%2:32:01:: 200861929 applaud, clap, spat, acclaim v clap one's hands or shout after performances to indicate approval acclamation%1:10:00:: 106691684 acclaim, acclamation, plaudits, plaudit, eclat n enthusiastic approval; "the book met with modest acclaim"; "he acknowledged the plaudits of the crowd"; "they gave him more eclat than he really deserved" acclimate%2:30:00:: 200393677 acclimatize, acclimatise, acclimate v get used to a certain climate; "They never acclimatized in Egypt" acclimation%1:22:00:: 113424643 acclimatization, acclimatisation, acclimation n adaptation to a new climate (a new temperature or altitude or environment) acclimatisation%1:22:00:: 113424643 acclimatization, acclimatisation, acclimation n adaptation to a new climate (a new temperature or altitude or environment) acclimatise%2:30:00:: 200393677 acclimatize, acclimatise, acclimate v get used to a certain climate; "They never acclimatized in Egypt" acclimatization%1:22:00:: 113424643 acclimatization, acclimatisation, acclimation n adaptation to a new climate (a new temperature or altitude or environment) acclimatize%2:30:00:: 200393677 acclimatize, acclimatise, acclimate v get used to a certain climate; "They never acclimatized in Egypt" acclivitous%5:00:00:ascending:00 302484530 acclivitous, rising, uphill s sloping upward acclivity%1:17:00:: 109206985 ascent, acclivity, rise, raise, climb, upgrade n an upward slope or grade (as in a road); "the car couldn't make it up the rise" accolade%1:10:00:: 106696483 award, accolade, honor, honour, laurels n a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction; "an award for bravery" accommodate%2:30:00:: 200299580 adapt, accommodate v make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose; "Adapt our native cuisine to the available food resources of the new country" accommodate%2:30:01:: 200482893 accommodate, reconcile, conciliate v make (one thing) compatible with (another); "The scientists had to accommodate the new results with the existing theories" accommodate%2:32:00:: 200885925 oblige, accommodate v provide a service or favor for someone; "We had to oblige him" accommodate%2:34:00:: 201184453 accommodate v provide with something desired or needed; "Can you accommodate me with a rental car?" accommodate%2:42:00:: 202702830 suit, accommodate, fit v be agreeable or acceptable to; "This suits my needs" accommodate%2:42:01:: 202651424 lodge, accommodate v provide housing for; "We are lodging three foreign students this semester" accommodate%2:42:03:: 202732798 accommodate, hold, admit v have room for; hold without crowding; "This hotel can accommodate 250 guests"; "The theater admits 300 people"; "The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people" accommodating%3:00:00:: 300020787 accommodating, accommodative a helpful in bringing about a harmonious adaptation; "the warden was always accommodating in allowing visitors in"; "made a special effort to be accommodating" accommodating%5:00:00:helpful:00 301195963 accommodating s obliging; willing to do favors; "made a special effort to be accommodating" accommodating_iol%1:06:00:: 102672152 accommodating lens implant, accommodating IOL n a lens implant containing a hinge that allows for both near and far vision (thus mimicking the natural lens of a young person) accommodating_lens_implant%1:06:00:: 102672152 accommodating lens implant, accommodating IOL n a lens implant containing a hinge that allows for both near and far vision (thus mimicking the natural lens of a young person) accommodatingly%4:02:00:: 400231620 obligingly, accommodatingly, obligingly, accommodatingly r in accommodation; "obligingly, he lowered his voice" accommodation%1:04:00:: 101210816 accommodation n the act of providing something (lodging or seat or food) to meet a need accommodation%1:04:01:: 100193225 accommodation n (physiology) the automatic adjustment in focal length of the natural lens of the eye accommodation%1:06:00:: 102672371 accommodation n living quarters provided for public convenience; "overnight accommodations are available" accommodation%1:09:00:: 105755486 accommodation n in the theories of Jean Piaget: the modification of internal representations in order to accommodate a changing knowledge of reality accommodation%1:10:02:: 107177437 accommodation n a settlement of differences; "they reached an accommodation with Japan" accommodation%1:11:00:: 107369604 adjustment, accommodation, fitting n making or becoming suitable; adjusting to circumstances accommodational%3:01:00:: 303139585 accommodational a of or relating to the accommodation of the lens of the eye; "accommodational strain" accommodation_endorser%1:18:00:: 109760735 accommodation endorser n a person who endorses a promissory note without compensation or benefit but simply as a favor to the borrower accommodation_ladder%1:06:00:: 102672646 accommodation ladder n (nautical) a portable ladder hung over the side of a vessel to give access to small boats alongside accommodation_reflex%1:04:00:: 100117124 accommodation reflex n reflex changes in the eyes that enable an object to be focused on the retina accommodative%3:00:00:: 300020787 accommodating, accommodative a helpful in bringing about a harmonious adaptation; "the warden was always accommodating in allowing visitors in"; "made a special effort to be accommodating" accommodative%5:00:00:adaptive:00 300046339 accommodative, reconciling s tending to reconcile or accommodate; bringing into harmony accommodative%5:00:00:noncompetitive:00 300513388 accommodative, cooperative s willing to adjust to differences in order to obtain agreement accommodator%1:18:00:: 110369166 obliger, accommodator n someone who performs a service or does a favor accompanied%3:00:00:: 302250899 accompanied a having companions or an escort; "there were lone gentlemen and gentlemen accompanied by their wives" accompanied%3:00:01:: 302252053 accompanied, attended a playing or singing with instrumental or vocal accompaniment accompaniment%1:04:00:: 100827782 escort, accompaniment n the act of accompanying someone or something in order to protect them accompaniment%1:07:00:: 105109511 complement, accompaniment n something added to complete or embellish or make perfect; "a fine wine is a perfect complement to the dinner"; "wild rice was served as an accompaniment to the main dish" accompaniment%1:10:00:: 107031752 accompaniment, musical accompaniment, backup, support n a musical part (vocal or instrumental) that supports or provides background for other musical parts accompaniment%1:11:00:: 107284554 accompaniment, concomitant, attendant, co-occurrence n an event or situation that happens at the same time as or in connection with another accompanist%1:18:00:: 109760913 accompanist, accompanyist n a person who provides musical accompaniment (usually on a piano) accompany%2:36:00:: 201728355 play along, accompany, follow v perform an accompaniment to; "The orchestra could barely follow the frequent pitch changes of the soprano" accompany%2:38:00:: 202025550 accompany v go or travel along with; "The nurse accompanied the old lady everywhere" accompany%2:42:00:: 202716165 attach to, accompany, come with, go with v be present or associated with an event or entity; "French fries come with the hamburger"; "heart attacks are accompanied by distruction of heart tissue"; "fish usually goes with white wine"; "this kind of vein accompanies certain arteries" accompany%2:42:01:: 202716767 company, companion, accompany, keep company v be a companion to somebody accompanying%5:00:00:subsequent:00 300122844 attendant, consequent, accompanying, concomitant, incidental, ensuant, resultant, sequent s following or accompanying as a consequence; "an excessive growth of bureaucracy, with attendant problems"; "snags incidental to the changeover in management"; "attendant circumstances"; "the period of tension and consequent need for military preparedness"; "the ensuant response to his appeal"; "the resultant savings were considerable" accompanying_vein%1:08:00:: 105357160 accompanying vein, vena comitans n a vein accompanying another structure; a vein may accompany an artery in such a way that the arterial pulses aid venous return accompanyist%1:18:00:: 109760913 accompanist, accompanyist n a person who provides musical accompaniment (usually on a piano) accomplice%1:18:00:: 109761068 accomplice, confederate n a person who joins with another in carrying out some plan (especially an unethical or illegal plan) accomplish%2:36:00:: 201640855 carry through, accomplish, execute, carry out, action, fulfill, fulfil v put in effect; "carry out a task"; "execute the decision of the people"; "He actioned the operation" accomplish%2:41:00:: 202526085 achieve, accomplish, attain, reach v to gain with effort; "she achieved her goal despite setbacks" accomplishable%5:00:00:possible:00 301821690 accomplishable, achievable, doable, manageable, realizable s capable of existing or taking place or proving true; possible to do accomplished%5:00:00:complete:00 300521329 accomplished, completed, realized, realised s successfully completed or brought to an end; "his mission accomplished he took a vacation"; "the completed project"; "the joy of a realized ambition overcame him" accomplished%5:00:00:settled:02 302129535 accomplished, effected, established s settled securely and unconditionally; "that smoking causes health problems is an accomplished fact" accomplished%5:00:00:skilled:00 302226028 accomplished, complete s highly skilled; "an accomplished pianist"; "a complete musician" accomplished_fact%1:04:00:: 100047941 fait accompli, accomplished fact n an irreversible accomplishment accomplishment%1:04:00:: 100035189 accomplishment, achievement n the action of accomplishing something accomplishment%1:09:00:: 105637558 skill, accomplishment, acquirement, acquisition, attainment n an ability that has been acquired by training accord%1:07:00:: 104713332 accord n sympathetic compatibility accord%1:10:00:: 107176804 accord, conformity, accordance n concurrence of opinion; "we are in accord with your proposal" accord%1:10:01:: 106773434 treaty, pact, accord n a written agreement between two states or sovereigns accord%1:26:00:: 113971065 agreement, accord n harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters; "the two parties were in agreement" accord%2:40:00:: 202255268 accord, allot, grant v allow to have; "grant a privilege" accord%2:42:00:: 202700104 harmonize, harmonise, consort, accord, concord, fit in, agree v go together; "The colors don't harmonize"; "Their ideas concorded" accordance%1:04:00:: 101086572 accordance, accordance of rights n the act of granting rights; "the accordance to Canada of rights of access" accordance%1:10:00:: 107176804 accord, conformity, accordance n concurrence of opinion; "we are in accord with your proposal" accordance_of_rights%1:04:00:: 101086572 accordance, accordance of rights n the act of granting rights; "the accordance to Canada of rights of access" accord_and_satisfaction%1:10:00:: 107178525 accord and satisfaction n the settlement of a debt by paying less than the amount demanded in exchange for extinguishing the debt accordant%3:00:00:: 300552841 accordant a being in agreement or harmony; often followed by `with'; "a place perfectly accordant with man's nature"-Thomas Hardy accordant%5:00:00:consistent:00 300577122 accordant, agreeable, conformable, consonant, concordant s in keeping; "salaries agreeable with current trends"; "plans conformable with your wishes"; "expressed views concordant with his background" according%5:00:00:accordant:00 300553140 according s (followed by `to') in agreement with or accordant with; "according to instructions" according%5:00:00:reported:00 300471572 according s (followed by `to') as reported or stated by; "according to historians" accordingly%4:02:00:: 400062857 consequently, accordingly, consequently, accordingly r (sentence connectors) because of the reason given; "consequently, he didn't do it"; "continued to have severe headaches and accordingly returned to the doctor" accordingly%4:02:01:: 400063089 accordingly, accordingly r in accordance with; "she acted accordingly" accordion%1:06:00:: 102672831 accordion, piano accordion, squeeze box n a portable box-shaped free-reed instrument; the reeds are made to vibrate by air from the bellows controlled by the player accordion_door%1:06:00:: 103376771 folding door, accordion door n an interior door that opens by folding back in sections (rather than by swinging on hinges) accordionist%1:18:00:: 109761310 accordionist n a musician who plays the accordion accost%2:32:00:: 200781652 hook, solicit, accost v approach with an offer of sexual favors; "he was solicited by a prostitute"; "The young man was caught soliciting in the park" accost%2:32:01:: 200990655 address, accost, come up to v speak to someone accouchement%1:22:00:: 113448334 childbirth, childbearing, accouchement, vaginal birth n the parturition process in human beings; having a baby; the process of giving birth to a child accoucheur%1:18:00:: 110369699 obstetrician, accoucheur n a physician specializing in obstetrics accoucheuse%1:18:00:: 110314836 midwife, accoucheuse n a woman skilled in aiding the delivery of babies account%1:07:00:: 105157732 account n the quality of taking advantage; "she turned her writing skills to good account" account%1:07:01:: 105169037 account n importance or value; "a person of considerable account"; "he predicted that although it is of small account now it will rapidly increase in importance" account%1:10:00:: 106514093 history, account, chronicle, story n a record or narrative description of past events; "a history of France"; "he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president"; "the story of exposure to lead" account%1:10:02:: 106516955 bill, account, invoice n an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered; "he paid his bill and left"; "send me an account of what I owe" account%1:10:03:: 106681551 report, news report, story, account, write up n a short account of the news; "the report of his speech"; "the story was on the 11 o'clock news"; "the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious" account%1:10:04:: 106738281 explanation, account n a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc.; "the explanation was very simple"; "I expected a brief account" account%1:10:05:: 107217924 report, account n the act of informing by verbal report; "he heard reports that they were causing trouble"; "by all accounts they were a happy couple" account%1:16:00:: 109179382 score, account n grounds; "don't do it on my account"; "the paper was rejected on account of its length"; "he tried to blame the victim but his success on that score was doubtful" account%1:21:02:: 113354985 account, accounting, account statement n a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance; "they send me an accounting every month" account%1:26:00:: 113929037 account, business relationship n a formal contractual relationship established to provide for regular banking or brokerage or business services; "he asked to see the executive who handled his account" account%2:32:00:: 200867644 account, answer for v furnish a justifying analysis or explanation; "I can't account for the missing money" account%2:32:02:: 200965035 report, describe, account v to give an account or representation of in words; "Discreet Italian police described it in a manner typically continental" account%2:40:00:: 202265231 account, calculate v keep an account of account%2:42:01:: 202607432 account v be the sole or primary factor in the existence, acquisition, supply, or disposal of something; "Passing grades account for half of the grades given in this exam" accountability%1:07:00:: 104669828 accountability, answerability, answerableness n responsibility to someone or for some activity accountable%5:00:00:responsible:00 301996875 accountable s liable to account for one's actions; "governments must be accountable to someone beside themselves"; "fully accountable for what they did"; "the court held the parents answerable for their minor child's acts of vandalism"; "he was answerable to no one" accountancy%1:04:00:: 100618734 accountancy, accounting n the occupation of maintaining and auditing records and preparing financial reports for a business accountant%1:18:00:: 109761403 accountant, comptroller, controller n someone who maintains and audits business accounts accountantship%1:04:00:: 100588598 accountantship n the position of accountant account_book%1:21:00:: 113404248 ledger, leger, account book, book of account, book n a record in which commercial accounts are recorded; "they got a subpoena to examine our books" account_executive%1:18:00:: 109761753 account executive, account representative, registered representative, customer's broker, customer's man n someone in charge of a client's account for an advertising agency or brokerage or other service business account_for%2:32:00:: 200939621 account for v give reasons for; "Can you account for all these absences?" account_for%2:42:00:: 202635033 account for v be the reason or explanation for; "The recession accounts for the slow retail business" accounting%1:04:00:: 100618734 accountancy, accounting n the occupation of maintaining and auditing records and preparing financial reports for a business accounting%1:09:00:: 105662532 accounting n a system that provides quantitative information about finances accounting%1:10:00:: 106739509 accounting n a convincing explanation that reveals basic causes; "he was unable to give a clear accounting for his actions" accounting%1:21:00:: 113354985 account, accounting, account statement n a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance; "they send me an accounting every month" accounting%1:21:01:: 113405962 accounting, accounting system, method of accounting n a bookkeeper's chronological list of related debits and credits of a business; forms part of a ledger of accounts accounting_data%1:14:00:: 108462534 accounting data n all the data (ledgers and journals and spreadsheets) that support a financial statement; can be hard copy or machine readable accounting_entry%1:21:00:: 113405296 entry, accounting entry, ledger entry n a written record of a commercial transaction accounting_firm%1:14:00:: 108062326 accounting firm n a firm of accountants who provide accounting and auditing services for a fee accounting_principle%1:09:00:: 105955593 accounting principle, accounting standard n a principle that governs current accounting practice and that is used as a reference to determine the appropriate treatment of complex transactions accounting_standard%1:09:00:: 105955593 accounting principle, accounting standard n a principle that governs current accounting practice and that is used as a reference to determine the appropriate treatment of complex transactions accounting_system%1:21:00:: 113405962 accounting, accounting system, method of accounting n a bookkeeper's chronological list of related debits and credits of a business; forms part of a ledger of accounts account_payable%1:26:00:: 114490801 account payable, payable n a liability account showing how much is owed for goods and services purchased on credit; "the problem was to match receivables and payables in the same currency" account_representative%1:18:00:: 109761753 account executive, account representative, registered representative, customer's broker, customer's man n someone in charge of a client's account for an advertising agency or brokerage or other service business accounts_payable%1:21:00:: 113407561 accounts payable n a debtor's accounts of money he owes; normally arise from the purchase of products or services accounts_receivable%1:21:00:: 113407208 accounts receivable n a creditor's accounts of money owed to him; normally arise from the sale of products or services account_statement%1:21:00:: 113354985 account, accounting, account statement n a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance; "they send me an accounting every month" accouter%2:40:00:: 202342016 accouter, accoutre v provide with military equipment accoutered%5:00:00:equipped:00 301094398 accoutered, accoutred s provided with necessary articles of equipment for a specialized purpose (especially military); "troops accoutered for battle"; "properly accoutered for the trip" accouterment%1:06:00:: 102671780 accessory, accoutrement, accouterment n clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing accoutre%2:40:00:: 202342016 accouter, accoutre v provide with military equipment accoutred%5:00:00:equipped:00 301094398 accoutered, accoutred s provided with necessary articles of equipment for a specialized purpose (especially military); "troops accoutered for battle"; "properly accoutered for the trip" accoutrement%1:06:00:: 102671780 accessory, accoutrement, accouterment n clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing accra%1:15:00:: 108946564 Accra, capital of Ghana n the capital and largest city of Ghana with a deep-water port accredit%2:31:00:: 200727791 accredit, credit v ascribe an achievement to; "She was not properly credited in the program" accredit%2:41:00:: 202475535 accredit, recognize, recognise v grant credentials to; "The Regents officially recognized the new educational institution"; "recognize an academic degree" accredit%2:41:01:: 202475772 accredit v provide or send (envoys or embassadors) with official credentials accreditation%1:04:00:: 101140193 accreditation n the act of granting credit or recognition (especially with respect to educational institution that maintains suitable standards); "a commission is responsible for the accreditation of medical schools" accredited%5:00:00:authorized:00 300178811 accredited, commissioned, licensed, licenced s given official approval to act; "an accredited college"; "commissioned broker"; "licensed pharmacist"; "authorized representative" accrete%2:30:00:: 200396325 accrete v grow together (of plants and organs); "After many years the rose bushes grew together" accrete%2:30:01:: 200159368 accrete v grow or become attached by accretion; "The story accreted emotion" accretion%1:21:00:: 113263540 accretion n (law) an increase in a beneficiary's share in an estate (as when a co-beneficiary dies or fails to meet some condition or rejects the inheritance) accretion%1:22:00:: 113424865 accretion, accumulation n an increase by natural growth or addition accretion%1:22:01:: 113425067 accretion n (geology) an increase in land resulting from alluvial deposits or waterborne sediment accretion%1:22:02:: 113425245 accretion n (biology) growth by addition as by the adhesion of parts or particles accretion%1:22:03:: 113425425 accretion n (astronomy) the formation of a celestial object by the effect of gravity pulling together surrounding objects and gases accretion%1:23:00:: 113754565 accretion n something contributing to growth or increase; "he scraped away the accretions of paint"; "the central city surrounded by recent accretions" accretionary%5:00:00:increasing:00 302535335 accretionary s marked or produced by accretion accretive%5:00:00:increasing:00 302535533 accretive s growing by accretion accroides%1:27:00:: 114598937 acaroid resin, accaroid resin, accroides, accroides resin, accroides gum, gum accroides n an alcohol-soluble resin from Australian trees; used in varnishes and in manufacturing paper accroides_gum%1:27:00:: 114598937 acaroid resin, accaroid resin, accroides, accroides resin, accroides gum, gum accroides n an alcohol-soluble resin from Australian trees; used in varnishes and in manufacturing paper accroides_resin%1:27:00:: 114598937 acaroid resin, accaroid resin, accroides, accroides resin, accroides gum, gum accroides n an alcohol-soluble resin from Australian trees; used in varnishes and in manufacturing paper accrual%1:04:00:: 100372013 accumulation, accrual, accruement n the act of accumulating accrual_basis%1:21:00:: 113406638 accrual basis n a method of accounting in which each item is entered as it is earned or incurred regardless of when actual payments are received or made accrue%2:30:00:: 200155869 accrue v grow by addition; "The interest accrues" accrue%2:40:10:: 202230056 accrue, fall v come into the possession of; "The house accrued to the oldest son" accrued%5:00:00:increased:00 300880447 accrued, accumulated s periodically accumulated over time; "accrued interest"; "accrued leave" accruement%1:04:00:: 100372013 accumulation, accrual, accruement n the act of accumulating acculturate%2:30:00:: 200159880 acculturate v assimilate culturally acculturation%1:04:00:: 101128984 socialization, socialisation, acculturation, enculturation n the adoption of the behavior patterns of the surrounding culture; "the socialization of children to the norms of their culture" acculturation%1:09:00:: 105984936 acculturation, culture n all the knowledge and values shared by a society acculturation%1:09:01:: 105757049 acculturation, assimilation n the process of assimilating new ideas into an existing cognitive structure acculturational%3:01:00:: 303139749 acculturational, acculturative a of or relating to acculturation acculturative%3:01:00:: 303139749 acculturational, acculturative a of or relating to acculturation accumbent%5:00:00:unerect:00 301238201 accumbent, decumbent, recumbent s lying down; in a position of comfort or rest accumulate%2:30:00:: 200158804 accumulate, cumulate, conglomerate, pile up, gather, amass v collect or gather; "Journals are accumulating in my office"; "The work keeps piling up" accumulate%2:40:00:: 202304982 roll up, collect, accumulate, pile up, amass, compile, hoard v get or gather together; "I am accumulating evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife"; "She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis"; "She rolled up a small fortune" accumulated%5:00:00:increased:00 300880447 accrued, accumulated s periodically accumulated over time; "accrued interest"; "accrued leave" accumulation%1:04:00:: 100372013 accumulation, accrual, accruement n the act of accumulating accumulation%1:14:00:: 107951464 collection, aggregation, accumulation, assemblage n several things grouped together or considered as a whole accumulation%1:21:00:: 113366693 accumulation n (finance) profits that are not paid out as dividends but are added to the capital base of the corporation accumulation%1:22:00:: 113424865 accretion, accumulation n an increase by natural growth or addition accumulative%5:00:00:acquisitive:00 300029769 accumulative s marked by acquiring or amassing; "we live in an accumulative society" accumulative%5:00:00:additive:00 300048460 accumulative, cumulative s increasing by successive addition; "the benefits are cumulative"; "the eventual accumulative effect of these substances" accumulator%1:06:00:: 104328329 storage battery, accumulator n a voltaic battery that stores electric charge accumulator%1:06:01:: 102673078 accumulator, accumulator register n (computer science) a register that has a built-in adder that adds an input number to the contents of the register accumulator%1:18:00:: 109936362 collector, gatherer, accumulator n a person who is employed to collect payments (as for rent or taxes) accumulator_register%1:06:00:: 102673078 accumulator, accumulator register n (computer science) a register that has a built-in adder that adds an input number to the contents of the register accuracy%1:07:02:: 104802907 accuracy, truth n the quality of being near to the true value; "he was beginning to doubt the accuracy of his compass"; "the lawyer questioned the truth of my account" accuracy%1:07:03:: 104803209 accuracy n (mathematics) the number of significant figures given in a number; "the atomic clock enabled scientists to measure time with much greater accuracy" accurate%3:00:00:: 300021766 accurate a conforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a standard or performing with total accuracy; "an accurate reproduction"; "the accounting was accurate"; "accurate measurements"; "an accurate scale" accurate%5:00:00:correct:00 300631798 accurate, exact, precise s (of ideas, images, representations, expressions) characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth ; strictly correct; "a precise image"; "a precise measurement" accurately%4:02:01:: 400204523 accurately, accurately r with few mistakes; "he works very accurately" accurately%4:02:02:: 400204798 accurately, accurately r strictly correctly; "repeated the order accurately" accurse%2:32:00:: 200864910 accurse, execrate, anathemize, comminate, anathemise, anathematize, anathematise v curse or declare to be evil or anathema or threaten with divine punishment accursed%5:00:00:cursed:00 300669853 accursed, accurst, maledict s under a curse accurst%5:00:00:cursed:00 300669853 accursed, accurst, maledict s under a curse accusal%1:10:00:: 107234230 accusation, accusal n a formal charge of wrongdoing brought against a person; the act of imputing blame or guilt accusation%1:10:00:: 107234230 accusation, accusal n a formal charge of wrongdoing brought against a person; the act of imputing blame or guilt accusation%1:10:01:: 106730780 accusation, charge n an assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence; "the newspaper published charges that Jones was guilty of drunken driving" accusative%1:10:00:: 106311557 accusative, accusative case, objective case n the case of nouns serving as the direct object of a verb accusative%3:01:00:: 302861997 objective, accusative a serving as or indicating the object of a verb or of certain prepositions and used for certain other purposes; "objective case"; "accusative endings" accusative%5:00:00:inculpatory:00 300924257 accusative, accusatory, accusing, accusive s containing or expressing accusation; "an accusitive forefinger"; "black accusatory looks"; "accusive shoes and telltale trousers"- O.Henry; "his accusing glare" accusative_case%1:10:00:: 106311557 accusative, accusative case, objective case n the case of nouns serving as the direct object of a verb accusatorial%3:01:00:: 303041739 accusatorial a specifically indicating a form of prosecution in which one is publicly accused of and tried for a crime and in which the judge is not also the prosecutor accusatory%5:00:00:inculpatory:00 300924257 accusative, accusatory, accusing, accusive s containing or expressing accusation; "an accusitive forefinger"; "black accusatory looks"; "accusive shoes and telltale trousers"- O.Henry; "his accusing glare" accuse%2:32:00:: 200842989 accuse, impeach, incriminate, criminate v bring an accusation against; level a charge against; "The neighbors accused the man of spousal abuse" accuse%2:32:01:: 200843468 charge, accuse v blame for, make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against; "he charged the director with indifference" accused%1:18:00:: 109762011 accused n a defendant in a criminal proceeding accuser%1:18:00:: 109762385 accuser n someone who imputes guilt or blame accusing%5:00:00:inculpatory:00 300924257 accusative, accusatory, accusing, accusive s containing or expressing accusation; "an accusitive forefinger"; "black accusatory looks"; "accusive shoes and telltale trousers"- O.Henry; "his accusing glare" accusingly%4:02:00:: 400066418 accusingly, accusingly r in an accusing manner; "he looked at her accusingly" accusive%5:00:00:inculpatory:00 300924257 accusative, accusatory, accusing, accusive s containing or expressing accusation; "an accusitive forefinger"; "black accusatory looks"; "accusive shoes and telltale trousers"- O.Henry; "his accusing glare" accustom%2:30:00:: 200273445 habituate, accustom v make psychologically or physically used (to something); "She became habituated to the background music" accustomed%3:00:00:: 300024417 accustomed a (often followed by `to') in the habit of or adapted to; "accustomed to doing her own work"; "I've grown accustomed to her face" accustomed%5:00:00:usual:00 300489491 accustomed, customary, habitual, wonted s commonly used or practiced; usual; "his accustomed thoroughness"; "took his customary morning walk"; "his habitual comment"; "with her wonted candor" ace%1:04:00:: 100568701 ace n a serve that the receiver is unable to reach ace%1:06:00:: 102673291 ace n one of four playing cards in a deck having a single pip on its face ace%1:14:00:: 108175498 Allied Command Europe, ACE n a major strategic headquarters of NATO; safeguards an area extending from Norway to Turkey ace%1:18:00:: 109762509 ace, adept, champion, sensation, maven, mavin, virtuoso, genius, hotshot, star, superstar, whiz, whizz, wizard, wiz n someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field ace%1:23:00:: 113742573 one, 1, I, ace, single, unity n the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number; "he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it"; "they had lunch at one" ace%1:27:00:: 114735642 angiotensin converting enzyme, angiotensin-converting enzyme, ACE n proteolytic enzyme that converts angiotensin I into angiotensin II ace%2:33:00:: 201113367 ace v score an ace against; "He aced his opponents" ace%2:33:01:: 201077759 ace v serve an ace against (someone) ace%2:33:02:: 201085130 ace v play (a hole) in one stroke ace%2:41:00:: 202522581 breeze through, ace, pass with flying colors, sweep through, sail through, nail v succeed at easily; "She sailed through her exams"; "You will pass with flying colors"; "She nailed her astrophysics course" ace%5:00:00:superior:02 302341864 ace, A-one, crack, first-rate, super, tiptop, topnotch, top-notch, tops s of the highest quality; "an ace reporter"; "a crack shot"; "a first-rate golfer"; "a super party"; "played top-notch tennis"; "an athlete in tiptop condition"; "she is absolutely tops" acebutolol%1:06:00:: 102673480 acebutolol, Sectral n an oral beta blocker (trade name Sectral) used in treating hypertension acedia%1:04:00:: 100758795 sloth, laziness, acedia n apathy and inactivity in the practice of virtue (personified as one of the deadly sins) ace_inhibitor%1:06:00:: 102673637 ACE inhibitor, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor n an antihypertensive drug that blocks the formation of angiotensin II in the kidney, leading to relaxation of the arteries; promotes the excretion of salt and water by inhibiting the activity of the angiotensin converting enzyme; also used to treat congestive heart failure acellular%3:00:00:: 300328128 noncellular, acellular a not made up of or divided into cells acellular_slime_mold%1:20:00:: 112975804 true slime mold, acellular slime mold, plasmodial slime mold, myxomycete n a slime mold of the class Myxomycetes acentric%3:01:00:: 303140110 acentric a lacking a centromere; "an acentric chromosome fragment" acentric%5:00:00:eccentric:00 300543407 acentric s not centered or having no center acentric_chromosome%1:08:00:: 105444610 acentric chromosome n a chromosome lacking a centromere ace_of_clubs%1:06:00:: 102674101 ace of clubs n the ace in the club suit ace_of_diamonds%1:06:00:: 102674184 ace of diamonds n the ace in the diamond suit ace_of_hearts%1:06:00:: 102674273 ace of hearts n the ace in the heart suit ace_of_spades%1:06:00:: 102674358 ace of spades n the ace in the spade suit; sometimes taken as a portent of death acephalia%1:26:00:: 114019441 acephalia, acephaly, acephalism n absence of the head (as in the development of some monsters) acephalism%1:26:00:: 114019441 acephalia, acephaly, acephalism n absence of the head (as in the development of some monsters) acephalous%5:00:00:headless:00 301184448 acephalous s lacking a head or a clearly defined head; "acephalous worms" acephaly%1:26:00:: 114019441 acephalia, acephaly, acephalism n absence of the head (as in the development of some monsters) acer%1:20:00:: 112752039 Acer, genus Acer n type genus of the Aceraceae; trees or shrubs having winged fruit aceraceae%1:20:00:: 112751823 Aceraceae, family Aceraceae, maple family n a family of trees and shrubs of order Sapindales including the maples acer_argutum%1:20:00:: 112755559 pointed-leaf maple, Acer argutum n small shrubby Japanese plant with leaves having 5 to 7 acuminate lobes; yellow in autumn acerate%5:00:00:simple:01 302167133 acerate, acerose, acicular, needle-shaped s narrow and long and pointed; as pine leaves acerate_leaf%1:20:00:: 113157595 acerate leaf, needle n the leaf of a conifer acerb%5:00:00:sour:00 302369027 acerb, acerbic, astringent s sour or bitter in taste acerb%5:00:00:unpleasant:00 301802165 acerb, acerbic, acid, acrid, bitter, blistering, caustic, sulfurous, sulphurous, virulent, vitriolic s harsh or corrosive in tone; "an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose"; "a barrage of acid comments"; "her acrid remarks make her many enemies"; "bitter words"; "blistering criticism"; "caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics"; "a sulfurous denunciation"; "a vitriolic critique" acerbate%2:30:00:: 200270440 acerbate v make sour or bitter acerbate%2:37:00:: 201773535 embitter, envenom, acerbate v cause to be bitter or resentful; "These injustices embittered her even more" acerbic%5:00:00:sour:00 302369027 acerb, acerbic, astringent s sour or bitter in taste acerbic%5:00:00:unpleasant:00 301802165 acerb, acerbic, acid, acrid, bitter, blistering, caustic, sulfurous, sulphurous, virulent, vitriolic s harsh or corrosive in tone; "an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose"; "a barrage of acid comments"; "her acrid remarks make her many enemies"; "bitter words"; "blistering criticism"; "caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics"; "a sulfurous denunciation"; "a vitriolic critique" acerbity%1:07:00:: 104643397 bitterness, acrimony, acerbity, jaundice, tartness, thorniness n a rough and bitter manner acerbity%1:07:01:: 104994126 acerbity, tartness n a sharp sour taste acerbity%1:07:02:: 104995009 acerbity n a sharp bitterness acer_campestre%1:20:00:: 112754648 hedge maple, field maple, Acer campestre n shrubby Eurasian maple often used as a hedge acer_circinatum%1:20:00:: 112754468 vine maple, Acer circinatum n small maple of northwestern North America having prostrate stems that root freely and form dense thickets acer_glabrum%1:20:00:: 112754174 dwarf maple, Rocky-mountain maple, Acer glabrum n small maple of northwestern North America acer_japonicum%1:20:00:: 112755727 Japanese maple, full moon maple, Acer japonicum n leaves deeply incised and bright red in autumn; Japan acer_macrophyllum%1:20:00:: 112754003 Oregon maple, big-leaf maple, Acer macrophyllum n maple of western North America having large 5-lobed leaves orange in autumn acer_negundo%1:20:00:: 112755225 box elder, ash-leaved maple, Acer negundo n common shade tree of eastern and central United States acer_negundo_californicum%1:20:00:: 112755387 California box elder, Acer negundo Californicum n maple of the Pacific coast of the United States; fruits are white when mature acerola%1:13:00:: 107746334 acerola, barbados cherry, surinam cherry, West Indian cherry n acid red or yellow cherry-like fruit of a tropical American shrub very rich in vitamin C acerola%1:20:00:: 112694486 barbados cherry, acerola, Surinam cherry, West Indian cherry, Malpighia glabra n tropical American shrub bearing edible acid red fruit resembling cherries acerose%5:00:00:simple:01 302167133 acerate, acerose, acicular, needle-shaped s narrow and long and pointed; as pine leaves acer_palmatum%1:20:00:: 112755876 Japanese maple, Acer palmatum n ornamental shrub or small tree of Japan and Korea with deeply incised leaves; cultivated in many varieties acer_pennsylvanicum%1:20:00:: 112753762 moosewood, moose-wood, striped maple, striped dogwood, goosefoot maple, Acer pennsylvanicum n maple of eastern North America with striped bark and large two-lobed leaves clear yellow in autumn acer_platanoides%1:20:00:: 112754781 Norway maple, Acer platanoides n a large Eurasian maple tree naturalized in North America; five-lobed leaves yellow in autumn; cultivated in many varieties acer_pseudoplatanus%1:20:00:: 112754981 sycamore, great maple, scottish maple, Acer pseudoplatanus n Eurasian maple tree with pale grey bark that peels in flakes like that of a sycamore tree; leaves with five ovate lobes yellow in autumn acer_rubrum%1:20:00:: 112753573 red maple, scarlet maple, swamp maple, Acer rubrum n maple of eastern and central America; five-lobed leaves turn scarlet and yellow in autumn acer_saccharinum%1:20:00:: 112753007 silver maple, Acer saccharinum n a common North American maple tree; five-lobed leaves are light green above and silvery white beneath; source of hard close-grained but brittle light-brown wood acer_saccharum%1:20:00:: 112753245 sugar maple, rock maple, Acer saccharum n maple of eastern and central North America having three-lobed to five-lobed leaves and hard close-grained wood much used for cabinet work especially the curly-grained form; sap is chief source of maple syrup and maple sugar; many subspecies acer_spicatum%1:20:00:: 112754311 mountain maple, mountain alder, Acer spicatum n small shrubby maple of eastern North America; scarlet in autumn acervate%3:01:00:: 302600447 acervate a pertaining to a growth of fungi that forms a heaped-up mass; "acervate fungous sporophores" acervulus%1:20:00:: 111533026 acervulus n small asexual fruiting body resembling a cushion or blister consisting of a mat of hyphae that is produced on a host by some fungi acetabular%5:00:00:concave:00 300535844 acetabular, cotyloid, cotyloidal s of the cup-shaped socket that receives the head of the thigh bone acetabulum%1:08:00:: 105596224 acetabulum, cotyloid cavity n the cup-shaped hollow in the hipbone into which the head of the femur fits to form a ball-and-socket joint acetal%1:27:00:: 114710805 acetal n any organic compound formed by adding alcohol molecules to aldehyde molecules acetaldehyde%1:27:00:: 114711008 acetaldehyde, ethanal n a colorless volatile water-soluble liquid aldehyde used chiefly in the manufacture of acetic acid and perfumes and drugs acetaldol%1:27:00:: 114710935 acetaldol n unsaturated aldol acetamide%1:27:00:: 114711197 acetamide, ethanamide n a colorless solid amide of acetic acid used as a solvent and in the synthesis of organic compounds acetaminophen%1:06:00:: 102674482 acetaminophen, Datril, Tylenol, Panadol, Phenaphen, Tempra, Anacin III n an analgesic for mild pain but not for inflammation; also used as an antipyretic; (Datril, Tylenol, Panadol, Phenaphen, Tempra, and Anacin III are trademarks of brands of acetaminophen tablets) acetanilid%1:06:00:: 102674912 acetanilide, acetanilid, phenylacetamide n a white crystalline compound used as an analgesic and also as an antipyretic acetanilide%1:06:00:: 102674912 acetanilide, acetanilid, phenylacetamide n a white crystalline compound used as an analgesic and also as an antipyretic acetate%1:06:00:: 102675219 acetate rayon, acetate n a fabric made from fibers of cellulose acetate acetate%1:27:00:: 114599806 acetate, ethanoate n a salt or ester of acetic acid acetate_disk%1:06:00:: 102675077 acetate disk, phonograph recording disk n a disk coated with cellulose acetate acetate_rayon%1:06:00:: 102675219 acetate rayon, acetate n a fabric made from fibers of cellulose acetate acetic%3:01:00:: 303039907 acetic a relating to or containing acetic acid acetic_acid%1:27:00:: 114599168 acetic acid, ethanoic acid n a colorless pungent liquid widely used in manufacturing plastics and pharmaceuticals acetic_anhydride%1:27:00:: 114768640 acetic anhydride n a compound that is needed in order to refine opium into heroin acetify%2:30:00:: 200264875 acidify, acetify v turn acidic; "the solution acetified" acetify%2:39:00:: 202196690 sour, acidify, acidulate, acetify v make sour or more sour acetin%1:27:00:: 114599494 acetin n any of three liquid acetates that are formed when acetic acid and glycerin are heated together acetoacetic_acid%1:27:00:: 114927051 acetoacetic acid n unstable acid found in abnormal amounts in the blood and urine in some cases of impaired metabolism (as diabetes mellitus or starvation) acetone%1:27:00:: 114600504 acetone, propanone, dimethyl ketone n the simplest ketone; a highly inflammable liquid widely used as an organic solvent and as material for making plastics acetone_body%1:27:00:: 114926595 ketone body, acetone body n a ketone that is an intermediate product of the breakdown of fats in the body; any of three compounds (acetoacetic acid, acetone, and/or beta-hydroxybutyric acid) found in excess in blood and urine of persons with metabolic disorders acetonemia%1:26:00:: 114267205 ketonemia, ketosis, acetonemia n an abnormal increase of ketone bodies in the blood as in diabetes mellitus acetonic%3:01:00:: 302600593 acetonic a of or relating to acetone acetonuria%1:26:00:: 114271480 ketonuria, ketoaciduria, acetonuria n excessive amounts of ketone bodies in the urine as in diabetes mellitus or starvation acetophenetidin%1:06:00:: 102675354 acetophenetidin, acetphenetidin, phenacetin n a white crystalline compound used as an analgesic and also as an antipyretic acetose%5:00:00:sour:00 302369179 acetose, acetous, vinegary, vinegarish s tasting or smelling like vinegar acetous%5:00:00:sour:00 302369179 acetose, acetous, vinegary, vinegarish s tasting or smelling like vinegar acetphenetidin%1:06:00:: 102675354 acetophenetidin, acetphenetidin, phenacetin n a white crystalline compound used as an analgesic and also as an antipyretic acetum%1:13:00:: 107828987 vinegar, acetum n sour-tasting liquid produced usually by oxidation of the alcohol in wine or cider and used as a condiment or food preservative acetum%1:27:00:: 114599641 acetum n a dilute solution of acetic acid that is used as a solvent (e.g. for a drug) acetyl%1:27:00:: 114594456 acetyl, acetyl group, acetyl radical, ethanoyl group, ethanoyl radical n the organic group of acetic acid (CH3CO-) acetylate%2:30:00:: 200524299 acetylate, acetylize, acetylise v receive substitution of an acetyl group; "the compounds acetylated" acetylate%2:30:01:: 200524083 acetylate, acetylize, acetylise v introduce an acetyl group into (a chemical compound) acetylation%1:22:00:: 113425637 acetylation n the process of introducing an acetyl group into a compound; "the acetylation of cyclooxygenase-2 by aspirin" acetyl_chloride%1:27:00:: 114808911 acetyl chloride, ethanoyl chloride n colorless liquid acyl chloride (CH3COCl) that has a pungent odor acetylcholine%1:27:00:: 114808418 acetylcholine n a neurotransmitter that is a derivative of choline; released at the ends of nerve fibers in the somatic and parasympathetic nervous systems acetylene%1:27:00:: 114600742 acetylene, ethyne, alkyne n a colorless flammable gas used chiefly in welding and in organic synthesis acetylenic%3:01:00:: 302600691 acetylenic a of or related to acetylene acetyl_group%1:27:00:: 114594456 acetyl, acetyl group, acetyl radical, ethanoyl group, ethanoyl radical n the organic group of acetic acid (CH3CO-) acetylic%3:01:00:: 302600792 acetylic a of or related to acetic acid acetylise%2:30:00:: 200524299 acetylate, acetylize, acetylise v receive substitution of an acetyl group; "the compounds acetylated" acetylise%2:30:01:: 200524083 acetylate, acetylize, acetylise v introduce an acetyl group into (a chemical compound) acetylize%2:30:00:: 200524299 acetylate, acetylize, acetylise v receive substitution of an acetyl group; "the compounds acetylated" acetylize%2:30:01:: 200524083 acetylate, acetylize, acetylise v introduce an acetyl group into (a chemical compound) acetyl_radical%1:27:00:: 114594456 acetyl, acetyl group, acetyl radical, ethanoyl group, ethanoyl radical n the organic group of acetic acid (CH3CO-) acetylsalicylic_acid%1:06:00:: 102748618 aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, Bayer, Empirin, St. Joseph n the acetylated derivative of salicylic acid; used as an analgesic anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Bayer, Empirin, and St. Joseph) usually taken in tablet form; used as an antipyretic; slows clotting of the blood by poisoning platelets achaea%1:15:00:: 108782490 Achaea n a region of ancient Greece on the north coast of the Peloponnese achaean%1:14:00:: 108160586 Achaean, Arcado-Cyprians n the ancient Greek inhabitants of Achaea achaean%1:18:00:: 109710619 Achaean, Achaian n a member of one of four linguistic divisions of the prehistoric Greeks achaean%3:01:00:: 302600893 Achaean a of or relating to Achaea or its ancient Greek people achaian%1:18:00:: 109710619 Achaean, Achaian n a member of one of four linguistic divisions of the prehistoric Greeks ache%1:26:00:: 114323683 ache, aching n a dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain ache%2:37:06:: 201805684 ache, yearn, yen, pine, languish v have a desire for something or someone who is not present; "She ached for a cigarette"; "I am pining for my lover" ache%2:39:00:: 202122164 ache, smart, hurt v be the source of pain ache%2:39:01:: 202121511 hurt, ache, suffer v feel physical pain; "Were you hurting after the accident?" achene%1:20:00:: 112036067 achene n small dry indehiscent fruit with the seed distinct from the fruit wall achenial%3:01:00:: 302601123 achenial a pertaining to dry one-seeded indehiscent fruit acheron%1:17:00:: 109186709 Acheron, River Acheron n (Greek mythology) a river in Hades across which the souls of the dead were carried by Charon acheronian%5:00:00:dark:01 300273652 Acheronian, Acherontic, Stygian s dark and dismal as of the rivers Acheron and Styx in Hades; "in the depths of an Acheronian forest"; "upon those roseate lips a Stygian hue"-Wordsworth acherontia%1:05:00:: 102299715 Acherontia, genus Acherontia n death's-head moth acherontia_atropos%1:05:00:: 102299846 death's-head moth, Acherontia atropos n European hawkmoth with markings on the back resembling a human skull acherontic%5:00:00:dark:01 300273652 Acheronian, Acherontic, Stygian s dark and dismal as of the rivers Acheron and Styx in Hades; "in the depths of an Acheronian forest"; "upon those roseate lips a Stygian hue"-Wordsworth acheson%1:18:00:: 110807858 Acheson, Dean Acheson, Dean Gooderham Acheson n United States statesman who promoted the Marshall Plan and helped establish NATO (1893-1971) acheson_process%1:22:00:: 113425839 Acheson process n an industrial process for making graphite by heating a mixture of coke and clay acheta%1:05:00:: 102229867 Acheta, genus Acheta n common house and field crickets acheta_assimilis%1:05:00:: 102230187 field cricket, Acheta assimilis n common American black cricket; attacks crops and also enters dwellings acheta_domestica%1:05:00:: 102230023 European house cricket, Acheta domestica n lives in human dwellings; naturalized in parts of America achievability%1:26:00:: 114482444 achievability, attainability, attainableness n the state of being achievable achievable%5:00:00:possible:00 301821690 accomplishable, achievable, doable, manageable, realizable s capable of existing or taking place or proving true; possible to do achieve%2:41:00:: 202526085 achieve, accomplish, attain, reach v to gain with effort; "she achieved her goal despite setbacks" achievement%1:04:00:: 100035189 accomplishment, achievement n the action of accomplishing something achiever%1:18:00:: 109762821 achiever, winner, success, succeeder n a person with a record of successes; "his son would never be the achiever that his father was"; "only winners need apply"; "if you want to be a success you have to dress like a success" achillea%1:20:00:: 111916467 achillea n any of several plants of the genus Achillea native to Europe and having small white flowers in flat-topped flower heads achillea_millefolium%1:20:00:: 111916696 yarrow, milfoil, Achillea millefolium n ubiquitous strong-scented mat-forming Eurasian herb of wasteland, hedgerow or pasture having narrow serrate leaves and small usually white florets; widely naturalized in North America achillea_ptarmica%1:20:00:: 111916965 sneezeweed yarrow, sneezewort, Achillea ptarmica n Eurasian herb having loose heads of button-shaped white flowers and long grey-green leaves that cause sneezing when powdered achille_ratti%1:18:00:: 111238303 Pius XI, Achille Ratti, Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti n pope who signed a treaty with Mussolini recognizing the Vatican City as an independent state (1857-1939) achilles%1:18:00:: 109594298 Achilles n a mythical Greek hero of the Iliad; a foremost Greek warrior at the siege of Troy; when he was a baby his mother tried to make him immortal by bathing him in a magical river but the heel by which she held him remained vulnerable--his `Achilles' heel' achilles'_heel%1:07:00:: 105042468 Achilles' heel n a seemingly small but actual mortal weakness achilles_tendon%1:08:00:: 105578740 Achilles tendon, tendon of Achilles n a large tendon that runs from the heel to the calf achimenes%1:20:00:: 112830222 achimenes, hot water plant n any plant of the genus Achimenes having showy bell-shaped flowers that resemble gloxinias aching%1:26:00:: 114323683 ache, aching n a dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain aching%5:00:00:painful:00 301711465 aching, achy s causing a dull and steady pain; "my aching head"; "her old achy joints" achira%1:20:00:: 112351091 achira, indian shot, arrowroot, Canna indica, Canna edulis n canna grown especially for its edible rootstock from which arrowroot starch is obtained achlamydeous%3:00:00:: 300365681 achlamydeous a not having a floral envelope or perianth achlorhydria%1:26:00:: 114054262 achlorhydria n an abnormal deficiency or absence of free hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice; often associated with severe anemias and cancer of the stomach achlorhydric%3:01:00:: 302601242 achlorhydric a lacking hydrochloric acid achmad_sukarno%1:18:00:: 111323849 Sukarno, Achmad Sukarno n Indonesian statesman who obtained the independence of Indonesia from the Netherlands in 1949 and served as president until ousted by Suharto in a coup d'etat (1901-1970) achoerodus%1:05:00:: 102608151 Achoerodus, genus Achoerodus n a genus of Labridae achoerodus_gouldii%1:05:00:: 102608284 pigfish, giant pigfish, Achoerodus gouldii n found around the Great Barrier Reef acholia%1:26:00:: 114054465 acholia, cholestasis n a condition in which little or no bile is secreted or the flow of bile into the digestive tract is obstructed achomawi%1:10:00:: 106921755 Achomawi n the Shastan language spoken by the Achomawi achomawi%1:14:00:: 108488081 Achomawi n a community of Native Americans who speak a Hokan language and live in northeastern California achomawi%1:18:00:: 109645996 Achomawi n a member of the Achomawi community of northeastern California achondrite%1:17:00:: 109186928 achondrite n a stony meteor lacking chondrules achondritic%3:00:00:: 300365936 achondritic a not having a granular structure achondritic%3:01:00:: 302601326 achondritic a of or related to an achondrite achondroplasia%1:26:00:: 114121804 achondroplasia, achondroplasty, osteosclerosis congenita, chondrodystrophy n an inherited skeletal disorder beginning before birth; cartilage is converted to bone resulting in dwarfism achondroplastic%3:01:00:: 302899271 achondroplastic a of or relating to achondroplasia achondroplasty%1:26:00:: 114121804 achondroplasia, achondroplasty, osteosclerosis congenita, chondrodystrophy n an inherited skeletal disorder beginning before birth; cartilage is converted to bone resulting in dwarfism achras%1:20:00:: 112772419 Achras, genus Achras n tropical trees having papery leaves and large fruit achras_zapota%1:20:00:: 112774641 sapodilla, sapodilla tree, Manilkara zapota, Achras zapota n large tropical American evergreen yielding chicle gum and edible fruit; sometimes placed in genus Achras achromasia%1:07:00:: 104977561 lividness, lividity, luridness, paleness, pallidness, pallor, wanness, achromasia n unnatural lack of color in the skin (as from bruising or sickness or emotional distress) achromatic%3:00:00:: 300386392 achromatic, neutral a having no hue; "neutral colors like black or white" achromatic_color%1:07:00:: 104960079 achromatic color, achromatic colour n a color lacking hue; white or grey or black achromatic_colour%1:07:00:: 104960079 achromatic color, achromatic colour n a color lacking hue; white or grey or black achromaticity%1:07:00:: 104958634 colorlessness, colourlessness, achromatism, achromaticity n the visual property of being without chromatic color achromatic_lens%1:06:00:: 102675522 achromatic lens n a compound lens system that forms an image free from chromatic aberration achromatic_vision%1:09:00:: 105655482 achromatic vision n vision using the rods achromatin%1:08:00:: 105436381 achromatin n the part of a cell nucleus that is relatively uncolored by stains or dyes achromatinic%3:01:00:: 302696638 achromatinic a (of substance of a cell nucleus) not readily colored by stains achromatise%2:30:00:: 200524530 achromatize, achromatise v remove color from; "achromatize the lenses" achromatism%1:07:00:: 104958634 colorlessness, colourlessness, achromatism, achromaticity n the visual property of being without chromatic color achromatize%2:30:00:: 200524530 achromatize, achromatise v remove color from; "achromatize the lenses" achromatous%5:00:00:uncolored:00 300401831 achromatous s having little or inadequate color achromia%1:07:00:: 104959061 achromia n an absence of normal pigmentation especially in the skin (as in albinism) or in red blood cells achromic%5:00:00:uncolored:00 300401922 achromic, achromous s having no color achromous%5:00:00:uncolored:00 300401922 achromic, achromous s having no color achromycin%1:06:00:: 104416530 tetracycline, Achromycin n an antibiotic (trade name Achromycin) derived from microorganisms of the genus Streptomyces and used broadly to treat infections achy%5:00:00:painful:00 301711465 aching, achy s causing a dull and steady pain; "my aching head"; "her old achy joints" achylia%1:26:00:: 114054642 achylia, achylia gastrica n absence of gastric juices (partial or complete) achylia_gastrica%1:26:00:: 114054642 achylia, achylia gastrica n absence of gastric juices (partial or complete) acicula%1:17:00:: 109187036 acicula n a needlelike part or structure of a plant or animal or crystal; as a spine or bristle or crystal acicular%5:00:00:simple:01 302167133 acerate, acerose, acicular, needle-shaped s narrow and long and pointed; as pine leaves aciculate%3:01:00:: 302601432 aciculate a related to plants or animals or crystals having aciculae or needlelike parts acid%1:06:00:: 102675657 acid, back breaker, battery-acid, dose, dot, Elvis, loony toons, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, pane, superman, window pane, Zen n street name for lysergic acid diethylamide acid%1:27:00:: 114607521 acid n any of various water-soluble compounds having a sour taste and capable of turning litmus red and reacting with a base to form a salt acid%5:00:00:acidic:00 300025470 acid s having the characteristics of an acid; "an acid reaction" acid%5:00:00:sour:00 302369335 acidic, acid, acidulent, acidulous s being sour to the taste acid%5:00:00:unpleasant:00 301802165 acerb, acerbic, acid, acrid, bitter, blistering, caustic, sulfurous, sulphurous, virulent, vitriolic s harsh or corrosive in tone; "an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose"; "a barrage of acid comments"; "her acrid remarks make her many enemies"; "bitter words"; "blistering criticism"; "caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics"; "a sulfurous denunciation"; "a vitriolic critique" acid_anhydrides%1:27:00:: 114808617 acyl anhydrides, acid anhydrides n organic compounds that react with water to form an acid acid-base_balance%1:22:00:: 113425980 acid-base equilibrium, acid-base balance n (physiology) the normal equilibrium between acids and alkalis in the body; "with a normal acid-base balance in the body the blood is slightly alkaline" acid-base_equilibrium%1:22:00:: 113425980 acid-base equilibrium, acid-base balance n (physiology) the normal equilibrium between acids and alkalis in the body; "with a normal acid-base balance in the body the blood is slightly alkaline" acid-base_indicator%1:27:00:: 114609198 acid-base indicator n an indicator that changes color on going from acidic to basic solutions acid_dye%1:27:00:: 114754378 acid dye n dye in which the chromophore is part of a negative ion acidemia%1:26:00:: 114020753 acidemia n a blood disorder characterized by an increased concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood (which falls below 7 on the pH scale) acid-fast%5:00:00:impervious:00 301774191 acid-fast s not easily decolorized by acid solutions; pertains to micro-organisms (especially the tubercle bacillus that causes tuberculosis) acid-forming%5:00:00:acidic:00 300025633 acid-forming s yielding an acid in aqueous solution acid_halide%1:27:00:: 114808752 acyl halide, acid halide n organic compounds containing the group -COX where X is a halogen atom acid_head%1:18:00:: 109763272 acid head n someone who takes LSD acid_hydrogen%1:27:00:: 114640890 acidic hydrogen, acid hydrogen n a hydrogen atom in an acid that forms a positive ion when the acid dissociates acidic%3:00:00:: 300025238 acidic a being or containing an acid; of a solution having an excess of hydrogen atoms (having a pH of less than 7) acidic%5:00:00:sour:00 302369335 acidic, acid, acidulent, acidulous s being sour to the taste acidic_hydrogen%1:27:00:: 114640890 acidic hydrogen, acid hydrogen n a hydrogen atom in an acid that forms a positive ion when the acid dissociates acidification%1:22:00:: 113426238 acidification n the process of becoming acid or being converted into an acid acidify%2:30:00:: 200264875 acidify, acetify v turn acidic; "the solution acetified" acidify%2:39:00:: 202196690 sour, acidify, acidulate, acetify v make sour or more sour acidimetric%3:01:00:: 302601564 acidimetric a involving or related to acidimetry acidimetry%1:04:00:: 100647919 acidimetry n volumetric analysis using standard solutions of acids to measure the amount of a base present acidity%1:07:01:: 105039526 acidity n pH values below 7 acidity%1:07:02:: 104993882 sourness, sour, acidity n the property of being acidic acidity%1:09:00:: 105716961 acidity, acidulousness n the taste experience when something acidic is taken into the mouth acid-loving%3:00:00:: 300026706 acid-loving a thriving in a relatively acidic environment (especially of plants requiring a pH well below 7) acidophil%1:05:00:: 101349333 acidophil, acidophile n an organism that thrives in a relatively acid environment acidophile%1:05:00:: 101349333 acidophil, acidophile n an organism that thrives in a relatively acid environment acidophilic%5:00:00:acid-loving:00 300026895 acidophilic, acidophilous, aciduric s especially of some bacteria; growing well in an acid medium acidophilous%5:00:00:acid-loving:00 300026895 acidophilic, acidophilous, aciduric s especially of some bacteria; growing well in an acid medium acidophilus%1:05:00:: 101380298 acidophilus, Lactobacillus acidophilus n a bacterium that is used to make yogurt and to supplement probiotics acidophilus_milk%1:13:00:: 107845571 acidophilus milk n milk fermented by bacteria; used to treat gastrointestinal disorders acidosis%1:26:00:: 114019600 acidosis n abnormally high acidity (excess hydrogen-ion concentration) of the blood and other body tissues acidotic%3:01:00:: 302601674 acidotic a having or being characterized by acidosis acid_precipitation%1:26:00:: 114517629 acid rain, acid precipitation n rain containing acids that form in the atmosphere when industrial gas emissions (especially sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides) combine with water acid_rain%1:26:00:: 114517629 acid rain, acid precipitation n rain containing acids that form in the atmosphere when industrial gas emissions (especially sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides) combine with water acid_rock%1:10:00:: 107065562 psychedelic rock, acid rock n a musical style that emerged in the 1960s; rock music inspired by or related to drug-induced experience acid-tasting%5:00:00:tasty:00 302395810 acid-tasting, sour-tasting s having a sour acidic taste acid_test%1:09:00:: 105747495 acid test n a rigorous or crucial appraisal acidulate%2:39:00:: 202196690 sour, acidify, acidulate, acetify v make sour or more sour acidulent%5:00:00:sour:00 302369335 acidic, acid, acidulent, acidulous s being sour to the taste acidulous%5:00:00:sour:00 302369335 acidic, acid, acidulent, acidulous s being sour to the taste acidulousness%1:09:00:: 105716961 acidity, acidulousness n the taste experience when something acidic is taken into the mouth aciduric%5:00:00:acid-loving:00 300026895 acidophilic, acidophilous, aciduric s especially of some bacteria; growing well in an acid medium acid_value%1:23:00:: 113581598 acid value n (chemistry) the amount of free acid present in fat as measured by the milligrams of potassium hydroxide needed to neutralize it; "as the glycerides in fat slowly decompose the acid value increases" acid-wash%2:35:00:: 201537271 acid-wash v wash with acid so as to achieve a bleached look; "acid-wash blue jeans" acinar%3:01:00:: 302601788 acinar a pertaining to the individual parts making up an aggregate fruit like a blackberry acinar%3:01:01:: 302601940 acinar, acinous, acinose, acinic a pertaining to one of the small sacs (as in a compound gland) acinic%3:01:00:: 302601940 acinar, acinous, acinose, acinic a pertaining to one of the small sacs (as in a compound gland) acinonyx%1:05:00:: 102130190 Acinonyx, genus Acinonyx n cheetahs acinonyx_jubatus%1:05:00:: 102130308 cheetah, chetah, Acinonyx jubatus n long-legged spotted cat of Africa and southwestern Asia having nonretractile claws; the swiftest mammal; can be trained to run down game acinos%1:20:00:: 112839409 Acinos, genus Acinos n plants closely allied to the genera Satureja and Calamintha acinos_arvensis%1:20:00:: 112839574 basil thyme, basil balm, mother of thyme, Acinos arvensis, Satureja acinos n fragrant European mint having clusters of small violet-and-white flowers; naturalized especially in eastern North America acinose%3:01:00:: 302601940 acinar, acinous, acinose, acinic a pertaining to one of the small sacs (as in a compound gland) acinous%3:01:00:: 302601940 acinar, acinous, acinose, acinic a pertaining to one of the small sacs (as in a compound gland) acinus%1:08:00:: 105516366 acinus n one of the small sacs or saclike dilations in a compound gland acinus%1:20:00:: 113138155 acinus n one of the small drupes making up an aggregate or multiple fruit like a blackberry acipenser%1:05:00:: 102640453 Acipenser, genus Acipenser n type genus of the Acipenseridae: sturgeons acipenser_huso%1:05:00:: 102640857 beluga, hausen, white sturgeon, Acipenser huso n valuable source of caviar and isinglass; found in Black and Caspian seas acipenseridae%1:05:00:: 102640093 Acipenseridae, family Acipenseridae n sturgeons acipenser_transmontanus%1:05:00:: 102640626 Pacific sturgeon, white sturgeon, Sacramento sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus n food and game fish of marine and fresh waters of northwestern coast of North America ack-ack%1:06:00:: 102715712 antiaircraft, antiaircraft gun, flak, flack, pom-pom, ack-ack, ack-ack gun n artillery designed to shoot upward at airplanes ack-ack_gun%1:06:00:: 102715712 antiaircraft, antiaircraft gun, flak, flack, pom-pom, ack-ack, ack-ack gun n artillery designed to shoot upward at airplanes ackee%1:13:00:: 107762740 ackee, akee n red pear-shaped tropical fruit with poisonous seeds; flesh is poisonous when unripe or overripe acknowledge%2:31:02:: 200740449 acknowledge v accept as legally binding and valid; "acknowledge the deed" acknowledge%2:31:09:: 200592883 acknowledge, recognize, recognise, know v accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority; "The Crown Prince was acknowledged as the true heir to the throne"; "We do not recognize your gods" acknowledge%2:32:00:: 200817311 admit, acknowledge v declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of; "He admitted his errors"; "She acknowledged that she might have forgotten" acknowledge%2:32:01:: 200892467 acknowledge, recognize, recognise v express obligation, thanks, or gratitude for; "We must acknowledge the kindness she showed towards us" acknowledge%2:32:04:: 200892698 acknowledge, receipt v report the receipt of; "The program committee acknowledged the submission of the authors of the paper" acknowledge%2:32:07:: 201059123 notice, acknowledge v express recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with; "He never acknowledges his colleagues when they run into him in the hallway"; "She acknowledged his complement with a smile"; "it is important to acknowledge the work of others in one's own writing" acknowledgeable%5:00:00:identifiable:00 301272609 acknowledgeable s capable of being acknowledged acknowledged%3:00:00:: 300027247 acknowledged a recognized or made known or admitted; "the acknowledged leader of the community"; "a woman of acknowledged accomplishments"; "his acknowledged error" acknowledged%5:00:00:unquestionable:00 301918464 acknowledged s generally accepted acknowledgement%1:10:00:: 106628861 acknowledgment, acknowledgement n a statement acknowledging something or someone; "she must have seen him but she gave no sign of acknowledgment"; "the preface contained an acknowledgment of those who had helped her" acknowledgement%1:26:00:: 114411981 recognition, acknowledgment, acknowledgement n the state or quality of being recognized or acknowledged; "the partners were delighted with the recognition of their work"; "she seems to avoid much in the way of recognition or acknowledgement of feminist work prior to her own" acknowledgment%1:10:00:: 106628861 acknowledgment, acknowledgement n a statement acknowledging something or someone; "she must have seen him but she gave no sign of acknowledgment"; "the preface contained an acknowledgment of those who had helped her" acknowledgment%1:10:01:: 106763681 citation, cite, acknowledgment, credit, reference, mention, quotation n a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage; "the student's essay failed to list several important citations"; "the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book"; "the article includes mention of similar clinical cases" acknowledgment%1:26:00:: 114411981 recognition, acknowledgment, acknowledgement n the state or quality of being recognized or acknowledged; "the partners were delighted with the recognition of their work"; "she seems to avoid much in the way of recognition or acknowledgement of feminist work prior to her own" aclant%1:14:00:: 108174995 Allied Command Atlantic, ACLANT n a major strategic headquarters of NATO located in the United States; is under the authority of the North Atlantic Council aclinic_line%1:15:00:: 108490531 aclinic line, magnetic equator n an imaginary line paralleling the equator where a magnetic needle has no dip acme%1:15:00:: 108677801 vertex, peak, apex, acme n the highest point (of something); "at the peak of the pyramid" acme%1:26:00:: 113940456 acme, height, elevation, peak, pinnacle, summit, superlative, meridian, tiptop, top n the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development; "his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty"; "the artist's gifts are at their acme"; "at the height of her career"; "the peak of perfection"; "summer was at its peak"; "...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame"; "the summit of his ambition"; "so many highest superlatives achieved by man"; "at the top of his profession" acne%1:26:00:: 114222112 acne n an inflammatory disease involving the sebaceous glands of the skin; characterized by papules or pustules or comedones acned%5:00:00:blemished:00 300246175 acned, pimpled, pimply, pustulate s (of complexion) blemished by imperfections of the skin acneiform%3:01:00:: 302602190 acneiform a resembling acne acne_rosacea%1:26:00:: 114222352 acne rosacea, rosacea n a skin disease of adults (more often women) in which blood vessels of the face enlarge resulting in a flushed appearance acne_vulgaris%1:26:00:: 114222541 acne vulgaris n the most common form of acne; usually affects people from puberty to young adulthood acnidosporidia%1:05:00:: 101425817 Acnidosporidia, subclass Acnidosporidia n a subclass of Sporozoa acocanthera%1:20:00:: 111768242 Acocanthera, genus Acocanthera, Acokanthera, genus Acokanthera n small genus of trees and shrubs containing strongly toxic cardiac glycosides; Arabia to Africa acocanthera_oblongifolia%1:20:00:: 111768505 winter sweet, poison arrow plant, Acocanthera oblongifolia, Acocanthera spectabilis n medium-sized shrubby tree of South Africa having thick leathery evergreen leaves and white or pink flowers and globose usually two-seeded purplish black fruits acocanthera_oppositifolia%1:20:00:: 111768816 bushman's poison, ordeal tree, Acocanthera oppositifolia, Acocanthera venenata n evergreen shrub or tree of South Africa acocanthera_spectabilis%1:20:00:: 111768505 winter sweet, poison arrow plant, Acocanthera oblongifolia, Acocanthera spectabilis n medium-sized shrubby tree of South Africa having thick leathery evergreen leaves and white or pink flowers and globose usually two-seeded purplish black fruits acocanthera_venenata%1:20:00:: 111768816 bushman's poison, ordeal tree, Acocanthera oppositifolia, Acocanthera venenata n evergreen shrub or tree of South Africa acokanthera%1:20:00:: 111768242 Acocanthera, genus Acocanthera, Acokanthera, genus Acokanthera n small genus of trees and shrubs containing strongly toxic cardiac glycosides; Arabia to Africa acold%5:00:00:cold:01 301251830 acold s of persons; feeling cold; "Poor Tom's acold"- Shakespeare acolyte%1:18:00:: 109763349 acolyte n someone who assists a priest or minister in a liturgical service; a cleric ordained in the highest of the minor orders in the Roman Catholic Church but not in the Anglican Church or the Eastern Orthodox Churches a._conan_doyle%1:18:00:: 110906462 Conan Doyle, A. Conan Doyle, Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle n British author who created Sherlock Holmes (1859-1930) aconcagua%1:17:00:: 109187204 Aconcagua n the highest mountain in the western hemisphere; located in the Andes in western Argentina (22,834 feet high) aconite%1:20:00:: 111722982 aconite n any of various usually poisonous plants of the genus Aconitum having tuberous roots and palmately lobed leaves and blue or white flowers aconitum%1:20:00:: 111722769 Aconitum, genus Aconitum n genus of poisonous plants of temperate regions of northern hemisphere with a vaulted and enlarged petal aconitum_lycoctonum%1:20:00:: 111723452 wolfsbane, wolfbane, wolf's bane, Aconitum lycoctonum n poisonous Eurasian perennial herb with broad rounded leaves and yellow flowers and fibrous rootstock aconitum_napellus%1:20:00:: 111723227 monkshood, helmetflower, helmet flower, Aconitum napellus n a poisonous herb native to northern Europe having hooded blue-purple flowers; the dried leaves and roots yield aconite acoraceae%1:20:00:: 111780747 Acoraceae, subfamily Acoraceae n used in some classifications for the genus Acorus which is usually assigned to Araceae acorea%1:26:00:: 114021853 acorea n absence of the pupil in an eye acores%1:15:00:: 108985345 Azores, Acores n islands in the Atlantic Ocean belonging to Portugal; "the Azores are strategically located on transatlantic air and shipping routes" acorn%1:20:00:: 112267677 acorn n fruit of the oak tree: a smooth thin-walled nut in a woody cup-shaped base acorn_barnacle%1:05:00:: 101998741 acorn barnacle, rock barnacle, Balanus balanoides n barnacle that attaches to rocks especially in intertidal zones acorn_cup%1:20:00:: 112267931 cupule, acorn cup n cup-shaped structure of hardened bracts at the base of an acorn acorn-shaped%5:00:00:formed:00 302144834 acorn-shaped s shaped like an acorn acorn_squash%1:13:00:: 107717410 acorn squash n small dark green or yellow ribbed squash with yellow to orange flesh acorn_squash%1:20:00:: 112160857 acorn squash n squash plant bearing small acorn-shaped fruits having yellow flesh and dark green or yellow rind with longitudinal ridges acorn_tube%1:06:00:: 102675885 acorn tube n a small vacuum tube; used at high frequencies acorus%1:20:00:: 111780589 Acorus, genus Acorus n sweet flags; sometimes placed in subfamily Acoraceae acorus_calamus%1:20:00:: 111780930 sweet flag, calamus, sweet calamus, myrtle flag, flagroot, Acorus calamus n perennial marsh plant having swordlike leaves and aromatic roots a_couple_of%5:00:00:few:00 301553340 a few, a couple of s more than one but indefinitely small in number; "a few roses"; "a couple of roses" acousma%1:26:00:: 114377830 auditory hallucination, acousma n illusory auditory perception of strange nonverbal sounds acoustic%1:06:00:: 102675987 acoustic n a remedy for hearing loss or deafness acoustic%3:01:00:: 302868489 acoustic, acoustical a of or relating to the science of acoustics; "acoustic properties of a hall" acoustical%3:01:00:: 302868489 acoustic, acoustical a of or relating to the science of acoustics; "acoustic properties of a hall" acoustically%4:02:00:: 400134843 acoustically, acoustically r with respect to acoustics; "acoustically ill-equipped studios" acoustic_aphasia%1:26:00:: 114097893 auditory aphasia, acoustic aphasia, word deafness n an impairment in understanding spoken language that is not attributable to hearing loss acoustic_buoy%1:10:00:: 107266442 acoustic buoy n a buoy that can be heard (at night) acoustic_delay_line%1:06:00:: 102676097 acoustic delay line, sonic delay line n a delay line based on the time of propagation of sound waves acoustic_device%1:06:00:: 102676261 acoustic device n a device for amplifying or transmitting sound acoustic_gramophone%1:06:00:: 103452267 gramophone, acoustic gramophone n an antique record player; the sound of the vibrating needle is amplified acoustically acoustic_guitar%1:06:00:: 102676566 acoustic guitar n sound is not amplified by electrical means acoustician%1:18:00:: 109763668 acoustician n a physicist who specializes in acoustics acoustic_impedance%1:19:00:: 111504478 acoustic resistance, acoustic impedance, acoustic reactance n opposition to the flow of sound through a surface; acoustic resistance is the real component of acoustic impedance and acoustic reactance is the imaginary component acoustic_meatus%1:08:00:: 105248667 auditory meatus, acoustic meatus, ear canal, auditory canal, external auditory canal n either of the passages in the outer ear from the auricle to the tympanic membrane acoustic_modem%1:06:00:: 102676670 acoustic modem n a modem that converts electrical signals to telephone tones and back again acoustic_nerve%1:08:00:: 105479503 acoustic nerve, auditory nerve, vestibulocochlear nerve, nervus vestibulocochlearis, eighth cranial nerve n a composite sensory nerve supplying the hair cells of the vestibular organ and the hair cells of the cochlea acousticophobia%1:26:00:: 114384227 phonophobia, acousticophobia n a morbid fear of sounds including your own voice acoustic_phenomenon%1:19:00:: 111425401 acoustic phenomenon n a physical phenomenon associated with the production or transmission of sound acoustic_power%1:07:00:: 105100866 acoustic power, sound pressure level n the physical intensity of sound acoustic_projection%1:19:00:: 111512331 projection, acoustic projection, sound projection n the acoustic phenomenon that gives sound a penetrating quality; "our ukuleles have been designed to have superior sound and projection"; "a prime ingredient of public speaking is projection of the voice" acoustic_radiation_pressure%1:07:00:: 105100981 acoustic radiation pressure n (acoustics) the pressure exerted on a surface normal to the direction of propagation of a sound wave acoustic_reactance%1:19:00:: 111504478 acoustic resistance, acoustic impedance, acoustic reactance n opposition to the flow of sound through a surface; acoustic resistance is the real component of acoustic impedance and acoustic reactance is the imaginary component acoustic_resistance%1:19:00:: 111504478 acoustic resistance, acoustic impedance, acoustic reactance n opposition to the flow of sound through a surface; acoustic resistance is the real component of acoustic impedance and acoustic reactance is the imaginary component acoustics%1:09:00:: 106094774 acoustics n the study of the physical properties of sound acoustic_spectrum%1:19:00:: 111510714 sound spectrum, acoustic spectrum n the distribution of energy as a function of frequency for a particular sound source acoustic_storage%1:06:00:: 102676805 acoustic storage n a storage device consisting of acoustic delay lines acoustic_wave%1:11:00:: 107347224 sound wave, acoustic wave n (acoustics) a wave that transmits sound acquaint%2:32:00:: 200901103 introduce, present, acquaint v cause to come to know personally; "permit me to acquaint you with my son"; "introduce the new neighbors to the community" acquaint%2:32:01:: 200874175 familiarize, familiarise, acquaint v make familiar or conversant with; "you should acquaint yourself with your new computer"; "We familiarized ourselves with the new surroundings" acquaint%2:32:02:: 200832778 acquaint v inform; "Please acquaint your colleagues of your plans to move" acquaintance%1:09:00:: 105817145 acquaintance, familiarity, conversance, conversancy n personal knowledge or information about someone or something acquaintance%1:18:00:: 109763784 acquaintance, friend n a person with whom you are acquainted; "I have trouble remembering the names of all my acquaintances"; "we are friends of the family" acquaintance%1:26:00:: 113930245 acquaintance, acquaintanceship n a relationship less intimate than friendship acquaintanceship%1:26:00:: 113930245 acquaintance, acquaintanceship n a relationship less intimate than friendship acquainted%5:00:00:familiar:00 300965894 acquainted s having fair knowledge of; "they were acquainted"; "fully acquainted with the facts" acquiesce%2:32:00:: 200804139 assent, accede, acquiesce v to agree or express agreement; "The Maestro assented to the request for an encore" acquiescence%1:10:00:: 107175575 assent, acquiescence n agreement with a statement or proposal to do something; "he gave his assent eagerly"; "a murmur of acquiescence from the assembly" acquiescence%1:26:00:: 114413162 acquiescence n acceptance without protest acquiescent%5:00:00:obedient:00 301612627 acquiescent, biddable s willing to carry out the orders or wishes of another without protest; "too acquiescent to challenge authority" acquirable%5:00:00:available:00 300183832 acquirable s capable of being acquired acquire%2:29:00:: 200094460 grow, develop, produce, get, acquire v come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes); "He grew a beard"; "The patient developed abdominal pains"; "I got funny spots all over my body"; "Well-developed breasts" acquire%2:30:00:: 200524682 assume, acquire, adopt, take on, take v take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect; "His voice took on a sad tone"; "The story took a new turn"; "he adopted an air of superiority"; "She assumed strange manners"; "The gods assume human or animal form in these fables" acquire%2:30:05:: 200545557 develop, acquire, evolve v gain through experience; "I acquired a strong aversion to television"; "Children must develop a sense of right and wrong"; "Dave developed leadership qualities in his new position"; "develop a passion for painting" acquire%2:31:00:: 200597915 learn, larn, acquire v gain knowledge or skills; "She learned dancing from her sister"; "I learned Sanskrit"; "Children acquire language at an amazing rate" acquire%2:40:00:: 202210855 get, acquire v come into the possession of something concrete or abstract; "She got a lot of paintings from her uncle"; "They acquired a new pet"; "Get your results the next day"; "Get permission to take a few days off from work" acquire%2:40:06:: 202288295 acquire, win, gain v win something through one's efforts; "I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese"; "Gain an understanding of international finance" acquire%2:42:00:: 202695378 acquire v locate (a moving entity) by means of a tracking system such as radar acquired%5:00:00:noninheritable:00 301315670 acquired s gotten through environmental forces; "acquired characteristics (such as a suntan or a broken nose) cannot be passed on" acquired_hemochromatosis%1:26:00:: 114207388 acquired hemochromatosis n hemochromatosis resulting from repeated transfusions or from excessive intake of foods containing iron acquired_immune_deficiency_syndrome%1:26:00:: 114127782 AIDS, acquired immune deficiency syndrome n a serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles acquired_immunity%1:26:00:: 114528193 acquired immunity n immunity to a particular disease that is not innate but has been acquired during life; immunity can be acquired by the development of antibodies after an attack of an infectious disease or by a pregnant mother passing antibodies through the placenta to a fetus or by vaccination acquired_reflex%1:04:00:: 100864226 conditional reflex, conditioned reflex, acquired reflex, conditional reaction, conditioned reaction, conditional response, conditioned response n an acquired response that is under the control of (conditional on the occurrence of) a stimulus acquired_taste%1:12:00:: 107498455 acquired taste n a preference that is only acquired after considerable experience; "martinis are an acquired taste" acquirement%1:09:00:: 105637558 skill, accomplishment, acquirement, acquisition, attainment n an ability that has been acquired by training acquirer%1:14:00:: 108419562 acquirer n a corporation gaining financial control over another corporation or financial institution through a payment in cash or an exchange of stock acquirer%1:14:01:: 108419354 acquirer n the financial institution that dispenses cash in automated teller machines and collects a fee from the bank that issued the credit card acquirer%1:14:02:: 108419163 merchant bank, acquirer n a credit card processing bank; merchants receive credit for credit card receipts less a processing fee acquirer%1:18:00:: 109764201 acquirer n a person who acquires something (usually permanently) acquiring%1:04:00:: 100041899 acquiring, getting n the act of acquiring something; "I envied his talent for acquiring"; "he's much more interested in the getting than in the giving" acquisition%1:04:00:: 100077419 acquisition n the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something; "the acquisition of wealth"; "the acquisition of one company by another" acquisition%1:09:00:: 105637558 skill, accomplishment, acquirement, acquisition, attainment n an ability that has been acquired by training acquisition%1:09:01:: 105752544 learning, acquisition n the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge; "the child's acquisition of language" acquisition%1:21:00:: 113253255 acquisition n something acquired; "a recent acquisition by the museum" acquisition_agreement%1:10:00:: 106527710 merger agreement, acquisition agreement n contract governing the merger of two or more companies acquisitive%3:00:00:: 300029343 acquisitive a eager to acquire and possess things especially material possessions or ideas; "an acquisitive mind"; "an acquisitive society in which the craving for material things seems never satisfied" acquisitiveness%1:07:00:: 104946078 acquisitiveness n strong desire to acquire and possess acquit%2:32:00:: 200904046 acquit, assoil, clear, discharge, exonerate, exculpate v pronounce not guilty of criminal charges; "The suspect was cleared of the murder charges" acquit%2:41:00:: 202518161 behave, acquit, bear, deport, conduct, comport, carry v behave in a certain manner; "She carried herself well"; "he bore himself with dignity"; "They conducted themselves well during these difficult times" acquittal%1:04:00:: 101193886 acquittal n a judgment of not guilty acquittance%1:10:00:: 106552814 acquittance, release n a legal document evidencing the discharge of a debt or obligation acquitted%5:00:00:innocent:00 301320474 acquitted, not guilty s declared not guilty of a specific offense or crime; legally blameless; "he stands acquitted on all charges"; "the jury found him not guilty by reason of insanity" acragas%1:15:00:: 108811812 Agrigento, Acragas n a town in Italy in southwestern Sicily near the coast; the site of six Greek temples acrasiomycetes%1:20:00:: 112975982 Acrasiomycetes, class Acrasiomycetes n cellular slime molds; in some classifications placed in kingdom Protoctista acre%1:15:00:: 108793310 Acre, Akko, Akka, Accho n a town and port in northwestern Israel in the eastern Mediterranean acre%1:15:01:: 108854725 Acre n a territory of western Brazil bordering on Bolivia and Peru acre%1:23:00:: 113613742 acre n a unit of area (4840 square yards) used in English-speaking countries acreage%1:07:00:: 105128870 acreage, land area n an area of ground used for some particular purpose (such as building or farming); "he wanted some acreage to build on" acre-foot%1:23:00:: 113617468 acre-foot n the volume of water that would cover 1 acre to a depth of 1 foot; 43,560 cubic feet or 1233.5 cubic meters acre_inch%1:23:00:: 113617630 acre inch n one twelfth of an acre-foot acres%1:21:00:: 113246662 estate, land, landed estate, acres, demesne n extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use; "the family owned a large estate on Long Island" acrid%5:00:00:tasty:00 302398608 pungent, acrid s strong and sharp;"the pungent taste of radishes"; "the acrid smell of burning rubber" acrid%5:00:00:unpleasant:00 301802165 acerb, acerbic, acid, acrid, bitter, blistering, caustic, sulfurous, sulphurous, virulent, vitriolic s harsh or corrosive in tone; "an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose"; "a barrage of acid comments"; "her acrid remarks make her many enemies"; "bitter words"; "blistering criticism"; "caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics"; "a sulfurous denunciation"; "a vitriolic critique" acridid%1:05:00:: 102226821 short-horned grasshopper, acridid n grasshopper with short antennae acrididae%1:05:00:: 102226598 Acrididae, family Acrididae, Locustidae, family Locustidae n short-horned grasshoppers; true locusts acridity%1:07:00:: 104995100 acridity, acridness n extreme bitterness; "the acridity of alkali" acridity%1:07:01:: 104780232 acridity, acridness n the quality of being sharply disagreeable in language or tone acridity%1:09:00:: 105717266 acridity n having an acrid smell acridness%1:07:00:: 104995100 acridity, acridness n extreme bitterness; "the acridity of alkali" acridness%1:07:01:: 104780232 acridity, acridness n the quality of being sharply disagreeable in language or tone acridotheres%1:05:00:: 101577818 Acridotheres, genus Acridotheres n mynas acridotheres_tristis%1:05:00:: 101577941 crested myna, Acridotheres tristis n dark brown crested bird of southeastern Asia acrilan%1:06:00:: 103979847 polypropenonitrile, Acrilan n acrylic resin used to make a strong soft crease-resistant fabric (trade name Acrilan) acrimonious%5:00:00:resentful:00 300116744 acrimonious, bitter s marked by strong resentment or cynicism; "an acrimonious dispute"; "bitter about the divorce" acrimony%1:07:00:: 104643397 bitterness, acrimony, acerbity, jaundice, tartness, thorniness n a rough and bitter manner acris%1:05:00:: 101651370 Acris, genus Acris n cricket frogs acris_crepitans%1:05:00:: 101651641 northern cricket frog, Acris crepitans n a cricket frog of eastern and central United States acris_gryllus%1:05:00:: 101651778 eastern cricket frog, Acris gryllus n a cricket frog of eastern United States acritical%5:00:00:noncritical:01 300651841 acritical s without a crisis (as of some diseases) acroanaesthesia%1:26:00:: 114028291 acroanesthesia, acroanaesthesia n loss of sensation in the extremities acroanesthesia%1:26:00:: 114028291 acroanesthesia, acroanaesthesia n loss of sensation in the extremities acrobat%1:18:00:: 109764381 acrobat n an athlete who performs acts requiring skill and agility and coordination acrobates%1:05:00:: 101882372 Acrobates, genus Acrobates n a genus of Phalangeridae acrobatic%5:00:00:active:01 300032497 acrobatic, athletic, gymnastic s vigorously active; "an acrobatic dance"; "an athletic child"; "athletic playing"; "gymnastic exercises" acrobatic_feat%1:04:00:: 100438065 acrobatic stunt, acrobatic feat n a stunt performed by an acrobat acrobatics%1:04:00:: 100434075 acrobatics, tumbling n the gymnastic moves of an acrobat acrobatics%1:04:01:: 100302861 acrobatics, aerobatics, stunting, stunt flying n the performance of stunts while in flight in an aircraft acrobatic_stunt%1:04:00:: 100438065 acrobatic stunt, acrobatic feat n a stunt performed by an acrobat acrocarp%1:20:00:: 111539289 acrocarp, acrocarpous moss n a moss in which the main axis is terminated by the archegonium (and hence the capsule) acrocarpous%3:00:00:: 302590268 acrocarpous a (of mosses) having the archegonia at the top of the stem acrocarpous_moss%1:20:00:: 111539289 acrocarp, acrocarpous moss n a moss in which the main axis is terminated by the archegonium (and hence the capsule) acrocarpus%1:20:00:: 112490330 Acrocarpus, genus Acrocarpus n small genus of trees of Indonesia and Malaysia acrocarpus_fraxinifolius%1:20:00:: 112490490 shingle tree, Acrocarpus fraxinifolius n East Indian timber tree with hard durable wood used especially for tea boxes acrocentric%3:01:00:: 303140220 acrocentric a having a subterminal centromere; "an acrocentric chromosome" acrocentric_chromosome%1:08:00:: 105444709 acrocentric chromosome n a chromosome with the centromere near one end so that one chromosomal arm is short and one is long acrocephalus%1:05:00:: 101565480 Acrocephalus, genus Acrocephalus n a genus of Sylviidae acrocephalus_schoenobaenus%1:05:00:: 101565599 sedge warbler, sedge bird, sedge wren, reedbird, Acrocephalus schoenobaenus n small European warbler that breeds among reeds and wedges and winters in Africa acrocephaly%1:26:00:: 114164190 oxycephaly, acrocephaly n a congenital abnormality of the skull; the top of the skull assumes a cone shape acroclinium%1:20:00:: 111917186 Acroclinium, genus Acroclinium n genus of herbs and shrubs of Australia and South Africa: everlasting flower; most species usually placed in genus Helipterum acroclinium_roseum%1:20:00:: 111917407 pink-and-white everlasting, pink paper daisy, Acroclinium roseum n flower of southwestern Australia having bright pink daisylike papery flowers; grown for drying acrocomia%1:20:00:: 112583529 Acrocomia, genus Acrocomia n Central and South American feather palms acrocomia_aculeata%1:20:00:: 112583855 grugru, gri-gri, grugru palm, macamba, Acrocomia aculeata n tropical American feather palm having a swollen spiny trunk and edible nuts acrocomia_vinifera%1:20:00:: 112583681 coyol, coyol palm, Acrocomia vinifera n tropical American palm having edible nuts and yielding a useful fiber acrocyanosis%1:26:00:: 114303448 acrocyanosis, Raynaud's sign n cyanosis of the extremities; can occur when a spasm of the blood vessels is caused by exposure to cold or by strong emotion acrodont%1:05:00:: 101324916 acrodont n an animal having teeth consolidated with the summit of the alveolar ridge without sockets acrogen%1:20:00:: 111536369 acrogen n any flowerless plant such as a fern (pteridophyte) or moss (bryophyte) in which growth occurs only at the tip of the main stem acrogenic%3:01:00:: 302602434 acrogenic, acrogenous a pertaining to flowerless plants (ferns or mosses) in which growth occurs only at the tip of the main stem acrogenous%3:01:00:: 302602434 acrogenic, acrogenous a pertaining to flowerless plants (ferns or mosses) in which growth occurs only at the tip of the main stem acrolein%1:27:00:: 114998290 propenal, acrolein n a pungent colorless unsaturated liquid aldehyde made from propene acromegalia%1:26:00:: 114368483 acromegaly, acromegalia n enlargement of bones of hands and feet and face; often accompanied by headache and muscle pain and emotional disturbances; caused by overproduction of growth hormone by the anterior pituitary gland (due to a tumor) acromegalic%5:00:00:unshapely:00 302140834 acromegalic s marked or affected by enlargement or hypertrophy of the extremities or the face; "a protruding acromegalic jaw" acromegaly%1:26:00:: 114368483 acromegaly, acromegalia n enlargement of bones of hands and feet and face; often accompanied by headache and muscle pain and emotional disturbances; caused by overproduction of growth hormone by the anterior pituitary gland (due to a tumor) acromial_process%1:08:00:: 105280365 acromion, acromial process n the outermost point of the spine of the shoulder blade acromicria%1:26:00:: 114021936 acromicria, acromikria n abnormally small extremities (underdeveloped fingers and toes) acromikria%1:26:00:: 114021936 acromicria, acromikria n abnormally small extremities (underdeveloped fingers and toes) acromion%1:08:00:: 105280365 acromion, acromial process n the outermost point of the spine of the shoulder blade acromphalus%1:26:00:: 114022068 acromphalus n abnormal protrusion of the navel; sometimes the start of umbilical hernia acromyotonia%1:26:00:: 114545548 acromyotonia n myotonia of the extremities only; causes spastic deformity of the hand or foot acronym%1:10:00:: 107091902 acronym n a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name acronymic%3:01:00:: 302859341 acronymic, acronymous a characterized by the use of acronyms acronymous%3:01:00:: 302859341 acronymic, acronymous a characterized by the use of acronyms acropetal%3:00:00:: 300031674 acropetal a of leaves or flowers; developing or opening in succession from base to apex acrophobia%1:26:00:: 114382766 acrophobia n a morbid fear of great heights acrophobic%5:00:00:afraid:00 300078329 acrophobic s suffering from acrophobia; abnormally afraid of high places acrophony%1:10:00:: 107230796 acrophony n naming a letter of the alphabet by using a word whose initial sound is the sound represented by that letter acropolis%1:06:00:: 102676938 acropolis n the citadel in ancient Greek towns acropora%1:05:00:: 101917434 Acropora, genus Acropora n coelenterate genus of order Madreporaria, including staghorn corals acroscopic%3:00:00:: 300002730 acroscopic a facing or on the side toward the apex acrosome%1:08:00:: 105457795 acrosome n a process at the anterior end of a sperm cell that produces enzymes to facilitate penetration of the egg across%4:02:00:: 400272844 across, crosswise, crossways, across, crosswise, crossways r transversely; "the marble slabs were cut across" across%4:02:01:: 400272951 across, across r to the opposite side; "the football field was 300 feet across" across_the_board%4:02:00:: 400150925 across the board, across the board r including all; "we got a pay raise across the board" across-the-board%5:00:00:comprehensive:00 300526062 across-the-board, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, blanket, broad, encompassing, extensive, panoptic, wide s broad in scope or content; "across-the-board pay increases"; "an all-embracing definition"; "blanket sanctions against human-rights violators"; "an invention with broad applications"; "a panoptic study of Soviet nationality"- T.G.Winner; "granted him wide powers" across_the_country%4:02:00:: 400407215 nationally, nationwide, across the nation, across the country, nationally, nationwide, across the nation, across the country r extending throughout an entire nation; "nationally advertised"; "it was broadcast nationwide" across_the_nation%4:02:00:: 400407215 nationally, nationwide, across the nation, across the country, nationally, nationwide, across the nation, across the country r extending throughout an entire nation; "nationally advertised"; "it was broadcast nationwide" acrostic%1:10:00:: 106786209 word square, acrostic n a puzzle where you fill a square grid with words reading the same down as across acrostic%1:10:01:: 106366130 acrostic n verse in which certain letters such as the first in each line form a word or message acrostichum%1:20:00:: 113206001 Acrostichum, genus Acrostichum n in some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae acrostichum_aureum%1:20:00:: 113206178 golden fern, leather fern, Acrostichum aureum n stout tropical swamp fern (especially tropical America) having large fronds with golden yellow sporangia covering the undersides acrylamide%1:27:00:: 114711364 acrylamide n a white crystalline amide of propenoic acid can damage the nervous system and is carcinogenic in laboratory animals; "they claimed that acrylamide is produced when certain carbohydrates are baked or fried at high temperatures" acrylate%1:27:00:: 114998421 propenoate, acrylate n a salt or ester of propenoic acid acrylate_resin%1:27:00:: 114593671 acrylic, acrylic resin, acrylate resin n a glassy thermoplastic; can be cast and molded or used in coatings and adhesives acrylic%1:06:00:: 102677028 acrylic n a synthetic fabric acrylic%1:06:01:: 102677136 acrylic, acrylic paint n used especially by artists acrylic%1:27:00:: 114593671 acrylic, acrylic resin, acrylate resin n a glassy thermoplastic; can be cast and molded or used in coatings and adhesives acrylic%1:27:01:: 114965958 acrylic fiber, acrylic n polymerized from acrylonitrile acrylic_acid%1:27:00:: 114998522 propenoic acid, acrylic acid n an unsaturated liquid carboxylic acid used in the manufacture of acrylic resins acrylic_fiber%1:27:00:: 114965958 acrylic fiber, acrylic n polymerized from acrylonitrile acrylic_paint%1:06:00:: 102677136 acrylic, acrylic paint n used especially by artists acrylic_resin%1:27:00:: 114593671 acrylic, acrylic resin, acrylate resin n a glassy thermoplastic; can be cast and molded or used in coatings and adhesives acrylonitrile%1:27:00:: 114998677 propenonitrile, acrylonitrile, vinyl cyanide n a colorless liquid unsaturated nitrile made from propene acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene%1:27:00:: 114592028 acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, ABS n any of a class of composite plastics used to make car bodies and cases for computers and other appliances act%1:03:00:: 100030358 act, deed, human action, human activity n something that people do or cause to happen act%1:10:00:: 107009640 act n a subdivision of a play or opera or ballet act%1:10:01:: 106532095 act, enactment n a legal document codifying the result of deliberations of a committee or society or legislative body act%1:10:02:: 106892016 act, routine, number, turn, bit n a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program; "he did his act three times every evening"; "she had a catchy little routine"; "it was one of the best numbers he ever did" act%1:10:03:: 107014029 act n a manifestation of insincerity; "he put on quite an act for her benefit" act%2:29:00:: 200010435 act, behave, do v behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself; "You should act like an adult"; "Don't behave like a fool"; "What makes her do this way?"; "The dog acts ferocious, but he is really afraid of people" act%2:29:01:: 200013615 act, play, act as v pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind; "He acted the idiot"; "She plays deaf when the news are bad" act%2:33:00:: 201095899 act v discharge one's duties; "She acts as the chair"; "In what capacity are you acting?" act%2:36:00:: 201719302 act, play, represent v play a role or part; "Gielgud played Hamlet"; "She wants to act Lady Macbeth, but she is too young for the role"; "She played the servant to her husband's master" act%2:36:03:: 201719921 act, play, roleplay, playact v perform on a stage or theater; "She acts in this play"; "He acted in `Julius Caesar'"; "I played in `A Christmas Carol'" act%2:36:04:: 201721556 dissemble, pretend, act v behave unnaturally or affectedly; "She's just acting" act%2:41:00:: 202367363 act, move v perform an action, or work out or perform (an action); "think before you act"; "We must move quickly"; "The governor should act on the new energy bill"; "The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel" act%2:41:06:: 202525447 work, act v have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected; "The voting process doesn't work as well as people thought"; "How does your idea work in practice?"; "This method doesn't work"; "The breaks of my new car act quickly"; "The medicine works only if you take it with a lot of water" act%2:41:07:: 202419073 act v be engaged in an activity, often for no particular purpose other than pleasure act%2:42:00:: 202744977 act v be suitable for theatrical performance; "This scene acts well" actable%3:00:00:: 300795785 actable a capable of being acted; suitable for the stage; "an actable scene" actaea%1:20:00:: 111723655 Actaea, genus Actaea n baneberry actaea_alba%1:20:00:: 111724363 white baneberry, white cohosh, white bead, doll's eyes, Actaea alba n North American herb with white poisonous berries actaea_rubra%1:20:00:: 111724109 red baneberry, redberry, red-berry, snakeberry, Actaea rubra n North American perennial herb with alternately compound leaves and racemes of small white flowers followed by bright red oval poisonous berries act_as%2:29:00:: 200013615 act, play, act as v pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind; "He acted the idiot"; "She plays deaf when the news are bad" act_as%2:42:00:: 202671613 act as v function as or act like; "This heap of stones will act as a barrier" acth%1:08:00:: 105408113 adrenocorticotropic hormone, adrenocorticotrophic hormone, ACTH, adrenocorticotropin, adrenocorticotrophin, corticotropin, corticotrophin n a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the adrenal cortex actias%1:05:00:: 102302853 Actias, genus Actias n luna moths actias_luna%1:05:00:: 102302969 luna moth, Actias luna n large pale-green American moth with long-tailed hind wings and a yellow crescent-shaped mark on each forewing actifed%1:06:00:: 102677232 Actifed n trade name for a drug containing an antihistamine and a decongestant; used to treat upper respiratory conditions and minor allergies actin%1:27:00:: 114731334 actin n one of the proteins into which actomyosin can be split; can exist in either a globular or a fibrous form actinal%3:00:00:: 301665816 actinal a (of radiate organisms) located on the surface or end on which the mouth is situated actinaria%1:05:00:: 101914415 Actiniaria, order Actiniaria, Actinaria, order Actinaria n sea anemones acting%1:04:00:: 100548326 acting, playing, playacting, performing n the performance of a part or role in a drama acting%5:00:00:impermanent:00 301756166 acting s serving temporarily especially as a substitute; "the acting president" acting_out%1:10:00:: 107014596 acting out n a (usually irritating) impulsive and uncontrollable outburst by a problem child or a neurotic adult acting_out%1:10:01:: 106887962 acting out n (psychiatry) the display of previously inhibited emotions (often in actions rather than words); considered to be healthy and therapeutic actinia%1:05:00:: 101914961 Actinia, genus Actinia n a genus of sea anemone common in rock pools actinia%1:05:02:: 101914830 actinia, actinian, actiniarian n any sea anemone or related animal actinian%1:05:00:: 101914830 actinia, actinian, actiniarian n any sea anemone or related animal actiniaria%1:05:00:: 101914415 Actiniaria, order Actiniaria, Actinaria, order Actinaria n sea anemones actiniarian%1:05:00:: 101914830 actinia, actinian, actiniarian n any sea anemone or related animal actinic%3:01:00:: 303039997 actinic a relating to or exhibiting actinism actinic_dermatitis%1:26:00:: 114222685 actinic dermatitis n dermatitis caused exposure to sunlight actinic_keratosis%1:26:00:: 114228376 actinic keratosis n an overgrowth of skin layers resulting from extended exposure to the sun actinic_radiation%1:19:00:: 111421401 actinic radiation, actinic ray n electromagnetic radiation that can produce photochemical reactions actinic_ray%1:19:00:: 111421401 actinic radiation, actinic ray n electromagnetic radiation that can produce photochemical reactions actinide%1:27:00:: 114584110 actinoid, actinide, actinon n any of a series of radioactive elements with atomic numbers 89 through 103 actinide_series%1:27:00:: 114625110 actinide series n (chemistry) a series of 15 radioactive elements with increasing atomic numbers from actinium to lawrencium actinidia%1:20:00:: 112371002 Actinidia, genus Actinidia n small Asiatic woody vine bearing many-seeded fruit actinidia_arguta%1:20:00:: 112371202 bower actinidia, tara vine, Actinidia arguta n climbing Asiatic vine having long finely serrate leaves and racemes of white flowers followed by greenish-yellow edible fruit actinidiaceae%1:20:00:: 112370842 Actinidiaceae, family Actinidiaceae n tropical trees or shrubs or woody vines actinidia_chinensis%1:20:00:: 112371439 Chinese gooseberry, kiwi, kiwi vine, Actinidia chinensis, Actinidia deliciosa n climbing vine native to China; cultivated in New Zealand for its fuzzy edible fruit with green meat actinidia_deliciosa%1:20:00:: 112371439 Chinese gooseberry, kiwi, kiwi vine, Actinidia chinensis, Actinidia deliciosa n climbing vine native to China; cultivated in New Zealand for its fuzzy edible fruit with green meat actinidia_polygama%1:20:00:: 112371704 silvervine, silver vine, Actinidia polygama n ornamental vine of eastern Asia having yellow edible fruit and leaves with silver-white markings actiniopteris%1:20:00:: 113206438 Actiniopteris, genus Actiniopteris n terrestrial ferns of tropical Asia and Africa actinism%1:07:00:: 104917292 actinism n the property of radiation that enables it to produce photochemical effects actinium%1:27:00:: 114627655 actinium, Ac, atomic number 89 n a radioactive element of the actinide series; found in uranium ores actinoid%1:27:00:: 114584110 actinoid, actinide, actinon n any of a series of radioactive elements with atomic numbers 89 through 103 actinoid%5:00:00:actinomorphic:00 302374557 actinoid s having a radial form; "starfish are actinoid--that is, they are radially symmetrical" actinolite%1:27:00:: 114725217 actinolite n a green mineral of the amphibole group; calcium magnesium iron silicate actinomeris%1:20:00:: 112030479 Actinomeris, genus Actinomeris n used in some classification systems for plants now included in genus Verbesina actinomeris_alternifolia%1:20:00:: 112030908 wingstem, golden ironweed, yellow ironweed, golden honey plant, Verbesina alternifolia, Actinomeris alternifolia n perennial herb with showy yellow flowers; the eastern United States actinometer%1:06:00:: 102677436 actinometer n an instrument for measuring the intensity of electromagnetic radiation (usually by the photochemical effect) actinometric%3:01:00:: 302602644 actinometric, actinometrical a of or related to actinometry actinometrical%3:01:00:: 302602644 actinometric, actinometrical a of or related to actinometry actinometry%1:04:00:: 100998037 actinometry n measuring the intensity of electromagnetic radiation (especially of the sun's rays) actinomorphic%3:00:00:: 302374349 actinomorphic, actinomorphous a capable of division into symmetrical halves by any longitudinal plane passing through the axis actinomorphous%3:00:00:: 302374349 actinomorphic, actinomorphous a capable of division into symmetrical halves by any longitudinal plane passing through the axis actinomyces%1:05:00:: 101375760 actinomyces n soil-inhabiting saprophytes and disease-producing plant and animal parasites actinomycetaceae%1:05:00:: 101375460 Actinomycetaceae, family Actinomycetaceae n filamentous anaerobic bacteria actinomycetal%3:01:00:: 302602784 actinomycetal, actinomycetous a of or belonging to the actinomycetes actinomycetales%1:05:00:: 101374989 Actinomycetales, order Actinomycetales n filamentous or rod-shaped bacteria actinomycete%1:05:00:: 101375204 actinomycete n any bacteria (some of which are pathogenic for humans and animals) belonging to the order Actinomycetales actinomycetous%3:01:00:: 302602784 actinomycetal, actinomycetous a of or belonging to the actinomycetes actinomycin%1:06:00:: 102677602 actinomycin n any of various red antibiotics isolated from soil bacteria actinomycosis%1:26:00:: 114254102 actinomycosis n disease of cattle that can be transmitted to humans; results from infection with actinomycetes; characterized by hard swellings that exude pus through long sinuses actinomycotic%3:01:00:: 302602951 actinomycotic a of or related to actinomycosis infection actinomyxidia%1:05:00:: 101427005 Actinomyxidia, order Actinomyxidia n parasites of worms actinomyxidian%1:05:00:: 101427143 actinomyxidian n parasites of worms actinon%1:27:00:: 114584110 actinoid, actinide, actinon n any of a series of radioactive elements with atomic numbers 89 through 103 actinopod%1:05:00:: 101390466 actinopod n protozoa having stiff rodlike radiating pseudopods actinopoda%1:05:00:: 101390287 Actinopoda, subclass Actinopoda n heliozoans; radiolarians actinotherapy%1:04:00:: 100705580 radiotherapy, radiation therapy, radiation, actinotherapy, irradiation n (medicine) the treatment of disease (especially cancer) by exposure to a radioactive substance actinozoa%1:05:00:: 101913838 Anthozoa, class Anthozoa, Actinozoa, class Actinozoa n a large class of sedentary marine coelenterates that includes sea anemones and corals; the medusoid phase is entirely suppressed actinozoan%1:05:00:: 101914163 anthozoan, actinozoan n sessile marine coelenterates including solitary and colonial polyps; the medusoid phase is entirely suppressed act_involuntarily%2:29:00:: 200010241 act involuntarily, act reflexively v act in an uncontrolled manner action%1:04:00:: 100576451 action n the most important or interesting work or activity in a specific area or field; "the action is no longer in technology stocks but in municipal bonds"; "gawkers always try to get as close to the action as possible" action%1:04:01:: 101181902 legal action, action, action at law n a judicial proceeding brought by one party against another; one party prosecutes another for a wrong done or for protection of a right or for prevention of a wrong action%1:04:02:: 100037396 action n something done (usually as opposed to something said); "there were stories of murders and other unnatural actions" action%1:04:03:: 100952963 military action, action n a military engagement; "he saw action in Korea" action%1:04:04:: 101182312 action n an act by a government body or supranational organization; "recent federal action undermined the segregationist position"; "the United Nations must have the power to propose and organize action without being hobbled by irrelevant issues"; "the Union action of emancipating Southern slaves" action%1:06:00:: 102677718 action, action mechanism n the operating part that transmits power to a mechanism; "the piano had a very stiff action" action%1:07:00:: 104835950 action n the trait of being active and energetic and forceful; "a man of action" action%1:10:00:: 106373513 action n the series of events that form a plot; "his novels always have a lot of action" action%1:22:00:: 113518963 natural process, natural action, action, activity n a process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings); "the action of natural forces"; "volcanic activity" action%1:26:00:: 114006945 action, activity, activeness n the state of being active; "his sphere of activity"; "he is out of action" action%2:36:00:: 201640855 carry through, accomplish, execute, carry out, action, fulfill, fulfil v put in effect; "carry out a task"; "execute the decision of the people"; "He actioned the operation" action%2:41:00:: 202582042 action, sue, litigate, process v institute legal proceedings against; file a suit against; "He was warned that the district attorney would process him"; "She actioned the company for discrimination" actionable%5:00:00:unjust:00 301370864 actionable s affording grounds for legal action; "slander is an actionable offense" action_at_law%1:04:00:: 101181902 legal action, action, action at law n a judicial proceeding brought by one party against another; one party prosecutes another for a wrong done or for protection of a right or for prevention of a wrong action_mechanism%1:06:00:: 102677718 action, action mechanism n the operating part that transmits power to a mechanism; "the piano had a very stiff action" action_officer%1:18:00:: 109764732 action officer n the case officer designated to perform an act during a clandestine operation (especially in a hostile area) action_painting%1:06:00:: 102668747 Abstract Expressionism, action painting n a New York school of painting characterized by freely created abstractions; the first important school of American painting to develop independently of European styles action_plant%1:20:00:: 111755319 sensitive plant, touch-me-not, shame plant, live-and-die, humble plant, action plant, Mimosa pudica n prostrate or semi-erect subshrub of tropical America, and Australia; heavily armed with recurved thorns and having sensitive soft grey-green leaflets that fold and droop at night or when touched or cooled action_potential%1:11:00:: 107308308 action potential n the local voltage change across the cell wall as a nerve impulse is transmitted action_replay%1:04:00:: 101020117 replay, instant replay, action replay n the immediate rebroadcast of some action (especially sports action) that has been recorded on videotape action_spectrum%1:19:00:: 111421618 action spectrum n the efficiency with which electromagnetic radiation produces a photochemical reaction plotted as a function of the wavelength of the radiation actitis%1:05:00:: 102026798 Actitis, genus Actitis n a genus of Scolopacidae actitis_hypoleucos%1:05:00:: 102026948 European sandpiper, Actitis hypoleucos n a variety of sandpiper actitis_macularia%1:05:00:: 102027075 spotted sandpiper, Actitis macularia n common North American sandpiper actium%1:04:00:: 101268457 Actium n the naval battle in which Antony and Cleopatra were defeated by Octavian's fleet under Agrippa in 31 BC actium%1:15:00:: 108786161 Actium n an ancient town on a promontory in western Greece activase%1:06:00:: 104441282 tissue plasminogen activator, Activase n a thrombolytic agent (trade name Activase) that causes fibrinolysis at the site of a blood clot; used in treating acute myocardial infarction activate%2:30:00:: 200190682 activate v make active or more active; "activate an old file" activate%2:30:01:: 200190886 activate v make (substances) radioactive activate%2:30:02:: 200190999 activate, aerate v aerate (sewage) so as to favor the growth of organisms that decompose organic matter activate%2:30:03:: 200191385 activate v make more adsorptive; "activate a metal" activate%2:36:00:: 201643657 trip, actuate, trigger, activate, set off, spark off, spark, trigger off, touch off v put in motion or move to act; "trigger a reaction"; "actuate the circuits" activated%5:00:00:active:07 300042692 activated s rendered active; e.g. rendered radioactive or luminescent or photosensitive or conductive activated%5:00:00:active:08 300034924 activated s (military) set up and placed on active assignment; "a newly activated unit" activated%5:00:00:reactive:00 301928926 activated, excited s (of e.g. a molecule) made reactive or more reactive activated%5:00:00:treated:00 301954005 activated s (of sewage) treated with aeration and bacteria to aid decomposition activated_carbon%1:27:00:: 114796359 activated carbon, activated charcoal n powdered or granular carbon used for purifying by adsorption; given orally (as a slurry) it is an antidote for some kinds of poisons activated_charcoal%1:27:00:: 114796359 activated carbon, activated charcoal n powdered or granular carbon used for purifying by adsorption; given orally (as a slurry) it is an antidote for some kinds of poisons activating%1:04:00:: 101046984 energizing, activating, activation n the activity of causing to have energy and be active activating%5:00:00:causative:00 300322938 activating, actuating s causing motion or action or change activating_agent%1:27:00:: 114723425 activating agent n (mineral extraction) a surface-active chemical used in flotation process to increase the attraction to a specific mineral activation%1:04:00:: 101046984 energizing, activating, activation n the activity of causing to have energy and be active activation%1:04:01:: 100236821 activation n making active and effective (as a bomb) activation%1:22:00:: 113426376 activation n stimulation of activity in an organism or chemical activation_energy%1:19:00:: 111421822 activation energy, energy of activation n the energy that an atomic system must acquire before a process (such as an emission or reaction) can occur; "catalysts are said to reduce the energy of activation during the transition phase of a reaction" activator%1:27:00:: 114723079 activator n (biology) any agency bringing about activation; a molecule that increases the activity of an enzyme or a protein that increases the production of a gene product in DNA transcription active%1:18:00:: 109764900 active n a person who is a participating member of an organization; "the club issues a list of members, both the actives and the retirees" active%1:24:00:: 113803158 active voice, active n the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the happening denoted by the verb; "`The boy threw the ball' uses the active voice" active%1:27:00:: 114776804 active agent, active n chemical agent capable of activity active%3:00:00:: 300041618 active, dynamic a (used of verbs (e.g. `to run') and participial adjectives (e.g. `running' in `running water')) expressing action rather than a state of being active%3:00:01:: 300031974 active a characterized by energetic activity; "an active toddler"; "active as a gazelle"; "an active man is a man of action" active%3:00:02:: 300037457 active a tending to become more severe or wider in scope; "active tuberculosis" active%3:00:03:: 300038750 active a disposed to take action or effectuate change; "a director who takes an active interest in corporate operations"; "an active antagonism"; "he was active in drawing attention to their grievances" active%3:00:04:: 300040325 active a (of e.g. volcanos) erupting or liable to erupt; "active volcanos" active%3:00:05:: 300041361 active a (of e.g. volcanos) capable of erupting active%3:00:06:: 300035465 active a full of activity or engaged in continuous activity; "an active seaport"; "an active bond market"; "an active account" active%3:00:07:: 300042457 active a exerting influence or producing a change or effect; "an active ingredient" active%3:00:08:: 300034710 active a engaged in full-time work; "active duty"; "though past retirement age he is still active in his profession" active%3:00:09:: 300042037 active a expressing that the subject of the sentence has the semantic function of actor: "Hemingway favors active constructions" active%3:00:10:: 300043411 active a (of the sun) characterized by an increased occurrence of sunspots and flares and radio emissions active%5:00:00:existent:00 300927373 active, alive s in operation; "keep hope alive"; "the tradition was still alive"; "an active tradition" active%5:00:00:involved:00 301515280 active, participating s taking part in an activity; "an active member of the club"; "he was politically active"; "the participating organizations" active%5:00:00:operational:00 301660444 active, combat-ready, fighting s engaged in or ready for military or naval operations; "on active duty"; "the platoon is combat-ready"; "review the fighting forces" active_agent%1:27:00:: 114776804 active agent, active n chemical agent capable of activity active_air_defense%1:04:00:: 100960395 active air defense n air defense by the use aircraft or missiles or artillery or electronic countermeasures active_application%1:10:00:: 106570520 active application n an application that is currently running and in the foreground active_birth%1:22:00:: 113426591 active birth n childbirth during which the mother is encouraged to be an active participant active_citizen%1:18:00:: 109765118 active citizen n a citizen who takes an active role in the community (as in crime prevention and neighborhood watch) active_immunity%1:26:00:: 114527553 active immunity n a form of acquired immunity in which the body produces its own antibodies against disease-causing antigens actively%4:02:00:: 400079617 actively, actively r in an active manner; "he participated actively in the war" active_matrix_screen%1:06:00:: 102678010 active matrix screen n a type of LCD screen used for some portable computers; there is a separate circuit for each pixel activeness%1:07:00:: 104635104 activeness, activity n the trait of being active; moving or acting rapidly and energetically; "the level of activity declines with age" activeness%1:26:00:: 114006945 action, activity, activeness n the state of being active; "his sphere of activity"; "he is out of action" active_placebo%1:06:00:: 102678174 active placebo n a placebo used in experimental tests of a drug that has noticeable side effects; "an active placebo mimics the side effects of the experimental drug" active_site%1:15:00:: 108623260 active site n the part of an enzyme or antibody where the chemical reaction occurs active_transport%1:22:00:: 113426726 active transport n transport of a substance (as a protein or drug) across a cell membrane against the concentration gradient; requires an expenditure of energy active_trust%1:21:00:: 113360950 active trust n a trust in which the trustee must perform certain duties activewear%1:06:00:: 104285803 sportswear, athletic wear, activewear n attire worn for sport or for casual wear active_voice%1:24:00:: 113803158 active voice, active n the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the happening denoted by the verb; "`The boy threw the ball' uses the active voice" activism%1:09:00:: 105901840 activism n a policy of taking direct and militant action to achieve a political or social goal activist%1:18:00:: 110315837 militant, activist n a militant reformer activist%5:00:00:active:03 300039122 activist, activistic s advocating or engaged in activism activistic%5:00:00:active:03 300039122 activist, activistic s advocating or engaged in activism activity%1:04:00:: 100407535 activity n any specific behavior; "they avoided all recreational activity" activity%1:07:00:: 104635104 activeness, activity n the trait of being active; moving or acting rapidly and energetically; "the level of activity declines with age" activity%1:22:00:: 113440063 bodily process, body process, bodily function, activity n an organic process that takes place in the body; "respiratory activity" activity%1:22:01:: 113518963 natural process, natural action, action, activity n a process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings); "the action of natural forces"; "volcanic activity" activity%1:26:00:: 114006945 action, activity, activeness n the state of being active; "his sphere of activity"; "he is out of action" activity%1:26:01:: 114531203 activity n (chemistry) the capacity of a substance to take part in a chemical reaction; "catalytic activity" act_of_god%1:11:00:: 107315350 act of God, force majeure, vis major, inevitable accident, unavoidable casualty n a natural and unavoidable catastrophe that interrupts the expected course of events; "he discovered that his house was not insured against acts of God" act_of_terrorism%1:04:00:: 100759694 terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act n the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear actomyosin%1:27:00:: 114729737 actomyosin n a protein complex in muscle fibers; composed of myosin and actin; shortens when stimulated and causes muscle contractions act_on%2:41:00:: 202376429 pursue, follow up on, act on v carry further or advance; "Can you act on this matter soon?" act_on%2:41:01:: 202376631 act on v regulate one's behavior in accordance with certain information, ideas, or advice; "The Founding Fathers acted on certain moral principles" actor%1:18:00:: 109765278 actor, histrion, player, thespian, role player n a theatrical performer actor%1:18:01:: 109767197 actor, doer, worker n a person who acts and gets things done; "he's a principal actor in this affair"; "when you want something done get a doer"; "he's a miracle worker" actor's_agent%1:18:00:: 109767592 actor's agent, theatrical agent n a business agent for an actor actor's_assistant%1:18:00:: 110033082 dresser, actor's assistant n a wardrobe assistant for an actor actor's_line%1:10:00:: 107010821 actor's line, speech, words n words making up the dialogue of a play; "the actor forgot his speech" act_out%2:36:00:: 201722447 enact, reenact, act out v act out; represent or perform as if in a play; "She reenacted what had happened earlier that day" act_out%2:36:01:: 201722645 act out v represent an incident, state, or emotion by action, especially on stage; "She could act neurotic anxiety" act_reflexively%2:29:00:: 200010241 act involuntarily, act reflexively v act in an uncontrolled manner actress%1:18:00:: 109767700 actress n a female actor acts%1:10:00:: 106442405 Acts of the Apostles, Acts n a New Testament book describing the development of the early church from Christ's Ascension to Paul's sojourn at Rome acts_of_the_apostles%1:10:00:: 106442405 Acts of the Apostles, Acts n a New Testament book describing the development of the early church from Christ's Ascension to Paul's sojourn at Rome act_superior%2:41:00:: 202593551 lord it over, queen it over, put on airs, act superior v act like the master of; "He is lording it over the students" actual%3:00:00:: 300043765 actual, existent a presently existing in fact and not merely potential or possible; "the predicted temperature and the actual temperature were markedly different"; "actual and imagined conditions" actual%5:00:00:current:00 300666610 actual s being or existing at the present moment; "the ship's actual position is 22 miles due south of Key West" actual%5:00:00:real:00 301933520 actual s taking place in reality; not pretended or imitated; "we saw the actual wedding on television"; "filmed the actual beating" actual%5:00:00:true:00 302460964 actual, genuine, literal, real s being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something; "her actual motive"; "a literal solitude like a desert"- G.K.Chesterton; "a genuine dilemma" actual%5:00:02:real:00 301933731 actual, factual s existing in act or fact; "rocks and trees...the actual world"; "actual heroism"; "the actual things that produced the emotion you experienced" actual_damages%1:21:00:: 113291356 actual damages, compensatory damages, general damages n (law) compensation for losses that can readily be proven to have occurred and for which the injured party has the right to be compensated actual_eviction%1:04:00:: 101194711 actual eviction n the physical ouster of a tenant from the leased premises; the tenant is relieved of any further duty to pay rent actualisation%1:04:00:: 100931847 realization, realisation, actualization, actualisation n making real or giving the appearance of reality actualise%2:32:00:: 200987870 actualize, actualise v represent or describe realistically actualise%2:36:00:: 201644746 realize, realise, actualize, actualise, substantiate v make real or concrete; give reality or substance to; "our ideas must be substantiated into actions" actuality%1:26:00:: 113954818 actuality n the state of actually existing objectively; "a hope that progressed from possibility to actuality" actualization%1:04:00:: 100931847 realization, realisation, actualization, actualisation n making real or giving the appearance of reality actualize%2:32:00:: 200987870 actualize, actualise v represent or describe realistically actualize%2:36:00:: 201644746 realize, realise, actualize, actualise, substantiate v make real or concrete; give reality or substance to; "our ideas must be substantiated into actions" actually%4:02:00:: 400149138 actually, in reality, actually, in reality r used to imply that one would expect the fact to be the opposite of that stated; surprisingly; "you may actually be doing the right thing by walking out"; "she actually spoke Latin"; "they thought they made the rules but in reality they were only puppets"; "people who seem stand-offish are in reality often simply nervous" actually%4:02:01:: 400149510 actually, really, actually, really r in actual fact; "to be nominally but not actually independent"; "no one actually saw the shark"; "large meteorites actually come from the asteroid belt" actually%4:02:02:: 400149744 actually, actually r as a sentence modifier to add slight emphasis; "actually, we all help clear up after a meal"; "actually, I haven't seen the film"; "I'm not all that surprised actually"; "she hasn't proved to be too satisfactory, actually" actually%4:02:03:: 400150003 actually, actually r at the present moment; "the transmission screen shows the picture that is actually on the air" actual_possession%1:04:00:: 100809886 actual possession n (law) immediate and direct physical control over property actual_sin%1:04:00:: 100757337 actual sin n a sin committed of your own free will (as contrasted with original sin) actuarial%3:01:00:: 302939542 actuarial a of or relating to the work of an actuary actuarial_table%1:14:00:: 108266542 actuarial table, statistical table n a table of statistical data actuary%1:18:00:: 110652954 statistician, actuary n someone versed in the collection and interpretation of numerical data (especially someone who uses statistics to calculate insurance premiums) actuate%2:36:00:: 201643657 trip, actuate, trigger, activate, set off, spark off, spark, trigger off, touch off v put in motion or move to act; "trigger a reaction"; "actuate the circuits" actuate%2:36:02:: 201649999 motivate, actuate, propel, move, prompt, incite v give an incentive for action; "This moved me to sacrifice my career" actuated%5:00:00:motivated:00 301558641 actuated s moved to action; "a man actuated by unworthy desired" actuating%5:00:00:causative:00 300322938 activating, actuating s causing motion or action or change actuation%1:04:00:: 100045250 propulsion, actuation n the act of propelling actuator%1:06:00:: 102678384 actuator n a mechanism that puts something into automatic action act_up%2:39:00:: 202122522 act up v make itself felt as a recurring pain; "My arthritis is acting up again" act_up%2:41:00:: 202517655 act up, carry on v misbehave badly; act in a silly or improper way; "The children acted up when they were not bored" act_upon%2:41:00:: 202536557 influence, act upon, work v have and exert influence or effect; "The artist's work influenced the young painter"; "She worked on her friends to support the political candidate" actus_reus%1:04:00:: 100732746 wrongdoing, wrongful conduct, misconduct, actus reus n activity that transgresses moral or civil law; "he denied any wrongdoing" acuate%5:00:00:pointed:00 301810189 acuate, acute, sharp, needlelike s ending in a sharp point acuity%1:09:00:: 105620468 acuteness, acuity, sharpness, keenness n a quick and penetrating intelligence; "he argued with great acuteness"; "I admired the keenness of his mind" acuity%1:09:01:: 105655567 acuity, visual acuity, sharp-sightedness n sharpness of vision; the visual ability to resolve fine detail (usually measured by a Snellen chart) acular%1:06:00:: 103612559 ketorolac tromethamine, Acular, Toradol n nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Acular and Toradol) that is administered only intramuscularly aculea%1:05:00:: 101900985 aculea n small spiny outgrowth on the wings of certain insects aculeate%3:01:00:: 302603069 aculeate, aculeated a having or resembling a stinger or barb; "aculeate insects such as bees and wasps" aculeated%3:01:00:: 302603069 aculeate, aculeated a having or resembling a stinger or barb; "aculeate insects such as bees and wasps" aculeus%1:05:00:: 101901091 aculeus n a sharp-pointed process especially a sting of a hymenopterous insect aculeus%1:20:00:: 113089419 aculeus n a stiff sharp-pointed plant process acumen%1:09:00:: 105621808 insightfulness, acumen n shrewdness shown by keen insight acumen%1:20:00:: 113089526 acumen n a tapering point acuminate%2:30:00:: 200393227 acuminate v make sharp or acute; taper; make (something) come to a point acuminate%5:00:00:simple:01 302167285 acuminate s (of a leaf shape) narrowing to a slender point acuminate_leaf%1:20:00:: 113157684 acuminate leaf n a leaf narrowing to a slender point acupressure%1:04:00:: 100710338 acupressure, G-Jo, shiatsu n treatment of symptoms by applying pressure with the fingers to specific pressure points on the body acupuncture%1:04:00:: 100710155 acupuncture, stylostixis n treatment of pain or disease by inserting the tips of needles at specific points on the skin acute%1:10:00:: 106822576 acute accent, acute, ague n a mark (') placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation acute%3:00:00:: 300044760 acute a having or experiencing a rapid onset and short but severe course; "acute appendicitis"; "the acute phase of the illness"; "acute patients" acute%3:00:02:: 301811820 acute a of an angle; less than 90 degrees acute%5:00:00:critical:03 300650900 acute s of critical importance and consequence; "an acute (or critical) lack of research funds" acute%5:00:00:perceptive:00 301744515 acute, discriminating, incisive, keen, knifelike, penetrating, penetrative, piercing, sharp s having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions; "an acute observer of politics and politicians"; "incisive comments"; "icy knifelike reasoning"; "as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang"; "penetrating insight"; "frequent penetrative observations" acute%5:00:00:pointed:00 301810189 acuate, acute, sharp, needlelike s ending in a sharp point acute%5:00:00:sharp:04 300803275 acute, intense s extremely sharp or intense; "acute pain"; "felt acute annoyance"; "intense itching and burning" acute_accent%1:10:00:: 106822576 acute accent, acute, ague n a mark (') placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation acute_angle%1:25:00:: 113891937 acute angle n an angle less than 90 degrees but more than 0 degrees acute-angled_triangle%1:25:00:: 113879816 acute triangle, acute-angled triangle n a triangle whose interior angles are all acute acute_anterior_poliomyelitis%1:26:00:: 114140176 poliomyelitis, polio, infantile paralysis, acute anterior poliomyelitis n an acute viral disease marked by inflammation of nerve cells of the brain stem and spinal cord acute_brain_disorder%1:26:00:: 114054762 acute brain disorder, acute organic brain syndrome n any disorder (as sudden confusion or disorientation) in an otherwise normal person that is due to reversible (temporary) impairment of brain tissues (as by head injuries or drugs or infection) acute_gastritis%1:26:00:: 114346606 acute gastritis n gastritis caused by ingesting an irritant (as too much aspirin) acute_glaucoma%1:26:00:: 114255536 acute glaucoma, closed-angle glaucoma, angle-closure glaucoma n glaucoma in which the iris blocks the outflow of aqueous humor; "closed-angle glaucoma can cause a rapid buildup of high intraocular pressure that results in permanent visual damage in a couple of days" acute_glossitis%1:26:00:: 114347045 acute glossitis n glossitis resulting from injury or infection and characterized by swelling and pain acute_hemorrhagic_encephalitis%1:26:00:: 114342742 acute hemorrhagic encephalitis n encephalitis that resembles apoplexy due to blood extravasation acute_inclusion_body_encephalitis%1:26:00:: 114343062 herpes simplex encephalitis, herpes encephalitis, acute inclusion body encephalitis n common form of acute encephalitis caused by herpes simplex 1; usually affects the temporal and frontal lobes acute_kidney_failure%1:26:00:: 114114886 acute renal failure, acute kidney failure n renal failure associated with burns or other trauma or with acute infection or obstruction of the urinary tract acute_leukemia%1:26:00:: 114243268 acute leukemia n rapidly progressing leukemia acutely%4:02:00:: 400140759 acutely, acutely r having a rapid onset; "an acutely debilitating virus" acutely%4:02:01:: 400502325 acutely, acutely r in an acute manner; "she pitied her sister acutely"; "acutely aware" acutely%4:02:02:: 400503102 sharply, sharp, acutely, sharply, sharp, acutely r changing suddenly in direction and degree; "the road twists sharply after the light"; "turn sharp left here"; "the visor was acutely peaked"; "her shoes had acutely pointed toes" acutely%4:02:03:: 400272587 astutely, shrewdly, sagaciously, sapiently, acutely, astutely, shrewdly, sagaciously, sapiently, acutely r in a shrewd manner; "he invested his fortune astutely"; "he was acutely insightful" acute_lymphoblastic_leukemia%1:26:00:: 114243393 acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia n acute leukemia characterized by proliferation of immature lymphoblast-like cells in bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, and blood; most common in children acute_lymphocytic_leukemia%1:26:00:: 114243393 acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia n acute leukemia characterized by proliferation of immature lymphoblast-like cells in bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, and blood; most common in children acute_myelocytic_leukemia%1:26:00:: 114243649 acute myelocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia n acute leukemia characterized by proliferation of granular leukocytes; most common in adolescents and young adults acute_myeloid_leukemia%1:26:00:: 114243649 acute myelocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia n acute leukemia characterized by proliferation of granular leukocytes; most common in adolescents and young adults acuteness%1:07:00:: 104705536 acuteness n the quality of having a sharp edge or point acuteness%1:09:00:: 105620468 acuteness, acuity, sharpness, keenness n a quick and penetrating intelligence; "he argued with great acuteness"; "I admired the keenness of his mind" acuteness%1:09:01:: 105653327 acuteness n a sensitivity that is keen and highly developed; "dogs have a remarkable acuteness of smell" acute_organic_brain_syndrome%1:26:00:: 114054762 acute brain disorder, acute organic brain syndrome n any disorder (as sudden confusion or disorientation) in an otherwise normal person that is due to reversible (temporary) impairment of brain tissues (as by head injuries or drugs or infection) acute_pyelonephritis%1:26:00:: 114566476 acute pyelonephritis n pyelonephritis resulting from the spread of a bladder infection acute_renal_failure%1:26:00:: 114114886 acute renal failure, acute kidney failure n renal failure associated with burns or other trauma or with acute infection or obstruction of the urinary tract acute_schizophrenic_episode%1:26:00:: 114400325 acute schizophrenic episode, reactive schizophrenia n schizophrenia of abrupt onset and relatively short duration (a few weeks or months) acute_triangle%1:25:00:: 113879816 acute triangle, acute-angled triangle n a triangle whose interior angles are all acute acyclic%3:00:01:: 300677877 acyclic a not cyclic; especially having parts arranged in spirals rather than whorls acyclic%3:00:02:: 300677313 acyclic, open-chain a having an open chain structure acyclovir%1:06:00:: 102678528 acyclovir, Zovirax n an oral antiviral drug (trade name Zovirax) used to treat genital herpes; does not cure the disease but relieves the symptoms acyl%1:27:00:: 114594708 acyl, acyl group n any group or radical of the form RCO- where R is an organic group; "an example of the acyl group is the acetyl group" acyl_anhydrides%1:27:00:: 114808617 acyl anhydrides, acid anhydrides n organic compounds that react with water to form an acid acylation%1:22:00:: 113426948 acylation n the process of introducing an acyl group into a compound acylglycerol%1:27:00:: 114885088 glyceride, acylglycerol n an ester of glycerol and fatty acids that occurs naturally as fats and fatty oils; "fresh fats contain glycerides of fatty acids and very little free acid" acyl_group%1:27:00:: 114594708 acyl, acyl group n any group or radical of the form RCO- where R is an organic group; "an example of the acyl group is the acetyl group" acyl_halide%1:27:00:: 114808752 acyl halide, acid halide n organic compounds containing the group -COX where X is a halogen atom ad%1:10:00:: 107248801 ad, advertisement, advertizement, advertising, advertizing, advert n a public promotion of some product or service a.d.%4:02:00:: 400001837 AD, A.D., anno Domini, AD, A.D., anno Domini r in the Christian era; used before dates after the supposed year Christ was born; "in AD 200" ad%4:02:00:: 400001837 AD, A.D., anno Domini, AD, A.D., anno Domini r in the Christian era; used before dates after the supposed year Christ was born; "in AD 200" ada%1:27:00:: 114707361 adenosine deaminase, ADA n an enzyme found in mammals that can catalyze the deamination of adenosine into inosine and ammonia; "ADA deficiency can lead to one form of severe combined immunodeficiency disease"; "the gene encoding ADA was one of the earlier human genes to be isolated and cloned for study" adactylia%1:26:00:: 114152803 adactylia, adactyly, adactylism n congenital absence of fingers and/or toes adactylism%1:26:00:: 114152803 adactylia, adactyly, adactylism n congenital absence of fingers and/or toes adactylous%3:01:00:: 302603235 adactylous a without fingers and/or toes adactyly%1:26:00:: 114152803 adactylia, adactyly, adactylism n congenital absence of fingers and/or toes adad%1:18:00:: 109515027 Adad n Babylonian god of storms and wind adage%1:10:00:: 107153838 proverb, adage, saw, byword n a condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as true by many people ad_agency%1:14:00:: 108353912 advertising agency, ad agency n an agency that designs advertisement to call public attention to its clients adagio%1:04:00:: 100526259 adagio n a slow section of a pas de deux requiring great skill and strength by the dancers adagio%1:10:00:: 107047804 adagio n (music) a composition played in adagio tempo (slowly and gracefully); "they played the adagio too quickly" adagio%4:02:00:: 400265059 adagio, adagio r slowly; "here you must play adagio" adagio%5:00:00:slow:02 300982881 adagio s (of tempo) leisurely adalia%1:05:00:: 102165754 Adalia, genus Adalia n genus of ladybugs adalia%1:15:00:: 109040839 Antalya, Adalia n a port city in southwestern Turkey on the Gulf of Antalya adalia_bipunctata%1:05:00:: 102165877 two-spotted ladybug, Adalia bipunctata n red ladybug with a black spot on each wing adam%1:06:00:: 102678738 Adam, ecstasy, XTC, go, disco biscuit, cristal, X, hug drug n street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine adam%1:18:00:: 109586553 Adam n (Old Testament) in Judeo-Christian mythology; the first man and the husband of Eve and the progenitor of the human race adam%1:18:01:: 110808045 Adam, Robert Adam n Scottish architect who designed many public buildings in England and Scotland (1728-1792) adamance%1:07:00:: 104863793 adamance, obduracy, unyieldingness n resoluteness by virtue of being unyielding and inflexible adam-and-eve%1:20:00:: 112045514 puttyroot, adam-and-eve, Aplectrum hyemale n North American orchid bearing a single leaf and yellowish-brown flowers adamant%1:27:00:: 114834563 diamond, adamant n very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem adamant%5:00:00:inflexible:02 301024812 adamant, adamantine, inexorable, intransigent s impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason; "he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind"; "Cynthia was inexorable; she would have none of him"- W.Churchill; "an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency" adamantine%3:01:00:: 302603319 adamantine a consisting of or having the hardness of adamant adamantine%5:00:00:hard:01 301151246 adamantine s having the hardness of a diamond adamantine%5:00:00:inflexible:02 301024812 adamant, adamantine, inexorable, intransigent s impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason; "he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind"; "Cynthia was inexorable; she would have none of him"- W.Churchill; "an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency" adamantly%4:02:00:: 400177174 adamantly, adamantly r inflexibly; unshakably; "adamantly opposed to the marriage" adams%1:17:00:: 109187407 Adams, Mount Adams n a mountain peak in southwestern Washington in the Cascade Range (12,307 feet high) adams%1:18:00:: 110808200 Adams, John Adams, President Adams, President John Adams n 2nd President of the United States (1735-1826) adams%1:18:01:: 110808353 Adams, John Quincy Adams, President Adams, President John Quincy Adams n 6th President of the United States; son of John Adams (1767-1848) adams%1:18:02:: 110808539 Adams, Sam Adams, Samuel Adams n American Revolutionary leader and patriot; an organizer of the Boston Tea Party and signer of the Declaration of Independence (1722-1803) adam's_apple%1:08:00:: 105530296 thyroid cartilage, Adam's apple n the largest cartilage of the larynx adam's_apple%1:20:00:: 111776511 crape jasmine, crepe jasmine, crepe gardenia, pinwheel flower, East Indian rosebay, Adam's apple, Nero's crown, coffee rose, Tabernaemontana divaricate n tropical shrub having glossy foliage and fragrant nocturnal flowers with crimped or wavy corollas; northern India to Thailand adam_smith%1:18:00:: 111305258 Smith, Adam Smith n Scottish economist who advocated private enterprise and free trade (1723-1790) adam's_needle%1:20:00:: 112483427 Adam's needle, Adam's needle-and-thread, spoonleaf yucca, needle palm, Yucca filamentosa n yucca with long stiff leaves having filamentlike appendages adam's_needle-and-thread%1:20:00:: 112483427 Adam's needle, Adam's needle-and-thread, spoonleaf yucca, needle palm, Yucca filamentosa n yucca with long stiff leaves having filamentlike appendages adam's_peak%1:17:00:: 109187594 Adam's Peak, Samanala n a mountain peak in south central Sri Lanka (7,360 feet high) adams-stokes_syndrome%1:26:00:: 114362593 heart block, Adams-Stokes syndrome, Stokes-Adams syndrome, atrioventricular block n recurrent sudden attacks of unconsciousness caused by impaired conduction of the impulse that regulates the heartbeat adana%1:15:00:: 109040475 Adana, Seyhan n a city in southern Turkey on the Seyhan River adansonia%1:20:00:: 112189620 Adansonia, genus Adansonia n baobab; cream-of-tartar tree adansonia_digitata%1:20:00:: 112189987 baobab, monkey-bread tree, Adansonia digitata n African tree having an exceedingly thick trunk and fruit that resembles a gourd and has an edible pulp called monkey bread adansonia_gregorii%1:20:00:: 112189779 cream-of-tartar tree, sour gourd, Adansonia gregorii n Australian tree having an agreeably acid fruit that resembles a gourd adapa%1:18:00:: 109515131 Adapa n a Babylonian demigod or first man (sometimes identified with Adam) adapid%1:05:00:: 102496210 Adapid, Adapid group n extinct small mostly diurnal lower primates that fed on leaves and fruit; abundant in North America and Europe 30 to 50 million years ago; their descendents probably include the lemurs; some authorities consider them ancestral to anthropoids but others consider them only cousins adapid_group%1:05:00:: 102496210 Adapid, Adapid group n extinct small mostly diurnal lower primates that fed on leaves and fruit; abundant in North America and Europe 30 to 50 million years ago; their descendents probably include the lemurs; some authorities consider them ancestral to anthropoids but others consider them only cousins adapin%1:06:00:: 103229905 doxepin, doxepin hydrochloride, Adapin, Sinequan n a tricyclic antidepressant (trade names Adapin and Sinequan) with numerous side effects (dry mouth and sedation and gastrointestinal disturbances) adapt%2:30:01:: 200299580 adapt, accommodate v make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose; "Adapt our native cuisine to the available food resources of the new country" adapt%2:30:02:: 200150287 adjust, conform, adapt v adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions; "We must adjust to the bad economic situation" adaptability%1:07:00:: 104659090 adaptability n the ability to change (or be changed) to fit changed circumstances adaptable%3:00:00:: 301027263 adaptable a capable of adapting (of becoming or being made suitable) to a particular situation or use; "to succeed one must be adaptable"; "the frame was adaptable to cloth bolts of different widths" adaptation%1:04:01:: 100193406 adaptation n (physiology) the responsive adjustment of a sense organ (as the eye) to varying conditions (as of light) adaptation%1:10:00:: 106408779 adaptation, version n a written work (as a novel) that has been recast in a new form; "the play is an adaptation of a short novel" adaptation%1:22:00:: 113427078 adaptation, adaption, adjustment n the process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions) adaptational%5:00:00:adaptive:00 300046471 adaptational s of or relating to adaptation adaptative%3:00:00:: 300046109 adaptive, adaptative a having a capacity for adaptation; "the adaptive coloring of a chameleon" adapted%5:00:00:modified:00 301540637 adapted, altered s changed in order to improve or made more fit for a particular purpose; "seeds precisely adapted to the area"; "instructions altered to suit the children's different ages" adapter%1:06:00:: 102678897 adapter, adaptor n device that enables something to be used in a way different from that for which it was intended or makes different pieces of apparatus compatible adapter%1:18:00:: 109809925 arranger, adapter, transcriber n a musician who adapts a composition for particular voices or instruments or for another style of performance adaption%1:22:00:: 113427078 adaptation, adaption, adjustment n the process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions) adaptive%3:00:00:: 300046109 adaptive, adaptative a having a capacity for adaptation; "the adaptive coloring of a chameleon" adaptive_radiation%1:11:00:: 107440045 adaptive radiation n the development of many different forms from an originally homogeneous group of organisms as they fill different ecological niches adaptor%1:06:00:: 102678897 adapter, adaptor n device that enables something to be used in a way different from that for which it was intended or makes different pieces of apparatus compatible adar%1:28:00:: 115215480 Adar n the sixth month of the civil year; the twelfth month of the ecclesiastic year in the Jewish calendar (in February and March) adar_sheni%1:28:00:: 115215693 Veadar, Adar Sheni n included seven times in every 19 years ada-scid%1:26:00:: 114129223 ADA-SCID n SCID resulting from mutation of a gene that codes for adenosine deaminase adaxial%3:00:00:: 300002527 adaxial, ventral a nearest to or facing toward the axis of an organ or organism; "the upper side of a leaf is known as the adaxial surface" adaxially%4:02:00:: 400512597 adaxially, adaxially r in an adaxial manner ad_blitz%1:04:00:: 100798959 advertising campaign, ad campaign, ad blitz n an organized program of advertisements ad_campaign%1:04:00:: 100798959 advertising campaign, ad campaign, ad blitz n an organized program of advertisements add%1:26:00:: 114056280 attention deficit disorder, ADD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, hyperkinetic syndrome, minimal brain dysfunction, minimal brain damage, MBD n a condition (mostly in boys) characterized by behavioral and learning disorders add%2:30:00:: 200182406 add v make an addition (to); join or combine or unite with others; increase the quality, quantity, size or scope of; "We added two students to that dorm room"; "She added a personal note to her letter"; "Add insult to injury"; "Add some extra plates to the dinner table" add%2:31:00:: 200640828 add, add together v make an addition by combining numbers; "Add 27 and 49, please!" add%2:32:00:: 200949288 total, tot, tot up, sum, sum up, summate, tote up, add, add together, tally, add up v determine the sum of; "Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town" add%2:32:01:: 201027174 add, append, supply v state or say further; "`It doesn't matter,' he supplied" add%2:40:00:: 202324478 lend, impart, bestow, contribute, add, bring v bestow a quality on; "Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company"; "The music added a lot to the play"; "She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings"; "This adds a light note to the program" add%2:42:00:: 202745172 add v constitute an addition; "This paper will add to her reputation" addable%5:00:00:additive:00 300048706 addable, addible s capable of being added or added to addax%1:05:00:: 102421136 addax, Addax nasomaculatus n large antelope with lightly spiraled horns of desert regions of northern Africa addax_nasomaculatus%1:05:00:: 102421136 addax, Addax nasomaculatus n large antelope with lightly spiraled horns of desert regions of northern Africa addend%1:23:00:: 113728818 addend n a number that is added to another number (the augend) addendum%1:10:00:: 106399631 addendum, supplement, postscript n textual matter that is added onto a publication; usually at the end adder%1:05:00:: 101752585 adder, common viper, Vipera berus n small terrestrial viper common in northern Eurasia adder%1:06:00:: 102679142 adder n a machine that adds numbers adder%1:18:00:: 109768753 adder n a person who adds numbers adder's_fern%1:20:00:: 113173882 common polypody, adder's fern, wall fern, golden maidenhair, golden polypody, sweet fern, Polypodium vulgare n mat-forming lithophytic or terrestrial fern with creeping rootstocks and large pinnatifid fronds found throughout North America and Europe and Africa and east Asia adder's_tongue%1:20:00:: 112960378 adder's tongue, adder's tongue fern n ferns with fertile spikes shaped like a snake's tongue adder's_tongue_fern%1:20:00:: 112960378 adder's tongue, adder's tongue fern n ferns with fertile spikes shaped like a snake's tongue addible%5:00:00:additive:00 300048706 addable, addible s capable of being added or added to addict%1:18:00:: 109768830 addict n someone who is physiologically dependent on a substance; abrupt deprivation of the substance produces withdrawal symptoms addict%1:18:01:: 109769076 addict, nut, freak, junkie, junky n someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction; "a golf addict"; "a car nut"; "a bodybuilding freak"; "a news junkie" addict%2:34:00:: 201165290 addict, hook v to cause (someone or oneself) to become dependent (on something, especially a narcotic drug) addicted%3:00:00:: 300047029 addicted a compulsively or physiologically dependent on something habit-forming; "she is addicted to chocolate"; "addicted to cocaine" addiction%1:04:00:: 100087849 addiction n (Roman law) a formal award by a magistrate of a thing or person to another person (as the award of a debtor to his creditor); a surrender to a master; "under Roman law addiction was the justification for slavery" addiction%1:12:00:: 107486145 addiction n an abnormally strong craving addiction%1:26:00:: 114062725 addiction, dependence, dependance, dependency, habituation n being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming (especially alcohol or narcotic drugs) addictive%3:00:00:: 300047786 addictive, habit-forming a causing or characterized by addiction; "addictive drugs"; "addictive behavior" add-in%1:06:00:: 103033986 circuit board, circuit card, board, card, plug-in, add-in n a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities adding_machine%1:06:00:: 102679257 adding machine, totalizer, totaliser n a calculator that performs simple arithmetic functions addis_ababa%1:15:00:: 108778401 Addis Ababa, New Flower, capital of Ethiopia n the capital of Ethiopia and the country's largest city; located in central Ethiopia addison's_disease%1:26:00:: 114116908 Addison's disease, Addison's syndrome, hypoadrenalism, hypoadrenocorticism n a glandular disorder caused by failure of function of the cortex of the adrenal gland and marked by anemia and prostration with brownish skin addison's_syndrome%1:26:00:: 114116908 Addison's disease, Addison's syndrome, hypoadrenalism, hypoadrenocorticism n a glandular disorder caused by failure of function of the cortex of the adrenal gland and marked by anemia and prostration with brownish skin addition%1:04:01:: 100872107 summation, addition, plus n the arithmetic operation of summing; calculating the sum of two or more numbers; "the summation of four and three gives seven"; "four plus three equals seven" addition%1:04:02:: 100363788 addition n the act of adding one thing to another; "the addition of flowers created a pleasing effect"; "the addition of a leap day every four years" addition%1:06:00:: 102679415 addition, add-on, improver n a component that is added to something to improve it; "the addition of a bathroom was a major improvement"; "the addition of cinnamon improved the flavor" addition%1:15:00:: 108554872 addition n a suburban area laid out in streets and lots for a future residential area addition%1:21:00:: 113253423 accession, addition n something added to what you already have; "the librarian shelved the new accessions"; "he was a new addition to the staff" addition%1:23:00:: 113754293 addition, increase, gain n a quantity that is added; "there was an addition to property taxes this year"; "they recorded the cattle's gain in weight over a period of weeks" additional%5:00:03:additive:00 300048858 extra, additional s further or added; "called for additional troops"; "need extra help"; "an extra pair of shoes" additionally%4:02:00:: 400046167 additionally, to boot, additionally, to boot r in addition, by way of addition; furthermore; "he serves additionally as the CEO" addition_reaction%1:22:00:: 113427356 addition reaction n a chemical reaction in which one molecule is added to another additions_to_esther%1:10:00:: 106458685 Additions to Esther n an Apocryphal book consisting of text added to the Book of Esther additive%1:06:00:: 102679788 additive n something added to enhance food or gasoline or paint or medicine additive%3:00:00:: 300048129 additive a characterized or produced by addition; "an additive process" additive%3:00:04:: 301417451 linear, additive a designating or involving an equation whose terms are of the first degree additive_inverse%1:24:00:: 113843001 additive inverse n (mathematics) one of a pair of numbers whose sum is zero; the additive inverse of -5 is +5 addle%2:30:00:: 200210647 addle v become rotten; "addled eggs" addle%2:31:00:: 200620532 addle, muddle, puddle v mix up or confuse; "He muddled the issues" addlebrained%5:00:00:confused:00 300435872 addlebrained, addlepated, puddingheaded, muddleheaded s stupid and confused; "blathering like the addlepated nincompoop that you are"; "a confused puddingheaded, muddleheaded fellow"- Isaac Sterne addled%5:00:00:confused:00 300436115 addled, befuddled, muddled, muzzy, woolly, wooly, woolly-headed, wooly-minded s confused and vague; used especially of thinking; "muddleheaded ideas"; "your addled little brain"; "woolly thinking"; "woolly-headed ideas" addled%5:00:00:stale:00 301069187 addled s (of eggs) no longer edible; "an addled egg" addle-head%1:18:00:: 110598904 addle-head, addlehead, loon, birdbrain n a person with confused ideas; incapable of serious thought addlehead%1:18:00:: 110598904 addle-head, addlehead, loon, birdbrain n a person with confused ideas; incapable of serious thought addlepated%5:00:00:confused:00 300435872 addlebrained, addlepated, puddingheaded, muddleheaded s stupid and confused; "blathering like the addlepated nincompoop that you are"; "a confused puddingheaded, muddleheaded fellow"- Isaac Sterne add-on%1:06:00:: 102679415 addition, add-on, improver n a component that is added to something to improve it; "the addition of a bathroom was a major improvement"; "the addition of cinnamon improved the flavor" add-on%1:06:01:: 102671421 accessory, appurtenance, supplement, add-on n a supplementary component that improves capability add_on%2:30:00:: 200183757 add on v make an addition; "Let's add on to this" add_on%2:35:00:: 201328705 append, add on, supplement, affix v add to the very end; "He appended a glossary to his novel where he used an invented language" address%1:07:00:: 104842232 savoir-faire, address n social skill address%1:07:01:: 105082648 address n the stance assumed by a golfer in preparation for hitting a golf ball address%1:10:00:: 107238694 address, speech n the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience; "he listened to an address on minor Roman poets" address%1:10:01:: 106794216 address n a sign in front of a house or business carrying the conventional form by which its location is described address%1:10:02:: 106787150 address, destination, name and address n written directions for finding some location; written on letters or packages that are to be delivered to that location address%1:10:03:: 107067591 address n the manner of speaking to another individual; "he failed in his manner of address to the captain" address%1:10:04:: 106356515 address, computer address, reference n (computer science) the code that identifies where a piece of information is stored address%1:15:00:: 108491027 address n the place where a person or organization can be found or communicated with address%2:30:00:: 200464687 address v adjust and aim (a golf ball) at in preparation of hitting address%2:32:00:: 200897564 address, turn to v speak to; "He addressed the crowd outside the window" address%2:32:01:: 200990655 address, accost, come up to v speak to someone address%2:32:02:: 200989201 address, speak v give a speech to; "The chairman addressed the board of trustees" address%2:32:03:: 200990812 address, direct v put an address on (an envelope) address%2:32:04:: 201033527 cover, treat, handle, plow, deal, address v act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression; "This book deals with incest"; "The course covered all of Western Civilization"; "The new book treats the history of China" address%2:33:00:: 201150981 address v direct a question at someone address%2:34:00:: 201160899 address v address or apply oneself to something, direct one's efforts towards something, such as a question address%2:40:00:: 202249018 address v access or locate by address address%2:41:08:: 202601456 address, call v greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name; "He always addresses me with `Sir'"; "Call me Mister"; "She calls him by first name" addressable%5:00:00:available:00 300183932 addressable s capable of being addressed; "addressable memory" addressed%3:00:00:: 300050641 addressed a (of mail) marked with a destination; "I throw away all mail addressed to `resident'" addressee%1:18:00:: 109769345 addressee n one to whom something is addressed addressing_machine%1:06:00:: 102679961 addressing machine, Addressograph n a printer that automatically prints addresses on letters for mailing addressograph%1:06:00:: 102679961 addressing machine, Addressograph n a printer that automatically prints addresses on letters for mailing add_to%2:30:00:: 200157347 add to v have an increased effect; "This adds to my worries" add_together%2:31:00:: 200640828 add, add together v make an addition by combining numbers; "Add 27 and 49, please!" add_together%2:32:00:: 200949288 total, tot, tot up, sum, sum up, summate, tote up, add, add together, tally, add up v determine the sum of; "Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town" adduce%2:32:00:: 201015866 adduce, abduce, cite v advance evidence for adducent%3:00:00:: 300003131 adducent, adductive, adducting a especially of muscles; bringing together or drawing toward the midline of the body or toward an adjacent part adducer%1:18:00:: 109769525 adducer n a discussant who offers an example or a reason or a proof adducing%1:10:00:: 106649704 adducing n citing as evidence or proof adduct%1:27:00:: 114584016 adduct n a compound formed by an addition reaction adduct%2:35:00:: 201449236 adduct v draw a limb towards the body; "adduct the thigh muscle" adducting%3:00:00:: 300003131 adducent, adductive, adducting a especially of muscles; bringing together or drawing toward the midline of the body or toward an adjacent part adduction%1:04:00:: 100333203 adduction n (physiology) moving of a body part toward the central axis of the body adductive%3:00:00:: 300003131 adducent, adductive, adducting a especially of muscles; bringing together or drawing toward the midline of the body or toward an adjacent part adductor%1:08:00:: 105291728 adductor, adductor muscle n a muscle that draws a body part toward the median line adductor_muscle%1:08:00:: 105291728 adductor, adductor muscle n a muscle that draws a body part toward the median line add_up%2:32:00:: 200949288 total, tot, tot up, sum, sum up, summate, tote up, add, add together, tally, add up v determine the sum of; "Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town" add_up%2:42:00:: 202619612 make sense, add up v be reasonable or logical or comprehensible add_up%2:42:01:: 202627363 come, add up, amount v develop into; "This idea will never amount to anything"; "nothing came of his grandiose plans" add_up%2:42:03:: 202645007 total, number, add up, come, amount v add up in number or quantity; "The bills amounted to $2,000"; "The bill came to $2,000" ade%1:13:00:: 107925966 fruit drink, ade n a sweetened beverage of diluted fruit juice adelaide%1:15:00:: 108834543 Adelaide n the state capital of South Australia adelges%1:05:00:: 102254531 Adelges, genus Adelges n type genus of the Adelgidae: plant lice adelges_abietis%1:05:00:: 102255023 spruce gall aphid, Adelges abietis n a variety of adelgid adelges_piceae%1:05:00:: 102254901 balsam woolly aphid, Adelges piceae n a variety of adelgid adelgid%1:05:00:: 102254697 adelgid n any of various insects that feed and form galls on conifers adelgidae%1:05:00:: 102254370 Adelgidae, family Adelgidae n plant lice adelie%1:05:00:: 102056228 Adelie, Adelie penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae n medium-sized penguins occurring in large colonies on the Adelie Coast of Antarctica adelie_coast%1:15:00:: 108494782 Adelie Land, Terre Adelie, Adelie Coast n a costal region of Antarctica to the south of Australia; noted for its large colonies of penguins adelie_land%1:15:00:: 108494782 Adelie Land, Terre Adelie, Adelie Coast n a costal region of Antarctica to the south of Australia; noted for its large colonies of penguins adelie_penguin%1:05:00:: 102056228 Adelie, Adelie penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae n medium-sized penguins occurring in large colonies on the Adelie Coast of Antarctica adeline_virginia_stephen_woolf%1:18:00:: 111396667 Woolf, Virginia Woolf, Adeline Virginia Stephen Woolf n English author whose work used such techniques as stream of consciousness and the interior monologue; prominent member of the Bloomsbury Group (1882-1941) aden%1:15:00:: 109164903 Aden n an important port of Yemen; located on the Gulf of Aden; its strategic location has made it a major trading center of southern Arabia since ancient times aden-abyan_islamic_army%1:14:00:: 108025112 Islamic Army of Aden, IAA, Islamic Army of Aden-Abyan, Aden-Abyan Islamic Army n Yemen-based terrorist group that supports al-Qaeda's goals; seeks to overthrow the Yemeni government and eliminate United States interests; responsible for bombings and kidnappings and killing western tourists in Yemen adenanthera%1:20:00:: 111758628 Adenanthera, genus Adenanthera n small genus of trees of tropical Asia and Pacific areas adenanthera_pavonina%1:20:00:: 111758799 coralwood, coral-wood, red sandalwood, Barbados pride, peacock flower fence, Adenanthera pavonina n East Indian tree with racemes of yellow-white flowers; cultivated as an ornamental adenauer%1:18:00:: 110808756 Adenauer, Konrad Adenauer n German statesman; chancellor of West Germany (1876-1967) adenine%1:27:00:: 114706889 adenine, A n (biochemistry) purine base found in DNA and RNA; pairs with thymine in DNA and with uracil in RNA adenitis%1:26:00:: 114257687 adenitis n inflammation of a gland or lymph node adenium%1:20:00:: 111769002 Adenium, genus Adenium n one species: succulent shrub or tree of tropical Africa and Arabia adenium_multiflorum%1:20:00:: 111769176 impala lily, mock azalia, desert rose, kudu lily, Adenium obesum, Adenium multiflorum n South African shrub having a swollen succulent stem and bearing showy pink and white flowers after the leaves fall; popular as an ornamental in tropics adenium_obesum%1:20:00:: 111769176 impala lily, mock azalia, desert rose, kudu lily, Adenium obesum, Adenium multiflorum n South African shrub having a swollen succulent stem and bearing showy pink and white flowers after the leaves fall; popular as an ornamental in tropics adenocarcinoma%1:26:00:: 114246710 adenocarcinoma, glandular cancer, glandular carcinoma n malignant tumor originating in glandular epithelium adenocarcinomatous%3:01:00:: 302603423 adenocarcinomatous a of or pertaining to adenocarcinoma adenohypophysis%1:08:00:: 105484355 anterior pituitary, anterior pituitary gland, adenohypophysis n the anterior lobe of the pituitary body; primarily glandular in nature adenoid%1:08:00:: 105529286 pharyngeal tonsil, adenoid, Luschka's tonsil, third tonsil, tonsilla pharyngealis, tonsilla adenoidea n a collection of lymphatic tissue in the throat behind the uvula (on the posterior wall and roof of the nasopharynx); "hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsils is called adenoids"; "enlarged adenoids may restrict the breathing of children" adenoid%3:01:00:: 302603540 adenoid a relating to or resembling lymphatic glands or lymphoid tissue adenoidal%3:01:00:: 302603673 adenoidal a of or pertaining to the adenoids adenoidal%5:00:00:high:03 301213550 adenoidal, pinched, nasal s sounding as if the nose were pinched; "a whining nasal voice" adenoidectomy%1:04:00:: 100665970 adenoidectomy n surgical removal of the adenoids; commonly performed along with tonsillectomy adenoma%1:26:00:: 114235793 adenoma n a benign epithelial tumor of glandular origin adenomatous_polyp%1:26:00:: 114234611 adenomatous polyp n a polyp that consists of benign neoplastic tissue derived from glandular epithelium; "adenomatous polyps are visible protrusions that can develop on the mucosal surface of the colon or rectum" adenomegaly%1:26:00:: 114367005 adenomegaly n gland enlargement adenomyosarcoma%1:26:00:: 114246097 Wilms' tumor, Wilms tumour, adenomyosarcoma, nephroblastoma, embryoma of the kidney n malignant renal tumor of young children characterized by hypertension and blood in the urine and the presence of a palpable mass adenomyosis%1:26:00:: 114204763 endometriosis, adenomyosis n the presence of endometrium elsewhere than in the lining of the uterus; causes premenstrual pain and dysmenorrhea adenopathy%1:26:00:: 114117173 adenopathy n a glandular disease or enlargement of glandular tissue (especially of the lymph glands) adenosine%1:27:00:: 114707101 adenosine n (biochemistry) a nucleoside that is a structural component of nucleic acids; it is present in all living cells in a combined form as a constituent of DNA and RNA and ADP and ATP and AMP adenosine_deaminase%1:27:00:: 114707361 adenosine deaminase, ADA n an enzyme found in mammals that can catalyze the deamination of adenosine into inosine and ammonia; "ADA deficiency can lead to one form of severe combined immunodeficiency disease"; "the gene encoding ADA was one of the earlier human genes to be isolated and cloned for study" adenosine_diphosphate%1:27:00:: 114707903 adenosine diphosphate, ADP n an ester of adenosine that is converted to ATP for energy storage adenosine_monophosphate%1:27:00:: 114707710 adenosine monophosphate, AMP, adenylic acid n a nucleotide found in muscle cells and important in metabolism; reversibly convertible to ADP and ATP adenosine_triphosphate%1:27:00:: 114708042 adenosine triphosphate, ATP n a nucleotide derived from adenosine that occurs in muscle tissue; the major source of energy for cellular reactions adenosis%1:26:00:: 114059928 glandular disease, gland disease, glandular disorder, adenosis n a disorder of the glands of the body adenota%1:05:00:: 102427958 Adenota, genus Adenota n African antelopes: puku adenota_vardoni%1:05:00:: 102428089 puku, Adenota vardoni n an African antelope closely related to the waterbuck adenovirus%1:05:00:: 101330126 adenovirus n any of a group of viruses including those that in humans cause upper respiratory infections or infectious pinkeye adenylic_acid%1:27:00:: 114707710 adenosine monophosphate, AMP, adenylic acid n a nucleotide found in muscle cells and important in metabolism; reversibly convertible to ADP and ATP adept%1:18:00:: 109762509 ace, adept, champion, sensation, maven, mavin, virtuoso, genius, hotshot, star, superstar, whiz, whizz, wizard, wiz n someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field adept%5:00:00:skilled:00 302226162 adept, expert, good, practiced, proficient, skillful, skilful s having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude; "adept in handicrafts"; "an adept juggler"; "an expert job"; "a good mechanic"; "a practiced marksman"; "a proficient engineer"; "a lesser-known but no less skillful composer"; "the effect was achieved by skillful retouching" adeptness%1:09:00:: 105642175 adeptness, adroitness, deftness, facility, quickness n skillful performance or ability without difficulty; "his quick adeptness was a product of good design"; "he was famous for his facility as an archer" adequacy%1:07:00:: 104792357 adequacy, adequateness n the quality of being able to meet a need satisfactorily: "he questioned the adequacy of the usual sentimental interpretation of the Golden Rule" adequacy%1:07:01:: 105112609 sufficiency, adequacy n the quality of being sufficient for the end in view; "he questioned the sufficiency of human intelligence" adequate%3:00:00:: 300051045 adequate, equal a having the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task; "she had adequate training"; "her training was adequate"; "she was adequate to the job"; "he was equal to the task" adequate%5:00:00:satisfactory:00 302080937 adequate, passable, fair to middling, tolerable s about average; acceptable; "more than adequate as a secretary" adequate%5:00:00:sufficient:00 302336109 adequate, decent, enough s sufficient for the purpose; "an adequate income"; "the food was adequate"; "a decent wage"; "enough food"; "food enough" adequately%4:02:00:: 400369718 adequately, adequately r in an adequate manner or to an adequate degree; "he was adequately prepared" adequateness%1:07:00:: 104792357 adequacy, adequateness n the quality of being able to meet a need satisfactorily: "he questioned the adequacy of the usual sentimental interpretation of the Golden Rule" adequate_to%5:00:00:adequate:00 300051373 adequate to, capable, equal to, up to s having the requisite qualities for; "equal to the task"; "the work isn't up to the standard I require" adermin%1:27:00:: 115091669 vitamin B6, pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine, adermin n a B vitamin that is essential for metabolism of amino acids and starch ader_wax%1:27:00:: 114665102 ader wax, earth wax, mineral wax, ozokerite, ozocerite n a waxy mineral that is a mixture of hydrocarbons and occurs in association with petroleum; some varieties are used in making ceresin and candles adesite%1:27:00:: 114932222 adesite n dark greyish extrusive rock adh%1:08:00:: 105414147 vasopressin, antidiuretic hormone, ADH, Pitressin n hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland (trade name Pitressin) and also by nerve endings in the hypothalamus; affects blood pressure by stimulating capillary muscles and reduces urine flow by affecting reabsorption of water by kidney tubules adhd%1:26:00:: 114056280 attention deficit disorder, ADD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, hyperkinetic syndrome, minimal brain dysfunction, minimal brain damage, MBD n a condition (mostly in boys) characterized by behavioral and learning disorders adhere%2:30:00:: 200486557 adhere v follow through or carry out a plan without deviation; "They adhered to their plan" adhere%2:35:00:: 201356750 adhere, hold fast, bond, bind, stick, stick to v stick to firmly; "Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?" adhere%2:35:01:: 201220885 cling, cleave, adhere, stick, cohere v come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation; "The dress clings to her body"; "The label stuck to the box"; "The sushi rice grains cohere" adhere%2:42:00:: 202718178 adhere v be compatible or in accordance with; "You must adhere to the rules" adhere%2:42:01:: 202638630 stand by, stick by, stick, adhere v be loyal to; "She stood by her husband in times of trouble"; "The friends stuck together through the war" adhere%2:42:02:: 202638845 adhere, stick v be a devoted follower or supporter; "The residents of this village adhered to Catholicism"; "She sticks to her principles" adherence%1:04:00:: 101212882 attachment, adherence, adhesion n faithful support for a cause or political party or religion; "attachment to a formal agenda"; "adherence to a fat-free diet"; "the adhesion of Seville was decisive" adherence%1:07:00:: 104935528 adhesiveness, adhesion, adherence, bond n the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition; "the mutual adhesiveness of cells"; "a heated hydraulic press was required for adhesion" adherent%1:18:00:: 110016103 disciple, adherent n someone who believes and helps to spread the doctrine of another adherent%5:00:00:adhesive:00 300053032 adherent s sticking fast adhesion%1:04:00:: 101212882 attachment, adherence, adhesion n faithful support for a cause or political party or religion; "attachment to a formal agenda"; "adherence to a fat-free diet"; "the adhesion of Seville was decisive" adhesion%1:07:00:: 104935528 adhesiveness, adhesion, adherence, bond n the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition; "the mutual adhesiveness of cells"; "a heated hydraulic press was required for adhesion" adhesion%1:08:00:: 105584008 adhesion n a fibrous band of scar tissue that binds together normally separate anatomical structures adhesion%1:26:00:: 114206224 adhesion n abnormal union of bodily tissues; most common in the abdomen adhesion_contract%1:10:00:: 106521878 adhesion contract, contract of adhesion n a contract that heavily restricts one party while leaving the other free (as some standard form printed contracts); implies inequality in bargaining power adhesive%1:27:00:: 114702416 adhesive material, adhesive agent, adhesive n a substance that unites or bonds surfaces together adhesive%3:00:00:: 300052672 adhesive a tending to adhere adhesive_agent%1:27:00:: 114702416 adhesive material, adhesive agent, adhesive n a substance that unites or bonds surfaces together adhesive_bandage%1:06:00:: 102680110 adhesive bandage n bandage consisting of a medical dressing of plain absorbent gauze held in place by a plastic or fabric tape coated with adhesive adhesive_friction%1:19:00:: 111460281 grip, traction, adhesive friction n the friction between a body and the surface on which it moves (as between an automobile tire and the road) adhesive_material%1:27:00:: 114702416 adhesive material, adhesive agent, adhesive n a substance that unites or bonds surfaces together adhesiveness%1:07:00:: 104935528 adhesiveness, adhesion, adherence, bond n the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition; "the mutual adhesiveness of cells"; "a heated hydraulic press was required for adhesion" adhesive_plaster%1:06:00:: 103957420 plaster, adhesive plaster, sticking plaster n adhesive tape used in dressing wounds adhesive_tape%1:06:00:: 102680337 adhesive tape n tape coated with adhesive ad_hoc%4:02:00:: 400250987 ad hoc, ad hoc r for one specific case; "they were appointed ad hoc" ad_hoc%5:00:00:specific:00 301103529 ad hoc s for or concerned with one specific purpose; "a coordinated policy instead of ad hoc decisions" ad_hoc%5:00:00:unplanned:00 301798371 ad hoc s often improvised or impromptu; "an ad hoc committee meeting" adhocracy%1:14:00:: 108009239 adhocracy n an organization with little or no structure; "the choice between bureaucracy and adhocracy represents a common dilemma"; "the need for informational flexibility can lead to adhocracy" ad_hominem%5:00:00:personal:00 301767826 ad hominem s appealing to personal considerations (rather than to fact or reason); "ad hominem arguments" adiabatic%3:00:00:: 300744141 adiabatic a occurring without loss or gain of heat; "adiabatic expansion" adiabatic_process%1:22:00:: 113427481 adiabatic process n (thermodynamics) any process that occurs without gain or loss of heat adiantaceae%1:20:00:: 113179216 Adiantaceae, family Adiantaceae n used in some classification systems for some genera of the family Polypodiaceae (or Pteridaceae) adiantum%1:20:00:: 113206584 Adiantum, genus Adiantum n cosmopolitan genus of ferns: maidenhair ferns; in some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae or Adiantaceae adiantum_bellum%1:20:00:: 113207572 Bermuda maidenhair, Bermuda maidenhair fern, Adiantum bellum n delicate endemic Bermudian fern with creeping rootstock adiantum_capillus-veneris%1:20:00:: 113207094 common maidenhair, Venushair, Venus'-hair fern, southern maidenhair, Venus maidenhair, Adiantum capillus-veneris n delicate maidenhair fern with slender shining black leaf stalks; cosmopolitan adiantum_pedatum%1:20:00:: 113207335 American maidenhair fern, five-fingered maidenhair fern, Adiantum pedatum n hardy palmately branched North American fern with divergent recurved branches borne on lustrous dark reddish stipes adiantum_tenerum%1:20:00:: 113207736 brittle maidenhair, brittle maidenhair fern, Adiantum tenerum n tropical American fern with broad pinnae; widely cultivated adiantum_tenerum_farleyense%1:20:00:: 113207923 Farley maidenhair, Farley maidenhair fern, Barbados maidenhair, glory fern, Adiantum tenerum farleyense n named for a country house in Barbados where it was discovered adience%1:16:00:: 109180791 adience n (psychology) an urge to accept or approach a situation or an object adient%3:01:00:: 302603779 adient a characterized by acceptance or approach adieu%1:10:00:: 106629610 adieu, adios, arrivederci, auf wiedersehen, au revoir, bye, bye-bye, cheerio, good-by, goodby, good-bye, goodbye, good day, sayonara, so long n a farewell remark; "they said their good-byes" adige%1:17:00:: 109187743 Adige, River Adige n a river in northern Italy that flows southeast into the Adriatic Sea; "Verona is on the Adige" adi_granth%1:10:00:: 106430784 Adi Granth, Granth, Granth Sahib n the principal sacred text of Sikhism contains hymns and poetry as well as the teachings of the first five gurus ad_infinitum%4:02:01:: 400087777 ad infinitum, ad infinitum r to infinity; without or seemingly without limit; "talked on and on ad infinitum" ad_interim%4:02:00:: 400088549 ad interim, ad interim r for an intervening time; temporarily; "elected to serve ad interim" adios%1:10:00:: 106629610 adieu, adios, arrivederci, auf wiedersehen, au revoir, bye, bye-bye, cheerio, good-by, goodby, good-bye, goodbye, good day, sayonara, so long n a farewell remark; "they said their good-byes" adipic_acid%1:27:00:: 114612317 hexanedioic acid, adipic acid n a carboxylic acid used in the manufacture of nylon adipose%5:00:00:fatty:00 300992133 adipose s composed of animal fat; "adipose tissue constitutes the fat of meat" adipose_cell%1:08:00:: 105456622 fat cell, adipose cell n cells composed of fat adiposeness%1:07:00:: 104999741 adiposity, adiposeness, fattiness n having the property of containing fat; "he recommended exercise to reduce my adiposity" adipose_tissue%1:08:00:: 105268965 adipose tissue, fat, fatty tissue n a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy; it also cushions and insulates vital organs; "fatty tissue protected them from the severe cold" adipose_tumor%1:26:00:: 114239322 lipoma, adipose tumor n a tumor consisting of fatty tissue adiposis%1:07:00:: 105000537 corpulence, overweight, stoutness, adiposis n the property of excessive fatness adiposity%1:07:00:: 104999741 adiposity, adiposeness, fattiness n having the property of containing fat; "he recommended exercise to reduce my adiposity" adirondack_mountains%1:17:00:: 109187923 Adirondacks, Adirondack Mountains n a mountain range in northeastern New York State; a popular resort area adirondacks%1:17:00:: 109187923 Adirondacks, Adirondack Mountains n a mountain range in northeastern New York State; a popular resort area adit%1:06:00:: 102680512 adit n a nearly horizontal passage from the surface into a mine aditi%1:18:00:: 109524027 Aditi n a Hindu goddess who releases from sin or disease; mother of the Adityas aditya%1:18:00:: 109524151 Aditya n one of 7 to 12 sons of Aditi; Hindu gods of celestial light adjacency%1:07:00:: 105085991 adjacency, contiguity, contiguousness n the attribute of being so near as to be touching adjacent%5:00:00:close:01 300447472 adjacent, next, side by side s nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without intervening space; "had adjacent rooms"; "in the next room"; "the person sitting next to me"; "our rooms were side by side" adjacent%5:00:00:connected:00 300566342 adjacent, conterminous, contiguous, neighboring s having a common boundary or edge; abutting; touching; "Rhode Island has two bordering states; Massachusetts and Conncecticut"; "the side of Germany conterminous with France"; "Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho"; "neighboring cities" adjacent%5:00:00:near:00 300444984 adjacent s near or close to but not necessarily touching; "lands adjacent to the mountains"; "New York and adjacent cities" adjectival%3:01:00:: 302936020 adjectival, adjective a of or relating to or functioning as an adjective; "adjectival syntax"; "an adjective clause" adjectivally%4:02:00:: 400512691 adjectivally, adjectivally r as an adjective; in an adjectival manner adjective%1:10:00:: 106321702 adjective n a word that expresses an attribute of something adjective%1:10:01:: 106319029 adjective n the word class that qualifies nouns adjective%3:00:00:: 300055340 adjective, procedural a relating to court practice and procedure as opposed to the principles of law; "adjective law" adjective%3:01:00:: 302936020 adjectival, adjective a of or relating to or functioning as an adjective; "adjectival syntax"; "an adjective clause" adjectively%4:02:00:: 400267321 adjectively, adjectively r as an adjective; "nouns are frequently used adjectively" adjoin%2:30:01:: 200183383 adjoin v attach or add; "I adjoin a copy of your my lawyer's letter" adjoin%2:35:02:: 201466978 border, adjoin, edge, abut, march, butt, butt against, butt on v lie adjacent to another or share a boundary; "Canada adjoins the U.S."; "England marches with Scotland" adjoin%2:35:03:: 201205696 touch, adjoin, meet, contact v be in direct physical contact with; make contact; "The two buildings touch"; "Their hands touched"; "The wire must not contact the metal cover"; "The surfaces contact at this point" adjoining_room%1:06:00:: 102680638 adjoining room n a hotel room that shares a wall with another hotel room adjourn%2:30:00:: 200364297 adjourn, recess, break up v close at the end of a session; "The court adjourned" adjourn%2:41:00:: 202428487 adjourn, withdraw, retire v break from a meeting or gathering; "We adjourned for lunch"; "The men retired to the library" adjournment%1:04:00:: 100216038 adjournment, dissolution n the termination of a meeting adjournment%1:04:01:: 101067070 adjournment n the act of postponing to another time or place adjudge%2:32:00:: 200822367 declare, adjudge, hold v declare to be; "She was declared incompetent"; "judge held that the defendant was innocent" adjudicate%2:31:00:: 200698855 decide, settle, resolve, adjudicate v bring to an end; settle conclusively; "The case was decided"; "The judge decided the case in favor of the plaintiff"; "The father adjudicated when the sons were quarreling over their inheritance" adjudicate%2:41:03:: 202501278 judge, adjudicate, try v put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of; "The football star was tried for the murder of his wife"; "The judge tried both father and son in separate trials" adjudication%1:04:00:: 100874457 adjudication n the final judgment in a legal proceeding; the act of pronouncing judgment based on the evidence presented adjudicative%3:01:00:: 302603926 adjudicative, adjudicatory a concerned with adjudicating adjudicator%1:18:00:: 109769636 adjudicator n a person who studies and settles conflicts and disputes adjudicatory%3:01:00:: 302603926 adjudicative, adjudicatory a concerned with adjudicating adjunct%1:10:00:: 106312767 adjunct n a construction that can be used to extend the meaning of a word or phrase but is not one of the main constituents of a sentence adjunct%1:17:00:: 109188229 adjunct n something added to another thing but not an essential part of it adjunct%1:18:00:: 109769803 adjunct n a person who is an assistant or subordinate to another adjunct%5:00:00:subordinate:01 300793250 adjunct, assistant s of or relating to a person who is subordinate to another adjunct%5:00:00:supportive:00 302354897 accessory, adjunct, ancillary, adjuvant, appurtenant, auxiliary s furnishing added support; "an ancillary pump"; "an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism"; "The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other" adjunction%1:04:00:: 100147454 junction, adjunction n an act of joining or adjoining things adjunctive%5:00:00:connected:00 300566733 adjunctive s joining; forming an adjunct adjuration%1:10:00:: 107187150 adjuration n a solemn and earnest appeal to someone to do something adjuratory%5:00:00:beseeching:00 300714190 adjuratory s earnestly or solemnly entreating; "in adjuratory terms" adjuratory%5:00:01:imperative:00 300712765 adjuratory s containing a solemn charge or command adjure%2:32:00:: 200755331 adjure v command solemnly adjure%2:32:01:: 200759657 bid, beseech, entreat, adjure, press, conjure v ask for or request earnestly; "The prophet bid all people to become good persons" adjust%2:30:00:: 200296178 adjust, set, correct v alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard; "Adjust the clock, please"; "correct the alignment of the front wheels" adjust%2:30:01:: 200150287 adjust, conform, adapt v adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions; "We must adjust to the bad economic situation" adjust%2:30:03:: 200298067 adjust v make correspondent or conformable; "Adjust your eyes to the darkness" adjust%2:30:05:: 200464321 align, aline, line up, adjust v place in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight; "align the car with the curb"; "align the sheets of paper on the table" adjust%2:31:00:: 200699334 adjust v decide how much is to be paid on an insurance claim adjustable%5:00:00:adaptable:00 301027686 adjustable s capable of being changed so as to match or fit; "adjustable seat belts" adjustable%5:00:00:changeable:00 300344686 adjustable s capable of being regulated; "adjustable interest rates" adjustable_spanner%1:06:00:: 102680754 adjustable wrench, adjustable spanner n can be changed to different settings adjustable_wrench%1:06:00:: 102680754 adjustable wrench, adjustable spanner n can be changed to different settings adjusted%3:00:00:: 300350621 adjusted a altered to accommodate to certain requirements or bring into a proper relation; "an adjusted insurance claim"; "the car runs more smoothly with the timing adjusted" adjusted%3:00:02:: 300351523 adjusted a adjusted to demands of daily living; showing emotional stability adjusted%5:00:00:altered:00 300352536 adjusted s (especially of garments) having the fit or style adjusted; "for my wedding I had my mother's wedding dress altered to fit me" adjusted%5:00:00:oriented:00 301682677 adjusted, familiarized, familiarised s having achieved a comfortable relation with your environment adjuster%1:18:00:: 109769929 adjuster, adjustor, claims adjuster, claims adjustor, claim agent n one who investigates insurance claims or claims for damages and recommends an effective settlement adjusting_entry%1:21:00:: 113405480 adjusting entry n an accounting entry made at the end of an accounting period to allocate items between accounting periods adjustive%5:00:00:adaptive:00 300046558 adjustive s conducive to adjustment adjustment%1:04:00:: 100199707 alteration, modification, adjustment n the act of making something different (as e.g. the size of a garment) adjustment%1:04:01:: 100999787 adjustment, registration, readjustment n the act of adjusting something to match a standard adjustment%1:11:00:: 107369604 adjustment, accommodation, fitting n making or becoming suitable; adjusting to circumstances adjustment%1:21:00:: 113274092 allowance, adjustment n an amount added or deducted on the basis of qualifying circumstances; "an allowance for profit" adjustment%1:22:00:: 113427078 adaptation, adaption, adjustment n the process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions) adjustor%1:18:00:: 109769929 adjuster, adjustor, claims adjuster, claims adjustor, claim agent n one who investigates insurance claims or claims for damages and recommends an effective settlement adjutant%1:05:00:: 102003037 adjutant bird, adjutant, adjutant stork, Leptoptilus dubius n large Indian stork with a military gait adjutant%1:18:00:: 109770179 adjutant, aide, aide-de-camp n an officer who acts as military assistant to a more senior officer adjutant_bird%1:05:00:: 102003037 adjutant bird, adjutant, adjutant stork, Leptoptilus dubius n large Indian stork with a military gait adjutant_general%1:18:00:: 109770359 adjutant general n a general's adjutant; chief administrative officer adjutant_stork%1:05:00:: 102003037 adjutant bird, adjutant, adjutant stork, Leptoptilus dubius n large Indian stork with a military gait adjuvant%1:06:00:: 102680947 adjuvant n an additive that enhances the effectiveness of medical treatment adjuvant%5:00:00:helpful:00 301196098 adjuvant s enhancing the action of a medical treatment; "the adjuvant action of certain bacteria" adjuvant%5:00:00:supportive:00 302354897 accessory, adjunct, ancillary, adjuvant, appurtenant, auxiliary s furnishing added support; "an ancillary pump"; "an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism"; "The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other" adlai_ewing_stevenson%1:18:00:: 111317749 Stevenson, Adlai Stevenson, Adlai Ewing Stevenson n United States politician and diplomat (1900-1968) adlai_stevenson%1:18:00:: 111317749 Stevenson, Adlai Stevenson, Adlai Ewing Stevenson n United States politician and diplomat (1900-1968) ad-lib%1:10:00:: 106714697 ad-lib n remark made spontaneously without prior preparation; "his ad-libs got him in trouble with the politicians" ad-lib%2:36:00:: 201728840 improvise, improvize, ad-lib, extemporize, extemporise v perform without preparation; "he extemporized a speech at the wedding" ad_lib%4:02:00:: 400088655 ad lib, ad libitum, spontaneously, impromptu, ad lib, ad libitum, spontaneously, impromptu r without advance preparation; "he spoke ad lib" ad-lib%5:00:00:unprepared:00 301845451 ad-lib, extemporaneous, extemporary, extempore, impromptu, offhand, offhanded, off-the-cuff, unrehearsed s with little or no preparation or forethought; "his ad-lib comments showed poor judgment"; "an extemporaneous piano recital"; "an extemporary lecture"; "an extempore skit"; "an impromptu speech"; "offhand excuses"; "trying to sound offhanded and reassuring"; "an off-the-cuff toast"; "a few unrehearsed comments" ad-lib%5:00:00:unscripted:00 302213557 ad-lib, spontaneous, unwritten s said or done without having been planned or written in advance; "he made a few ad-lib remarks" ad_libitum%4:02:00:: 400088655 ad lib, ad libitum, spontaneously, impromptu, ad lib, ad libitum, spontaneously, impromptu r without advance preparation; "he spoke ad lib" adlumia%1:20:00:: 111909745 Adlumia, genus Adlumia n one species: climbing fumitory adlumia_fungosa%1:20:00:: 111909864 climbing fumitory, Allegheny vine, Adlumia fungosa, Fumaria fungosa n vine with feathery leaves and white or pinkish flowers; sometimes placed in genus Fumaria adman%1:18:00:: 109773962 advertiser, advertizer, adman n someone whose business is advertising admass%1:14:00:: 108180484 admass n the segment of the public that is easily influenced by mass media (chiefly British) admeasure%2:40:00:: 202295082 admeasure v determine the quantity of someone's share administer%2:29:00:: 200081072 administer, dispense v give or apply (medications) administer%2:40:00:: 202294436 distribute, administer, mete out, deal, parcel out, lot, dispense, shell out, deal out, dish out, allot, dole out v administer or bestow, as in small portions; "administer critical remarks to everyone present"; "dole out some money"; "shell out pocket money for the children"; "deal a blow to someone"; "the machine dispenses soft drinks" administer%2:40:01:: 202309621 administer v perform (a church sacrament) ritually; "administer the last unction" administer%2:41:00:: 202431971 administer, administrate v work in an administrative capacity; supervise or be in charge of; "administer a program"; "she administers the funds" administer%2:41:01:: 202603567 administer v direct the taking of; "administer an exam"; "administer an oath" administrable%5:00:00:manageable:00 301474806 administrable s capable of being administered or managed administrate%2:41:00:: 202431971 administer, administrate v work in an administrative capacity; supervise or be in charge of; "administer a program"; "she administers the funds" administration%1:04:00:: 101135952 administration, disposal n a method of tending to or managing the affairs of a some group of people (especially the group's business affairs) administration%1:04:01:: 100694990 administration, giving medication n the act of administering medication administration%1:04:02:: 100694866 administration, judicature n the act of meting out justice according to the law administration%1:04:04:: 101124794 government, governing, governance, government activity, administration n the act of governing; exercising authority; "regulations for the governing of state prisons"; "he had considerable experience of government" administration%1:14:00:: 108164585 administration, governance, governing body, establishment, brass, organization, organisation n the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something; "he claims that the present administration is corrupt"; "the governance of an association is responsible to its members"; "he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment" administration%1:28:00:: 115266265 presidency, presidential term, administration n the tenure of a president; "things were quiet during the Eisenhower administration" administrative%3:01:00:: 302904075 administrative a of or relating to or responsible for administration administrative_body%1:14:00:: 108077292 administrative unit, administrative body n a unit with administrative responsibilities administrative_data_processing%1:22:00:: 113427633 administrative data processing, business data processing n data processing in accounting or business management administrative_district%1:15:00:: 108491826 administrative district, administrative division, territorial division n a district defined for administrative purposes administrative_division%1:15:00:: 108491826 administrative district, administrative division, territorial division n a district defined for administrative purposes administrative_hearing%1:04:00:: 101200000 administrative hearing n a hearing that takes place outside the judicial process before hearing examiners who have been granted judicial authority specifically for the purpose of conducting such hearings administrative_law%1:14:00:: 108453108 administrative law n the body of rules and regulations and orders and decisions created by administrative agencies of government administratively%4:02:00:: 400265166 administratively, administratively r by or for an administrator; "this decision was made administratively" administrative_official%1:18:00:: 109880427 bureaucrat, administrative official n an official of a bureaucracy administrative_unit%1:14:00:: 108077292 administrative unit, administrative body n a unit with administrative responsibilities administrator%1:18:00:: 109770949 administrator, decision maker n someone who administers a business administrator%1:18:01:: 109770743 administrator n the party appointed by a probate court to distribute the estate of someone who dies without a will or without naming an executor administrator%1:18:02:: 109770472 administrator, executive n someone who manages a government agency or department administrivia%1:04:00:: 101137206 administrivia n the tiresome but essential details that must be taken care of and tasks that must be performed in running an organization; "he sets policy and leaves all the administrivia to his assistant" admirability%1:07:00:: 104729127 admirability, admirableness, wonderfulness n admirable excellence admirable%5:00:00:estimable:00 300904290 admirable s deserving of the highest esteem or admiration; "an estimable young professor"; "trains ran with admirable precision"; "his taste was impeccable, his health admirable" admirable%5:00:00:pleasing:00 301807605 admirable s inspiring admiration or approval; "among her many admirable qualities are generosity and graciousness" admirableness%1:07:00:: 104729127 admirability, admirableness, wonderfulness n admirable excellence admirably%4:02:00:: 400218886 admirably, laudably, praiseworthily, commendable, admirably, laudably, praiseworthily, commendable r in an admirable manner; "the children's responses were admirably normal" admiral%1:05:00:: 102276258 admiral n any of several brightly colored butterflies admiral%1:18:00:: 109771204 admiral, full admiral n the supreme commander of a fleet; ranks above a vice admiral and below a fleet admiral admiral_byrd%1:18:00:: 110876798 Byrd, Richard E. Byrd, Richard Evelyn Byrd, Admiral Byrd n explorer and United States naval officer; led expeditions to explore Antarctica (1888-1957) admiral_dewey%1:18:00:: 110933084 Dewey, George Dewey, Admiral Dewey n a United States naval officer remembered for his victory at Manila Bay in the Spanish-American War admiral_nelson%1:18:00:: 111203059 Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount Nelson, Admiral Nelson, Lord Nelson n English admiral who defeated the French fleets of Napoleon but was mortally wounded at Trafalgar (1758-1805) admiral_nimitz%1:18:00:: 111207929 Nimitz, Chester Nimitz, Chester William Nimitz, Admiral Nimitz n United States admiral of the Pacific fleet during World War II who used aircraft carriers to destroy the Japanese navy (1885-1966) admiralty%1:04:00:: 100588703 admiralty n the office of admiral admiralty%1:14:00:: 108349548 admiralty n the department in charge of the navy (as in Great Britain) admiralty_brass%1:27:00:: 114960261 naval brass, Admiralty brass, Admiralty Metal, Tobin bronze n alpha-beta brass containing tin; resistant to sea water; Admiralty Metal is a trademark admiralty_island%1:15:00:: 109057170 Admiralty Island n an Alaskan island in the Alexander Archipelago near Juneau admiralty_islands%1:15:00:: 108843085 Admiralty Islands n a group of islands in the Bismarck Archipelago admiralty_law%1:14:00:: 108454191 maritime law, marine law, admiralty law n the branch of international law that deals with territorial and international waters or with shipping or with ocean fishery etc. admiralty_metal%1:27:00:: 114960261 naval brass, Admiralty brass, Admiralty Metal, Tobin bronze n alpha-beta brass containing tin; resistant to sea water; Admiralty Metal is a trademark admiralty_mile%1:23:00:: 113660619 nautical mile, naut mi, mile, mi, geographical mile, Admiralty mile n a former British unit of length equivalent to 6,080 feet (1,853.184 meters); 800 feet longer than a statute mile admiralty_range%1:17:00:: 109188094 Admiralty Range n mountains in Antarctica to the north of Victoria Land admiration%1:04:00:: 101218593 admiration, appreciation n a favorable judgment; "a small token in admiration of your works" admiration%1:12:01:: 107500741 admiration, esteem n a feeling of delighted approval and liking admiration%1:12:02:: 107509996 wonder, wonderment, admiration n the feeling aroused by something strange and surprising admire%2:37:00:: 201827858 admire, look up to v feel admiration for admire%2:39:00:: 202164694 admire v look at with admiration admired%5:00:00:loved:00 301462046 admired s regarded with admiration admirer%1:18:00:: 109771435 admirer, adorer n someone who admires a young woman; "she had many admirers" admirer%1:18:01:: 110677713 supporter, protagonist, champion, admirer, booster, friend n a person who backs a politician or a team etc.; "all their supporters came out for the game"; "they are friends of the library" admirer%1:18:02:: 109771664 admirer n a person who admires; someone who esteems or respects or approves admiringly%4:02:00:: 400055859 admiringly, admiringly r with admiration; "he looked at his wife admiringly" admissibility%1:07:00:: 104793016 admissibility n acceptability by virtue of being admissible admissible%3:00:00:: 301761871 admissible a deserving to be admitted; "admissible evidence" admission%1:04:00:: 101248191 admission, admittance n the act of admitting someone to enter; "the surgery was performed on his second admission to the clinic" admission%1:07:00:: 105176188 entree, access, accession, admission, admittance n the right to enter admission%1:10:00:: 107215948 admission n an acknowledgment of the truth of something admission%1:21:00:: 113321495 entrance fee, admission, admission charge, admission fee, admission price, price of admission, entrance money n the fee charged for admission admission_charge%1:21:00:: 113321495 entrance fee, admission, admission charge, admission fee, admission price, price of admission, entrance money n the fee charged for admission admission_day%1:28:00:: 115158189 Admission Day n in some states of the United States: a legal holiday commemorating the day the state was admitted to the Union admission_fee%1:21:00:: 113321495 entrance fee, admission, admission charge, admission fee, admission price, price of admission, entrance money n the fee charged for admission admission_price%1:21:00:: 113321495 entrance fee, admission, admission charge, admission fee, admission price, price of admission, entrance money n the fee charged for admission admissive%5:00:00:receptive:00 301985812 admissive s characterized by or allowing admission; "an Elizabethan tragedy admissive of comic scenes" admit%2:32:00:: 200817311 admit, acknowledge v declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of; "He admitted his errors"; "She acknowledged that she might have forgotten" admit%2:40:00:: 202236624 accept, admit, take, take on v admit into a group or community; "accept students for graduate study"; "We'll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member" admit%2:41:00:: 202449847 admit, let in, include v allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of; "admit someone to the profession"; "She was admitted to the New Jersey Bar" admit%2:41:01:: 202502536 admit, allow in, let in, intromit v allow to enter; grant entry to; "We cannot admit non-members into our club building"; "This pipe admits air" admit%2:42:00:: 202741682 admit v give access or entrance to; "The French doors admit onto the yard" admit%2:42:03:: 202671279 admit v serve as a means of entrance; "This ticket will admit one adult to the show" admit%2:42:04:: 202732798 accommodate, hold, admit v have room for; hold without crowding; "This hotel can accommodate 250 guests"; "The theater admits 300 people"; "The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people" admit%2:42:06:: 202745486 admit, allow v afford possibility; "This problem admits of no solution"; "This short story allows of several different interpretations" admittable%5:00:00:admissible:00 301762065 admittable, admittible s deserving to be allowed to enter admittance%1:04:00:: 101248191 admission, admittance n the act of admitting someone to enter; "the surgery was performed on his second admission to the clinic" admittance%1:07:00:: 105176188 entree, access, accession, admission, admittance n the right to enter admittedly%4:02:00:: 400184284 true, admittedly, avowedly, confessedly, true, admittedly, avowedly, confessedly r as acknowledged; "true, she is the smartest in her class" admittible%5:00:00:admissible:00 301762065 admittable, admittible s deserving to be allowed to enter admix%2:30:00:: 200396703 admix v mix or blend; "Hyaline casts were admixed with neutrophils" admixture%1:04:00:: 100380083 mix, commixture, admixture, mixture, intermixture, mixing n the act of mixing together; "paste made by a mix of flour and water"; "the mixing of sound channels in the recording studio" admixture%1:06:00:: 102681084 admixture, intermixture n an additional ingredient that is added by mixing with the base; "the growing medium should be equal parts of sand and loam with an admixture of peat moss and cow manure"; "a large intermixture of sand" admixture%1:26:00:: 114487598 admixture, alloy n the state of impairing the quality or reducing the value of something admonish%2:32:00:: 200824066 admonish, reprove v take to task; "He admonished the child for his bad behavior" admonish%2:32:01:: 200871195 caution, admonish, monish v warn strongly; put on guard admonish%2:32:02:: 200870577 warn, discourage, admonish, monish v admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior; "I warned him not to go too far"; "I warn you against false assumptions"; "She warned him to be quiet" admonisher%1:18:00:: 109771855 admonisher, monitor, reminder n someone who gives a warning so that a mistake can be avoided admonishing%5:00:00:unfavorable:02 300996864 admonitory, admonishing, reproachful, reproving s expressing reproof or reproach especially as a corrective admonishment%1:10:00:: 106714420 admonition, admonishment, monition n a firm rebuke admonition%1:10:00:: 106714420 admonition, admonishment, monition n a firm rebuke admonition%1:10:01:: 106672297 admonition, monition, warning, word of advice n cautionary advice about something imminent (especially imminent danger or other unpleasantness); "a letter of admonition about the dangers of immorality"; "the warning was to beware of surprises"; "his final word of advice was not to play with matches" admonitory%5:00:00:dissuasive:00 301771124 admonitory, cautionary, exemplary, monitory, warning s serving to warn; "shook a monitory finger at him"; "an exemplary jail sentence" admonitory%5:00:00:unfavorable:02 300996864 admonitory, admonishing, reproachful, reproving s expressing reproof or reproach especially as a corrective adnate%3:00:00:: 302483386 adnate a of unlike parts or organs; growing closely attached; "a calyx adnate to the ovary" ad_nauseam%4:02:00:: 400251073 ad nauseam, ad nauseam r to a sickening extent; "he played the song ad nauseam" adnexa%1:08:00:: 105221649 adnexa, annexa n accessory or adjoining anatomical parts or appendages to an organ (especially of the embryo); "Fallopian tubes and ovaries are adnexa of the uterus" adnexal%3:01:00:: 302604117 adnexal, annexal a of or pertaining to adnexa adnoun%1:10:00:: 106320440 adnoun n an adjective used as a noun; "`meek' in `blessed are the meek' is an adnoun" ado%1:04:00:: 100555138 bustle, hustle, flurry, ado, fuss, stir n a rapid active commotion adobe%1:06:00:: 102681392 adobe, adobe brick n sun-dried brick; used in hot dry climates adobe%1:27:00:: 114600927 adobe n the clay from which adobe bricks are made adobe_brick%1:06:00:: 102681392 adobe, adobe brick n sun-dried brick; used in hot dry climates adobe_house%1:06:00:: 104255899 sod house, soddy, adobe house n a house built of sod or adobe laid in horizontal courses adobe_lily%1:20:00:: 112453714 adobe lily, pink fritillary, Fritillaria pluriflora n California herb with pinkish purple flowers adobo%1:13:00:: 107579917 adobo n a dish of marinated vegetables and meat or fish; served with rice adolesce%2:30:00:: 200252710 adolesce v become adolescent; pass through adolescence; "The children are beginning to adolesce around the age of 12" adolescence%1:26:00:: 114426910 adolescence n in the state that someone is in between puberty and adulthood adolescence%1:28:00:: 115147850 adolescence n the time period between the beginning of puberty and adulthood adolescent%1:18:00:: 109772029 adolescent, stripling, teenager, teen n a juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity adolescent%3:01:00:: 302602261 adolescent a relating to or peculiar to or suggestive of an adolescent; "adolescent problems" adolescent%5:00:00:immature:01 301490061 adolescent s in the state of development between puberty and maturity; "adolescent boys and girls" adolescent%5:00:00:immature:02 301492596 adolescent, jejune, juvenile, puerile s displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity; "adolescent insecurity"; "jejune responses to our problems"; "their behavior was juvenile"; "puerile jokes" adolescent%5:00:00:young:00 301647983 adolescent, teen, teenage, teenaged s being of the age 13 through 19; "teenage mothers"; "the teen years" adolf_eichmann%1:18:00:: 110953797 Eichmann, Adolf Eichmann, Karl Adolf Eichmann n Austrian who became the Nazi official who administered the concentration camps where millions of Jews were murdered during World War II (1906-1962) adolf_hitler%1:18:00:: 111052672 Hitler, Adolf Hitler, Der Fuhrer n German Nazi dictator during World War II (1889-1945) adolf_loos%1:18:00:: 111138085 Loos, Adolf Loos n Austrian architect (1870-1933) adolf_windaus%1:18:00:: 111392754 Windaus, Adolf Windaus n German chemist who studied steroids and cholesterol and discovered histamine (1876-1959) adolphe_sax%1:18:00:: 111283158 Sax, Adolphe Sax n a Belgian maker of musical instruments who invented the saxophone (1814-1894) adolph_simon_ochs%1:18:00:: 111211870 Ochs, Adolph Simon Ochs n United States newspaper publisher (1858-1935) adonic%1:10:00:: 106385080 Adonic, Adonic line n a verse line with a dactyl followed by a spondee or trochee; supposedly used in laments by Adonis adonic%3:01:00:: 302604261 Adonic a or relating to or like Adonis adonic%5:00:00:rhythmical:00 302019470 Adonic s having a rhythm consisting of a dactyl followed by a spondee or a trochee; "the verse of the laments is Adonic" adonic_line%1:10:00:: 106385080 Adonic, Adonic line n a verse line with a dactyl followed by a spondee or trochee; supposedly used in laments by Adonis adonis%1:18:00:: 109547629 Adonis n (Greek mythology) a handsome youth loved by both Aphrodite and Persephone; "when Adonis died Zeus decreed that he should spend winters in the underworld with Persephone and spend summers with Aphrodite" adonis%1:18:01:: 110288964 adonis n any handsome young man adonis%1:20:00:: 111724529 Adonis, genus Adonis n annual or perennial herbs adonis_annua%1:20:00:: 111724660 pheasant's-eye, Adonis annua n Eurasian herb cultivated for its deep red flowers with dark centers adopt%2:30:00:: 200413195 adopt, take in v take into one's family; "They adopted two children from Nicaragua" adopt%2:30:01:: 200524682 assume, acquire, adopt, take on, take v take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect; "His voice took on a sad tone"; "The story took a new turn"; "he adopted an air of superiority"; "She assumed strange manners"; "The gods assume human or animal form in these fables" adopt%2:31:04:: 200601822 espouse, embrace, adopt, sweep up v take up the cause, ideology, practice, method, of someone and use it as one's own; "She embraced Catholicism"; "They adopted the Jewish faith" adopt%2:36:00:: 201701311 dramatize, dramatise, adopt v put into dramatic form; "adopt a book for a screenplay" adopt%2:40:00:: 202346724 adopt, borrow, take over, take up v take up and practice as one's own adopt%2:40:02:: 202346895 adopt, follow, espouse v choose and follow; as of theories, ideas, policies, strategies or plans; "She followed the feminist movement"; "The candidate espouses Republican ideals" adopt%2:41:01:: 202381726 assume, adopt, take on, take over v take on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities; "When will the new President assume office?" adoptable%3:00:00:: 300055765 adoptable a suitable or eligible for adoption; "a shortage of adoptable babies" adopted%3:00:00:: 301034296 adopted, adoptive a acquired as your own by free choice; "my adopted state"; "an adoptive country" adoptee%1:18:00:: 109772330 adoptee n someone (such as a child) who has been adopted adopter%1:18:00:: 109772448 adoptive parent, adopter n a person who adopts a child of other parents as his or her own child adoption%1:04:00:: 100180413 adoption, acceptance, acceptation, espousal n the act of accepting with approval; favorable reception; "its adoption by society"; "the proposal found wide acceptance" adoption%1:04:01:: 100084371 borrowing, adoption n the appropriation (of ideas or words etc) from another source; "the borrowing of ancient motifs was very apparent" adoption%1:04:02:: 101185292 adoption n a legal proceeding that creates a parent-child relation between persons not related by blood; the adopted child is entitled to all privileges belonging to a natural child of the adoptive parents (including the right to inherit) adoptive%3:00:00:: 301406263 adoptive a of parents and children; related by adoption; "adoptive parents" adoptive%3:00:04:: 301034296 adopted, adoptive a acquired as your own by free choice; "my adopted state"; "an adoptive country" adoptive_parent%1:18:00:: 109772448 adoptive parent, adopter n a person who adopts a child of other parents as his or her own child adorability%1:07:00:: 104686257 adorability, adorableness n extreme attractiveness adorable%5:00:00:lovable:00 301459755 adorable, endearing, lovely s lovable especially in a childlike or naive way adorableness%1:07:00:: 104686257 adorability, adorableness n extreme attractiveness adorably%4:02:00:: 400265298 adorably, endearingly, adorably, endearingly r in an adorable manner; "the toddler behaved adorably" adoration%1:04:01:: 101218766 adoration, idolization, idolisation n the act of admiring strongly adoration%1:04:02:: 101043989 adoration, latria n the worship given to God alone adoration%1:12:00:: 107501420 worship, adoration n a feeling of profound love and admiration adore%2:37:00:: 201777817 adore v love intensely; "he just adored his wife" adored%5:00:00:loved:00 301462124 adored, idolized, idolised, worshipped s regarded with deep or rapturous love (especially as if for a god); "adored grandchildren"; "an idolized wife" adorer%1:18:00:: 109771435 admirer, adorer n someone who admires a young woman; "she had many admirers" adoring%5:00:00:loving:00 301464433 adoring, doting, fond s extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent; "adoring grandparents"; "deceiving her preoccupied and doting husband with a young captain"; "hopelessly spoiled by a fond mother" adoring%5:00:00:reverent:00 302012073 adoring, worshipful s showing adoration adoringly%4:02:00:: 400055949 adoringly, adoringly r with adoration; "he looked at his wife adoringly" adorn%2:36:00:: 201675963 decorate, adorn, grace, ornament, embellish, beautify v make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.; "Decorate the room for the party"; "beautify yourself for the special day" adorn%2:41:00:: 202386675 invest, clothe, adorn v furnish with power or authority; of kings or emperors adorn%2:42:00:: 202748927 deck, adorn, decorate, grace, embellish, beautify v be beautiful to look at; "Flowers adorned the tables everywhere" adorned%3:00:00:: 300056002 adorned, decorated a provided with something intended to increase its beauty or distinction adornment%1:04:00:: 100262596 adornment n the action of decorating yourself with something colorful and interesting adornment%1:06:00:: 102681518 adornment n a decoration of color or interest that is added to relieve plainness adoxography%1:04:00:: 100930481 adoxography n fine writing in praise of trivial or base subjects; "Elizabethan schoolboys were taught adoxography, the art of eruditely praising worthless things"; "adoxography is particularly useful to lawyers" adp%1:22:00:: 113436063 automatic data processing, ADP n data processing by a computer adp%1:27:00:: 114707903 adenosine diphosphate, ADP n an ester of adenosine that is converted to ATP for energy storage adpressed%5:00:00:close:01 300447909 appressed, adpressed s pressed close to or lying flat against something; "adpressed hairs along the plant's stem"; "igneous rocks...closely appressed by this force"-L.V.Pirsson adps%1:06:00:: 103085915 computer system, computing system, automatic data processing system, ADP system, ADPS n a system of one or more computers and associated software with common storage adp_system%1:06:00:: 103085915 computer system, computing system, automatic data processing system, ADP system, ADPS n a system of one or more computers and associated software with common storage adrenal%1:08:00:: 105331171 adrenal gland, adrenal, suprarenal gland n either of a pair of complex endocrine glands situated near the kidney adrenal%3:01:00:: 302604343 adrenal a of or pertaining to the adrenal glands or their secretions adrenal%3:01:01:: 302604473 adrenal a near the kidneys adrenal_cortex%1:08:00:: 105490983 adrenal cortex n the cortex of the adrenal gland; secretes corticosterone and sex hormones adrenal_cortical_steroid%1:27:00:: 114751417 corticosteroid, corticoid, adrenal cortical steroid n a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex or synthesized; administered as drugs they reduce swelling and decrease the body's immune response; "adrenal cortical steroids are used to treat many different conditions" adrenalectomy%1:04:00:: 100666107 adrenalectomy, suprarenalectomy n surgical removal of one or both adrenal glands adrenal_gland%1:08:00:: 105331171 adrenal gland, adrenal, suprarenal gland n either of a pair of complex endocrine glands situated near the kidney adrenalin%1:08:00:: 105408388 epinephrine, epinephrin, adrenaline, Adrenalin n a catecholamine secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stress (trade name Adrenalin); stimulates autonomic nerve action adrenaline%1:08:00:: 105408388 epinephrine, epinephrin, adrenaline, Adrenalin n a catecholamine secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stress (trade name Adrenalin); stimulates autonomic nerve action adrenal_medulla%1:08:00:: 105491308 adrenal medulla n the medulla of the adrenal gland; secretes epinephrine adrenarche%1:11:00:: 107325639 adrenarche n the increase in activity of the adrenal glands just before puberty adrenergic%1:06:00:: 102682038 adrenergic, adrenergic drug n drug that has the effects of epinephrine adrenergic%3:01:00:: 302604543 adrenergic, sympathomimetic a relating to epinephrine (its release or action) adrenergic_agonist_eyedrop%1:04:00:: 100656835 adrenergic agonist eyedrop n a treatment for glaucoma; the eyedrops reduce intraocular pressure by decreasing the production of aqueous humor and increasing its drainage through the uveoscleral pathway adrenergic_drug%1:06:00:: 102682038 adrenergic, adrenergic drug n drug that has the effects of epinephrine adrenocortical%3:01:00:: 302606070 adrenocortical a of or derived from the cortex of the adrenal glands adrenocorticotrophic%5:00:00:stimulative:00 302309668 adrenocorticotropic, adrenocorticotrophic s stimulating or acting on the adrenal cortex adrenocorticotrophic_hormone%1:08:00:: 105408113 adrenocorticotropic hormone, adrenocorticotrophic hormone, ACTH, adrenocorticotropin, adrenocorticotrophin, corticotropin, corticotrophin n a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the adrenal cortex adrenocorticotrophin%1:08:00:: 105408113 adrenocorticotropic hormone, adrenocorticotrophic hormone, ACTH, adrenocorticotropin, adrenocorticotrophin, corticotropin, corticotrophin n a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the adrenal cortex adrenocorticotropic%5:00:00:stimulative:00 302309668 adrenocorticotropic, adrenocorticotrophic s stimulating or acting on the adrenal cortex adrenocorticotropic_hormone%1:08:00:: 105408113 adrenocorticotropic hormone, adrenocorticotrophic hormone, ACTH, adrenocorticotropin, adrenocorticotrophin, corticotropin, corticotrophin n a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the adrenal cortex adrenocorticotropin%1:08:00:: 105408113 adrenocorticotropic hormone, adrenocorticotrophic hormone, ACTH, adrenocorticotropin, adrenocorticotrophin, corticotropin, corticotrophin n a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the adrenal cortex adrenosterone%1:27:00:: 114747838 adrenosterone n a steroid having androgenic activity; obtained from the cortex of the adrenal gland adrian%1:18:00:: 110808886 Adrian, Edgar Douglas Adrian, Baron Adrian n English physiologist who conducted research into the function of neurons; 1st baron of Cambridge (1889-1997) adrian%1:18:01:: 111021342 Hadrian, Publius Aelius Hadrianus, Adrian n Roman Emperor who was the adoptive son of Trajan; travelled throughout his empire to strengthen its frontiers and encourage learning and architecture; on a visit to Britain in 122 he ordered the construction of Hadrian's Wall (76-138) adrianople%1:15:00:: 108916111 Edirne, Adrianople, Adrianopolis n a city in northwestern Turkey; a Thracian town that was rebuilt and renamed by the Roman Emperor Hadrian adrianopolis%1:15:00:: 108916111 Edirne, Adrianople, Adrianopolis n a city in northwestern Turkey; a Thracian town that was rebuilt and renamed by the Roman Emperor Hadrian adriatic%1:17:00:: 109188383 Adriatic, Adriatic Sea n an arm of the Mediterranean between Slovenia and Croatia and Montenegro and Albania on the east and Italy on the west adriatic_sea%1:17:00:: 109188383 Adriatic, Adriatic Sea n an arm of the Mediterranean between Slovenia and Croatia and Montenegro and Albania on the east and Italy on the west adrift%4:02:00:: 400267558 adrift, adrift r off course, wandering aimlessly; "there was a search for beauty that had somehow gone adrift" adrift%4:02:01:: 400267704 adrift, adrift r floating freely; not anchored; "the boat wasset adrift" adrift%5:00:00:afloat:00 300077059 adrift s afloat on the surface of a body of water; "after the storm the boats were adrift" adrift%5:00:00:purposeless:00 301910652 adrift, afloat, aimless, directionless, planless, rudderless, undirected s aimlessly drifting adroit%3:00:00:: 300061262 adroit a quick or skillful or adept in action or thought; "an exceptionally adroit pianist"; "an adroit technician"; "his adroit replies to hecklers won him many followers"; "an adroit negotiator" adroitly%4:02:00:: 400056054 adroitly, adroitly r with adroitness; in an adroit manner; "he handled the situation adroitly" adroitness%1:09:00:: 105642175 adeptness, adroitness, deftness, facility, quickness n skillful performance or ability without difficulty; "his quick adeptness was a product of good design"; "he was famous for his facility as an archer" adscititious%5:00:00:extrinsic:00 301349760 adscititious s added or derived from something outside; not inherent; "an adscititious habit rather than an inherent taste" adscititious%5:00:00:inessential:00 300903117 adscititious s supplemental; not part of the real or essential nature of a thing; "adscititious vowels" adscript%3:00:00:: 302350035 adscript a written or printed immediately following another character and aligned with it adscript%5:00:00:unfree:00 301064619 adscript, adscripted s (used of persons) bound to a tract of land; hence their service is transferable from owner to owner; "an adscript serf" adscripted%5:00:00:unfree:00 301064619 adscript, adscripted s (used of persons) bound to a tract of land; hence their service is transferable from owner to owner; "an adscript serf" adsorb%2:35:00:: 201540232 adsorb v accumulate (liquids or gases) on the surface adsorbable%3:00:00:: 300008877 adsorbable, adsorbate a capable of being adsorbed or accumulated on a surface of a solid adsorbate%1:27:00:: 114598704 adsorbate n a material that has been or is capable of being adsorbed adsorbate%3:00:00:: 300008877 adsorbable, adsorbate a capable of being adsorbed or accumulated on a surface of a solid adsorbent%1:27:00:: 114598525 adsorbent, adsorbent material n a material having capacity or tendency to adsorb another substance adsorbent%3:00:00:: 300008206 adsorbent, adsorptive, surface-assimilative a having capacity or tendency to adsorb or cause to accumulate on a surface adsorbent_material%1:27:00:: 114598525 adsorbent, adsorbent material n a material having capacity or tendency to adsorb another substance adsorption%1:22:00:: 113427789 adsorption, surface assimilation n the accumulation of molecules of a gas to form a thin film on the surface of a solid adsorptive%3:00:00:: 300008206 adsorbent, adsorptive, surface-assimilative a having capacity or tendency to adsorb or cause to accumulate on a surface adsuki_bean%1:20:00:: 112577686 adzuki bean, adsuki bean, Vigna angularis, Phaseolus angularis n bushy annual widely grown in China and Japan for the flour made from its seeds adulate%2:32:00:: 200880518 adulate v flatter in an obsequious manner adulation%1:10:00:: 106695753 adulation n servile flattery; exaggerated and hypocritical praise adulator%1:18:00:: 110095869 flatterer, adulator n a person who uses flattery adulatory%5:00:00:flattering:00 300907830 adulatory s obsequiously complimentary; "they listened with flattering interest" adult%1:05:00:: 101321456 adult n any mature animal adult%1:18:00:: 109605289 adult, grownup n a fully developed person from maturity onward adult%5:00:00:mature:01 301488616 adult, big, full-grown, fully grown, grown, grownup s (of animals) fully developed; "an adult animal"; "a grown woman" adult%5:00:00:sexy:00 302134397 pornographic, adult s designed to arouse lust; "pornographic films and magazines"; "adult movies" adult_body%1:08:00:: 105219561 adult body n the body of an adult human being adult_education%1:04:00:: 100885297 adult education n a course (via lectures or correspondence) for adults who are not otherwise engaged in formal study adulterant%1:27:00:: 114616939 adulterant, adulterator n any substance that lessens the purity or effectiveness of a substance; "it is necessary to remove the adulterants before use" adulterant%3:00:00:: 302117232 adulterating, adulterant a making impure or corrupt by adding extraneous materials; "the adulterating effect of extraneous materials" adulterate%2:30:00:: 200487748 load, adulterate, stretch, dilute, debase v corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance; often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones; "adulterate liquor" adulterate%5:00:00:impure:02 301908539 adulterate, adulterated, debased s mixed with impurities adulterated%5:00:00:impure:02 301908539 adulterate, adulterated, debased s mixed with impurities adulterating%3:00:00:: 302117232 adulterating, adulterant a making impure or corrupt by adding extraneous materials; "the adulterating effect of extraneous materials" adulteration%1:04:00:: 100163630 adulteration n the act of adulterating (especially the illicit substitution of one substance for another) adulteration%1:26:00:: 114487443 adulteration, debasement n being mixed with extraneous material; the product of adulterating adulterator%1:18:00:: 109772606 adulterator n a changer who lessens the purity or effectiveness of a substance adulterator%1:27:00:: 114616939 adulterant, adulterator n any substance that lessens the purity or effectiveness of a substance; "it is necessary to remove the adulterants before use" adulterer%1:18:00:: 109772746 adulterer, fornicator n someone who commits adultery or fornication adulteress%1:18:00:: 109772930 adulteress, fornicatress, hussy, jade, loose woman, slut, strumpet, trollop n a woman adulterer adulterine%5:00:00:illegitimate:00 301407738 adulterine s conceived in adultery adulterous%5:00:00:illicit:00 301550779 adulterous, extramarital, extracurricular s characterized by adultery; "an adulterous relationship"; "extramarital affairs"; "the extracurricular activities of a philandering husband" adulterous%5:00:00:unfaithful:01 300961195 adulterous, cheating, two-timing s not faithful to a spouse or lover; "adulterous husbands and wives"; "a two-timing boyfriend" adulterously%4:02:00:: 400134964 adulterously, adulterously r in an adulterous manner; "he behaved adulterously" adultery%1:04:00:: 100848466 adultery, criminal conversation, fornication n extramarital sex that willfully and maliciously interferes with marriage relations; "adultery is often cited as grounds for divorce" adult_female%1:18:00:: 110787470 woman, adult female n an adult female person (as opposed to a man); "the woman kept house while the man hunted" adult_female_body%1:08:00:: 105220126 adult female body, woman's body n the body of an adult woman adulthood%1:26:00:: 114425103 adulthood n the state (and responsibilities) of a person who has attained maturity adulthood%1:28:00:: 115152817 adulthood, maturity n the period of time in your life after your physical growth has stopped and you are fully developed adult_intelligence%1:24:00:: 113822249 adult intelligence n the average IQ of the adults in a given population adult_male%1:18:00:: 110287213 man, adult male n an adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman); "there were two women and six men on the bus" adult_male_body%1:08:00:: 105220306 adult male body, man's body n the body of an adult man adult-onset_diabetes%1:26:00:: 114118936 type II diabetes, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, NIDDM, non-insulin-dependent diabetes, ketosis-resistant diabetes mellitus, ketosis-resistant diabetes, ketoacidosis-resistant diabetes mellitus, ketoacidosis-resistant diabetes, adult-onset diabetes mellitus, adult-onset diabetes, maturity-onset diabetes mellitus, maturity-onset diabetes, mature-onset diabetes n mild form of diabetes mellitus that develops gradually in adults; can be precipitated by obesity or severe stress or menopause or other factors; can usually be controlled by diet and hypoglycemic agents without injections of insulin adult-onset_diabetes_mellitus%1:26:00:: 114118936 type II diabetes, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, NIDDM, non-insulin-dependent diabetes, ketosis-resistant diabetes mellitus, ketosis-resistant diabetes, ketoacidosis-resistant diabetes mellitus, ketoacidosis-resistant diabetes, adult-onset diabetes mellitus, adult-onset diabetes, maturity-onset diabetes mellitus, maturity-onset diabetes, mature-onset diabetes n mild form of diabetes mellitus that develops gradually in adults; can be precipitated by obesity or severe stress or menopause or other factors; can usually be controlled by diet and hypoglycemic agents without injections of insulin adult_respiratory_distress_syndrome%1:26:00:: 114055052 adult respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS, wet lung, white lung n acute lung injury characterized by coughing and rales; inflammation of the lungs which become stiff and fibrous and cannot exchange oxygen; occurs among persons exposed to irritants such as corrosive chemical vapors or ammonia or chlorine etc. adult_tooth%1:08:00:: 105306708 permanent tooth, adult tooth n any of the 32 teeth that replace the deciduous teeth of early childhood and (with luck) can last until old age adumbrate%2:32:00:: 201006421 sketch, outline, adumbrate v describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of; "sketch the outline of the book"; "outline his ideas" adumbrate%2:32:01:: 200927711 intimate, adumbrate, insinuate v give to understand; "I insinuated that I did not like his wife" adumbration%1:06:00:: 102682207 adumbration n a sketchy or imperfect or faint representation adumbration%1:09:00:: 105776015 prefiguration, foreshadowing, adumbration n the act of providing vague advance indications; representing beforehand adumbrative%5:00:00:prophetic:00 301882162 adumbrative, foreshadowing, prefigurative s indistinctly prophetic adust%5:00:00:brunet:00 300244820 adust s burned brown by the sun; "of an adust complexion"- Sir Walter Scott adust%5:00:00:dry:01 302551946 adust, baked, parched, scorched, sunbaked s dried out by heat or excessive exposure to sunlight; "a vast desert all adust"; "land lying baked in the heat"; "parched soil"; "the earth was scorched and bare"; "sunbaked salt flats" ad_val%4:02:00:: 400251166 ad val, ad valorem, ad val, ad valorem r in proportion to the estimated value of the goods taxed; "the goods were taxed ad valorem" ad_valorem%4:02:00:: 400251166 ad val, ad valorem, ad val, ad valorem r in proportion to the estimated value of the goods taxed; "the goods were taxed ad valorem" ad_valorem_tax%1:21:00:: 113316722 VAT, value-added tax, ad valorem tax n a tax levied on the difference between a commodity's price before taxes and its cost of production advance%1:04:00:: 100282050 progress, progression, procession, advance, advancement, forward motion, onward motion n the act of moving forward (as toward a goal) advance%1:04:01:: 100364260 advance, rise n increase in price or value; "the news caused a general advance on the stock market" advance%1:10:00:: 107164349 overture, advance, approach, feeler n a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others; "she rejected his advances" advance%1:11:00:: 107445265 progress, progression, advance n a movement forward; "he listened for the progress of the troops" advance%1:11:01:: 107357388 improvement, betterment, advance n a change for the better; progress in development advance%1:21:00:: 113375891 advance, cash advance n an amount paid before it is earned advance%2:30:00:: 200248659 progress, come on, come along, advance, get on, get along, shape up v develop in a positive way; "He progressed well in school"; "My plants are coming along"; "Plans are shaping up" advance%2:30:01:: 200158222 advance, gain v rise in rate or price; "The stock market gained 24 points today" advance%2:30:08:: 200497061 boost, advance, supercharge v increase or raise; "boost the voltage in an electrical circuit" advance%2:30:09:: 200558371 advance v develop further; "We are advancing technology every day" advance%2:32:00:: 200875806 advance, throw out v bring forward for consideration or acceptance; "advance an argument" advance%2:33:00:: 201111028 gain, advance, win, pull ahead, make headway, get ahead, gain ground v obtain advantages, such as points, etc.; "The home team was gaining ground"; "After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference" advance%2:38:00:: 201992503 advance, progress, pass on, move on, march on, go on v move forward, also in the metaphorical sense; "Time marches on" advance%2:38:01:: 201993926 advance, bring forward v cause to move forward; "Can you move the car seat forward?" advance%2:38:04:: 201994288 advance, set ahead v move forward; "we have to advance clocks and watches when we travel eastward" advance%2:40:00:: 202283949 advance v pay in advance; "Can you advance me some money?" advance%2:41:00:: 202397637 promote, upgrade, advance, kick upstairs, raise, elevate v give a promotion to or assign to a higher position; "John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired"; "Women tend not to advance in the major law firms"; "I got promoted after many years of hard work" advance%2:41:01:: 202554922 promote, advance, boost, further, encourage v contribute to the progress or growth of; "I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom" advance%5:00:00:early:00 300813915 advance, beforehand s being ahead of time or need; "gave advance warning"; "was beforehand with her report" advance%5:00:00:front:00 300198383 advance, advanced, in advance s situated ahead or going before; "an advance party"; "at that time the most advanced outpost was still east of the Rockies" advanced%5:00:00:civilized:00 300412171 advanced s (of societies) highly developed especially in technology or industry; "advanced societies"; "an advanced country technologically" advanced%5:00:00:front:00 300198383 advance, advanced, in advance s situated ahead or going before; "an advance party"; "at that time the most advanced outpost was still east of the Rockies" advanced%5:00:00:high-tech:00 301208738 advanced, sophisticated s ahead in development; complex or intricate; "advanced technology"; "a sophisticated electronic control system" advanced%5:00:00:late:00 300816839 advanced, ripe s far along in time; "a man of advanced age"; "advanced in years"; "a ripe old age"; "the ripe age of 90" advanced%5:00:00:late:02 300819526 advanced s comparatively late in a course of development; "the illness had reached an advanced stage"; "an advanced state of exhaustion" advanced%5:00:00:precocious:00 301840121 advanced s farther along in physical or mental development; "the child's skeletal age was classified as `advanced'"; "children in the advanced classes in elementary school read far above grade average" advanced%5:00:00:progressive:01 301876261 advanced, forward-looking, innovative, modern s ahead of the times; "the advanced teaching methods"; "had advanced views on the subject"; "a forward-looking corporation"; "is British industry innovative enough?" advanced%5:00:02:high:02 301211296 advanced s at a higher level in training or knowledge or skill; "an advanced degree"; "an advanced text in physics"; "special seminars for small groups of advanced students at the University" advance_death_benefit%1:21:00:: 113297397 advance death benefit n a percentage of death benefits paid directly to policy holders having a short life expectancy (usually 6 months) advanced_research_and_development_activity%1:14:00:: 108340753 Advanced Research and Development Activity, ARDA n an agency of the Intelligence Community that conducts advanced research and development related to information technology advancement%1:04:01:: 100282050 progress, progression, procession, advance, advancement, forward motion, onward motion n the act of moving forward (as toward a goal) advancement%1:04:02:: 100249501 advancement, progress n gradual improvement or growth or development; "advancement of knowledge"; "great progress in the arts" advancement%1:10:00:: 107251984 promotion, furtherance, advancement n encouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance of something advancer%1:18:00:: 109773076 advancer n someone who advances advancing%5:00:00:progressive:01 301876555 advancing, forward, forward-moving s moving forward advantage%1:07:00:: 105155821 advantage, vantage n the quality of having a superior or more favorable position; "the experience gave him the advantage over me" advantage%1:07:01:: 105142863 advantage, reward n benefit resulting from some event or action; "it turned out to my advantage"; "reaping the rewards of generosity" advantage%1:23:00:: 113610426 advantage n (tennis) first point scored after deuce advantage%2:41:00:: 202513268 advantage v give an advantage to; "This system advantages the rich" advantageous%3:00:00:: 300064479 advantageous a giving an advantage; "a contract advantageous to our country"; "socially advantageous to entertain often" advantageous%5:00:00:expedient:00 300931833 advantageous s appropriate for achieving a particular end; implies a lack of concern for fairness advantageously%4:02:00:: 400013793 well, advantageously, well, advantageously r in a manner affording benefit or advantage; "she married well"; "The children were settled advantageously in Seattle" advantageousness%1:07:00:: 105160796 favorableness, favourableness, advantageousness, positivity, positiveness, profitableness n the quality of being encouraging or promising of a successful outcome advect%2:38:00:: 202102655 advect v convey by horizontal mass movement of a fluid; "energy advected from the environment" advection%1:22:00:: 113427989 advection n (meteorology) the horizontal transfer of heat or other atmospheric properties advective%3:01:00:: 302606182 advective a of or relating to advection advent%1:04:00:: 100048828 advent, coming n arrival that has been awaited (especially of something momentous); "the advent of the computer" advent%1:11:00:: 107322550 Second Coming, Second Coming of Christ, Second Advent, Advent, Parousia n (Christian theology) the reappearance of Jesus as judge for the Last Judgment advent%1:28:01:: 115241507 Advent n the season including the four Sundays preceding Christmas adventism%1:09:00:: 106226934 Adventism, Second Adventism n any Christian religion that believes the second coming of Christ is imminent adventist%1:18:00:: 109678747 Adventist, Second Adventist n a member of Christian denomination that expects the imminent advent of Christ adventitia%1:08:00:: 105606633 tunic, tunica, adventitia n an enveloping or covering membrane or layer of body tissue adventitial%3:01:00:: 302606283 adventitial a of or pertaining to the adventitia adventitious%5:00:00:extrinsic:00 301349435 adventitious s associated by chance and not an integral part; "poetry is something to which words are the accidental, not by any means the essential form"- Frederick W. Robertson; "they had to decide whether his misconduct was adventitious or the result of a flaw in his character" adventitious_root%1:20:00:: 113126192 adventitious root n root growing in an unusual location e.g. from a stem adventive%5:00:00:foreign:01 301034858 adventive s not native and not fully established; locally or temporarily naturalized; "an adventive weed" advent_sunday%1:28:00:: 115241655 Advent Sunday n the first of the four Sundays during Advent adventure%1:04:00:: 100796315 adventure, escapade, risky venture, dangerous undertaking n a wild and exciting undertaking (not necessarily lawful) adventure%2:41:00:: 202545272 venture, hazard, adventure, stake, jeopardize v put at risk; "I will stake my good reputation for this" adventure%2:41:01:: 202544348 gamble, chance, risk, hazard, take chances, adventure, run a risk, take a chance v take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome; "When you buy these stocks you are gambling" adventurer%1:18:00:: 109606009 adventurer, venturer n a person who enjoys taking risks adventurer%1:18:01:: 110072708 explorer, adventurer n someone who travels into little known regions (especially for some scientific purpose) adventuresome%3:00:00:: 300065791 adventurous, adventuresome a willing to undertake or seeking out new and daring enterprises; "adventurous pioneers"; "the risks and gains of an adventuresome economy" adventuress%1:18:00:: 109773169 adventuress n a woman adventurer adventure_story%1:10:00:: 106370268 adventure story, heroic tale n a story of an adventure adventurism%1:07:00:: 104662182 adventurism n recklessness in politics or foreign affairs adventuristic%3:01:00:: 302606393 adventuristic a of or pertaining to adventurism adventurous%3:00:00:: 300065791 adventurous, adventuresome a willing to undertake or seeking out new and daring enterprises; "adventurous pioneers"; "the risks and gains of an adventuresome economy" adventurousness%1:07:00:: 104859177 adventurousness, venturesomeness n the trait of being adventurous adverb%1:10:00:: 106323612 adverb n a word that modifies something other than a noun adverb%1:10:01:: 106319157 adverb n the word class that qualifies verbs or clauses adverbial%1:10:00:: 106324355 adverbial n a word or group of words function as an adverb adverbial%3:01:00:: 302936235 adverbial a of or relating to or functioning as an adverb; "adverbial syntax" adverbially%4:02:00:: 400267435 adverbially, adverbially r as an adverb; "the prepositional phrase here is used adverbially" adversary%1:18:00:: 109773245 adversary, antagonist, opponent, opposer, resister n someone who offers opposition adversative%5:00:00:disjunctive:00 300564504 adversative, oppositive s expressing antithesis or opposition; "the adversative conjunction `but' in `poor but happy'" adversative_conjunction%1:24:00:: 113800267 adversative conjunction n the conjunctive relation of units that expresses the opposition of their meanings adverse%5:00:00:unfavorable:01 300995647 adverse, contrary s in an opposing direction; "adverse currents"; "a contrary wind" adverse%5:00:00:unfavorable:02 300997036 adverse, inauspicious, untoward s contrary to your interests or welfare; "adverse circumstances"; "made a place for themselves under the most untoward conditions" adversely%4:02:00:: 400261102 adversely, adversely r in an adverse manner; "she was adversely affected by the new regulations" adverse_opinion%1:10:00:: 106782383 adverse opinion n an opinion concerning financial statements (usually based on an audit by a CPA) that the statements as a whole do not present results fairly or are not in conformity with the generally accepted accounting practices of the United States adverse_witness%1:18:00:: 109773682 adverse witness, hostile witness n a witness whose relationship to the opposing party is such that his or her testimony may be prejudiced against the opposing party; "a hostile witness can be asked leading questions and cross-examined" adversity%1:11:00:: 107336612 adversity n a stroke of ill fortune; a calamitous event; "a period marked by adversities" adversity%1:26:00:: 114475661 adversity, hardship, hard knocks n a state of misfortune or affliction; "debt-ridden farmers struggling with adversity"; "a life of hardship" advert%1:10:00:: 107248801 ad, advertisement, advertizement, advertising, advertizing, advert n a public promotion of some product or service advert%2:32:01:: 201026728 allude, touch, advert v make a more or less disguised reference to; "He alluded to the problem but did not mention it" advert%2:32:12:: 201024190 mention, advert, bring up, cite, name, refer v make reference to; "His name was mentioned in connection with the invention" advert%2:39:00:: 202170427 attend, hang, advert, pay heed, give ear v give heed (to); "The children in the audience attended the recital quietly"; "She hung on his every word"; "They attended to everything he said" advertence%1:09:00:: 105704096 advertence, advertency n the process of being heedful advertency%1:09:00:: 105704096 advertence, advertency n the process of being heedful advertent%5:00:00:attentive:00 300164308 advertent, heedful s giving attention advertently%4:02:00:: 400153681 mindfully, heedfully, advertently, mindfully, heedfully, advertently r in a careful deliberate manner advertise%2:32:00:: 200976653 advertise, advertize, promote, push v make publicity for; try to sell (a product); "The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model"; "The company is heavily advertizing their new laptops" advertise%2:32:01:: 200975902 advertise, publicize, advertize, publicise v call attention to; "Please don't advertise the fact that he has AIDS" advertised%5:00:00:publicized:00 300469767 advertised s called to public attention; "these advertised products" advertisement%1:10:00:: 107248801 ad, advertisement, advertizement, advertising, advertizing, advert n a public promotion of some product or service advertiser%1:18:00:: 109773962 advertiser, advertizer, adman n someone whose business is advertising advertising%1:04:00:: 101101329 advertising, publicizing n the business of drawing public attention to goods and services advertising%1:10:00:: 107248801 ad, advertisement, advertizement, advertising, advertizing, advert n a public promotion of some product or service advertising_agency%1:14:00:: 108353912 advertising agency, ad agency n an agency that designs advertisement to call public attention to its clients advertising_campaign%1:04:00:: 100798959 advertising campaign, ad campaign, ad blitz n an organized program of advertisements advertising_department%1:14:00:: 108118260 advertising department, advertising division n the division of a business that is responsible for advertising advertising_division%1:14:00:: 108118260 advertising department, advertising division n the division of a business that is responsible for advertising advertize%2:32:00:: 200976653 advertise, advertize, promote, push v make publicity for; try to sell (a product); "The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model"; "The company is heavily advertizing their new laptops" advertize%2:32:01:: 200975902 advertise, publicize, advertize, publicise v call attention to; "Please don't advertise the fact that he has AIDS" advertizement%1:10:00:: 107248801 ad, advertisement, advertizement, advertising, advertizing, advert n a public promotion of some product or service advertizer%1:18:00:: 109773962 advertiser, advertizer, adman n someone whose business is advertising advertizing%1:10:00:: 107248801 ad, advertisement, advertizement, advertising, advertizing, advert n a public promotion of some product or service advertorial%1:10:00:: 107249180 advertorial n an advertisement that is written and presented in the style of an editorial or journalistic report advice%1:10:00:: 106671484 advice n a proposal for an appropriate course of action advice_and_consent%1:10:00:: 106535980 advice and consent n a legal expression in the United States Constitution that allows the Senate to constrain the President's powers of appointment and treaty-making advil%1:06:00:: 103556281 ibuprofen, isobutylphenyl propionic acid, Advil, Motrin, Nuprin n a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicine (trade names Advil and Motrin and Nuprin) used to relieve the pain of arthritis and as an antipyretic; "daily use of ibuprofen can irritate the stomach" advisability%1:07:00:: 105160399 advisability n the quality of being advisable; "they questioned the advisability of our policy" advisable%3:00:00:: 300067038 advisable a worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent or wise; "such action is neither necessary nor advisable"; "extreme caution is advisable"; "it is advisable to telephone first" advise%2:32:00:: 200872886 rede, advise, counsel v give advice to; "The teacher counsels troubled students"; "The lawyer counselled me when I was accused of tax fraud" advise%2:32:01:: 200873682 advise, notify, give notice, send word, apprise, apprize v inform (somebody) of something; "I advised him that the rent was due" advise%2:32:02:: 200875394 propose, suggest, advise v make a proposal, declare a plan for something; "the senator proposed to abolish the sales tax" advised%3:00:02:: 300067966 well-advised, advised a having the benefit of careful prior consideration or counsel; "a well-advised delay in carrying out the plan" advised%5:00:00:informed:00 301306967 advised s having received information; "be kept advised" advisedly%4:02:00:: 400062330 intentionally, deliberately, designedly, on purpose, purposely, advisedly, by choice, by design, intentionally, deliberately, designedly, on purpose, purposely, advisedly, by choice, by design r with intention; in an intentional manner; "he used that word intentionally"; "I did this by choice" advisee%1:18:00:: 109774167 advisee n someone who receives advice advisement%1:09:00:: 105785067 deliberation, weighing, advisement n careful consideration; "a little deliberation would have deterred them" adviser%1:18:00:: 109774266 adviser, advisor, consultant n an expert who gives advice; "an adviser helped students select their courses"; "the United States sent military advisors to Guatemala" advisor%1:18:00:: 109774266 adviser, advisor, consultant n an expert who gives advice; "an adviser helped students select their courses"; "the United States sent military advisors to Guatemala" advisory%1:10:00:: 106747008 advisory n an announcement that usually advises or warns the public of some threat; "a frost advisory" advisory%5:00:00:informative:00 301304802 advisory, consultative, consultatory, consultive s giving advice; "an advisory memorandum", "his function was purely consultative" advisory_board%1:14:00:: 108381636 advisory board, planning board n a board appointed to advise the chief administrator advisory_service%1:04:00:: 100577931 advisory service n a consulting service in which a CPA develops findings and conclusions and recommendations that are presented to the client for consideration and decision making advocacy%1:04:00:: 101214171 advocacy, protagonism n active support of an idea or cause etc.; especially the act of pleading or arguing for something advocate%1:18:00:: 109774783 advocate, advocator, proponent, exponent n a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea advocate%1:18:01:: 109775663 advocate, counsel, counselor, counsellor, counselor-at-law, pleader n a lawyer who pleads cases in court advocate%2:32:00:: 200875141 recommend, urge, advocate v push for something; "The travel agent recommended strongly that we not travel on Thanksgiving Day" advocate%2:32:01:: 200827730 preach, advocate v speak, plead, or argue in favor of; "The doctor advocated a smoking ban in the entire house" advocator%1:18:00:: 109774783 advocate, advocator, proponent, exponent n a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea advowson%1:07:00:: 105175613 advowson n the right in English law of presenting a nominee to a vacant ecclesiastical benefice adynamia%1:07:00:: 105040833 adynamia n lack of strength or vigor (especially from illness) adynamic%3:00:04:: 300810481 undynamic, adynamic a characterized by an absence of force or forcefulness adynamic%5:00:00:weak:00 302324944 adynamic, asthenic, debilitated, enervated s lacking strength or vigor adz%1:06:00:: 102682311 adz, adze n an edge tool used to cut and shape wood adze%1:06:00:: 102682311 adz, adze n an edge tool used to cut and shape wood adzhar%1:15:00:: 109019592 Adzhar, Adzharia n an autonomous province of Georgia on the Black Sea adzharia%1:15:00:: 109019592 Adzhar, Adzharia n an autonomous province of Georgia on the Black Sea adzuki_bean%1:20:00:: 112577686 adzuki bean, adsuki bean, Vigna angularis, Phaseolus angularis n bushy annual widely grown in China and Japan for the flour made from its seeds a.e.%1:18:00:: 111275035 Russell, George William Russell, A.E. n Irish writer whose pen name was A.E. (1867-1935) a._e._burnside%1:18:00:: 110873937 Burnside, A. E. Burnside, Ambrose Everett Burnside n United States general in the American Civil War who was defeated by Robert E. Lee at the Battle of Fredericksburg (1824-1881) aec%1:14:00:: 108122358 Atomic Energy Commission, AEC n a former executive agency (from 1946 to 1974) that was responsible for research into atomic energy and its peacetime uses in the United States aecial%3:01:00:: 302606502 aecial a of or belonging to an aecium aeciospore%1:20:00:: 113063666 aeciospore n spore of a rust fungus formed in an aecium aecium%1:20:00:: 113063514 aecium n fruiting body of some rust fungi bearing chains of aeciospores aedes%1:05:00:: 102200705 Aedes, genus Aedes n yellow-fever mosquitos aedes_aegypti%1:05:00:: 102200850 yellow-fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti n mosquito that transmits yellow fever and dengue aedes_albopictus%1:05:00:: 102201000 Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus n striped native of Japan thriving in southwestern and midwestern United States and spreading to the Caribbean; potential carrier of serious diseases aegadean_islands%1:15:00:: 108784905 Egadi Islands, Aegadean Isles, Aegadean Islands, Isole Egadi, Aegates n a group of islands off the west coast of Sicily in the Mediterranean aegadean_isles%1:04:00:: 101268633 Aegates Isles, Aegadean Isles n islands west of Sicily (now known as the Egadi Islands) where the Romans won a naval victory over the Carthaginians that ended the first Punic War in 241 BC aegadean_isles%1:15:00:: 108784905 Egadi Islands, Aegadean Isles, Aegadean Islands, Isole Egadi, Aegates n a group of islands off the west coast of Sicily in the Mediterranean aegates%1:15:00:: 108784905 Egadi Islands, Aegadean Isles, Aegadean Islands, Isole Egadi, Aegates n a group of islands off the west coast of Sicily in the Mediterranean aegates_isles%1:04:00:: 101268633 Aegates Isles, Aegadean Isles n islands west of Sicily (now known as the Egadi Islands) where the Romans won a naval victory over the Carthaginians that ended the first Punic War in 241 BC aegean%1:17:00:: 109188609 Aegean, Aegean Sea n an arm of the Mediterranean between Greece and Turkey; a main trade route for the ancient civilizations of Crete and Greece and Rome and Persia aegean%3:01:00:: 303017025 Aegean a of or relating to or bordering the Aegean Sea; "Aegean islands" aegean%3:01:01:: 303017159 Aegean a of or relating to or characteristic of the prehistoric Aegean civilization aegean_civilisation%1:14:00:: 108290156 Aegean civilization, Aegean civilisation, Aegean culture n the prehistoric civilization on the islands in the Aegean sea and the surrounding countries; "by 800 BC the entire Aegean had adopted this style of pottery" aegean_civilization%1:14:00:: 108290156 Aegean civilization, Aegean civilisation, Aegean culture n the prehistoric civilization on the islands in the Aegean sea and the surrounding countries; "by 800 BC the entire Aegean had adopted this style of pottery" aegean_culture%1:14:00:: 108290156 Aegean civilization, Aegean civilisation, Aegean culture n the prehistoric civilization on the islands in the Aegean sea and the surrounding countries; "by 800 BC the entire Aegean had adopted this style of pottery" aegean_island%1:15:00:: 108782627 Aegean island n an island in the Aegean Sea aegean_sea%1:17:00:: 109188609 Aegean, Aegean Sea n an arm of the Mediterranean between Greece and Turkey; a main trade route for the ancient civilizations of Crete and Greece and Rome and Persia aegiceras%1:20:00:: 112916025 Aegiceras, genus Aegiceras n a genus of herbs of the family Verbenaceae aegiceras_majus%1:20:00:: 112916179 black mangrove, Aegiceras majus n an Australian tree resembling the black mangrove of the West Indies and Florida aegilops%1:20:00:: 112104614 Aegilops, genus Aegilops n goat grass aegilops_triuncalis%1:20:00:: 112104734 goat grass, Aegilops triuncalis n European grass naturalized as a weed in North America; sharp-pointed seeds cause injury when eaten by livestock aegina%1:05:00:: 101910998 Aegina n small medusa aegina%1:15:00:: 108782847 Aegina, Aigina n an island in the Aegean Sea in the Saronic Gulf aegir%1:11:00:: 107403920 tidal bore, bore, eagre, aegir, eager n a high wave (often dangerous) caused by tidal flow (as by colliding tidal currents or in a narrow estuary) aegis%1:04:00:: 101214863 auspices, protection, aegis n kindly endorsement and guidance; "the tournament was held under the auspices of the city council" aegis%1:06:00:: 102895154 breastplate, aegis, egis n armor plate that protects the chest; the front part of a cuirass aegisthus%1:18:00:: 109595717 Aegisthus n (Greek mythology) the seducer of Clytemnestra and murderer of Agamemnon who usurped the throne of Mycenae until Agamemnon's son Orestes returned home and killed him aegospotami%1:04:00:: 101268886 Aegospotami, Aegospotamos n a river in ancient Thrace (now Turkey); in the mouth of this river the Spartan fleet under Lysander destroyed the Athenian fleet in the final battle of the Peloponnesian War (404 BC) aegospotami%1:17:00:: 109188894 Aegospotami, Aegospotamos n a creek emptying into the Hellespont in present-day Turkey; at its mouth in 405 BC the Spartan fleet under Lysander defeated the Athenians and ended the Peloponnesian War aegospotamos%1:04:00:: 101268886 Aegospotami, Aegospotamos n a river in ancient Thrace (now Turkey); in the mouth of this river the Spartan fleet under Lysander destroyed the Athenian fleet in the final battle of the Peloponnesian War (404 BC) aegospotamos%1:17:00:: 109188894 Aegospotami, Aegospotamos n a creek emptying into the Hellespont in present-day Turkey; at its mouth in 405 BC the Spartan fleet under Lysander defeated the Athenians and ended the Peloponnesian War aegypiidae%1:05:00:: 101616551 Aegypiidae, family Aegypiidae n in some classifications considered the family comprising the Old World vultures which are more often included in the family Accipitridae aegypius%1:05:00:: 101617949 Aegypius, genus Aegypius n a genus of Accipitridae aegypius_monachus%1:05:00:: 101618082 black vulture, Aegypius monachus n of southern Eurasia and northern Africa aegyptopithecus%1:05:00:: 102479332 Aegyptopithecus n extinct primate of about 38 million years ago; fossils found in Egypt a._e._housman%1:18:00:: 111061734 Housman, A. E. Housman, Alfred Edward Housman n English poet (1859-1936) a._e._kennelly%1:18:00:: 111101250 Kennelly, A. E. Kennelly, Arthur Edwin Kennelly n United States electrical engineer noted for his work on the theory of alternating currents; independently of Oliver Heaviside he discovered the existence of an atmospheric layer that reflects radio waves back to earth (1861-1939) aelius_donatus%1:18:00:: 110939187 Donatus, Aelius Donatus n Roman grammarian whose textbook on Latin grammar was used throughout the Middle Ages (fourth century) aeneas%1:18:00:: 109594604 Aeneas n a mythical Greek warrior who was a leader on the Trojan side of the Trojan War; hero of the Aeneid aeneas_silvius%1:18:00:: 111236852 Pius II, Aeneas Silvius, Enea Silvio Piccolomini n Italian pope from 1458 to 1464 who is remembered for his unsuccessful attempt to lead a crusade against the Turks (1405-1464) aeneid%1:10:00:: 106380055 Aeneid n an epic in Latin by Virgil; tells the adventures of Aeneas after the Trojan War; provides an illustrious historical background for the Roman Empire aengus%1:18:00:: 109507909 Angus Og, Aengus, Oengus, Angus n Celtic god of love and beauty; patron deity of young men and women aeolia%1:15:00:: 108784104 Aeolis, Aeolia n an ancient coastal region of northwestern Asia Minor (including Lesbos) where the Aeolians founded several cities around 1100 BC aeolian%1:14:00:: 108160697 Aeolian n the ancient Greek inhabitants of Aeolia aeolian%1:18:00:: 109710753 Aeolian, Eolian n a member of one of four linguistic divisions of the prehistoric Greeks aeolian%3:01:00:: 302606601 Aeolian a of or pertaining to Aeolus, the Greek god of the winds; relating to or caused by the wind aeolian%3:01:01:: 302600999 Aeolian a of or relating to Aeolis or its ancient Greek people aeolian_harp%1:06:00:: 102682407 aeolian harp, aeolian lyre, wind harp n a harp having strings tuned in unison; they sound when wind passes over them aeolian_lyre%1:06:00:: 102682407 aeolian harp, aeolian lyre, wind harp n a harp having strings tuned in unison; they sound when wind passes over them aeolic%1:10:00:: 106977800 Aeolic, Aeolic dialect, Eolic n the dialect of Ancient Greek spoken in Thessaly and Boeotia and Aeolis aeolic_dialect%1:10:00:: 106977800 Aeolic, Aeolic dialect, Eolic n the dialect of Ancient Greek spoken in Thessaly and Boeotia and Aeolis aeolis%1:15:00:: 108784104 Aeolis, Aeolia n an ancient coastal region of northwestern Asia Minor (including Lesbos) where the Aeolians founded several cities around 1100 BC aeolotropic%5:00:00:anisotropic:00 301361264 aeolotropic, eolotropic s having properties with different values along different axes aeolus%1:18:00:: 109553490 Aeolus n god of the winds in ancient mythology aeon%1:18:00:: 109536584 eon, aeon n (Gnosticism) a divine power or nature emanating from the Supreme Being and playing various roles in the operation of the universe aeon%1:28:00:: 115243590 eon, aeon n an immeasurably long period of time; "oh, that happened eons ago" aeon%1:28:01:: 115243730 eon, aeon n the longest division of geological time aeonian%3:01:00:: 302720312 eonian, aeonian a of or relating to a geological eon (longer than an era) aeonian%5:00:00:permanent:00 301755024 ageless, aeonian, eonian, eternal, everlasting, perpetual, unending, unceasing s continuing forever or indefinitely; "the ageless themes of love and revenge"; "eternal truths"; "life everlasting"; "hell's perpetual fires"; "the unending bliss of heaven" aeonium%1:20:00:: 112786684 Aeonium, genus Aeonium n a genus of plants of the family Crassulaceae aeonium_haworthii%1:20:00:: 112786836 pinwheel, Aeonium haworthii n perennial subshrub of Tenerife having leaves in rosettes resembling pinwheels aepyceros%1:05:00:: 102422561 Aepyceros, genus Aepyceros n African antelopes: impalas aepyceros_melampus%1:05:00:: 102422699 impala, Aepyceros melampus n African antelope with ridged curved horns; moves with enormous leaps aepyornidae%1:05:00:: 101522147 Aepyornidae, family Aepyornidae n coextensive with the order Aepyorniformes aepyorniformes%1:05:00:: 101521980 Aepyorniformes, order Aepyorniformes n huge extinct flightless birds: elephant birds aepyornis%1:05:00:: 101522450 elephant bird, aepyornis n huge (to 9 ft.) extinct flightless bird of Madagascar aerate%2:30:00:: 200190999 activate, aerate v aerate (sewage) so as to favor the growth of organisms that decompose organic matter aerate%2:30:01:: 200185465 oxygenate, oxygenize, oxygenise, aerate v impregnate, combine, or supply with oxygen; "oxygenate blood" aerate%2:39:00:: 202112891 air out, air, aerate v expose to fresh air; "aerate your old sneakers" aerated%5:00:00:effervescent:00 302276660 aerated, charged s supplied with carbon dioxide aerated%5:00:00:treated:00 301954128 aerated s (of a liquid) treated by having air passed or bubbled through it for purification aeration%1:04:00:: 100200244 aeration n the act of charging a liquid with a gas making it effervescent aeration%1:22:00:: 113428159 aeration n the process of exposing to air (so as to purify); "the aeration of the soil" aerator%1:06:00:: 102682569 aerator n an apparatus for exposing something to the air (as sewage) aerial%1:04:00:: 100561226 forward pass, aerial n a pass to a receiver downfield from the passer aerial%1:06:00:: 102715229 antenna, aerial, transmitting aerial n an electrical device that sends or receives radio or television signals aerial%5:00:00:free-flying:00 301380267 aerial s existing or living or growing or operating in the air; "aerial roots of a philodendron"; "aerial particles"; "small aerial creatures such as butterflies"; "aerial warfare"; "aerial photography"; "aerial cable cars" aerial%5:00:00:insubstantial:00 300626136 aeriform, aerial, airy, aery, ethereal s characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air; "figures light and aeriform come unlooked for and melt away"- Thomas Carlyle; "aerial fancies"; "an airy apparition"; "physical rather than ethereal forms" aerialist%1:18:00:: 109764598 aerialist n an acrobat who performs in the air (as on a rope or trapeze) aerial_ladder%1:06:00:: 102682699 aerial ladder n mechanically extendible ladder; used on a fire truck aerial_ladder_truck%1:06:00:: 103632852 ladder truck, aerial ladder truck n a fire engine carrying ladders aerially%4:02:00:: 400202718 aerially, aerially r by means of aircraft; "the survey was carried out aerially" aerial_torpedo%1:06:00:: 102682811 aerial torpedo n a torpedo designed to be launched from an airplane aerial_tramway%1:06:00:: 104469813 tramway, tram, aerial tramway, cable tramway, ropeway n a conveyance that transports passengers or freight in carriers suspended from cables and supported by a series of towers aerides%1:20:00:: 112044467 aerides n any orchid of the genus Aerides aerie%1:15:00:: 108492354 aerie, aery, eyrie, eyry n any habitation at a high altitude aerie%1:17:00:: 109189157 aerie, aery, eyrie, eyry n the lofty nest of a bird of prey (such as a hawk or eagle) aeriferous%3:01:00:: 302606762 aeriferous a conveying air; as the bronchial tubes aeriform%5:00:00:gaseous:00 302262879 aeriform, airlike s resembling air or having the form of air aeriform%5:00:00:insubstantial:00 300626136 aeriform, aerial, airy, aery, ethereal s characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air; "figures light and aeriform come unlooked for and melt away"- Thomas Carlyle; "aerial fancies"; "an airy apparition"; "physical rather than ethereal forms" aerify%2:30:00:: 200442267 gasify, vaporize, vaporise, aerify v turn into gas; "The substance gasified" aerobacter%1:05:00:: 101353773 Aerobacter, genus Aerobacter n aerobic bacteria widely distributed in nature aerobacter_aerogenes%1:05:00:: 101353932 Aerobacter aerogenes n a species of Gram-negative aerobic bacteria that produce gas and acid from sugars and are sometimes involved in the souring of milk aerobatics%1:04:00:: 100302861 acrobatics, aerobatics, stunting, stunt flying n the performance of stunts while in flight in an aircraft aerobe%1:05:00:: 101326897 aerobe n an organism (especially a bacterium) that requires air or free oxygen for life aerobic%3:00:00:: 300068566 aerobic, aerophilic, aerophilous a depending on free oxygen or air; "aerobic fermentation" aerobic%3:00:02:: 300069217 aerobic a based on or using the principles of aerobics; enhancing respiratory and circulatory efficiency; "aerobic dance"; "running is very aerobic" aerobic_exercise%1:04:00:: 100625858 aerobics, aerobic exercise n exercise that increases the need for oxygen aerobics%1:04:00:: 100625858 aerobics, aerobic exercise n exercise that increases the need for oxygen aerobiosis%1:19:00:: 111473685 aerobiosis n life sustained in the presence of air or oxygen aerobiotic%5:00:00:aerobic:00 300068738 aerobiotic s living or active only in the presence of oxygen; "aerobiotic bacteria" aerodontalgia%1:26:00:: 114324099 aerodontalgia n pain in the teeth that results from a change in air pressure (as in flying or mountain climbing) aerodrome%1:06:00:: 102692232 airport, airdrome, aerodrome, drome n an airfield equipped with control tower and hangars as well as accommodations for passengers and cargo aerodynamic%3:01:00:: 302980122 aerodynamic a of or relating to aerodynamics aerodynamic%5:00:00:smooth:00 302238128 streamlined, aerodynamic, flowing, sleek s designed or arranged to offer the least resistant to fluid flow; "a streamlined convertible" aerodynamic_force%1:19:00:: 111422114 aerodynamic force n forces acting on airfoils in motion relative to the air (or other gaseous fluids) aerodynamic_lift%1:19:00:: 111422277 aerodynamic lift, lift n the component of the aerodynamic forces acting on an airfoil that opposes gravity aerodynamics%1:09:00:: 106114351 aeromechanics, aerodynamics n the branch of mechanics that deals with the motion of gases (especially air) and their effects on bodies in the flow aeroembolism%1:26:00:: 114101317 air embolism, aeroembolism, gas embolism n obstruction of the circulatory system caused by an air bubble as, e.g., accidentally during surgery or hypodermic injection or as a complication from scuba diving aeroembolism%1:26:01:: 114068344 decompression sickness, aeroembolism, air embolism, gas embolism, caisson disease, bends n pain resulting from rapid change in pressure aerofoil%1:06:00:: 102688443 airfoil, aerofoil, control surface, surface n a device that provides reactive force when in motion relative to the surrounding air; can lift or control a plane in flight aerogenerator%1:06:00:: 104587404 windmill, aerogenerator, wind generator n generator that extracts usable energy from winds aerogram%1:10:00:: 106626060 airmail letter, air letter, aerogram, aerogramme n a letter sent by air mail aerogramme%1:10:00:: 106626060 airmail letter, air letter, aerogram, aerogramme n a letter sent by air mail aerolite%1:17:00:: 109189289 aerolite n a stony meteorite consisting of silicate minerals aerolitic%3:01:00:: 302606960 aerolitic a of or pertaining to certain stony meteorites aerological%3:01:00:: 302606856 aerological a of or pertaining to aerology aerology%1:09:00:: 106119226 aerology n meteorology of the total extent of the atmosphere; especially the upper layers aeromechanic%3:01:00:: 302607078 aeromechanic a of or pertaining to aerodynamics aeromechanics%1:09:00:: 106114351 aeromechanics, aerodynamics n the branch of mechanics that deals with the motion of gases (especially air) and their effects on bodies in the flow aeromedical%3:01:00:: 302607187 aeromedical a of or relating to aviation medicine aeromedicine%1:09:00:: 106046037 aeromedicine, aerospace medicine, aviation medicine n the study and treatment of disorders associated with flight (especially with space flight) aeronaut%1:18:00:: 109826204 aviator, aeronaut, airman, flier, flyer n someone who operates an aircraft aeronautic%3:01:00:: 302607298 aeronautical, aeronautic a of or pertaining to aeronautics aeronautical%3:01:00:: 302607298 aeronautical, aeronautic a of or pertaining to aeronautics aeronautical_engineer%1:18:00:: 109775907 aeronautical engineer n an engineer concerned with the design and construction of aircraft aeronautical_engineering%1:04:00:: 100949948 aeronautical engineering n the activity of designing and constructing aircraft aeronautical_engineering%1:09:00:: 106126177 aeronautical engineering n the branch of engineering science concerned with the design and construction of aircraft aeronautics%1:09:00:: 106096913 aeronautics, astronautics n the theory and practice of navigation through air or space aerophagia%1:04:00:: 100840057 aerophagia n swallowing air (usually followed by belching and discomfort and flatulence) aerophilatelic%3:01:00:: 303007038 aerophilatelic a of or relating to airmail stamps aerophilately%1:04:00:: 101016628 aerophilately n the collection and study of airmail stamps aerophile%1:18:00:: 109776186 aerophile n a lover of aviation aerophilic%3:00:00:: 300068566 aerobic, aerophilic, aerophilous a depending on free oxygen or air; "aerobic fermentation" aerophilous%3:00:00:: 300068566 aerobic, aerophilic, aerophilous a depending on free oxygen or air; "aerobic fermentation" aerophyte%1:20:00:: 113122985 air plant, epiphyte, aerophyte, epiphytic plant n plant that derives moisture and nutrients from the air and rain; usually grows on another plant but not parasitic on it aeroplane%1:06:00:: 102691156 airplane, aeroplane, plane n an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets; "the flight was delayed due to trouble with the airplane" aerosol%1:06:00:: 102682922 aerosol, aerosol container, aerosol can, aerosol bomb, spray can n a dispenser that holds a substance under pressure and that can release it as a fine spray (usually by means of a propellant gas) aerosol%1:19:00:: 111422597 aerosol n a cloud of solid or liquid particles in a gas aerosol_bomb%1:06:00:: 102682922 aerosol, aerosol container, aerosol can, aerosol bomb, spray can n a dispenser that holds a substance under pressure and that can release it as a fine spray (usually by means of a propellant gas) aerosol_bomb%1:06:01:: 104420461 thermobaric bomb, fuel-air bomb, vacuum bomb, volume-detonation bomb, aerosol bomb n a bomb that uses a fuel-air explosive; "a thermobaric bomb can create overpressures equal to an atomic bomb" aerosol_can%1:06:00:: 102682922 aerosol, aerosol container, aerosol can, aerosol bomb, spray can n a dispenser that holds a substance under pressure and that can release it as a fine spray (usually by means of a propellant gas) aerosol_container%1:06:00:: 102682922 aerosol, aerosol container, aerosol can, aerosol bomb, spray can n a dispenser that holds a substance under pressure and that can release it as a fine spray (usually by means of a propellant gas) aerosolise%2:35:00:: 201377758 aerosolize, aerosolise v disperse as an aerosol; "The bacteria suspension was aerosolized" aerosolise%2:35:01:: 201377940 aerosolize, aerosolise v become dispersed as an aerosol; "the bacteria quickly aerosolised" aerosolised%5:00:00:gaseous:00 302262984 aerosolized, aerosolised s in the form of ultramicroscopic solid or liquid particles dispersed or suspended in air or gas aerosolize%2:35:00:: 201377758 aerosolize, aerosolise v disperse as an aerosol; "The bacteria suspension was aerosolized" aerosolize%2:35:01:: 201377940 aerosolize, aerosolise v become dispersed as an aerosol; "the bacteria quickly aerosolised" aerosolized%5:00:00:gaseous:00 302262984 aerosolized, aerosolised s in the form of ultramicroscopic solid or liquid particles dispersed or suspended in air or gas aerospace%1:15:00:: 108502171 aerospace n the atmosphere and outer space considered as a whole aerospace_engineer%1:18:00:: 109776079 aerospace engineer n an engineer of aircraft and space vehicles aerospace_medicine%1:09:00:: 106046037 aeromedicine, aerospace medicine, aviation medicine n the study and treatment of disorders associated with flight (especially with space flight) aertex%1:06:00:: 102683183 Aertex n a trademark for a loosely woven cotton fabric that is used to make shirts and underwear aery%1:15:00:: 108492354 aerie, aery, eyrie, eyry n any habitation at a high altitude aery%1:17:00:: 109189157 aerie, aery, eyrie, eyry n the lofty nest of a bird of prey (such as a hawk or eagle) aery%5:00:00:insubstantial:00 300626136 aeriform, aerial, airy, aery, ethereal s characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air; "figures light and aeriform come unlooked for and melt away"- Thomas Carlyle; "aerial fancies"; "an airy apparition"; "physical rather than ethereal forms" aeschylean%3:01:00:: 303028216 Aeschylean a of or relating to or in the manner of Aeschylus aeschylus%1:18:00:: 110809086 Aeschylus n Greek tragedian; the father of Greek tragic drama (525-456 BC) aeschynanthus%1:20:00:: 112830568 aeschynanthus n a plant of the genus Aeschynanthus having somewhat red or orange flowers and seeds having distinctive hairs at base and apex aeschynanthus_radicans%1:20:00:: 112830789 lipstick plant, Aeschynanthus radicans n epiphyte or creeping on rocks; Malaysian plant having somewhat fleshy leaves and bright red flowers aesculapian%3:01:00:: 302607455 aesculapian, medical a of or belonging to Aesculapius or the healing art aesculapius%1:18:00:: 109559201 Aesculapius, Asclepius, Asklepios n son of Apollo; a hero and the Roman god of medicine and healing; his daughters were Hygeia and Panacea aesculus%1:20:00:: 112768177 Aesculus, genus Aesculus n deciduous trees or some shrubs of North America; southeastern Europe; eastern Asia aesculus_hippocastanum%1:20:00:: 112768369 horse chestnut, buckeye, Aesculus hippocastanum n tree having palmate leaves and large clusters of white to red flowers followed by brown shiny inedible seeds aesir%1:18:00:: 109579070 Aesir n (Norse mythology) the chief race of gods living at Asgard aesop%1:18:00:: 110809223 Aesop n Greek author of fables (circa 620-560 BC) aesop's_fables%1:10:00:: 106372428 Aesop's fables n a collection of fables believed to have been written by the Greek storyteller Aesop aesthesia%1:09:00:: 105678148 sensibility, esthesia, aesthesia n mental responsiveness and awareness aesthesis%1:09:00:: 105712076 sensation, esthesis, aesthesis, sense experience, sense impression, sense datum n an unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation; "a sensation of touch" aesthete%1:18:00:: 110064537 esthete, aesthete n one who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature aesthetic%1:09:00:: 105968971 aesthetic, esthetic n (philosophy) a philosophical theory as to what is beautiful; "he despised the esthetic of minimalism" aesthetic%3:00:00:: 300069531 aesthetic, esthetic, aesthetical, esthetical a concerning or characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste; "the aesthetic faculties"; "an aesthetic person"; "aesthetic feeling"; "the illustrations made the book an aesthetic success" aesthetic%3:01:00:: 302991287 aesthetic, esthetic a relating to or dealing with the subject of aesthetics; "aesthetic values" aesthetic%5:00:00:tasteful:02 302393086 aesthetic, esthetic, artistic s aesthetically pleasing; "an artistic flower arrangement" aesthetical%3:00:00:: 300069531 aesthetic, esthetic, aesthetical, esthetical a concerning or characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste; "the aesthetic faculties"; "an aesthetic person"; "aesthetic feeling"; "the illustrations made the book an aesthetic success" aesthetically%4:02:00:: 400261231 aesthetically, esthetically, aesthetically, esthetically r in a tasteful way; "this building is aesthetically very pleasing" aesthetician%1:18:00:: 110064669 esthetician, aesthetician n a philosopher who specializes in the nature of beauty aesthetician%1:18:01:: 110064831 esthetician, aesthetician n a worker skilled in giving beauty treatments (manicures and facials etc.) aesthetics%1:09:00:: 106161223 aesthetics, esthetics n (art) the branch of philosophy dealing with beauty and taste (emphasizing the evaluative criteria that are applied to art); "traditional aesthetics assumed the existence of universal and timeless criteria of artistic value" aestival%5:00:00:summery:00 301255022 aestival, estival s (rare) of or occurring in summer; "the sky was a burnished aestival blue"; "estival winds" aestivate%2:29:00:: 200016183 estivate, aestivate v sleep during summer; "certain animals estivate" aestivation%1:14:00:: 107947069 estivation, aestivation n (botany) the arrangement of sepals and petals in a flower bud before it opens aestivation%1:26:00:: 114014162 estivation, aestivation n (zoology) cessation or slowing of activity during the summer; especially slowing of metabolism in some animals during a hot or dry period aether%1:10:00:: 106254915 ether, aether n a medium that was once supposed to fill all space and to support the propagation of electromagnetic waves aether%1:18:00:: 109553599 Aether n personification of the sky or upper air breathed by the Olympians; son of Erebus and night or of Chaos and darkness aethionema%1:20:00:: 111869890 Aethionema, genus Aethionema n Old World genus of the family Cruciferae aethusa%1:20:00:: 112931109 Aethusa, genus Aethusa n fool's parsley aethusa_cynapium%1:20:00:: 112931231 fool's parsley, lesser hemlock, Aethusa cynapium n European weed naturalized in America that resembles parsley but causes nausea and poisoning when eaten aetiologic%3:01:00:: 302940953 etiological, etiologic, aetiological, aetiologic a relating to the etiology of a disease; "etiological agent" aetiologic%3:01:01:: 302941235 etiological, etiologic, aetiological, aetiologic a of or relating to the philosophical study of causation aetiological%3:01:00:: 302940953 etiological, etiologic, aetiological, aetiologic a relating to the etiology of a disease; "etiological agent" aetiological%3:01:01:: 302941235 etiological, etiologic, aetiological, aetiologic a of or relating to the philosophical study of causation aetiologist%1:18:00:: 110066059 etiologist, aetiologist n a specialist in the etiology of diseases aetiology%1:09:00:: 106161048 etiology, aetiology n the philosophical study of causation aetiology%1:11:00:: 107327608 etiology, aetiology n the cause of a disease aetobatus%1:05:00:: 101499261 Aetobatus, genus Aetobatus n a genus of Myliobatidae aetobatus_narinari%1:05:00:: 101499396 spotted eagle ray, spotted ray, Aetobatus narinari n ray with back covered with white or yellow spots; widely distributed in warm seas a._e._w._mason%1:18:00:: 111162915 Mason, A. E. W. Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley Mason n English writer (1865-1948) afar%4:02:00:: 400100883 afar, afar r (old-fashioned) at or from or to a great distance; far; "we traveled afar"; "we could see the ship afar off"; "the Magi came from afar" afars_and_issas%1:15:00:: 108762495 Djibouti, Republic of Djibouti, Afars and Issas n a country in northeastern Africa on the Somali peninsula; formerly under French control but became independent in 1997 afeard%5:00:00:afraid:00 300078463 afeard, afeared s a pronunciation of afraid afeared%5:00:00:afraid:00 300078463 afeard, afeared s a pronunciation of afraid afebrile%3:01:00:: 302726921 afebrile a having no fever a_few%5:00:00:few:00 301553340 a few, a couple of s more than one but indefinitely small in number; "a few roses"; "a couple of roses" affability%1:07:00:: 104654652 affability, affableness, amiability, amiableness, bonhomie, geniality n a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to) affable%5:00:00:friendly:01 301075178 affable, amiable, cordial, genial s diffusing warmth and friendliness; "an affable smile"; "an amiable gathering"; "cordial relations"; "a cordial greeting"; "a genial host" affableness%1:07:00:: 104654652 affability, affableness, amiability, amiableness, bonhomie, geniality n a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to) affably%4:02:00:: 400220052 affably, amiably, genially, affably, amiably, genially r in an affable manner; "`Come and visit me,' he said amiably" affair%1:09:00:: 105671325 matter, affair, thing n a vaguely specified concern; "several matters to attend to"; "it is none of your affair"; "things are going well" affair%1:11:00:: 107447261 affair, occasion, social occasion, function, social function n a vaguely specified social event; "the party was quite an affair"; "an occasion arranged to honor the president"; "a seemingly endless round of social functions" affair%1:26:00:: 113931889 affair, affaire, intimacy, liaison, involvement, amour n a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship affaire%1:26:00:: 113931889 affair, affaire, intimacy, liaison, involvement, amour n a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship affaire_d'honneur%1:04:00:: 101172784 duel, affaire d'honneur n a prearranged fight with deadly weapons by two people (accompanied by seconds) in order to settle a quarrel over a point of honor affairs%1:04:00:: 101107359 affairs n transactions of professional or public interest; "news of current affairs"; "great affairs of state" affairs%1:09:00:: 105671676 personal business, personal matters, affairs n matters of personal concern; "get his affairs in order" affect%1:12:00:: 107479926 affect n the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion affect%2:29:00:: 200019448 affect v act physically on; have an effect upon; "the medicine affects my heart rate" affect%2:30:00:: 200137313 affect, impact, bear upon, bear on, touch on, touch v have an effect upon; "Will the new rules affect me?" affect%2:32:00:: 200838043 feign, sham, pretend, affect, dissemble v make believe with the intent to deceive; "He feigned that he was ill"; "He shammed a headache" affect%2:37:00:: 201767949 affect, impress, move, strike v have an emotional or cognitive impact upon; "This child impressed me as unusually mature"; "This behavior struck me as odd" affect%2:42:00:: 202677097 involve, affect, regard v connect closely and often incriminatingly; "This new ruling affects your business" affectation%1:04:00:: 100755673 affectation, mannerism, pose, affectedness n a deliberate pretense or exaggerated display affected%3:00:00:: 300070939 affected a acted upon; influenced affected%3:00:01:: 300073048 affected, unnatural a speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression affected%3:00:02:: 301559903 moved, affected, stirred, touched a being excited or provoked to the expression of an emotion; "too moved to speak"; "very touched by the stranger's kindness" affectedly%4:02:00:: 400066527 affectedly, affectedly r in an affected manner affectedness%1:04:00:: 100755673 affectation, mannerism, pose, affectedness n a deliberate pretense or exaggerated display affectedness%1:07:00:: 104787763 affectedness n the quality of being false or artificial (as to impress others) affected_role%1:10:00:: 106332136 affected role, patient role, patient n the semantic role of an entity that is not the agent but is directly involved in or affected by the happening denoted by the verb in the clause affecting%5:00:00:moving:01 301560821 affecting, poignant, touching s arousing affect; "the homecoming of the released hostages was an affecting scene"; "poignant grief cannot endure forever"; "his gratitude was simple and touching" affectingly%4:02:00:: 400066605 affectingly, poignantly, touchingly, affectingly, poignantly, touchingly r in a poignant or touching manner; "she spoke poignantly" affection%1:12:00:: 107544647 affection, affectionateness, fondness, tenderness, heart, warmness, warmheartedness, philia n a positive feeling of liking; "he had trouble expressing the affection he felt"; "the child won everyone's heart"; "the warmness of his welcome made us feel right at home" affectional%5:00:00:emotional:00 300854255 affectional, affective, emotive s characterized by emotion affectionate%5:00:00:loving:00 301464700 affectionate, fond, lovesome, tender, warm s having or displaying warmth or affection; "affectionate children"; "a fond embrace"; "fond of his nephew"; "a tender glance"; "a warm embrace" affectionately%4:02:00:: 400077747 dearly, affectionately, dear, dearly, affectionately, dear r with affection; "she loved him dearly"; "he treats her affectionately" affectionateness%1:07:00:: 104627000 affectionateness, fondness, lovingness, warmth n a quality proceeding from feelings of affection or love affectionateness%1:12:00:: 107544647 affection, affectionateness, fondness, tenderness, heart, warmness, warmheartedness, philia n a positive feeling of liking; "he had trouble expressing the affection he felt"; "the child won everyone's heart"; "the warmness of his welcome made us feel right at home" affective%5:00:00:emotional:00 300854255 affectional, affective, emotive s characterized by emotion affective_disorder%1:26:00:: 114388910 affective disorder, major affective disorder, emotional disorder, emotional disturbance n any mental disorder not caused by detectable organic abnormalities of the brain and in which a major disturbance of emotions is predominant affenpinscher%1:05:00:: 102110627 affenpinscher, monkey pinscher, monkey dog n European breed of small dog resembling a terrier with dark wiry hair and a tufted muzzle afferent%1:08:00:: 105475134 sensory nerve, afferent nerve, afferent n a nerve that passes impulses from receptors toward or to the central nervous system afferent%3:00:00:: 300333351 afferent a of nerves and nerve impulses; conveying sensory information from the sense organs to the CNS; "afferent nerves"; "afferent impulses" afferent_fiber%1:08:00:: 105475397 sensory fiber, afferent fiber n a nerve fiber that carries impulses toward the central nervous system afferent_nerve%1:08:00:: 105475134 sensory nerve, afferent nerve, afferent n a nerve that passes impulses from receptors toward or to the central nervous system afferent_neuron%1:08:00:: 105466892 sensory neuron, afferent neuron n a neuron conducting impulses inwards to the brain or spinal cord affiance%2:32:00:: 200886602 betroth, engage, affiance, plight v give to in marriage affiant%1:18:00:: 109776261 affiant n a person who makes an affidavit affidavit%1:10:00:: 106736529 affidavit n written declaration made under oath; a written statement sworn to be true before someone legally authorized to administer an oath affiliate%1:14:00:: 108009478 affiliate n a subsidiary or subordinate organization that is affiliated with another organization; "network affiliates" affiliate%1:18:00:: 109776346 affiliate n a subordinate or subsidiary associate; a person who is affiliated with another or with an organization affiliate%2:41:00:: 202435311 affiliate v join in an affiliation; "The two colleges affiliated"; "They affiliated with a national group" affiliate%2:41:12:: 202589245 consort, associate, affiliate, assort v keep company with; hang out with; "He associates with strange people"; "She affiliates with her colleagues" affiliated%5:00:00:related:02 301973311 affiliated, attached, connected s being joined in close association; "affiliated clubs"; "all art schools whether independent or attached to universities" affiliation%1:04:00:: 101082061 affiliation n the act of becoming formally connected or joined; "welcomed the affiliation of the research center with the university" affiliation%1:26:00:: 113930385 affiliation, association, tie, tie-up n a social or business relationship; "a valuable financial affiliation"; "he was sorry he had to sever his ties with other members of the team"; "many close associations with England" affinal%5:00:00:related:01 301971519 affinal, affine s (anthropology) related by marriage affine%1:18:00:: 109776522 affine n (anthropology) kin by marriage affine%3:01:00:: 302607608 affine a (mathematics) of or pertaining to the geometry of affine transformations affine%5:00:00:related:01 301971519 affinal, affine s (anthropology) related by marriage affined%5:00:00:connected:00 300566835 affined s closely related; "syllable to blessed syllable affined"- Wallace Stevens affine_geometry%1:09:00:: 106005399 affine geometry n the geometry of affine transformations affine_transformation%1:24:00:: 113785965 affine transformation n (mathematics) a transformation that is a combination of single transformations such as translation or rotation or reflection on an axis affinity%1:07:01:: 104747798 affinity n inherent resemblance between persons or things affinity%1:07:02:: 104688648 affinity n a natural attraction or feeling of kinship; "an affinity for politics"; "the mysterious affinity between them"; "James's affinity with Sam" affinity%1:19:01:: 111422822 affinity, chemical attraction n the force attracting atoms to each other and binding them together in a molecule; "basic dyes have an affinity for wool and silk" affinity%1:19:02:: 111426778 affinity n (immunology) the attraction between an antigen and an antibody affinity%1:24:01:: 113813283 affinity n (anthropology) kinship by marriage or adoption; not a blood relationship affinity%1:24:02:: 113812296 affinity, phylogenetic relation n (biology) state of relationship between organisms or groups of organisms resulting in resemblance in structure or structural parts; "in anatomical structure prehistoric man shows close affinity with modern humans" affinity%1:24:03:: 113811410 affinity, kinship n a close connection marked by community of interests or similarity in nature or character; "found a natural affinity with the immigrants"; "felt a deep kinship with the other students"; "anthropology's kinship with the humanities" affirm%2:31:00:: 200665886 confirm, corroborate, sustain, substantiate, support, affirm v establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts; "his story confirmed my doubts"; "The evidence supports the defendant" affirm%2:32:00:: 201011031 affirm, verify, assert, avow, aver, swan, swear v to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true; "Before God I swear I am innocent" affirm%2:32:01:: 201011725 affirm v say yes to affirmable%5:00:00:possible:00 301821920 affirmable, assertable s capable of being affirmed or asserted; "a quality affirmable of every member of the family" affirmation%1:04:00:: 101186192 affirmation n a judgment by a higher court that the judgment of a lower court was correct and should stand affirmation%1:10:00:: 106732350 avowal, avouchment, affirmation n a statement asserting the existence or the truth of something affirmation%1:10:01:: 106684798 affirmation n (religion) a solemn declaration that serves the same purpose as an oath (if an oath is objectionable to the person on religious or ethical grounds) affirmation%1:10:02:: 107203126 affirmation, assertion, statement n the act of affirming or asserting or stating something affirmative%1:10:00:: 107203696 affirmative n a reply of affirmation; "he answered in the affirmative" affirmative%3:00:00:: 300075135 affirmative, affirmatory a affirming or giving assent; "an affirmative decision"; "affirmative votes" affirmative%5:00:00:favorable:02 300996089 approving, affirmative, approbative, approbatory, plausive s expressing or manifesting praise or approval; "approbative criticism"; "an affirmative nod" affirmative%5:00:00:positive:01 301817908 affirmative, optimistic s expecting the best; "an affirmative outlook" affirmative_action%1:10:00:: 106659685 affirmative action n a policy designed to redress past discrimination against women and minority groups through measures to improve their economic and educational opportunities; "affirmative action has been extremely controversial and was challenged in 1978 in the Bakke decision" affirmatively%4:02:00:: 400512790 affirmatively, affirmatively r in an affirmative manner affirmativeness%1:07:00:: 105167117 affirmativeness n the agreeable quality of one who assents affirmative_pleading%1:10:00:: 106559832 affirmative pleading n any defensive pleading that affirms facts rather than merely denying the facts alleged by the plaintiff affirmatory%3:00:00:: 300075135 affirmative, affirmatory a affirming or giving assent; "an affirmative decision"; "affirmative votes" affirmed%1:05:00:: 102384639 Affirmed n thoroughbred that won the triple crown in 1978 affirmer%1:18:00:: 109814660 asserter, declarer, affirmer, asseverator, avower n someone who claims to speak the truth; "a bold asserter"; "a declarer of his intentions"; "affirmers of traditional doctrine"; "an asseverator of strong convictions"; "an avower of his own great intelligence" affix%1:10:00:: 106308049 affix n a linguistic element added to a word to produce an inflected or derived form affix%2:35:00:: 201356370 affix, stick on v attach to; "affix the seal here" affix%2:35:01:: 201328705 append, add on, supplement, affix v add to the very end; "He appended a glossary to his novel where he used an invented language" affix%2:35:02:: 201298283 affix v attach or become attached to a stem word; "grammatical morphemes affix to the stem" affixal%3:01:00:: 302607752 affixal, affixial a of or pertaining to a linguistic affix affixation%1:04:00:: 100927694 affixation n formation of a word by means of an affix affixation%1:04:01:: 100379422 attachment, affixation n the act of attaching or affixing something affixation%1:09:00:: 106177923 affixation n the result of adding an affix to a root word affixed%3:00:00:: 300158701 affixed a firmly attached; "the affixed labels" affixial%3:01:00:: 302607752 affixal, affixial a of or pertaining to a linguistic affix afflatus%1:09:00:: 105835449 afflatus n a strong creative impulse; divine inspiration; "divine afflatus" afflict%2:30:00:: 200259927 afflict, smite v cause physical pain or suffering in; "afflict with the plague" afflict%2:37:00:: 201797730 afflict v cause great unhappiness for; distress; "she was afflicted by the death of her parents" afflicted%5:00:00:ill:01 302542148 afflicted, stricken s grievously affected especially by disease afflicted%5:00:00:unfit:01 301018264 afflicted, impaired s mentally or physically unfit affliction%1:11:00:: 107305234 affliction n a cause of great suffering and distress affliction%1:26:00:: 114213199 affliction n a condition of suffering or distress due to ill health affliction%1:26:02:: 114477342 affliction n a state of great suffering and distress due to adversity afflictive%5:00:00:unpleasant:00 301804175 afflictive, painful, sore s causing misery or pain or distress; "it was a sore trial to him"; "the painful process of growing up" affluence%1:26:00:: 114491625 affluence, richness n abundant wealth; "they studied forerunners of richness or poverty"; "the richness all around unsettled him for he had expected to find poverty" affluent%1:17:00:: 109278997 feeder, tributary, confluent, affluent n a branch that flows into the main stream affluent%1:18:00:: 109776642 affluent n an affluent person; a person who is financially well off; "the so-called emerging affluents" affluent%5:00:00:rich:00 302022167 affluent, flush, loaded, moneyed, wealthy s having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value; "an affluent banker"; "a speculator flush with cash"; "not merely rich but loaded"; "moneyed aristocrats"; "wealthy corporations" afford%2:34:00:: 201192628 afford v be able to spare or give up; "I can't afford to spend two hours with this person" afford%2:40:00:: 202339171 yield, give, afford v be the cause or source of; "He gave me a lot of trouble"; "Our meeting afforded much interesting information" afford%2:40:01:: 202358034 afford, open, give v afford access to; "the door opens to the patio"; "The French doors give onto a terrace" afford%2:42:00:: 202744451 afford v have the financial means to do something or buy something; "We can't afford to send our children to college"; "Can you afford this car?" affordable%5:00:00:cheap:00 300935103 low-cost, low-priced, affordable s that you have the financial means for; "low-cost housing" afforest%2:35:00:: 201567888 afforest, forest v establish a forest on previously unforested land; "afforest the mountains" afforestation%1:04:00:: 100400278 afforestation n the conversion of bare or cultivated land into forest (originally for the purpose of hunting) affranchise%2:41:00:: 202477135 affranchise, enfranchise v grant freedom to; as from slavery or servitude; "Slaves were enfranchised in the mid-19th century" affray%1:04:01:: 101176335 affray, disturbance, fray, ruffle n a noisy fight affray%1:10:00:: 107184545 affray, altercation, fracas n noisy quarrel affricate%1:10:00:: 107118990 affricate, affricate consonant, affricative n a composite speech sound consisting of a stop and a fricative articulated at the same point (as `ch' in `chair' and `j' in `joy') affricate_consonant%1:10:00:: 107118990 affricate, affricate consonant, affricative n a composite speech sound consisting of a stop and a fricative articulated at the same point (as `ch' in `chair' and `j' in `joy') affrication%1:10:00:: 107116641 affrication n the conversion of a simple stop consonant into an affricate affricative%1:10:00:: 107118990 affricate, affricate consonant, affricative n a composite speech sound consisting of a stop and a fricative articulated at the same point (as `ch' in `chair' and `j' in `joy') affright%1:12:00:: 107520612 panic, terror, affright n an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety affright%2:37:00:: 201779165 frighten, fright, scare, affright v cause fear in; "The stranger who hangs around the building frightens me"; "Ghosts could never affright her" affront%1:04:00:: 101225027 insult, affront n a deliberately offensive act or something producing the effect of deliberate disrespect; "turning his back on me was a deliberate insult" affront%2:32:00:: 200848420 diss, insult, affront v treat, mention, or speak to rudely; "He insulted her with his rude remarks"; "the student who had betrayed his classmate was dissed by everyone" affusion%1:04:00:: 101038147 affusion n the act of baptizing someone by pouring water on their head afghan%1:05:00:: 102088094 Afghan hound, Afghan n tall graceful breed of hound with a long silky coat; native to the Near East afghan%1:06:00:: 102683323 afghan n a blanket knitted or crocheted in strips or squares; sometimes used as a shawl afghan%1:06:01:: 104187970 sheepskin coat, afghan n a coat made of sheepskin afghan%1:10:00:: 106975132 Pashto, Pashtu, Paxto, Afghani, Afghan n an Iranian language spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan; the official language of Afghanistan afghan%1:18:00:: 109689435 Afghan, Afghanistani n a native or inhabitant of Afghanistan afghan%3:01:00:: 303003928 Afghani, Afghan, Afghanistani a of or relating to or characteristic of Afghanistan or its people afghan_hound%1:05:00:: 102088094 Afghan hound, Afghan n tall graceful breed of hound with a long silky coat; native to the Near East afghani%1:10:00:: 106975132 Pashto, Pashtu, Paxto, Afghani, Afghan n an Iranian language spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan; the official language of Afghanistan afghani%1:23:00:: 113663229 afghani n the basic unit of money in Afghanistan afghani%3:01:00:: 303003928 Afghani, Afghan, Afghanistani a of or relating to or characteristic of Afghanistan or its people afghanistan%1:15:00:: 108703454 Afghanistan, Islamic State of Afghanistan n a mountainous landlocked country in central Asia; bordered by Iran to the west and Russia to the north and Pakistan to the east and south; "Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan in 1979" afghanistani%1:18:00:: 109689435 Afghan, Afghanistani n a native or inhabitant of Afghanistan afghanistani%3:01:00:: 303003928 Afghani, Afghan, Afghanistani a of or relating to or characteristic of Afghanistan or its people afghan_monetary_unit%1:23:00:: 113663077 Afghan monetary unit n monetary unit in the Islamic State of Afghanistan afibrinogenemia%1:26:00:: 114170623 afibrinogenemia n the absence of fibrinogen in the plasma leading to prolonged bleeding aficionado%1:18:00:: 109776807 aficionado n a serious devotee of some particular music genre or musical performer aficionado%1:18:01:: 109776933 aficionado n a fan of bull fighting afield%4:02:00:: 400262847 afield, afield r off the subject; beyond the point at issue; "such digressions can lead us too far afield" afield%4:02:01:: 400262971 afield, afield r in or into a field (especially a field of battle); "the armies were afield, challenging the enemy's advance"; "unlawful to carry hunting rifles afield until the season opens" afield%4:02:03:: 400263180 afield, abroad, afield, abroad r far away from home or one's usual surroundings; "looking afield for new lands to conquer"- R.A.Hall afire%5:00:00:lighted:00 300475308 ablaze, afire, aflame, aflare, alight, on fire s lighted up by or as by fire or flame; "forests set ablaze (or afire) by lightning"; "even the car's tires were aflame"; "a night aflare with fireworks"; "candles alight on the tables"; "houses on fire" afisr%1:14:00:: 108197386 Air Force Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Air Force ISR, AFISR n an agency focused on ensuring that the United States military attains information superiority; operates worldwide ground sites and an array of airborne reconnaissance and surveillance platforms afl%1:14:00:: 108233913 American Federation of Labor, AFL n a federation of North American labor unions that merged with the Congress of Industrial Organizations in 1955 aflame%5:00:00:lighted:00 300475308 ablaze, afire, aflame, aflare, alight, on fire s lighted up by or as by fire or flame; "forests set ablaze (or afire) by lightning"; "even the car's tires were aflame"; "a night aflare with fireworks"; "candles alight on the tables"; "houses on fire" aflame%5:00:00:passionate:00 301726021 ablaze, aflame, aroused s keenly excited (especially sexually) or indicating excitement; "his face all ablaze with excitement"- Bram Stoker; "he was aflame with desire" aflare%5:00:00:lighted:00 300475308 ablaze, afire, aflame, aflare, alight, on fire s lighted up by or as by fire or flame; "forests set ablaze (or afire) by lightning"; "even the car's tires were aflame"; "a night aflare with fireworks"; "candles alight on the tables"; "houses on fire" aflare%5:00:00:moving:02 301563147 aflare, flaring s streaming or flapping or spreading wide as if in a current of air; "ran quickly, her flaring coat behind her"; "flags aflare in the breeze" aflatoxin%1:27:00:: 114714645 aflatoxin n a potent carcinogen from the fungus Aspergillus; can be produced and stored for use as a bioweapon aflaxen%1:06:00:: 103808144 naproxen sodium, Aleve, Anaprox, Aflaxen n a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trademarks Aleve and Anaprox and Aflaxen) that fights pain and inflammation afl-cio%1:14:00:: 108234103 American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, AFL-CIO n the largest federation of North American labor unions; formed in 1955 aflicker%5:00:00:unsteady:00 302304119 flickering, aflicker s shining unsteadily afloat%3:00:00:: 300076921 afloat a borne on the water; floating afloat%5:00:00:full:00 301083754 afloat, awash, flooded, inundated, overflowing s covered with water; "the main deck was afloat (or awash)"; "the monsoon left the whole place awash"; "a flooded bathroom"; "inundated farmlands"; "an overflowing tub" afloat%5:00:00:purposeless:00 301910652 adrift, afloat, aimless, directionless, planless, rudderless, undirected s aimlessly drifting aflutter%5:00:00:excited:00 300919813 aflutter, nervous s excited in anticipation afoot%4:02:01:: 400239064 afoot, afoot r on foot; walking; "they went to the village afoot"; "quail are hunted either afoot or on horseback" afoot%5:00:00:current:00 300666784 afoot, underway s currently in progress; "there is mischief afoot"; "plans are afoot"; "preparations for the trial are underway" afoot%5:00:00:moving:02 301562167 afoot s traveling by foot; "she was afoot when I saw her this morning" aforementioned%5:00:00:same:02 302068730 aforesaid, aforementioned, said s being the one previously mentioned or spoken of; "works of all the aforementioned authors"; "said party has denied the charges" aforesaid%5:00:00:same:02 302068730 aforesaid, aforementioned, said s being the one previously mentioned or spoken of; "works of all the aforementioned authors"; "said party has denied the charges" aforethought%5:00:00:premeditated:00 301842963 aforethought, planned, plotted s planned in advance; "with malice aforethought" a_fortiori%4:02:00:: 400063483 a fortiori, a fortiori r with greater reason; for a still stronger, more certain reason; "if you are wrong then, a fortiori, so am I" afoul%5:00:00:tangled:00 300255308 afoul, foul, fouled s especially of a ship's lines etc; "with its sails afoul"; "a foul anchor" afp%1:27:00:: 115033846 alpha fetoprotein, alpha foetoprotein, AFP n an abnormally large amount of this fetoprotein in the fetus can signal an abnormality of the neural tube (as spina bifida or anencephaly) afraid%3:00:00:: 300077645 afraid a filled with fear or apprehension; "afraid even to turn his head"; "suddenly looked afraid"; "afraid for his life"; "afraid of snakes"; "afraid to ask questions" afraid%5:00:00:concerned:00 300543993 afraid s filled with regret or concern; used often to soften an unpleasant statement; "I'm afraid I won't be able to come"; "he was afraid he would have to let her go"; "I'm afraid you're wrong" afraid%5:00:00:disinclined:00 301293396 afraid s having feelings of aversion or unwillingness; "afraid of hard work"; "afraid to show emotion" afraid%5:00:02:concerned:00 300544231 afraid s feeling worry or concern or insecurity; "She was afraid that I might be embarrassed"; "terribly afraid of offending someone"; "I am afraid we have witnessed only the first phase of the conflict" aframomum%1:20:00:: 112357802 Aframomum, genus Aframomum n an African genus of plants of the family Zingiberaceae aframomum_melegueta%1:20:00:: 112357968 grains of paradise, Guinea grains, Guinea pepper, melagueta pepper, Aframomum melegueta n West African plant bearing pungent peppery seeds afrasian%1:10:00:: 106986558 Afroasiatic, Afro-Asiatic, Afroasiatic language, Afrasian, Afrasian language, Hamito-Semitic n a large family of related languages spoken both in Asia and Africa afrasian_language%1:10:00:: 106986558 Afroasiatic, Afro-Asiatic, Afroasiatic language, Afrasian, Afrasian language, Hamito-Semitic n a large family of related languages spoken both in Asia and Africa afresh%4:02:00:: 400112843 afresh, anew, afresh, anew r again but in a new or different way; "start afresh"; "wanted to write the story anew"; "starting life anew in a fresh place" africa%1:17:00:: 109189411 Africa n the second largest continent; located to the south of Europe and bordered to the west by the South Atlantic and to the east by the Indian Ocean african%1:18:00:: 109634494 African n a native or inhabitant of Africa african%3:01:00:: 302941790 African a of or relating to the nations of Africa or their peoples; "African languages" african_american%1:18:00:: 109637013 African-American, African American, Afro-American, Black American n an American whose ancestors were born in Africa african-american%1:18:00:: 109637013 African-American, African American, Afro-American, Black American n an American whose ancestors were born in Africa african-american%5:00:00:black:02 300242293 African-American, Afro-American s pertaining to or characteristic of Americans of African ancestry; "Afro-American culture"; "many black people preferred to be called African-American or Afro-American" african_american_english%1:10:00:: 106947658 African American Vernacular English, AAVE, African American English, Black English, Black English Vernacular, Black Vernacular, Black Vernacular English, Ebonics n a nonstandard form of American English characteristically spoken by African Americans in the United States african-american_music%1:10:00:: 107025604 black music, African-American music n music created by African-American musicians; early forms were songs that had a melodic line and a strong rhythmic beat with repeated choruses african_american_vernacular_english%1:10:00:: 106947658 African American Vernacular English, AAVE, African American English, Black English, Black English Vernacular, Black Vernacular, Black Vernacular English, Ebonics n a nonstandard form of American English characteristically spoken by African Americans in the United States african_bowstring_hemp%1:20:00:: 112481150 African bowstring hemp, African hemp, Sansevieria guineensis n bowstring hemp of South Africa african_chameleon%1:05:00:: 101694178 African chameleon, Chamaeleo chamaeleon n a chameleon found in Africa african_clawed_frog%1:05:00:: 101654637 African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis n a tongueless frog native to Africa; established in the United States as result of release of laboratory and aquarium animals african_coral_snake%1:05:00:: 101746952 African coral snake, Aspidelaps lubricus n small widely distributed arboreal snake of southern Africa banded in black and orange african_country%1:15:00:: 108698379 African country, African nation n any one of the countries occupying the African continent african_crocodile%1:05:00:: 101697457 African crocodile, Nile crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus n a dangerous crocodile widely distributed in Africa african_daisy%1:20:01:: 111925303 African daisy n any of several plants of the genus Arctotis having daisylike flowers african_daisy%1:20:02:: 111992806 African daisy, yellow ageratum, Lonas inodora, Lonas annua n shrub of southwestern Mediterranean region having yellow daisylike flowers african_daisy%1:20:03:: 111971783 African daisy n African or Asiatic herbs with daisylike flowers africander%1:05:00:: 102406046 Africander n tall large-horned humped cattle of South Africa; used for meat or draft african_elephant%1:05:00:: 102504458 African elephant, Loxodonta africana n an elephant native to Africa having enormous flapping ears and ivory tusks african_gray%1:05:00:: 101817953 African grey, African gray, Psittacus erithacus n commonly domesticated grey parrot with red-and-black tail and white face; native to equatorial Africa african_green_monkey%1:05:00:: 102485688 green monkey, African green monkey, Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus n common savannah monkey with greenish-grey back and yellow tail african_grey%1:05:00:: 101817953 African grey, African gray, Psittacus erithacus n commonly domesticated grey parrot with red-and-black tail and white face; native to equatorial Africa african_hemp%1:20:01:: 112205460 African hemp, Sparmannia africana n large shrub of South Africa having many conspicuously hairy branches with large hairy leaves and clusters of conspicuous white flowers african_hemp%1:20:02:: 112481150 African bowstring hemp, African hemp, Sansevieria guineensis n bowstring hemp of South Africa african_holly%1:20:00:: 112895298 African holly, Solanum giganteum n woolly-stemmed biennial arborescent shrub of tropical Africa and southern Asia having silvery-white prickly branches, clusters of blue or white flowers, and bright red berries resembling holly berries african_hunting_dog%1:05:00:: 102116738 African hunting dog, hyena dog, Cape hunting dog, Lycaon pictus n a powerful doglike mammal of southern and eastern Africa that hunts in large packs; now rare in settled area africanized_bee%1:05:00:: 102208498 Africanized bee, Africanized honey bee, killer bee, Apis mellifera scutellata, Apis mellifera adansonii n a strain of bees that originated in Brazil in the 1950s as a cross between an aggressive African bee and a honeybee; retains most of the traits of the African bee; now spread as far north as Texas africanized_honey_bee%1:05:00:: 102208498 Africanized bee, Africanized honey bee, killer bee, Apis mellifera scutellata, Apis mellifera adansonii n a strain of bees that originated in Brazil in the 1950s as a cross between an aggressive African bee and a honeybee; retains most of the traits of the African bee; now spread as far north as Texas african_lily%1:20:00:: 112429352 African lily, African tulip, blue African lily, Agapanthus africanus n African plant with bright green evergreen leaves and umbels of many usually deep violet-blue flowers african_love_grass%1:20:00:: 112120578 weeping love grass, African love grass, Eragrostis curvula n perennial South African grass having densely clumped flimsy stems; introduced into United States especially for erosion control african_mahogany%1:20:00:: 112699031 African mahogany n African tree having hard heavy odorless wood african_marigold%1:20:00:: 112020736 African marigold, big marigold, Aztec marigold, Tagetes erecta n a stout branching annual with large yellow to orange flower heads; Mexico and Central America african_millet%1:20:00:: 112118661 finger millet, ragi, ragee, African millet, coracan, corakan, kurakkan, Eleusine coracana n East Indian cereal grass whose seed yield a somewhat bitter flour, a staple in the Orient african_monitor%1:05:00:: 101694955 African monitor, Varanus niloticus n destroys crocodile eggs african_nation%1:15:00:: 108698379 African country, African nation n any one of the countries occupying the African continent african_oil_palm%1:20:00:: 112590499 African oil palm, Elaeis guineensis n oil palm of Africa african_sandalwood%1:20:00:: 112509109 camwood, African sandalwood, Baphia nitida n small shrubby African tree with hard wood used as a dyewood yielding a red dye african_scented_mahogany%1:20:00:: 112698027 African scented mahogany, cedar mahogany, sapele mahogany, Entandrophragma cylindricum n African tree having rather lightweight cedar-scented wood varying in color from pink to reddish brown african_tea%1:06:00:: 103608870 kat, khat, qat, quat, cat, Arabian tea, African tea n the leaves of the shrub Catha edulis which are chewed like tobacco or used to make tea; has the effect of a euphoric stimulant; "in Yemen kat is used daily by 85% of adults" african_tulip%1:20:00:: 112429352 African lily, African tulip, blue African lily, Agapanthus africanus n African plant with bright green evergreen leaves and umbels of many usually deep violet-blue flowers african_walnut%1:20:00:: 112699618 African walnut, Lovoa klaineana n tropical African timber tree with wood that resembles mahogany african_wild_ass%1:05:00:: 102390640 African wild ass, Equus asinus n a wild ass of Africa african_violet%1:20:00:: 112833149 African violet, Saintpaulia ionantha n tropical African plant cultivated as a houseplant for its violet or white or pink flowers african_yellowwood%1:20:00:: 111652578 cape yellowwood, African yellowwood, Podocarpus elongatus n South African tree or shrub having a rounded crown afrikaans%1:10:00:: 106952861 Afrikaans, Taal, South African Dutch n an official language of the Republic of South Africa; closely related to Dutch and Flemish afrikaans%3:01:00:: 303042394 Afrikaans, Afrikaner a belonging or relating to white people of South Africa whose ancestors were Dutch or to their language; "an Afrikaans couple"; "Afrikaner support" afrikander%1:18:00:: 109635635 Afrikaner, Afrikander, Boer n a white native of Cape Province who is a descendant of Dutch settlers and who speaks Afrikaans afrikaner%1:18:00:: 109635635 Afrikaner, Afrikander, Boer n a white native of Cape Province who is a descendant of Dutch settlers and who speaks Afrikaans afrikaner%3:01:00:: 303042394 Afrikaans, Afrikaner a belonging or relating to white people of South Africa whose ancestors were Dutch or to their language; "an Afrikaans couple"; "Afrikaner support" afrl%1:06:00:: 102688895 Air Force Research Laboratory, AFRL n a United States Air Force defense laboratory responsible for discovering and developing and integrating fighting technologies for aerospace forces afro%1:08:00:: 105258889 Afro, Afro hairdo n a rounded thickly curled hairdo afro-american%1:18:00:: 109637013 African-American, African American, Afro-American, Black American n an American whose ancestors were born in Africa afro-american%5:00:00:black:02 300242293 African-American, Afro-American s pertaining to or characteristic of Americans of African ancestry; "Afro-American culture"; "many black people preferred to be called African-American or Afro-American" afro-asian%3:01:00:: 302942200 Afro-Asian a of or relating to the nations of Africa and Asia or their peoples; "Afro-Asian population" afro-asiatic%1:10:00:: 106986558 Afroasiatic, Afro-Asiatic, Afroasiatic language, Afrasian, Afrasian language, Hamito-Semitic n a large family of related languages spoken both in Asia and Africa afroasiatic%1:10:00:: 106986558 Afroasiatic, Afro-Asiatic, Afroasiatic language, Afrasian, Afrasian language, Hamito-Semitic n a large family of related languages spoken both in Asia and Africa afroasiatic_language%1:10:00:: 106986558 Afroasiatic, Afro-Asiatic, Afroasiatic language, Afrasian, Afrasian language, Hamito-Semitic n a large family of related languages spoken both in Asia and Africa afrocarpus%1:20:00:: 111653323 Afrocarpus, genus Afrocarpus n dioecious evergreen trees or shrubs; equatorial to southern and southeastern Africa: yellowwood; similar to trees or genus Podocarpus afrocarpus_falcata%1:20:00:: 111653570 common yellowwood, bastard yellowwood, Afrocarpus falcata n medium-sized tree of South Africa afro_hairdo%1:08:00:: 105258889 Afro, Afro hairdo n a rounded thickly curled hairdo afropavo%1:05:00:: 101803641 afropavo, Congo peafowl, Afropavo congensis n both sexes are brightly colored afropavo_congensis%1:05:00:: 101803641 afropavo, Congo peafowl, Afropavo congensis n both sexes are brightly colored afro-wig%1:06:00:: 102683454 Afro-wig n a wig that gives the appearance of an Afro hairdo afspc%1:14:00:: 108196892 Air Force Space Command, AFSPC n a command of the United States Air Force that is responsible for defending the United States through its space and intercontinental ballistic missile operations aft%3:00:00:: 301033371 aft a (nautical, aeronautical) situated at or toward the stern or tail aft%4:02:00:: 400275409 aft, abaft, astern, aft, abaft, astern r at or near or toward the stern of a ship or tail of an airplane; "stow the luggage aft"; "ships with square sails sail fairly efficiently with the wind abaft"; "the captain looked astern to see what the fuss was about" after%4:02:00:: 400508070 after, after r behind or in the rear; "and Jill came tumbling after" after%4:02:01:: 400061203 subsequently, later, afterwards, afterward, after, later on, subsequently, later, afterwards, afterward, after, later on r happening at a time subsequent to a reference time; "he apologized subsequently"; "he's going to the store but he'll be back here later"; "it didn't happen until afterward"; "two hours after that" after%5:00:00:aft:00 301033542 after s located farther aft after_a_fashion%4:02:00:: 400151040 after a fashion, after a fashion r to some extent; not very well; "he speaks French after a fashion" after_all%4:02:00:: 400151149 after all, after all r emphasizes something to be considered; "after all, she is your boss, so invite her"; "he is, after all, our president" after_all%4:02:01:: 400151305 after all, after all r in spite of expectations; "came to the party after all"; "it didn't rain after all" afterbirth%1:08:00:: 105520965 afterbirth n the placenta and fetal membranes that are expelled from the uterus after the baby is born afterburner%1:06:00:: 102683558 afterburner n a device injects fuel into a hot exhaust for extra thrust aftercare%1:04:00:: 100656192 aftercare n care and treatment of a convalescent patient afterdamp%1:27:00:: 114726642 afterdamp n a toxic mixture of gases (including carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and nitrogen) after an explosion of firedamp in a mine afterdeck%1:06:00:: 102683692 afterdeck n a deck abaft of midships aftereffect%1:19:00:: 111411501 aftereffect n any result that follows its cause after an interval aftereffect%1:26:00:: 114311574 aftereffect n a delayed effect of a drug or therapy; "the drug had unexpected aftereffects" afterglow%1:12:00:: 107492368 afterglow n the pleasure of remembering some pleasant event; "he basked in the afterglow of his victory" afterglow%1:19:00:: 111517898 afterglow n a glow sometimes seen in the sky after sunset after_hours%4:02:00:: 400151426 after hours, after hours r not during regular hours; "he often worked after hours" after-hours%5:00:00:late:00 300817004 after-hours s after closing time especially a legally established closing time; "after-hours socializing"; "an after-hours club" afterimage%1:09:00:: 105936130 afterimage, aftersensation n an image (usually a negative image) that persists after stimulation has ceased afterlife%1:28:00:: 115143864 afterlife, hereafter n life after death aftermath%1:11:00:: 107294019 consequence, aftermath n the outcome of an event especially as relative to an individual aftermath%1:19:00:: 111411610 aftermath, wake, backwash n the consequences of an event (especially a catastrophic event); "the aftermath of war"; "in the wake of the accident no one knew how many had been injured" aftermost%5:00:00:aft:00 301033616 aftermost s located closest to the stern or tail afternoon%1:10:00:: 106632807 good afternoon, afternoon n a conventional expression of greeting or farewell afternoon%1:28:00:: 115166191 afternoon n the part of the day between noon and evening; "he spent a quiet afternoon in the park" afternoon_tea%1:13:00:: 107575510 tea, afternoon tea, teatime n a light midafternoon meal of tea and sandwiches or cakes; "an Englishman would interrupt a war to have his afternoon tea" afterpains%1:26:00:: 114330992 afterpains n pains felt by a woman after her baby is born; associated with contractions of the uterus after_part%1:06:00:: 104316646 stern, after part, quarter, poop, tail n the rear part of a ship afterpiece%1:10:00:: 107008544 afterpiece n a brief dramatic piece (usually comic) presented after a play afters%1:13:00:: 107609840 dessert, sweet, afters n a dish served as the last course of a meal after-school%5:00:00:outside:00 301693189 after-school s outside regular school hours; "a special after-school class" aftersensation%1:09:00:: 105936130 afterimage, aftersensation n an image (usually a negative image) that persists after stimulation has ceased aftershaft%1:05:00:: 101897257 aftershaft n a supplementary feather (usually small) on the underside of the base of the shaft of some feathers in some birds aftershafted%5:00:00:feathered:00 300997914 aftershafted s having an aftershaft (a small feather at the base of some feathers) after-shave%1:06:00:: 102683791 after-shave, after-shave lotion n a fragrant lotion for a man's face after shaving after-shave_lotion%1:06:00:: 102683791 after-shave, after-shave lotion n a fragrant lotion for a man's face after shaving aftershock%1:11:00:: 107429637 aftershock n a tremor (or one of a series of tremors) occurring after the main shock of an earthquake aftertaste%1:09:00:: 105936300 aftertaste n an afterimage of a taste afterthought%1:06:00:: 102683936 afterthought n an addition that was not included in the original plan; "the garage was an afterthought" afterthought%1:09:00:: 105790012 reconsideration, second thought, afterthought, rethink n thinking again about a choice previously made; "he had second thoughts about his purchase" afterward%4:02:00:: 400061203 subsequently, later, afterwards, afterward, after, later on, subsequently, later, afterwards, afterward, after, later on r happening at a time subsequent to a reference time; "he apologized subsequently"; "he's going to the store but he'll be back here later"; "it didn't happen until afterward"; "two hours after that" afterwards%4:02:00:: 400061203 subsequently, later, afterwards, afterward, after, later on, subsequently, later, afterwards, afterward, after, later on r happening at a time subsequent to a reference time; "he apologized subsequently"; "he's going to the store but he'll be back here later"; "it didn't happen until afterward"; "two hours after that" afterworld%1:09:00:: 105626524 afterworld n the place where you are after you die ag%1:27:00:: 114654954 silver, Ag, atomic number 47 n a soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal; occurs in argentite and in free form; used in coins and jewelry and tableware and photography aga%1:10:00:: 106340047 Aga, Agha n title for a civil or military leader (especially in Turkey) again%4:02:00:: 400040365 again, once again, once more, over again, again, once again, once more, over again r anew; "she tried again"; "they rehearsed the scene again" again_and_again%4:02:00:: 400176981 over and over, again and again, over and over again, time and again, time and time again, over and over, again and again, over and over again, time and again, time and time again r repeatedly; "the unknown word turned up over and over again in the text" against_the_clock%4:02:00:: 400151521 against the clock, against time, against the clock, against time r as fast as possible; before a deadline; "it was a race against the clock" against_the_wind%4:02:00:: 400094893 upwind, against the wind, into the wind, upwind, against the wind, into the wind r in the direction opposite to the direction the wind is blowing; "they flew upwind" against_time%4:02:00:: 400151521 against the clock, against time, against the clock, against time r as fast as possible; before a deadline; "it was a race against the clock" agal%1:06:00:: 102684083 agal n a cord (usually of goat's hair) that Arabs (especially Bedouins) wind around their heads to hold down the kaffiyeh agalactia%1:26:00:: 114022199 agalactia, agalactosis n a condition in which milk is not secreted in the mother's breasts after her child has been delivered agalactosis%1:26:00:: 114022199 agalactia, agalactosis n a condition in which milk is not secreted in the mother's breasts after her child has been delivered agalinis%1:20:00:: 112883733 Agalinis, genus Agalinis n semiparasitic herb with purple or white or pink flowers; grows in the United States and West Indies agama%1:05:00:: 101687978 agama n small terrestrial lizard of warm regions of the Old World agamemnon%1:18:00:: 109594906 Agamemnon n (Greek mythology) the king who lead the Greeks against Troy in the Trojan War agamete%1:20:00:: 111547737 agamete n an asexual reproductive cell agamic%5:00:00:asexual:00 302136158 agamic, agamous, agamogenetic, apomictic, parthenogenetic s (of reproduction) not involving the fusion of male and female gametes in reproduction agamid%1:05:00:: 101687665 agamid, agamid lizard n a lizard of the family Agamidae agamidae%1:05:00:: 101687441 Agamidae, family Agamidae n an Old World reptile family of Sauria agamid_lizard%1:05:00:: 101687665 agamid, agamid lizard n a lizard of the family Agamidae agammaglobulinemia%1:26:00:: 114128331 agammaglobulinemia n a rare immunological disorder characterized by the virtual absence of gamma globulin in the blood and consequent susceptibility to infection agamogenesis%1:22:00:: 113434120 asexual reproduction, agamogenesis n reproduction without the fusion of gametes agamogenetic%5:00:00:asexual:00 302136158 agamic, agamous, agamogenetic, apomictic, parthenogenetic s (of reproduction) not involving the fusion of male and female gametes in reproduction agamous%5:00:00:asexual:00 302136158 agamic, agamous, agamogenetic, apomictic, parthenogenetic s (of reproduction) not involving the fusion of male and female gametes in reproduction agapanthus%1:20:00:: 112429148 agapanthus, lily of the Nile n any of various plants of the genus Agapanthus having umbels of showy blue to purple flowers agapanthus_africanus%1:20:00:: 112429352 African lily, African tulip, blue African lily, Agapanthus africanus n African plant with bright green evergreen leaves and umbels of many usually deep violet-blue flowers agape%1:04:00:: 101028534 agape, love feast n a religious meal shared as a sign of love and fellowship agape%1:12:00:: 107543732 agape, agape love n selfless love of one person for another without sexual implications (especially love that is spiritual in nature) agape%1:12:01:: 107543910 agape n (Christian theology) the love of God or Christ for mankind agape%5:00:00:open:08 301654582 agape, gaping s with the mouth wide open as in wonder or awe; "the gaping audience"; "we stood there agape with wonder"; "with mouth agape" agape_love%1:12:00:: 107543732 agape, agape love n selfless love of one person for another without sexual implications (especially love that is spiritual in nature) agapornis%1:05:00:: 101819918 Agapornis, genus Agapornis n a genus of Psittacidae agar%1:27:00:: 114900008 agar, agar-agar n a colloidal extract of algae; used especially in culture media and as a gelling agent in foods agar%1:27:02:: 114900184 agar, nutrient agar n any culture medium that uses agar as the gelling agent agar-agar%1:27:00:: 114900008 agar, agar-agar n a colloidal extract of algae; used especially in culture media and as a gelling agent in foods agaric%1:20:00:: 112998815 agaric n a saprophytic fungus of the order Agaricales having an umbrellalike cap with gills on the underside agaric%1:20:02:: 113054073 agaric, Fomes igniarius n fungus used in the preparation of punk for fuses agaricaceae%1:20:00:: 113000372 Agaricaceae, family Agaricaceae n large family including many familiar mushrooms agaricales%1:20:00:: 112998349 Agaricales, order Agaricales n typical gilled mushrooms belonging to the subdivision Basidiomycota agaricus%1:20:00:: 113000668 Agaricus, genus Agaricus n type genus of Agaricaceae; gill fungi having brown spores and including several edible species agaricus_arvensis%1:20:00:: 113001366 horse mushroom, Agaricus arvensis n coarse edible mushroom with a hollow stem and a broad white cap agaricus_campestris%1:20:00:: 113001529 meadow mushroom, field mushroom, Agaricus campestris n common edible mushroom found naturally in moist open soil; the cultivated mushroom of commerce agassiz%1:18:00:: 110809317 Agassiz, Louis Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz n United States naturalist (born in Switzerland) who studied fossil fish; recognized geological evidence that ice ages had occurred in North America (1807-1873) agastache%1:20:00:: 112839839 Agastache, genus Agastache n giant hyssop; Mexican hyssop agastache_foeniculum%1:20:00:: 112840362 anise hyssop, Agastache foeniculum n much-branched North American herb with an odor like fennel agastache_mexicana%1:20:00:: 112840502 Mexican hyssop, Agastache mexicana n erect perennial of Mexico having rose to crimson flowers agastache_nepetoides%1:20:00:: 112840168 yellow giant hyssop, Agastache nepetoides n erect perennial with stout stems and yellow-green flowers; southern Canada and southeastern United States agate%1:27:00:: 114708232 agate n an impure form of quartz consisting of banded chalcedony; used as a gemstone and for making mortars and pestles agate_line%1:23:00:: 113713003 agate line, line n space for one line of print (one column wide and 1/14 inch deep) used to measure advertising agateware%1:06:00:: 102684248 agateware n pottery that is veined and mottled to resemble agate agatha_christie%1:18:00:: 110896987 Christie, Agatha Christie, Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie n prolific English writer of detective stories (1890-1976) agathis%1:20:00:: 111647131 Agathis, genus Agathis n kauri pine agathis_alba%1:20:00:: 111647868 amboina pine, amboyna pine, Agathis dammara, Agathis alba n native to the Moluccas and Philippines; a source of dammar resin agathis_australis%1:20:00:: 111647703 kauri, kaury, Agathis australis n tall timber tree of New Zealand having white straight-grained wood agathis_dammara%1:20:00:: 111647868 amboina pine, amboyna pine, Agathis dammara, Agathis alba n native to the Moluccas and Philippines; a source of dammar resin agathis_lanceolata%1:20:00:: 111648268 red kauri, Agathis lanceolata n New Zealand tree with glossy leaves and scaly reddish-brown bark agathis_robusta%1:20:00:: 111648039 dundathu pine, queensland kauri, smooth bark kauri, Agathis robusta n Australian timber tree resembling the kauri but having wood much lighter in weight and softer agavaceae%1:20:00:: 112476036 Agavaceae, family Agavaceae, agave family, sisal family n chiefly tropical and xerophytic plants: includes Dracenaceae (Dracaenaceae); comprises plants that in some classifications are divided between the Amaryllidaceae and the Liliaceae agave%1:20:00:: 112476510 agave, century plant, American aloe n tropical American plants with basal rosettes of fibrous sword-shaped leaves and flowers in tall spikes; some cultivated for ornament or for fiber agave_americana%1:20:00:: 112477163 American agave, Agave americana n widely cultivated American monocarpic plant with greenish-white flowers on a tall stalk; blooms only after ten to twenty years and then dies agave_atrovirens%1:20:00:: 112477747 maguey, Agave atrovirens n Mexican plant used especially for making pulque which is the source of the colorless Mexican liquor, mescal agave_cantala%1:20:00:: 112477583 maguey, cantala, Agave cantala n Philippine plant yielding a hard fibre used in making coarse twine agave_family%1:20:00:: 112476036 Agavaceae, family Agavaceae, agave family, sisal family n chiefly tropical and xerophytic plants: includes Dracenaceae (Dracaenaceae); comprises plants that in some classifications are divided between the Amaryllidaceae and the Liliaceae agave_sisalana%1:20:00:: 112477401 sisal, Agave sisalana n Mexican or West Indian plant with large fleshy leaves yielding a stiff fiber used in e.g. rope agave_tequilana%1:20:00:: 112477983 Agave tequilana n Mexican plant used especially for making tequila agaze%5:00:00:open:08 301654769 agaze, staring s (used of eyes) open and fixed as if in fear or wonder; "staring eyes" agdestis%1:20:00:: 111856055 Agdestis, genus Agdestis n a genus with one species that is a rapidly growing climbing vine with tuberous roots; grown in hot climates agdistis%1:18:00:: 109576914 Agdistis n Asiatic epithet for Rhea or Cybele age%1:07:00:: 104924103 age n how long something has existed; "it was replaced because of its age" age%1:28:00:: 115145171 age, eld n a time of life (usually defined in years) at which some particular qualification or power arises; "she was now of school age"; "tall for his eld" age%1:28:01:: 115153787 old age, years, age, eld, geezerhood n a late time of life; "old age is not for sissies"; "he's showing his years"; "age hasn't slowed him down at all"; "a beard white with eld"; "on the brink of geezerhood" age%1:28:02:: 115254028 historic period, age n an era of history having some distinctive feature; "we live in a litigious age" age%1:28:03:: 115242955 long time, age, years n a prolonged period of time; "we've known each other for ages"; "I haven't been there for years and years" age%2:30:00:: 200248026 senesce, age, get on, mature, maturate v grow old or older; "She aged gracefully"; "we age every day--what a depressing thought!"; "Young men senesce" age%2:30:01:: 200248512 age v begin to seem older; get older; "The death of his wife caused him to age fast" age%2:30:02:: 200249679 age v make older; "The death of his child aged him tremendously" age_bracket%1:14:00:: 107943480 age group, age bracket, cohort n a group of people having approximately the same age age_class%1:14:00:: 107974766 age class n people in the same age range aged%1:14:00:: 107943870 aged, elderly n people who are old collectively; "special arrangements were available for the aged" aged%5:00:00:preserved:02 301071794 aged, cured s (used of tobacco) aging as a preservative process (`aged' is pronounced as one syllable) aged%5:00:00:ripe:00 301493423 aged, ripened s of wines, fruit, cheeses; having reached a desired or final condition; (`aged' pronounced as one syllable); "mature well-aged cheeses" aged%5:00:00:worn:00 302581047 aged s at an advanced stage of erosion (pronounced as one syllable); "aged rocks" aged%5:00:01:old:02 301644225 aged, elderly, older, senior s advanced in years; (`aged' is pronounced as two syllables); "aged members of the society"; "elderly residents could remember the construction of the first skyscraper"; "senior citizen" aged%5:00:02:old:02 301644541 aged, of age s having attained a specific age; (`aged' is pronounced as one syllable); "aged ten"; "ten years of age" agedness%1:07:00:: 104927632 agedness, senescence n the property characteristic of old age agee%1:18:00:: 110809576 Agee, James Agee n United States novelist (1909-1955) age_group%1:14:00:: 107943480 age group, age bracket, cohort n a group of people having approximately the same age ageing%1:22:00:: 113429006 aging, ageing, senescence n the organic process of growing older and showing the effects of increasing age ageing%1:22:01:: 113551965 ripening, aging, ageing n acquiring desirable qualities by being left undisturbed for some time ageing%5:00:00:old:02 301644709 aging, ageing, senescent s growing old ageism%1:04:00:: 101154373 ageism, agism n discrimination against middle-aged and elderly people agelaius%1:05:00:: 101575270 Agelaius, genus Agelaius n red-winged blackbirds agelaius_phoeniceus%1:05:00:: 101575401 red-winged blackbird, redwing, Agelaius phoeniceus n North American blackbird with scarlet patches on the wings ageless%5:00:00:permanent:00 301755024 ageless, aeonian, eonian, eternal, everlasting, perpetual, unending, unceasing s continuing forever or indefinitely; "the ageless themes of love and revenge"; "eternal truths"; "life everlasting"; "hell's perpetual fires"; "the unending bliss of heaven" agelessness%1:07:00:: 104742418 agelessness n the quality of being timeless and eternal age_limit%1:10:00:: 106664213 age limit n regulation establishing the maximum age for doing something or holding some position agelong%5:00:00:long:02 301438743 agelong s lasting through all time; "agelong struggle for freedom" agency%1:04:00:: 100172710 means, agency, way n how a result is obtained or an end is achieved; "a means of control"; "an example is the best agency of instruction"; "the true way to success" agency%1:14:00:: 108337324 agency, federal agency, government agency, bureau, office, authority n an administrative unit of government; "the Central Intelligence Agency"; "the Census Bureau"; "Office of Management and Budget"; "Tennessee Valley Authority" agency%1:14:01:: 108057206 agency n a business that serves other businesses agency%1:26:00:: 114000403 representation, delegacy, agency n the state of serving as an official and authorized delegate or agent agency%1:26:01:: 114007546 agency n the state of being in action or exerting power; "the agency of providence"; "she has free agency" agency_security%1:21:00:: 113340080 government security, agency security n a security issued by United States government agencies or the Farm Credit System agenda%1:09:00:: 105910940 agenda, docket, schedule n a temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to agenda%1:10:00:: 106485261 agenda, agendum, order of business n a list of matters to be taken up (as at a meeting) agenda_item%1:10:00:: 106482868 agenda item n one of the items to be considered agendum%1:10:00:: 106485261 agenda, agendum, order of business n a list of matters to be taken up (as at a meeting) agene%1:27:00:: 115017121 nitrogen trichloride, Agene n a yellow pungent volatile oil (trade name Agene) formerly used for bleaching and aging flour agenesia%1:22:00:: 113428308 agenesis, agenesia n imperfect development; nondevelopment of a part agenesis%1:22:00:: 113428308 agenesis, agenesia n imperfect development; nondevelopment of a part agenise%2:30:00:: 200517365 Agenize, Agenise v age or bleach flour with Agene (nitrogen trichloride) agenize%2:30:00:: 200517365 Agenize, Agenise v age or bleach flour with Agene (nitrogen trichloride) age_norm%1:09:00:: 106023243 age norm n the average age at which particular performances are expected to appear agent%1:10:00:: 106332364 agentive role, agent n the semantic role of the animate entity that instigates or causes the happening denoted by the verb in the clause agent%1:17:00:: 109190918 agent n an active and efficient cause; capable of producing a certain effect; "their research uncovered new disease agents" agent%1:18:01:: 109777012 agent, factor, broker n a businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission agent%1:18:02:: 109777353 agent n a representative who acts on behalf of other persons or organizations agent%1:18:03:: 110373801 agent, federal agent n any agent or representative of a federal agency or bureau agent%1:27:00:: 114778436 agent n a substance that exerts some force or effect agent_bank%1:14:00:: 108418885 lead bank, agent bank n a bank named by a lending syndicate of several banks to protect their interests agent_bank%1:14:01:: 108418316 agent bank n a bank that acts as an agent for a foreign bank agential%3:01:00:: 302607909 agential a of or relating to an agent or agency agent-in-place%1:18:00:: 109778266 agent-in-place n an operative serving as a penetration into an intelligence target agentive_role%1:10:00:: 106332364 agentive role, agent n the semantic role of the animate entity that instigates or causes the happening denoted by the verb in the clause agent_orange%1:27:00:: 114601039 Agent Orange n a herbicide used in the Vietnam War to defoliate forest areas agent_provocateur%1:18:00:: 109778392 agent provocateur, provocateur n a secret agent who incites suspected persons to commit illegal acts age_of_consent%1:28:00:: 115151764 age of consent n the minimum age for marrying without parental consent or the minimum age for consensual sexual relations; intercourse at an earlier age can result in a charge of assault or statutory rape; the age differs in different states of the Union age_of_fishes%1:28:00:: 115127982 Devonian, Devonian period, Age of Fishes n from 405 million to 345 million years ago; preponderance of fishes and appearance of amphibians and ammonites age_of_mammals%1:28:00:: 115124361 Cenozoic, Cenozoic era, Age of Mammals n approximately the last 63 million years age_of_man%1:28:00:: 115124545 Quaternary, Quaternary period, Age of Man n last 2 million years age_of_reason%1:14:00:: 108472590 Enlightenment, Age of Reason n a movement in Europe from about 1650 until 1800 that advocated the use of reason and individualism instead of tradition and established doctrine; "the Enlightenment brought about many humanitarian reforms" age_of_reptiles%1:28:00:: 115126175 Mesozoic, Mesozoic era, Age of Reptiles n from 230 million to 63 million years ago age-old%5:00:00:old:01 301638962 age-old, antique s belonging to or lasting from times long ago; "age-old customs"; "the antique fear that days would dwindle away to complete darkness" agerasia%1:07:00:: 104674624 agerasia n youthful appearance in an old person ageratina%1:20:00:: 111917633 Ageratina, genus Ageratina n annual to perennial herbs or shrubs of eastern United States and Central and South America ageratina_altissima%1:20:00:: 111917835 white snakeroot, white sanicle, Ageratina altissima, Eupatorium rugosum n American herb having flat-topped clusters of small white flower heads; reputedly a cause of trembles and milk sickness; sometimes placed in genus Eupatorium ageratum%1:20:01:: 111918286 ageratum n any plant of the genus Ageratum having opposite leaves and small heads of blue or white flowers ageratum%1:20:02:: 111955896 mistflower, mist-flower, ageratum, Conoclinium coelestinum, Eupatorium coelestinum n rhizomatous plant of central and southeastern United States and West Indies having large showy heads of clear blue flowers; sometimes placed in genus Eupatorium ageratum_houstonianum%1:20:00:: 111918473 common ageratum, Ageratum houstonianum n small tender herb grown for its fluffy brushlike blue to lavender blooms age-related%5:00:00:related:02 301973529 age-related s changing (increasing or decreasing) as an individual's age increases age-related_macular_degeneration%1:26:00:: 114256889 age-related macular degeneration, AMD n macular degeneration that is age-related aggeus%1:10:00:: 106440937 Haggai, Aggeus, Book of Haggai n an Old Testament book telling the prophecies of Haggai which are concerned mainly with rebuilding the temples after the Babylonian Captivity aggeus%1:18:00:: 111021916 Haggai, Aggeus n a Hebrew minor prophet agglomerate%1:14:00:: 107961480 pile, heap, mound, agglomerate, cumulation, cumulus n a collection of objects laid on top of each other agglomerate%1:27:00:: 114711647 agglomerate n volcanic rock consisting of large fragments fused together agglomerate%2:35:00:: 201484714 agglomerate v form into one cluster agglomerate%5:00:00:collective:00 300467019 agglomerate, agglomerated, agglomerative, clustered s clustered together but not coherent; "an agglomerated flower head" agglomerated%5:00:00:collective:00 300467019 agglomerate, agglomerated, agglomerative, clustered s clustered together but not coherent; "an agglomerated flower head" agglomeration%1:04:00:: 101014490 agglomeration n the act of collecting in a mass; the act of agglomerating agglomeration%1:14:00:: 107959269 agglomeration n a jumbled collection or mass agglomerative%5:00:00:collective:00 300467019 agglomerate, agglomerated, agglomerative, clustered s clustered together but not coherent; "an agglomerated flower head" agglomerator%1:06:00:: 102684356 agglomerator n a device that causes material to gather into rounded balls; "a sonic agglomerator" agglutinate%2:35:00:: 201221684 agglutinate v clump together; as of bacteria, red blood cells, etc. agglutinate%2:35:01:: 201222016 agglutinate v string together (morphemes in an agglutinating language) agglutinate%5:00:00:adhesive:00 300053154 agglutinate, agglutinative s united as if by glue agglutinating_activity%1:22:00:: 113428804 agglutination, agglutinating activity n the coalescing of small particles that are suspended in solution; these larger masses are then (usually) precipitated agglutination%1:22:00:: 113428421 agglutination n the building of words from component morphemes that retain their form and meaning in the process of combining agglutination%1:22:01:: 113428608 agglutination n a clumping of bacteria or red cells when held together by antibodies (agglutinins) agglutination%1:22:02:: 113428804 agglutination, agglutinating activity n the coalescing of small particles that are suspended in solution; these larger masses are then (usually) precipitated agglutination_test%1:09:00:: 105739613 agglutination test n a blood test used to identify unknown antigens; blood with the unknown antigen is mixed with a known antibody and whether or not agglutination occurs helps to identify the antigen; used in tissue matching and blood grouping and diagnosis of infections agglutinative%5:00:00:adhesive:00 300053154 agglutinate, agglutinative s united as if by glue agglutinative%5:00:00:synthetic:02 300112018 agglutinative, polysynthetic s forming derivative or compound words by putting together constituents each of which expresses a single definite meaning agglutinin%1:27:00:: 115028684 agglutinin n an antibody that causes agglutination of a specific antigen agglutinogen%1:27:00:: 115029002 agglutinogen n any substance that acts as an antigen to cause agglutinin production aggrade%2:35:00:: 201307771 aggrade v build up to a level by depositing sediment aggrandise%2:32:00:: 200956405 embroider, pad, lard, embellish, aggrandize, aggrandise, blow up, dramatize, dramatise v add details to aggrandisement%1:04:00:: 100373544 aggrandizement, aggrandisement, elevation n the act of increasing the wealth or prestige or power or scope of something; "the aggrandizement of the king"; "his elevation to cardinal" aggrandize%2:32:00:: 200956405 embroider, pad, lard, embellish, aggrandize, aggrandise, blow up, dramatize, dramatise v add details to aggrandizement%1:04:00:: 100373544 aggrandizement, aggrandisement, elevation n the act of increasing the wealth or prestige or power or scope of something; "the aggrandizement of the king"; "his elevation to cardinal" aggravate%2:30:00:: 200208210 worsen, aggravate, exacerbate, exasperate v make worse; "This drug aggravates the pain" aggravate%2:37:00:: 201820901 exacerbate, exasperate, aggravate v exasperate or irritate aggravated%5:00:00:angry:00 300114266 aggravated, provoked s incited, especially deliberately, to anger; "aggravated by passive resistance"; "the provoked animal attacked the child" aggravated%5:00:00:intense:00 301510320 aggravated s made more severe or intense especially in law; "aggravated assault" aggravated_assault%1:04:00:: 100768063 aggravated assault n a reckless attack with intent to injure seriously (as with a deadly weapon) aggravating%5:00:00:intensifying:00 301340422 aggravating, exacerbating, exasperating s making worse aggravatingly%4:02:00:: 400508884 aggravatingly, aggravatingly r in an aggravating fashion; "his hair was caught aggravatingly in the branches of the tree" aggravation%1:04:00:: 101221790 aggravation, irritation, provocation n unfriendly behavior that causes anger or resentment aggravation%1:04:01:: 100374835 aggravation, exacerbation n action that makes a problem or a disease (or its symptoms) worse; "the aggravation of her condition resulted from lack of care" aggravation%1:12:00:: 107518878 aggravation, exasperation n an exasperated feeling of annoyance aggravator%1:18:00:: 109778537 aggravator, annoyance n an unpleasant person who is annoying or exasperating aggregate%1:06:00:: 104353803 sum, total, totality, aggregate n the whole amount aggregate%1:14:00:: 108418103 aggregate, congeries, conglomeration n a sum total of many heterogenous things taken together aggregate%1:27:00:: 114594925 aggregate n material such as sand or gravel used with cement and water to make concrete, mortar, or plaster aggregate%2:35:00:: 201385170 aggregate, combine v gather in a mass, sum, or whole aggregate%2:42:00:: 202627555 aggregate v amount in the aggregate to aggregate%5:00:00:multiple:00 302216694 aggregate s composed of a dense cluster of separate units such as carpels or florets or drupelets; "raspberries are aggregate fruits" aggregate%5:00:01:collective:00 300467240 aggregate, aggregated, aggregative, mass s formed of separate units gathered into a mass or whole; "aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year"; "the aggregated amount of indebtedness" aggregated%5:00:00:collective:00 300467240 aggregate, aggregated, aggregative, mass s formed of separate units gathered into a mass or whole; "aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year"; "the aggregated amount of indebtedness" aggregate_fruit%1:20:00:: 113137672 aggregate fruit, multiple fruit, syncarp n fruit consisting of many individual small fruits or drupes derived from separate ovaries within a common receptacle: e.g. blackberry; raspberry; pineapple aggregation%1:04:00:: 101014066 collection, collecting, assembling, aggregation n the act of gathering something together aggregation%1:14:00:: 107951464 collection, aggregation, accumulation, assemblage n several things grouped together or considered as a whole aggregative%5:00:00:collective:00 300467240 aggregate, aggregated, aggregative, mass s formed of separate units gathered into a mass or whole; "aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year"; "the aggregated amount of indebtedness" aggregator%1:18:00:: 109936620 collector, aggregator n a person who collects things aggress%2:33:00:: 201118449 attack, aggress v take the initiative and go on the offensive; "The Serbs attacked the village at night"; "The visiting team started to attack" aggression%1:04:00:: 100964569 aggression, hostility n violent action that is hostile and usually unprovoked aggression%1:04:01:: 101221611 aggression n deliberately unfriendly behavior aggression%1:04:02:: 101237167 aggression n the act of initiating hostilities aggression%1:07:00:: 104658268 aggression n a disposition to behave aggressively aggression%1:12:00:: 107548567 aggression, aggressiveness n a feeling of hostility that arouses thoughts of attack aggressive%3:00:00:: 300082241 aggressive a having or showing determination and energetic pursuit of your ends; "an aggressive businessman"; "an aggressive basketball player"; "he was aggressive and imperious; positive in his convictions"; "aggressive drivers" aggressive%5:00:00:hostile:01 301244846 aggressive, belligerent s characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight; "aggressive acts against another country"; "a belligerent tone" aggressive%5:00:00:invasive:00 301356143 aggressive, fast-growing, strong-growing s tending to spread quickly; "an aggressive tumor" aggressively%4:02:00:: 400049947 aggressively, sharply, aggressively, sharply r in an aggressive manner; "she was being sharply questioned" aggressiveness%1:07:00:: 104837232 aggressiveness n the quality of being bold and enterprising aggressiveness%1:07:01:: 104643662 aggressiveness, belligerence, pugnacity n a natural disposition to be hostile aggressiveness%1:12:00:: 107548567 aggression, aggressiveness n a feeling of hostility that arouses thoughts of attack aggressor%1:18:00:: 109821253 attacker, aggressor, assailant, assaulter n someone who attacks aggressor%1:18:01:: 109778676 aggressor n a confident assertive person who acts as instigator aggrieve%2:37:00:: 201797582 grieve, aggrieve v cause to feel sorrow; "his behavior grieves his mother" aggrieve%2:41:00:: 202513879 aggrieve v infringe on the rights of aggro%1:04:00:: 101172598 aggro n (informal British usage) aggravation or aggression; "I skipped it because it was too much aggro" aggroup%2:33:00:: 201089878 group, aggroup v form a group or group together agha%1:10:00:: 106340047 Aga, Agha n title for a civil or military leader (especially in Turkey) aghan%1:28:00:: 115220864 Aghan, Margasivsa n the ninth month of the Hindu calendar aghast%5:00:00:afraid:00 300078576 aghast, appalled, dismayed, shocked s struck with fear, dread, or consternation agile%5:00:00:active:01 300032733 agile, nimble, quick, spry s moving quickly and lightly; "sleek and agile as a gymnast"; "as nimble as a deer"; "nimble fingers"; "quick of foot"; "the old dog was so spry it was halfway up the stairs before we could stop it" agile%5:00:00:intelligent:00 301334833 agile, nimble s mentally quick; "an agile mind"; "nimble wits" agilely%4:02:00:: 400189615 agilely, nimbly, agilely, nimbly r in a nimble or agile manner; with quickness and lightness and ease; "nimbly scaling an iron gate"- Charles Dickens; "leaped agilely from roof to roof" agility%1:07:00:: 105003850 agility, legerity, lightness, lightsomeness, nimbleness n the gracefulness of a person or animal that is quick and nimble agincourt%1:04:00:: 101269161 Agincourt n a battle in northern France in which English longbowmen under Henry V decisively defeated a much larger French army in 1415 aging%1:22:00:: 113429006 aging, ageing, senescence n the organic process of growing older and showing the effects of increasing age aging%1:22:01:: 113551965 ripening, aging, ageing n acquiring desirable qualities by being left undisturbed for some time aging%5:00:00:old:02 301644709 aging, ageing, senescent s growing old agio%1:21:00:: 113324297 agio, agiotage, premium, exchange premium n a fee charged for exchanging currencies agiotage%1:21:00:: 113324297 agio, agiotage, premium, exchange premium n a fee charged for exchanging currencies agism%1:04:00:: 101154373 ageism, agism n discrimination against middle-aged and elderly people agitate%2:35:00:: 201419473 agitate, vex, disturb, commove, shake up, stir up, raise up v change the arrangement or position of agitate%2:37:00:: 201762528 agitate, rouse, turn on, charge, commove, excite, charge up v cause to be agitated, excited, or roused; "The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks" agitate%2:38:00:: 201893988 stir, shift, budge, agitate v move very slightly; "He shifted in his seat" agitate%2:38:01:: 201889610 shake, agitate v move or cause to move back and forth; "The chemist shook the flask vigorously"; "My hands were shaking" agitate%2:41:00:: 202585050 agitate, foment, stir up v try to stir up public opinion agitate%2:41:10:: 202589576 crusade, fight, press, campaign, push, agitate v exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for; "The liberal party pushed for reforms"; "She is crusading for women's rights"; "The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate" agitated%3:00:00:: 300085264 agitated a troubled emotionally and usually deeply; "agitated parents" agitated%3:00:02:: 300087354 agitated a physically disturbed or set in motion; "the agitated mixture foamed and bubbled" agitated_depression%1:26:00:: 114389584 agitated depression n a state of clinical depression in which the person exhibits irritability and restlessness agitating%5:00:00:provocative:00 301896925 agitative, agitating, provoking s causing or tending to cause anger or resentment; "a provoking delay at the airport" agitation%1:04:00:: 100554300 agitation, excitement, turmoil, upheaval, hullabaloo n disturbance usually in protest agitation%1:04:01:: 100333366 agitation n the act of agitating something; causing it to move around (usually vigorously) agitation%1:12:00:: 107513508 agitation n the feeling of being agitated; not calm agitation%1:26:00:: 113979503 agitation, ferment, fermentation, tempestuousness, unrest n a state of agitation or turbulent change or development; "the political ferment produced new leadership"; "social unrest" agitation%1:26:01:: 114403107 agitation n a mental state of extreme emotional disturbance agitative%5:00:00:provocative:00 301896925 agitative, agitating, provoking s causing or tending to cause anger or resentment; "a provoking delay at the airport" agitator%1:18:00:: 109778783 agitator, fomenter n one who agitates; a political troublemaker agitprop%1:10:00:: 106674791 agitprop n political propaganda (especially communist propaganda) communicated via art and literature and cinema agkistrodon%1:05:00:: 101754190 Agkistrodon, genus Agkistrodon, Ancistrodon, genus Ancistrodon n copperheads agkistrodon_contortrix%1:05:00:: 101754370 copperhead, Agkistrodon contortrix n common coppery brown pit viper of upland eastern United States agkistrodon_piscivorus%1:05:00:: 101754533 water moccasin, cottonmouth, cottonmouth moccasin, Agkistrodon piscivorus n venomous semiaquatic snake of swamps in southern United States aglaia%1:18:00:: 109495619 Aglaia n (Greek mythology) one of the three Graces aglaomorpha%1:20:00:: 113174206 Aglaomorpha, genus Aglaomorpha n epiphytic ferns of tropical Asia aglaomorpha_meyeniana%1:20:00:: 113174354 bear's-paw fern, Aglaomorpha meyeniana n epiphytic fern with large fronds; Taiwan and Philippines aglaonema%1:20:00:: 111781430 Aglaonema, genus Aglaonema n climbing herbs of southeastern Asia having thick fleshy oblong leaves and naked unisexual flowers: Chinese evergreen aglaonema_modestum%1:20:00:: 111781658 Chinese evergreen, Japanese leaf, Aglaonema modestum n erect or partially climbing herb having large green or variegated leaves agleam%5:00:00:bright:00 300279092 agleam, gleaming, nitid s bright with a steady but subdued shining; "from the plane we saw the city below agleam with lights"; "the gleaming brass on the altar"; "Nereids beneath the nitid moon" aglet%1:06:00:: 102684515 aglet, aiglet, aiguilette n ornamental tagged cord or braid on the shoulder of a uniform aglet%1:06:01:: 102684649 aglet, aiglet n metal or plastic sheath over the end of a shoelace or ribbon aglitter%5:00:00:bright:00 300279618 aglitter, coruscant, fulgid, glinting, glistering, glittering, glittery, scintillant, scintillating, sparkly s having brief brilliant points or flashes of light; "bugle beads all aglitter"; "glinting eyes"; "glinting water"; "his glittering eyes were cold and malevolent"; "shop window full of glittering Christmas trees"; "glittery costume jewelry"; "scintillant mica"; "the scintillating stars"; "a dress with sparkly sequins"; "`glistering' is an archaic term" aglow%5:00:00:bright:00 300279332 aglow, lambent, lucent, luminous s softly bright or radiant; "a house aglow with lights"; "glowing embers"; "lambent tongues of flame"; "the lucent moon"; "a sky luminous with stars" agnail%1:08:00:: 105584746 hangnail, agnail n a loose narrow strip of skin near the base of a fingernail; tearing it produces a painful sore that is easily infected agnate%1:18:00:: 110236663 agnate, patrikin, patrilineal kin, patrisib, patrilineal sib n one related on the father's side agnate%5:00:00:related:01 301971671 agnate, agnatic, paternal s related on the father's side; "a paternal aunt" agnatha%1:05:00:: 101473990 Agnatha, superclass Agnatha n superclass of eel-shaped chordates lacking jaws and pelvic fins: lampreys; hagfishes; some extinct forms agnathan%1:05:00:: 101474283 jawless vertebrate, jawless fish, agnathan n eel-shaped vertebrate without jaws or paired appendages including the cyclostomes and some extinct forms agnatic%5:00:00:related:01 301971671 agnate, agnatic, paternal s related on the father's side; "a paternal aunt" agnation%1:24:00:: 113814898 patrilineage, agnation n line of descent traced through the paternal side of the family agnes_de_mille%1:18:00:: 110929886 de Mille, Agnes de Mille, Agnes George de Mille n United States dancer and choreographer who introduced formal dance to a wide audience (1905-1993) agnes_george_de_mille%1:18:00:: 110929886 de Mille, Agnes de Mille, Agnes George de Mille n United States dancer and choreographer who introduced formal dance to a wide audience (1905-1993) agnes_gonxha_bojaxhiu%1:18:00:: 111335878 Teresa, Mother Teresa, Theresa, Mother Theresa, Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu n Indian nun and missionary in the Roman Catholic Church (born of Albanian parents in what is now Macedonia); dedicated to helping the poor in India (1910-1997) agni%1:18:00:: 109524263 Agni n (Sanskrit) Hindu god of fire in ancient and traditional India; one of the three chief deities of the Vedas agnise%2:31:00:: 200728617 recognize, recognise, realize, realise, agnize, agnise v be fully aware or cognizant of agnize%2:31:00:: 200728617 recognize, recognise, realize, realise, agnize, agnise v be fully aware or cognizant of agnomen%1:10:00:: 106334377 agnomen n an additional name or an epithet appended to a name (as in `Ferdinand the Great') agnosia%1:26:00:: 114099933 agnosia n inability to recognize objects by use of the senses agnostic%1:18:00:: 109778927 agnostic n a person who claims that they cannot have true knowledge about the existence of God (but does not deny that God might exist) agnostic%1:18:01:: 109779124 agnostic, doubter n someone who is doubtful or noncommittal about something agnostic%3:00:00:: 301305929 agnostic, agnostical a uncertain of all claims to knowledge agnostic%3:01:00:: 302604683 agnostic a of or pertaining to an agnostic or agnosticism agnostical%3:00:00:: 301305929 agnostic, agnostical a uncertain of all claims to knowledge agnosticism%1:09:00:: 105980051 agnosticism, skepticism, scepticism n the disbelief in any claims of ultimate knowledge agnosticism%1:09:01:: 106222508 agnosticism n a religious orientation of doubt; a denial of ultimate knowledge of the existence of God; "agnosticism holds that you can neither prove nor disprove God's existence" agnus_dei%1:10:00:: 106883274 Agnus Dei, Paschal Lamb n figure of a lamb; emblematic of Christ agnus_dei%1:10:01:: 106456276 Agnus Dei n a liturgical prayer beginning with these Latin words ago%4:02:00:: 400074095 ago, ago r in the past; "long ago"; "sixty years ago my grandfather came to the U.S." ago%5:00:00:past:00 301728476 ago, agone s gone by; or in the past; "two years ago"; "`agone' is an archaic word for `ago'" agog%5:00:00:excited:00 300919919 agog s highly excited agon%1:04:00:: 100035697 agon n a festivity in ancient Greece at which competitors contended for prizes agonadal%3:01:00:: 302975469 agonadal a lacking gonads agonal%3:01:00:: 302608090 agonal a pertaining to or associated with agony (especially death agonies) agone%5:00:00:past:00 301728476 ago, agone s gone by; or in the past; "two years ago"; "`agone' is an archaic word for `ago'" agonic_line%1:15:00:: 108490685 agonic line n an imaginary line connecting points on the Earth's surface where the magnetic declination is zero agonidae%1:05:00:: 102647503 Agonidae, family Agonidae n poachers agonise%2:37:00:: 201794363 agonize, agonise v suffer agony or anguish agonise%2:37:01:: 201794523 agonize, agonise v cause to agonize agonised%5:00:00:painful:00 301711614 agonized, agonised s expressing pain or agony; "agonized screams" agonising%5:00:00:painful:00 301711724 agonizing, agonising, excruciating, harrowing, torturing, torturous, torturesome s extremely painful agonist%1:06:00:: 102684789 agonist n (biochemistry) a drug that can combine with a receptor on a cell to produce a physiological reaction agonist%1:08:00:: 105293268 agonist n a muscle that contracts while another relaxes; "when bending the elbow the biceps are the agonist" agonist%1:18:00:: 109779280 agonist n someone involved in a contest or battle (as in an agon) agonist%1:18:01:: 110172793 protagonist, agonist n the principal character in a work of fiction agonistic%3:01:00:: 302608244 agonistic a of or relating to the athletic contests held in ancient Greece agonistic%5:00:00:affected:01 300073358 agonistic, strained s struggling for effect; "agonistic poses" agonistic%5:00:00:competitive:00 300512769 agonistic, agonistical, combative s striving to overcome in argument; "a dialectical and agonistic approach" agonistical%5:00:00:competitive:00 300512769 agonistic, agonistical, combative s striving to overcome in argument; "a dialectical and agonistic approach" agonize%2:37:00:: 201794363 agonize, agonise v suffer agony or anguish agonize%2:37:01:: 201794523 agonize, agonise v cause to agonize agonized%5:00:00:painful:00 301711614 agonized, agonised s expressing pain or agony; "agonized screams" agonizing%5:00:00:painful:00 301711724 agonizing, agonising, excruciating, harrowing, torturing, torturous, torturesome s extremely painful agonizingly%4:02:00:: 400261389 agonizingly, excruciatingly, torturously, agonizingly, excruciatingly, torturously r in a very painful manner; "the progress was agonizingly slow" agonus%1:05:00:: 102647903 Agonus, genus Agonus n type genus of the Agonidae agonus_cataphractus%1:05:00:: 102648035 pogge, armed bullhead, Agonus cataphractus n northern Atlantic sea poacher agony%1:12:00:: 107495551 agony, torment, torture n intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain; "an agony of doubt"; "the torments of the damned" agony%1:26:00:: 114324274 agony, suffering, excruciation n a state of acute pain agony_aunt%1:18:00:: 109779461 agony aunt n a newspaper columnist who answers questions and offers advice on personal problems to people who write in agony_column%1:10:00:: 106271514 agony column n a newspaper column devoted to personal problems a_good_deal%4:02:00:: 400059171 a lot, lots, a good deal, a great deal, much, very much, a lot, lots, a good deal, a great deal, much, very much r to a very great degree or extent; "I feel a lot better"; "we enjoyed ourselves very much"; "she was very much interested"; "this would help a great deal" agora%1:06:00:: 102684962 agora, public square n a place of assembly for the people in ancient Greece agora%1:15:00:: 108492461 agora n the marketplace in ancient Greece agora%1:23:00:: 113706415 agora n 100 agorot equal 1 shekel in Israel agoraphobia%1:26:00:: 114381840 agoraphobia n a morbid fear of open spaces (as fear of being caught alone in some public place) agoraphobic%5:00:00:afraid:00 300078705 agoraphobic s suffering from agoraphobia; abnormally afraid of open or public places agouti%1:05:00:: 102366002 agouti, Dasyprocta aguti n agile long-legged rabbit-sized rodent of Central America and South America and the West Indies; valued as food agra%1:15:00:: 108904115 Agra n a city in northern India; former capital of the Mogul empire; site of the Taj Mahal agranulocytic%3:01:00:: 302608380 agranulocytic a relating to the blood disorder of agranulocytosis agranulocytosis%1:26:00:: 114071896 agranulocytosis, agranulosis, granulocytopenia n an acute blood disorder (often caused by radiation or drug therapy) characterized by severe reduction in granulocytes agranulosis%1:26:00:: 114071896 agranulocytosis, agranulosis, granulocytopenia n an acute blood disorder (often caused by radiation or drug therapy) characterized by severe reduction in granulocytes agrapha%1:10:00:: 107154760 agrapha n sayings of Jesus not recorded in the canonical Gospels agraphia%1:26:00:: 114095948 agraphia, anorthography, logagraphia n a loss of the ability to write or to express thoughts in writing because of a brain lesion agraphic%3:01:00:: 302608507 agraphic a relating to or having agraphia agrarian%5:00:00:rural:00 302050841 agrarian, agricultural, farming s relating to rural matters; "an agrarian (or agricultural) society"; "farming communities" a_great_deal%4:02:00:: 400059171 a lot, lots, a good deal, a great deal, much, very much, a lot, lots, a good deal, a great deal, much, very much r to a very great degree or extent; "I feel a lot better"; "we enjoyed ourselves very much"; "she was very much interested"; "this would help a great deal" a_great_deal%4:02:03:: 400059413 much, a great deal, often, much, a great deal, often r frequently or in great quantities; "I don't drink much"; "I don't travel much" agree%2:32:00:: 200805376 agree, hold, concur, concord v be in accord; be in agreement; "We agreed on the terms of the settlement"; "I can't agree with you!"; "I hold with those who say life is sacred"; "Both philosophers concord on this point" agree%2:32:01:: 200764222 agree v consent or assent to a condition, or agree to do something; "She agreed to all my conditions"; "He agreed to leave her alone" agree%2:32:04:: 201035530 agree v achieve harmony of opinion, feeling, or purpose; "No two of my colleagues would agree on whom to elect chairman" agree%2:40:02:: 202291135 agree v be agreeable or suitable; "White wine doesn't agree with me" agree%2:42:00:: 202657219 match, fit, correspond, check, jibe, gibe, tally, agree v be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; "The two stories don't agree in many details"; "The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"; "The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun" agree%2:42:01:: 202700104 harmonize, harmonise, consort, accord, concord, fit in, agree v go together; "The colors don't harmonize"; "Their ideas concorded" agree%2:42:03:: 202741793 agree v show grammatical agreement; "Subjects and verbs must always agree in English" agreeability%1:07:00:: 104640927 agreeableness, agreeability n a temperamental disposition to be agreeable agreeable%3:00:00:: 300089051 agreeable a conforming to your own liking or feelings or nature; "Is the plan agreeable to you?"; "he's an agreeable fellow"; "My idea of an agreeable person...is a person who agrees with me"- Disraeli; "an agreeable manner" agreeable%5:00:00:accordant:00 300553279 agreeable s prepared to agree or consent; "agreeable to the plan" agreeable%5:00:00:consistent:00 300577122 accordant, agreeable, conformable, consonant, concordant s in keeping; "salaries agreeable with current trends"; "plans conformable with your wishes"; "expressed views concordant with his background" agreeableness%1:07:00:: 104640927 agreeableness, agreeability n a temperamental disposition to be agreeable agreeableness%1:07:01:: 104779053 agreeableness, amenity n pleasantness resulting from agreeable conditions; "a well trained staff saw to the agreeableness of our accommodations"; "he discovered the amenities of reading at an early age" agreeably%4:02:00:: 400219110 pleasantly, agreeably, enjoyably, pleasantly, agreeably, enjoyably r in an enjoyable manner; "we spent a pleasantly lazy afternoon" agreed%5:00:00:united:00 302476338 agreed, in agreement s united by being of the same opinion; "agreed in their distrust of authority" agreed_upon%5:00:00:uncontroversial:00 300603194 agreed upon, stipulatory s constituted or contracted by stipulation or agreement; "stipulatory obligations" agreement%1:07:00:: 104713428 agreement, correspondence n compatibility of observations; "there was no agreement between theory and measurement"; "the results of two tests were in correspondence" agreement%1:09:00:: 105795044 agreement, arrangement n the thing arranged or agreed to; "they made arrangements to meet in Chicago" agreement%1:10:00:: 107175241 agreement n the verbal act of agreeing agreement%1:10:01:: 106770275 agreement, understanding n the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises; "they had an agreement that they would not interfere in each other's business"; "there was an understanding between management and the workers" agreement%1:24:03:: 113797313 agreement, concord n the determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations agreement%1:26:01:: 113971065 agreement, accord n harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters; "the two parties were in agreement" agrestic%5:00:00:rural:00 302051013 agrestic, rustic s characteristic of the fields or country; "agrestic simplicity"; "rustic stone walls" agrestic%5:00:00:unrefined:01 301949611 agrestic s (of behavior) rustic and uncouth; "the agrestic behavior of a country boy" agribusiness%1:04:00:: 101104406 agribusiness, agriculture, factory farm n a large-scale farming enterprise agricola%1:18:00:: 110809675 Agricola, Gnaeus Julius Agricola n Roman general who was governor of Britain and extended Roman rule north to the Firth of Forth (37-93) agricultural%3:01:00:: 302790222 agricultural a relating to or used in or promoting agriculture or farming; "agricultural engineering"; "modern agricultural (or farming) methods"; "agricultural (or farm) equipment"; "an agricultural college" agricultural%5:00:00:rural:00 302050841 agrarian, agricultural, farming s relating to rural matters; "an agrarian (or agricultural) society"; "farming communities" agricultural_agent%1:18:00:: 109971385 county agent, agricultural agent, extension agent n an advisor employed by the government to assist people in rural areas with methods of farming and home economics agriculturalist%1:18:00:: 109779790 agriculturist, agriculturalist, cultivator, grower, raiser n someone concerned with the science or art or business of cultivating the soil agricultural_laborer%1:18:00:: 109779623 agricultural laborer, agricultural labourer n a person who tills the soil for a living agricultural_labourer%1:18:00:: 109779623 agricultural laborer, agricultural labourer n a person who tills the soil for a living agriculture%1:04:00:: 100916464 farming, agriculture, husbandry n the practice of cultivating the land or raising stock agriculture%1:04:01:: 101104406 agribusiness, agriculture, factory farm n a large-scale farming enterprise agriculture%1:14:00:: 108075287 agriculture n the class of people engaged in growing food agriculture%1:14:01:: 108128964 Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Department, Agriculture, USDA n the federal department that administers programs that provide services to farmers (including research and soil conservation and efforts to stabilize the farming economy); created in 1862 agriculture_department%1:14:00:: 108128964 Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Department, Agriculture, USDA n the federal department that administers programs that provide services to farmers (including research and soil conservation and efforts to stabilize the farming economy); created in 1862 agriculture_secretary%1:04:00:: 100600200 Secretary of Agriculture, Agriculture Secretary n the position of the head of the Department of Agriculture; "the post of Secretary of Agriculture was established in 1889" agriculture_secretary%1:18:00:: 110570704 Secretary of Agriculture, Agriculture Secretary n the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Agriculture; "the first Secretary of Agriculture was Norman J. Colman, who was appointed by Cleveland" agriculturist%1:18:00:: 109779790 agriculturist, agriculturalist, cultivator, grower, raiser n someone concerned with the science or art or business of cultivating the soil agrigento%1:15:00:: 108811812 Agrigento, Acragas n a town in Italy in southwestern Sicily near the coast; the site of six Greek temples agrimonia%1:20:00:: 112622875 agrimonia, agrimony n a plant of the genus Agrimonia having spikelike clusters of small yellow flowers agrimonia_eupatoria%1:20:00:: 112623077 harvest-lice, Agrimonia eupatoria n erect perennial Old World herb of dry grassy habitats agrimonia_procera%1:20:00:: 112623211 fragrant agrimony, Agrimonia procera n fragrant European perennial herb found at woodland margins on moist soils agrimony%1:20:00:: 112622875 agrimonia, agrimony n a plant of the genus Agrimonia having spikelike clusters of small yellow flowers agriocharis%1:05:00:: 101794460 Agriocharis, genus Agriocharis n a genus of birds of the family Meleagrididae including the ocellated turkey agriocharis_ocellata%1:05:00:: 101794651 ocellated turkey, Agriocharis ocellata n wild turkey of Central America and northern South America agrippa%1:18:00:: 110809857 Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa n Roman general who commanded the fleet that defeated the forces of Antony and Cleopatra at Actium (63-12 BC) agrippina%1:18:00:: 110810046 Agrippina, Agrippina the Elder n granddaughter of Augustus and mother of Caligula and Agrippina the Younger (14 BC - AD 33) agrippina%1:18:01:: 110810215 Agrippina, Agrippina the Younger n wife who poisoned Claudius after her son Nero was declared heir and who was then put to death by Nero agrippina_the_elder%1:18:00:: 110810046 Agrippina, Agrippina the Elder n granddaughter of Augustus and mother of Caligula and Agrippina the Younger (14 BC - AD 33) agrippina_the_younger%1:18:00:: 110810215 Agrippina, Agrippina the Younger n wife who poisoned Claudius after her son Nero was declared heir and who was then put to death by Nero agrobacterium%1:05:00:: 101354521 Agrobacterium, genus Agrobacterium n small motile bacterial rods that can reduce nitrates and cause galls on plant stems agrobacterium_tumefaciens%1:05:00:: 101354724 Agrobacterium tumefaciens n the bacteria that produce crown gall disease in plants agrobiologic%3:01:00:: 302608592 agrobiologic, agrobiological a of or pertaining to agrobiology agrobiological%3:01:00:: 302608592 agrobiologic, agrobiological a of or pertaining to agrobiology agrobiology%1:09:00:: 106066072 agrobiology n the study of plant nutrition and growth especially as a way to increase crop yield agrologic%3:01:00:: 302608753 agrologic, agrological a of or related to agrology agrological%3:01:00:: 302608753 agrologic, agrological a of or related to agrology agrology%1:09:00:: 106066267 agrology n science of soils in relation to crops agromania%1:16:00:: 109181889 agromania n an intense desire to be alone or out in the open agronomic%3:01:00:: 302608902 agronomic, agronomical a of or relating to or promoting agronomy agronomical%3:01:00:: 302608902 agronomic, agronomical a of or relating to or promoting agronomy agronomist%1:18:00:: 109780120 agronomist n an expert in soil management and field-crop production agronomy%1:09:00:: 106065819 agronomy, scientific agriculture n the application of soil and plant sciences to land management and crop production agropyron%1:20:00:: 112104943 Agropyron, genus Agropyron n perennial grasses of temperate and cool regions: wheatgrass; dog grass agropyron_cristatum%1:20:00:: 112105353 crested wheatgrass, crested wheat grass, fairway crested wheat grass, Agropyron cristatum n Eurasian grass grown in United States great plains area for forage and erosion control agropyron_intermedium%1:20:00:: 112106134 intermediate wheatgrass, Agropyron intermedium, Elymus hispidus n Asiatic grass introduced into United States rangelands for pasture and fodder agropyron_pauciflorum%1:20:00:: 112106323 slender wheatgrass, Agropyron trachycaulum, Agropyron pauciflorum, Elymus trachycaulos n North American grass cultivated in western United States as excellent forage crop agropyron_repens%1:20:00:: 112105578 dog grass, couch grass, quackgrass, quack grass, quick grass, witch grass, witchgrass, Agropyron repens n European grass spreading rapidly by creeping rhizomes; naturalized in North America as a weed agropyron_smithii%1:20:00:: 112105981 western wheatgrass, bluestem wheatgrass, Agropyron smithii n valuable forage grass of western United States agropyron_subsecundum%1:20:00:: 112105828 bearded wheatgrass, Agropyron subsecundum n a wheatgrass with straight terminal awns on the flowering glumes agropyron_trachycaulum%1:20:00:: 112106323 slender wheatgrass, Agropyron trachycaulum, Agropyron pauciflorum, Elymus trachycaulos n North American grass cultivated in western United States as excellent forage crop agrostemma%1:20:00:: 111805380 Agrostemma, genus Agrostemma n a caryophylloid dicot genus including corn cockles agrostemma_githago%1:20:00:: 111805544 corn cockle, corn campion, crown-of-the-field, Agrostemma githago n European annual having large trumpet-shaped reddish-purple flowers and poisonous seed; a common weed in grainfields and beside roadways; naturalized in America agrostis%1:20:00:: 112106540 Agrostis, genus Agrostis n annual or perennial grasses cosmopolitan in northern hemisphere: bent grass (so named from `bent' meaning an area of unfenced grassland) agrostis_alba%1:20:00:: 112132092 wood meadowgrass, Poa nemoralis, Agrostis alba n slender European grass of shady places; grown also in northeastern America and temperate Asia agrostis_canina%1:20:00:: 112107002 velvet bent, velvet bent grass, brown bent, Rhode Island bent, dog bent, Agrostis canina n common grass with slender stems and narrow leaves agrostis_nebulosa%1:20:00:: 112107191 cloud grass, Agrostis nebulosa n Spanish grass with light feathery panicles grown for dried bouquets agrostis_palustris%1:20:00:: 112107336 creeping bent, creeping bentgrass, Agrostis palustris n common pasture or lawn grass spread by long runners aground%3:00:00:: 300077449 aground a stuck in a place where a ship can no longer float; "a ship aground offshore"; "a boat aground on the beach waiting for the tide to lift it" aground%4:02:00:: 400270011 aground, aground r with the bottom lodged on the ground; "he ran the ship aground" agrypnia%1:04:00:: 101030033 agrypnia n a vigil before certain feasts (as e.g. Easter) agrypnotic%3:01:00:: 302609065 agrypnotic a of or pertaining to agrypnia agua%1:05:00:: 101646388 agua, agua toad, Bufo marinus n largest known toad species; native to Central America; valuable destroyer of insect pests aguacate%1:13:00:: 107764847 avocado, alligator pear, avocado pear, aguacate n a pear-shaped tropical fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed agua_toad%1:05:00:: 101646388 agua, agua toad, Bufo marinus n largest known toad species; native to Central America; valuable destroyer of insect pests ague%1:10:00:: 106822576 acute accent, acute, ague n a mark (') placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation ague%1:26:00:: 114065332 ague n a fit of shivering or shaking ague%1:26:01:: 114340462 ague, chills and fever n successive stages of chills and fever that is a symptom of malaria ague_grass%1:20:00:: 112430471 ague root, ague grass, Aletris farinosa n colicroot having a scurfy or granuliferous perianth and white flowers; southeastern United States ague_root%1:20:00:: 112430471 ague root, ague grass, Aletris farinosa n colicroot having a scurfy or granuliferous perianth and white flowers; southeastern United States ague_weed%1:20:00:: 112295796 agueweed, ague weed, five-flowered gentian, stiff gentian, Gentianella quinquefolia, Gentiana quinquefolia n gentian of eastern North America having clusters of bristly blue flowers agueweed%1:20:01:: 112295796 agueweed, ague weed, five-flowered gentian, stiff gentian, Gentianella quinquefolia, Gentiana quinquefolia n gentian of eastern North America having clusters of bristly blue flowers agueweed%1:20:02:: 111968931 boneset, agueweed, thoroughwort, Eupatorium perfoliatum n perennial herb of southeastern United States having white-rayed flower heads; formerly used as in folk medicine aguish%5:00:00:ill:01 302542256 aguish s affected by ague ahab%1:18:00:: 110810397 Ahab n according to the Old Testament he was a pagan king of Israel and husband of Jezebel (9th century BC) ahead%4:02:00:: 400066781 ahead, in front, before, ahead, in front, before r at or in the front; "I see the lights of a town ahead"; "the road ahead is foggy"; "staring straight ahead"; "we couldn't see over the heads of the people in front"; "with the cross of Jesus marching on before" ahead%4:02:01:: 400067045 ahead, in advance, beforehand, ahead, in advance, beforehand r ahead of time; in anticipation; "when you pay ahead (or in advance) you receive a discount"; "We like to plan ahead"; "should have made reservations beforehand" ahead%4:02:02:: 400067265 ahead, onward, onwards, forward, forwards, forrader, ahead, onward, onwards, forward, forwards, forrader r in a forward direction; "go ahead"; "the train moved ahead slowly"; "the boat lurched ahead"; "moved onward into the forest"; "they went slowly forward in the mud" ahead%4:02:03:: 400067513 ahead, out front, in the lead, ahead, out front, in the lead r leading or ahead in a competition; "the horse was three lengths ahead going into the home stretch"; "ahead by two pawns"; "our candidate is in the lead in the polls"; "way out front in the race"; "the advertising campaign put them out front in sales" ahead%4:02:04:: 400067823 ahead, ahead r to a different or a more advanced time (meaning advanced either toward the present or toward the future); "moved the appointment ahead from Tuesday to Monday"; "pushed the deadline ahead from Tuesday to Wednesday" ahead%4:02:05:: 400068070 ahead, ahead r to a more advanced or advantageous position; "a young man sure to get ahead"; "pushing talented students ahead" ahead%4:02:06:: 400075442 ahead, forward, ahead, forward r toward the future; forward in time; "I like to look ahead in imagination to what the future may bring"; "I look forward to seeing you" ahead%5:00:00:up:00 302490631 ahead, in the lead, leading s having the leading position or higher score in a contest; "he is ahead by a pawn"; "the leading team in the pennant race" ahead_of_the_game%4:02:00:: 400151655 ahead of the game, ahead of the game r in an advantageous position; "she's ahead of the game" ahead_of_time%4:02:00:: 400100082 early, ahead of time, too soon, early, ahead of time, too soon r before the usual time or the time expected; "she graduated early"; "the house was completed ahead of time" ahem%1:10:00:: 107126521 hem, ahem n the utterance of a sound similar to clearing the throat; intended to get attention, express hesitancy, fill a pause, hide embarrassment, warn a friend, etc. ahimsa%1:10:00:: 106789801 ahimsa n a Buddhist and Hindu and especially Jainist doctrine holding that all forms of life are sacred and urging the avoidance of violence ahistorical%3:01:00:: 302920321 ahistorical a unconcerned with or unrelated to history or to historical development or to tradition ahmad_shah_masoud%1:18:00:: 111163342 Masoud, Ahmad Shah Masoud n Afghan leader of forces opposed to the Taliban; won fame by successfully resisting the Soviets in the 1980s; was assassinated by men posing as journalists (1953-2001) ahmed_salman_rushdie%1:18:00:: 111274454 Rushdie, Salman Rushdie, Ahmed Salman Rushdie n British writer of novels who was born in India; one of his novels is regarded as blasphemous by Muslims and a fatwa was issued condemning him to death (born in 1947) ahmed_zoki_yamani%1:18:00:: 111401947 Yamani, Ahmed Zoki Yamani n Saudi Arabian minister of petroleum who was a central figure in the creation of OPEC (born in 1930) a_horizon%1:15:00:: 108658469 A-horizon, A horizon n the top layer of a soil profile; usually contains humus a-horizon%1:15:00:: 108658469 A-horizon, A horizon n the top layer of a soil profile; usually contains humus ahorse%4:02:00:: 400002436 horseback, ahorse, ahorseback, horseback, ahorse, ahorseback r on the back of a horse; "he rode horseback to town"; "managed to escape ahorse"; "policeman patrolled the streets ahorseback" ahorse%5:00:00:moving:02 301562284 ahorse, ahorseback s traveling on horseback; "a file of men ahorseback passed by" ahorseback%4:02:00:: 400002436 horseback, ahorse, ahorseback, horseback, ahorse, ahorseback r on the back of a horse; "he rode horseback to town"; "managed to escape ahorse"; "policeman patrolled the streets ahorseback" ahorseback%5:00:00:moving:02 301562284 ahorse, ahorseback s traveling on horseback; "a file of men ahorseback passed by" ahpcrc%1:06:00:: 102741681 Army High Performance Computing Research Center, AHPCRC n a United States defense laboratory to conduct research in high-performance computing for defense technology applications; a partnership of government and university and industry ahriman%1:18:00:: 109532101 Ahriman n the spirit of evil in Zoroastrianism; arch rival of Ormazd ahuehuete%1:20:00:: 111642622 Ahuehuete, Tule tree n Mexico's most famous tree; a giant specimen of Montezuma cypress more than 2,000 years old with a girth of 165 feet at Santa Maria del Tule; "some say the Tule tree is the world's largest single biomass" a_hundred_times%4:02:00:: 400359932 hundredfold, a hundred times, hundredfold, a hundred times r by a factor of one hundred; "they money increased a hundredfold" ahura%1:18:00:: 109524555 Ahura n (Zoroastrianism) title for benevolent deities ahura_mazda%1:18:00:: 109531955 Ormazd, Ormuzd, Ahura Mazda n chief deity of Zoroastrianism; source of light and embodiment of good ahvenanmaa%1:15:00:: 108780510 Aland islands, Aaland islands, Ahvenanmaa n an archipelago of some 6,000 islands in the Gulf of Bothnia under Finnish control ai%1:04:00:: 100845352 artificial insemination, AI n the introduction of semen into the oviduct or uterus by some means other than sexual intercourse ai%1:05:00:: 102457408 three-toed sloth, ai, Bradypus tridactylus n a sloth that has three long claws on each forefoot and each hindfoot ai%1:09:00:: 106133203 artificial intelligence, AI n the branch of computer science that deal with writing computer programs that can solve problems creatively; "workers in AI hope to imitate or duplicate intelligence in computers and robots" ai%1:14:00:: 108395682 Army Intelligence, AI n an agency of the United States Army responsible for providing timely and relevant and accurate and synchronized intelligence to tactical and operational and strategic level commanders aiai%1:14:00:: 108012384 al Itihaad al Islamiya, al-Itihaad al-Islamiya, Islamic Unity, AIAI n a fundamentalist Islamic group in Somalia who initially did fundraising for al-Qaeda; responsible for ambushing United States Army Rangers and for terrorist bombings in Ethiopia; believed to have branches in several countries aid%1:04:00:: 101207609 aid, assist, assistance, help n the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose; "he gave me an assist with the housework"; "could not walk without assistance"; "rescue party went to their aid"; "offered his help in unloading" aid%1:04:01:: 100654885 care, attention, aid, tending n the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something; "no medical care was required"; "the old car needs constant attention" aid%1:07:00:: 105154908 aid, assistance, help n a resource; "visual aids in teaching" aid%1:21:00:: 113265904 aid, economic aid, financial aid n money to support a worthy person or cause aid%2:29:00:: 200082081 help, aid v improve the condition of; "These pills will help the patient" aid%2:41:00:: 202547586 help, assist, aid v give help or assistance; be of service; "Everyone helped out during the earthquake"; "Can you help me carry this table?"; "She never helps around the house" aide%1:18:00:: 109780249 aide, auxiliary n someone who acts as assistant aide%1:18:01:: 109770179 adjutant, aide, aide-de-camp n an officer who acts as military assistant to a more senior officer aided%3:00:00:: 302353707 assisted, aided a having help; often used as a combining form aide-de-camp%1:18:00:: 109770179 adjutant, aide, aide-de-camp n an officer who acts as military assistant to a more senior officer aide-memoire%1:10:00:: 106506430 aide-memoire, position paper n a memorandum summarizing the items of an agreement (used especially in diplomatic communications) aides%1:18:00:: 109570298 Pluto, Hades, Aides, Aidoneus n (Greek mythology) the god of the underworld in ancient mythology; brother of Zeus and husband of Persephone aidoneus%1:18:00:: 109570298 Pluto, Hades, Aides, Aidoneus n (Greek mythology) the god of the underworld in ancient mythology; brother of Zeus and husband of Persephone aids%1:26:00:: 114127782 AIDS, acquired immune deficiency syndrome n a serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles aid_station%1:06:00:: 103238407 dressing station, aid station n (military) a station located near a combat area for giving first aid to the wounded aigina%1:15:00:: 108782847 Aegina, Aigina n an island in the Aegean Sea in the Saronic Gulf aiglet%1:06:00:: 102684515 aglet, aiglet, aiguilette n ornamental tagged cord or braid on the shoulder of a uniform aiglet%1:06:01:: 102684649 aglet, aiglet n metal or plastic sheath over the end of a shoelace or ribbon aigret%1:06:00:: 102685082 aigrette, aigret n a long plume (especially one of egret feathers) worn on a hat or a piece of jewelry in the shape of a plume aigrette%1:06:00:: 102685082 aigrette, aigret n a long plume (especially one of egret feathers) worn on a hat or a piece of jewelry in the shape of a plume aiguilette%1:06:00:: 102684515 aglet, aiglet, aiguilette n ornamental tagged cord or braid on the shoulder of a uniform aiken%1:18:00:: 110810549 Aiken, Conrad Aiken, Conrad Potter Aiken n United States writer (1889-1973) aikido%1:04:00:: 100825331 aikido n a Japanese martial art employing principles similar to judo ail%1:13:00:: 107818277 garlic, ail n aromatic bulb used as seasoning ail%2:29:00:: 200078665 ail v be ill or unwell ail%2:29:01:: 200070816 trouble, ail, pain v cause bodily suffering to and make sick or indisposed ailanthus%1:20:00:: 112717072 ailanthus n any of several deciduous Asian trees of the genus Ailanthus ailanthus_altissima%1:20:00:: 112717224 tree of heaven, tree of the gods, Ailanthus altissima n deciduous rapidly growing tree of China with foliage like sumac and sweetish fetid flowers; widely planted in United States as a street tree because of its resistance to pollution ailanthus_silkworm%1:05:00:: 102303777 ailanthus silkworm, Samia cynthia n large green silkworm of the cynthia moth aileron%1:06:00:: 102685253 aileron n an airfoil that controls lateral motion ailey%1:18:00:: 110810671 Ailey, Alvin Ailey n United States choreographer noted for his use of African elements (born in 1931) ailing%5:00:00:ill:01 302542325 ailing, indisposed, peaked, poorly, sickly, unwell, under the weather, seedy s somewhat ill or prone to illness; "my poor ailing grandmother"; "feeling a bit indisposed today"; "you look a little peaked"; "feeling poorly"; "a sickly child"; "is unwell and can't come to work" ailment%1:26:00:: 114055408 ailment, complaint, ill n an often persistent bodily disorder or disease; a cause for complaining ailurophobia%1:26:00:: 114385002 ailurophobia n a morbid fear of cats ailuropoda%1:05:00:: 102510240 Ailuropoda, genus Ailuropoda n only the giant panda: in some classifications considered a genus of the separate family Ailuropodidae ailuropoda_melanoleuca%1:05:00:: 102510455 giant panda, panda, panda bear, coon bear, Ailuropoda melanoleuca n large black-and-white herbivorous mammal of bamboo forests of China and Tibet; in some classifications considered a member of the bear family or of a separate family Ailuropodidae ailuropodidae%1:05:00:: 102510065 Ailuropodidae, family Ailuropodidae n in some classifications considered the family comprising the giant pandas ailurus%1:05:00:: 102509694 Ailurus, genus Ailurus n lesser pandas ailurus_fulgens%1:05:00:: 102509815 lesser panda, red panda, panda, bear cat, cat bear, Ailurus fulgens n reddish-brown Old World raccoon-like carnivore; in some classifications considered unrelated to the giant pandas aim%1:04:00:: 100815644 aim n the action of directing something at an object; "he took aim and fired" aim%1:09:00:: 105982152 purpose, intent, intention, aim, design n an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions; "his intent was to provide a new translation"; "good intentions are not enough"; "it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs"; "he made no secret of his designs" aim%1:09:01:: 105981230 aim, object, objective, target n the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable); "the sole object of her trip was to see her children" aim%1:15:00:: 108680888 bearing, heading, aim n the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies aim%2:31:00:: 200705517 draw a bead on, aspire, aim, shoot for v have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal aim%2:31:01:: 200708980 aim, purpose, purport, propose v propose or intend; "I aim to arrive at noon" aim%2:31:02:: 200713015 calculate, aim, direct v specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public aim%2:32:00:: 200955472 aim v direct (a remark) toward an intended goal; "She wanted to aim a pun" aim%2:32:09:: 201026975 drive, get, aim v move into a desired direction of discourse; "What are you driving at?" aim%2:33:00:: 201151110 aim, take, train, take aim, direct v point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards; "Please don't aim at your little brother!"; "He trained his gun on the burglar"; "Don't train your camera on the women"; "Take a swipe at one's opponent" aim%2:33:10:: 201150559 target, aim, place, direct, point v intend (something) to move towards a certain goal; "He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face"; "criticism directed at her superior"; "direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself" aimee_semple_mcpherson%1:18:00:: 111169943 McPherson, Aimee Semple McPherson n United States evangelist (born in Canada) noted for her extravagant religious services (1890-1944) aimless%5:00:00:purposeless:00 301910652 adrift, afloat, aimless, directionless, planless, rudderless, undirected s aimlessly drifting aimless%5:00:00:unsettled:01 302127159 aimless, drifting, floating, vagabond, vagrant s continually changing especially as from one abode or occupation to another; "a drifting double-dealer"; "the floating population"; "vagrant hippies of the sixties" aimlessly%4:02:00:: 400205808 aimlessly, aimlessly r without aim; in an aimless manner; "he wandered around aimlessly" aimlessness%1:07:00:: 105174326 purposelessness, aimlessness n the quality of lacking any definite purpose ain%5:00:00:personal:00 301768724 own, ain s belonging to or on behalf of a specified person (especially yourself); preceded by a possessive; "for your own use"; "do your own thing"; "she makes her own clothes"; "`ain' is Scottish" aioli%1:13:00:: 107834774 aioli, aioli sauce, garlic sauce n garlic mayonnaise aioli_sauce%1:13:00:: 107834774 aioli, aioli sauce, garlic sauce n garlic mayonnaise air%1:04:00:: 100300441 air travel, aviation, air n travel via aircraft; "air travel involves too much waiting in airports"; "if you've time to spare go by air" air%1:07:00:: 104727214 air, aura, atmosphere n a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing; "an air of mystery"; "the house had a neglected air"; "an atmosphere of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters"; "the place had an aura of romance" air%1:10:01:: 107028373 tune, melody, air, strain, melodic line, line, melodic phrase n a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence; "she was humming an air from Beethoven" air%1:10:02:: 106255354 air, airwave n medium for radio and television broadcasting; "the program was on the air from 9 til midnight"; "the president used the airwaves to take his message to the people" air%1:15:00:: 108653314 air n the region above the ground; "her hand stopped in mid air"; "he threw the ball into the air" air%1:15:01:: 108499057 atmosphere, air n the mass of air surrounding the Earth; "there was great heat as the comet entered the atmosphere"; "it was exposed to the air" air%1:19:00:: 111431754 breeze, zephyr, gentle wind, air n a slight wind (usually refreshing); "the breeze was cooled by the lake"; "as he waited he could feel the air on his neck" air%1:27:00:: 114841267 air n a mixture of gases (especially oxygen) required for breathing; the stuff that the wind consists of; "air pollution"; "a smell of chemicals in the air"; "open a window and let in some air"; "I need some fresh air" air%1:27:01:: 114842703 air n once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles) air%2:30:00:: 200488770 vent, ventilate, air out, air v expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen; "air the old winter clothes"; "air out the smoke-filled rooms" air%2:30:01:: 200489029 air v expose to warm or heated air, so as to dry; "Air linen" air%2:32:00:: 200954608 publicize, publicise, air, bare v make public; "She aired her opinions on welfare" air%2:32:01:: 200973056 air, send, broadcast, beam, transmit v broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television; "We cannot air this X-rated song" air%2:32:02:: 200973728 air v be broadcast; "This show will air Saturdays at 2 P.M." air%2:39:00:: 202112891 air out, air, aerate v expose to fresh air; "aerate your old sneakers" air_alert%1:10:00:: 106803023 air alert n the warning signal that begins a period of preparation for an enemy air attack air_alert%1:26:00:: 114031922 air alert n the condition in which combat aircraft are airborne and ready for an operation; "aircraft in the Mideast are on air alert" air_alert%1:28:00:: 115297859 air alert n the time period during which military and civilian agencies are prepared for an enemy air attack air_attache%1:18:00:: 109780395 air attache n a military attache who is a commissioned or warrant officer in an air force air_attack%1:04:00:: 100974111 air raid, air attack n an attack by armed planes on a surface target air_bag%1:06:00:: 102685365 air bag n a safety restraint in an automobile; the bag inflates on collision and prevents the driver or passenger from being thrown forward air_base%1:06:00:: 102685585 air base, air station n a base for military aircraft air_bladder%1:05:00:: 102467581 air bladder, swim bladder, float n an air-filled sac near the spinal column in many fishes that helps maintain buoyancy airborne%5:00:00:mobile:00 301522895 airborne s moved or conveyed by or through air airborne_patrol%1:04:00:: 100825005 airborne patrol n a patrol provided by aircraft airborne_transmission%1:17:00:: 109191427 airborne transmission n a transmission mechanism in the which the infectious agent is spread as an aerosol and usually enters a person through the respiratory tract airbrake%1:06:00:: 102685701 airbrake n a vehicular brake that operates by compressed air; especially for heavy vehicles airbrake%1:06:01:: 102685855 airbrake, dive brake n a small parachute or articulated flap to reduce the speed of an aircraft air-breathing%3:01:00:: 302609168 air-breathing a deriving oxygen from the air; "he studied respiration in marine air-breathing vertebrates"; "large air-breathing ichthyosaurs had hydrofoils" airbrush%1:06:00:: 102685995 airbrush n an atomizer to spray paint by means of compressed air airbrush%2:35:00:: 201363320 airbrush v paint with an airbrush; "The old car looks like new now that we airbrushed it" air_bubble%1:17:00:: 109191635 air bubble n a bubble of air airburst%1:11:00:: 107408086 airburst n an explosion in the atmosphere airbus%1:06:00:: 102686121 airbus n a subsonic jet airliner operated over short distances air_castle%1:09:00:: 105769471 reverie, revery, daydream, daydreaming, oneirism, air castle, castle in the air, castle in Spain n absentminded dreaming while awake air_cell%1:08:00:: 105528395 alveolus, air sac, air cell n a tiny sac for holding air in the lungs; formed by the terminal dilation of tiny air passageways air_cleaner%1:06:00:: 102688273 air filter, air cleaner n a filter that removes dust from the air that passes through it air_combat_command%1:14:00:: 108196622 Air Combat Command, ACC n a command that is the primary provider of air combat weapon systems to the United States Air Force; operates fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, battle-management, and rescue aircraft air_compressor%1:06:00:: 102686227 air compressor n a compressor that takes in air at atmospheric pressure and delivers it at a higher pressure air-condition%2:40:00:: 202331326 air-cool, air-condition v equip with an apparatus for controlling the humidity and temperature; "Our house is not air-conditioned" air-condition%2:40:01:: 202331575 air-condition v control the humidity and temperature of; "The room was cool because it had been air-conditioned" air-conditioned%5:00:00:cool:01 302530282 air-conditioned s cooled by air conditioning air_conditioner%1:06:00:: 102686379 air conditioner, air conditioning n a system that keeps air cool and dry air_conditioning%1:06:00:: 102686379 air conditioner, air conditioning n a system that keeps air cool and dry air-cool%2:40:00:: 202331326 air-cool, air-condition v equip with an apparatus for controlling the humidity and temperature; "Our house is not air-conditioned" air-cooled%5:00:00:cool:01 302530370 air-cooled s cooled by a flow of air; "an air-cooled engine" air_corps%1:14:00:: 108194815 Air Corps n formerly the airborne division of the United States Army air_cover%1:04:00:: 100818170 air cover n the use of military aircraft to provide protection against attack by enemy aircraft during ground or naval operations aircraft%1:06:00:: 102686568 aircraft n a vehicle that can fly aircraft_carrier%1:06:00:: 102687172 aircraft carrier, carrier, flattop, attack aircraft carrier n a large warship that carries planes and has a long flat deck for takeoffs and landings aircraft_engine%1:06:00:: 102687423 aircraft engine n the engine that powers and aircraft aircraft_landing%1:04:00:: 100305153 aircraft landing, airplane landing n landing an aircraft aircraftman%1:18:00:: 109780547 aircraftsman, aircraftman n a noncommissioned officer in the British Royal Air Force aircraftsman%1:18:00:: 109780547 aircraftsman, aircraftman n a noncommissioned officer in the British Royal Air Force air_crew%1:14:00:: 108273406 aircrew, air crew n the crew of an aircraft aircrew%1:14:00:: 108273406 aircrew, air crew n the crew of an aircraft aircrewman%1:18:00:: 109780676 aircrewman n a member of an aircrew air_current%1:19:01:: 111525955 wind, air current, current of air n air moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure; "trees bent under the fierce winds"; "when there is no wind, row"; "the radioactivity was being swept upwards by the air current and out into the atmosphere" air_cushion%1:06:00:: 102687539 air cushion, inflatable cushion n a cushion usually made of rubber or plastic that can be inflated air_cushion%1:06:02:: 102687682 air cushion, air spring n a mechanical device using confined air to absorb the shock of motion air_cushion%1:27:00:: 114842560 air cushion n the trapped air that supports a hovercraft a short distance above the water or ground air_defense%1:04:00:: 100960192 air defense n defensive measures designed to destroy attacking enemy aircraft or missiles or to nullify their effectiveness air_division%1:14:00:: 108219330 division, air division n a unit of the United States Air Force usually comprising two or more wings airdock%1:06:00:: 102687821 airdock, hangar, repair shed n a large structure at an airport where aircraft can be stored and maintained air-dried%5:00:00:dry:01 302552222 air-dried s made dry by contact with unheated air airdrome%1:06:00:: 102692232 airport, airdrome, aerodrome, drome n an airfield equipped with control tower and hangars as well as accommodations for passengers and cargo airdrop%1:04:00:: 100317709 airdrop n delivery of supplies or equipment or personnel by dropping them by parachute from an aircraft; "until then, front line troops will be supplied by airdrop" air-drop%2:35:00:: 201489859 air-drop v drop (an object) from the air; unload from a plane or helicopter air-dry%5:00:00:dry:01 302552315 air-dry s not giving off moisture on exposure to the air air_duct%1:06:00:: 102690941 air passage, air duct, airway n a duct that provides ventilation (as in mines) aire%1:17:00:: 109191707 Aire, River Aire, Aire River n a river in northern England that flows southeast through West Yorkshire aired%5:00:00:ventilated:00 302508917 aired, airy s open to or abounding in fresh air; "airy rooms" airedale%1:05:00:: 102096051 Airedale, Airedale terrier n breed of large wiry-coated terrier bred in Yorkshire airedale_terrier%1:05:00:: 102096051 Airedale, Airedale terrier n breed of large wiry-coated terrier bred in Yorkshire air_embolism%1:26:00:: 114101317 air embolism, aeroembolism, gas embolism n obstruction of the circulatory system caused by an air bubble as, e.g., accidentally during surgery or hypodermic injection or as a complication from scuba diving air_embolism%1:26:01:: 114068344 decompression sickness, aeroembolism, air embolism, gas embolism, caisson disease, bends n pain resulting from rapid change in pressure aire_river%1:17:00:: 109191707 Aire, River Aire, Aire River n a river in northern England that flows southeast through West Yorkshire airfare%1:21:00:: 113308336 airfare n the fare charged for traveling by airplane airfield%1:06:00:: 102687992 airfield, landing field, flying field, field n a place where planes take off and land air-filled%5:00:00:full:00 301084023 air-filled s full of air air_filter%1:06:00:: 102688273 air filter, air cleaner n a filter that removes dust from the air that passes through it air_flow%1:11:00:: 107406601 airflow, air flow, flow of air n the flow of air; "she adjusted the fan so that the airflow was directed right at her" airflow%1:11:00:: 107406601 airflow, air flow, flow of air n the flow of air; "she adjusted the fan so that the airflow was directed right at her" airfoil%1:06:00:: 102688443 airfoil, aerofoil, control surface, surface n a device that provides reactive force when in motion relative to the surrounding air; can lift or control a plane in flight air_force%1:14:00:: 108196024 air force, airforce n the airborne branch of a country's armed forces airforce%1:14:00:: 108196024 air force, airforce n the airborne branch of a country's armed forces air_force%1:14:01:: 108196230 United States Air Force, U. S. Air Force, US Air Force, Air Force, USAF n the airforce of the United States of America; the agency that defends the United States through control and exploitation of air and space air_force_academy%1:14:00:: 108279800 air force academy n an academy for training air force officers air_force_intelligence_surveillance_and_reconnaissance%1:14:00:: 108197386 Air Force Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Air Force ISR, AFISR n an agency focused on ensuring that the United States military attains information superiority; operates worldwide ground sites and an array of airborne reconnaissance and surveillance platforms air_force_isr%1:14:00:: 108197386 Air Force Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Air Force ISR, AFISR n an agency focused on ensuring that the United States military attains information superiority; operates worldwide ground sites and an array of airborne reconnaissance and surveillance platforms air_force_officer%1:18:00:: 109780828 air force officer, commander n an officer in the airforce air_force_research_laboratory%1:06:00:: 102688895 Air Force Research Laboratory, AFRL n a United States Air Force defense laboratory responsible for discovering and developing and integrating fighting technologies for aerospace forces air_force_space_command%1:14:00:: 108196892 Air Force Space Command, AFSPC n a command of the United States Air Force that is responsible for defending the United States through its space and intercontinental ballistic missile operations airframe%1:06:00:: 102689144 airframe n the framework and covering of an airplane or rocket (excluding the engines) air-freight%2:38:00:: 201951159 air-ship, airfreight, air-freight v transport (cargo) by air airfreight%2:38:00:: 201951159 air-ship, airfreight, air-freight v transport (cargo) by air air_gas%1:27:00:: 114862481 producer gas, air gas n a gas made of carbon monoxide and hydrogen and nitrogen; made by passing air over hot coke air_group%1:14:00:: 108219628 air group n a unit of the United States Air Force larger than a squadron and smaller than a wing air_gun%1:06:00:: 102689274 air gun, airgun, air rifle n a gun that propels a projectile by compressed air airgun%1:06:00:: 102689274 air gun, airgun, air rifle n a gun that propels a projectile by compressed air air_hammer%1:06:00:: 102689434 air hammer, jackhammer, pneumatic hammer n a hammer driven by compressed air airhead%1:15:00:: 108689357 airhead n a bridgehead seized by airborne troops airhead%1:18:00:: 109780984 airhead n a flighty scatterbrained simpleton; "she's a total airhead"; "every airhead on a big salary rushed out to buy one" airheaded%5:00:00:frivolous:00 302120828 airheaded, dizzy, empty-headed, featherbrained, giddy, light-headed, lightheaded, silly s lacking seriousness; given to frivolity; "a dizzy blonde"; "light-headed teenagers"; "silly giggles" air_hole%1:06:00:: 102689556 air hole n a hole that allows the passage of air air_hole%1:19:00:: 111423028 air pocket, pocket, air hole n a local region of low pressure or descending air that causes a plane to lose height suddenly air_horn%1:06:00:: 102689648 air horn n air intake of a carburetor air_horn%1:06:01:: 102689748 air horn n a pneumatic horn air_hose%1:06:00:: 102690270 airline, air hose n a hose that carries air under pressure air_hostess%1:18:00:: 110655875 stewardess, air hostess, hostess n a woman steward on an airplane airily%4:02:00:: 400341835 flippantly, airily, flippantly, airily r in a flippant manner; "he answered the reporters' questions flippantly"; "this cannot be airily explained to your children" airiness%1:07:00:: 105028963 airiness, buoyancy n the property of something weightless and insubstantial airiness%1:07:01:: 105105745 airiness n the property of something spacious and abounding in fresh air airiness%1:07:02:: 104632866 airiness, delicacy n lightness in movement or manner airing%1:04:00:: 100266645 ventilation, airing n the act of supplying fresh air and getting rid of foul air airing%1:04:01:: 100312266 airing n a short excursion (a walk or ride) in the open air; "he took the dogs for an airing" airing%1:10:00:: 106253140 dissemination, airing, public exposure, spreading n the opening of a subject to widespread discussion and debate airing_cupboard%1:06:00:: 102689819 airing cupboard n a warm cupboard where you put newly washed clothes until they are completely dry air-intake%1:06:00:: 102689961 air-intake n a duct that admits air to be mixed with fuel air_jacket%1:06:00:: 103703945 Mae West, air jacket n an inflatable life jacket air_lane%1:15:00:: 108492546 air lane, flight path, airway, skyway n a designated route followed by airplanes in flying from one airport to another airless%5:00:00:unventilated:00 302509484 airless, close, stuffy, unaired s lacking fresh air; "a dusty airless attic"; "the dreadfully close atmosphere"; "hot and stuffy and the air was blue with smoke" air_letter%1:10:00:: 106626060 airmail letter, air letter, aerogram, aerogramme n a letter sent by air mail airlift%1:04:00:: 100316594 airlift, lift n transportation of people or goods by air (especially when other means of access are unavailable) airlift%2:35:00:: 201452057 airlift, lift v fly people or goods to or from places not accessible by other means; "Food is airlifted into Bosnia" airlike%5:00:00:gaseous:00 302262879 aeriform, airlike s resembling air or having the form of air airline%1:06:00:: 102690081 airline, airline business, airway n a commercial enterprise that provides scheduled flights for passengers airline%1:06:01:: 102690270 airline, air hose n a hose that carries air under pressure airline_business%1:06:00:: 102690081 airline, airline business, airway n a commercial enterprise that provides scheduled flights for passengers airliner%1:06:00:: 102690373 airliner n a commercial airplane that carries passengers air_lock%1:06:00:: 102690583 airlock, air lock n a chamber that provides access to space where air is under pressure airlock%1:06:00:: 102690583 airlock, air lock n a chamber that provides access to space where air is under pressure airmail%1:10:00:: 106264812 airmail, airpost n a system of conveying mail by aircraft air_mail%1:10:00:: 106623100 air mail n mail that is sent by air transport airmail%1:10:01:: 106622993 airmail n letters and packages that are transported by aircraft airmail%2:32:00:: 201032127 airmail v send or transport by airmail; "Letters to Europe from the U.S. are best airmailed" airmailer%1:06:00:: 102690715 airmailer n a mailer for airmail airmail_letter%1:10:00:: 106626060 airmail letter, air letter, aerogram, aerogramme n a letter sent by air mail airman%1:18:00:: 109826204 aviator, aeronaut, airman, flier, flyer n someone who operates an aircraft airmanship%1:09:00:: 105635188 aviation, airmanship n the art of operating aircraft air_marshal%1:18:00:: 109781171 air marshal, sky marshal n a person trained by the government in hijacking and terrorist tactics who (for security reasons) is a passenger aboard an airline flight air_mass%1:26:00:: 114520518 air mass n a large body of air with uniform characteristics horizontally air_mattress%1:06:00:: 102690809 air mattress n a mattress that can be stored flat and inflated for use air_medal%1:10:00:: 106708007 Air Medal n a United States Air Force decoration for meritorious achievement while participating in an aerial flight air_mile%1:23:00:: 113660337 nautical mile, mile, mi, naut mi, knot, international nautical mile, air mile n a unit of length used in navigation; exactly 1,852 meters; historically based on the distance spanned by one minute of arc in latitude air_national_guard%1:14:00:: 108197149 Air National Guard, ANG n a civilian reserve component of the United States Air Force that provides prompt mobilization during war and assistance during national emergencies air_out%2:30:00:: 200488770 vent, ventilate, air out, air v expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen; "air the old winter clothes"; "air out the smoke-filled rooms" air_out%2:39:00:: 202112891 air out, air, aerate v expose to fresh air; "aerate your old sneakers" air_passage%1:06:00:: 102690941 air passage, air duct, airway n a duct that provides ventilation (as in mines) airplane%1:06:00:: 102691156 airplane, aeroplane, plane n an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets; "the flight was delayed due to trouble with the airplane" airplane_landing%1:04:00:: 100305153 aircraft landing, airplane landing n landing an aircraft airplane_maneuver%1:04:00:: 100170844 flight maneuver, airplane maneuver n a maneuver executed by an aircraft airplane_mechanics%1:04:00:: 100607075 airplane mechanics n the craft of building and repairing airplanes airplane_pilot%1:18:00:: 110433164 pilot, airplane pilot n someone who is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight airplane_propeller%1:06:00:: 102692086 airplane propeller, airscrew, prop n a propeller that rotates to push against air airplane_ticket%1:10:00:: 106519253 plane ticket, airplane ticket n a ticket good for a trip on an airplane air_plant%1:20:00:: 113122985 air plant, epiphyte, aerophyte, epiphytic plant n plant that derives moisture and nutrients from the air and rain; usually grows on another plant but not parasitic on it air_pocket%1:19:00:: 111423028 air pocket, pocket, air hole n a local region of low pressure or descending air that causes a plane to lose height suddenly air_pollution%1:26:00:: 114517412 air pollution n pollution of the atmosphere; "air pollution reduced the visibility" airport%1:06:00:: 102692232 airport, airdrome, aerodrome, drome n an airfield equipped with control tower and hangars as well as accommodations for passengers and cargo airport_terminal%1:06:00:: 102693246 air terminal, airport terminal n a terminal that serves air travelers or air freight airpost%1:10:00:: 106264812 airmail, airpost n a system of conveying mail by aircraft air_potato%1:20:00:: 112088768 air potato, Dioscorea bulbifera n yam of tropical Africa and Asia cultivated for it large tubers air_power%1:14:00:: 108433727 aviation, air power n the aggregation of a country's military aircraft air_pressure%1:19:00:: 111429458 atmospheric pressure, air pressure, pressure n the pressure exerted by the atmosphere air_pump%1:06:00:: 102692513 air pump, vacuum pump n a pump that moves air in or out of something air_raid%1:04:00:: 100974111 air raid, air attack n an attack by armed planes on a surface target air-raid_shelter%1:06:00:: 102868638 bomb shelter, air-raid shelter, bombproof n a chamber (often underground) reinforced against bombing and provided with food and living facilities; used during air raids air_reconnaissance%1:04:00:: 100985356 air reconnaissance n reconnaissance either by visual observation from the air or through the use of airborne sensors air_rifle%1:06:00:: 102689274 air gun, airgun, air rifle n a gun that propels a projectile by compressed air airs%1:07:00:: 104788011 airs, pose n affected manners intended to impress others; "don't put on airs with me" air_sac%1:05:01:: 102467746 air sac n any of the membranous air-filled extensions of the lungs of birds air_sac%1:05:02:: 102467884 air sac n any of the thin-walled extensions of the tracheae of insects air_sac%1:08:03:: 105528395 alveolus, air sac, air cell n a tiny sac for holding air in the lungs; formed by the terminal dilation of tiny air passageways airscrew%1:06:00:: 102692086 airplane propeller, airscrew, prop n a propeller that rotates to push against air air_search_radar%1:06:00:: 102692680 air search radar n a shipboard radar that searches for aircraft air_shaft%1:06:00:: 102692787 air shaft, air well n a shaft for ventilation airship%1:06:00:: 102692877 airship, dirigible n a steerable self-propelled aircraft air-ship%2:38:00:: 201951159 air-ship, airfreight, air-freight v transport (cargo) by air air_sick%5:00:00:ill:01 302542675 airsick, air sick, carsick, seasick s experiencing motion sickness airsick%5:00:00:ill:01 302542675 airsick, air sick, carsick, seasick s experiencing motion sickness air_sickness%1:26:00:: 114203605 airsickness, air sickness n motion sickness experienced while traveling by air (especially during turbulence) airsickness%1:26:00:: 114203605 airsickness, air sickness n motion sickness experienced while traveling by air (especially during turbulence) air-slake%2:30:00:: 200214794 air-slake v alter by exposure to air with conversion at least in part to a carbonate; "air-slake lime" air-sleeve%1:10:00:: 107257582 windsock, wind sock, sock, air sock, air-sleeve, wind sleeve, wind cone, drogue n a truncated cloth cone mounted on a mast; used (e.g., at airports) to show the direction of the wind air_sock%1:10:00:: 107257582 windsock, wind sock, sock, air sock, air-sleeve, wind sleeve, wind cone, drogue n a truncated cloth cone mounted on a mast; used (e.g., at airports) to show the direction of the wind airspace%1:15:00:: 108502317 airspace n the atmosphere above a nation that is deemed to be under its jurisdiction; "the plane was refused permission to enter Chinese airspace" air_space%1:15:01:: 108555569 airspace, air space n the space in the atmosphere immediately above the earth airspace%1:15:01:: 108555569 airspace, air space n the space in the atmosphere immediately above the earth airspeed%1:28:00:: 115283433 airspeed n the speed of an aircraft relative to the air in which it is flying air_spring%1:06:00:: 102687682 air cushion, air spring n a mechanical device using confined air to absorb the shock of motion air_station%1:06:00:: 102685585 air base, air station n a base for military aircraft airstream%1:19:00:: 111423356 airstream n a relatively well-defined prevailing wind airstream%1:19:01:: 111423197 slipstream, airstream, race, backwash, wash n the flow of air that is driven backwards by an aircraft propeller airstrip%1:06:00:: 102693070 airstrip, flight strip, landing strip, strip n an airfield without normal airport facilities airt%2:38:00:: 201953334 redirect, airt v channel into a new direction; "redirect your attention to the danger from the fundamentalists" air_terminal%1:06:00:: 102693246 air terminal, airport terminal n a terminal that serves air travelers or air freight air_thermometer%1:06:00:: 103426285 gas thermometer, air thermometer n thermometer that measures temperature by changes in the pressure of a gas kept at constant volume air-tight%5:00:00:invulnerable:00 302525597 airtight, air-tight s having no weak points; "an airtight defense"; "an airtight argument" airtight%5:00:00:invulnerable:00 302525597 airtight, air-tight s having no weak points; "an airtight defense"; "an airtight argument" air-tight%5:00:00:tight:02 301398528 airtight, air-tight, gas-tight s not allowing air or gas to pass in or out airtight%5:00:00:tight:02 301398528 airtight, air-tight, gas-tight s not allowing air or gas to pass in or out air-to-air%3:00:00:: 300090917 air-to-air a operating between or launched from or involving rockets or aircraft in flight; "air-to-air missiles"; "air-to-air communications" air-to-air_missile%1:06:00:: 102693413 air-to-air missile n a missile designed to be launched from one airplane at another air-to-ground%3:00:00:: 300090718 air-to-surface, air-to-ground a operating from or designed to be fired from aircraft at targets on the ground; "air-to-surface missiles" air-to-ground_missile%1:06:00:: 102693540 air-to-ground missile, air-to-surface missile n a missile designed to be launched from an airplane at a target on the ground air-to-surface%3:00:00:: 300090718 air-to-surface, air-to-ground a operating from or designed to be fired from aircraft at targets on the ground; "air-to-surface missiles" air-to-surface_missile%1:06:00:: 102693540 air-to-ground missile, air-to-surface missile n a missile designed to be launched from an airplane at a target on the ground air_traffic%1:14:00:: 108425556 air traffic n traffic created by the movement of aircraft air_transport%1:04:00:: 101105635 air transportation, air transport n transportation by air air_transportation%1:04:00:: 101105635 air transportation, air transport n transportation by air air_transportation_system%1:06:00:: 102693709 air transportation system n a transportation system for moving passengers or goods by air air_travel%1:04:00:: 100300441 air travel, aviation, air n travel via aircraft; "air travel involves too much waiting in airports"; "if you've time to spare go by air" air_traveler%1:18:00:: 109781398 air traveler, air traveller n someone who travels by airplane air_traveller%1:18:00:: 109781398 air traveler, air traveller n someone who travels by airplane air_unit%1:14:00:: 108195797 air unit n a military unit that is part of the airforce airwave%1:10:00:: 106255354 air, airwave n medium for radio and television broadcasting; "the program was on the air from 9 til midnight"; "the president used the airwaves to take his message to the people" air_wave%1:11:00:: 107347373 air wave n a sound wave that is transmitted via air airway%1:06:00:: 102690081 airline, airline business, airway n a commercial enterprise that provides scheduled flights for passengers airway%1:06:01:: 102690941 air passage, air duct, airway n a duct that provides ventilation (as in mines) airway%1:08:00:: 105510173 respiratory tract, airway n the passages through which air enters and leaves the body airway%1:15:00:: 108492546 air lane, flight path, airway, skyway n a designated route followed by airplanes in flying from one airport to another air_well%1:06:00:: 102692787 air shaft, air well n a shaft for ventilation airwoman%1:18:00:: 109826605 aviatrix, airwoman, aviatress n a woman aviator airworthiness%1:26:00:: 114547188 airworthiness n fitness to fly; "the plane received a certificate of airworthiness" airworthy%3:00:00:: 302088198 airworthy a (of aircraft) fit to fly airy%5:00:00:insubstantial:00 300626136 aeriform, aerial, airy, aery, ethereal s characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air; "figures light and aeriform come unlooked for and melt away"- Thomas Carlyle; "aerial fancies"; "an airy apparition"; "physical rather than ethereal forms" airy%5:00:00:light:01 301186913 airy s having little or no perceptible weight; so light as to resemble air; "airy gauze curtains" airy%5:00:00:utopian:00 302498213 airy, impractical, visionary, Laputan, windy s not practical or realizable; speculative; "airy theories about socioeconomic improvement"; "visionary schemes for getting rich" airy%5:00:00:ventilated:00 302508917 aired, airy s open to or abounding in fresh air; "airy rooms" aisle%1:06:00:: 102693860 aisle, gangway n passageway between seating areas as in an auditorium or passenger vehicle or between areas of shelves of goods as in stores aisle%1:06:02:: 102694045 aisle n part of a church divided laterally from the nave proper by rows of pillars or columns aisle%1:06:03:: 102694182 aisle n a long narrow passage (as in a cave or woods) aitchbone%1:13:00:: 107663118 aitchbone n a cut of beef including the H-shaped rump bone aix%1:05:00:: 101851996 Aix, genus Aix n wood duck and mandarin duck aix_galericulata%1:05:00:: 101852400 mandarin duck, Aix galericulata n showy crested Asiatic duck; often domesticated aix-la-chapelle%1:15:00:: 108769439 Aachen, Aken, Aix-la-Chapelle n a city in western Germany near the Dutch and Belgian borders; formerly it was Charlemagne's northern capital aix_sponsa%1:05:00:: 101852142 wood duck, summer duck, wood widgeon, Aix sponsa n showy North American duck that nests in hollow trees aizoaceae%1:20:00:: 111818945 Aizoaceae, family Aizoaceae, Tetragoniaceae, family Tetragoniaceae, carpetweed family n succulent herbs or small shrubs mostly of South Africa but also New Zealand and North America: carpetweeds; fig marigolds ajaia%1:05:00:: 102007161 Ajaia, genus Ajaia n a genus of Platalea ajaia_ajaja%1:05:00:: 102007284 roseate spoonbill, Ajaia ajaja n tropical rose-colored New World spoonbill ajar%5:00:00:open:01 301652601 ajar s slightly open; "the door was ajar" ajax%1:18:00:: 109589323 Ajax n a mythical Greek hero; a warrior who fought against Troy in the Iliad ajuga%1:20:00:: 112840640 Ajuga, genus Ajuga n bugle ajuga_chamaepitys%1:20:00:: 112841472 ground pine, yellow bugle, Ajuga chamaepitys n low-growing annual with yellow flowers dotted red; faintly aromatic of pine resin; Europe, British Isles and North Africa ajuga_genevensis%1:20:00:: 112841193 erect bugle, blue bugle, Ajuga genevensis n upright rhizomatous perennial with bright blue flowers; southern Europe ajuga_pyramidalis%1:20:00:: 112841354 pyramid bugle, Ajuga pyramidalis n European evergreen carpeting perennial ajuga_reptans%1:20:00:: 112841007 creeping bugle, Ajuga reptans n low rhizomatous European carpeting plant having spikes of blue flowers; naturalized in parts of United States ak%1:15:00:: 109055015 Alaska, Last Frontier, AK n a state in northwestern North America; the 49th state admitted to the union; "Alaska is the largest state in the United States" a.k.a.%4:02:00:: 400270446 alias, a.k.a., also known as, alias, a.k.a., also known as r as known or named at another time or place; "Mr. Smith, alias Mr. Lafayette" akaba%1:15:00:: 108927678 Al Aqabah, Aqaba, Akaba n Jordan's port; located in southwestern Jordan on the Gulf of Aqaba akan%1:10:00:: 106997486 Akan n a Kwa language spoken in Ghana and the Ivory Coast akaryocyte%1:08:00:: 105449538 akaryocyte, akaryote, acaryote n a cell without a nucleus (as an erythrocyte) akaryote%1:08:00:: 105449538 akaryocyte, akaryote, acaryote n a cell without a nucleus (as an erythrocyte) akee%1:13:00:: 107762740 ackee, akee n red pear-shaped tropical fruit with poisonous seeds; flesh is poisonous when unripe or overripe akee%1:20:00:: 112742290 akee, akee tree, Blighia sapida n widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions for its fragrant flowers and colorful fruits; introduced in Jamaica by William Bligh akee_tree%1:20:00:: 112742290 akee, akee tree, Blighia sapida n widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions for its fragrant flowers and colorful fruits; introduced in Jamaica by William Bligh a_kempis%1:18:00:: 110810818 a Kempis, Thomas a Kempis n German ecclesiastic (1380-1471) aken%1:15:00:: 108769439 Aachen, Aken, Aix-la-Chapelle n a city in western Germany near the Dutch and Belgian borders; formerly it was Charlemagne's northern capital akeridae%1:05:00:: 101951721 Akeridae, family Akeridae n bubble shells akha%1:10:00:: 106932803 Hani, Akha n a Loloish language akhbari%1:14:00:: 108474120 Akhbari n a religious movement by Arab Shiite Muslims in 17th century Iraq that is opposed to the Usuli; "Akhbari Shiism has never promoted political control" akhenaten%1:18:00:: 110810923 Akhenaton, Akhenaten, Ikhanaton, Amenhotep IV n early ruler of Egypt who rejected the old gods and replaced them with sun worship (died in 1358 BC) akhenaton%1:18:00:: 110810923 Akhenaton, Akhenaten, Ikhanaton, Amenhotep IV n early ruler of Egypt who rejected the old gods and replaced them with sun worship (died in 1358 BC) akimbo%4:02:00:: 400270110 akimbo, akimbo r with hands on hips and elbows extending outward; "she stood there akimbo" akimbo%5:00:00:crooked:01 302312060 akimbo s (used of arms and legs) bent outward with the joint away from the body; "a tailor sitting with legs akimbo"; "stood with arms akimbo" akin%5:00:00:related:01 301971846 akin, blood-related, cognate, consanguine, consanguineous, consanguineal, kin s related by blood akin%5:00:00:similar:00 302071782 akin, kindred s similar in quality or character; "a feeling akin to terror"; "kindred souls"; "the amateur is closely related to the collector" akinesia%1:26:00:: 114085474 akinesis, akinesia n motionlessness attributable to a temporary paralysis akinesis%1:26:00:: 114085474 akinesis, akinesia n motionlessness attributable to a temporary paralysis akinetic_epilepsy%1:26:00:: 114086528 akinetic epilepsy n epilepsy characterized by akinesia akira_kurosawa%1:18:00:: 111112907 Kurosawa, Akira Kurosawa n Japanese filmmaker noted for blending Japanese folklore with western styles of acting (1910-1998) akka%1:15:00:: 108793310 Acre, Akko, Akka, Accho n a town and port in northwestern Israel in the eastern Mediterranean akkadian%1:10:00:: 106987525 Akkadian n an ancient branch of the Semitic languages akko%1:15:00:: 108793310 Acre, Akko, Akka, Accho n a town and port in northwestern Israel in the eastern Mediterranean akmola%1:15:00:: 109020119 Astana, Akmola, capital of Kazakhstan n remote city of Kazakhstan that (ostensibly for security reasons) was made the capital in 1998 akron%1:15:00:: 109130452 Akron n a city in northeastern Ohio; the heart of the United States rubber industry aksa_martyrs_brigades%1:14:00:: 108010942 Aksa Martyrs Brigades, al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades, Martyrs of al-Aqsa n a militant offshoot of al-Fatah that is the newest and strongest and best equipped faction active in the West Bank; responsible for many deadly attacks in Israel in 2002 aku%1:10:00:: 106997368 Yoruba, Aku n a Kwa language spoken by the Yoruba in southwestern Nigeria akwa'ala%1:10:00:: 106922389 Akwa'ala n the Yuman language spoken by the Akwa'ala akwa'ala%1:14:00:: 108488250 Akwa'ala n a community of Native Americans who speak a Hokan language and live in Baja California akwa'ala%1:18:00:: 109646112 Akwa'ala n a member of the Akwa'ala community in Baja California akvavit%1:13:00:: 107902799 aquavit, akvavit n Scandinavian liquor usually flavored with caraway seeds al%1:15:00:: 109053185 Alabama, Heart of Dixie, Camellia State, AL n a state in the southeastern United States on the Gulf of Mexico; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War al%1:27:00:: 114627820 aluminum, aluminium, Al, atomic number 13 n a silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite ala%1:05:01:: 102151940 ala n a wing of an insect ala%1:08:00:: 105309965 ala n a flat wing-shaped process or winglike part of an organism; "the alae of the nose"; "the alae of a maple seed"; "the flat petals of a pea blossom are alae" alabama%1:10:00:: 106912248 Alabama n the Muskhogean language of the Alabama alabama%1:15:00:: 109053185 Alabama, Heart of Dixie, Camellia State, AL n a state in the southeastern United States on the Gulf of Mexico; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War alabama%1:17:00:: 109191875 Alabama, Alabama River n a river in Alabama formed by the confluence of the Coosa and Tallapoosa Rivers near Montgomery; flows southwestward to become a tributary of the Mobile River alabama%1:18:00:: 109646220 Alabama n a member of the Muskhogean people formerly living in what is now the state of Alabama; "the Alabamas were members of the Creek Confederacy" alabama_lip_fern%1:20:00:: 113208965 smooth lip fern, Alabama lip fern, Cheilanthes alabamensis n southeastern United States to northern Mexico and Jamaica alabaman%1:18:00:: 109740856 Alabaman, Alabamian n a native or resident of Alabama alabama_river%1:17:00:: 109191875 Alabama, Alabama River n a river in Alabama formed by the confluence of the Coosa and Tallapoosa Rivers near Montgomery; flows southwestward to become a tributary of the Mobile River alabamian%1:18:00:: 109740856 Alabaman, Alabamian n a native or resident of Alabama alabaster%1:07:00:: 104961062 alabaster n a very light white alabaster%1:27:00:: 114665351 alabaster n a compact fine-textured, usually white gypsum used for carving alabaster%1:27:01:: 114665469 alabaster, oriental alabaster, onyx marble, Mexican onyx n a hard compact kind of calcite alabaster%3:01:00:: 302609369 alabaster, alabastrine a of or resembling alabaster; "alabaster statue" alabastrine%3:01:00:: 302609369 alabaster, alabastrine a of or resembling alabaster; "alabaster statue" a_la_carte%1:10:00:: 106497117 a la carte n a menu having individual dishes listed with separate prices a_la_carte%3:00:00:: 302453183 a la carte a (of a restaurant meal) having unlimited choices with a separate price for each item a_la_carte%4:02:00:: 400257981 a la carte, a la carte r by ordering items listed individually on a menu; "we ate a la carte" alacritous%5:00:00:fast:01 300977238 alacritous s quick and eager; "an alacritous response to the invitation" alacrity%1:07:01:: 104632963 alacrity, briskness, smartness n liveliness and eagerness; "he accepted with alacrity"; "the smartness of the pace soon exhausted him" aladdin%1:18:00:: 109589444 Aladdin n in the Arabian Nights a boy who acquires a magic lamp from which he can summon a genie aladdin's_lamp%1:06:00:: 102694279 Aladdin's lamp n (Arabian Nights) a magical lamp from which Aladdin summoned a genie al-aksa_martyrs_brigades%1:14:00:: 108010942 Aksa Martyrs Brigades, al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades, Martyrs of al-Aqsa n a militant offshoot of al-Fatah that is the newest and strongest and best equipped faction active in the West Bank; responsible for many deadly attacks in Israel in 2002 al_alamayn%1:04:00:: 101278232 El Alamein, Al Alamayn, Battle of El Alamein n a pitched battle in World War II (1942) resulting in a decisive Allied victory by British troops under Montgomery over German troops under Rommel alalia%1:26:00:: 114085592 alalia n paralysis of the vocal cords resulting in an inability to speak alamo%1:04:00:: 101269360 Alamo n a siege and massacre at a mission in San Antonio in 1836; Mexican forces under Santa Anna besieged and massacred American rebels who were fighting to make Texas independent of Mexico a_la_mode%4:02:00:: 400498182 a la mode, a la mode r with ice cream on top or on the side; "we served the apple pie a la mode" a_la_mode%5:00:00:fashionable:00 300971506 latest, a la mode, in style, in vogue, modish s in the current fashion or style alan_alexander_milne%1:18:00:: 111180812 Milne, A. A. Milne, Alan Alexander Milne n English writer of stories for children (1882-1956) alan_bartlett_shepard_jr.%1:18:00:: 111297263 Shepard, Alan Shepard, Alan Bartlett Shepard Jr. n astronaut who made the first United States' suborbital rocket-powered flight in 1961 (1923-1998) aland_islands%1:15:00:: 108780510 Aland islands, Aaland islands, Ahvenanmaa n an archipelago of some 6,000 islands in the Gulf of Bothnia under Finnish control alan_hodgkin%1:18:00:: 111053559 Hodgkin, Alan Hodgkin, Sir Alan Hodgkin, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin n English physiologist who, with Andrew Huxley, discovered the role of potassium and sodium atoms in the transmission of the nerve impulse (1914-1998) alanine%1:27:00:: 114602490 alanine n a crystalline amino acid that occurs in many proteins alan_jay_lerner%1:18:00:: 111129130 Lerner, Alan Jay Lerner n United States lyricist who collaborated on musicals with Frederick Loewe (1918-1986) alan_lloyd_hodgkin%1:18:00:: 111053559 Hodgkin, Alan Hodgkin, Sir Alan Hodgkin, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin n English physiologist who, with Andrew Huxley, discovered the role of potassium and sodium atoms in the transmission of the nerve impulse (1914-1998) alan_mathison_turing%1:18:00:: 111352498 Turing, Alan Turing, Alan Mathison Turing n English mathematician who conceived of the Turing machine and broke German codes during World War II (1912-1954) alan_paton%1:18:00:: 111225350 Paton, Alan Paton, Alan Stewart Paton n South African writer (1903-1988) alan_seeger%1:18:00:: 111290864 Seeger, Alan Seeger n United States poet killed in World War I (1888-1916) alan_shepard%1:18:00:: 111297263 Shepard, Alan Shepard, Alan Bartlett Shepard Jr. n astronaut who made the first United States' suborbital rocket-powered flight in 1961 (1923-1998) alan_stewart_paton%1:18:00:: 111225350 Paton, Alan Paton, Alan Stewart Paton n South African writer (1903-1988) alan_turing%1:18:00:: 111352498 Turing, Alan Turing, Alan Mathison Turing n English mathematician who conceived of the Turing machine and broke German codes during World War II (1912-1954) al_aqabah%1:15:00:: 108927678 Al Aqabah, Aqaba, Akaba n Jordan's port; located in southwestern Jordan on the Gulf of Aqaba alar%1:27:00:: 114708531 Alar, daminozide n a chemical sprayed on fruit trees to regulate their growth so the entire crop can be harvested at one time alar%3:01:00:: 303133666 axillary, alar a of or relating to the axil alar%5:00:00:winged:00 302567117 alar, alary, aliform, wing-shaped s having or resembling wings alaric%1:18:00:: 110811118 Alaric n king of the Visigoths who captured Rome in 410 (370-410) alarm%1:06:00:: 102694426 alarm, warning device, alarm system n a device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable event alarm%1:06:01:: 102694662 alarm clock, alarm n a clock that wakes a sleeper at some preset time alarm%1:10:00:: 106803157 alarm, alert, warning signal, alarum n an automatic signal (usually a sound) warning of danger alarm%1:12:00:: 107519773 alarm, dismay, consternation n fear resulting from the awareness of danger alarm%2:32:00:: 200872414 alarm, alert v warn or arouse to a sense of danger or call to a state of preparedness; "The empty house alarmed him"; "We alerted the new neighbors to the high rate of burglaries" alarm%2:37:00:: 201782650 dismay, alarm, appal, appall, horrify v fill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised; "I was horrified at the thought of being late for my interview"; "The news of the executions horrified us" alarm_bell%1:10:00:: 107265886 tocsin, alarm bell n the sound of an alarm (usually a bell) alarm_clock%1:06:00:: 102694662 alarm clock, alarm n a clock that wakes a sleeper at some preset time alarmed%5:00:00:afraid:00 300078851 alarmed s experiencing a sudden sense of danger alarming%3:00:00:: 300193015 alarming a frightening because of an awareness of danger alarmingly%4:02:00:: 400005674 alarmingly, alarmingly r in an alarming manner; "It grew alarmingly fast" alarmism%1:10:00:: 107224684 alarmism n needless warnings alarmist%1:18:00:: 109781504 alarmist n a person who alarms others needlessly alarm_system%1:06:00:: 102694426 alarm, warning device, alarm system n a device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable event alarum%1:10:00:: 106803157 alarm, alert, warning signal, alarum n an automatic signal (usually a sound) warning of danger alary%5:00:00:winged:00 302567117 alar, alary, aliform, wing-shaped s having or resembling wings alas%4:02:00:: 400042769 unfortunately, unluckily, regrettably, alas, unfortunately, unluckily, regrettably, alas r by bad luck; "unfortunately it rained all day"; "alas, I cannot stay" al-asifa%1:14:00:: 108011523 al-Fatah, Fatah, al-Asifa n a Palestinian political and military organization founded by Yasser Arafat in 1958 to work toward the creation of a Palestinian state; during the 1960s and 1970s trained terrorist and insurgent groups; "al-Fatah carried out numerous acts of international terrorism in western Europe and the Middle East in the 1970s" alaska%1:15:00:: 109055015 Alaska, Last Frontier, AK n a state in northwestern North America; the 49th state admitted to the union; "Alaska is the largest state in the United States" alaska_cedar%1:20:00:: 111635830 yellow cypress, yellow cedar, Nootka cypress, Alaska cedar, Chamaecyparis nootkatensis n tall evergreen of the Pacific coast of North America often cultivated for ornament alaska_cod%1:05:00:: 102522866 Pacific cod, Alaska cod, Gadus macrocephalus n closely related to Atlantic cod alaska_crab%1:05:00:: 101981276 king crab, Alaska crab, Alaskan king crab, Alaska king crab, Paralithodes camtschatica n large edible crab of northern Pacific waters especially along the coasts of Alaska and Japan alaska_crab%1:13:00:: 107788435 Alaska king crab, Alaskan king crab, king crab, Alaska crab n meat of large cold-water crab; mainly leg meat alaska_fur_seal%1:05:00:: 102077787 Alaska fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus n of Pacific coast from Alaska southward to California alaska_king_crab%1:05:00:: 101981276 king crab, Alaska crab, Alaskan king crab, Alaska king crab, Paralithodes camtschatica n large edible crab of northern Pacific waters especially along the coasts of Alaska and Japan alaska_king_crab%1:13:00:: 107788435 Alaska king crab, Alaskan king crab, king crab, Alaska crab n meat of large cold-water crab; mainly leg meat alaskan%1:18:00:: 109740954 Alaskan n a native or resident of Alaska alaskan%3:01:00:: 302609503 Alaskan a relating to or characteristic of the state or people of Alaska alaska_native%1:18:00:: 109741074 Alaska Native, Alaskan Native, Native Alaskan n a member or descendant of any of the aboriginal peoples of Alaska alaskan_brown_bear%1:05:00:: 102132788 Alaskan brown bear, Kodiak bear, Kodiak, Ursus middendorffi, Ursus arctos middendorffi n brown bear of coastal Alaska and British Columbia alaskan_king_crab%1:05:00:: 101981276 king crab, Alaska crab, Alaskan king crab, Alaska king crab, Paralithodes camtschatica n large edible crab of northern Pacific waters especially along the coasts of Alaska and Japan alaskan_king_crab%1:13:00:: 107788435 Alaska king crab, Alaskan king crab, king crab, Alaska crab n meat of large cold-water crab; mainly leg meat alaskan_malamute%1:05:00:: 102110063 malamute, malemute, Alaskan malamute n breed of sled dog developed in Alaska alaskan_native%1:18:00:: 109741074 Alaska Native, Alaskan Native, Native Alaskan n a member or descendant of any of the aboriginal peoples of Alaska alaskan_pipeline%1:06:00:: 102694776 Alaskan pipeline, trans-Alaska pipeline n an oil pipeline that runs 800 miles from wells at Prudhoe Bay to the port of Valdez alaska_peninsula%1:17:00:: 109192122 Alaska Peninsula n a peninsula of southwestern Alaska (a continuation of the Aleutian Islands) alaska_range%1:17:00:: 109192280 Alaska Range n a mountain range in south central Alaska; contains Mount McKinley alaska_rein_orchid%1:20:00:: 112068615 Alaska rein orchid, Habenaria unalascensis n similar to coastal rein orchid but with smaller flowers; Alaska to Baja California and east to the Dakotas and Colorado alaska_standard_time%1:28:00:: 115132865 Alaska Standard Time, Yukon Time n standard time in the 9th time zone west of Greenwich, reckoned at the 135th meridian west; used in Hawaii and most of Alaska alastrim%1:26:00:: 114124688 alastrim, variola minor, pseudosmallpox, pseudovariola, milk pox, white pox, West Indian smallpox, Cuban itch, Kaffir pox n a mild form of smallpox caused by a less virulent form of the virus alate%5:00:00:winged:00 302567281 alate, alated s (of seeds or insects) having winglike extensions; "alate leaves"; "alate seeds of a maple tree" alated%5:00:00:winged:00 302567281 alate, alated s (of seeds or insects) having winglike extensions; "alate leaves"; "alate seeds of a maple tree" alauda%1:05:00:: 101527774 Alauda, genus Alauda n type genus of the Alaudidae: skylarks alauda_arvensis%1:05:00:: 101527917 skylark, Alauda arvensis n brown-speckled European lark noted for singing while hovering at a great height alaudidae%1:05:00:: 101527480 Alaudidae, family Alaudidae n larks alb%1:06:00:: 102694966 alb n a white linen liturgical vestment with sleeves; worn by priests albacore%1:05:00:: 102627037 albacore, long-fin tunny, Thunnus alalunga n large pelagic tuna the source of most canned tuna; reaches 93 pounds and has long pectoral fins; found worldwide in tropical and temperate waters albacore%1:13:00:: 107780874 albacore n relatively small tuna with choice white flesh; major source of canned tuna alban_berg%1:18:00:: 110846089 Berg, Alban Berg n Austrian composer in Schoenberg's twelve-tone music system (1885-1935) albania%1:15:00:: 108704822 Albania, Republic of Albania n a republic in southeastern Europe on the Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula albanian%1:10:00:: 106942252 Albanian n the Indo-European language spoken by the people of Albania albanian%1:18:00:: 109689958 Albanian n a native or inhabitant of Albania albanian%3:01:00:: 302609813 Albanian a of or relating to Albania or its people or language or culture albanian_capital%1:15:00:: 108705091 Tirana, Albanian capital n the capital and largest city of Albania in the center of the country albanian_monetary_unit%1:23:00:: 113684503 Albanian monetary unit n monetary unit in Albania albany%1:15:00:: 109118313 Albany, capital of New York n state capital of New York; located in eastern New York State on the west bank of the Hudson river albany%1:15:01:: 109076533 Albany n a town in southwest Georgia; processing center for peanuts and pecans albatrellus%1:20:00:: 113050555 Albatrellus, genus Albatrellus n a genus of fungi belonging to the family Polyporaceae albatrellus_dispansus%1:20:00:: 113050705 Albatrellus dispansus n a rare fungus having a large (up to 14 inches wide) yellow fruiting body with multiple individual caps and a broad central stalk and a fragrant odor albatrellus_ovinus%1:20:00:: 113050940 Albatrellus ovinus, sheep polypore n a fungus with a whitish often circular cap and a white pore surface and small pores and a white central stalk; found under conifers; edible but not popular albatross%1:05:00:: 102058221 albatross, mollymawk n large web-footed birds of the southern hemisphere having long narrow wings; noted for powerful gliding flight albatross%1:09:00:: 105689645 albatross, millstone n (figurative) something that hinders or handicaps; "she was an albatross around his neck" albedo%1:24:00:: 113820432 albedo, reflective power n the ratio of reflected to incident light albee%1:18:00:: 110811228 Albee, Edward Albee, Edward Franklin Albeen n United States dramatist (1928-) alben_barkley%1:18:00:: 110834690 Barkley, Alben Barkley, Alben William Barkley n United States politician and lawyer; vice president of the United States (1877-1956) alben_william_barkley%1:18:00:: 110834690 Barkley, Alben Barkley, Alben William Barkley n United States politician and lawyer; vice president of the United States (1877-1956) albers%1:18:00:: 110811352 Albers, Josef Albers n United States painter born in Germany; works characterized by simple geometrical patterns in various colors (1888-1976) albers-schonberg_disease%1:26:00:: 114210119 osteopetrosis, Albers-Schonberg disease, marble bones disease n an inherited disorder characterized by an increase in bone density; in severe forms the bone marrow cavity may be obliterated albert%1:18:00:: 110811540 Albert, Prince Albert, Albert Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel n prince consort of Queen Victoria of England (1819-1861) alberta%1:15:00:: 108822202 Alberta n one of the three prairie provinces in western Canada; rich in oil and natural gas and minerals albert_abraham_michelson%1:18:00:: 111178393 Michelson, A. A. Michelson, Albert Michelson, Albert Abraham Michelson n United States physicist (born in Germany) who collaborated with Morley in the Michelson-Morley experiment (1852-1931) albert_bruce_sabin%1:18:00:: 111277279 Sabin, Albert Sabin, Albert Bruce Sabin n United States microbiologist (born in Poland) who developed the Sabin vaccine that is taken orally against poliomyelitis (born 1906) albert_camus%1:18:00:: 110881092 Camus, Albert Camus n French writer who portrayed the human condition as isolated in an absurd world (1913-1960) albert_edward%1:18:00:: 110951459 Edward, Edward VII, Albert Edward n King of England from 1901 to 1910; son of Victoria and Prince Albert; famous for his elegant sporting ways (1841-1910) albert_einstein%1:18:00:: 110954498 Einstein, Albert Einstein n physicist born in Germany who formulated the special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity; Einstein also proposed that light consists of discrete quantized bundles of energy (later called photons) (1879-1955) albert_francis_charles_augustus_emmanuel%1:18:00:: 110811540 Albert, Prince Albert, Albert Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel n prince consort of Queen Victoria of England (1819-1861) albert_gore_jr.%1:18:00:: 111008313 Gore, Al Gore, Albert Gore Jr. n Vice President of the United States under Bill Clinton (born in 1948) alberti%1:18:00:: 110811708 Alberti, Leon Battista Alberti n Italian architect and painter; pioneering theoretician of Renaissance architecture (1404-1472) albert_michelson%1:18:00:: 111178393 Michelson, A. A. Michelson, Albert Michelson, Albert Abraham Michelson n United States physicist (born in Germany) who collaborated with Morley in the Michelson-Morley experiment (1852-1931) alberto_giacometti%1:18:00:: 110997553 Giacometti, Alberto Giacometti n Swiss sculptor and painter known for his bronze sculptures of elongated figures (1901-1966) albert_sabin%1:18:00:: 111277279 Sabin, Albert Sabin, Albert Bruce Sabin n United States microbiologist (born in Poland) who developed the Sabin vaccine that is taken orally against poliomyelitis (born 1906) albert_schweitzer%1:18:00:: 111287964 Schweitzer, Albert Schweitzer n French philosopher and physician and organist who spent most of his life as a medical missionary in Gabon (1875-1965) albert_speer%1:18:00:: 111309958 Speer, Albert Speer n German Nazi architect who worked for Hitler (1905-1981) albert_szent-gyorgyi%1:18:00:: 111328085 Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi n United States biochemist (born in Hungary) who was the first to isolate vitamin C (1893-1986) albert_von_szent-gyorgyi%1:18:00:: 111328085 Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi n United States biochemist (born in Hungary) who was the first to isolate vitamin C (1893-1986) albescent%5:00:00:white:01 300393422 albescent s becoming or shading into white albigenses%1:14:00:: 108085159 Albigenses, Cathars, Cathari n a Christian religious sect in southern France in the 12th and 13th centuries; believers in Albigensianism albigensian%3:01:00:: 302609673 Albigensian a of or relating to Albigenses or Albigensianism albigensianism%1:09:00:: 106227708 Albigensianism, Catharism n a Christian movement considered to be a medieval descendant of Manichaeism in southern France in the 12th and 13th centuries; characterized by dualism (asserted the coexistence of two mutually opposed principles, one good and one evil); was exterminated for heresy during the Inquisition albinal%3:01:00:: 302609984 albinal, albinotic, albinic, albinistic a of or pertaining to or affected by albinism albinic%3:01:00:: 302609984 albinal, albinotic, albinic, albinistic a of or pertaining to or affected by albinism albinism%1:26:00:: 114152279 albinism n the congenital absence of pigmentation in the eyes and skin and hair albinistic%3:01:00:: 302609984 albinal, albinotic, albinic, albinistic a of or pertaining to or affected by albinism albino%1:18:00:: 109781650 albino n a person with congenital albinism: white hair and milky skin; eyes are usually pink albino_luciano%1:18:00:: 111087612 John Paul I, Albino Luciano n the first Pope to assume a double name; he reigned for only 34 days (1912-1978) albinotic%3:01:00:: 302609984 albinal, albinotic, albinic, albinistic a of or pertaining to or affected by albinism albion%1:15:00:: 108872936 Albion n archaic name for England or Great Britain; used poetically albite%1:27:00:: 114865533 albite, white feldspar n a widely distributed feldspar that forms rocks albitic%3:01:00:: 302610260 albitic a of or related to albite feldspar albizia%1:20:00:: 111759224 albizzia, albizia n any of numerous trees of the genus Albizia albizia_julibrissin%1:20:00:: 111759404 silk tree, Albizia julibrissin, Albizzia julibrissin n attractive domed or flat-topped Asiatic tree having bipinnate leaves and flowers with long silky stamens albizia_lebbeck%1:20:00:: 111759609 siris, siris tree, Albizia lebbeck, Albizzia lebbeck n large spreading Old World tree having large leaves and globose clusters of greenish-yellow flowers and long seed pods that clatter in the wind albizia_saman%1:20:00:: 111759853 rain tree, saman, monkeypod, monkey pod, zaman, zamang, Albizia saman n large ornamental tropical American tree with bipinnate leaves and globose clusters of flowers with crimson stamens and seed pods that are eaten by cattle albizzia%1:20:00:: 111759224 albizzia, albizia n any of numerous trees of the genus Albizia albizzia_julibrissin%1:20:00:: 111759404 silk tree, Albizia julibrissin, Albizzia julibrissin n attractive domed or flat-topped Asiatic tree having bipinnate leaves and flowers with long silky stamens albizzia_lebbeck%1:20:00:: 111759609 siris, siris tree, Albizia lebbeck, Albizzia lebbeck n large spreading Old World tree having large leaves and globose clusters of greenish-yellow flowers and long seed pods that clatter in the wind alborg%1:15:00:: 108762243 Aalborg, Alborg n a city and port in northern Jutland albrecht_durer%1:18:00:: 110945977 Durer, Albrecht Durer n a leading German painter and engraver of the Renaissance (1471-1528) albrecht_eusebius_wenzel_von_wallenstein%1:18:00:: 111372054 Wallenstein, Albrecht Eusebius Wenzel von Wallenstein n Austrian general who fought for the Hapsburgs during the Thirty Years' War (1583-1634) albright's_disease%1:26:00:: 114366486 Albright's disease, polyostotic fibrous dysplasia n fibrous dysplasia of bone affecting multiple bones albuca%1:20:00:: 112429770 albuca n any of various plants of the genus Albuca having large clusters of pale yellow flowers; South Africa albuginaceae%1:20:00:: 112981595 Albuginaceae, family Albuginaceae n fungi that produce white sori resembling blisters on certain flowering plants albuginea%1:08:00:: 105606528 albuginea n whitish tunic albugo%1:20:00:: 112981791 Albugo, genus Albugo n type genus of the Albuginaceae; fungi causing white rusts albula%1:05:00:: 102542283 Albula, genus Albula n type and sole genus of the family Albulidae albula_vulpes%1:05:00:: 102542432 bonefish, Albula vulpes n slender silvery marine fish found in tropical mud flats and mangrove lagoons albulidae%1:05:00:: 102542162 Albulidae, family Albulidae n bonefish album%1:06:00:: 102695079 album n a book of blank pages with pockets or envelopes; for organizing photographs or stamp collections etc album%1:10:00:: 106591815 album, record album n one or more recordings issued together; originally released on 12-inch phonograph records (usually with attractive record covers) and later on cassette audiotape and compact disc albumen%1:13:00:: 107841037 egg white, white, albumen, ovalbumin n the white part of an egg; the nutritive and protective gelatinous substance surrounding the yolk consisting mainly of albumin dissolved in water; "she separated the whites from the yolks of several eggs" albumen%1:27:00:: 114731509 albumin, albumen n a simple water-soluble protein found in many animal tissues and liquids albumin%1:27:00:: 114731509 albumin, albumen n a simple water-soluble protein found in many animal tissues and liquids albuminoid%1:27:00:: 115026716 scleroprotein, albuminoid n a simple protein found in horny and cartilaginous tissues and in the lens of the eye albuminous%3:01:00:: 302610364 albuminous a relating to or containing or resembling albumin albuminuria%1:26:00:: 114265958 albuminuria, proteinuria n the presence of excessive protein (chiefly albumin but also globulin) in the urine; usually a symptom of kidney disorder albuminuric%3:01:00:: 302610486 albuminuric a of or related to the state of albuminuria albuquerque%1:15:00:: 109115315 Albuquerque n the largest city in New Mexico; located in central New Mexico on the Rio Grande river albuterol%1:06:00:: 102695321 albuterol, Ventolin, Proventil n a bronchodilator (trade names Ventolin or Proventil) used for asthma and emphysema and other lung conditions; available in oral or inhalant forms; side effects are tachycardia and shakiness alca%1:05:00:: 102045705 Alca, genus Alca n type genus of the Alcidae comprising solely the razorbill alcaeus%1:18:00:: 110811900 Alcaeus n Greek lyric poet of Lesbos; reputed inventor of Alcaic verse (611-580 BC) alcahest%1:27:00:: 115048463 alkahest, alcahest, universal solvent n hypothetical universal solvent once sought by alchemists alcaic%1:10:00:: 106378104 Alcaic, Alcaic verse n verse in the meter used in Greek and Latin poetry consisting of strophes of 4 tetrametric lines; reputedly invented by Alcaeus alcaic_verse%1:10:00:: 106378104 Alcaic, Alcaic verse n verse in the meter used in Greek and Latin poetry consisting of strophes of 4 tetrametric lines; reputedly invented by Alcaeus alcalde%1:18:00:: 109781804 alcalde n a mayor or chief magistrate of a Spanish town alcalescent%5:00:00:alkaline:00 300026051 alkalescent, alcalescent s tending to become alkaline; slightly alkaline al_capone%1:18:00:: 110881784 Capone, Al Capone, Alphonse Capone, Scarface n United States gangster who terrorized Chicago during prohibition until arrested for tax evasion (1899-1947) alcapton%1:27:00:: 114585048 alkapton, alcapton, homogentisic acid n an acid formed as an intermediate product of the metabolism of tyrosine and phenylalanine alcaptonuria%1:26:00:: 114084709 alkaptonuria, alcaptonuria n a rare recessive metabolic anomaly marked by ochronosis and the presence of alkapton in the urine alca_torda%1:05:00:: 102045864 razorbill, razor-billed auk, Alca torda n black-and-white northern Atlantic auk having a compressed sharp-edged bill alcazar%1:06:00:: 102695627 alcazar n any of various Spanish fortresses or palaces built by the Moors alcea%1:20:00:: 112173407 Alcea, genus Alcea n genus of erect herbs of the Middle East having showy flowers: hollyhocks; in some classification systems synonymous with genus Althaea alcea_rosea%1:20:00:: 112173912 rose mallow, Alcea rosea, Althea rosea n plant with terminal racemes of showy white to pink or purple flowers; the English cottage garden hollyhock alcedinidae%1:05:00:: 101826998 Alcedinidae, family Alcedinidae n kingfishers alcedo%1:05:00:: 101827658 Alcedo, genus Alcedo n type genus of the Alcedinidae alcedo_atthis%1:05:00:: 101827793 Eurasian kingfisher, Alcedo atthis n small kingfisher with greenish-blue and orange plumage alcelaphus%1:05:00:: 102421962 Alcelaphus, genus Alcelaphus n African antelopes: hartebeests alces%1:05:00:: 102432867 Alces, genus Alces n elk or moose alces_alces%1:05:00:: 102432983 elk, European elk, moose, Alces alces n large northern deer with enormous flattened antlers in the male; called `elk' in Europe and `moose' in North America alchemic%3:01:00:: 302610603 alchemic, alchemical a related to or concerned with alchemy alchemical%3:01:00:: 302610603 alchemic, alchemical a related to or concerned with alchemy alchemise%2:30:00:: 200139586 alchemize, alchemise v alter (elements) by alchemy alchemist%1:18:00:: 109781921 alchemist n one who was versed in the practice of alchemy and who sought an elixir of life and a panacea and an alkahest and the philosopher's stone alchemistic%3:01:00:: 302610761 alchemistic, alchemistical a of or relating to alchemists alchemistical%3:01:00:: 302610761 alchemistic, alchemistical a of or relating to alchemists alchemize%2:30:00:: 200139586 alchemize, alchemise v alter (elements) by alchemy alchemy%1:09:00:: 105778749 alchemy n a pseudoscientific forerunner of chemistry in medieval times alchemy%1:24:00:: 113840958 chemistry, interpersonal chemistry, alchemy n the way two individuals relate to each other; "their chemistry was wrong from the beginning -- they hated each other"; "a mysterious alchemy brought them together" alcibiades%1:18:00:: 110812047 Alcibiades n ancient Athenian statesman and general in the Peloponnesian War (circa 450-404 BC) alcidae%1:05:00:: 102045024 Alcidae, family Alcidae n web-footed diving seabirds of northern seas: auks; puffins; guillemots; murres; etc. alcides%1:18:00:: 109578005 Hercules, Heracles, Herakles, Alcides n (classical mythology) a hero noted for his strength; performed 12 immense labors to gain immortality alcohol%1:13:00:: 107884567 alcohol, alcoholic drink, alcoholic beverage, intoxicant, inebriant n a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent; "alcohol (or drink) ruined him" alcohol%1:27:00:: 114708720 alcohol n any of a series of volatile hydroxyl compounds that are made from hydrocarbons by distillation alcohol_abuse%1:04:00:: 100948064 alcohol abuse, alcoholic abuse, alcoholism abuse n excessive use of alcohol and alcoholic drinks alcohol_addiction%1:26:00:: 114064644 alcoholism, alcohol addiction, inebriation, drunkenness n habitual intoxication; prolonged and excessive intake of alcoholic drinks leading to a breakdown in health and an addiction to alcohol such that abrupt deprivation leads to severe withdrawal symptoms alcohol_amnestic_disorder%1:26:00:: 114395597 alcoholic dementia, alcohol amnestic disorder, Korsakoff's psychosis, Korsakoff's syndrome, Korsakov's psychosis, Korsakov's syndrome, polyneuritic psychosis n dementia observed during the last stages of severe chronic alcoholism; involves loss of memory for recent events although long term memory is intact alcohol-dependent%5:00:00:addicted:00 300047243 alcoholic, alcohol-dependent s addicted to alcohol; "alcoholic expatriates in Paris"- Carl Van Doren alcohol_group%1:27:00:: 114595076 alcohol group, alcohol radical n the chemical group -OH alcoholic%1:18:00:: 109782167 alcoholic, alky, dipsomaniac, boozer, lush, soaker, souse n a person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually alcoholic%3:00:00:: 301158596 alcoholic a characteristic of or containing alcohol; "alcoholic drinks" alcoholic%5:00:00:addicted:00 300047243 alcoholic, alcohol-dependent s addicted to alcohol; "alcoholic expatriates in Paris"- Carl Van Doren alcoholic_abuse%1:04:00:: 100948064 alcohol abuse, alcoholic abuse, alcoholism abuse n excessive use of alcohol and alcoholic drinks alcoholic_beverage%1:13:00:: 107884567 alcohol, alcoholic drink, alcoholic beverage, intoxicant, inebriant n a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent; "alcohol (or drink) ruined him" alcoholic_dementia%1:26:00:: 114395597 alcoholic dementia, alcohol amnestic disorder, Korsakoff's psychosis, Korsakoff's syndrome, Korsakov's psychosis, Korsakov's syndrome, polyneuritic psychosis n dementia observed during the last stages of severe chronic alcoholism; involves loss of memory for recent events although long term memory is intact alcoholic_drink%1:13:00:: 107884567 alcohol, alcoholic drink, alcoholic beverage, intoxicant, inebriant n a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent; "alcohol (or drink) ruined him" alcoholics_anonymous%1:14:00:: 108010191 Alcoholics Anonymous, AA n an international organization that provides a support group for persons trying to overcome alcoholism alcohol-in-glass_thermometer%1:06:00:: 102695762 alcohol thermometer, alcohol-in-glass thermometer n thermometer consisting of a glass capillary tube marked with degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit and containing alcohol which rises or falls as it expands or contracts with changes in temperature alcoholise%2:30:00:: 200139729 alcoholize, alcoholise v make alcoholic, as by fermenting; "alcoholize prunes" alcoholise%2:30:01:: 200139908 alcoholize, alcoholise v treat or infuse with alcohol; "alcoholize the fruit and let them sit in the refrigerator" alcoholism%1:16:01:: 109181993 dipsomania, alcoholism, potomania n an intense persistent desire to drink alcoholic beverages to excess alcoholism%1:26:00:: 114064644 alcoholism, alcohol addiction, inebriation, drunkenness n habitual intoxication; prolonged and excessive intake of alcoholic drinks leading to a breakdown in health and an addiction to alcohol such that abrupt deprivation leads to severe withdrawal symptoms alcoholism_abuse%1:04:00:: 100948064 alcohol abuse, alcoholic abuse, alcoholism abuse n excessive use of alcohol and alcoholic drinks alcoholize%2:30:00:: 200139729 alcoholize, alcoholise v make alcoholic, as by fermenting; "alcoholize prunes" alcoholize%2:30:01:: 200139908 alcoholize, alcoholise v treat or infuse with alcohol; "alcoholize the fruit and let them sit in the refrigerator" alcoholize%2:34:00:: 201176734 alcoholize v subject to the influence of alcohol; "After we finished dinner, we were thoroughly alcoholized" alcohol_radical%1:27:00:: 114595076 alcohol group, alcohol radical n the chemical group -OH alcohol-soluble%5:00:00:soluble:01 302265306 alcohol-soluble s soluble in alcohol alcohol_thermometer%1:06:00:: 102695762 alcohol thermometer, alcohol-in-glass thermometer n thermometer consisting of a glass capillary tube marked with degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit and containing alcohol which rises or falls as it expands or contracts with changes in temperature alcott%1:18:00:: 110812225 Alcott, Louisa May Alcott n United States novelist noted for children's books (1832-1888) alcove%1:06:00:: 102696048 alcove, bay n a small recess opening off a larger room alcyonacea%1:05:00:: 101915290 Alcyonacea, suborder Alcyonacea n comprising the soft corals alcyonaria%1:05:00:: 101915093 Alcyonaria, order Alcyonaria n corals and sea anemones having eight branches alcyone%1:18:00:: 109486639 Alcyone, Halcyon n (Greek mythology) a woman who was turned into a kingfisher aldactone%1:27:00:: 114754192 spironolactone, Aldactone n a synthetic corticosteroid (trade name Aldactone) used to treat hypertension aldebaran%1:17:00:: 109192462 Aldebaran n the brightest star in Taurus aldehyde%1:27:00:: 114584765 aldehyde n any of a class of highly reactive chemical compounds; used in making resins and dyes and organic acids aldehyde-alcohol%1:27:00:: 114711799 aldol, aldehyde-alcohol n an oily colorless liquid obtained by the condensation of two molecules of acetaldehyde; contains an alcohol group (-OH) and an aldehyde group (-CHO) aldehyde_group%1:27:00:: 114595176 aldehyde group, aldehyde radical n the chemical group -CHO aldehyde_radical%1:27:00:: 114595176 aldehyde group, aldehyde radical n the chemical group -CHO aldehydic%3:01:00:: 302610917 aldehydic a of or related to or containing aldehydes al_dente%5:00:00:hard:01 301151335 al dente s of pasta cooked so as to be firm when eaten alder%1:20:00:: 112284262 alder, alder tree n north temperate shrubs or trees having toothed leaves and conelike fruit; bark is used in tanning and dyeing and the wood is rot-resistant alder%1:20:02:: 112284665 alder n wood of any of various alder trees; resistant to underwater rot; used for bridges etc alder_blight%1:26:00:: 114215908 alder blight n a disease of alders caused by the woolly alder aphid (a plant louse) alder_buckthorn%1:20:00:: 113142380 alder buckthorn, alder dogwood, Rhamnus frangula n small tree common in Europe alder_dogwood%1:20:00:: 113142380 alder buckthorn, alder dogwood, Rhamnus frangula n small tree common in Europe alder_fly%1:05:00:: 102266864 alderfly, alder fly, Sialis lutaria n dark-colored insect having predaceous aquatic larvae alderfly%1:05:00:: 102266864 alderfly, alder fly, Sialis lutaria n dark-colored insect having predaceous aquatic larvae alderleaf_juneberry%1:20:00:: 112623818 alderleaf Juneberry, alder-leaved serviceberry, Amelanchier alnifolia n shrub or small tree of northwestern North America having fragrant creamy white flowers and small waxy purple-red fruits alder-leaved_serviceberry%1:20:00:: 112623818 alderleaf Juneberry, alder-leaved serviceberry, Amelanchier alnifolia n shrub or small tree of northwestern North America having fragrant creamy white flowers and small waxy purple-red fruits alderman%1:18:00:: 109782397 alderman n a member of a municipal legislative body (as a city council); "aldermen usually represent city wards" aldermanic%3:01:00:: 303040103 aldermanic, aldermanly a of or relating to or like an alderman aldermanly%3:01:00:: 303040103 aldermanic, aldermanly a of or relating to or like an alderman alder_tree%1:20:00:: 112284262 alder, alder tree n north temperate shrubs or trees having toothed leaves and conelike fruit; bark is used in tanning and dyeing and the wood is rot-resistant aldohexose%1:27:00:: 114710501 aldohexose n a monosaccharide sugar having six carbon atoms and an aldehyde group aldol%1:27:00:: 114711799 aldol, aldehyde-alcohol n an oily colorless liquid obtained by the condensation of two molecules of acetaldehyde; contains an alcohol group (-OH) and an aldehyde group (-CHO) aldol_reaction%1:22:00:: 113429194 aldol reaction n a reaction of aldehydes resulting in an aldol aldomet%1:06:00:: 103755991 methyldopa, alpha methyl dopa, Aldomet n antihypertensive drug (trade name Aldomet) used in the treatment of high blood pressure aldose%1:27:00:: 114710662 aldose n a monosaccharide sugar that contains the aldehyde group or is hemiacetal aldosterone%1:27:00:: 114752511 aldosterone n a corticosteroid hormone that is secreted by the cortex of the adrenal gland; regulates salt (sodium and potassium) and water balance aldosteronism%1:26:00:: 114117317 aldosteronism, hyperaldosteronism n a condition caused by overproduction of aldosterone aldous_huxley%1:18:00:: 111069746 Huxley, Aldous Huxley, Aldous Leonard Huxley n English writer; grandson of Thomas Huxley who is remembered mainly for his depiction of a scientifically controlled utopia (1894-1963) aldous_leonard_huxley%1:18:00:: 111069746 Huxley, Aldous Huxley, Aldous Leonard Huxley n English writer; grandson of Thomas Huxley who is remembered mainly for his depiction of a scientifically controlled utopia (1894-1963) aldrovanda%1:20:00:: 112783173 Aldrovanda, genus Aldrovanda n one species: waterwheel plant aldrovanda_vesiculosa%1:20:00:: 112783316 waterwheel plant, Aldrovanda vesiculosa n floating aquatic carnivorous perennial of central and southern Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia having whorls of 6 to 9 leaves ending in hinged lobes for capturing e.g. water fleas ale%1:13:00:: 107889510 ale n a general name for beer made with a top fermenting yeast; in some of the United States an ale is (by law) a brew of more than 4% alcohol by volume aleatory%5:00:00:unpredictable:00 301842198 aleatory s dependent on chance; "the aleatory element in life" aleatory_contract%1:10:00:: 106522119 aleatory contract n a contract whose performance by one party depends on the occurrence of an uncertain contingent event (but if it is contingent on the outcome of a wager it is not enforceable) alec_guinness%1:18:00:: 111019269 Guinness, Alec Guinness, Sir Alec Guinness n English stage and screen actor noted for versatility (1914-2000) alecost%1:20:00:: 112021499 costmary, alecost, bible leaf, mint geranium, balsam herb, Tanacetum balsamita, Chrysanthemum balsamita n tansy-scented Eurasian perennial herb with buttonlike yellow flowers; used as potherb or salad green and sometimes for potpourri or tea or flavoring; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum alectis%1:05:00:: 102577823 Alectis, genus Alectis n a genus of Carangidae alectis_ciliaris%1:05:00:: 102577952 threadfish, thread-fish, Alectis ciliaris n fish having greatly elongated front rays on dorsal and anal fins alecto%1:18:00:: 109506598 Alecto n one of the three Furies alectoria%1:20:00:: 112990407 Alectoria, genus Alectoria n lichens having dark brown erect or pendulous much-branched cylindrical thallus alectoris%1:05:00:: 101807988 Alectoris, genus Alectoris n a genus of Perdicidae alectoris_graeca%1:05:00:: 101808291 Greek partridge, rock partridge, Alectoris graeca n of mountainous areas of southern Europe alectoris_ruffa%1:05:00:: 101808140 red-legged partridge, Alectoris ruffa n common western European partridge with red legs alectura%1:05:00:: 101801753 Alectura, genus Alectura n brush turkeys alectura_lathami%1:05:00:: 101801876 brush turkey, Alectura lathami n black megapode of wooded regions of Australia and New Guinea ale_drinker%1:18:00:: 109846894 beer drinker, ale drinker n someone whose favorite drink is beer or ale alee%4:02:00:: 400270218 alee, alee r on or toward the lee; "put the helm alee" alehoof%1:20:00:: 112847374 ground ivy, alehoof, field balm, gill-over-the-ground, runaway robin, Glechoma hederaceae, Nepeta hederaceae n trailing European aromatic plant of the mint family having rounded leaves and small purplish flowers often grown in hanging baskets; naturalized in North America; sometimes placed in genus Nepeta alehouse%1:06:00:: 102696165 alehouse n a tavern where ale is sold aleksandr_aleksandrovich_blok%1:18:00:: 110853628 Blok, Alexander Alexandrovich Blok, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Blok n Russian poet (1880-1921) aleksandr_borodin%1:18:00:: 110858333 Borodin, Aleksandr Borodin, Aleksandr Porfirevich Borodin n Russian composer (1833-1887) aleksandr_feodorovich_kerensky%1:18:00:: 111102144 Kerensky, Aleksandr Feodorovich Kerensky n Russian revolutionary who was head of state after Nicholas II abdicated but was overthrown by the Bolsheviks (1881-1970) aleksandr_i._solzhenitsyn%1:18:00:: 111308120 Solzhenitsyn, Alexander Isayevich Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn n Soviet writer and political dissident whose novels exposed the brutality of Soviet labor camps (born in 1918) aleksandr_mikjailovich_prokhorov%1:18:00:: 111246718 Prokhorov, Aleksandr Prokhorov, Aleksandr Mikjailovich Prokhorov n Russian physicist whose research into ways of moving electrons around atoms led to the development of masers and lasers for producing high-intensity radiation (1916-2002) aleksandr_nikolayevich_scriabin%1:18:00:: 111289830 Scriabin, Aleksandr Scriabin, Aleksandr Nikolayevich Scriabin n Russian composer of orchestral and piano music (1872-1915) aleksandr_pavlovich%1:18:00:: 110812550 Alexander I, Czar Alexander I, Aleksandr Pavlovich n the czar of Russia whose plans to liberalize the government of Russia were unrealized because of the wars with Napoleon (1777-1825) aleksandr_porfirevich_borodin%1:18:00:: 110858333 Borodin, Aleksandr Borodin, Aleksandr Porfirevich Borodin n Russian composer (1833-1887) aleksandr_prokhorov%1:18:00:: 111246718 Prokhorov, Aleksandr Prokhorov, Aleksandr Mikjailovich Prokhorov n Russian physicist whose research into ways of moving electrons around atoms led to the development of masers and lasers for producing high-intensity radiation (1916-2002) aleksandr_scriabin%1:18:00:: 111289830 Scriabin, Aleksandr Scriabin, Aleksandr Nikolayevich Scriabin n Russian composer of orchestral and piano music (1872-1915) aleksandr_sergeyevich_pushkin%1:18:00:: 111249191 Pushkin, Alexander Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin n Russian poet (1799-1837) aleksandr_solzhenitsyn%1:18:00:: 111308120 Solzhenitsyn, Alexander Isayevich Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn n Soviet writer and political dissident whose novels exposed the brutality of Soviet labor camps (born in 1918) aleksey_maksimovich_peshkov%1:18:00:: 111008870 Gorky, Maksim Gorky, Gorki, Maxim Gorki, Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov, Aleksey Maximovich Peshkov n Russian writer of plays and novels and short stories; noted for his depiction of social outcasts aleksey_maximovich_peshkov%1:18:00:: 111008870 Gorky, Maksim Gorky, Gorki, Maxim Gorki, Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov, Aleksey Maximovich Peshkov n Russian writer of plays and novels and short stories; noted for his depiction of social outcasts alembic%1:06:00:: 102696246 alembic n an obsolete kind of container used for distillation; two retorts connected by a tube alendronate%1:06:00:: 102696384 alendronate, Fosamax n a tablet (trade name Fosamax) prescribed to prevent or treat osteoporosis in women after menopause alep%1:15:00:: 109034286 Halab, Aleppo, Alep n a city in northwestern Syria aleph%1:10:00:: 106836714 aleph n the 1st letter of the Hebrew alphabet aleph-nought%1:23:00:: 113753894 aleph-null, aleph-nought, aleph-zero n the smallest infinite integer aleph-null%1:23:00:: 113753894 aleph-null, aleph-nought, aleph-zero n the smallest infinite integer aleph-zero%1:23:00:: 113753894 aleph-null, aleph-nought, aleph-zero n the smallest infinite integer alepisaurus%1:05:00:: 102544086 Alepisaurus, genus Alepisaurus n slender scaleless predaceous tropical deep-sea fishes aleppo%1:15:00:: 109034286 Halab, Aleppo, Alep n a city in northwestern Syria aleppo_boil%1:26:00:: 114181187 cutaneous leishmaniasis, Old World leishmaniasis, oriental sore, tropical sore, Delhi boil, Aleppo boil n leishmaniasis of the skin; characterized by ulcerative skin lesions aleppo_grass%1:20:00:: 112138905 Johnson grass, Aleppo grass, means grass, evergreen millet, Sorghum halepense n tall perennial grass that spreads by creeping rhizomes and is grown for fodder; naturalized in southern United States where it is a serious pest on cultivated land alert%1:10:00:: 107224774 alert, alerting n a warning serves to make you more alert to danger alert%1:10:01:: 106803157 alarm, alert, warning signal, alarum n an automatic signal (usually a sound) warning of danger alert%1:26:00:: 114031660 alert, qui vive n condition of heightened watchfulness or preparation for action; "bombers were put on alert during the crisis" alert%2:32:00:: 200872414 alarm, alert v warn or arouse to a sense of danger or call to a state of preparedness; "The empty house alarmed him"; "We alerted the new neighbors to the high rate of burglaries" alert%3:00:00:: 300091311 alert, watchful a engaged in or accustomed to close observation; "caught by a couple of alert cops"; "alert enough to spot the opportunity when it came"; "constantly alert and vigilant, like a sentinel on duty" alert%5:00:00:aware:00 300190653 alert, alive, awake s mentally perceptive and responsive;"an alert mind"; "alert to the problems"; "alive to what is going on"; "awake to the dangers of her situation"; "was now awake to the reality of his predicament" alert%5:00:00:energetic:00 300874226 alert, brisk, lively, merry, rattling, snappy, spanking, zippy s quick and energetic; "a brisk walk in the park"; "a lively gait"; "a merry chase"; "traveling at a rattling rate"; "a snappy pace"; "a spanking breeze" alerting%1:10:00:: 107224774 alert, alerting n a warning serves to make you more alert to danger alerting%1:26:00:: 114036043 alertness, alerting n a state of readiness to respond; "alerting was indicated by the desynchronization of the EEG" alertly%4:02:00:: 400270292 alertly, alertly r in mentally perceptive and responsive way; "she got through the day alertly, despite being on drugs" alertness%1:07:00:: 104664628 alertness, sharp-sightedness, on the qui vive n lively attentiveness alertness%1:09:00:: 105705722 watchfulness, wakefulness, vigilance, alertness n the process of paying close and continuous attention; "wakefulness, watchfulness, and bellicosity make a good hunter"; "vigilance is especially susceptible to fatigue" alertness%1:26:00:: 114036043 alertness, alerting n a state of readiness to respond; "alerting was indicated by the desynchronization of the EEG" alessandro_di_mariano_dei_filipepi%1:18:00:: 110859012 Botticelli, Sandro Botticelli, Alessandro di Mariano dei Filipepi n Italian painter of mythological and religious paintings (1444-1510) alessandro_farnese%1:18:00:: 111226126 Paul III, Alessandro Farnese n Italian pope from 1534 to 1549 who excommunicated Henry VIII of England in 1538 and initiated the Council of Trent in 1545; was active in the Counter Reformation and promoted the Society of Jesus for this purpose (1468-1549) alessandro_manzoni%1:18:00:: 111155331 Manzoni, Alessandro Manzoni n Italian novelist and poet (1785-1873) alethic_logic%1:09:00:: 106166046 alethic logic n the modal logic of necessity and possibility and contingency aletris%1:20:00:: 112429942 Aletris, genus Aletris n small genus of bitter-rooted herbs of eastern North America and Asia; sometimes placed in family Melanthiaceae aletris_aurea%1:20:00:: 112430675 yellow colicroot, Aletris aurea n colicroot with yellow-bracted racemose flowers; smaller than Aletris farinosa; southeastern United States aletris_farinosa%1:20:00:: 112430471 ague root, ague grass, Aletris farinosa n colicroot having a scurfy or granuliferous perianth and white flowers; southeastern United States aletta_jacobs%1:18:00:: 111077762 Jacobs, Aletta Jacobs n Dutch physician who opened the first birth control clinic in the world in Amsterdam (1854-1929) aleuria_aurantia%1:20:00:: 113029760 Aleuria aurantia, orange peel fungus n a discomycete with bright orange cup-shaped or saucer-shaped fruiting bodies and pale orange exteriors aleurites%1:20:00:: 112927354 Aleurites, genus Aleurites n candlenut aleurites_fordii%1:20:00:: 112927758 tung tree, tung, tung-oil tree, Aleurites fordii n Chinese tree bearing seeds that yield tung oil aleurites_moluccana%1:20:00:: 112927494 candlenut, varnish tree, Aleurites moluccana n large tree native to southeastern Asia; the nuts yield oil used in varnishes; nut kernels strung together are used locally as candles aleurone%1:27:00:: 114729953 aleurone n granular protein in outermost layer of endosperm of many seeds or cereal grains aleuronic%3:01:00:: 302611013 aleuronic a of or related to aleurone aleut%1:10:00:: 106918312 Aleut n the language spoken by the Aleut aleut%1:14:00:: 108488411 Aleut n a community of Native Americans who speak an Eskimo-Aleut language and inhabit the Aleutian Islands and southwestern Alaska; "the Aleut and the Eskimo are related culturally and linguistically" aleut%1:18:00:: 109782589 Aleut, Aleutian n a member of the people inhabiting the Aleutian Islands and southwestern Alaska aleutian%1:18:00:: 109782589 Aleut, Aleutian n a member of the people inhabiting the Aleutian Islands and southwestern Alaska aleutian%3:01:00:: 302604802 Aleutian a of or relating to the Aleut or their language or culture aleutian_islands%1:15:00:: 108835675 Aleutian Islands, Aleutians n an archipelago in the North Pacific extending southwest from Alaska aleutians%1:15:00:: 108835675 Aleutian Islands, Aleutians n an archipelago in the North Pacific extending southwest from Alaska aleve%1:06:00:: 103808144 naproxen sodium, Aleve, Anaprox, Aflaxen n a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trademarks Aleve and Anaprox and Aflaxen) that fights pain and inflammation a_level%1:26:00:: 114431015 A level n the advanced level of a subject taken in school (usually two years after O level) alewife%1:05:00:: 102531114 alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, Pomolobus pseudoharengus n shad-like food fish that runs rivers to spawn; often salted or smoked; sometimes placed in genus Pomolobus alewife%1:13:00:: 107785631 alewife n flesh of shad-like fish abundant along the Atlantic coast or in coastal streams alexander%1:18:00:: 110812360 Alexander, Alexander the Great n king of Macedon; conqueror of Greece and Egypt and Persia; founder of Alexandria (356-323 BC) alexander%1:20:00:: 112945828 Alexander, Alexanders, black lovage, horse parsley, Smyrnium olusatrum n European herb somewhat resembling celery widely naturalized in Britain coastal regions and often cultivated as a potherb alexander_alexandrovich_blok%1:18:00:: 110853628 Blok, Alexander Alexandrovich Blok, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Blok n Russian poet (1880-1921) alexander_archipelago%1:15:00:: 109057021 Alexander Archipelago n a group of islands off southeastern Alaska alexander_bell%1:18:00:: 110842213 Bell, Alexander Bell, Alexander Graham Bell n United States inventor (born in Scotland) of the telephone (1847-1922) alexander_calder%1:18:00:: 110879009 Calder, Alexander Calder n United States sculptor who first created mobiles and stabiles (1898-1976) alexander_fleming%1:18:00:: 110972825 Fleming, Alexander Fleming, Sir Alexander Fleming n Scottish bacteriologist who discovered penicillin (1881-1955) alexander_graham_bell%1:18:00:: 110842213 Bell, Alexander Bell, Alexander Graham Bell n United States inventor (born in Scotland) of the telephone (1847-1922) alexander_hamilton%1:18:00:: 111025668 Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton n United States statesman and leader of the Federalists; as the first Secretary of the Treasury he establish a federal bank; was mortally wounded in a duel with Aaron Burr (1755-1804) alexander_i%1:18:00:: 110812550 Alexander I, Czar Alexander I, Aleksandr Pavlovich n the czar of Russia whose plans to liberalize the government of Russia were unrealized because of the wars with Napoleon (1777-1825) alexander_ii%1:18:00:: 110812800 Alexander II, Czar Alexander II, Alexander the Liberator n the son of Nicholas I who, as czar of Russia, introduced reforms that included limited emancipation of the serfs (1818-1881) alexander_iii%1:18:00:: 110813049 Alexander III, Czar Alexander III n son of Alexander II who was czar of Russia (1845-1894) alexander_isayevich_solzhenitsyn%1:18:00:: 111308120 Solzhenitsyn, Alexander Isayevich Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn n Soviet writer and political dissident whose novels exposed the brutality of Soviet labor camps (born in 1918) alexander_melville_bell%1:18:00:: 110842575 Bell, Melville Bell, Alexander Melville Bell n a phonetician and father of Alexander Graham Bell (1819-1905) alexander_pope%1:18:00:: 111242743 Pope, Alexander Pope n English poet and satirist (1688-1744) alexander_pushkin%1:18:00:: 111249191 Pushkin, Alexander Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin n Russian poet (1799-1837) alexanders%1:20:00:: 112945828 Alexander, Alexanders, black lovage, horse parsley, Smyrnium olusatrum n European herb somewhat resembling celery widely naturalized in Britain coastal regions and often cultivated as a potherb alexander_selcraig%1:18:00:: 111291824 Selkirk, Selcraig, Alexander Selkirk, Alexander Selcraig n Scottish sailor who was put ashore on a deserted island off the coast of Chile for five years (providing the basis for Daniel Defoe's novel about Robinson Crusoe) (1676-1721) alexander_selkirk%1:18:00:: 111291824 Selkirk, Selcraig, Alexander Selkirk, Alexander Selcraig n Scottish sailor who was put ashore on a deserted island off the coast of Chile for five years (providing the basis for Daniel Defoe's novel about Robinson Crusoe) (1676-1721) alexander_the_great%1:18:00:: 110812360 Alexander, Alexander the Great n king of Macedon; conqueror of Greece and Egypt and Persia; founder of Alexandria (356-323 BC) alexander_the_liberator%1:18:00:: 110812800 Alexander II, Czar Alexander II, Alexander the Liberator n the son of Nicholas I who, as czar of Russia, introduced reforms that included limited emancipation of the serfs (1818-1881) alexander_vi%1:18:00:: 110813204 Alexander VI, Pope Alexander VI, Borgia, Rodrigo Borgia n Pope and father of Cesare Borgia and Lucrezia Borgia (1431-1503) alexander_wilson%1:18:00:: 111392082 Wilson, Alexander Wilson n Scottish ornithologist in the United States (1766-1813) alexander_woollcott%1:18:00:: 111396943 Woollcott, Alexander Woollcott n United States drama critic and journalist (1887-1943) alexandre_dumas%1:18:00:: 110944902 Dumas, Alexandre Dumas n French writer remembered for his swashbuckling historical tales (1802-1870) alexandre_emile_jean_yersin%1:18:00:: 111402801 Yersin, Alexandre Yersin, Alexandre Emile Jean Yersin n French bacteriologist born in Switzerland; was a student of Pasteur; discovered the plague bacillus (1863-1943) alexandre_gustave_eiffel%1:18:00:: 110954039 Eiffel, Alexandre Gustave Eiffel n French engineer who constructed the Eiffel Tower (1832-1923) alexandre_yersin%1:18:00:: 111402801 Yersin, Alexandre Yersin, Alexandre Emile Jean Yersin n French bacteriologist born in Switzerland; was a student of Pasteur; discovered the plague bacillus (1863-1943) alexandria%1:15:00:: 108898187 Alexandria, El Iskandriyah n the chief port of Egypt; located on the western edge of the Nile delta on the Mediterranean Sea; founded by Alexander the Great; the capital of ancient Egypt alexandria%1:15:01:: 109091285 Alexandria n a town in Louisiana on the Red River alexandrian%1:18:00:: 109782730 Alexandrian n a resident or native of Alexandria (especially Alexandria in Egypt) alexandrian%3:01:00:: 303028338 Alexandrian a of or relating to Alexander the Great or his empire alexandrian_laurel%1:20:00:: 112365462 Alexandrian laurel, Calophyllum inophyllum n East Indian tree having racemes of fragrant white flowers; coastal areas southern India to Malaysia alexandrian_senna%1:20:00:: 112499979 Alexandria senna, Alexandrian senna, true senna, tinnevelly senna, Indian senna, Senna alexandrina, Cassia acutifolia, Cassia augustifolia n erect shrub having racemes of tawny yellow flowers; the dried leaves are used medicinally as a cathartic; sometimes placed in genus Cassia alexandria_senna%1:20:00:: 112499979 Alexandria senna, Alexandrian senna, true senna, tinnevelly senna, Indian senna, Senna alexandrina, Cassia acutifolia, Cassia augustifolia n erect shrub having racemes of tawny yellow flowers; the dried leaves are used medicinally as a cathartic; sometimes placed in genus Cassia alexandrine%1:10:00:: 106348373 Alexandrine n (prosody) a line of verse that has six iambic feet alexandrite%1:27:00:: 114715679 alexandrite n a green variety of chrysoberyl used as a gemstone alex_boncayao_brigade%1:14:00:: 108011266 Alex Boncayao Brigade, ABB, Revolutionary Proletarian Army, RPA-ABB n an urban hit squad and guerrilla group of the Communist Party in the Philippines; formed in the 1980s alex_haley%1:18:00:: 111024033 Haley, Alex Haley n United States writer and Afro-American who wrote a fictionalized account of tracing his family roots back to Africa (1921-1992) alexia%1:26:00:: 114099050 visual aphasia, alexia, word blindness n inability to perceive written words alexic%1:18:00:: 109782855 alexic n a person with alexia alexic%3:01:00:: 303040264 alexic, word-blind a of or relating to or symptomatic of alexia alexis_carrel%1:18:00:: 110883688 Carrel, Alexis Carrel n French surgeon and biologist who developed a way to suture and graft blood vessels (1873-1944) alexis_charles_henri_maurice_de_tocqueville%1:18:00:: 111344337 Tocqueville, Alexis de Tocqueville, Alexis Charles Henri Maurice de Tocqueville n French political writer noted for his analysis of American institutions (1805-1859) alexis_de_tocqueville%1:18:00:: 111344337 Tocqueville, Alexis de Tocqueville, Alexis Charles Henri Maurice de Tocqueville n French political writer noted for his analysis of American institutions (1805-1859) aleyrodes%1:05:00:: 102246487 Aleyrodes, genus Aleyrodes n type genus of the Aleyrodidae aleyrodidae%1:05:00:: 102246284 Aleyrodidae, family Aleyrodidae n whiteflies alfalfa%1:13:00:: 107801779 alfalfa n leguminous plant grown for hay or forage alfalfa%1:20:00:: 112549420 alfalfa, lucerne, Medicago sativa n important European leguminous forage plant with trifoliate leaves and blue-violet flowers grown widely as a pasture and hay crop alfalfa_sprout%1:13:00:: 107719756 alfalfa sprout n sprouted alfalfa seeds al_faran%1:14:00:: 108022972 Harkat-ul-Mujahidin, HUM, Harkat ul-Ansar, HUA, Harkat ul-Mujahedeen, Al Faran, Movement of Holy Warriors n an Islamic fundamentalist group in Pakistan that fought the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the 1980s; now operates as a terrorist organization primarily in Kashmir and seeks Kashmir's accession by Pakistan al-fatah%1:14:00:: 108011523 al-Fatah, Fatah, al-Asifa n a Palestinian political and military organization founded by Yasser Arafat in 1958 to work toward the creation of a Palestinian state; during the 1960s and 1970s trained terrorist and insurgent groups; "al-Fatah carried out numerous acts of international terrorism in western Europe and the Middle East in the 1970s" alfilaria%1:20:00:: 112688903 redstem storksbill, alfilaria, alfileria, filaree, filaria, clocks, pin grass, pin clover, Erodium cicutarium n European weed naturalized in southwestern United States and Mexico having reddish decumbent stems with small fernlike leaves and small deep reddish-lavender flowers followed by slender fruits that stick straight up; often grown for forage alfileria%1:20:00:: 112688903 redstem storksbill, alfilaria, alfileria, filaree, filaria, clocks, pin grass, pin clover, Erodium cicutarium n European weed naturalized in southwestern United States and Mexico having reddish decumbent stems with small fernlike leaves and small deep reddish-lavender flowers followed by slender fruits that stick straight up; often grown for forage alfonso_borgia%1:18:00:: 110880024 Calixtus III, Borgia, Alfonso Borgia n Italian pope whose nepotism put the Borgia family in power in Italy (1378-1458) alfred%1:18:00:: 110813374 Alfred, Alfred the Great n king of Wessex; defeated the Vikings and encouraged writing in English (849-899) alfred_alistair_cooke%1:18:00:: 110908756 Cooke, Alistair Cooke, Alfred Alistair Cooke n United States journalist (born in England in 1908) alfred_bernhard_nobel%1:18:00:: 111208688 Nobel, Alfred Nobel, Alfred Bernhard Nobel n Swedish chemist remembered for his invention of dynamite and for the bequest that created the Nobel prizes (1833-1896) alfred_binet%1:18:00:: 110851282 Binet, Alfred Binet n French psychologist remembered for his studies of the intellectual development of children (1857-1911) alfred_charles_kinsey%1:18:00:: 111105609 Kinsey, Alfred Charles Kinsey n United States zoologist best known for his interview studies of sexual behavior (1894-1956) alfred_charles_william_harmsworth%1:18:00:: 111029298 Harmsworth, Alfred Charles William Harmsworth, Viscount Northcliffe n British newspaper publisher (1865-1922) alfred_damon_runyon%1:18:00:: 111273907 Runyon, Damon Runyon, Alfred Damon Runyon n United States writer of humorous stylized stories about Broadway and the New York underground (1884-1946) alfred_de_musset%1:18:00:: 111198094 Musset, Alfred de Musset, Louis Charles Alfred de Musset n French poet and writer (1810-1857) alfred_dreyfus%1:18:00:: 110943405 Dreyfus, Alfred Dreyfus n French army officer of Jewish descent whose false imprisonment for treason in 1894 raised issues of anti-Semitism that dominated French politics until his release in 1906 (1859-1935) alfred_edward_housman%1:18:00:: 111061734 Housman, A. E. Housman, Alfred Edward Housman n English poet (1859-1936) alfred_edward_woodley_mason%1:18:00:: 111162915 Mason, A. E. W. Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley Mason n English writer (1865-1948) alfred_eisenstaedt%1:18:00:: 110955282 Eisenstaedt, Alfred Eisenstaedt n United States photographer (born in Germany) whose unposed documentary photographs created photojournalism (born in 1898) alfred_habdank_skarbek_korzybski%1:18:00:: 111109563 Korzybski, Alfred Korzybski, Alfred Habdank Skarbek Korzybski n United States semanticist (born in Poland) (1879-1950) alfred_hawthorne%1:18:00:: 111049938 Hill, Benny Hill, Alfred Hawthorne n risque English comedian (1925-1992) alfred_hitchcock%1:18:00:: 111052299 Hitchcock, Alfred Hitchcock, Sir Alfred Hitchcock, Alfred Joseph Hitchcock n English film director noted for his skill in creating suspense (1899-1980) alfred_joseph_hitchcock%1:18:00:: 111052299 Hitchcock, Alfred Hitchcock, Sir Alfred Hitchcock, Alfred Joseph Hitchcock n English film director noted for his skill in creating suspense (1899-1980) alfred_kastler%1:18:00:: 111097525 Kastler, Alfred Kastler n French physicist (1902-1984) alfred_korzybski%1:18:00:: 111109563 Korzybski, Alfred Korzybski, Alfred Habdank Skarbek Korzybski n United States semanticist (born in Poland) (1879-1950) alfred_kroeber%1:18:00:: 111110917 Kroeber, Alfred Kroeber, Alfred Louis Kroeber n United States anthropologist noted for his studies of culture (1876-1960) alfred_krupp%1:18:00:: 111111845 Krupp, Alfred Krupp n German arms manufacturer and son of Friedrich Krupp; his firm provided ordnance for German armies from the 1840s through World War II (1812-1887) alfred_lord_tennyson%1:18:00:: 111335330 Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, First Baron Tennyson, Alfred Lord Tennyson n Englishman and Victorian poet (1809-1892) alfred_lothar_wegener%1:18:00:: 111379536 Wegener, Alfred Lothar Wegener n German geophysicist who proposed the theory of continental drift (1880-1930) alfred_louis_kroeber%1:18:00:: 111110917 Kroeber, Alfred Kroeber, Alfred Louis Kroeber n United States anthropologist noted for his studies of culture (1876-1960) alfred_lunt%1:18:00:: 111145199 Lunt, Alfred Lunt n United States actor who performed with his wife Lynn Fontanne in many stage productions (1893-1977) alfred_nobel%1:18:00:: 111208688 Nobel, Alfred Nobel, Alfred Bernhard Nobel n Swedish chemist remembered for his invention of dynamite and for the bequest that created the Nobel prizes (1833-1896) alfred_north_whitehead%1:18:00:: 111384566 Whitehead, Alfred North Whitehead n English philosopher and mathematician who collaborated with Bertrand Russell (1861-1947) alfred_noyes%1:18:00:: 111210291 Noyes, Alfred Noyes n English poet (1880-1958) alfred_russel_wallace%1:18:00:: 111371443 Wallace, Alfred Russel Wallace n English naturalist who formulated a concept of evolution that resembled Charles Darwin's (1823-1913) alfred_stieglitz%1:18:00:: 111318348 Stieglitz, Alfred Stieglitz n United States photographer (1864-1946) alfred_tennyson%1:18:00:: 111335330 Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, First Baron Tennyson, Alfred Lord Tennyson n Englishman and Victorian poet (1809-1892) alfred_thayer_mahan%1:18:00:: 111149483 Mahan, Alfred Thayer Mahan n United States naval officer and historian (1840-1914) alfred_the_great%1:18:00:: 110813374 Alfred, Alfred the Great n king of Wessex; defeated the Vikings and encouraged writing in English (849-899) alfresco%4:02:00:: 400110659 outside, outdoors, out of doors, alfresco, outside, outdoors, out of doors, alfresco r outside a building; "in summer we play outside" alfresco%5:00:00:outdoor:00 301692512 alfresco, open-air s in the open air; "an alfresco lunch"; "an open-air theater" alga%1:05:00:: 101397114 alga, algae n primitive chlorophyll-containing mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms lacking true stems and roots and leaves algae%1:05:00:: 101397114 alga, algae n primitive chlorophyll-containing mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms lacking true stems and roots and leaves algal%3:01:00:: 302832586 algal a of or relating to alga al-gama'a_al-islamiyya%1:14:00:: 108012028 al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya, Islamic Group n a terrorist organization of militant Islamists organized into tiny cells of extreme fundamentalists; emerged during the 1970s mainly in Egyptian jails; "al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya uses force to push Egyptian society toward Islamic rule" algarobilla%1:20:00:: 111766046 algarroba, algarrobilla, algarobilla n mesquite pod used in tanning and dyeing algarroba%1:20:00:: 112493208 carob, carob tree, carob bean tree, algarroba, Ceratonia siliqua n evergreen Mediterranean tree with edible pods; the biblical carob algarroba%1:20:01:: 111765859 algarroba, Prosopis juliflora, Prosopis juliiflora n mesquite of Gulf Coast and Caribbean Islands from Mexico to Venezuela algarroba%1:20:02:: 112493426 carob, carob bean, algarroba bean, algarroba, locust bean, locust pod n long pod containing small beans and sweetish edible pulp; used as animal feed and source of a chocolate substitute algarroba%1:20:03:: 111766046 algarroba, algarrobilla, algarobilla n mesquite pod used in tanning and dyeing algarroba_bean%1:20:00:: 112493426 carob, carob bean, algarroba bean, algarroba, locust bean, locust pod n long pod containing small beans and sweetish edible pulp; used as animal feed and source of a chocolate substitute algarrobilla%1:20:00:: 111766046 algarroba, algarrobilla, algarobilla n mesquite pod used in tanning and dyeing algebra%1:09:00:: 106012726 algebra n the mathematics of generalized arithmetical operations algebraic%3:01:00:: 302854350 algebraic, algebraical a of or relating to algebra; "algebraic geometry" algebraical%3:01:00:: 302854350 algebraic, algebraical a of or relating to algebra; "algebraic geometry" algebraically%4:02:00:: 400131550 algebraically, algebraically r in an algebraic manner; "algebraically determined" algebraic_language%1:10:00:: 106898794 algebraic language n an algorithmic language having statements that resemble algebraic expressions algebraic_number%1:23:00:: 113730902 algebraic number n root of an algebraic equation with rational coefficients algebraist%1:18:00:: 109784043 algebraist n a mathematician whose specialty is algebra alger%1:18:00:: 110813527 Alger, Horatio Alger n United States author of inspirational adventure stories for boys; virtue and hard work overcome poverty (1832-1899) algeria%1:15:00:: 108705397 Algeria, Algerie, Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria n a republic in northwestern Africa on the Mediterranean Sea with a population that is predominantly Sunni Muslim; colonized by France in the 19th century but gained autonomy in the early 1960s algerian%1:18:00:: 109690083 Algerian n a native or inhabitant of Algeria algerian%3:01:00:: 302977826 Algerian a of or relating to or characteristic of Algeria or its inhabitants; "Algerian towns" algerian_capital%1:15:00:: 108706058 Algiers, Algerian capital n an ancient port on the Mediterranean; the capital and largest city of Algeria algerian_centime%1:23:00:: 113668632 Algerian centime n 100 centimes equal 1 dinar in Algeria algerian_dinar%1:23:00:: 113668491 Algerian dinar, dinar n the basic unit of money in Algeria algerian_monetary_unit%1:23:00:: 113668380 Algerian monetary unit n monetary unit in Algeria algerie%1:15:00:: 108705397 Algeria, Algerie, Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria n a republic in northwestern Africa on the Mediterranean Sea with a population that is predominantly Sunni Muslim; colonized by France in the 19th century but gained autonomy in the early 1960s algeripithecus%1:05:00:: 102479482 Algeripithecus, genus Algeripithecus n an extinct genus of Hominoidea algeripithecus_minutus%1:05:00:: 102479634 Algeripithecus minutus n tiny (150 to 300 grams) extinct primate of 46 to 50 million years ago; fossils found in Algeria; considered by some authorities the leading candidate for the first anthropoid algernon_charles_swinburne%1:18:00:: 111327163 Swinburne, Algernon Charles Swinburne n English poet (1837-1909) algid%5:00:00:cold:01 301251958 algid s chilly; "a person who is algid is marked by prostration and has cold clammy skin and low blood pressure" algidity%1:26:00:: 114204441 algidity n prostration characterized by cold and clammy skin and low blood pressure algiers%1:15:00:: 108706058 Algiers, Algerian capital n an ancient port on the Mediterranean; the capital and largest city of Algeria algin%1:27:00:: 114900454 algin, alginic acid n a gum used especially as a thickener or emulsifier alginic_acid%1:27:00:: 114900454 algin, alginic acid n a gum used especially as a thickener or emulsifier algoid%3:01:00:: 302611112 algoid a of or resembling algae algol%1:10:00:: 106901764 ALGOL n (from a combination of ALGOrithmic and Language); a programming language used to express computer programs as algorithms algol%1:17:00:: 109192566 Algol n the second brightest star in Perseus; the first known eclipsing binary algolagnia%1:12:00:: 107493682 algolagnia, algophilia n sexual pleasure derived from inflicting or experiencing pain algolagnic%3:01:00:: 302611187 algolagnic a of or relating to algolagnia algology%1:09:00:: 106074507 phycology, algology n the branch of botany that studies algae algometer%1:06:00:: 102696569 algometer n device for measuring pain caused by pressure algometric%3:01:00:: 302611290 algometric, algometrical a of or related to algometry algometrical%3:01:00:: 302611290 algometric, algometrical a of or related to algometry algometry%1:04:00:: 100998196 algometry n measuring sensitivity to pain or pressure algonkian%1:10:00:: 106908159 Algonkian, Algonkin n the Algonquian language spoken by the Algonkian algonkian%1:18:00:: 109646432 Algonkian, Algonkin n a member of a North American Indian people in the Ottawa river valley of Ontario and Quebec algonkian%3:01:00:: 302611442 Algonquian, Algonkian, Algonquin a of or relating to an Algonquian tribe or its people or language algonkin%1:10:00:: 106908159 Algonkian, Algonkin n the Algonquian language spoken by the Algonkian algonkin%1:18:00:: 109646432 Algonkian, Algonkin n a member of a North American Indian people in the Ottawa river valley of Ontario and Quebec algonquian%1:10:00:: 106906971 Algonquian, Algonquin, Algonquian language n family of North American Indian languages spoken from Labrador to South Carolina and west to the Great Plains algonquian%1:18:00:: 109646608 Algonquian, Algonquin n a member of any of the North American Indian groups speaking an Algonquian language and originally living in the subarctic regions of eastern Canada; many Algonquian tribes migrated south into the woodlands from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic coast algonquian%3:01:00:: 302611442 Algonquian, Algonkian, Algonquin a of or relating to an Algonquian tribe or its people or language algonquian_language%1:10:00:: 106906971 Algonquian, Algonquin, Algonquian language n family of North American Indian languages spoken from Labrador to South Carolina and west to the Great Plains algonquin%1:10:00:: 106906971 Algonquian, Algonquin, Algonquian language n family of North American Indian languages spoken from Labrador to South Carolina and west to the Great Plains algonquin%1:18:00:: 109646608 Algonquian, Algonquin n a member of any of the North American Indian groups speaking an Algonquian language and originally living in the subarctic regions of eastern Canada; many Algonquian tribes migrated south into the woodlands from the Mississippi River to the Atlantic coast algonquin%3:01:00:: 302611442 Algonquian, Algonkian, Algonquin a of or relating to an Algonquian tribe or its people or language algophilia%1:12:00:: 107493682 algolagnia, algophilia n sexual pleasure derived from inflicting or experiencing pain algophobia%1:26:00:: 114382871 algophobia n a morbid fear of pain algophobic%5:00:00:afraid:00 300078942 algophobic s suffering from algophobia; abnormally afraid of pain al_gore%1:18:00:: 111008313 Gore, Al Gore, Albert Gore Jr. n Vice President of the United States under Bill Clinton (born in 1948) algorism%1:09:00:: 106004599 algorism n computation with Arabic figures algorism%1:10:00:: 106810691 algorism n the Arabic (or decimal) system of numeration algorithm%1:09:00:: 105847438 algorithm, algorithmic rule, algorithmic program n a precise rule (or set of rules) specifying how to solve some problem algorithm_error%1:11:00:: 107300781 algorithm error n error resulting from the choice of the wrong algorithm or method for achieving the intended result algorithmic%3:00:00:: 300092691 algorithmic a of or relating to or having the characteristics of an algorithm algorithmic_language%1:10:00:: 106898972 algorithmic language n an artificial language designed to express algorithms algorithmic_program%1:09:00:: 105847438 algorithm, algorithmic rule, algorithmic program n a precise rule (or set of rules) specifying how to solve some problem algorithmic_rule%1:09:00:: 105847438 algorithm, algorithmic rule, algorithmic program n a precise rule (or set of rules) specifying how to solve some problem algren%1:18:00:: 110813711 Algren, Nelson Algren n United States writer (1909-1981) alhacen%1:18:00:: 110813986 Alhazen, Alhacen, al-Haytham, Ibn al-Haytham, Al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham n an Egyptian polymath (born in Iraq) whose research in geometry and optics was influential into the 17th century; established experiments as the norm of proof in physics (died in 1040) al-hakim%1:18:00:: 110813813 Al-hakim n an Ismaili caliph of Egypt who declared himself an incarnation of God and founded the Druze religious sect (985-1021) alhambra%1:06:00:: 102696669 Alhambra n a fortified Moorish palace built near Granada by Muslim kings in the Middle Ages al-hasan_ibn_al-haytham%1:18:00:: 110813986 Alhazen, Alhacen, al-Haytham, Ibn al-Haytham, Al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham n an Egyptian polymath (born in Iraq) whose research in geometry and optics was influential into the 17th century; established experiments as the norm of proof in physics (died in 1040) al-haytham%1:18:00:: 110813986 Alhazen, Alhacen, al-Haytham, Ibn al-Haytham, Al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham n an Egyptian polymath (born in Iraq) whose research in geometry and optics was influential into the 17th century; established experiments as the norm of proof in physics (died in 1040) alhazen%1:18:00:: 110813986 Alhazen, Alhacen, al-Haytham, Ibn al-Haytham, Al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham n an Egyptian polymath (born in Iraq) whose research in geometry and optics was influential into the 17th century; established experiments as the norm of proof in physics (died in 1040) al_hirschfeld%1:18:00:: 111052043 Hirschfeld, Al Hirschfeld n United States artist noted for his line-drawn caricatures (1904-2003) al-hudaydah%1:15:00:: 109165146 Hodeida, Al-Hudaydah n an important port in Yemen on the Red Sea ali%1:18:00:: 110814328 Ali n the fourth caliph of Islam who is considered to be the first caliph by Shiites; he was a cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad; after his assassination Islam was divided into Shiite and Sunnite sects ali%1:18:01:: 110814574 Ali, Muhammad Ali, Cassius Clay, Cassius Marcellus Clay n United States prizefighter who won the world heavyweight championship three times (born in 1942) alias%1:10:00:: 106338158 alias, assumed name, false name n a name that has been assumed temporarily alias%4:02:00:: 400270446 alias, a.k.a., also known as, alias, a.k.a., also known as r as known or named at another time or place; "Mr. Smith, alias Mr. Lafayette" ali_baba%1:18:00:: 109782946 Ali Baba n the fictional woodcutter who discovered that `open sesame' opened a cave in the Arabian Nights' Entertainment alibi%1:10:00:: 106741099 alibi n (law) a defense by an accused person purporting to show that he or she could not have committed the crime in question alibi%1:10:01:: 106741305 excuse, alibi, exculpation, self-justification n a defense of some offensive behavior or some failure to keep a promise etc.; "he kept finding excuses to stay"; "every day he had a new alibi for not getting a job"; "his transparent self-justification was unacceptable" alibi%2:32:00:: 200893741 alibi v exonerate by means of an alibi alice_b._toklas%1:18:00:: 111345017 Toklas, Alice B. Toklas n United States writer remembered as the secretary and companion of Gertrude Stein (1877-1967) alice_hamilton%1:18:00:: 111025926 Hamilton, Alice Hamilton n United States toxicologist known for her work on industrial poisons (1869-1970) alice-josephine_pons%1:18:00:: 111242321 Pons, Lily Pons, Alice-Josephine Pons n United States coloratura soprano (born in France) (1904-1976) alice_malsenior_walker%1:18:00:: 111371125 Walker, Alice Walker, Alice Malsenior Walker n United States writer (born in 1944) alice_paul%1:18:00:: 111226614 Paul, Alice Paul n United States feminist (1885-1977) alice_walker%1:18:00:: 111371125 Walker, Alice Walker, Alice Malsenior Walker n United States writer (born in 1944) alicia_alonso%1:18:00:: 110815343 Alonso, Alicia Alonso n Cuban dancer and choreographer (born in 1921) alicyclic_compound%1:27:00:: 114601178 alicyclic compound n an aliphatic compound that contains a ring of atoms alidad%1:06:00:: 102696843 alidade, alidad n surveying instrument used with a plane table for drawing lines of sight on a distant object and for measuring angles alidad%1:06:01:: 102697022 alidade, alidad n surveying instrument consisting of the upper movable part of a theodolite including the telescope and its attachments alidade%1:06:00:: 102696843 alidade, alidad n surveying instrument used with a plane table for drawing lines of sight on a distant object and for measuring angles alidade%1:06:01:: 102697022 alidade, alidad n surveying instrument consisting of the upper movable part of a theodolite including the telescope and its attachments alien%1:18:00:: 110103485 foreigner, alien, noncitizen, outlander n a person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country alien%1:18:01:: 110661002 stranger, alien, unknown n anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found alien%1:18:02:: 109484465 extraterrestrial being, extraterrestrial, alien n a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth or its atmosphere alien%2:37:00:: 201823528 estrange, alienate, alien, disaffect v arouse hostility or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness; "She alienated her friends when she became fanatically religious" alien%2:40:00:: 202221010 alien, alienate v transfer property or ownership; "The will aliened the property to the heirs" alien%5:00:00:extrinsic:00 301349927 alien, foreign s not contained in or deriving from the essential nature of something; "an economic theory alien to the spirit of capitalism"; "the mysticism so foreign to the French mind and temper"; "jealousy is foreign to her nature" alien%5:00:00:foreign:01 301035007 alien, exotic s being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world; "alien customs"; "exotic plants in a greenhouse"; "exotic cuisine" alienable%3:00:00:: 300093275 alienable a transferable to another owner alien_absconder%1:18:00:: 109783130 alien absconder n a fugitive remaining in the United States after an immigration judge has ordered them deported; "the government has categorized more than 320,000 foreigners as alien absconders" alienage%1:07:00:: 104799789 alienage, alienism n the quality of being alien alienate%2:37:00:: 201823528 estrange, alienate, alien, disaffect v arouse hostility or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness; "She alienated her friends when she became fanatically religious" alienate%2:37:01:: 201823888 alienate v make withdrawn or isolated or emotionally dissociated; "the boring work alienated his employees" alienate%2:40:00:: 202221010 alien, alienate v transfer property or ownership; "The will aliened the property to the heirs" alienated%5:00:00:unloved:00 301463326 alienated, estranged s caused to be unloved alienated%5:00:00:unoriented:00 301683908 alienated, anomic, disoriented s socially disoriented; "anomic loners musing over their fate"; "we live in an age of rootless alienated people" alienating%5:00:00:antagonistic:01 300760783 alienating s causing hostility or loss of friendliness; "her sudden alienating aloofness" alienation%1:04:00:: 100035891 alienation n the action of alienating; the action of causing to become unfriendly; "his behavior alienated the other students" alienation%1:04:01:: 101108150 alienation n (law) the voluntary and absolute transfer of title and possession of real property from one person to another; "the power of alienation is an essential ingredient of ownership" alienation%1:12:00:: 107502387 alienation, disaffection, estrangement n the feeling of being alienated from other people alienation%1:26:00:: 114415773 alienation, estrangement n separation resulting from hostility alienation_of_affection%1:04:00:: 100734107 alienation of affection n a tort based on willful and malicious interference with the marriage relation by a third party without justification or excuse alienator%1:18:00:: 109783369 alienator n an unpleasant person who causes friendly people to become indifferent or unfriendly or hostile alienee%1:18:00:: 109783537 alienee, grantee n someone to whom the title of property is transferred alienism%1:07:00:: 104799789 alienage, alienism n the quality of being alien alienism%1:09:00:: 106056787 alienism n an obsolete term for the study and treatment of mental illness alienist%1:18:00:: 109783653 alienist n a psychiatrist and specialist in the legal aspects of mental illness alienor%1:18:00:: 109783776 alienor n someone from whom the title of property is transferred aliform%5:00:00:winged:00 302567117 alar, alary, aliform, wing-shaped s having or resembling wings alight%2:38:00:: 201978576 alight, climb down v come down; "the birds alighted" alight%2:38:01:: 201978700 alight, light, perch v to come to rest, settle; "Misfortune lighted upon him" alight%5:00:00:lighted:00 300475308 ablaze, afire, aflame, aflare, alight, on fire s lighted up by or as by fire or flame; "forests set ablaze (or afire) by lightning"; "even the car's tires were aflame"; "a night aflare with fireworks"; "candles alight on the tables"; "houses on fire" align%2:30:00:: 200464321 align, aline, line up, adjust v place in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight; "align the car with the curb"; "align the sheets of paper on the table" align%2:30:01:: 200466053 align, ordinate, coordinate v bring (components or parts) into proper or desirable coordination correlation; "align the wheels of my car"; "ordinate similar parts" align%2:31:00:: 200733632 align, array v align oneself with a group or a way of thinking align%2:42:00:: 202658867 align v be or come into adjustment with aligned%3:00:01:: 300731804 aligned a brought into agreement or cooperation on the side of a faction, party, or cause aligned%5:00:00:straight:01 302311190 aligned s in a straight line; "pearly teeth evenly aligned" aligning%5:00:00:orienting:00 301684811 aligning, positioning s causing to fall into line or into position alignment%1:04:00:: 101000068 alignment n the act of adjusting or aligning the parts of a device in relation to each other alignment%1:07:00:: 105077146 alignment n the spatial property possessed by an arrangement or position of things in a straight line or in parallel lines alignment%1:11:00:: 107415167 conjunction, alignment n (astronomy) apparent meeting or passing of two or more celestial bodies in the same degree of the zodiac alignment%1:14:00:: 108293982 alliance, coalition, alignment, alinement n an organization of people (or countries) involved in a pact or treaty alike%3:00:00:: 301410606 alike, similar, like a having the same or similar characteristics; "all politicians are alike"; "they looked utterly alike"; "friends are generally alike in background and taste" alike%4:02:00:: 400069672 alike, likewise, alike, likewise r equally; "parents and teachers alike demanded reforms" alike%4:02:01:: 400069603 alike, alike r in a like manner; "they walk alike" alikeness%1:07:00:: 104744814 likeness, alikeness, similitude n similarity in appearance or character or nature between persons or things; "man created God in his own likeness" aliment%1:13:00:: 107570720 nutriment, nourishment, nutrition, sustenance, aliment, alimentation, victuals n a source of materials to nourish the body aliment%2:34:00:: 201204191 nutrify, aliment, nourish v give nourishment to alimental%5:00:00:wholesome:00 302557719 alimentary, alimental, nourishing, nutrient, nutritious, nutritive s of or providing nourishment; "good nourishing stew" alimentary%5:00:00:wholesome:00 302557719 alimentary, alimental, nourishing, nutrient, nutritious, nutritive s of or providing nourishment; "good nourishing stew" alimentary_canal%1:08:00:: 105532225 alimentary canal, alimentary tract, digestive tube, digestive tract, gastrointestinal tract, GI tract n tubular passage of mucous membrane and muscle extending about 8.3 meters from mouth to anus; functions in digestion and elimination alimentary_paste%1:13:00:: 107698915 pasta, alimentary paste n shaped and dried dough made from flour and water and sometimes egg alimentary_tract%1:08:00:: 105532225 alimentary canal, alimentary tract, digestive tube, digestive tract, gastrointestinal tract, GI tract n tubular passage of mucous membrane and muscle extending about 8.3 meters from mouth to anus; functions in digestion and elimination alimentary_tract_smear%1:08:00:: 105265417 alimentary tract smear n any of several cytologic smears obtained from different parts of the alimentary tract; obtained by specialized lavage techniques and used mainly to diagnose cancer in those parts alimentation%1:04:00:: 101057759 feeding, alimentation n the act of supplying food and nourishment alimentation%1:13:00:: 107570720 nutriment, nourishment, nutrition, sustenance, aliment, alimentation, victuals n a source of materials to nourish the body alimentative%3:01:00:: 302611694 alimentative a related to the supply of aliment alimony%1:21:00:: 113283620 alimony, maintenance n court-ordered support paid by one spouse to another after they are separated a-line%1:06:00:: 102697221 A-line n women's clothing that has a fitted top and a flared skirt that is widest at the hemline; "it is called the A-line because the effect resembles the capital letter A" aline%2:30:00:: 200464321 align, aline, line up, adjust v place in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight; "align the car with the curb"; "align the sheets of paper on the table" alinement%1:14:00:: 108293982 alliance, coalition, alignment, alinement n an organization of people (or countries) involved in a pact or treaty aliphatic%5:00:00:acyclic:02 300677448 aliphatic s having carbon atoms linked in open chains aliphatic_compound%1:27:00:: 114601294 aliphatic compound n organic compound that is an alkane or alkene or alkyne or their derivative aliquant%1:23:00:: 113734816 aliquant, aliquant part n an integer that is not an exact divisor of some quantity; "5 is an aliquant part of 12" aliquant_part%1:23:00:: 113734816 aliquant, aliquant part n an integer that is not an exact divisor of some quantity; "5 is an aliquant part of 12" aliquot%1:23:00:: 113734629 aliquot, aliquot part n an integer that is an exact divisor of some quantity; "4 is an aliquot part of 12" aliquot%5:00:00:fractional:00 300516887 aliquot s signifying an exact divisor or factor of a quantity aliquot_part%1:23:00:: 113734629 aliquot, aliquot part n an integer that is an exact divisor of some quantity; "4 is an aliquot part of 12" alir%1:14:00:: 108016900 Army for the Liberation of Rwanda, ALIR, Former Armed Forces, FAR, Interahamwe n a terrorist organization that seeks to overthrow the government dominated by Tutsi and to institute Hutu control again; "in 1999 ALIR guerrillas kidnapped and killed eight foreign tourists" al-iraq%1:15:00:: 108913434 Iraq, Republic of Iraq, Al-Iraq, Irak n a republic in the Middle East in western Asia; the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia was in the area now known as Iraq alisma%1:20:00:: 112612020 Alisma, genus Alisma n small genus of aquatic or semiaquatic plants alismales%1:20:00:: 112610933 Naiadales, order Naiadales, Alismales, order Alismales n an order of aquatic monocotyledonous herbaceous plants alisma_plantago-aquatica%1:20:00:: 112612170 water plantain, Alisma plantago-aquatica n marsh plant having clusters of small white or pinkish flowers and broad pointed or rounded leaves alismataceae%1:20:00:: 112611815 Alismataceae, family Alismataceae, water-plantain family n perennial or annual aquatic or marsh plants alismatidae%1:20:00:: 111668340 Alismatidae, subclass Alismatidae n one of four subclasses or superorders of Monocotyledones; comprises about 500 species in 14 families of aquatic and semiaquatic herbs a-list%1:10:00:: 106485431 A-list n a list of names of specially favored people; "the boss gave me his A-list of people we should try to recruit" alistair_cooke%1:18:00:: 110908756 Cooke, Alistair Cooke, Alfred Alistair Cooke n United States journalist (born in England in 1908) aliterate%1:18:00:: 109783884 aliterate, aliterate person n a person who can read but is disinclined to derive information from literary sources aliterate_person%1:18:00:: 109783884 aliterate, aliterate person n a person who can read but is disinclined to derive information from literary sources al_itihaad_al_islamiya%1:14:00:: 108012384 al Itihaad al Islamiya, al-Itihaad al-Islamiya, Islamic Unity, AIAI n a fundamentalist Islamic group in Somalia who initially did fundraising for al-Qaeda; responsible for ambushing United States Army Rangers and for terrorist bombings in Ethiopia; believed to have branches in several countries al-itihaad_al-islamiya%1:14:00:: 108012384 al Itihaad al Islamiya, al-Itihaad al-Islamiya, Islamic Unity, AIAI n a fundamentalist Islamic group in Somalia who initially did fundraising for al-Qaeda; responsible for ambushing United States Army Rangers and for terrorist bombings in Ethiopia; believed to have branches in several countries a_little%4:02:00:: 400033663 a bit, a little, a trifle, a bit, a little, a trifle r to a small degree; somewhat; "it's a bit warm"; "felt a little better"; "a trifle smaller" alive%3:00:01:: 300094448 alive, live a possessing life; "the happiest person alive"; "the nerve is alive"; "doctors are working hard to keep him alive"; "burned alive"; "a live canary" alive%3:00:04:: 300118567 animated, alive a having life or vigor or spirit; "an animated and expressive face"; "animated conversation"; "became very animated when he heard the good news" alive%5:00:00:active:05 300041488 alive, live s capable of erupting; "a live volcano"; "the volcano is very much alive" alive%5:00:00:aware:00 300190653 alert, alive, awake s mentally perceptive and responsive;"an alert mind"; "alert to the problems"; "alive to what is going on"; "awake to the dangers of her situation"; "was now awake to the reality of his predicament" alive%5:00:00:existent:00 300927373 active, alive s in operation; "keep hope alive"; "the tradition was still alive"; "an active tradition" alive%5:00:00:lively:00 300805115 alive s (often followed by `with') full of life and spirit; "she was wonderfully alive for her age"; "a face alive with mischief" alive%5:00:00:sensitive:02 302106366 alive s (followed by `to' or `of') aware of; "is alive to the moods of others" aliveness%1:07:00:: 105005447 animateness, aliveness, liveness n the property of being animated; having animal life as distinguished from plant life aliveness%1:26:00:: 113961642 animation, life, living, aliveness n the condition of living or the state of being alive; "while there's life there's hope"; "life depends on many chemical and physical processes" aliyah%1:04:00:: 100056551 aliyah n (Judaism) immigration of Jews to Israel; "students making aliyah" aliyah%1:10:00:: 106696991 aliyah n (Judaism) the honor of being called up to the reading desk in the synagogue to read from the Torah; "he was called on for an aliyah" alizarin%1:27:00:: 114986277 alizarin, alizarine n an orange-red crystalline compound used in making red pigments and in dyeing alizarin_carmine%1:27:00:: 114986438 alizarin carmine, alizarin crimson, alizarin red n any of various acid dyes; used for dyeing wool scarlet red alizarin_crimson%1:27:00:: 114986438 alizarin carmine, alizarin crimson, alizarin red n any of various acid dyes; used for dyeing wool scarlet red alizarine%1:27:00:: 114986277 alizarin, alizarine n an orange-red crystalline compound used in making red pigments and in dyeing alizarine_red%1:07:00:: 104963307 Turkey red, alizarine red n a bright orange-red color produced in cotton cloth with alizarine dye alizarin_red%1:27:00:: 114986438 alizarin carmine, alizarin crimson, alizarin red n any of various acid dyes; used for dyeing wool scarlet red alizarin_yellow%1:27:00:: 114754705 alizarin yellow n any of various yellow dyes; not related chemically to alizarin but applied in the same manner al-jama'a_al-islamiyyah_al-muqatilah_bi-libya%1:14:00:: 108032594 Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, FIG, Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya, Libyan Fighting Group, Libyan Islamic Group n a Libyan terrorist group organized in 1995 and aligned with al-Qaeda; seeks to radicalize the Libyan government; attempted to assassinate Qaddafi al-jihad%1:14:00:: 108012765 al-Jihad, Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Islamic Jihad, Vanguards of Conquest n an Islamic extremist group active since the late 1970s; seeks to overthrow the Egyptian government and replace it with an Islamic state; works in small underground cells; "the original Jihad was responsible for the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981" al_jolson%1:18:00:: 111089669 Jolson, Al Jolson, Asa Yoelson n United States singer (born in Russia) who appeared in the first full-length talking film (1886-1950) alkahest%1:27:00:: 115048463 alkahest, alcahest, universal solvent n hypothetical universal solvent once sought by alchemists alkahestic%3:01:00:: 302611803 alkahestic a of or pertaining to the alkahest that alchemists assumed to exist alkalemia%1:26:00:: 114020936 alkalemia n a blood disorder characterized by a lower concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood (which rises above 7.45 on the pH scale) alkalescent%5:00:00:alkaline:00 300026051 alkalescent, alcalescent s tending to become alkaline; slightly alkaline alkali%1:27:00:: 114618253 base, alkali n any of various water-soluble compounds capable of turning litmus blue and reacting with an acid to form a salt and water; "bases include oxides and hydroxides of metals and ammonia" alkali%1:27:01:: 114712036 alkali n a mixture of soluble salts found in arid soils and some bodies of water; detrimental to agriculture alkali_bee%1:05:00:: 102210921 Nomia melanderi, alkali bee n a common solitary bee important for pollinating alfalfa in the western United States alkalic%3:00:00:: 300025728 alkaline, alkalic a relating to or containing an alkali; having a pH greater than 7; "alkaline soils derived from chalk or limestone" alkalify%2:30:00:: 200265094 alkalize, alkalise, alkalify, basify v turn basic and less acidic; "the solution alkalized" alkali_grass%1:20:00:: 112467018 alkali grass, Zigadenus elegans n plant of western North America having grasslike leaves and greenish-white flowers alkali_metal%1:27:00:: 114712224 alkali metal, alkaline metal n any of the monovalent metals of group I of the periodic table (lithium or sodium or potassium or rubidium or cesium or francium); "the hydroxides of the alkali metals are strongly alkaline" alkalimetry%1:04:00:: 100648087 alkalimetry n volumetric analysis using standard solutions of alkali to measure the amount of acid present alkaline%3:00:00:: 300025728 alkaline, alkalic a relating to or containing an alkali; having a pH greater than 7; "alkaline soils derived from chalk or limestone" alkaline_earth%1:27:00:: 114712489 alkaline earth, alkaline-earth metal n any of the bivalent metals of group II of the periodic table (calcium or strontium or barium or magnesium or beryllium) alkaline-earth_metal%1:27:00:: 114712489 alkaline earth, alkaline-earth metal n any of the bivalent metals of group II of the periodic table (calcium or strontium or barium or magnesium or beryllium) alkaline-loving%3:00:00:: 300027074 alkaline-loving a thriving in a relatively alkaline environment; (especially of plants requiring a pH above 7) alkaline_metal%1:27:00:: 114712224 alkali metal, alkaline metal n any of the monovalent metals of group I of the periodic table (lithium or sodium or potassium or rubidium or cesium or francium); "the hydroxides of the alkali metals are strongly alkaline" alkalinise%2:30:00:: 200134737 alkalinize, alkalinise v make (a substance) alkaline; "The oxide is alkalized" alkalinise%2:30:01:: 200134898 alkalinize, alkalinise v become alkaline alkalinity%1:07:00:: 105039709 alkalinity n pH values above 7 alkalinize%2:30:00:: 200134737 alkalinize, alkalinise v make (a substance) alkaline; "The oxide is alkalized" alkalinize%2:30:01:: 200134898 alkalinize, alkalinise v become alkaline alkalinuria%1:26:00:: 114021118 alkalinuria, alkaluria n a condition in which the urine (which is normally slightly acidic) is alkaline alkali_poisoning%1:26:00:: 114510104 alkali poisoning n poisoning resulting from the ingestion of an alkali compound (as lye or ammonia) alkalise%2:30:00:: 200265094 alkalize, alkalise, alkalify, basify v turn basic and less acidic; "the solution alkalized" alkaliser%1:27:00:: 114778019 antacid, gastric antacid, alkalizer, alkaliser, antiacid n an agent that counteracts or neutralizes acidity (especially in the stomach) alkalize%2:30:00:: 200265094 alkalize, alkalise, alkalify, basify v turn basic and less acidic; "the solution alkalized" alkalizer%1:27:00:: 114778019 antacid, gastric antacid, alkalizer, alkaliser, antiacid n an agent that counteracts or neutralizes acidity (especially in the stomach) alkaloid%1:27:00:: 114712692 alkaloid n natural bases containing nitrogen found in plants alkaloidal%3:01:00:: 302611943 alkaloidal a pertaining to or consisting of alkaloids alkalosis%1:26:00:: 114021266 alkalosis n abnormally high alkalinity (low hydrogen-ion concentration) of the blood and other body tissues alkalotic%3:01:00:: 302612058 alkalotic a marked by alkalosis (or a tendency toward alkalosis) alkaluria%1:26:00:: 114021118 alkalinuria, alkaluria n a condition in which the urine (which is normally slightly acidic) is alkaline alkane%1:27:00:: 114951377 methane series, alkane series, alkane, paraffin series, paraffin n a series of non-aromatic saturated hydrocarbons with the general formula CnH(2n+2) alkane_series%1:27:00:: 114951377 methane series, alkane series, alkane, paraffin series, paraffin n a series of non-aromatic saturated hydrocarbons with the general formula CnH(2n+2) alkanet%1:20:00:: 112817694 bugloss, alkanet, Anchusa officinalis n perennial or biennial herb cultivated for its delicate usually blue flowers alkapton%1:27:00:: 114585048 alkapton, alcapton, homogentisic acid n an acid formed as an intermediate product of the metabolism of tyrosine and phenylalanine alkaptonuria%1:26:00:: 114084709 alkaptonuria, alcaptonuria n a rare recessive metabolic anomaly marked by ochronosis and the presence of alkapton in the urine alka-seltzer%1:27:00:: 114776924 Alka-seltzer n a commercial antacid that contains aspirin; tablets dissolve in water to give an effervescent solution alkene%1:27:00:: 114713120 alkene, olefine, olefin n any unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbon alkeran%1:06:00:: 103743577 melphalan, Alkeran n antineoplastic drug (trade name Alkeran) used to treat multiple myeloma and some other malignancies alky%1:18:00:: 109782167 alcoholic, alky, dipsomaniac, boozer, lush, soaker, souse n a person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually alkyd%1:27:00:: 114902500 alkyd, alkyd resin n a durable synthetic resin widely used in adhesives and paints alkyd_resin%1:27:00:: 114902500 alkyd, alkyd resin n a durable synthetic resin widely used in adhesives and paints alkyl%1:27:00:: 114617189 alkyl, alkyl group, alkyl radical n any of a series of univalent groups of the general formula CnH2n+1 derived from aliphatic hydrocarbons alkylating_agent%1:06:00:: 102697438 alkylating agent n an antineoplastic drug used to treat some forms of cancer alkylbenzene%1:27:00:: 114601505 alkylbenzene n organic compound that has an alkyl group bound to a benzene ring alkylbenzenesulfonate%1:27:00:: 114713247 alkylbenzenesulfonate n sulfonate of alkyl benzene alkyl_group%1:27:00:: 114617189 alkyl, alkyl group, alkyl radical n any of a series of univalent groups of the general formula CnH2n+1 derived from aliphatic hydrocarbons alkyl_halide%1:27:00:: 114601646 alkyl halide, haloalkane n organic compound in which halogen atoms have been substituted for hydrogen atoms in an alkane alkylic%3:01:00:: 302612184 alkylic a of or related to an alkyl alkyl_radical%1:27:00:: 114617189 alkyl, alkyl group, alkyl radical n any of a series of univalent groups of the general formula CnH2n+1 derived from aliphatic hydrocarbons alkyne%1:27:00:: 114600742 acetylene, ethyne, alkyne n a colorless flammable gas used chiefly in welding and in organic synthesis all%3:00:00:: 302269286 all a quantifier; used with either mass or count nouns to indicate the whole number or amount of or every one of a class; "we sat up all night"; "ate all the food"; "all men are mortal"; "all parties are welcome" all%4:02:00:: 400008007 wholly, entirely, completely, totally, all, altogether, whole, wholly, entirely, completely, totally, all, altogether, whole r to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly'); "he was wholly convinced"; "entirely satisfied with the meal"; "it was completely different from what we expected"; "was completely at fault"; "a totally new situation"; "the directions were all wrong"; "it was not altogether her fault"; "an altogether new approach"; "a whole new idea" all%5:00:00:complete:00 300521584 all s completely given to or absorbed by; "became all attention" alla_breve%1:10:00:: 106865049 alla breve n a musical time signature indicating two or four half notes to a measure al_ladhiqiyah%1:15:00:: 109034402 Al Ladhiqiyah, Latakia n a seaport on the western coast of Syria allah%1:18:00:: 109538544 Allah n Muslim name for the one and only God all_along%4:02:00:: 400068215 all along, right along, all along, right along r all the time or over a period of time; "She had known all along"; "the hope had been there all along" allamanda%1:20:00:: 111769621 allamanda n a plant of the genus Allamanda having large showy funnel-shaped flowers in terminal cymes allamanda_cathartica%1:20:00:: 111769803 common allamanda, golden trumpet, Allamanda cathartica n vigorous evergreen climbing plant of South America having glossy leathery foliage and golden yellow flowers alla_nazimova%1:18:00:: 111201941 Nazimova, Alla Nazimova n United States actress (born in Russia) (1879-1945) allantoic%3:01:00:: 302612300 allantoic a relating to or characterized by an allantois allantoid%5:00:00:rounded:00 302044642 allantoid, sausage-shaped s shaped like a sausage allantois%1:05:00:: 101473393 allantois n the vascular fetal membrane that lies below the chorion and develops from the hindgut in many embryonic higher vertebrates (reptiles, birds and mammals) allargando%5:00:00:decreasing:02 302538184 allargando s gradually decreasing in tempo and broadening in manner all-around%5:00:00:comprehensive:00 300526541 all-around, all-round, well-rounded s many-sided; "an all-around athlete"; "a well-rounded curriculum" all_arounder%1:18:00:: 109784870 all-rounder, all arounder n a versatile person who is expert at many things; "she's the best all-rounder they've seen in years" all_at_once%4:02:00:: 400151957 all of a sudden, all at once, all of a sudden, all at once r without warning; "all at once, he started shouting" all_at_once%4:02:01:: 400461834 all together, all at once, all together, all at once r all at the same time; "Let's say `Yes!' all at once" allay%2:34:00:: 201204021 quench, slake, allay, assuage v satisfy (thirst); "The cold water quenched his thirst" allay%2:37:00:: 201815185 still, allay, relieve, ease v lessen the intensity of or calm; "The news eased my conscience"; "still the fears" allayer%1:18:00:: 110518349 reliever, allayer, comforter n a person who reduces the intensity (e.g., of fears) and calms and pacifies; "a reliever of anxiety"; "an allayer of fears" all_clear%1:10:00:: 106804097 all clear n a signal (usually a siren) that danger is over all_clear%1:10:01:: 106689554 all clear n permission to proceed because obstacles have been removed all_day_long%4:02:00:: 400304787 daylong, all day long, daylong, all day long r during the entire day; "light pours daylong into the parlor" all-day_sucker%1:13:00:: 107607605 lollipop, sucker, all-day sucker n hard candy on a stick all-devouring%5:00:00:omnivorous:00 300315254 all-devouring s (of animals) both plant-eating and flesh-eating allegation%1:10:00:: 107236077 allegation n (law) a formal accusation against somebody (often in a court of law); "an allegation of malpractice" allegation%1:10:01:: 106731186 allegation, allegement n statements affirming or denying certain matters of fact that you are prepared to prove allege%2:32:00:: 201016002 allege, aver, say v report or maintain; "He alleged that he was the victim of a crime"; "He said it was too late to intervene in the war"; "The registrar says that I owe the school money" alleged%5:00:00:declared:00 300687614 alleged s declared but not proved; "alleged abuses of housing benefits"- Wall Street Journal alleged%5:00:00:questionable:00 301916555 alleged, so-called, supposed s doubtful or suspect; "these so-called experts are no help" allegedly%4:02:00:: 400154307 allegedly, allegedly r according to what has been alleged; "he was on trial for allegedly murdering his wife" allegement%1:10:00:: 106731186 allegation, allegement n statements affirming or denying certain matters of fact that you are prepared to prove alleghany_plum%1:20:00:: 112638753 Allegheny plum, Alleghany plum, sloe, Prunus alleghaniensis n wild plum of northeastern United States having dark purple fruits with yellow flesh alleghenies%1:17:00:: 109192708 Alleghenies, Allegheny Mountains n the western part of the Appalachian Mountains; extending from northern Pennsylvania to southwestern Virginia allegheny%1:17:00:: 109192973 Allegheny, Allegheny River n a river that rises in Pennsylvania and flows north into New York and then back south through Pennsylvania again to join the Monongahela River at Pittsburgh which is the beginning of the Ohio River allegheny_chinkapin%1:20:00:: 112263738 Allegheny chinkapin, eastern chinquapin, chinquapin, dwarf chestnut, Castanea pumila n shrubby chestnut tree of southeastern United States having small edible nuts allegheny_mountains%1:17:00:: 109192708 Alleghenies, Allegheny Mountains n the western part of the Appalachian Mountains; extending from northern Pennsylvania to southwestern Virginia allegheny_mountain_spurge%1:20:00:: 112747120 Allegheny spurge, Allegheny mountain spurge, Pachysandra procumbens n low semi-evergreen perennial herb having small spikes of white or pinkish flowers; native to southern United States but grown elsewhere allegheny_plum%1:20:00:: 112638753 Allegheny plum, Alleghany plum, sloe, Prunus alleghaniensis n wild plum of northeastern United States having dark purple fruits with yellow flesh allegheny_river%1:17:00:: 109192973 Allegheny, Allegheny River n a river that rises in Pennsylvania and flows north into New York and then back south through Pennsylvania again to join the Monongahela River at Pittsburgh which is the beginning of the Ohio River allegheny_spurge%1:20:00:: 112747120 Allegheny spurge, Allegheny mountain spurge, Pachysandra procumbens n low semi-evergreen perennial herb having small spikes of white or pinkish flowers; native to southern United States but grown elsewhere allegheny_vine%1:20:00:: 111909864 climbing fumitory, Allegheny vine, Adlumia fungosa, Fumaria fungosa n vine with feathery leaves and white or pinkish flowers; sometimes placed in genus Fumaria allegiance%1:04:00:: 101206153 commitment, allegiance, loyalty, dedication n the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action; "his long commitment to public service"; "they felt no loyalty to a losing team" allegiance%1:07:00:: 104877938 allegiance, fealty n the loyalty that citizens owe to their country (or subjects to their sovereign) allegiant%5:00:00:loyal:00 300961667 allegiant s steadfast in devotion (especially to your lawful monarch or government); "it is impossible to be allegiant to two opposing forces" allegoric%5:00:00:representative:00 301981916 allegorical, allegoric s used in or characteristic of or containing allegory; "allegorical stories"; "an allegorical painting of Victory leading an army" allegorical%5:00:00:representative:00 301981916 allegorical, allegoric s used in or characteristic of or containing allegory; "allegorical stories"; "an allegorical painting of Victory leading an army" allegorically%4:02:00:: 400135198 allegorically, allegorically r in an allegorical manner; "the play ended allegorically" allegorise%2:30:00:: 200135285 allegorize, allegorise v make into an allegory; "The story was allegorized over time" allegorise%2:31:00:: 200624263 allegorize, allegorise v interpret as an allegory allegoriser%1:18:00:: 109784160 allegorizer, allegoriser n someone who communicates in allegories allegorize%2:30:00:: 200135285 allegorize, allegorise v make into an allegory; "The story was allegorized over time" allegorize%2:31:00:: 200624263 allegorize, allegorise v interpret as an allegory allegorizer%1:18:00:: 109784160 allegorizer, allegoriser n someone who communicates in allegories allegory%1:10:00:: 106372095 fable, parable, allegory, apologue n a short moral story (often with animal characters) allegory%1:10:01:: 106366581 allegory n an expressive style that uses fictional characters and events to describe some subject by suggestive resemblances; an extended metaphor allegory%1:10:02:: 106880664 emblem, allegory n a visible symbol representing an abstract idea allegretto%1:10:00:: 107039949 allegretto n a musical composition or musical passage to be performed at a somewhat quicker tempo than andante but not as fast as allegro allegretto%1:28:00:: 115264891 allegretto n a quicker tempo than andante but not as fast as allegro allegretto%4:02:00:: 400270581 allegretto, allegretto r in a moderately quick tempo; "play this more allegretto" allegretto%5:00:00:fast:02 300982170 allegretto s (of tempo) faster than allegro allegro%1:10:00:: 107039770 allegro n a musical composition or musical passage to be performed quickly in a brisk lively manner allegro%1:28:00:: 115265021 allegro n a brisk and lively tempo allegro%4:02:00:: 400270713 allegro, allegro r in a quick and lively tempo; "play this section allegro" allegro%5:00:00:fast:02 300982065 allegro s (of tempo) fast allegro_con_spirito%1:28:00:: 115265135 allegro con spirito n lively with spirit allele%1:08:00:: 105437785 allele, allelomorph n (genetics) either of a pair (or series) of alternative forms of a gene that can occupy the same locus on a particular chromosome and that control the same character; "some alleles are dominant over others" allelic%3:01:00:: 302612400 allelic, allelomorphic a of or relating to alleles allelomorph%1:08:00:: 105437785 allele, allelomorph n (genetics) either of a pair (or series) of alternative forms of a gene that can occupy the same locus on a particular chromosome and that control the same character; "some alleles are dominant over others" allelomorphic%3:01:00:: 302612400 allelic, allelomorphic a of or relating to alleles allemande%1:13:00:: 107840124 allemande, allemande sauce n egg-thickened veloute allemande_sauce%1:13:00:: 107840124 allemande, allemande sauce n egg-thickened veloute all-embracing%5:00:00:comprehensive:00 300526062 across-the-board, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, blanket, broad, encompassing, extensive, panoptic, wide s broad in scope or content; "across-the-board pay increases"; "an all-embracing definition"; "blanket sanctions against human-rights violators"; "an invention with broad applications"; "a panoptic study of Soviet nationality"- T.G.Winner; "granted him wide powers" allen%1:18:00:: 110814776 Allen, Ethan Allen n a soldier of the American Revolution whose troops helped capture Fort Ticonderoga from the British (1738-1789) allen%1:18:01:: 110814953 Allen, Woody Allen, Allen Stewart Konigsberg n United States filmmaker and comic actor (1935-) allen%1:18:02:: 110815113 Allen, Gracie Allen, Grace Ethel Cecile Rosalie Allen, Gracie n United States comedienne remembered as the confused but imperturbable partner of her husband, George Burns (1906-1964) all-encompassing%5:00:00:comprehensive:00 300526062 across-the-board, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, blanket, broad, encompassing, extensive, panoptic, wide s broad in scope or content; "across-the-board pay increases"; "an all-embracing definition"; "blanket sanctions against human-rights violators"; "an invention with broad applications"; "a panoptic study of Soviet nationality"- T.G.Winner; "granted him wide powers" allen_ginsberg%1:18:00:: 111000660 Ginsberg, Allen Ginsberg n United States poet of the beat generation (1926-1997) allen_screw%1:06:00:: 102697576 Allen screw n a screw with a hexagonal hole in the head allen_stewart_konigsberg%1:18:00:: 110814953 Allen, Woody Allen, Allen Stewart Konigsberg n United States filmmaker and comic actor (1935-) allen_tate%1:18:00:: 111332423 Tate, Allen Tate, John Orley Allen Tate n United States poet and critic (1899-1979) allentown%1:15:00:: 109134999 Allentown n a city in eastern Pennsylvania; an industrial and commercial center allen_wrench%1:06:00:: 102697675 Allen wrench n a wrench for Allen screws allergen%1:27:00:: 114584260 allergen n any substance that can cause an allergy allergenic%3:01:00:: 302612531 allergenic a relating to or having the effect of an allergen allergic%3:01:00:: 302612653 allergic a characterized by or caused by allergy; "an allergic reaction" allergic%5:00:00:susceptible:00 302360944 allergic, hypersensitive, hypersensitized, hypersensitised, sensitized, sensitised, supersensitive, supersensitized, supersensitised s having an allergy or peculiar or excessive susceptibility (especially to a specific factor); "allergic children"; "hypersensitive to pollen" allergic_eczema%1:26:00:: 114225346 allergic eczema n eczema caused by an allergic reaction allergic_reaction%1:26:00:: 114532816 allergy, allergic reaction n hypersensitivity reaction to a particular allergen; symptoms can vary greatly in intensity allergic_rhinitis%1:26:00:: 114533937 allergic rhinitis n rhinitis caused by an allergic reaction allergist%1:18:00:: 109784306 allergist n a physician skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies allergology%1:09:00:: 106046245 allergology n the branch of medical science that studies the causes and treatment of allergies allergy%1:26:00:: 114532816 allergy, allergic reaction n hypersensitivity reaction to a particular allergen; symptoms can vary greatly in intensity allergy_diet%1:13:00:: 107561730 allergy diet n a diet designed to avoid the foods that you are allergic to alleviant%1:06:00:: 103879854 palliative, alleviant, alleviator n remedy that alleviates pain without curing alleviate%2:29:00:: 200064095 relieve, alleviate, palliate, assuage v provide physical relief, as from pain; "This pill will relieve your headaches" alleviate%2:30:00:: 200518395 facilitate, ease, alleviate v make easier; "you could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge" alleviated%5:00:00:mitigated:00 301519465 alleviated, eased, relieved s (of pain or sorrow) made easier to bear alleviation%1:04:00:: 100354884 easing, easement, alleviation, relief n the act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance); "he asked the nurse for relief from the constant pain" alleviation%1:12:00:: 107493280 relief, alleviation, assuagement n the feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced; "as he heard the news he was suddenly flooded with relief" alleviative%5:00:00:moderating:00 301341153 alleviative, alleviatory, lenitive, mitigative, mitigatory, palliative s moderating pain or sorrow by making it easier to bear alleviator%1:06:00:: 103879854 palliative, alleviant, alleviator n remedy that alleviates pain without curing alleviator%1:18:00:: 109784443 alleviator n a therapist who makes suffering more endurable alleviatory%5:00:00:moderating:00 301341153 alleviative, alleviatory, lenitive, mitigative, mitigatory, palliative s moderating pain or sorrow by making it easier to bear alley%1:06:00:: 102697759 alley, alleyway, back street n a narrow street with walls on both sides alley%1:06:01:: 102882014 bowling alley, alley, skittle alley n a lane down which a bowling ball is rolled toward pins alley_cat%1:05:00:: 102122510 alley cat n a homeless cat alleyway%1:06:00:: 102697759 alley, alleyway, back street n a narrow street with walls on both sides all-fired%4:02:00:: 400025144 bloody, damn, all-fired, bloody, damn, all-fired r extremely; "you are bloody right"; "Why are you so all-fired aggressive?" all-fired%5:00:00:immoderate:00 301533659 all-fired s extreme; used as an intensifier; "why is he in such an all-fired hurry?" all_fools'_day%1:28:00:: 115188505 April Fools', April Fools' day, All Fools' day n the first day of April which is celebrated by playing practical jokes all_fours%1:04:00:: 100489730 all fours, high-low-jack n card games in which points are won for taking the high or low or jack or game all_get_out%1:23:00:: 113775319 billyo, billyoh, billy-ho, all get out n an unimaginably large amount; "British say `it rained like billyo' where Americans say `it rained like all get out'" allgood%1:20:00:: 111828973 good-king-henry, allgood, fat hen, wild spinach, Chenopodium bonus-henricus n European plant naturalized in North America; often collected from the wild as a potherb allhallows%1:28:00:: 115195059 All Saints' Day, Allhallows, November 1, Hallowmas, Hallowmass n a Christian feast day honoring all the saints; first observed in 835 allhallows_eve%1:28:00:: 115191233 Halloween, Hallowe'en, Allhallows Eve n the evening before All Saints' Day; often devoted to pranks played by young people allhallowtide%1:28:00:: 115195388 Allhallowtide n the season of All Saints' Day alliaceae%1:20:00:: 112430878 Alliaceae, family Alliaceae n one of many families or subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted; includes especially genus Allium alliaceous%3:01:00:: 302626634 alliaceous a of or pertaining to the botanical genus Allium; "onions, leeks, garlic, chives are alliaceous plants" alliaceous%5:00:00:odorous:00 301055682 alliaceous s smelling of onions or garlic alliaceous_plant%1:20:00:: 112431434 alliaceous plant n bulbous plants having a characteristic pungent onion odor alliance%1:04:00:: 101081456 confederation, alliance n the act of forming an alliance or confederation alliance%1:10:00:: 106773684 alliance n a formal agreement establishing an association or alliance between nations or other groups to achieve a particular aim alliance%1:14:00:: 108293982 alliance, coalition, alignment, alinement n an organization of people (or countries) involved in a pact or treaty alliance%1:24:00:: 113792183 alliance, bond n a connection based on kinship or marriage or common interest; "the shifting alliances within a large family"; "their friendship constitutes a powerful bond between them" alliance%1:26:00:: 114418822 alliance, confederation n the state of being allied or confederated alliaria%1:20:00:: 111870212 Alliaria, genus Alliaria n a genus of herbs of the family Cruciferae; have broad leaves and white flowers and long siliques alliaria_officinalis%1:20:00:: 111870418 garlic mustard, hedge garlic, sauce-alone, jack-by-the-hedge, Alliaria officinalis n European herb that smells like garlic allice%1:05:00:: 102530999 allice shad, allis shad, allice, allis, Alosa alosa n European shad allice_shad%1:05:00:: 102530999 allice shad, allis shad, allice, allis, Alosa alosa n European shad allied%3:01:01:: 302612787 Allied a of or relating to or denoting the Allies in World War I; "an allied offensive"; "the Allied powers" allied%3:01:02:: 302612939 Allied a of or relating to or denoting the Allies in World War II; "an Allied victory"; "the Allied armies" allied%5:00:00:aligned:01 300731955 allied s joined by treaty or agreement allied%5:00:00:related:01 301972070 allied s related by common characteristics or ancestry; "allied species"; "allied studies" allied%5:00:00:united:00 302476485 allied, confederate, confederative s united in a confederacy or league allied_command_atlantic%1:14:00:: 108174995 Allied Command Atlantic, ACLANT n a major strategic headquarters of NATO located in the United States; is under the authority of the North Atlantic Council allied_command_europe%1:14:00:: 108175498 Allied Command Europe, ACE n a major strategic headquarters of NATO; safeguards an area extending from Norway to Turkey allies%1:14:00:: 108170978 allies n an alliance of nations joining together to fight a common enemy allies%1:14:01:: 108171210 Allies n in World War I the alliance of Great Britain and France and Russia and all the other nations that became allied with them in opposing the Central Powers allies%1:14:02:: 108171592 Allies n the alliance of nations that fought the Axis in World War II and which (with subsequent additions) signed the charter of the United Nations in 1945 alligator%1:05:00:: 101698434 alligator, gator n either of two amphibious reptiles related to crocodiles but with shorter broader snouts alligator%1:27:00:: 114760447 alligator n leather made from alligator's hide alligator%2:30:00:: 200337700 alligator v crack and acquire the appearance of alligator hide, as from weathering or improper application; of paint and varnishes alligator_clip%1:06:00:: 102915904 bulldog clip, alligator clip n a clip with a spring that closes the metal jaws alligatored%5:00:00:rough:00 302239479 alligatored, cracked s of paint or varnish; having the appearance of alligator hide alligatorfish%1:05:00:: 102648313 alligatorfish, Aspidophoroides monopterygius n small very elongate sea poachers alligator_grass%1:20:00:: 111824747 alligator weed, alligator grass, Alternanthera philoxeroides n prolific South American aquatic weed having grasslike leaves and short spikes of white flowers; clogs waterways with dense floating masses alligatoridae%1:05:00:: 101698144 Alligatoridae, family Alligatoridae n alligators; caimans alligator_lizard%1:05:00:: 101689811 alligator lizard n slim short-limbed lizard having a distinctive fold on each side that permits expansion; of western North America alligator_mississipiensis%1:05:00:: 101698640 American alligator, Alligator mississipiensis n large alligator of the southeastern United States alligator_pear%1:13:00:: 107764847 avocado, alligator pear, avocado pear, aguacate n a pear-shaped tropical fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed alligator_sinensis%1:05:00:: 101698782 Chinese alligator, Alligator sinensis n small alligator of the Yangtze valley of China having unwebbed digits alligator_snapper%1:05:00:: 101666585 alligator snapping turtle, alligator snapper, Macroclemys temmincki n large species having three ridges on its back; found in southeastern United States alligator_snapping_turtle%1:05:00:: 101666585 alligator snapping turtle, alligator snapper, Macroclemys temmincki n large species having three ridges on its back; found in southeastern United States alligator_weed%1:20:00:: 111824747 alligator weed, alligator grass, Alternanthera philoxeroides n prolific South American aquatic weed having grasslike leaves and short spikes of white flowers; clogs waterways with dense floating masses alligator_wrench%1:06:00:: 102697876 alligator wrench n a wrench with a v-shaped jaw and serrations on one side (resembles the open jaws of an alligator) all_important%5:00:00:important:00 301276150 all-important, all important, crucial, essential, of the essence s of the greatest importance; "the all-important subject of disarmament"; "crucial information"; "in chess cool nerves are of the essence" all-important%5:00:00:important:00 301276150 all-important, all important, crucial, essential, of the essence s of the greatest importance; "the all-important subject of disarmament"; "crucial information"; "in chess cool nerves are of the essence" all_in%5:00:00:tired:00 302432154 all in, beat, bushed, dead s very tired; "was all in at the end of the day"; "so beat I could flop down and go to sleep anywhere"; "bushed after all that exercise"; "I'm dead after that long trip" all_in_all%4:02:00:: 400151755 all in all, on the whole, altogether, tout ensemble, all in all, on the whole, altogether, tout ensemble r with everything considered (and neglecting details); "altogether, I'm sorry it happened"; "all in all, it's not so bad" all-inclusive%5:00:00:comprehensive:00 300526062 across-the-board, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-inclusive, blanket, broad, encompassing, extensive, panoptic, wide s broad in scope or content; "across-the-board pay increases"; "an all-embracing definition"; "blanket sanctions against human-rights violators"; "an invention with broad applications"; "a panoptic study of Soviet nationality"- T.G.Winner; "granted him wide powers" allionia%1:20:00:: 111838266 Allionia, genus Allionia n small genus of chiefly American herbs allioniaceae%1:20:00:: 111835806 Nyctaginaceae, family Nyctaginaceae, Allioniaceae, family Allioniaceae, four-o'clock family n a family of flowering plants of the order Caryophyllales allionia_incarnata%1:20:00:: 111838413 trailing four o'clock, trailing windmills, Allionia incarnata n trailing plant having crowded clusters of 3 brilliant deep pink flowers resembling a single flower blooming near the ground; found in dry gravelly or sandy soil; southwestern United States and Mexico allis%1:05:00:: 102530999 allice shad, allis shad, allice, allis, Alosa alosa n European shad allis_shad%1:05:00:: 102530999 allice shad, allis shad, allice, allis, Alosa alosa n European shad alliterate%2:36:00:: 201702154 alliterate v use alliteration as a form of poetry alliteration%1:10:00:: 107097094 alliteration, initial rhyme, beginning rhyme, head rhyme n use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable in a line of verse; "around the rock the ragged rascal ran" alliterative%5:00:00:rhymed:00 301965849 alliterative s having the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable; "alliterative verse" alliteratively%4:02:00:: 400270842 alliteratively, alliteratively r in an alliterative manner; "the early Norse poets wrote alliteratively" alliterator%1:18:00:: 109784564 alliterator n a speaker or writer who makes use of alliteration allium%1:20:00:: 112431128 Allium, genus Allium n large genus of perennial and biennial pungent bulbous plants: garlic; leek; onion; chive; sometimes placed in family Alliaceae as the type genus allium_acuminatum%1:20:00:: 112432069 Hooker's onion, Allium acuminatum n a common North American wild onion with a strong onion odor and an umbel of pink flowers atop a leafless stalk; British Columbia to California and Arizona and east to Wyoming and Colorado allium_ampeloprasum%1:20:00:: 112432356 wild leek, Levant garlic, kurrat, Allium ampeloprasum n coarse Old World perennial having a large bulb and tall stalk of greenish purple-tinged flowers; widely naturalized allium_ascalonicum%1:20:00:: 112433178 shallot, eschalot, multiplier onion, Allium cepa aggregatum, Allium ascalonicum n type of onion plant producing small clustered mild-flavored bulbs used as seasoning allium_canadense%1:20:00:: 112432574 Canada garlic, meadow leek, rose leek, Allium canadense n North American bulbous plant allium_carinatum%1:20:00:: 112432707 keeled garlic, Allium carinatum n Eurasian bulbous plant allium_cepa%1:20:00:: 112432808 onion, onion plant, Allium cepa n bulbous plant having hollow leaves cultivated worldwide for its rounded edible bulb allium_cepa_aggregatum%1:20:00:: 112433178 shallot, eschalot, multiplier onion, Allium cepa aggregatum, Allium ascalonicum n type of onion plant producing small clustered mild-flavored bulbs used as seasoning allium_cepa_viviparum%1:20:00:: 112433540 tree onion, Egyptian onion, top onion, Allium cepa viviparum n type of perennial onion grown chiefly as a curiosity or for early salad onions; having bulbils that replace the flowers allium_cernuum%1:20:00:: 112433769 nodding onion, nodding wild onion, lady's leek, Allium cernuum n widely distributed North American wild onion with white to rose flowers allium_fistulosum%1:20:00:: 112433952 Welsh onion, Japanese leek, Allium fistulosum n Asiatic onion with slender bulbs; used as early green onions allium_haematochiton%1:20:00:: 112434106 red-skinned onion, Allium haematochiton n onion with white to deep red tunic; California allium_neopolitanum%1:20:00:: 112434483 daffodil garlic, flowering onion, Naples garlic, Allium neopolitanum n European onion with white flowers allium_paradoxum%1:20:00:: 112434634 few-flowered leek, Allium paradoxum n leek producing bulbils instead of flowers; Russia and Iran allium_porrum%1:20:00:: 112434239 leek, scallion, Allium porrum n plant having a large slender white bulb and flat overlapping dark green leaves; used in cooking; believed derived from the wild Allium ampeloprasum allium_sativum%1:20:00:: 112434775 garlic, Allium sativum n bulbous herb of southern Europe widely naturalized; bulb breaks up into separate strong-flavored cloves allium_schoenoprasum%1:20:00:: 112435152 chives, chive, cive, schnittlaugh, Allium schoenoprasum n perennial having hollow cylindrical leaves used for seasoning allium_scorodoprasum%1:20:00:: 112434985 sand leek, giant garlic, Spanish garlic, rocambole, Allium scorodoprasum n European leek cultivated and used like leeks allium_sphaerocephalum%1:20:00:: 112435965 round-headed leek, Allium sphaerocephalum n Old World leek with a spherical bulb allium_tricoccum%1:20:00:: 112435338 ramp, wild leek, Allium tricoccum n North American perennial having a slender bulb and whitish flowers allium_triquetrum%1:20:00:: 112436090 three-cornered leek, triquetrous leek, Allium triquetrum n European leek naturalized in Great Britain; leaves are triangular allium_tuberosum%1:20:00:: 112435777 garlic chive, Chinese chive, Oriental garlic, Allium tuberosum n a plant of eastern Asia; larger than Allium schoenoprasum allium_ursinum%1:20:00:: 112435649 wild garlic, wood garlic, Ramsons, Allium ursinum n pungent Old World weedy plant allium_vineale%1:20:00:: 112435486 crow garlic, false garlic, field garlic, stag's garlic, wild garlic, Allium vineale n pungent Old World wild onion all-knowing%5:00:00:wise:00 302569454 all-knowing, omniscient s infinitely wise all-mains%5:00:00:adaptable:00 301027832 all-mains s used of a radio receiver that is adaptable to all voltages; "an all-mains set" all-metal%5:00:00:metallic:00 301527930 all-metal s consisting completely of metal; "all-metal airplanes" allmouth%1:05:00:: 102548247 goosefish, angler, anglerfish, angler fish, monkfish, lotte, allmouth, Lophius Americanus n fishes having large mouths with a wormlike filament attached for luring prey all-night%5:00:00:long:02 301441530 nightlong, all-night, overnight s lasting, open, or operating through the whole night; "a nightlong vigil"; "an all-night drugstore"; "an overnight trip" alloantibody%1:27:00:: 115029482 isoantibody, alloantibody n an antibody that occurs naturally against foreign tissues from a person of the same species allocable%5:00:00:distributive:00 300468176 allocable, allocatable, apportionable s capable of being distributed allocatable%5:00:00:distributive:00 300468176 allocable, allocatable, apportionable s capable of being distributed allocate%2:40:00:: 202234087 allocate, apportion v distribute according to a plan or set apart for a special purpose; "I am allocating a loaf of bread to everyone on a daily basis"; "I'm allocating the rations for the camping trip" allocation%1:04:00:: 101083645 allotment, apportionment, apportioning, allocation, parceling, parcelling, assignation n the act of distributing by allotting or apportioning; distribution according to a plan; "the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives is based on the relative population of each state" allocation%1:04:01:: 100164579 allocation, storage allocation n (computer science) the assignment of particular areas of a magnetic disk to particular data or instructions allocation%1:21:00:: 113289467 allotment, allocation n a share set aside for a specific purpose allocation_unit%1:23:00:: 113626942 allocation unit n a group of sectors on a magnetic disk that can be reserved for the use of a particular file allocator%1:18:00:: 109784707 allocator, distributor n a person with authority to allot or deal out or apportion allochronic%5:00:00:asynchronous:00 302379820 allochronic s (of taxa) occurring in different geologic times allochthonous%3:00:00:: 300180496 allochthonous a of rocks, deposits, etc.; found in a place other than where they and their constituents were formed allocution%1:10:00:: 107239183 allocution n (rhetoric) a formal or authoritative address that advises or exhorts all_of_a_sudden%4:02:00:: 400151957 all of a sudden, all at once, all of a sudden, all at once r without warning; "all at once, he started shouting" all_of_a_sudden%4:02:01:: 400061677 suddenly, all of a sudden, of a sudden, suddenly, all of a sudden, of a sudden r happening unexpectedly; "suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her side" allogamous%3:01:00:: 302613090 allogamous a relating to cross-fertilization in plants allogamy%1:11:00:: 107437870 allogamy n cross-fertilization in plants allogeneic%3:00:00:: 302595829 allogeneic a denoting or relating to cells or tissues from individuals belonging to the same species but genetically dissimilar (and hence immunologically incompatible) allograft%1:08:00:: 105583386 homograft, allograft n tissue or organ transplanted from a donor of the same species but different genetic makeup; recipient's immune system must be suppressed to prevent rejection of the graft allograph%1:10:00:: 106819557 allograph n a variant form of a grapheme, as `m' or `M' or a handwritten version of that grapheme allograph%1:10:01:: 106404806 allograph n a signature written by one person for another allographic%3:01:00:: 302613206 allographic a of or relating to an allograph allomerism%1:11:00:: 107337935 allomerism n (chemistry) variability in chemical composition without variation in crystalline form allomerous%3:01:00:: 302613294 allomerous a pertaining to allomerism allometric%3:01:00:: 302613393 allometric a relating to or marked by allometry allometry%1:09:00:: 105998356 allometry n the study of the relative growth of a part of an organism in relation to the growth of the whole allomorph%1:10:00:: 106306606 allomorph n a variant phonological representation of a morpheme; "the final sounds of `bets' and `beds' and `horses' and `oxen' are allomorphs of the English plural morpheme" allomorph%1:27:00:: 114819856 allomorph n any of several different crystalline forms of the same chemical compound; "calcium carbonate occurs in the allomorphs calcite and aragonite" allomorphic%3:01:00:: 302613502 allomorphic a pertaining to allomorphs allopathic%3:01:00:: 303073110 allopathic a of or relating to the practice of allopathy; "allopathic remedies" allopathy%1:04:00:: 100710692 allopathy n the usual method of treating disease with remedies that produce effects differing from those produced by the disease itself allopatric%3:00:00:: 302376995 allopatric a (of biological species or speciation) occurring in areas isolated geographically from one another allopatry%1:26:00:: 113959289 allopatry n the occurrence of related organisms in separate geographical areas with no overlap allophone%1:10:00:: 107111933 allophone n (linguistics) any of various acoustically different forms of the same phoneme allophonic%3:01:00:: 302613584 allophonic a pertaining to allophones allopurinol%1:06:00:: 102698036 allopurinol, Zyloprim n a drug (trade name Zyloprim) used to treat gout and other conditions in which there is an excessive buildup of uric acid all-or-none%5:00:00:complete:00 300521692 all-or-none, all-or-nothing s occurring completely or not occurring at all all-or-none_law%1:09:00:: 105874017 all-or-none law n (neurophysiology) a nerve impulse resulting from a weak stimulus is just as strong as a nerve impulse resulting from a strong stimulus all-or-nothing%5:00:00:complete:00 300521692 all-or-none, all-or-nothing s occurring completely or not occurring at all allosaur%1:05:00:: 101714231 allosaur, allosaurus n late Jurassic carnivorous dinosaur; similar to but somewhat smaller than tyrannosaurus allosaurus%1:05:00:: 101714231 allosaur, allosaurus n late Jurassic carnivorous dinosaur; similar to but somewhat smaller than tyrannosaurus allot%2:40:00:: 202255268 accord, allot, grant v allow to have; "grant a privilege" allot%2:40:01:: 202228698 assign, allot, portion v give out; "We were assigned new uniforms" allot%2:40:02:: 202294436 distribute, administer, mete out, deal, parcel out, lot, dispense, shell out, deal out, dish out, allot, dole out v administer or bestow, as in small portions; "administer critical remarks to everyone present"; "dole out some money"; "shell out pocket money for the children"; "deal a blow to someone"; "the machine dispenses soft drinks" allotment%1:04:00:: 101083645 allotment, apportionment, apportioning, allocation, parceling, parcelling, assignation n the act of distributing by allotting or apportioning; distribution according to a plan; "the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives is based on the relative population of each state" allotment%1:21:00:: 113289467 allotment, allocation n a share set aside for a specific purpose allotrope%1:27:00:: 114624025 allotrope n a structurally different form of an element; "graphite and diamond are allotropes of carbon" allotropic%3:01:00:: 302613683 allotropic, allotropical a of or related to or exhibiting allotropism; "carbon and sulfur and phosphorus are allotropic elements" allotropical%3:01:00:: 302613683 allotropic, allotropical a of or related to or exhibiting allotropism; "carbon and sulfur and phosphorus are allotropic elements" allotropism%1:19:00:: 111409329 allotropy, allotropism n the phenomenon of an element existing in two or more physical forms allotropy%1:19:00:: 111409329 allotropy, allotropism n the phenomenon of an element existing in two or more physical forms allotted%5:00:00:assigned:00 300847103 allotted s given as a task; "her allotted chores" all-out%5:00:00:complete:00 300521811 all-out, full-scale s using all available resources; "all-out war"; "a full-scale campaign against nuclear power plants" allow%2:31:00:: 200723545 allow, take into account v allow or plan for a certain possibility; concede the truth or validity of something; "I allow for this possibility"; "The seamstress planned for 5% shrinkage after the first wash" allow%2:31:01:: 200724150 allow, appropriate, earmark, set aside, reserve v give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause; "I will earmark this money for your research"; "She sets aside time for meditation every day" allow%2:32:00:: 200802318 permit, allow, let, countenance v consent to, give permission; "She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband"; "I won't let the police search her basement"; "I cannot allow you to see your exam" allow%2:32:06:: 200802946 allow, permit, tolerate v allow the presence of or allow (an activity) without opposing or prohibiting; "We don't allow dogs here"; "Children are not permitted beyond this point"; "We cannot tolerate smoking in the hospital" allow%2:40:00:: 202255462 allow, grant v let have; "grant permission"; "Mandela was allowed few visitors in prison" allow%2:40:01:: 202319669 allow v grant as a discount or in exchange; "The camera store owner allowed me $50 on my old camera" allow%2:41:00:: 202423183 let, allow, permit v make it possible through a specific action or lack of action for something to happen; "This permits the water to rush in"; "This sealed door won't allow the water come into the basement"; "This will permit the rain to run off" allow%2:41:01:: 202423650 give up, allow v allow the other (baseball) team to score; "give up a run" allow%2:42:00:: 202721438 leave, allow for, allow, provide v make a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain; "This leaves no room for improvement"; "The evidence allows only one conclusion"; "allow for mistakes"; "leave lots of time for the trip"; "This procedure provides for lots of leeway" allow%2:42:07:: 202745486 admit, allow v afford possibility; "This problem admits of no solution"; "This short story allows of several different interpretations" allowable%3:00:00:: 301760944 permissible, allowable a that may be permitted especially as according to rule; "permissible behavior in school"; "a permissible tax deduction" allowable%5:00:00:admissible:00 301762257 allowable s deserving to be allowed or considered allowable%5:00:00:deductible:00 300689878 allowable s deductible according to the tax laws allowably%4:02:00:: 400086926 permissibly, allowably, permissibly, allowably r in a permissible manner allowance%1:04:00:: 101141841 allowance n the act of allowing; "He objected to the allowance of smoking in the dining room" allowance%1:07:00:: 104749991 allowance, leeway, margin, tolerance n a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits allowance%1:21:00:: 113286254 allowance n an amount allowed or granted (as during a given period); "travel allowance"; "my weekly allowance of two eggs"; "a child's allowance should not be too generous" allowance%1:21:01:: 113274092 allowance, adjustment n an amount added or deducted on the basis of qualifying circumstances; "an allowance for profit" allowance%1:21:02:: 113293377 allowance n a sum granted as reimbursement for expenses allowance%1:21:03:: 113370215 valuation reserve, valuation account, allowance, allowance account n a reserve fund created by a charge against profits in order to provide for changes in the value of a company's assets allowance%2:40:00:: 202255821 allowance v put on a fixed allowance, as of food allowance_account%1:21:00:: 113370215 valuation reserve, valuation account, allowance, allowance account n a reserve fund created by a charge against profits in order to provide for changes in the value of a company's assets all_over%4:02:00:: 400025728 everywhere, everyplace, all over, everywhere, everyplace, all over r to or in any or all places; "You find fast food stores everywhere"; "people everywhere are becoming aware of the problem"; "he carried a gun everywhere he went"; "looked all over for a suitable gift"; (`everyplace' is used informally for `everywhere') all_over%4:02:01:: 400198039 all over, over, all over, over r over the entire area; "the wallpaper was covered all over with flowers"; "she ached all over"; "everything was dusted over with a fine layer of soot" allover%5:00:00:complete:00 300521976 allover s covering the entire surface; "an allover pattern"; "got an allover tan" all_over%5:00:00:finished:01 301003277 complete, concluded, ended, over, all over, terminated s having come or been brought to a conclusion; "the harvesting was complete"; "the affair is over, ended, finished"; "the abruptly terminated interview" allow_for%2:42:00:: 202721438 leave, allow for, allow, provide v make a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain; "This leaves no room for improvement"; "The evidence allows only one conclusion"; "allow for mistakes"; "leave lots of time for the trip"; "This procedure provides for lots of leeway" allow_in%2:41:00:: 202502536 admit, allow in, let in, intromit v allow to enter; grant entry to; "We cannot admit non-members into our club building"; "This pipe admits air" alloy%1:26:00:: 114487598 admixture, alloy n the state of impairing the quality or reducing the value of something alloy%1:27:00:: 114586769 alloy, metal n a mixture containing two or more metallic elements or metallic and nonmetallic elements usually fused together or dissolving into each other when molten; "brass is an alloy of zinc and copper" alloy%2:30:00:: 200493517 debase, alloy v lower in value by increasing the base-metal content alloy%2:30:02:: 200396880 alloy v make an alloy of alloy_cast_iron%1:27:00:: 114715786 alloy iron, alloy cast iron n cast iron containing alloying elements (usually nickel or chromium or copper or molybdenum) to increase the strength or facilitate heat treatment alloyed%5:00:00:blended:00 301329306 alloyed s (used of metals) blended to obtain a desired property alloyed%5:00:00:impure:02 301908641 alloyed s (used of metals) debased by mixture with an inferior element alloy_iron%1:27:00:: 114715786 alloy iron, alloy cast iron n cast iron containing alloying elements (usually nickel or chromium or copper or molybdenum) to increase the strength or facilitate heat treatment alloy_steel%1:27:00:: 114716042 alloy steel n steel who characteristics are determined by the addition of other elements in addition to carbon all-powerful%5:00:00:powerful:00 301826186 almighty, all-powerful, omnipotent s having unlimited power all-purpose%5:00:00:general:00 301102058 general-purpose, all-purpose s not limited in use or function all_right%4:02:00:: 400053004 very well, fine, alright, all right, OK, very well, fine, alright, all right, OK r an expression of agreement normally occurring at the beginning of a sentence all_right%4:02:01:: 400053152 all right, alright, all right, alright r without doubt (used to reinforce an assertion); "it's expensive all right" all_right%4:02:02:: 400015471 okay, O.K., all right, alright, okay, O.K., all right, alright r in a satisfactory or adequate manner; "she'll do okay on her own"; "held up all right under pressure"; (`alright' is a nonstandard variant of `all right') all_right%5:00:00:satisfactory:00 302081114 all right, fine, o.k., ok, okay, hunky-dory s being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition; "an all-right movie"; "the passengers were shaken up but are all right"; "is everything all right?"; "everything's fine"; "things are okay"; "dinner and the movies had been fine"; "another minute I'd have been fine" all-round%5:00:00:comprehensive:00 300526541 all-around, all-round, well-rounded s many-sided; "an all-around athlete"; "a well-rounded curriculum" all-rounder%1:18:00:: 109784870 all-rounder, all arounder n a versatile person who is expert at many things; "she's the best all-rounder they've seen in years" all_saints'_day%1:28:00:: 115195059 All Saints' Day, Allhallows, November 1, Hallowmas, Hallowmass n a Christian feast day honoring all the saints; first observed in 835 all_souls'_day%1:28:00:: 115195477 All Souls' Day, November 2 n a day of supplication for all the souls in purgatory allspice%1:13:00:: 107814007 allspice n ground dried berrylike fruit of a West Indian allspice tree; suggesting combined flavors of cinnamon and nutmeg and cloves allspice%1:20:00:: 112331066 allspice, allspice tree, pimento tree, Pimenta dioica n aromatic West Indian tree that produces allspice berries allspice%1:20:01:: 111700864 allspice n deciduous shrubs having aromatic bark; eastern China; southwestern and eastern United States allspice_tree%1:20:01:: 112331066 allspice, allspice tree, pimento tree, Pimenta dioica n aromatic West Indian tree that produces allspice berries allspice_tree%1:20:02:: 112331263 allspice tree, Pimenta officinalis n tropical American tree having small white flowers and aromatic berries all-terrain_bike%1:06:00:: 103792782 mountain bike, all-terrain bike, off-roader n a bicycle with a sturdy frame and fat tires; originally designed for riding in mountainous country all_the_same%4:02:00:: 400027384 however, nevertheless, withal, still, yet, all the same, even so, nonetheless, notwithstanding, however, nevertheless, withal, still, yet, all the same, even so, nonetheless, notwithstanding r despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession); "although I'm a little afraid, however I'd like to try it"; "while we disliked each other, nevertheless we agreed"; "he was a stern yet fair master"; "granted that it is dangerous, all the same I still want to go" all_the_time%4:02:01:: 400157000 day in and day out, all the time, day in and day out, all the time r without respite; "he plays chess day in and day out" all_the_way%4:02:03:: 400285854 clear, all the way, clear, all the way r completely; "read the book clear to the end"; "slept clear through the night"; "there were open fields clear to the horizon" all_the_way%4:02:04:: 400152173 all the way, all the way r not stopping short of sexual intercourse; "she went all the way with him" all_the_way%4:02:09:: 400152066 all the way, the whole way, all the way, the whole way r to the goal; "she climbed the mountain all the way" all-time%5:00:00:incomparable:00 300505086 all-time s unsurpassed in some respect up to the present; "prices at an all-time high"; "morale at an all-time low"; "among the all-time great lefthanders" all_together%4:02:00:: 400461834 all together, all at once, all together, all at once r all at the same time; "Let's say `Yes!' all at once" all_together%4:02:01:: 400063774 all together, all together r used of a group whose members acted or were acted upon collectively and when `all' and `together' can be separated by other words; "they were herded all together"; "they were all herded together"; "the books lay all together in a heap"; "the books all lay together..." all_told%4:02:00:: 400063630 altogether, all told, in all, altogether, all told, in all r with everything included or counted; "altogether he earns close to a million dollars" all_too%4:02:00:: 400250258 all too, only too, all too, only too r to a high degree; "she is all too ready to accept the job" allude%2:32:00:: 201026728 allude, touch, advert v make a more or less disguised reference to; "He alluded to the problem but did not mention it" allure%1:07:00:: 104688842 allure, allurement, temptingness n the power to entice or attract through personal charm allure%2:32:00:: 200793785 tempt, allure v dispose or incline or entice to; "We were tempted by the delicious-looking food" allurement%1:04:00:: 100161044 solicitation, allurement n the act of enticing a person to do something wrong (as an offer of sex in return for money) allurement%1:07:00:: 104688842 allure, allurement, temptingness n the power to entice or attract through personal charm allurement%1:09:00:: 105695446 allurement n attractiveness; "its allurement was its remoteness" alluring%5:00:00:seductive:00 302097480 alluring, beguiling, enticing, tempting s highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire; "an alluring prospect"; "her alluring smile"; "the voice was low and beguiling"; "difficult to say no to an enticing advertisement"; "a tempting invitation" allusion%1:10:00:: 106766544 allusion n passing reference or indirect mention allusive%5:00:00:indirect:02 300766957 allusive s characterized by indirect references; "allusive speech is characterized by allusions" allusiveness%1:07:00:: 104919458 allusiveness n a quality characterized by indirect reference alluvial%3:01:00:: 303006126 alluvial a of or relating to alluvium alluvial_cone%1:19:00:: 111423471 alluvial fan, alluvial cone n a fan-shaped deposit where a fast flowing stream flattens out alluvial_deposit%1:17:00:: 109193282 alluvial sediment, alluvial deposit, alluvium, alluvion n clay or silt or gravel carried by rushing streams and deposited where the stream slows down alluvial_fan%1:19:00:: 111423471 alluvial fan, alluvial cone n a fan-shaped deposit where a fast flowing stream flattens out alluvial_flat%1:17:00:: 109193551 alluvial flat, alluvial plain n a flat resulting from repeated deposits of alluvial material by running water alluvial_plain%1:17:00:: 109193551 alluvial flat, alluvial plain n a flat resulting from repeated deposits of alluvial material by running water alluvial_sediment%1:17:00:: 109193282 alluvial sediment, alluvial deposit, alluvium, alluvion n clay or silt or gravel carried by rushing streams and deposited where the stream slows down alluvial_soil%1:27:00:: 114719725 alluvial soil n a fine-grained fertile soil deposited by water flowing over flood plains or in river beds alluviation%1:19:00:: 111445395 deposit, sedimentation, alluviation n the phenomenon of sediment or gravel accumulating alluvion%1:17:00:: 109193282 alluvial sediment, alluvial deposit, alluvium, alluvion n clay or silt or gravel carried by rushing streams and deposited where the stream slows down alluvion%1:19:00:: 111454591 flood, inundation, deluge, alluvion n the rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land; "plains fertilized by annual inundations" alluvion%1:22:00:: 113429300 alluvion n gradual formation of new land, by recession of the sea or deposit of sediment alluvium%1:17:00:: 109193282 alluvial sediment, alluvial deposit, alluvium, alluvion n clay or silt or gravel carried by rushing streams and deposited where the stream slows down all-weather%5:00:00:unrestricted:00 302003023 all-weather s usable or operative or practiced in all kinds of weather; "a good all-weather road"; "all-weather flying" all-victorious%5:00:00:unconquerable:00 300570512 all-victorious s never having lost ally%1:14:00:: 108305942 ally n a friendly nation ally%1:18:00:: 109785042 ally, friend n an associate who provides cooperation or assistance; "he's a good ally in fight" ally%2:41:00:: 202430191 ally v become an ally or associate, as by a treaty or marriage; "He allied himself with the Communists" allyl%1:27:00:: 114617427 allyl, allyl group, allyl radical n the univalent unsaturated organic radical C3H5; derived from propylene allyl_alcohol%1:27:00:: 114719893 allyl alcohol, propenyl alcohol n an unsaturated primary alcohol present in wood spirit; use to make resins and plasticizers and pharmaceuticals allyl_group%1:27:00:: 114617427 allyl, allyl group, allyl radical n the univalent unsaturated organic radical C3H5; derived from propylene allylic%3:01:00:: 302613965 allylic a of or pertaining to the allyl radical allyl_radical%1:27:00:: 114617427 allyl, allyl group, allyl radical n the univalent unsaturated organic radical C3H5; derived from propylene allyl_resin%1:27:00:: 114720101 allyl resin n a resin derived from allyl alcohol that hardens when cured; used as an adhesive ally_with%2:41:00:: 202434737 ally with v unite formally; of interest groups or countries alma-ata%1:15:00:: 109020299 Almaty, Alma-Ata n the largest city in Kazakhstan and the capital until 1998 al_madinah%1:15:00:: 108994339 Medina, Al Madinah n a city in western Saudi Arabia; site of the tomb of Muhammad; the second most holy city of Islam al-magrib%1:15:00:: 108969291 Morocco, Kingdom of Morocco, Maroc, Marruecos, Al-Magrib n a kingdom (constitutional monarchy) in northwestern Africa with a largely Muslim population; achieved independence from France in 1956 alma_mater%1:14:00:: 108402339 alma mater n your alma mater is a school you graduated from almanac%1:10:00:: 106426279 almanac n an annual publication containing tabular information in a particular field or fields arranged according to the calendar of a given year almanac%1:10:01:: 106426655 almanac, farmer's calendar n an annual publication including weather forecasts and other miscellaneous information arranged according to the calendar of a given year almandine%1:27:00:: 115051301 almandine n a purple variety of the ruby spinel almandine%1:27:01:: 114676486 almandite, almandine n a deep red garnet consisting of iron aluminum silicate almandite%1:27:00:: 114676486 almandite, almandine n a deep red garnet consisting of iron aluminum silicate almaty%1:15:00:: 109020299 Almaty, Alma-Ata n the largest city in Kazakhstan and the capital until 1998 al-ma'unah%1:14:00:: 108013176 al-Ma'unah n a radical insurgent Islamist group consisting of disaffected middle-class professionals in Malaysia who want to overthrow the government by violent means and set up an Islamic state almighty%1:18:00:: 109536363 Godhead, Lord, Creator, Maker, Divine, God Almighty, Almighty, Jehovah n terms referring to the Judeo-Christian God almighty%5:00:00:powerful:00 301826186 almighty, all-powerful, omnipotent s having unlimited power almond%1:13:00:: 107750586 almond n oval-shaped edible seed of the almond tree almond%1:20:00:: 112645174 almond, sweet almond, Prunus dulcis, Prunus amygdalus, Amygdalus communis n small bushy deciduous tree native to Asia and North Africa having pretty pink blossoms and highly prized edible nuts enclosed in a hard green hull; cultivated in southern Australia and California almond_cookie%1:13:00:: 107636126 almond cookie, almond crescent n very rich cookie containing ground almonds; usually crescent-shaped almond_crescent%1:13:00:: 107636126 almond cookie, almond crescent n very rich cookie containing ground almonds; usually crescent-shaped almond_extract%1:13:00:: 107826544 almond extract n flavoring made from almonds macerated in alcohol almond-eyed%5:00:00:eyed:00 300953731 almond-eyed s having almond-shaped eyes almond-leaves_willow%1:20:00:: 112727729 peachleaf willow, peach-leaved willow, almond-leaves willow, Salix amygdaloides n willow of the western United States with leaves like those of peach or almond trees almond_moth%1:05:00:: 102290664 almond moth, fig moth, Cadra cautella n a moth whose larvae feed on and mat together with webbing various stored products of vegetable origin almond_oil%1:20:00:: 112645754 almond oil, expressed almond oil, sweet almond oil n pale yellow fatty oil expressed from sweet or bitter almonds almond-scented%5:00:00:odorous:00 301055767 almond-scented s smelling of almond almond-shaped%5:00:00:rounded:00 302044736 almond-shaped, amygdaliform, amygdaloid, amygdaloidal s shaped like an almond almond_tree%1:20:00:: 112644902 almond tree n any of several small bushy trees having pink or white blossoms and usually bearing nuts almond_willow%1:20:00:: 112727960 almond willow, black Hollander, Salix triandra, Salix amygdalina n Old World willow with light green leaves cultivated for use in basketry almoner%1:18:00:: 109785236 almoner, medical social worker n an official in a British hospital who looks after the social and material needs of the patients almoravid%1:18:00:: 109682967 Almoravid n a member of a Muslim dynasty of Berber warriors that flourished from 1049 to 1145 and that established political dominance over northwestern Africa and Spain almost%4:02:00:: 400073033 about, almost, most, nearly, near, nigh, virtually, well-nigh, about, almost, most, nearly, near, nigh, virtually, well-nigh r (of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished; all but; "the job is (just) about done"; "the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded"; "we're almost finished"; "the car all but ran her down"; "he nearly fainted"; "talked for nigh onto 2 hours"; "the recording is well-nigh perfect"; "virtually all the parties signed the contract"; "I was near exhausted by the run"; "most everyone agrees" alms%1:04:00:: 101090117 alms n money or goods contributed to the poor alms_box%1:06:00:: 103982767 poor box, alms box, mite box n box for collecting alms, especially one in a church alms_dish%1:06:00:: 102698244 alms dish, alms tray n a tray for collecting the offering from a congregation almsgiver%1:18:00:: 109785580 almsgiver n a person who gives alms alms-giving%1:04:00:: 101090225 alms-giving, almsgiving n making voluntary contributions to aid the poor almsgiving%1:04:00:: 101090225 alms-giving, almsgiving n making voluntary contributions to aid the poor alms_tray%1:06:00:: 102698244 alms dish, alms tray n a tray for collecting the offering from a congregation al-muhajiroun%1:14:00:: 108013453 al-Muhajiroun n a hard-line extremist Islamic group in Great Britain who support bin Laden and other terrorist groups al-mukalla%1:15:00:: 109165294 Mukalla, Al-Mukalla n a port in southern Yemen on the Gulf of Aden to the east of Aden al_nathir%1:14:00:: 108013653 Al Nathir n a Palestinian terrorist organization formed in 2002 and linked to Fatah movement of Yasser Arafat alnico%1:27:00:: 114716358 Alnico n trade name for an alloy used to make high-energy permanent magnets; contains aluminum and iron and nickel plus cobalt or copper or titanium alnus%1:20:00:: 112283981 Alnus, genus Alnus n alders alnus_crispa%1:20:00:: 112286197 green alder, Alnus veridis crispa, Alnus crispa n North American shrub with light green leaves and winged nuts alnus_glutinosa%1:20:00:: 112284821 common alder, European black alder, Alnus glutinosa, Alnus vulgaris n medium-sized tree with brown-black bark and woody fruiting catkins; leaves are hairy beneath alnus_incana%1:20:00:: 112285049 grey alder, gray alder, Alnus incana n native to Europe but introduced in America alnus_maritima%1:20:00:: 112285195 seaside alder, Alnus maritima n shrub or small tree of southeastern United States having soft light brown wood alnus_rhombifolia%1:20:00:: 112285369 white alder, mountain alder, Alnus rhombifolia n tree of western United States alnus_rubra%1:20:00:: 112285512 red alder, Oregon alder, Alnus rubra n large tree of Pacific coast of North America having hard red wood much used for furniture alnus_rugosa%1:20:00:: 112285705 speckled alder, Alnus rugosa n common shrub of Canada and northeastern United States having shoots scattered with rust-colored down alnus_serrulata%1:20:00:: 112285900 smooth alder, hazel alder, Alnus serrulata n common shrub of the eastern United States with smooth bark alnus_veridis%1:20:00:: 112286068 green alder, Alnus veridis n shrub of mountainous areas of Europe alnus_veridis_crispa%1:20:00:: 112286197 green alder, Alnus veridis crispa, Alnus crispa n North American shrub with light green leaves and winged nuts alnus_vulgaris%1:20:00:: 112284821 common alder, European black alder, Alnus glutinosa, Alnus vulgaris n medium-sized tree with brown-black bark and woody fruiting catkins; leaves are hairy beneath alocasia%1:20:00:: 111782036 alocasia, elephant's ear, elephant ear n any plant of the genus Alocasia having large showy basal leaves and boat-shaped spathe and reddish berries alocasia_macrorrhiza%1:20:00:: 111782266 giant taro, Alocasia macrorrhiza n large evergreen with extremely large erect or spreading leaves; cultivated widely in tropics for its edible rhizome and shoots; used in wet warm regions as a stately ornamental aloe%1:20:00:: 112436677 aloe n succulent plants having rosettes of leaves usually with fiber like hemp and spikes of showy flowers; found chiefly in Africa aloeaceae%1:20:00:: 112436260 Aloeaceae, family Aloeaceae, aloe family n one of many families or subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted aloe_family%1:20:00:: 112436260 Aloeaceae, family Aloeaceae, aloe family n one of many families or subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted aloe_ferox%1:20:00:: 112436907 cape aloe, Aloe ferox n much-branched South African plant with reddish prickly succulent leaves aloes%1:06:00:: 102698366 aloes, bitter aloes n a purgative made from the leaves of aloe aloe_vera%1:20:00:: 112437047 burn plant, Aloe vera n very short-stemmed plant with thick leaves with soothing mucilaginous juice; leaves develop spiny margins with maturity; native to Mediterranean region; grown widely in tropics and as houseplants aloft%4:02:00:: 400498499 aloft, aloft r in the higher atmosphere above the earth; "weather conditions aloft are fine" aloft%4:02:01:: 400498610 aloft, aloft r at or to great height; high up in or into the air; "eagles were soaring aloft"; "dust is whirled aloft" aloft%4:02:04:: 400499084 aloft, aloft r at or on or to the masthead or upper rigging of a ship; "climbed aloft to unfurl the sail" aloft%4:02:07:: 400499004 aloft, aloft r upward; "the good news sent her spirits aloft" aloha%1:10:00:: 106631921 aloha, ciao n an acknowledgment that can be used to say hello or goodbye (aloha is Hawaiian and ciao is Italian) aloha_state%1:15:00:: 109078231 Hawaii, Hawai'i, Aloha State, HI n a state in the United States in the central Pacific on the Hawaiian Islands alois_senefelder%1:18:00:: 111292662 Senefelder, Alois Senefelder, Aloys Senefelder n German printer who invented lithography (1771-1834) alone%4:02:00:: 400008600 entirely, exclusively, solely, alone, only, entirely, exclusively, solely, alone, only r without any others being included or involved; "was entirely to blame"; "a school devoted entirely to the needs of problem children"; "he works for Mr. Smith exclusively"; "did it solely for money"; "the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone"; "a privilege granted only to him" alone%4:02:01:: 400157967 alone, solo, unaccompanied, alone, solo, unaccompanied r without anybody else or anything else; "the child stayed home alone"; "the pillar stood alone, supporting nothing"; "he flew solo" alone%5:00:00:exclusive:00 301862697 alone, only s exclusive of anyone or anything else; "she alone believed him"; "cannot live by bread alone"; "I'll have this car and this car only" alone%5:00:00:incomparable:00 300505853 alone, unique, unequaled, unequalled, unparalleled s radically distinctive and without equal; "he is alone in the field of microbiology"; "this theory is altogether alone in its penetration of the problem"; "Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint"; "craftsmen whose skill is unequaled"; "unparalleled athletic ability"; "a breakdown of law unparalleled in our history" alone%5:00:00:unaccompanied:00 302251212 alone, lone, lonely, solitary s lacking companions or companionship; "he was alone when we met him"; "she is alone much of the time"; "the lone skier on the mountain"; "a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel"; "a lonely soul"; "a solitary traveler" alone%5:00:00:unsocial:00 302249766 alone s isolated from others; "could be alone in a crowded room"; "was alone with her thoughts"; "I want to be alone" aloneness%1:07:00:: 104622415 aloneness, loneliness, lonesomeness, solitariness n a disposition toward being alone along%4:02:00:: 400068577 along, along r in accompaniment or as a companion; "his little sister came along to the movies"; "I brought my camera along"; "working along with his father" along%4:02:01:: 400068368 along, on, along, on r with a forward motion; "we drove along admiring the view"; "the horse trotted along at a steady pace"; "the circus traveled on to the next city"; "move along"; "march on" along%4:02:02:: 400068753 along, along r in addition (usually followed by `with'); "we sent them food and some clothing went along in the package"; "along with the package came a bill"; "consider the advantages along with the disadvantages" along%4:02:03:: 400068986 along, along r to a more advanced state; "the work is moving along"; "well along in their research"; "hurrying their education along"; "getting along in years" along%4:02:04:: 400069164 along, along r in line with a length or direction (often followed by `by' or `beside'); "pass the word along"; "ran along beside me"; "cottages along by the river" alongside%4:02:00:: 400250056 aboard, alongside, aboard, alongside r side by side; "anchored close aboard another ship" alonso%1:18:00:: 110815343 Alonso, Alicia Alonso n Cuban dancer and choreographer (born in 1921) aloof%4:02:00:: 400122816 aloof, aloof r in an aloof manner; "the local gentry and professional classes had held aloof for the school had accepted their sons readily enough" aloof%5:00:00:reserved:01 301987646 aloof, distant, upstage s remote in manner; "stood apart with aloof dignity"; "a distant smile"; "he was upstage with strangers" aloofness%1:07:00:: 104656996 aloofness, remoteness, standoffishness, withdrawnness n a disposition to be distant and unsympathetic in manner aloofness%1:12:02:: 107505871 distance, aloofness n indifference by personal withdrawal; "emotional distance" alopecia%1:26:00:: 114457361 alopecia n loss of hair (especially on the head) or loss of wool or feathers; in humans it can result from heredity or hormonal imbalance or certain diseases or drugs and treatments (chemotherapy for cancer) alopecia_areata%1:26:00:: 114457630 alopecia areata n patchy baldness alopecic%3:01:00:: 302614093 alopecic a pertaining to loss of hair or wool or feathers alopecurus%1:20:00:: 112107489 Alopecurus, genus Alopecurus n annual or perennial grasses including decorative and meadow species as well as notorious agricultural weeds alopecurus_pratensis%1:20:00:: 112107710 meadow foxtail, Alopecurus pratensis n stout erect perennial grass of northern parts of Old World having silky flowering spikes; widely cultivated for pasture and hay; naturalized in North America alopex%1:05:00:: 102119961 Alopex, genus Alopex n arctic foxes alopex_lagopus%1:05:00:: 102120079 Arctic fox, white fox, Alopex lagopus n thickly-furred fox of Arctic regions; brownish in summer and white in winter alopiidae%1:05:00:: 101485673 Alopiidae, family Alopiidae n thresher sharks alopius%1:05:00:: 101485801 Alopius, genus Alopius n type genus of the family Alopiidae; in some classifications considered a genus of the family Lamnidae alopius_vulpinus%1:05:00:: 101486010 thresher, thrasher, thresher shark, fox shark, Alopius vulpinus n large pelagic shark of warm seas with a whiplike tail used to round up small fish on which to feed alosa%1:05:00:: 102530294 Alosa, genus Alosa n shad alosa_alosa%1:05:00:: 102530999 allice shad, allis shad, allice, allis, Alosa alosa n European shad alosa_chrysocloris%1:05:00:: 102530831 river shad, Alosa chrysocloris n shad that spawns in streams of the Mississippi drainage; very similar to Alosa sapidissima alosa_pseudoharengus%1:05:00:: 102531114 alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, Pomolobus pseudoharengus n shad-like food fish that runs rivers to spawn; often salted or smoked; sometimes placed in genus Pomolobus alosa_sapidissima%1:05:00:: 102530637 common American shad, Alosa sapidissima n shad of Atlantic coast of North America; naturalized to Pacific coast a_lot%4:02:00:: 400059171 a lot, lots, a good deal, a great deal, much, very much, a lot, lots, a good deal, a great deal, much, very much r to a very great degree or extent; "I feel a lot better"; "we enjoyed ourselves very much"; "she was very much interested"; "this would help a great deal" alouatta%1:05:00:: 102492536 Alouatta, genus Alouatta n howler monkeys aloud%4:02:00:: 400069771 aloud, out loud, aloud, out loud r using the voice; not silently; "please read the passage aloud"; "he laughed out loud" aloud%4:02:01:: 400069901 loudly, loud, aloud, loudly, loud, aloud r with relatively high volume; "the band played loudly"; "she spoke loudly and angrily"; "he spoke loud enough for those at the back of the room to hear him"; "cried aloud for help" aloys_senefelder%1:18:00:: 111292662 Senefelder, Alois Senefelder, Aloys Senefelder n German printer who invented lithography (1771-1834) alp%1:17:00:: 109193705 alp n any high mountain alpaca%1:05:00:: 102438272 alpaca, Lama pacos n domesticated llama with long silky fleece; believed to be a domesticated variety of the guanaco alpaca%1:06:00:: 102698473 alpaca n a thin glossy fabric made of the wool of the Lama pacos, or made of a rayon or cotton imitation of that wool alpaca%1:27:00:: 115104598 alpaca n wool of the alpaca alpena%1:15:00:: 109100080 Alpena n a town in northern Michigan on an arm of Lake Huron alpenstock%1:06:00:: 102698634 alpenstock n a stout staff with a metal point; used by mountain climbers alpestrine%5:00:00:upland:00 301219279 alpestrine, subalpine s growing at high altitudes alpha%1:10:00:: 106834138 alpha n the 1st letter of the Greek alphabet alpha%1:11:00:: 107329169 alpha n the beginning of a series or sequence; "the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end"--Revelations alpha%5:00:00:exploratory:00 300877816 alpha s early testing stage of a software or hardware product; "alpha version" alpha%5:00:00:important:00 301276482 alpha s first in order of importance; "the alpha male in the group of chimpanzees"; "the alpha star in a constellation is the brightest or main star" alpha-adrenergic_blocker%1:06:00:: 102698769 alpha blocker, alpha-blocker, alpha-adrenergic blocker, alpha-adrenergic blocking agent n any of various drugs that block alpha-adrenergic receptors; used in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia; relaxes the muscles of the prostate and bladder alpha-adrenergic_blocking_agent%1:06:00:: 102698769 alpha blocker, alpha-blocker, alpha-adrenergic blocker, alpha-adrenergic blocking agent n any of various drugs that block alpha-adrenergic receptors; used in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia; relaxes the muscles of the prostate and bladder alpha-adrenergic_receptor%1:08:00:: 105609111 alpha receptor, alpha-adrenergic receptor, alpha-adrenoceptor n receptors postulated to exist on nerve cell membranes of the sympathetic nervous system in order to explain the specificity of certain agents that affect only some sympathetic activities (such as vasoconstriction and relaxation of intestinal muscles and contraction of smooth muscles) alpha-adrenoceptor%1:08:00:: 105609111 alpha receptor, alpha-adrenergic receptor, alpha-adrenoceptor n receptors postulated to exist on nerve cell membranes of the sympathetic nervous system in order to explain the specificity of certain agents that affect only some sympathetic activities (such as vasoconstriction and relaxation of intestinal muscles and contraction of smooth muscles) alpha_and_omega%1:10:00:: 106604209 alpha and omega n the basic meaning of something; the crucial part alpha_and_omega%1:28:00:: 115244094 alpha and omega n the first and last; signifies God's eternity alphabet%1:09:00:: 105872742 rudiment, first rudiment, first principle, alphabet, ABC, ABC's, ABCs n the elementary stages of any subject (usually plural); "he mastered only the rudiments of geometry" alphabet%1:10:00:: 106497459 alphabet n a character set that includes letters and is used to write a language alpha-beta_brass%1:27:00:: 114720238 alpha-beta brass, Muntz metal, yellow metal n a brass that has more zinc and is stronger than alpha brass; used in making castings and hot-worked products alphabetic%3:00:00:: 300100634 alphabetic, alphabetical a arranged in order according to the alphabet; "an alphabetic arrangement"; "dictionaries list words in alphabetical order" alphabetic%3:01:00:: 302614194 alphabetic, alphabetical a relating to or expressed by a writing system that uses an alphabet; "alphabetical writing system" alphabetical%3:00:00:: 300100634 alphabetic, alphabetical a arranged in order according to the alphabet; "an alphabetic arrangement"; "dictionaries list words in alphabetical order" alphabetical%3:01:00:: 302614194 alphabetic, alphabetical a relating to or expressed by a writing system that uses an alphabet; "alphabetical writing system" alphabetically%4:02:00:: 400202833 alphabetically, alphabetically r in alphabetical order; "the list was arranged alphabetically" alphabetic_character%1:10:00:: 106828818 letter, letter of the alphabet, alphabetic character n the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech; "his grandmother taught him his letters" alphabetic_script%1:10:00:: 106361314 alphabetic writing, alphabetic script n a writing system based on alphabetic characters alphabetic_writing%1:10:00:: 106361314 alphabetic writing, alphabetic script n a writing system based on alphabetic characters alphabetisation%1:04:00:: 101011028 alphabetization, alphabetisation n the act of putting in alphabetical order alphabetise%2:30:00:: 200279239 alphabetize, alphabetise v arrange in alphabetical order; "Alphabetize the list" alphabetised%5:00:00:alphabetic:00 300100989 alphabetized, alphabetised s having been put in alphabetical order; "the cards are all alphabetized, as you requested" alphabetiser%1:18:00:: 109785409 alphabetizer, alphabetiser n a literate person who can arrange items in alphabetical order alphabetization%1:04:00:: 101011028 alphabetization, alphabetisation n the act of putting in alphabetical order alphabetize%2:30:00:: 200279239 alphabetize, alphabetise v arrange in alphabetical order; "Alphabetize the list" alphabetize%2:40:00:: 202330967 alphabetize v provide with an alphabet; "Cyril and Method alphabetized the Slavic languages" alphabetized%5:00:00:alphabetic:00 300100989 alphabetized, alphabetised s having been put in alphabetical order; "the cards are all alphabetized, as you requested" alphabetizer%1:18:00:: 109785409 alphabetizer, alphabetiser n a literate person who can arrange items in alphabetical order alphabet_soup%1:13:00:: 107583978 alphabet soup n soup that contains small noodles in the shape of letters of the alphabet alphabet_soup%1:14:00:: 108400191 alphabet soup n a confusing assortment; "Roosevelt created an alphabet soup of federal agencies" alpha_blocker%1:06:00:: 102698769 alpha blocker, alpha-blocker, alpha-adrenergic blocker, alpha-adrenergic blocking agent n any of various drugs that block alpha-adrenergic receptors; used in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia; relaxes the muscles of the prostate and bladder alpha-blocker%1:06:00:: 102698769 alpha blocker, alpha-blocker, alpha-adrenergic blocker, alpha-adrenergic blocking agent n any of various drugs that block alpha-adrenergic receptors; used in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia; relaxes the muscles of the prostate and bladder alpha_brass%1:27:00:: 114720474 alpha brass n an alloy of brass and zinc; used mainly for cold working alpha_bronze%1:27:00:: 114720588 alpha bronze n an alloy of copper and tin that can be worked alpha_centauri%1:17:00:: 109193772 Alpha Centauri, Rigil Kent, Rigil n brightest star in Centaurus; second nearest star to the sun alpha_crucis%1:17:00:: 109193933 Alpha Crucis n the brightest star in the Southern Cross alpha_decay%1:22:00:: 113429432 alpha decay n radioactive decay of an atomic nucleus that is accompanied by the emission of an alpha particle alpha_fetoprotein%1:27:00:: 115033846 alpha fetoprotein, alpha foetoprotein, AFP n an abnormally large amount of this fetoprotein in the fetus can signal an abnormality of the neural tube (as spina bifida or anencephaly) alpha_foetoprotein%1:27:00:: 115033846 alpha fetoprotein, alpha foetoprotein, AFP n an abnormally large amount of this fetoprotein in the fetus can signal an abnormality of the neural tube (as spina bifida or anencephaly) alpha_geminorum%1:17:00:: 109237749 Castor, Alpha Geminorum n a multiple star with 6 components; second brightest in Gemini; close to Pollux alpha_globulin%1:27:00:: 114731964 alpha globulin n a globulin in blood plasma or serum that is alkaline and has great electrophoretic mobility alpha-interferon%1:06:00:: 102699096 alpha-interferon n a form of interferon that is produced endogenously and commercially for its pharmacological effects (including regulation of the immune system and antiviral and antineoplastic effects) alpha_iron%1:27:00:: 114720692 alpha iron n a magnetic allotrope of iron; stable below 906 degrees centigrade alpha-linolenic_acid%1:27:00:: 114609443 alpha-linolenic acid n a polyunsaturated fatty acid with 18 carbon atoms; the only omega-3 fatty acid found in vegetable products; it is most abundant in canola oil; a fatty acid essential for nutrition alpha-lipoprotein%1:27:00:: 114907349 high-density lipoprotein, HDL, alpha-lipoprotein n a lipoprotein that transports cholesterol in the blood; composed of a high proportion of protein and relatively little cholesterol; high levels are thought to be associated with decreased risk of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis alphameric%3:01:00:: 302614579 alphanumeric, alphanumerical, alphameric, alphamerical a of or pertaining to alphanumeric characters alphamerical%3:01:00:: 302614579 alphanumeric, alphanumerical, alphameric, alphamerical a of or pertaining to alphanumeric characters alpha_methyl_dopa%1:06:00:: 103755991 methyldopa, alpha methyl dopa, Aldomet n antihypertensive drug (trade name Aldomet) used in the treatment of high blood pressure alpha-naphthol%1:27:00:: 114609689 alpha-naphthol n an isomer of naphthol used in dyes alpha-naphthol_test%1:27:00:: 114609784 alpha-naphthol test, Molisch's test, Molisch test, Molisch reaction n biochemical indicator of the presence of carbohydrates in a solution; if carbohydrates are present a violet ring is formed by reaction with alpha-naphthol in the presence of sulfuric acid alphanumeric%3:01:00:: 302614579 alphanumeric, alphanumerical, alphameric, alphamerical a of or pertaining to alphanumeric characters alphanumerical%3:01:00:: 302614579 alphanumeric, alphanumerical, alphameric, alphamerical a of or pertaining to alphanumeric characters alphanumeric_characters%1:10:00:: 106500262 alphanumerics, alphanumeric characters n a character set that includes letters and digits and punctuation alphanumeric_display%1:06:00:: 103196598 digital display, alphanumeric display n a display that gives the information in the form of characters (numbers or letters) alphanumerics%1:10:00:: 106500262 alphanumerics, alphanumeric characters n a character set that includes letters and digits and punctuation alpha_orionis%1:17:00:: 109219731 Betelgeuse, Alpha Orionis n the second brightest star in Orion alpha_particle%1:17:00:: 109194052 alpha particle n a positively charged particle that is the nucleus of the helium atom; emitted from natural or radioactive isotopes alpha_privative%1:10:00:: 106308674 alpha privative n the negative prefix a- or un- alpha_radiation%1:19:00:: 111423607 alpha radiation, alpha ray n the radiation of alpha particles during radioactive decay alpha_ray%1:19:00:: 111423607 alpha radiation, alpha ray n the radiation of alpha particles during radioactive decay alpha_receptor%1:08:00:: 105609111 alpha receptor, alpha-adrenergic receptor, alpha-adrenoceptor n receptors postulated to exist on nerve cell membranes of the sympathetic nervous system in order to explain the specificity of certain agents that affect only some sympathetic activities (such as vasoconstriction and relaxation of intestinal muscles and contraction of smooth muscles) alpha_rhythm%1:19:00:: 111423756 alpha rhythm, alpha wave n the normal brainwave in the electroencephalogram of a person who is awake but relaxed; occurs with a frequency of 8-12 hertz alpha_software%1:10:00:: 106566805 alpha software n a first release of a software product that is usually tested only by the developers alpha_test%1:09:00:: 105799761 alpha test n (computer science) a first test of an experimental product (such as computer software) carried out by the developer alpha-tocopheral%1:27:00:: 114720833 alpha-tocopheral n a potent form of vitamin E obtained from germ oils or by synthesis alpha_wave%1:19:00:: 111423756 alpha rhythm, alpha wave n the normal brainwave in the electroencephalogram of a person who is awake but relaxed; occurs with a frequency of 8-12 hertz alphavirus%1:05:00:: 101332488 alphavirus n an arbovirus of the family Togaviridae that can cause a variety of encephalitis in horses alphonse_bertillon%1:18:00:: 110849213 Bertillon, Alphonse Bertillon n French criminologist (1853-1914) alphonse_capone%1:18:00:: 110881784 Capone, Al Capone, Alphonse Capone, Scarface n United States gangster who terrorized Chicago during prohibition until arrested for tax evasion (1899-1947) alpine%3:01:00:: 303025590 Alpine a relating to the Alps and their inhabitants; "Alpine countries, Switzerland, Italy, France, and Germany" alpine%3:01:01:: 303025746 alpine a relating to or characteristic of alps; "alpine sports" alpine%5:00:00:upland:00 301219373 alpine s living or growing above the timber line; "alpine flowers" alpine_anemone%1:20:00:: 111725311 Alpine anemone, mountain anemone, Anemone tetonensis n silky-foliaged herb of the Rocky Mountains with bluish-white flowers alpine_ash%1:20:00:: 112336973 alpine ash, mountain oak, Eucalyptus delegatensis n tall timber tree with hard heavy pinkish or light brown wood alpine_azalea%1:20:00:: 112240477 alpine azalea, mountain azalea, Loiseleuria procumbens n creeping mat-forming evergreen shrub of high mountain regions of northern hemisphere grown for its rose-pink flowers alpine_bearberry%1:20:00:: 112231709 alpine bearberry, black bearberry, Arctostaphylos alpina n deciduous creeping shrub bright red in autumn having black or blue-black berries; alpine and circumpolar alpine_besseya%1:20:00:: 112878325 Alpine besseya, Besseya alpina n small pale plant with dense spikes of pale bluish-violet flowers; of high cold meadows from Wyoming and Utah to New Mexico alpine_celery_pine%1:20:00:: 111650430 Alpine celery pine, Phyllocladus alpinus n small shrubby celery pine of New Zealand alpine_clover%1:20:00:: 111752798 alpine clover, Trifolium alpinum n European mountain clover with fragrant usually pink flowers alpine_clubmoss%1:20:00:: 113222985 alpine clubmoss, Lycopodium alpinum n a variety of club moss alpine_coltsfoot%1:20:00:: 111982939 alpine coltsfoot, Homogyne alpina, Tussilago alpina n rhizomatous herb with purple-red flowers suitable for groundcover; sometimes placed in genus Tussilago alpine_enchanter's_nightshade%1:20:00:: 112341795 Alpine enchanter's nightshade, Circaea alpina n an Alpine variety of enchanter's nightshade alpine_fir%1:20:00:: 111622591 Alpine fir, subalpine fir, Abies lasiocarpa n medium-tall timber tree of the Rocky Mountains having a narrowly conic to columnar crown alpine_glacier%1:17:00:: 109194227 Alpine glacier, Alpine type of glacier n a glacier that moves down from a high valley alpine_gold%1:20:00:: 111983375 alpine gold, alpine hulsea, Hulsea algida n low tufted plant having hairy stems each topped by a flower head with short narrow yellow rays; northwestern United States alpine_golden_chain%1:20:00:: 112538209 Scotch laburnum, Alpine golden chain, Laburnum alpinum n an ornamental shrub or tree of the genus Laburnum alpine_goldenrod%1:20:00:: 112016914 alpine goldenrod, Solidago multiradiata n goldenrod similar to narrow goldenrod but having bristly hairs on edges of leaf stalks; mountainous regions of western America alpine_hulsea%1:20:00:: 111983375 alpine gold, alpine hulsea, Hulsea algida n low tufted plant having hairy stems each topped by a flower head with short narrow yellow rays; northwestern United States alpine_lady_fern%1:20:00:: 113194758 Alpine lady fern, Athyrium distentifolium n a lady fern with deeply cut leaf segments; found in the Rocky Mountains alpine_lift%1:06:00:: 104396650 T-bar lift, T-bar, Alpine lift n a surface lift where riders hold a bar and are pulled up the hill on their skis alpine_milk_vetch%1:20:00:: 112508618 alpine milk vetch, Astragalus alpinus n perennial of mountainous areas of Eurasia and North America alpine_mouse-ear%1:20:00:: 111807696 Alpine mouse-ear, Arctic mouse-ear, Cerastium alpinum n widespread in the Arctic and on mountains in Europe alpine_salamander%1:05:00:: 101630148 alpine salamander, Salamandra atra n ovoviviparous amphibian of the Alps alpine_scurvy%1:26:00:: 114200873 pellagra, Alpine scurvy, mal de la rosa, mal rosso, maidism, mayidism, Saint Ignatius' itch n a disease caused by deficiency of niacin or tryptophan (or by a defect in the metabolic conversion of tryptophan to niacin); characterized by gastrointestinal disturbances and erythema and nervous or mental disorders; may be caused by malnutrition or alcoholism or other nutritional impairments alpine_sunflower%1:20:00:: 112025507 old man of the mountain, alpine sunflower, Tetraneuris grandiflora, Hymenoxys grandiflora n whitish hairy plant with featherlike leaves and a few stout stems each bearing an especially handsome solitary large yellow flower head; mountainous regions north central United States alpine_totara%1:20:00:: 111652966 alpine totara, Podocarpus nivalis n low wide-spreading coniferous shrub of New Zealand mountains alpine_type_of_glacier%1:17:00:: 109194227 Alpine glacier, Alpine type of glacier n a glacier that moves down from a high valley alpine_woodsia%1:20:00:: 113202355 Alpine woodsia, northern woodsia, flower-cup fern, Woodsia alpina n slender fern of northern North America with shining chestnut-colored stipes and bipinnate fronds with usually distinct marginal sori alpinia%1:20:00:: 112356668 Alpinia, genus Alpinia, genus Zerumbet, genus Languas n perennial rhizomatous herbs of Asia and Australia and Polynesia having ginger-scented rhizomes alpinia_galanga%1:20:00:: 112356960 galangal, Alpinia galanga n southeastern Asian perennial with aromatic roots alpinia_officinalis%1:20:00:: 112357100 lesser galangal, Alpinia officinarum, Alpinia officinalis n Chinese perennial with pyramidal racemes of white flowers and pungent aromatic roots used medicinally and as flavoring alpinia_officinarum%1:20:00:: 112357100 lesser galangal, Alpinia officinarum, Alpinia officinalis n Chinese perennial with pyramidal racemes of white flowers and pungent aromatic roots used medicinally and as flavoring alpinia_purpurata%1:20:00:: 112357343 red ginger, Alpinia purpurata n an ornamental ginger native to Pacific islands alpinia_speciosa%1:20:00:: 112357485 shellflower, shall-flower, shell ginger, Alpinia Zerumbet, Alpinia speciosa, Languas speciosa n cultivated for its shining oblong leaves and arching clusters of white flowers with pink shading and crinkled yellow lips with variegated magenta stripes alpinia_zerumbet%1:20:00:: 112357485 shellflower, shall-flower, shell ginger, Alpinia Zerumbet, Alpinia speciosa, Languas speciosa n cultivated for its shining oblong leaves and arching clusters of white flowers with pink shading and crinkled yellow lips with variegated magenta stripes alpinism%1:04:00:: 100325975 Alpinism n mountain climbing (not restricted to the Alps) alpinist%1:18:00:: 109785659 alpinist n a mountain climber who specializes in difficult climbs alprazolam%1:06:00:: 102699343 alprazolam, Xanax n an antianxiety agent (trade name Xanax) of the benzodiazepine class alps%1:17:00:: 109194357 Alps, the Alps n a large mountain system in south-central Europe; scenic beauty and winter sports make them a popular tourist attraction al-qaeda%1:14:00:: 108013845 al-Qaeda, Qaeda, al-Qa'ida, al-Qaida, Base n a terrorist network intensely opposed to the United States that dispenses money and logistical support and training to a wide variety of radical Islamic terrorist groups; has cells in more than 50 countries al_qahira%1:15:00:: 108898633 Cairo, Al Qahira, El Qahira, Egyptian capital, capital of Egypt n the capital of Egypt and the largest city in Africa; a major port just to the south of the Nile delta; formerly the home of the Pharaohs al-qa'ida%1:14:00:: 108013845 al-Qaeda, Qaeda, al-Qa'ida, al-Qaida, Base n a terrorist network intensely opposed to the United States that dispenses money and logistical support and training to a wide variety of radical Islamic terrorist groups; has cells in more than 50 countries al-qaida%1:14:00:: 108013845 al-Qaeda, Qaeda, al-Qa'ida, al-Qaida, Base n a terrorist network intensely opposed to the United States that dispenses money and logistical support and training to a wide variety of radical Islamic terrorist groups; has cells in more than 50 countries al_qanoon%1:14:00:: 108030711 Lashkar-e-Omar, Al Qanoon n a terrorist organization formed in Pakistan in 2002 as a coalition of extremist Islamic militant groups including Lashkar-e-Taiba and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and Jaish-e-Muhammad and elements of al-Qaeda al-qur'an%1:10:00:: 106461609 Koran, Quran, al-Qur'an, Book n the sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina al-rashid_trust%1:14:00:: 108014202 al-Rashid Trust n a terrorist group organized in 1996 after the Taliban took over Afghanistan and part of Osama bin Laden's international system; provides financial support for the Taliban and al-Qaeda and Jaish-i-Mohammed and assists Muslim militants around the world; established a network of madrasas and mosques in Afghanistan already%4:02:00:: 400031798 already, already r prior to a specified or implied time; "she has already graduated" alright%4:02:00:: 400053004 very well, fine, alright, all right, OK, very well, fine, alright, all right, OK r an expression of agreement normally occurring at the beginning of a sentence alright%4:02:01:: 400053152 all right, alright, all right, alright r without doubt (used to reinforce an assertion); "it's expensive all right" alright%4:02:02:: 400015471 okay, O.K., all right, alright, okay, O.K., all right, alright r in a satisfactory or adequate manner; "she'll do okay on her own"; "held up all right under pressure"; (`alright' is a nonstandard variant of `all right') alright%5:00:00:satisfactory:00 302081492 alright s nonstandard usage als%1:26:00:: 114105737 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease n thickening of tissue in the motor tracts of the lateral columns and anterior horns of the spinal cord; results in progressive muscle atrophy that starts in the limbs alsace%1:15:00:: 108940209 Alsace, Alsatia, Elsass n a region of northeastern France famous for its wines alsatia%1:15:00:: 108940209 Alsace, Alsatia, Elsass n a region of northeastern France famous for its wines alsatian%1:05:00:: 102106662 German shepherd, German shepherd dog, German police dog, alsatian n breed of large shepherd dogs used in police work and as a guide for the blind alsatian%1:18:00:: 109785786 Alsatian n a native or inhabitant of Alsace alsatian%3:01:00:: 302972344 Alsatian a of or relating to or characteristic of Alsace or its inhabitants also%4:02:00:: 400047534 besides, too, also, likewise, as well, besides, too, also, likewise, as well r in addition; "he has a Mercedes, too" alsobia%1:20:00:: 112830974 Alsobia, genus Alsobia n tropical American herbs sometimes included in genus Episcia alsobia_dianthiflora%1:20:00:: 112831141 lace-flower vine, Alsobia dianthiflora, Episcia dianthiflora n low-growing creeping perennial of Central America having deeply fringed white flowers; sometimes placed in genus Episcia also_known_as%4:02:00:: 400270446 alias, a.k.a., also known as, alias, a.k.a., also known as r as known or named at another time or place; "Mr. Smith, alias Mr. Lafayette" alsophila%1:05:00:: 102287476 Alsophila, genus Alsophila n geometrid moths alsophila_pometaria%1:05:00:: 102287622 Alsophila pometaria n North American moth with grey-winged males and wingless females; larvae are fall cankerworms also-ran%1:18:00:: 110272913 loser, also-ran n a contestant who loses the contest alstonia%1:20:00:: 111770013 Alstonia, genus Alstonia n genus of evergreen trees or shrubs with white funnel-shaped flowers and milky sap; tropical Africa to southeastern Asia and Polynesia alstonia_scholaris%1:20:00:: 111770256 dita, dita bark, devil tree, Alstonia scholaris n evergreen tree of eastern Asia and Philippines having large leathery leaves and small green-white flowers in compact cymes; bark formerly used medicinally alstroemeria%1:20:00:: 112438571 alstroemeria n any of various South American plants of the genus Alstroemeria valued for their handsome umbels of beautiful flowers alstroemeriaceae%1:20:00:: 112438046 Alstroemeriaceae, family Alstroemeriaceae n one of many families or subfamilies into which some classification systems subdivide the Liliaceae but not widely accepted; sometimes included in subfamily Amaryllidaceae alstroemeria_pelegrina%1:20:00:: 112438783 Peruvian lily, lily of the Incas, Alstroemeria pelegrina n an Andean herb having umbels of showy pinkish-purple lily-like flowers al_sunna_wal_jamma%1:14:00:: 108014615 al Sunna Wal Jamma, Followers of the Phrophet n a resurgent Islamic fundamentalist organization based in Nigeria that is thought to be planning terrorist attacks alt%1:24:00:: 113836550 elevation, EL, altitude, ALT n angular distance above the horizon (especially of a celestial object) altace%1:06:00:: 104051068 ramipril, Altace n an ACE inhibitor (trade name Altace) used to treat high blood pressure or in some patients who have had a heart attack altaic%1:10:00:: 106926212 Altaic, Altaic language n a group of related languages spoken in Asia and southeastern Europe altaic%1:18:00:: 109690208 Altaic n any member of the peoples speaking a language in the Altaic language group altaic%3:01:00:: 302614816 Altaic a of or pertaining to or written in Altaic altaic_language%1:10:00:: 106926212 Altaic, Altaic language n a group of related languages spoken in Asia and southeastern Europe altai_mountains%1:17:00:: 109194710 Altai Mountains, Altay Mountains n a mountain range in central Asia that extends a thousand miles from Kazakhstan eastward into western Mongolia and northern China altair%1:17:00:: 109194938 Altair n double star 15.7 light years from Earth; the brightest star in the Aquila constellation altar%1:06:00:: 102699494 altar n a raised structure on which gifts or sacrifices to a god are made altar%1:06:01:: 102699629 altar, communion table, Lord's table n the table in Christian churches where communion is given altar_boy%1:18:00:: 109785891 altar boy n a boy serving as an acolyte altarpiece%1:06:00:: 102699770 altarpiece, reredos n a painted or carved screen placed above and behind an altar or communion table altar_wine%1:13:00:: 107893425 altar wine, sacramental wine n used in a communion service al_tawhid%1:14:00:: 108014860 al-Tawhid, Al Tawhid, Divine Unity n an Islamic terrorist cell that originated in Jordan but operates in Germany; goal is to attack Europe and Russia with chemical weapons al-tawhid%1:14:00:: 108014860 al-Tawhid, Al Tawhid, Divine Unity n an Islamic terrorist cell that originated in Jordan but operates in Germany; goal is to attack Europe and Russia with chemical weapons altay_mountains%1:17:00:: 109194710 Altai Mountains, Altay Mountains n a mountain range in central Asia that extends a thousand miles from Kazakhstan eastward into western Mongolia and northern China altazimuth%1:06:00:: 102699915 altazimuth n an instrument that measures the altitude and azimuth of celestial bodies; used in navigation alter%2:29:00:: 200060477 alter, neuter, spay, castrate v remove the ovaries of; "Is your cat spayed?" alter%2:30:00:: 200123170 change, alter, vary v become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence; "her mood changes in accordance with the weather"; "The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season" alter%2:30:01:: 200126264 change, alter, modify v cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue" alter%2:30:04:: 200201407 interpolate, alter, falsify v insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby alter%2:36:00:: 201667132 alter v make an alteration to; "This dress needs to be altered" alterability%1:07:00:: 104741530 alterability n the quality of being alterable alterable%3:00:00:: 300349295 alterable a capable of being changed or altered in some characteristic; "alterable clothing"; "alterable conditions of employment" alterable%5:00:00:commutable:00 300348380 alterable s (of the punishment ordered by a court) capable of being changed to one less severe alteration%1:04:00:: 100399393 revision, alteration n the act of revising or altering (involving reconsideration and modification); "it would require a drastic revision of his opinion" alteration%1:04:01:: 100199707 alteration, modification, adjustment n the act of making something different (as e.g. the size of a garment) alteration%1:11:00:: 107296428 change, alteration, modification n an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another; "the change was intended to increase sales"; "this storm is certainly a change for the worse"; "the neighborhood had undergone few modifications since his last visit years ago" alterative%5:00:00:healthful:00 301165943 curative, healing, alterative, remedial, sanative, therapeutic s tending to cure or restore to health; "curative powers of herbal remedies"; "her gentle healing hand"; "remedial surgery"; "a sanative environment of mountains and fresh air"; "a therapeutic agent"; "therapeutic diets" altercate%2:32:00:: 200775156 quarrel, dispute, scrap, argufy, altercate v have a disagreement over something; "We quarreled over the question as to who discovered America"; "These two fellows are always scrapping over something" altercation%1:10:00:: 107184545 affray, altercation, fracas n noisy quarrel altered%3:00:00:: 300352127 altered a changed in form or character without becoming something else; "the altered policy promised success"; "following an altered course we soon found ourselves back in civilization"; "he looked...with clouded eyes and with an altered manner of breathing"- Charles Dickens altered%5:00:00:castrated:00 302136970 altered, neutered s having testicles or ovaries removed altered%5:00:00:modified:00 301540637 adapted, altered s changed in order to improve or made more fit for a particular purpose; "seeds precisely adapted to the area"; "instructions altered to suit the children's different ages" alter_ego%1:18:00:: 109785992 alter ego n a very close and trusted friend who seems almost a part of yourself altering%1:04:00:: 100692506 neutering, fixing, altering n the sterilization of an animal; "they took him to the vet for neutering" alternanthera%1:20:00:: 111824548 Alternanthera, genus Alternanthera n genus of low herbs of tropical America and Australia; includes genus Telanthera alternanthera_philoxeroides%1:20:00:: 111824747 alligator weed, alligator grass, Alternanthera philoxeroides n prolific South American aquatic weed having grasslike leaves and short spikes of white flowers; clogs waterways with dense floating masses alternate%1:18:00:: 110680153 surrogate, alternate, replacement n someone who takes the place of another person alternate%2:30:00:: 200121214 alternate, take turns v do something in turns; "We take turns on the night shift" alternate%2:30:01:: 200121506 alternate, jump v go back and forth; swing back and forth between two states or conditions alternate%2:30:02:: 200121678 interchange, tack, switch, alternate, flip, flip-flop v reverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action) alternate%2:31:00:: 200604930 understudy, alternate v be an understudy or alternate for a role alternate%2:41:00:: 202393726 alternate v exchange people temporarily to fulfill certain jobs and functions alternate%3:00:00:: 301663359 alternate a of leaves and branches etc; first on one side and then on the other in two ranks along an axis; not paired; "stems with alternate leaves" alternate%5:00:00:secondary:01 301853934 alternate, alternative, substitute s serving or used in place of another; "an alternative plan" alternate%5:00:01:cyclic:01 300675928 alternate, alternating s occurring by turns; first one and then the other; "alternating feelings of love and hate" alternate%5:00:02:cyclic:01 300676093 alternate s every second one of a series; "the cleaning lady comes on alternate Wednesdays"; "jam every other day"- the White Queen alternately%4:02:00:: 400137562 alternately, alternately r in an alternating sequence or position; "They were deglycerolized by alternately centrifuging and mixing"; "he planted fir and pine trees alternately" alternating%3:00:00:: 300763767 alternating a (of a current) reversing direction; "alternating current" alternating%5:00:01:cyclic:01 300675928 alternate, alternating s occurring by turns; first one and then the other; "alternating feelings of love and hate" alternating_current%1:19:00:: 111423952 alternating current, AC, alternating electric current n an electric current that reverses direction sinusoidally; "In the US most household current is AC at 60 cycles per second" alternating_electric_current%1:19:00:: 111423952 alternating current, AC, alternating electric current n an electric current that reverses direction sinusoidally; "In the US most household current is AC at 60 cycles per second" alternation%1:04:00:: 101010684 alternation n successive change from one thing or state to another and back again; "a trill is a rapid alternation between the two notes" alternation_of_generations%1:19:00:: 111424194 alternation of generations, heterogenesis, xenogenesis n the alternation of two or more different forms in the life cycle of a plant or animal alternative%1:09:00:: 105790944 option, alternative, choice n one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen; "what option did I have?"; "there no other alternative"; "my only choice is to refuse" alternative%5:00:00:disjunctive:00 300564667 alternative s necessitating a choice between mutually exclusive possibilities; "alternative possibilities were neutrality or war" alternative%5:00:00:secondary:01 301853934 alternate, alternative, substitute s serving or used in place of another; "an alternative plan" alternative%5:00:00:unconventional:01 300608668 alternative s pertaining to unconventional choices; "an alternative life style" alternative_birth%1:22:00:: 113429585 alternative birth, alternative birthing n a method of childbirth that avoids intrusive high-tech medicine in favor of more natural and homely settings alternative_birthing%1:22:00:: 113429585 alternative birth, alternative birthing n a method of childbirth that avoids intrusive high-tech medicine in favor of more natural and homely settings alternative_energy%1:19:00:: 111424400 alternative energy n energy derived from sources that do not use up natural resources or harm the environment alternatively%4:02:00:: 400063172 alternatively, instead, or else, alternatively, instead, or else r in place of, or as an alternative to; "Felix became a herpetologist instead"; "alternatively we could buy a used car" alternative_medicine%1:04:00:: 100613473 alternative medicine n the practice of medicine without the use of drugs; may involve herbal medicines or self-awareness or biofeedback or acupuncture alternative_pleading%1:10:00:: 106560021 alternative pleading, pleading in the alternative n a pleading that alleges facts so separate that it is difficult to determine which facts the person intends to rely on alternator%1:06:00:: 102700064 alternator n an old term for an electric generator that produces alternating current (especially in automobiles) althaea%1:20:00:: 112174311 althea, althaea, hollyhock n any of various plants of the genus Althaea; similar to but having smaller flowers than genus Alcea althea%1:20:00:: 112174311 althea, althaea, hollyhock n any of various plants of the genus Althaea; similar to but having smaller flowers than genus Alcea althea_gibson%1:18:00:: 110998117 Gibson, Althea Gibson n United States tennis player who was the first Black woman player to win all the major world singles titles (1927-2003) althea_officinalis%1:20:00:: 112174521 marsh mallow, white mallow, Althea officinalis n European perennial plant naturalized in United States having triangular ovate leaves and lilac-pink flowers althea_rosea%1:20:00:: 112173912 rose mallow, Alcea rosea, Althea rosea n plant with terminal racemes of showy white to pink or purple flowers; the English cottage garden hollyhock altimeter%1:06:00:: 102700258 altimeter n an instrument that measures the height above ground; used in navigation altissimo%5:00:00:high:03 301213721 altissimo s very high altitude%1:07:00:: 105131647 altitude, height n elevation especially above sea level or above the earth's surface; "the altitude gave her a headache" altitude%1:24:00:: 113836550 elevation, EL, altitude, ALT n angular distance above the horizon (especially of a celestial object) altitude%1:25:00:: 113897657 altitude n the perpendicular distance from the base of a geometric figure to the opposite vertex (or side if parallel) altitude_sickness%1:26:00:: 114042914 altitude sickness n effects (as nosebleed or nausea) of oxygen deficiency in the blood and tissues at high altitudes altitudinal%3:01:00:: 302614945 altitudinal a pertaining to altitude altitudinous%5:00:00:high:01 301205131 altitudinous s indefinitely high; lofty alto%1:07:00:: 104986526 alto n the pitch range of the lowest female voice alto%1:07:01:: 104986637 alto n (of a musical instrument) the second highest instrument in a family of musical instruments alto%1:10:00:: 106872905 contralto, alto n the lowest female singing voice alto%1:10:01:: 106872785 countertenor, alto n the highest adult male singing voice alto%1:18:00:: 109786115 alto n a singer whose voice lies in the alto clef alto%5:00:01:high:03 301213786 alto s (of a musical instrument) second highest member of a group; "alto clarinet or recorder" alto%5:00:02:high:03 301213961 countertenor, alto s of or being the highest male voice; having a range above that of tenor alto%5:00:03:low:03 301215663 alto, contralto s of or being the lowest female voice alto_clef%1:10:00:: 106863086 alto clef, viola clef n a clef that puts middle C on the third line of a staff altocumulus%1:17:00:: 109195098 altocumulus, altocumulus cloud n a cumulus cloud at an intermediate altitude of 2 or 3 miles altocumulus_cloud%1:17:00:: 109195098 altocumulus, altocumulus cloud n a cumulus cloud at an intermediate altitude of 2 or 3 miles altogether%1:26:00:: 114456586 raw, altogether, birthday suit n informal terms for nakedness; "in the raw"; "in the altogether"; "in his birthday suit" altogether%4:02:00:: 400063630 altogether, all told, in all, altogether, all told, in all r with everything included or counted; "altogether he earns close to a million dollars" altogether%4:02:03:: 400151755 all in all, on the whole, altogether, tout ensemble, all in all, on the whole, altogether, tout ensemble r with everything considered (and neglecting details); "altogether, I'm sorry it happened"; "all in all, it's not so bad" altogether%4:02:04:: 400008007 wholly, entirely, completely, totally, all, altogether, whole, wholly, entirely, completely, totally, all, altogether, whole r to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly'); "he was wholly convinced"; "entirely satisfied with the meal"; "it was completely different from what we expected"; "was completely at fault"; "a totally new situation"; "the directions were all wrong"; "it was not altogether her fault"; "an altogether new approach"; "a whole new idea" altoist%1:18:00:: 109786226 alto saxophonist, altoist n a musician who plays the alto saxophone alton_glenn_miller%1:18:00:: 111180209 Miller, Glenn Miller, Alton Glenn Miller n United States bandleader of a popular big band (1909-1944) altoona%1:15:00:: 109135142 Altoona n a town in central Pennsylvania alto_relievo%1:06:00:: 102700422 alto relievo, alto rilievo, high relief n a sculptural relief in which forms extend out from the background to at least half their depth alto_rilievo%1:06:00:: 102700422 alto relievo, alto rilievo, high relief n a sculptural relief in which forms extend out from the background to at least half their depth alto_saxophonist%1:18:00:: 109786226 alto saxophonist, altoist n a musician who plays the alto saxophone altostratus%1:17:00:: 109195235 altostratus, altostratus cloud n a stratus cloud at an intermediate altitude of 2 or 3 miles altostratus_cloud%1:17:00:: 109195235 altostratus, altostratus cloud n a stratus cloud at an intermediate altitude of 2 or 3 miles altricial%3:00:00:: 300101331 altricial a (of hatchlings) naked and blind and dependent on parents for food altruism%1:07:00:: 104833276 altruism, selflessness n the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others altruist%1:18:00:: 110421956 philanthropist, altruist n someone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well-being altruistic%3:00:00:: 300101609 altruistic, selfless a showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others altruistically%4:02:00:: 400270974 altruistically, selflessly, altruistically, selflessly r in an altruistic manner; "he acted selflessly when he helped the old lady in distress" alula%1:05:00:: 101897667 bastard wing, alula, spurious wing n tuft of small stiff feathers on the first digit of a bird's wing alula%1:05:02:: 102190465 alula, calypter n scalelike structure between the base of the wing and the halter of a two-winged fly alular%3:01:00:: 302615079 alular a pertaining to alulae alum%1:06:00:: 102700622 alum n a double sulphate of aluminum and potassium that is used as an astringent (among other things) alum%1:18:00:: 109786338 alumnus, alumna, alum, graduate, grad n a person who has received a degree from a school (high school or college or university) alum%1:27:01:: 114628119 alum, potassium alum, potash alum n a white crystalline double sulfate of aluminum: the potassium double sulfate of aluminum alum%1:27:02:: 114628307 alum, ammonia alum, ammonium alum n a white crystalline double sulfate of aluminum: the ammonium double sulfate of aluminum alumbloom%1:20:00:: 112798284 alumroot, alumbloom n any of several herbs of the genus Heuchera alumina%1:27:00:: 114823944 alumina, aluminum oxide, aluminium oxide n any of various forms of aluminum oxide occurring naturally as corundum aluminate%1:27:00:: 114824140 aluminate n a compound of alumina and a metallic oxide aluminiferous%5:00:00:metallic:00 301528039 aluminiferous s containing alum or aluminum aluminise%2:35:00:: 201338113 aluminize, aluminise v cover with aluminum aluminium%1:27:00:: 114627820 aluminum, aluminium, Al, atomic number 13 n a silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite aluminium_bronze%1:27:00:: 114722912 aluminum bronze, aluminium bronze n an alloy of copper and aluminum with high tensile strength and resistance to corrosion aluminium_chloride%1:27:00:: 115017878 aluminum chloride, aluminium chloride n a chloride used as a wood preservative or catalyst aluminium_foil%1:06:00:: 102700767 aluminum foil, aluminium foil, tin foil n foil made of aluminum aluminium_hydroxide%1:27:00:: 114824238 aluminum hydroxide, aluminium hydroxide, hydrated aluminum oxide, hydrated aluminium oxide n white crystalline compound that occurs naturally as the mineral gibbsite aluminium_oxide%1:27:00:: 114823944 alumina, aluminum oxide, aluminium oxide n any of various forms of aluminum oxide occurring naturally as corundum aluminize%2:35:00:: 201338113 aluminize, aluminise v cover with aluminum aluminous%3:01:00:: 302615207 aluminous a pertaining to or containing aluminum or alum aluminum%1:27:00:: 114627820 aluminum, aluminium, Al, atomic number 13 n a silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite aluminum_bronze%1:27:00:: 114722912 aluminum bronze, aluminium bronze n an alloy of copper and aluminum with high tensile strength and resistance to corrosion aluminum_business%1:14:00:: 108066186 aluminum business, aluminum industry n manufacturers of aluminum considered as a group aluminum_chloride%1:27:00:: 115017878 aluminum chloride, aluminium chloride n a chloride used as a wood preservative or catalyst aluminum_foil%1:06:00:: 102700767 aluminum foil, aluminium foil, tin foil n foil made of aluminum aluminum_hydroxide%1:27:00:: 114824238 aluminum hydroxide, aluminium hydroxide, hydrated aluminum oxide, hydrated aluminium oxide n white crystalline compound that occurs naturally as the mineral gibbsite aluminum_industry%1:14:00:: 108066186 aluminum business, aluminum industry n manufacturers of aluminum considered as a group aluminum_oxide%1:27:00:: 114823944 alumina, aluminum oxide, aluminium oxide n any of various forms of aluminum oxide occurring naturally as corundum al-ummah%1:14:00:: 108015116 al-Ummah n a terrorist group formed in India in 1992; is believed to be responsible for bombings in southern India in 1998 alumna%1:18:00:: 109786338 alumnus, alumna, alum, graduate, grad n a person who has received a degree from a school (high school or college or university) alumnus%1:18:00:: 109786338 alumnus, alumna, alum, graduate, grad n a person who has received a degree from a school (high school or college or university) alumroot%1:20:00:: 112798284 alumroot, alumbloom n any of several herbs of the genus Heuchera alundum%1:27:00:: 114824469 alundum n a substance made of fused alumina alupent%1:06:00:: 103752649 metaproterenol, Alupent n a bronchodilator (trade name Alupent) used to treat asthma and emphysema and other lung conditions; available in oral or inhalant forms; side effects include tachycardia and shakiness alvar_aalto%1:18:00:: 110806693 Aalto, Alvar Aalto, Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto n Finnish architect and designer of furniture (1898-1976) always%4:02:00:: 400019339 always, ever, e'er, always, ever, e'er r at all times; all the time and on every occasion; "I will always be there to help you"; "always arrives on time"; "there is always some pollution in the air"; "ever hoping to strike it rich"; "ever busy" always%4:02:01:: 400019609 always, always r forever; throughout all time; "we will always be friends"; "I shall treasure it always"; "I will always love you" always%4:02:02:: 400019757 always, always r at any time or in any event; "you can always resign if you don't like it"; "you could always take a day off" always%4:02:03:: 400020280 constantly, always, forever, perpetually, incessantly, constantly, always, forever, perpetually, incessantly r without interruption; "the world is constantly changing" always%4:02:04:: 400020476 constantly, invariably, always, constantly, invariably, always r without variation or change, in every case; "constantly kind and gracious"; "he always arrives on time" alveolar%1:10:00:: 107115493 alveolar consonant, dental consonant, alveolar, dental n a consonant articulated with the tip of the tongue near the gum ridge alveolar%3:01:00:: 302615325 alveolar a pertaining to the tiny air sacs of the lungs alveolar%3:01:02:: 302615424 alveolar a pertaining to the sockets of the teeth or that part of the upper jaw; "alveolar processes" alveolar_arch%1:08:00:: 105310206 alveolar arch n the part of the upper or lower jawbones in which the teeth are set alveolar_artery%1:08:00:: 105335310 alveolar artery, arteria alveolaris n a branch of the maxillary artery that supplies the alveolar process alveolar_bed%1:08:00:: 105387842 alveolar bed n lung tissue densely packed with alveoli alveolar_consonant%1:10:00:: 107115493 alveolar consonant, dental consonant, alveolar, dental n a consonant articulated with the tip of the tongue near the gum ridge alveolar_ectasia%1:26:00:: 114064296 alveolar ectasia n abnormal enlargement of the air sacs in the lungs alveolar_point%1:08:00:: 105234911 prosthion, prostheon, alveolar point n craniometric point that is the most anterior point in the midline on the alveolar process of the maxilla alveolar_process%1:08:00:: 105310351 alveolar ridge, gum ridge, alveolar process n a ridge that forms the borders of the upper and lower jaws and contains the sockets of the teeth alveolar_resorption%1:26:00:: 114081124 alveolar resorption n wasting of the bony socket alveolar_rhabdomyosarcoma%1:26:00:: 114245758 alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, alveolar rhabdosarcoma n form of rhabdomyosarcoma occurring mainly in adolescents and young adults alveolar_rhabdosarcoma%1:26:00:: 114245758 alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, alveolar rhabdosarcoma n form of rhabdomyosarcoma occurring mainly in adolescents and young adults alveolar_ridge%1:08:00:: 105310351 alveolar ridge, gum ridge, alveolar process n a ridge that forms the borders of the upper and lower jaws and contains the sockets of the teeth alveolate%5:00:00:cellular:00 300327690 alveolate, faveolate, cavitied, honeycombed, pitted s pitted with cell-like cavities (as a honeycomb) alveolitis%1:26:00:: 114257779 alveolitis n inflammation of the alveoli in the lungs caused by inhaling dust; with repeated exposure the condition may become chronic alveolitis%1:26:01:: 114257993 alveolitis, dry socket n inflammation in the socket of a tooth; sometimes occurs after a tooth is extracted and a blood clot fails to form alveolus%1:08:00:: 105528395 alveolus, air sac, air cell n a tiny sac for holding air in the lungs; formed by the terminal dilation of tiny air passageways alveolus%1:08:02:: 105285480 tooth socket, alveolus n a bony socket in the alveolar ridge that holds a tooth alvin_ailey%1:18:00:: 110810671 Ailey, Alvin Ailey n United States choreographer noted for his use of African elements (born in 1931) alvine%3:01:00:: 302850047 alvine a of or relating to the intestines alyssum%1:20:00:: 111870607 Alyssum, genus Alyssum n a genus of the family Cruciferae alyssum%1:20:01:: 111870747 alyssum, madwort n any garden plant of the genus Alyssum having clusters of small yellow or white flowers alytes%1:05:00:: 101648001 Alytes, genus Alytes n midwife toads alytes_cisternasi%1:05:00:: 101648356 midwife toad, Alytes cisternasi n similar in habit to Alytes obstetricians alytes_obstetricans%1:05:00:: 101648139 obstetrical toad, midwife toad, Alytes obstetricans n European toad whose male carries the fertilized eggs wrapped around its hind legs until they hatch alzheimer's%1:26:00:: 114396096 Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer's, Alzheimers n a progressive form of presenile dementia that is similar to senile dementia except that it usually starts in the 40s or 50s; first symptoms are impaired memory which is followed by impaired thought and speech and finally complete helplessness alzheimers%1:26:00:: 114396096 Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer's, Alzheimers n a progressive form of presenile dementia that is similar to senile dementia except that it usually starts in the 40s or 50s; first symptoms are impaired memory which is followed by impaired thought and speech and finally complete helplessness alzheimer's_disease%1:26:00:: 114396096 Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer's, Alzheimers n a progressive form of presenile dementia that is similar to senile dementia except that it usually starts in the 40s or 50s; first symptoms are impaired memory which is followed by impaired thought and speech and finally complete helplessness am%1:10:00:: 106281594 amplitude modulation, AM n modulation of the amplitude of the (radio) carrier wave am%1:10:01:: 106701001 Master of Arts, MA, Artium Magister, AM n a master's degree in arts and sciences am%1:27:00:: 114628494 americium, Am, atomic number 95 n a radioactive transuranic metallic element; discovered by bombarding uranium with helium atoms a.m.%4:02:00:: 400251304 ante meridiem, A.M., ante meridiem, A.M. r before noon; "let's meet at 11 A.M." a.m.%5:00:00:antemeridian:00 300130518 ante meridiem, a.m. s before noon amabilis_fir%1:20:00:: 111621281 amabilis fir, white fir, Pacific silver fir, red silver fir, Christmas tree, Abies amabilis n medium to tall fir of western North America having a conic crown and branches in tiers; leaves smell of orange when crushed amadavat%1:05:00:: 101543936 avadavat, amadavat n red Asian weaverbirds often kept as cage birds amaethon%1:18:00:: 109507639 Amaethon n the farmer god; ancient god of agriculture amah%1:18:00:: 110282672 maid, maidservant, housemaid, amah n a female domestic amah%1:18:01:: 110774870 wet nurse, wet-nurse, wetnurse, amah n a woman hired to suckle a child of someone else amain%4:02:00:: 400273048 amain, amain r with all your strength; "he pulled the ropes amain" amain%4:02:01:: 400273133 amain, amain r at full speed; with great haste; "the children ran down the hill amain" amalgam%1:14:00:: 107963987 amalgam n a combination or blend of diverse things; "his theory is an amalgam of earlier ideas" amalgam%1:27:00:: 114716550 amalgam, dental amalgam n an alloy of mercury with another metal (usually silver) used by dentists to fill cavities in teeth; except for iron and platinum all metals dissolve in mercury and chemists refer to the resulting mercury mixtures as amalgams amalgamate%2:35:00:: 201462005 mix, mingle, commix, unify, amalgamate v to bring or combine together or with something else; "resourcefully he mingled music and dance" amalgamate%5:00:00:united:00 302476637 amalgamate, amalgamated, coalesced, consolidated, fused s joined together into a whole; "United Industries"; "the amalgamated colleges constituted a university"; "a consolidated school" amalgamated%5:00:00:united:00 302476637 amalgamate, amalgamated, coalesced, consolidated, fused s joined together into a whole; "United Industries"; "the amalgamated colleges constituted a university"; "a consolidated school" amalgamation%1:04:00:: 101238424 amalgamation, merger, uniting n the combination of two or more commercial companies amalgamative%3:01:00:: 302615587 amalgamative a characterized by or tending toward amalgamation amalgamator%1:18:00:: 109786922 amalgamator n a businessman who arranges an amalgamation of two or more commercial companies a'man%1:14:00:: 108346286 A'man n the Israeli military intelligence which produces comprehensive national intelligence briefings for the prime minister and the cabinet amandine_aurore_lucie_dupin%1:18:00:: 111280013 Sand, George Sand, Amandine Aurore Lucie Dupin, Baroness Dudevant n French writer known for works concerning women's rights and independence (1804-1876) amanita%1:20:00:: 113002433 Amanita, genus Amanita n genus of widely distributed agarics that have white spores and are poisonous with few exceptions amanita_caesarea%1:20:00:: 113002750 royal agaric, Caesar's agaric, Amanita caesarea n widely distributed edible mushroom resembling the fly agaric amanita_mappa%1:20:00:: 113002925 false deathcap, Amanita mappa n agaric often confused with the death cup amanita_muscaria%1:20:00:: 113003061 fly agaric, Amanita muscaria n poisonous (but rarely fatal) woodland fungus having a scarlet cap with white warts and white gills amanita_phalloides%1:20:00:: 113003254 death cap, death cup, death angel, destroying angel, Amanita phalloides n extremely poisonous usually white fungus with a prominent cup-shaped base; differs from edible Agaricus only in its white gills amanita_rubescens%1:20:00:: 113003522 blushing mushroom, blusher, Amanita rubescens n yellowish edible agaric that usually turns red when touched amanita_verna%1:20:00:: 113003712 destroying angel, Amanita verna n fungus similar to Amanita phalloides amanuensis%1:18:00:: 110654015 stenographer, amanuensis, shorthand typist n someone skilled in the transcription of speech (especially dictation) amaranth%1:20:01:: 111823043 amaranth n any of various plants of the genus Amaranthus having dense plumes of green or red flowers; often cultivated for food amaranth%1:20:02:: 111823305 amaranth n seed of amaranth plants used as a native cereal in Central and South America amaranthaceae%1:20:00:: 111822557 Amaranthaceae, family Amaranthaceae, amaranth family n cosmopolitan family of herbs and shrubs amaranth_family%1:20:00:: 111822557 Amaranthaceae, family Amaranthaceae, amaranth family n cosmopolitan family of herbs and shrubs amaranthine%3:01:00:: 302615711 amaranthine a of or related to the amaranth plant amaranthine%5:00:00:immortal:00 301558086 amaranthine, unfading s of an imaginary flower that never fades amaranthus%1:20:00:: 111822849 Amaranthus, genus Amaranthus n large widely distributed genus of chiefly coarse annual herbs amaranthus_albus%1:20:00:: 111823436 tumbleweed, Amaranthus albus, Amaranthus graecizans n bushy plant of western United States amaranthus_caudatus%1:20:00:: 111823572 love-lies-bleeding, velvet flower, tassel flower, Amaranthus caudatus n young leaves widely used as leaf vegetables; seeds used as cereal amaranthus_cruentus%1:20:00:: 111823756 prince's-feather, gentleman's-cane, prince's-plume, red amaranth, purple amaranth, Amaranthus cruentus, Amaranthus hybridus hypochondriacus, Amaranthus hybridus erythrostachys n tall showy tropical American annual having hairy stems and long spikes of usually red flowers above leaves deeply flushed with purple; seeds often used as cereal amaranthus_graecizans%1:20:00:: 111823436 tumbleweed, Amaranthus albus, Amaranthus graecizans n bushy plant of western United States amaranthus_hybridus_erythrostachys%1:20:00:: 111823756 prince's-feather, gentleman's-cane, prince's-plume, red amaranth, purple amaranth, Amaranthus cruentus, Amaranthus hybridus hypochondriacus, Amaranthus hybridus erythrostachys n tall showy tropical American annual having hairy stems and long spikes of usually red flowers above leaves deeply flushed with purple; seeds often used as cereal amaranthus_hybridus_hypochondriacus%1:20:00:: 111823756 prince's-feather, gentleman's-cane, prince's-plume, red amaranth, purple amaranth, Amaranthus cruentus, Amaranthus hybridus hypochondriacus, Amaranthus hybridus erythrostachys n tall showy tropical American annual having hairy stems and long spikes of usually red flowers above leaves deeply flushed with purple; seeds often used as cereal amaranthus_hypochondriacus%1:20:00:: 111824146 pigweed, Amaranthus hypochondriacus n leaves sometimes used as potherbs; seeds used as cereal; southern United States to Central America; India and China amaranthus_spinosus%1:20:00:: 111824344 thorny amaranth, Amaranthus spinosus n erect annual of tropical central Asia and Africa having a pair of divergent spines at most leaf nodes amarelle%1:13:00:: 107758125 amarelle n pale red sour cherry with colorless or nearly colorless juice amarelle%1:20:00:: 112643688 amarelle, Prunus cerasus caproniana n any of several cultivated sour cherry trees bearing pale red fruit with colorless juice amaretto%1:13:00:: 107908567 amaretto n an Italian almond liqueur amarillo%1:15:00:: 109142771 Amarillo n a city in the northern panhandle of Texas amaryllidaceae%1:20:00:: 112418680 Amaryllidaceae, family Amaryllidaceae, amaryllis family n snowdrop; narcissus; daffodil; in some classification systems considered a subfamily of the Liliaceae amaryllis%1:20:00:: 112419037 amaryllis n bulbous plant having showy white to reddish flowers amaryllis_belladonna%1:20:00:: 112419394 belladonna lily, naked lady, Amaryllis belladonna n amaryllis of South Africa often cultivated for its fragrant white or rose flowers amaryllis_family%1:20:00:: 112418680 Amaryllidaceae, family Amaryllidaceae, amaryllis family n snowdrop; narcissus; daffodil; in some classification systems considered a subfamily of the Liliaceae amass%2:30:00:: 200158804 accumulate, cumulate, conglomerate, pile up, gather, amass v collect or gather; "Journals are accumulating in my office"; "The work keeps piling up" amass%2:40:00:: 202304982 roll up, collect, accumulate, pile up, amass, compile, hoard v get or gather together; "I am accumulating evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife"; "She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis"; "She rolled up a small fortune" amastia%1:26:00:: 114022369 amastia n absence of the mammary glands (either through surgery or developmental defect) amaterasu%1:18:00:: 109534675 Amaterasu, Amaterasu Omikami n central deity of Shinto; goddess personifying the sun and ancestress of the rulers of Japan amaterasu_omikami%1:18:00:: 109534675 Amaterasu, Amaterasu Omikami n central deity of Shinto; goddess personifying the sun and ancestress of the rulers of Japan amateur%1:18:00:: 109786585 amateur n someone who pursues a study or sport as a pastime amateur%1:18:01:: 109786760 amateur n an athlete who does not play for pay amateur%5:00:00:nonprofessional:00 301869634 amateur, recreational, unpaid s engaged in as a pastime; "an amateur painter"; "gained valuable experience in amateur theatricals"; "recreational golfers"; "reading matter that is both recreational and mentally stimulating"; "unpaid extras in the documentary" amateur%5:00:01:unprofessional:00 301870636 amateurish, amateur, inexpert, unskilled s lacking professional skill or expertise; "a very amateurish job"; "inexpert but conscientious efforts"; "an unskilled painting" amateurish%5:00:00:unprofessional:00 301870636 amateurish, amateur, inexpert, unskilled s lacking professional skill or expertise; "a very amateurish job"; "inexpert but conscientious efforts"; "an unskilled painting" amateurishly%4:02:00:: 400214433 amateurishly, amateurishly r in an amateurish manner; "he performed the piece amateurishly" amateurishness%1:09:00:: 105649116 amateurishness n something that demonstrates a lack of professional competency amateurism%1:09:00:: 106246076 amateurism n the conviction that people should participate in sports as a hobby (for the fun of it) rather than for money amati%1:06:00:: 102700895 Amati n a violin made by Nicolo Amati or a member of his family amati%1:18:00:: 110815477 Amati, Nicolo Amati, Nicola Amati n Italian violin maker in Cremona; taught the craft to Guarneri and Stradivari (1596-1684) amative%5:00:00:loving:00 301465061 amative, amorous s inclined toward or displaying love; "feeling amorous" amativeness%1:12:00:: 107489059 amorousness, eroticism, erotism, sexiness, amativeness n the arousal of feelings of sexual desire amatory%5:00:00:loving:00 301465214 amatory, amorous, romantic s expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance; "her amatory affairs"; "amorous glances"; "a romantic adventure"; "a romantic moonlight ride" amatungulu%1:20:00:: 111771924 natal plum, amatungulu, Carissa macrocarpa, Carissa grandiflora n very large closely branched South African shrub having forked bright green spines and shiny leaves amauropelta%1:20:00:: 113228194 Amauropelta, genus Amauropelta n epiphytic or terrestrial ferns of America and Africa and Polynesia amaurosis%1:26:00:: 114096412 amaurosis n partial or total loss of sight without pathology of the eye; caused by disease of optic nerve or retina or brain amaurotic%3:01:00:: 302615804 amaurotic a pertaining to blindness caused by amaurosis amaze%2:31:00:: 200724832 amaze, astonish, astound v affect with wonder; "Your ability to speak six languages amazes me!" amaze%2:31:01:: 200622384 perplex, vex, stick, get, puzzle, mystify, baffle, beat, pose, bewilder, flummox, stupefy, nonplus, gravel, amaze, dumbfound v be a mystery or bewildering to; "This beats me!"; "Got me--I don't know the answer!"; "a vexing problem"; "This question really stuck me" amazed%5:00:00:surprised:00 302357810 amazed, astonied, astonished, astounded, stunned s filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock; "an amazed audience gave the magician a standing ovation"; "I stood enthralled, astonished by the vastness and majesty of the cathedral"; "astounded viewers wept at the pictures from the Oklahoma City bombing"; "stood in stunned silence"; "stunned scientists found not one but at least three viruses" amazement%1:12:00:: 107509572 astonishment, amazement n the feeling that accompanies something extremely surprising; "he looked at me in astonishment" amazing%5:00:00:impressive:00 301282510 amazing, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful, awing s inspiring awe or admiration or wonder; "New York is an amazing city"; "the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring sight"; "the awesome complexity of the universe"; "this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath"- Melville; "Westminster Hall's awing majesty, so vast, so high, so silent" amazing%5:00:00:surprising:00 302359789 amazing, astonishing s surprising greatly; "she does an amazing amount of work"; "the dog was capable of astonishing tricks" amazingly%4:02:00:: 400213301 amazingly, surprisingly, astonishingly, amazingly, surprisingly, astonishingly r in an amazing manner; to everyone's surprise; "amazingly, he finished medical school in three years" amazon%1:05:00:: 101818299 amazon n mainly green tropical American parrots amazon%1:17:00:: 109195372 Amazon, Amazon River n a major South American river; arises in the Andes and flows eastward into the South Atlantic; the world's 2nd longest river (4000 miles) amazon%1:18:01:: 109787076 Amazon n (Greek mythology) one of a nation of women warriors of Scythia (who burned off the right breast in order to use a bow and arrow more effectively) amazon%1:18:02:: 109787293 amazon, virago n a large strong and aggressive woman amazona%1:05:00:: 101818169 Amazona, genus Amazona n a genus of Psittacidae amazon_ant%1:05:00:: 102222582 Amazon ant, Polyergus rufescens n small reddish slave-making ant species amazon_river%1:17:00:: 109195372 Amazon, Amazon River n a major South American river; arises in the Andes and flows eastward into the South Atlantic; the world's 2nd longest river (4000 miles) ambage%1:10:00:: 107090379 circumlocution, periphrasis, ambage n a style that involves indirect ways of expressing things ambages%1:04:00:: 100415988 ambages n (archaic) roundabout or mysterious ways of action ambagious%5:00:00:indirect:02 300767626 circumlocutious, circumlocutory, periphrastic, ambagious s roundabout and unnecessarily wordy; "had a preference for circumlocutious (or circumlocutory) rather than forthright expression"; "A periphrastic study in a worn-out poetical fashion,/ Leaving one still with the intolerable wrestle/ With words and meanings."-T.S.Eliot; (`ambagious' is archaic) ambassador%1:18:00:: 109787534 ambassador, embassador n a diplomat of the highest rank; accredited as representative from one country to another ambassador%1:18:01:: 109787765 ambassador n an informal representative; "an ambassador of good will" ambassadorial%3:01:00:: 303040846 ambassadorial a of or relating to or characteristic of ambassadors ambassadorship%1:04:00:: 100588780 ambassadorship n the post of ambassador ambassadress%1:18:00:: 109787878 ambassadress n a woman ambassador amber%1:07:00:: 104966240 amber, gold n a deep yellow color; "an amber light illuminated the room"; "he admired the gold of her hair" amber%1:27:00:: 114894880 amber n a hard yellowish to brownish translucent fossil resin; used for jewelry amber%5:00:00:chromatic:00 300369504 amber, brownish-yellow, yellow-brown s of a medium to dark brownish yellow color amberbell%1:20:00:: 112450840 yellow adder's tongue, trout lily, amberbell, Erythronium americanum n eastern North American dogtooth having solitary yellow flowers marked with brown or purple and spotted interiors amberboa%1:20:00:: 111918631 Amberboa, genus Amberboa n herbs of Mediterranean to central Asia cultivated for their flowers amberboa_moschata%1:20:00:: 111918808 sweet sultan, Amberboa moschata, Centaurea moschata n Asian plant widely grown for its sweetly fragrant pink flowers; sometimes placed in genus Centaurea amberfish%1:05:00:: 102578771 amberjack, amberfish n any of several amber to coppery fork-tailed warm-water carangid fishes amber-green%5:00:00:chromatic:00 300369648 amber-green s of green tinged with amber ambergris%1:27:00:: 114700985 ambergris n waxy substance secreted by the sperm whale and found floating at sea or washed ashore; used in perfume amberjack%1:05:00:: 102578771 amberjack, amberfish n any of several amber to coppery fork-tailed warm-water carangid fishes amber_lily%1:20:00:: 112439830 amber lily, Anthericum torreyi n plant having basal grasslike leaves and a narrow open cluster of starlike yellowish-orange flowers atop a leafless stalk; southwestern United States; only species of Anthericum growing in North America ambiance%1:15:00:: 108494133 ambiance, ambience n the atmosphere of an environment ambiance%1:26:00:: 114524849 atmosphere, ambiance, ambience n a particular environment or surrounding influence; "there was an atmosphere of excitement" ambidexterity%1:07:00:: 105067199 ambidexterity, ambidextrousness n the property of being equally skillful with each hand ambidextrous%3:00:00:: 302029752 ambidextrous, two-handed a equally skillful with each hand; "an ambidextrous surgeon" ambidextrous%5:00:00:dishonest:00 301223271 ambidextrous, deceitful, double-dealing, duplicitous, Janus-faced, two-faced, double-faced, double-tongued s marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another; "she was a deceitful scheming little thing"- Israel Zangwill; "a double-dealing double agent"; "a double-faced infernal traitor and schemer"- W.M.Thackeray ambidextrousness%1:07:00:: 105067199 ambidexterity, ambidextrousness n the property of being equally skillful with each hand ambience%1:15:00:: 108494133 ambiance, ambience n the atmosphere of an environment ambience%1:26:00:: 114524849 atmosphere, ambiance, ambience n a particular environment or surrounding influence; "there was an atmosphere of excitement" ambient%5:00:01:close:01 300447753 ambient s completely enveloping; "the ambient air"; "ambient sound"; "the ambient temperature" ambiguity%1:07:00:: 104825114 ambiguity, equivocalness n unclearness by virtue of having more than one meaning ambiguity%1:10:00:: 106604319 ambiguity n an expression whose meaning cannot be determined from its context ambiguous%3:00:00:: 300102201 ambiguous a having more than one possible meaning; "ambiguous words"; "frustrated by ambiguous instructions, the parents were unable to assemble the toy" ambiguous%3:00:04:: 300895442 equivocal, ambiguous a open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or (often) intended to mislead; "an equivocal statement"; "the polling had a complex and equivocal (or ambiguous) message for potential female candidates"; "the officer's equivocal behavior increased the victim's uneasiness"; "popularity is an equivocal crown"; "an equivocal response to an embarrassing question" ambiguous%5:00:00:unstructured:00 301672239 ambiguous s having no intrinsic or objective meaning; not organized in conventional patterns; "an ambiguous situation with no frame of reference"; "ambiguous inkblots" ambiguously%4:02:00:: 400220323 ambiguously, equivocally, ambiguously, equivocally r in an ambiguous manner; "this letter is worded ambiguously" ambit%1:07:00:: 105125377 scope, range, reach, orbit, compass, ambit n an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control: "the range of a supersonic jet"; "a piano has a greater range than the human voice"; "the ambit of municipal legislation"; "within the compass of this article"; "within the scope of an investigation"; "outside the reach of the law"; "in the political orbit of a world power" ambition%1:07:00:: 104836268 ambition, ambitiousness n a strong drive for success ambition%1:12:00:: 107484547 ambition, aspiration, dream n a cherished desire; "his ambition is to own his own business" ambition%2:37:00:: 201826060 ambition v have as one's ambition ambitionless%3:00:00:: 300105023 unambitious, ambitionless a having little desire for success or achievement ambitious%3:00:00:: 300104051 ambitious a having a strong desire for success or achievement ambitious%5:00:00:difficult:00 300745642 ambitious, challenging s requiring full use of your abilities or resources; "ambitious schedule"; "performed the most challenging task without a mistake" ambitiously%4:02:00:: 400262206 ambitiously, determinedly, ambitiously, determinedly r with ambition; in an ambitious and energetic manner; "she pursued her goals ambitiously" ambitiousness%1:07:00:: 104836268 ambition, ambitiousness n a strong drive for success ambivalence%1:12:00:: 107483305 ambivalence, ambivalency n mixed feelings or emotions ambivalency%1:12:00:: 107483305 ambivalence, ambivalency n mixed feelings or emotions ambivalent%5:00:00:uncertain:02 300337841 ambivalent s uncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow; "was ambivalent about having children" ambiversion%1:07:00:: 104622216 ambiversion n (psychology) a balanced disposition intermediate between extroversion and introversion ambiversive%3:00:00:: 301351922 ambiversive a intermediate between introversive and extroversive amble%1:04:00:: 100284101 amble, promenade, saunter, stroll, perambulation n a leisurely walk (usually in some public place) amble%2:38:00:: 201918183 amble, mosey v walk leisurely ambler%1:18:00:: 110553235 saunterer, stroller, ambler n someone who walks at a leisurely pace ambloplites%1:05:00:: 102564130 Ambloplites, genus Ambloplites n a genus of Centrarchidae ambloplites_rupestris%1:05:00:: 102564403 rock bass, rock sunfish, Ambloplites rupestris n game and food fish of upper Mississippi and Great Lakes amblygonite%1:27:00:: 114665605 amblygonite n a white or grey mineral consisting of lithium aluminum phosphate; a source of lithium amblyopia%1:26:00:: 114096598 amblyopia n visual impairment without apparent organic pathology amblyopic%3:01:00:: 302615921 amblyopic a pertaining to a kind of visual impairment without apparent organic pathology amblyrhynchus%1:05:00:: 101677613 Amblyrhynchus, genus Amblyrhynchus n marine iguanas amblyrhynchus_cristatus%1:05:00:: 101677747 marine iguana, Amblyrhynchus cristatus n shore-dwelling seaweed-eating lizard of the Galapagos Islands ambo%1:06:00:: 103159640 dais, podium, pulpit, rostrum, ambo, stump, soapbox n a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it amboina_pine%1:20:00:: 111647868 amboina pine, amboyna pine, Agathis dammara, Agathis alba n native to the Moluccas and Philippines; a source of dammar resin amboyna%1:20:01:: 112565368 padauk, padouk, amboyna, Pterocarpus indicus n tree native to southeastern Asia having reddish wood with a mottled or striped black grain amboyna%1:20:02:: 112565590 amboyna, Andaman redwood n mottled curly-grained wood of Pterocarpus indicus amboyna_pine%1:20:00:: 111647868 amboina pine, amboyna pine, Agathis dammara, Agathis alba n native to the Moluccas and Philippines; a source of dammar resin ambrogio_damiano_achille_ratti%1:18:00:: 111238303 Pius XI, Achille Ratti, Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti n pope who signed a treaty with Mussolini recognizing the Vatican City as an independent state (1857-1939) ambrose%1:18:00:: 110815648 Ambrose, Saint Ambrose, St. Ambrose n (Roman Catholic Church) Roman priest who became bishop of Milan; the first Church Father born and raised in the Christian faith; composer of hymns; imposed orthodoxy on the early Christian church and built up its secular power; a saint and Doctor of the Church (340?-397) ambrose_bierce%1:18:00:: 110851139 Bierce, Ambrose Bierce, Ambrose Gwinett Bierce n United States writer of caustic wit (1842-1914) ambrose_everett_burnside%1:18:00:: 110873937 Burnside, A. E. Burnside, Ambrose Everett Burnside n United States general in the American Civil War who was defeated by Robert E. Lee at the Battle of Fredericksburg (1824-1881) ambrose_gwinett_bierce%1:18:00:: 110851139 Bierce, Ambrose Bierce, Ambrose Gwinett Bierce n United States writer of caustic wit (1842-1914) ambrosia%1:13:01:: 107610295 ambrosia, nectar n (classical mythology) the food and drink of the gods; mortals who ate it became immortal ambrosia%1:13:02:: 107610502 ambrosia n fruit dessert made of oranges and bananas with shredded coconut ambrosia%1:20:00:: 111919447 ragweed, ambrosia, bitterweed n any of numerous chiefly North American weedy plants constituting the genus Ambrosia that produce highly allergenic pollen responsible for much hay fever and asthma ambrosia%1:27:00:: 114774090 beebread, ambrosia n a mixture of nectar and pollen prepared by worker bees and fed to larvae ambrosia_artemisiifolia%1:20:00:: 111919761 common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia n annual weed with finely divided foliage and spikes of green flowers; common in North America; introduced elsewhere accidentally ambrosiaceae%1:20:00:: 111919232 Ambrosiaceae, family Ambrosiaceae n in some classifications considered a separate family comprising a subgroup of the Compositae including the ragweeds ambrosial%5:00:00:heavenly:00 301179241 ambrosial, ambrosian s worthy of the gods ambrosial%5:00:00:tasty:00 302395910 ambrosial, ambrosian, nectarous s extremely pleasing to the taste; sweet and fragrant; "a nectarous drink"; "ambrosial food" ambrosian%3:01:00:: 302616071 Ambrosian a of or by or relating to Saint Ambrose; "Ambrosian chants" ambrosian%5:00:00:heavenly:00 301179241 ambrosial, ambrosian s worthy of the gods ambrosian%5:00:00:tasty:00 302395910 ambrosial, ambrosian, nectarous s extremely pleasing to the taste; sweet and fragrant; "a nectarous drink"; "ambrosial food" ambrosia_psilostachya%1:20:00:: 111920133 western ragweed, perennial ragweed, Ambrosia psilostachya n coarse perennial ragweed with creeping roots of dry barren lands of southwestern United States and Mexico ambrosia_trifida%1:20:00:: 111919975 great ragweed, Ambrosia trifida n a coarse annual with some leaves deeply and palmately three-cleft or five-cleft ambulacral%3:01:00:: 302616202 ambulacral a pertaining to the ambulacra of radial echinoderms ambulacrum%1:05:00:: 102317025 ambulacrum n one of the five areas on the undersurface of an echinoderm on which the tube feet are located ambulance%1:06:00:: 102701002 ambulance n a vehicle that takes people to and from hospitals ambulance_chaser%1:18:00:: 109787955 ambulance chaser n an unethical lawyer who incites accident victims to sue ambulant%5:00:00:mobile:00 301522985 ambulant, ambulatory s able to walk about; "the patient is ambulatory" ambulant_plague%1:26:00:: 114139333 ambulant plague, ambulatory plague, pestis ambulans n a mild form of bubonic plague ambulate%2:38:00:: 201911698 ambulate v walk about; not be bedridden or incapable of walking ambulation%1:04:00:: 100283951 ambulation n walking about; "the hospital encouraged early ambulation" ambulatory%1:06:00:: 102701125 ambulatory n a covered walkway (as in a cloister); "it has an ambulatory and seven chapels" ambulatory%3:01:00:: 302616345 ambulatory a relating to or adapted for walking; "an ambulatory corridor" ambulatory%5:00:00:mobile:00 301522985 ambulant, ambulatory s able to walk about; "the patient is ambulatory" ambulatory_plague%1:26:00:: 114139333 ambulant plague, ambulatory plague, pestis ambulans n a mild form of bubonic plague ambuscade%1:04:00:: 101246926 ambush, ambuscade, lying in wait, trap n the act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise ambuscade%2:33:00:: 201138204 ambush, scupper, bushwhack, waylay, lurk, ambuscade, lie in wait v wait in hiding to attack ambush%1:04:00:: 101246926 ambush, ambuscade, lying in wait, trap n the act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise ambush%2:33:00:: 201138204 ambush, scupper, bushwhack, waylay, lurk, ambuscade, lie in wait v wait in hiding to attack ambush%2:33:01:: 201142203 still-hunt, ambush v hunt (quarry) by stalking and ambushing ambusher%1:18:00:: 109788073 ambusher n an attacker who waits in a concealed position to launch a surprise attack ambystoma%1:05:00:: 101631903 Ambystoma, genus Ambystoma n type genus of the Ambystomatidae ambystoma_maculatum%1:05:00:: 101632458 spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum n glossy black North American salamander with yellow spots ambystoma_mexicanum%1:05:00:: 101632777 axolotl, mud puppy, Ambystoma mexicanum n larval salamander of mountain lakes of Mexico that usually lives without metamorphosing ambystoma_talpoideum%1:05:00:: 101632308 mole salamander, Ambystoma talpoideum n brownish-black burrowing salamander of southeastern United States ambystomatidae%1:05:00:: 101631759 Ambystomatidae, family Ambystomatidae n New World salamanders ambystoma_tigrinum%1:05:00:: 101632601 tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum n widely distributed brown or black North American salamander with vertical yellowish blotches ambystomid%1:05:00:: 101632047 ambystomid, ambystomid salamander n small to moderate-sized terrestrial or semiaquatic New World salamander ambystomid_salamander%1:05:00:: 101632047 ambystomid, ambystomid salamander n small to moderate-sized terrestrial or semiaquatic New World salamander amd%1:26:00:: 114256889 age-related macular degeneration, AMD n macular degeneration that is age-related ameba%1:05:00:: 101392380 ameba, amoeba n naked freshwater or marine or parasitic protozoa that form temporary pseudopods for feeding and locomotion ameban%3:01:00:: 303040974 amoebic, amebic, amoeban, ameban, amoebous, amebous a pertaining to or resembling amoebae; "amoebic dysentery" amebiasis%1:26:00:: 114175165 amebiasis, amoebiasis, amebiosis, amoebiosis n infection by a disease-causing ameba amebic%3:01:00:: 303040974 amoebic, amebic, amoeban, ameban, amoebous, amebous a pertaining to or resembling amoebae; "amoebic dysentery" amebic_dysentery%1:26:00:: 114175313 amebic dysentery, amoebic dysentery n inflammation of the intestines caused by Endamoeba histolytica; usually acquired by ingesting food or water contaminated with feces; characterized by severe diarrhea amebiosis%1:26:00:: 114175165 amebiasis, amoebiasis, amebiosis, amoebiosis n infection by a disease-causing ameba ameboid%3:01:00:: 302616480 ameboid, amoeboid a like an amoeba (especially in having a variable irregular shape) amebous%3:01:00:: 303040974 amoebic, amebic, amoeban, ameban, amoebous, amebous a pertaining to or resembling amoebae; "amoebic dysentery" amedeo_avogadro%1:18:00:: 110830046 Avogadro, Amedeo Avogadro n Italian physicist noted for his work on gases; proposed what has come to be called Avogadro's law (1776-1856) amedeo_modigliano%1:18:00:: 111183955 Modigliani, Amedeo Modigliano n Italian painter and sculptor (1884-1920) ameer%1:18:00:: 110052497 emir, amir, emeer, ameer n an independent ruler or chieftain (especially in Africa or Arabia) ameiuridae%1:05:00:: 102518813 Ameiuridae, family Ameiuridae n North American catfishes ameiurus%1:05:00:: 102518990 Ameiurus, genus Ameiurus n type genus of the Ameiuridae: bullhead catfishes ameiurus_melas%1:05:00:: 102519340 horned pout, hornpout, pout, Ameiurus Melas n catfish common in eastern United States amelanchier%1:20:00:: 112623368 Amelanchier, genus Amelanchier n North American deciduous trees or shrubs amelanchier_alnifolia%1:20:00:: 112623818 alderleaf Juneberry, alder-leaved serviceberry, Amelanchier alnifolia n shrub or small tree of northwestern North America having fragrant creamy white flowers and small waxy purple-red fruits amelanchier_bartramiana%1:20:00:: 112624055 Bartram Juneberry, Amelanchier bartramiana n open-growing shrub of eastern North America having pure white flowers and small waxy almost black fruits amelia%1:26:00:: 114466344 amelia n congenital absence of an arm or leg amelia_earhart%1:18:00:: 110947403 Earhart, Amelia Earhart n first woman aviator to fly solo nonstop across the Atlantic (1928); while attempting to fly around the world she disappeared over the Pacific (1898-1937) ameliorate%2:30:00:: 200205046 better, improve, ameliorate, meliorate v get better; "The weather improved toward evening" ameliorate%2:30:01:: 200205885 better, improve, amend, ameliorate, meliorate v to make better; "The editor improved the manuscript with his changes" ameliorating%5:00:00:bettering:00 300232385 ameliorating, ameliorative, amelioratory, meliorative s tending to ameliorate amelioration%1:04:00:: 100261029 amelioration, melioration, betterment n the act of relieving ills and changing for the better ameliorative%5:00:00:bettering:00 300232385 ameliorating, ameliorative, amelioratory, meliorative s tending to ameliorate amelioratory%5:00:00:bettering:00 300232385 ameliorating, ameliorative, amelioratory, meliorative s tending to ameliorate ameloblast%1:08:00:: 105448053 ameloblast n a cell from which tooth enamel develops amelogenesis%1:22:00:: 113429780 amelogenesis n the developmental process of forming tooth enamel amen%1:18:00:: 109511368 Amen, Amon, Amun n a primeval Egyptian personification of air and breath; worshipped especially at Thebes amenability%1:07:00:: 104906026 amenability, amenableness, cooperativeness n the trait of being cooperative amenable%5:00:00:compliant:00 300696828 amenable, conformable s disposed or willing to comply; "someone amenable to persuasion" amenable%5:00:00:responsible:00 301997415 amenable s liable to answer to a higher authority; "the president is amenable to the constitutional court" amenable%5:00:00:susceptible:00 302362499 amenable, tractable s readily reacting to suggestions and influences; "a responsive student" amenable%5:00:01:susceptible:00 302361325 amenable s open to being acted upon in a certain way; "an amenable hospitalization should not result in untimely death"; "the tumor was not amenable to surgical treatment" amenableness%1:07:00:: 104906026 amenability, amenableness, cooperativeness n the trait of being cooperative amen_cadence%1:10:00:: 107046030 plagal cadence, amen cadence n a cadence (frequently ending church music) in which the chord of the subdominant precedes the chord of the tonic amen_corner%1:06:00:: 102701260 amen corner n area reserved for persons leading the responsive `amens' amend%2:30:00:: 200205885 better, improve, amend, ameliorate, meliorate v to make better; "The editor improved the manuscript with his changes" amend%2:30:01:: 200199912 rectify, remediate, remedy, repair, amend v set straight or right; "remedy these deficiencies"; "rectify the inequities in salaries"; "repair an oversight" amend%2:32:00:: 200996328 amend v make amendments to; "amend the document" amendable%5:00:00:corrigible:00 300635078 amendable, correctable s capable of being corrected by additions; "an amendable flaw" amendatory%5:00:00:bettering:00 300232620 amendatory s effecting amendment; "added amendatory phrases to the text" amended%3:00:00:: 300354090 amended a of legislation amended%5:00:00:better:00 300230843 amended s modified for the better; "his amended ways" amended_return%1:10:00:: 106548991 amended return n a tax return that corrects the information in an earlier return amendment%1:04:00:: 101250101 amendment n the act of amending or correcting amendment%1:10:00:: 106723635 amendment n a statement that is added to or revises or improves a proposal or document (a bill or constitution etc.) amends%1:04:00:: 100095329 reparation, amends n something done or paid in expiation of a wrong; "how can I make amends" amends%1:21:00:: 113290676 damages, amends, indemnity, indemnification, restitution, redress n a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury amenhotep_iv%1:18:00:: 110810923 Akhenaton, Akhenaten, Ikhanaton, Amenhotep IV n early ruler of Egypt who rejected the old gods and replaced them with sun worship (died in 1358 BC) amenia%1:26:00:: 114302261 amenorrhea, amenorrhoea, amenia n absence or suppression of normal menstrual flow amenities%1:21:00:: 113366137 comforts, creature comforts, amenities, conveniences n things that make you comfortable and at ease; "all the comforts of home" amenity%1:07:00:: 104779053 agreeableness, amenity n pleasantness resulting from agreeable conditions; "a well trained staff saw to the agreeableness of our accommodations"; "he discovered the amenities of reading at an early age" amenorrhea%1:26:00:: 114302261 amenorrhea, amenorrhoea, amenia n absence or suppression of normal menstrual flow amenorrheal%3:01:00:: 302616627 amenorrheic, amenorrhoeic, amenorrheal, amenorrhoeal a related to the suppression of normal menstrual flow for any reason other than pregnancy amenorrheic%3:01:00:: 302616627 amenorrheic, amenorrhoeic, amenorrheal, amenorrhoeal a related to the suppression of normal menstrual flow for any reason other than pregnancy amenorrhoea%1:26:00:: 114302261 amenorrhea, amenorrhoea, amenia n absence or suppression of normal menstrual flow amenorrhoeal%3:01:00:: 302616627 amenorrheic, amenorrhoeic, amenorrheal, amenorrhoeal a related to the suppression of normal menstrual flow for any reason other than pregnancy amenorrhoeic%3:01:00:: 302616627 amenorrheic, amenorrhoeic, amenorrheal, amenorrhoeal a related to the suppression of normal menstrual flow for any reason other than pregnancy amen-ra%1:18:00:: 109511519 Amen-Ra, Amon-Ra, Amun Ra n Egyptian sun god; supreme god of the universe in whom Amen and Ra were merged; principal deity during Theban supremacy ament%1:20:00:: 111674798 catkin, ament n a cylindrical spikelike inflorescence amentaceous%5:00:00:productive:00 301865640 amentiferous, amentaceous s (of plants) bearing or characterized by aments or catkins amentia%1:09:00:: 105646926 idiocy, amentia n extreme mental retardation amentiferae%1:20:00:: 112313574 Amentiferae, group Amentiferae n used in some classification systems for plants that bear catkins amentiferous%5:00:00:productive:00 301865640 amentiferous, amentaceous s (of plants) bearing or characterized by aments or catkins amerce%2:41:00:: 202500265 amerce v punish with an arbitrary penalty amerce%2:41:01:: 202498987 amerce v punish by a fine imposed arbitrarily by the discretion of the court amercement%1:21:00:: 113301328 fine, mulct, amercement n money extracted as a penalty amerciable%5:00:00:illegal:00 301402343 amerciable s of a crime or misdemeanor; punishable by a fine set by a judge america%1:15:00:: 109044862 United States, United States of America, America, the States, US, U.S., USA, U.S.A. n North American republic containing 50 states - 48 conterminous states in North America plus Alaska in northwest North America and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean; achieved independence in 1776 america%1:17:00:: 109195615 America n North America and South America and Central America american%1:10:00:: 106947479 American English, American language, American n the English language as used in the United States american%1:18:00:: 109738708 American n a native or inhabitant of the United States american%1:18:01:: 109738400 American n a native or inhabitant of a North American or Central American or South American country american%3:01:00:: 302927303 American a of or relating to or characteristic of the continents and islands of the Americas; "the American hemisphere"; "American flora and fauna" american%3:01:01:: 302927512 American a of or relating to the United States of America or its people or language or culture; "American citizens"; "American English"; "the American dream" americana%1:06:00:: 102701393 Americana n any artifact (such as books or furniture or art) that is distinctive of America american_agave%1:20:00:: 112477163 American agave, Agave americana n widely cultivated American monocarpic plant with greenish-white flowers on a tall stalk; blooms only after ten to twenty years and then dies american_alligator%1:05:00:: 101698640 American alligator, Alligator mississipiensis n large alligator of the southeastern United States american_aloe%1:20:00:: 112476510 agave, century plant, American aloe n tropical American plants with basal rosettes of fibrous sword-shaped leaves and flowers in tall spikes; some cultivated for ornament or for fiber american_angelica_tree%1:20:00:: 111797508 American angelica tree, devil's walking stick, Hercules'-club, Aralia spinosa n small deciduous clump-forming tree or shrub of eastern United States american_antelope%1:05:00:: 102429456 pronghorn, prongbuck, pronghorn antelope, American antelope, Antilocapra americana n fleet antelope-like ruminant of western North American plains with small branched horns american_arborvitae%1:20:00:: 111644226 American arborvitae, northern white cedar, white cedar, Thuja occidentalis n small evergreen of eastern North America having tiny scalelike leaves on flattened branchlets american_arrowroot%1:20:00:: 112351790 arrowroot, American arrowroot, obedience plant, Maranta arundinaceae n white-flowered West Indian plant whose root yields arrowroot starch american_aspen%1:20:00:: 112734070 American quaking aspen, American aspen, Populus tremuloides n slender aspen native to North America american_badger%1:05:00:: 102447762 American badger, Taxidea taxus n a variety of badger native to America american_baptist_convention%1:14:00:: 108089797 American Baptist Convention, Northern Baptist Convention n an association of Northern Baptists american_barberry%1:20:00:: 111697802 American barberry, Berberis canadensis n deciduous shrub of eastern North America whose leaves turn scarlet in autumn and having racemes of yellow flowers followed by ellipsoid glossy red berries american_basswood%1:20:00:: 112203529 American basswood, American lime, Tilia americana n large American shade tree with large dark green leaves and rounded crown american_beech%1:20:00:: 112261808 American beech, white beech, red beech, Fagus grandifolia, Fagus americana n North American forest tree with light green leaves and edible nuts american_bison%1:05:00:: 102410702 American bison, American buffalo, buffalo, Bison bison n large shaggy-haired brown bison of North American plains american_bittern%1:05:00:: 102011805 American bittern, stake driver, Botaurus lentiginosus n a kind of bittern american_bittersweet%1:20:00:: 112748248 bittersweet, American bittersweet, climbing bittersweet, false bittersweet, staff vine, waxwork, shrubby bittersweet, Celastrus scandens n twining shrub of North America having yellow capsules enclosing scarlet seeds american_black_bear%1:05:00:: 102133161 American black bear, black bear, Ursus americanus, Euarctos americanus n brown to black North American bear; smaller and less ferocious than the brown bear american_blight%1:05:00:: 102253913 woolly apple aphid, American blight, Eriosoma lanigerum n primarily a bark feeder on aerial parts and roots of apple and other trees american_bog_asphodel%1:20:00:: 112464128 American bog asphodel, Narthecium americanum n of the eastern United States: New Jersey to South Carolina american_brooklime%1:20:00:: 112890685 brooklime, American brooklime, Veronica americana n plant of western North America and northeastern Asia having prostrate stems with dense racemes of pale violet to lilac flowers american_buffalo%1:05:00:: 102410702 American bison, American buffalo, buffalo, Bison bison n large shaggy-haired brown bison of North American plains american_bugbane%1:20:00:: 111728769 American bugbane, summer cohosh, Cimicifuga americana n bugbane of the eastern United States having erect racemes of white flowers american_capital%1:15:00:: 109070793 Washington, Washington D.C., American capital, capital of the United States n the capital of the United States in the District of Columbia and a tourist mecca; George Washington commissioned Charles L'Enfant to lay out the city in 1791 american_centaury%1:20:00:: 112298395 marsh pink, rose pink, bitter floom, American centaury, Sabbatia stellaris, Sabbatia Angularis n any of several pink-flowered marsh plant of the eastern United States resembling a true centaury american_chameleon%1:05:00:: 101682714 American chameleon, anole, Anolis carolinensis n small arboreal tropical American insectivorous lizards with the ability to change skin color american_cheese%1:13:00:: 107852919 cheddar, cheddar cheese, Armerican cheddar, American cheese n hard smooth-textured cheese; originally made in Cheddar in southwestern England american_chestnut%1:20:00:: 112263038 American chestnut, American sweet chestnut, Castanea dentata n large tree found from Maine to Alabama american_civil_war%1:04:00:: 101301630 American Civil War, United States Civil War, War between the States n civil war in the United States between the North and the South; 1861-1865 american_cockroach%1:05:00:: 102234355 American cockroach, Periplaneta americana n large reddish brown free-flying cockroach originally from southern United States but now widely distributed american_columbo%1:20:00:: 112292877 columbo, American columbo, deer's-ear, deer's-ears, pyramid plant, American gentian n any of various tall perennial herbs constituting the genus Frasera; widely distributed in warm dry upland areas of California, Oregon, and Washington american_coot%1:05:00:: 102018207 American coot, marsh hen, mud hen, water hen, Fulica americana n a coot found in North America american_copper%1:05:00:: 102282553 American copper, Lycaena hypophlaeas n common copper butterfly of central and eastern North America american_crab_apple%1:20:00:: 112635151 American crab apple, garland crab, Malus coronaria n medium-sized tree of the eastern United States having pink blossoms and small yellow fruit american_cranberry%1:20:00:: 112245885 American cranberry, large cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon n trailing red-fruited plant american_cranberry_bush%1:20:00:: 112680402 cranberry bush, cranberry tree, American cranberry bush, highbush cranberry, Viburnum trilobum n deciduous North American shrub or small tree having three-lobed leaves and red berries american_crayfish%1:05:00:: 101985797 American crayfish n common large crayfishes of eastern North America american_creeper%1:05:00:: 101589718 brown creeper, American creeper, Certhia americana n a common creeper in North America with a down-curved bill american_cress%1:20:00:: 111873845 Belle Isle cress, early winter cress, land cress, American cress, American watercress, Barbarea verna, Barbarea praecox n of southwestern Europe; cultivated in Florida american_crow%1:05:00:: 101579149 American crow, Corvus brachyrhyncos n common crow of North America american_dewberry%1:20:01:: 112655245 American dewberry, Rubus canadensis n North American dewberry american_dewberry%1:20:02:: 112655351 Northern dewberry, American dewberry, Rubus flagellaris n of eastern North America american_dog_tick%1:05:00:: 101779148 wood tick, American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis n common tick that can transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia american_dog_violet%1:20:00:: 112388293 American dog violet, Viola conspersa n violet of eastern North America having pale violet to white flowers american_dogwood%1:20:00:: 112947544 red osier, red osier dogwood, red dogwood, American dogwood, redbrush, Cornus stolonifera n common North American shrub with reddish purple twigs and white flowers american_dream%1:12:00:: 107484792 American Dream n the widespread aspiration of Americans to live better than their parents did american_dwarf_birch%1:20:00:: 112283790 Newfoundland dwarf birch, American dwarf birch, Betula glandulosa n small shrub of colder parts of North America and Greenland american_eagle%1:05:00:: 101614925 bald eagle, American eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus n a large eagle of North America that has a white head and dark wings and body american_egret%1:05:00:: 102009912 American egret, great white heron, Egretta albus n a common egret of the genus Egretta found in America; it is a variety of the Old World white egret Casmerodius albus american_elder%1:20:00:: 112678548 American elder, black elderberry, sweet elder, Sambucus canadensis n common elder of central and eastern North America bearing purple-black berries; fruit used in wines and jellies american_elk%1:05:00:: 102431785 wapiti, elk, American elk, Cervus elaphus canadensis n large North American deer with large much-branched antlers in the male american_elk%1:05:01:: 102431122 red deer, elk, American elk, wapiti, Cervus elaphus n common deer of temperate Europe and Asia american_elm%1:20:00:: 112406488 American elm, white elm, water elm, rock elm, Ulmus americana n large ornamental tree with graceful gradually spreading branches common in eastern North America american_english%1:10:00:: 106947479 American English, American language, American n the English language as used in the United States american_falls%1:17:00:: 109195796 American Falls n a part of Niagara Falls in western New York (north of Buffalo) american_featherfoil%1:20:00:: 112094401 water gillyflower, American featherfoil, Hottonia inflata n a featherfoil of the eastern United States with submerged spongy inflated flower stalks and white flowers american_federalist_party%1:14:00:: 108259753 Federalist Party, American Federalist Party, Federal Party n a major political party in the United States in the early 19th century; founded by Alexander Hamilton; favored a strong centralized government american_federation_of_labor%1:14:00:: 108233913 American Federation of Labor, AFL n a federation of North American labor unions that merged with the Congress of Industrial Organizations in 1955 american_federation_of_labor_and_congress_of_industrial_organizations%1:14:00:: 108234103 American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, AFL-CIO n the largest federation of North American labor unions; formed in 1955 american_feverfew%1:20:00:: 112001294 American feverfew, wild quinine, prairie dock, Parthenium integrifolium n stout perennial herb of the eastern United States with whitish flowers; leaves traditionally used by Catawba Indians to treat burns american_flag%1:06:00:: 102701566 American flag, Stars and Stripes, Star-Spangled Banner, Old Glory n the national flag of the United States of America american_flagfish%1:05:00:: 101447946 flagfish, American flagfish, Jordanella floridae n a fish with a dark-blue back and whitish sides with red stripes; found in swamps and streams of Florida american_fly_honeysuckle%1:20:00:: 112674685 American fly honeysuckle, fly honeysuckle, Lonicera canadensis n erect deciduous North American shrub with yellow-white flowers american_flying_squirrel%1:05:00:: 102360781 American flying squirrel n New World flying squirrels american_football%1:04:00:: 100469651 American football, American football game n a game played by two teams of 11 players on a rectangular field 100 yards long; teams try to get possession of the ball and advance it across the opponents goal line in a series of (running or passing) plays american_football_game%1:04:00:: 100469651 American football, American football game n a game played by two teams of 11 players on a rectangular field 100 yards long; teams try to get possession of the ball and advance it across the opponents goal line in a series of (running or passing) plays american_foxhound%1:05:00:: 102089725 American foxhound n an American breed of foxhounds used for hunting both in packs and individually american_frogbit%1:20:00:: 112614096 American frogbit, Limnodium spongia n American plant with roundish heart-shaped or kidney-shaped leaves; usually rooted in muddy bottoms of ponds and ditches american_gallinule%1:05:00:: 102017475 American gallinule, Porphyrula martinica n American purple gallinule american_gentian%1:20:00:: 112292877 columbo, American columbo, deer's-ear, deer's-ears, pyramid plant, American gentian n any of various tall perennial herbs constituting the genus Frasera; widely distributed in warm dry upland areas of California, Oregon, and Washington american_germander%1:20:00:: 112869668 American germander, wood sage, Teucrium canadense n subshrub with serrate leaves and cream-colored to pink or purple flowers in spikelike racemes; North America american_ginseng%1:20:00:: 111800020 American ginseng, sang, Panax quinquefolius n North American woodland herb similar to and used as substitute for the Chinese ginseng american_gray_birch%1:20:00:: 112282235 grey birch, gray birch, American grey birch, American gray birch, Betula populifolia n medium-sized birch of eastern North America having white or pale grey bark and valueless wood; occurs often as a second-growth forest tree american_green_toad%1:05:00:: 101647033 American green toad, Bufo debilis n small green or yellow-green toad with small black bars and stripes american_grey_birch%1:20:00:: 112282235 grey birch, gray birch, American grey birch, American gray birch, Betula populifolia n medium-sized birch of eastern North America having white or pale grey bark and valueless wood; occurs often as a second-growth forest tree american_hackberry%1:20:00:: 112409651 American hackberry, Celtis occidentalis n large deciduous shade tree of southern United States with small deep purple berries american_harvest_mouse%1:05:00:: 102336275 American harvest mouse, harvest mouse n any of several small greyish New World mice inhabiting e.g. grain fields american_hazel%1:20:00:: 112289310 American hazel, Corylus americana n nut-bearing shrub of eastern North America american_hellebore%1:20:00:: 112464649 white hellebore, American hellebore, Indian poke, bugbane, Veratrum viride n North American plant having large leaves and yellowish green flowers growing in racemes; yields a toxic alkaloid used medicinally american_holly%1:20:00:: 112757816 American holly, Christmas holly n an evergreen tree american_hop%1:20:00:: 112398384 American hop, Humulus americanus n native American plant sometimes confused with the European hop american_hornbeam%1:20:00:: 112287195 American hornbeam, Carpinus caroliniana n tree or large shrub with grey bark and blue-green leaves that turn red-orange in autumn american_indian%1:10:00:: 106906439 Amerind, Amerindian language, American-Indian language, American Indian, Indian n any of the languages spoken by Amerindians american_indian%1:18:00:: 109645091 Indian, American Indian, Red Indian n a member of the race of people living in America when Europeans arrived american_indian_day%1:28:00:: 115190779 American Indian Day n US: the 4th Friday in September american-indian_language%1:10:00:: 106906439 Amerind, Amerindian language, American-Indian language, American Indian, Indian n any of the languages spoken by Amerindians americanisation%1:22:00:: 113429888 Americanization, Americanisation n assimilation into American culture americanise%2:30:00:: 200409643 Americanize, Americanise v become American in character; "After a year in Iowa, he has totally Americanized" americanise%2:30:01:: 200410406 Americanize, Americanise v make American in character; "The year in the US has completely Americanized him" americanism%1:04:00:: 100413554 Americanism n a custom that is peculiar to the United States or its citizens americanism%1:07:00:: 104878539 Americanism n loyalty to the United States and its institutions americanism%1:10:00:: 107081345 Americanism n an expression that is characteristic of English as spoken by Americans american_ivy%1:20:00:: 113148384 Virginia creeper, American ivy, woodbine, Parthenocissus quinquefolia n common North American vine with compound leaves and bluish-black berrylike fruit americanization%1:22:00:: 113429888 Americanization, Americanisation n assimilation into American culture americanize%2:30:00:: 200409643 Americanize, Americanise v become American in character; "After a year in Iowa, he has totally Americanized" americanize%2:30:01:: 200410406 Americanize, Americanise v make American in character; "The year in the US has completely Americanized him" american_kestrel%1:05:00:: 101612122 sparrow hawk, American kestrel, kestrel, Falco sparverius n small North American falcon american_labor_party%1:14:00:: 108257779 American Labor Party n a former political party in the United States; formed in 1936 in New York when labor and liberals bolted the Democratic Party american_lady_crab%1:05:00:: 101979526 American lady crab, lady crab, calico crab, Ovalipes ocellatus n brightly spotted crab of sandy beaches of the Atlantic coast of the United States american_language%1:10:00:: 106947479 American English, American language, American n the English language as used in the United States american_larch%1:20:00:: 111619227 American larch, tamarack, black larch, Larix laricina n medium-sized larch of Canada and northern United States including Alaska having a broad conic crown and rust-brown scaly bark american_laurel%1:20:00:: 112237641 mountain laurel, wood laurel, American laurel, calico bush, Kalmia latifolia n a North American evergreen shrub having glossy leaves and white or rose-colored flowers american_legion%1:14:00:: 108228980 American Legion n the largest organization of United States war veterans american_leishmaniasis%1:26:00:: 114181409 mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, New World leishmaniasis, American leishmaniasis, leishmaniasis americana, nasopharyngeal leishmaniasis n a form of leishmaniasis endemic in Mexico and Central American and South America; sores are limited to the skin and mucosa american_licorice%1:20:00:: 112533190 wild licorice, wild liquorice, American licorice, American liquorice, Glycyrrhiza lepidota n North American plant similar to true licorice and having a root with similar properties american_lime%1:20:00:: 112203529 American basswood, American lime, Tilia americana n large American shade tree with large dark green leaves and rounded crown american_liquorice%1:20:00:: 112533190 wild licorice, wild liquorice, American licorice, American liquorice, Glycyrrhiza lepidota n North American plant similar to true licorice and having a root with similar properties american_lobster%1:05:00:: 101983481 American lobster, Northern lobster, Maine lobster, Homarus americanus n lobster of Atlantic coast of America american_lobster%1:13:00:: 107792926 American lobster, Northern lobster, Maine lobster n flesh of cold-water lobsters having large tender claws; caught from Maine to the Carolinas american_lotus%1:20:00:: 111717577 water chinquapin, American lotus, yanquapin, Nelumbo lutea n water lily of eastern North America having pale yellow blossoms and edible globular nutlike seeds american_magpie%1:05:00:: 101582498 American magpie, Pica pica hudsonia n a magpie of Rocky Mountains in North America american_maidenhair_fern%1:20:00:: 113207335 American maidenhair fern, five-fingered maidenhair fern, Adiantum pedatum n hardy palmately branched North American fern with divergent recurved branches borne on lustrous dark reddish stipes american_marten%1:05:00:: 102450561 American marten, American sable, Martes americana n valued for its fur american_mastodon%1:05:00:: 102506248 American mastodon, American mastodont, Mammut americanum n mastodon of North America; in some classifications considered a mammoth rather than a mastodon american_mastodont%1:05:00:: 102506248 American mastodon, American mastodont, Mammut americanum n mastodon of North America; in some classifications considered a mammoth rather than a mastodon american_merganser%1:05:00:: 101854838 American merganser, Mergus merganser americanus n common North American diving duck considered a variety of the European goosander american_mink%1:05:00:: 102443015 American mink, Mustela vison n usually rich dark brown american_mistletoe%1:20:01:: 112739966 American mistletoe, Phoradendron serotinum, Phoradendron flavescens n the traditional mistletoe of Christmas in America: grows on deciduous trees and can severely weaken the host plant american_mistletoe%1:20:02:: 112738259 American mistletoe, Arceuthobium pusillum n small herb with scalelike leaves on reddish-brown stems and berrylike fruits; parasitic on spruce and larch trees american_mountain_ash%1:20:00:: 112658603 American mountain ash, Sorbus americana n a variety of mountain ash american_oil_palm%1:20:00:: 112590600 American oil palm, Elaeis oleifera n palm of Central and South America american_olive%1:20:00:: 112309630 devilwood, American olive, Osmanthus americanus n small tree of southern United States having panicles of dull white flowers followed by dark purple fruits american_organ%1:06:00:: 102701730 American organ n a free-reed instrument in which air is drawn in through reeds by suction bellows american_oriole%1:05:00:: 101571904 New World oriole, American oriole, oriole n American songbird; male is black and orange or yellow american_parasol%1:20:00:: 113014409 American parasol, Lepiota americana n an agaric with a pallid cap and a stalk that is enlarged near the base american_parsley_fern%1:20:00:: 113210350 American rock brake, American parsley fern, Cryptogramma acrostichoides n rock-inhabiting fern of northern North America growing in massive tufts and having fronds resembling parsley american_party%1:14:00:: 108257971 American Party, Know-Nothing Party n a former political party in the United States; active in the 1850s to keep power out of the hands of immigrants and Roman Catholics american_pasqueflower%1:20:00:: 111737752 American pasqueflower, Eastern pasque flower, wild crocus, lion's beard, prairie anemone, blue tulip, American pulsatilla, Pulsatilla patens, Anemone ludoviciana n short hairy perennial with early spring blue-violet or lilac flowers; North America and Siberia american_pennyroyal%1:20:00:: 112847927 pennyroyal, American pennyroyal, Hedeoma pulegioides n erect hairy branching American herb having purple-blue flowers; yields an essential oil used as an insect repellent and sometimes in folk medicine american_persimmon%1:20:00:: 112771597 American persimmon, possumwood, Diospyros virginiana n medium-sized tree of dry woodlands in the southern and eastern United States bearing yellow or orange very astringent fruit that is edible when fully ripe american_pit_bull_terrier%1:05:00:: 102093428 American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire terrier, American pit bull terrier, pit bull terrier n American breed of muscular terriers with a short close-lying stiff coat american_plaice%1:05:00:: 102660091 American plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides n large American food fish american_plan%1:21:00:: 113415744 American plan n a hotel plan that includes three meals daily american_plane%1:20:00:: 112807409 American sycamore, American plane, buttonwood, Platanus occidentalis n very large spreading plane tree of eastern and central North America to Mexico american_pulsatilla%1:20:00:: 111737752 American pasqueflower, Eastern pasque flower, wild crocus, lion's beard, prairie anemone, blue tulip, American pulsatilla, Pulsatilla patens, Anemone ludoviciana n short hairy perennial with early spring blue-violet or lilac flowers; North America and Siberia american_quaking_aspen%1:20:00:: 112734070 American quaking aspen, American aspen, Populus tremuloides n slender aspen native to North America american_raspberry%1:20:00:: 112656528 American raspberry, Rubus strigosus, Rubus idaeus strigosus n red raspberry of North America american_rattlebox%1:20:00:: 112519824 American rattlebox, Crotalaria sagitallis n tropical American annual herb having an inflated pod in which the ripe seeds rattle american_red_elder%1:20:00:: 112679432 American red elder, red-berried elder, stinking elder, Sambucus pubens n common North American shrub or small tree american_red_plum%1:20:00:: 112638964 American red plum, August plum, goose plum, Prunus americana n wild plum trees of eastern and central North America having red-orange fruit with yellow flesh american_red_squirrel%1:05:00:: 102357401 American red squirrel, spruce squirrel, red squirrel, Sciurus hudsonicus, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus n of northern United States and Canada american_redstart%1:05:00:: 101568294 American redstart, redstart, Setophaga ruticilla n flycatching warbler of eastern North America the male having bright orange on sides and wings and tail american_revised_version%1:10:00:: 106449477 American Standard Version, American Revised Version n a revised version of the King James Version american_revolution%1:04:00:: 101302086 American Revolution, American Revolutionary War, War of American Independence, American War of Independence n the revolution of the American Colonies against Great Britain; 1775-1783 american_revolutionary_leader%1:18:00:: 109740085 American Revolutionary leader n a nationalist leader in the American Revolution and in the creation of the United States american_revolutionary_war%1:04:00:: 101302086 American Revolution, American Revolutionary War, War of American Independence, American War of Independence n the revolution of the American Colonies against Great Britain; 1775-1783 american_robin%1:05:00:: 101558993 robin, American robin, Turdus migratorius n large American thrush having a rust-red breast and abdomen american_rock_brake%1:20:00:: 113210350 American rock brake, American parsley fern, Cryptogramma acrostichoides n rock-inhabiting fern of northern North America growing in massive tufts and having fronds resembling parsley american_sable%1:05:00:: 102450561 American marten, American sable, Martes americana n valued for its fur american_saddle_horse%1:05:00:: 102379630 American saddle horse n a high-stepping horse originating in Kentucky american_samoa%1:15:00:: 108991878 American Samoa, Eastern Samoa, AS n a United States territory on the eastern part of the island of Samoa american_shrew_mole%1:05:00:: 101891274 American shrew mole, Neurotrichus gibbsii n greyish-black shrew mole of the United States and Canada american_sign_language%1:10:00:: 106876007 ASL, American sign language n the sign language used in the United States american_smelt%1:13:00:: 107798728 American smelt, rainbow smelt n common smelt of eastern North America and Alaska american_smokewood%1:20:00:: 112760316 American smokewood, chittamwood, Cotinus americanus, Cotinus obovatus n shrubby tree of southern United States having large plumes of feathery flowers resembling puffs of smoke american_smooth_dogfish%1:05:00:: 101492708 American smooth dogfish, Mustelus canis n found along the Atlantic coast of the Americas american_spicebush%1:20:00:: 111706325 spicebush, spice bush, American spicebush, Benjamin bush, Lindera benzoin, Benzoin odoriferum n deciduous shrub of the eastern United States having highly aromatic leaves and bark and yellow flowers followed by scarlet or yellow berries american_spikenard%1:20:00:: 111797981 American spikenard, petty morel, life-of-man, Aralia racemosa n unarmed woody rhizomatous perennial plant distinguished from wild sarsaparilla by more aromatic roots and panicled umbels; southeastern North America to Mexico american_staffordshire_terrier%1:05:00:: 102093428 American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire terrier, American pit bull terrier, pit bull terrier n American breed of muscular terriers with a short close-lying stiff coat american_standard_code_for_information_interchange%1:10:00:: 106356755 American Standard Code for Information Interchange, ASCII n (computer science) a code for information exchange between computers made by different companies; a string of 7 binary digits represents each character; used in most microcomputers american_standard_version%1:10:00:: 106449477 American Standard Version, American Revised Version n a revised version of the King James Version american_star_grass%1:20:00:: 112423444 American star grass, Hypoxis hirsuta n perennial star grass of North America american_state%1:15:00:: 108655464 American state n one of the 50 states of the United States american_stock_exchange%1:06:00:: 102701871 American Stock Exchange, AMEX, Curb n a stock exchange in New York american_sweet_chestnut%1:20:00:: 112263038 American chestnut, American sweet chestnut, Castanea dentata n large tree found from Maine to Alabama american_sweet_gum%1:20:00:: 112316572 sweet gum, sweet gum tree, bilsted, red gum, American sweet gum, Liquidambar styraciflua n a North American tree of the genus Liquidambar having prickly spherical fruit clusters and fragrant sap american_sycamore%1:20:00:: 112807409 American sycamore, American plane, buttonwood, Platanus occidentalis n very large spreading plane tree of eastern and central North America to Mexico american_toad%1:05:00:: 101646802 American toad, Bufo americanus n common toad of America american_turkey_oak%1:20:00:: 112273515 American turkey oak, turkey oak, Quercus laevis n small slow-growing deciduous shrubby tree of dry sandy barrens of southeastern United States having leaves with bristle-tipped lobes resembling turkey's toes american_twinflower%1:20:00:: 112673588 American twinflower, Linnaea borealis americana n similar to the twinflower of northern Europe and Asia american_wall_fern%1:20:00:: 113173697 rock polypody, rock brake, American wall fern, Polypodium virgianum n chiefly lithophytic or epiphytic fern of North America and east Asia american_war_of_independence%1:04:00:: 101302086 American Revolution, American Revolutionary War, War of American Independence, American War of Independence n the revolution of the American Colonies against Great Britain; 1775-1783 american_watercress%1:20:00:: 111882636 American watercress, mountain watercress, Cardamine rotundifolia n mat-forming perennial found in cold springs of the eastern United States american_watercress%1:20:02:: 111873845 Belle Isle cress, early winter cress, land cress, American cress, American watercress, Barbarea verna, Barbarea praecox n of southwestern Europe; cultivated in Florida american_water_ouzel%1:05:00:: 101602209 American water ouzel, Cinclus mexicanus n a water ouzel of western North America american_water_shrew%1:05:00:: 101892744 American water shrew, Sorex palustris n water shrew of North America american_water_spaniel%1:05:00:: 102102806 American water spaniel n breed of medium-sized spaniels originating in America having chocolate or liver-colored curly coat american_white_birch%1:20:00:: 112281974 American white birch, paper birch, paperbark birch, canoe birch, Betula cordifolia, Betula papyrifera n small American birch with peeling white bark often worked into e.g. baskets or toy canoes american_white_oak%1:20:00:: 112270027 American white oak, Quercus alba n large slow-growing deciduous tree of the eastern United States having stout spreading branches and leaves with usually 7 rounded lobes; yields strong and durable hard wood american_white_pine%1:20:00:: 111613219 American white pine, eastern white pine, weymouth pine, Pinus strobus n tall-growing pine of eastern North America; bark is brown with longitudinal fissures when mature; valued as a timber tree american_widgeon%1:05:00:: 101848840 American widgeon, baldpate, Anas americana n a widgeon the male of which has a white crown american_virgin_islands%1:15:00:: 108755003 United States Virgin Islands, American Virgin Islands, VI n more than 130 southeastern Virgin Islands; a dependent territory of the United States american_wistaria%1:20:00:: 112580896 American wistaria, American wisteria, Wisteria frutescens n an eastern United States native resembling the cultivated Japanese wisteria having pale purple-lilac flowers american_wisteria%1:20:00:: 112580896 American wistaria, American wisteria, Wisteria frutescens n an eastern United States native resembling the cultivated Japanese wisteria having pale purple-lilac flowers american_woodcock%1:05:00:: 102031585 American woodcock, woodcock snipe, Philohela minor n small long-billed woodcock; prized as a game bird american_wormseed%1:20:00:: 111828804 American wormseed, Mexican tea, Spanish tea, wormseed, Chenopodium ambrosioides n rank-smelling tropical American pigweed americium%1:27:00:: 114628494 americium, Am, atomic number 95 n a radioactive transuranic metallic element; discovered by bombarding uranium with helium atoms americus_vespucius%1:18:00:: 111365100 Vespucci, Amerigo Vespucci, Americus Vespucius n Florentine navigator who explored the coast of South America; America was named in his honor (1454-1512) amerigo_vespucci%1:18:00:: 111365100 Vespucci, Amerigo Vespucci, Americus Vespucius n Florentine navigator who explored the coast of South America; America was named in his honor (1454-1512) amerind%1:10:00:: 106906439 Amerind, Amerindian language, American-Indian language, American Indian, Indian n any of the languages spoken by Amerindians amerind%3:01:00:: 302928066 Indian, Amerind, Amerindic, Native American a of or pertaining to American Indians or their culture or languages; "Native American religions"; "Indian arrowheads" amerindian%1:18:00:: 109644820 Amerindian, Native American n any member of the peoples living in North or South America before the Europeans arrived amerindian_language%1:10:00:: 106906439 Amerind, Amerindian language, American-Indian language, American Indian, Indian n any of the languages spoken by Amerindians amerindian_race%1:18:00:: 109648176 Indian race, Amerindian race n usually included in the Mongoloid race amerindic%3:01:00:: 302928066 Indian, Amerind, Amerindic, Native American a of or pertaining to American Indians or their culture or languages; "Native American religions"; "Indian arrowheads" ametabolic%3:00:00:: 301508592 ametabolic, ametabolous a undergoing slight or no metamorphosis ametabolic%5:00:00:nonmetamorphic:00 301531274 ametabolic s undergoing no (or only slight) metamorphosis ametabolous%3:00:00:: 301508592 ametabolic, ametabolous a undergoing slight or no metamorphosis amethopterin%1:06:00:: 103755712 methotrexate, methotrexate sodium, amethopterin n toxic antimetabolite that limits cellular reproduction by acting as an antagonist to folic acid; used to treat certain cancers and psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis amethyst%1:27:00:: 114722589 amethyst n a transparent purple variety of quartz; used as a gemstone amethyst%5:00:00:chromatic:00 300369732 amethyst s of a moderate purple color amethystine%3:01:00:: 302616906 amethystine a containing or resembling amethyst amethystine_python%1:05:00:: 101744555 amethystine python n a python having the color of amethyst ametria%1:26:00:: 114152924 ametria n congenital absence of the uterus ametropia%1:26:00:: 114096724 ametropia n (ophthalmology) faulty refraction of light rays in the eye as in astigmatism or myopia ametropic%3:00:00:: 300105388 ametropic a of or relating to an abnormal condition of the eye in which visual images are not in focus on the retina amex%1:06:00:: 102701871 American Stock Exchange, AMEX, Curb n a stock exchange in New York amhara%1:18:00:: 109705671 Amhara n a member of the Semitic speaking people of northern Ethiopia amharic%1:10:00:: 106987812 Amharic, Ethiopian language n the dominant and official language of Ethiopia; a Semitic language much influenced by the Cushitic language with which Amhara have been in close contact amharic%3:01:00:: 302616997 Amharic a related to or characteristic of or written in Amharic; "the Amharic language" amia%1:05:00:: 102638960 Amia, genus Amia n type genus of the Amiidae amiability%1:07:00:: 104654652 affability, affableness, amiability, amiableness, bonhomie, geniality n a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to) amiability%1:12:00:: 107551691 good humor, good humour, good temper, amiability n a cheerful and agreeable mood amiable%5:00:00:friendly:01 301075178 affable, amiable, cordial, genial s diffusing warmth and friendliness; "an affable smile"; "an amiable gathering"; "cordial relations"; "a cordial greeting"; "a genial host" amiable%5:00:00:good-natured:00 301134232 amiable, good-humored, good-humoured s disposed to please; "an amiable villain with a cocky sidelong grin"- Hal Hinson amiableness%1:07:00:: 104654652 affability, affableness, amiability, amiableness, bonhomie, geniality n a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to) amiably%4:02:00:: 400220052 affably, amiably, genially, affably, amiably, genially r in an affable manner; "`Come and visit me,' he said amiably" amia_calva%1:05:00:: 102639087 bowfin, grindle, dogfish, Amia calva n primitive long-bodied carnivorous freshwater fish with a very long dorsal fin; found in sluggish waters of North America amianthum%1:20:00:: 112438977 Amianthum, genus Amianthum n one species: fly poison; sometimes placed in family Melanthiaceae amianthum_muscaetoxicum%1:20:00:: 112439154 fly poison, Amianthum muscaetoxicum, Amianthum muscitoxicum n all parts of plant are highly toxic; bulb pounded and used as a fly poison; sometimes placed in subfamily Melanthiaceae amianthum_muscitoxicum%1:20:00:: 112439154 fly poison, Amianthum muscaetoxicum, Amianthum muscitoxicum n all parts of plant are highly toxic; bulb pounded and used as a fly poison; sometimes placed in subfamily Melanthiaceae amicability%1:07:00:: 104654998 amicability, amicableness n having a disposition characterized by warmth and friendliness amicability%1:12:00:: 107499830 amicability, amicableness n a disinclination to quarrel amicable%3:00:00:: 301246579 amicable a characterized by friendship and good will amicableness%1:07:00:: 104654998 amicability, amicableness n having a disposition characterized by warmth and friendliness amicableness%1:12:00:: 107499830 amicability, amicableness n a disinclination to quarrel amicably%4:02:00:: 400262552 amicably, amicably r in an amicable manner; "they separated amicably" amicus_curiae%1:18:00:: 109788237 amicus curiae, friend of the court n an adviser to the court on some matter of law who is not a party to the case; usually someone who wants to influence the outcome of a lawsuit involving matters of wide public interest amicus_curiae_brief%1:10:00:: 106543949 amicus curiae brief n a brief presented by someone interested in influencing the outcome of a lawsuit but who is not a party to it amide%1:27:00:: 114724264 amide n any organic compound containing the group -CONH2 amidopyrine%1:06:00:: 102702166 aminopyrine, amidopyrine n a white crystalline substance used as an analgesic and antipyretic amidship%4:02:00:: 400402030 amidships, amidship, midships, amidships, amidship, midships r at or near or toward the center of a ship; "in the late 19th century, engines were placed in front, amidships, and at the rear" amidship%4:02:01:: 400273238 amidship, amidship r at or near or toward the middle amidship%5:00:00:central:01 300330219 amidship s located in the middle part of a ship or aircraft amidships%4:02:00:: 400402030 amidships, amidship, midships, amidships, amidship, midships r at or near or toward the center of a ship; "in the late 19th century, engines were placed in front, amidships, and at the rear" amigo%1:18:00:: 109788521 amigo n a friend or comrade amiidae%1:05:00:: 102638835 Amiidae, family Amiidae n only the bowfins a_million_times%4:02:00:: 400344659 millionfold, a million times, millionfold, a million times r by a factor of a million; "it increased a millionfold" amine%1:27:00:: 114739004 amine, aminoalkane n a compound derived from ammonia by replacing hydrogen atoms by univalent hydrocarbon radicals aminic%3:01:00:: 302617146 amino, aminic a pertaining to or containing any of a group of organic compounds of nitrogen derived from ammonia amino%1:27:00:: 114617597 amino, amino group n the radical -NH2 amino%3:01:00:: 302617146 amino, aminic a pertaining to or containing any of a group of organic compounds of nitrogen derived from ammonia amino_acid%1:27:00:: 114601829 amino acid, aminoalkanoic acid n organic compounds containing an amino group and a carboxylic acid group; "proteins are composed of various proportions of about 20 common amino acids" aminoaciduria%1:26:00:: 114266168 aminoaciduria n abnormal presence of amino acids in the urine; usually a symptom of metabolic defects aminoalkane%1:27:00:: 114739004 amine, aminoalkane n a compound derived from ammonia by replacing hydrogen atoms by univalent hydrocarbon radicals aminoalkanoic_acid%1:27:00:: 114601829 amino acid, aminoalkanoic acid n organic compounds containing an amino group and a carboxylic acid group; "proteins are composed of various proportions of about 20 common amino acids" aminobenzine%1:27:00:: 114754505 aniline, aniline oil, aminobenzine, phenylamine n oily poisonous liquid amine obtained from nitrobenzene and used to make dyes and plastics and medicines aminobenzoic_acid%1:27:00:: 114743289 aminobenzoic acid n a derivative of benzoic acid amino_group%1:27:00:: 114617597 amino, amino group n the radical -NH2 aminomethane%1:27:00:: 114617715 aminomethane n a methyl with the hydrogen atom replaced by an amino radical aminopherase%1:27:00:: 115077338 transaminase, aminotransferase, aminopherase n a class of transferases that catalyze transamination (that transfer an amino group from an amino acid to another compound) aminophylline%1:06:00:: 102701984 aminophylline n a theophylline derivative that is used as a bronchodilator in the treatment of bronchial asthma, emphysema, and bronchitis aminoplast%1:27:00:: 114743381 amino plastic, aminoplast, amino resin n a plastic (synthetic resin) made from amino compounds; used as an adhesive and as a coating for paper and textiles amino_plastic%1:27:00:: 114743381 amino plastic, aminoplast, amino resin n a plastic (synthetic resin) made from amino compounds; used as an adhesive and as a coating for paper and textiles aminopyrine%1:06:00:: 102702166 aminopyrine, amidopyrine n a white crystalline substance used as an analgesic and antipyretic amino_resin%1:27:00:: 114743381 amino plastic, aminoplast, amino resin n a plastic (synthetic resin) made from amino compounds; used as an adhesive and as a coating for paper and textiles aminotransferase%1:27:00:: 115077338 transaminase, aminotransferase, aminopherase n a class of transferases that catalyze transamination (that transfer an amino group from an amino acid to another compound) amiodarone%1:06:00:: 102702304 amiodarone, Cordarone n an antiarrhythmic drug (trade name Cordarone) that has potentially fatal side effects and is used to control serious heart rhythm problems only when safer agents have been ineffective amir%1:18:00:: 110052497 emir, amir, emeer, ameer n an independent ruler or chieftain (especially in Africa or Arabia) amish%1:18:00:: 109677713 Amish n an American follower of the Mennonite religion amish_sect%1:14:00:: 108093813 Amish sect n an orthodox Anabaptist sect separated from the Mennonites in late 17th century; settled chiefly in southeastern Pennsylvania amiss%4:02:00:: 400271998 awry, amiss, awry, amiss r away from the correct or expected course; "something has gone awry in our plans"; "something went badly amiss in the preparations" amiss%4:02:01:: 400010276 amiss, amiss r in an improper or mistaken or unfortunate manner; "if you think him guilty you judge amiss"; "he spoke amiss"; "no one took it amiss when she spoke frankly" amiss%4:02:03:: 400010047 imperfectly, amiss, imperfectly, amiss r in an imperfect or faulty way; "The lobe was imperfectly developed"; "Miss Bennet would not play at all amiss if she practiced more"- Jane Austen amiss%5:00:00:malfunctioning:00 301092371 amiss, awry, haywire, wrong s not functioning properly; "something is amiss"; "has gone completely haywire"; "something is wrong with the engine" amitosis%1:22:00:: 113430074 amitosis n the direct method of cell division characterized by simple division of the nucleus without formation of chromosomes amitotic%3:01:00:: 302617357 amitotic a pertaining to a simple method of cell division amitriptyline%1:06:00:: 102702575 amitriptyline, amitriptyline hydrochloride, Elavil n a tricyclic antidepressant drug (trade name Elavil) with serious side effects; interacts with many other medications amitriptyline_hydrochloride%1:06:00:: 102702575 amitriptyline, amitriptyline hydrochloride, Elavil n a tricyclic antidepressant drug (trade name Elavil) with serious side effects; interacts with many other medications amity%1:07:00:: 104655929 amity, cordiality n a cordial disposition amity%1:26:00:: 113970460 amity n a state of friendship and cordiality amlodipine_besylate%1:06:00:: 102702809 amlodipine besylate, Norvasc n a vasodilator (trade name Norvasc) taken in tablet form; prescribed for hypertension and angina pectoris amman%1:15:00:: 108927548 Amman, capital of Jordan n the capital and largest city of Jordan ammeter%1:06:00:: 102702989 ammeter n a meter that measures the flow of electrical current in amperes ammine%1:27:00:: 114743727 ammine n a complex inorganic compound that contains ammonia molecules ammino%3:01:00:: 302617476 ammino a pertaining to or characteristic of an ammine (an inorganic coordination compound of ammonia and a metallic salt) ammo%1:06:00:: 102703275 ammunition, ammo n projectiles to be fired from a gun ammobium%1:20:00:: 111920498 ammobium n any plant of the genus Ammobium having yellow flowers and silvery foliage ammobium_alatum%1:20:00:: 111920663 winged everlasting, Ammobium alatum n Australian plant widely cultivated for its beautiful silvery-white blooms with bright yellow centers on long winged stems ammodytes%1:05:00:: 102618372 Ammodytes, genus Ammodytes n type genus of the Ammodytidae ammodytidae%1:05:00:: 102618244 Ammodytidae, family Ammodytidae n sand lances ammonia%1:27:00:: 114743582 ammonia n a pungent gas compounded of nitrogen and hydrogen (NH3) ammonia%1:27:01:: 114743840 ammonia water, ammonia, ammonium hydroxide n a water solution of ammonia ammonia_alum%1:27:00:: 114628307 alum, ammonia alum, ammonium alum n a white crystalline double sulfate of aluminum: the ammonium double sulfate of aluminum ammoniac%1:27:00:: 114743976 ammoniac, gum ammoniac n the aromatic gum of the ammoniac plant ammoniac%3:01:00:: 302617641 ammoniac, ammoniacal a pertaining to or containing or similar to ammonia ammoniacal%3:01:00:: 302617641 ammoniac, ammoniacal a pertaining to or containing or similar to ammonia ammonia_clock%1:06:00:: 102703124 ammonia clock n an atomic clock based on vibrational frequency of the nitrogen atom in the ammonia molecule ammoniate%2:30:00:: 200187147 ammoniate v treat with ammonia ammoniated%3:01:00:: 303132715 ammoniated a combined or treated with ammonia; "ammoniated mercury" ammonia_water%1:27:00:: 114743840 ammonia water, ammonia, ammonium hydroxide n a water solution of ammonia ammonification%1:22:00:: 113430262 ammonification n impregnation with ammonia or a compound of ammonia ammonify%2:30:00:: 200497219 ammonify v treat with ammonia; cause to undergo ammonification ammonite%1:17:00:: 109195958 ammonite, ammonoid n one of the coiled chambered fossil shells of extinct mollusks ammonitic%3:01:00:: 302617812 ammonitic a of or related to an order of fossil cephalopods ammonium%1:27:00:: 114744120 ammonium, ammonium ion n the ion NH4 derived from ammonia; behaves in many respects like an alkali metal ion ammonium_alum%1:27:00:: 114628307 alum, ammonia alum, ammonium alum n a white crystalline double sulfate of aluminum: the ammonium double sulfate of aluminum ammonium_carbamate%1:27:00:: 114744291 ammonium carbamate n a salt of carbamic acid that is used as a nitrogen fertilizer ammonium_carbonate%1:27:00:: 114744417 ammonium carbonate n a carbonate of ammonium; used in the manufacture of smelling salts and baking powder and ammonium compounds ammonium_chloride%1:27:00:: 114744589 ammonium chloride, sal ammoniac n a white salt used in dry cells ammonium_hydroxide%1:27:00:: 114743840 ammonia water, ammonia, ammonium hydroxide n a water solution of ammonia ammonium_ion%1:27:00:: 114744120 ammonium, ammonium ion n the ion NH4 derived from ammonia; behaves in many respects like an alkali metal ion ammonium_nitrate%1:27:00:: 115014012 ammonium nitrate n used as an explosive and fertilizer and rocket propellant ammoniuria%1:26:00:: 114266313 ammoniuria n excessive ammonia in the urine ammonoid%1:17:00:: 109195958 ammonite, ammonoid n one of the coiled chambered fossil shells of extinct mollusks ammotragus%1:05:00:: 102415971 Ammotragus, genus Ammotragus n genus of wild sheep ammotragus_lervia%1:05:00:: 102416104 aoudad, arui, audad, Barbary sheep, maned sheep, Ammotragus lervia n wild sheep of northern Africa ammunition%1:06:00:: 102703275 ammunition, ammo n projectiles to be fired from a gun ammunition%1:10:00:: 106484696 ammunition n information that can be used to attack or defend a claim or argument or viewpoint; "his admission provided ammunition for his critics" ammunition%1:27:00:: 114585808 ammunition n any nuclear or chemical or biological material that can be used as a weapon of mass destruction ammunition_chest%1:06:00:: 102937237 caisson, ammunition chest n a chest to hold ammunition amnesia%1:09:00:: 105672391 amnesia, memory loss, blackout n partial or total loss of memory; "he has a total blackout for events of the evening" amnesiac%1:18:00:: 109788611 amnesic, amnesiac n a person suffering from amnesia amnesiac%5:00:00:unmindful:00 301978237 amnesic, amnesiac s suffering from a partial loss of memory amnesic%1:18:00:: 109788611 amnesic, amnesiac n a person suffering from amnesia amnesic%3:01:00:: 302617933 amnestic, amnesic a of or relating to or caused by amnesia amnesic%5:00:00:unmindful:00 301978237 amnesic, amnesiac s suffering from a partial loss of memory amnesic_aphasia%1:26:00:: 114098663 nominal aphasia, anomic aphasia, anomia, amnesic aphasia, amnestic aphasia n inability to name objects or to recognize written or spoken names of objects amnestic%3:01:00:: 302617933 amnestic, amnesic a of or relating to or caused by amnesia amnestic_aphasia%1:26:00:: 114098663 nominal aphasia, anomic aphasia, anomia, amnesic aphasia, amnestic aphasia n inability to name objects or to recognize written or spoken names of objects amnesty%1:04:00:: 101249315 amnesty, pardon, free pardon n the formal act of liberating someone amnesty%1:10:00:: 106552639 pardon, amnesty n a warrant granting release from punishment for an offense amnesty%1:26:00:: 114529082 amnesty n a period during which offenders are exempt from punishment amnesty%2:32:00:: 200905677 amnesty v grant a pardon to (a group of people) amnic%3:01:00:: 302618108 amniotic, amnionic, amnic a of or related to the amnion or characterized by developing an amnion; "amniotic membrane" amnio%1:04:00:: 100943600 amniocentesis, amnio n (pregnancy) extraction by centesis of amniotic fluid from a pregnant woman (after the 15th week of pregnancy) to aid in the diagnosis of fetal abnormalities amniocentesis%1:04:00:: 100943600 amniocentesis, amnio n (pregnancy) extraction by centesis of amniotic fluid from a pregnant woman (after the 15th week of pregnancy) to aid in the diagnosis of fetal abnormalities amnion%1:05:00:: 101472638 amnion, amniotic sac, amnios n thin innermost membranous sac enclosing the developing embryo of higher vertebrates (reptiles, birds and mammals) amnionic%3:01:00:: 302618108 amniotic, amnionic, amnic a of or related to the amnion or characterized by developing an amnion; "amniotic membrane" amnionic_fluid%1:08:00:: 105399627 amniotic fluid, amnionic fluid, waters n the serous fluid in which the embryo is suspended inside the amnion; "before a woman gives birth her waters break" amnios%1:05:00:: 101472638 amnion, amniotic sac, amnios n thin innermost membranous sac enclosing the developing embryo of higher vertebrates (reptiles, birds and mammals) amniota%1:05:00:: 101472303 Amniota n higher vertebrates (reptiles, birds and mammals) possessing an amnion during development amniote%1:05:00:: 101472502 amniote n any member of the Amniota amniotic%3:01:00:: 302618108 amniotic, amnionic, amnic a of or related to the amnion or characterized by developing an amnion; "amniotic membrane" amniotic_cavity%1:08:00:: 105399486 amniotic cavity n the fluid-filled cavity that surrounds the developing embryo amniotic_fluid%1:08:00:: 105399627 amniotic fluid, amnionic fluid, waters n the serous fluid in which the embryo is suspended inside the amnion; "before a woman gives birth her waters break" amniotic_sac%1:05:00:: 101472638 amnion, amniotic sac, amnios n thin innermost membranous sac enclosing the developing embryo of higher vertebrates (reptiles, birds and mammals) amobarbital%1:06:00:: 102703499 amobarbital n a barbiturate with sedative and hypnotic effects; used to relieve insomnia and as an anticonvulsant amobarbital_sodium%1:06:00:: 102703692 amobarbital sodium, blue, blue angel, blue devil, Amytal n the sodium salt of amobarbital that is used as a barbiturate; used as a sedative and a hypnotic amoeba%1:05:00:: 101392380 ameba, amoeba n naked freshwater or marine or parasitic protozoa that form temporary pseudopods for feeding and locomotion amoeban%3:01:00:: 303040974 amoebic, amebic, amoeban, ameban, amoebous, amebous a pertaining to or resembling amoebae; "amoebic dysentery" amoebiasis%1:26:00:: 114175165 amebiasis, amoebiasis, amebiosis, amoebiosis n infection by a disease-causing ameba amoebic%3:01:00:: 303040974 amoebic, amebic, amoeban, ameban, amoebous, amebous a pertaining to or resembling amoebae; "amoebic dysentery" amoebic_dysentery%1:26:00:: 114175313 amebic dysentery, amoebic dysentery n inflammation of the intestines caused by Endamoeba histolytica; usually acquired by ingesting food or water contaminated with feces; characterized by severe diarrhea amoebida%1:05:00:: 101391569 Amoebida, order Amoebida, Amoebina, order Amoebina n the animal order including amoebas amoebina%1:05:00:: 101391569 Amoebida, order Amoebida, Amoebina, order Amoebina n the animal order including amoebas amoebiosis%1:26:00:: 114175165 amebiasis, amoebiasis, amebiosis, amoebiosis n infection by a disease-causing ameba amoeboid%3:01:00:: 302616480 ameboid, amoeboid a like an amoeba (especially in having a variable irregular shape) amoebous%3:01:00:: 303040974 amoebic, amebic, amoeban, ameban, amoebous, amebous a pertaining to or resembling amoebae; "amoebic dysentery" amok%4:02:00:: 400273306 amok, amuck, murderously, amok, amuck, murderously r in a murderous frenzy; "rioters running amuck and throwing sticks and bottles and stones" amok%4:02:01:: 400273504 amok, amuck, amok, amuck r wildly; without self-control; "when the restaurant caught fire the patrons ran amuck, blocking the exit" amok%5:00:00:insane:00 302074673 amuck, amok, berserk, demoniac, demoniacal, possessed s frenzied as if possessed by a demon; "the soldier was completely amuck"; "berserk with grief"; "a berserk worker smashing windows" amon%1:18:00:: 109511368 Amen, Amon, Amun n a primeval Egyptian personification of air and breath; worshipped especially at Thebes amon-ra%1:18:00:: 109511519 Amen-Ra, Amon-Ra, Amun Ra n Egyptian sun god; supreme god of the universe in whom Amen and Ra were merged; principal deity during Theban supremacy amontillado%1:13:00:: 107901264 Amontillado n pale medium-dry sherry from Spain amor%1:18:00:: 109560061 Cupid, Amor n (Roman mythology) god of love; counterpart of Greek Eros amora%1:18:00:: 109788761 amora n one of a group of rabbis (active AD 250-500) who discussed the Mishnaic law in the law schools of Palestine and Mesopotamia where they explained and applied earlier teachings and whose discussions are recorded in the Talmud; they emphasized the study of Torah and the importance of personal action and the fulfillment of the commandments amoralism%1:09:00:: 105958427 amoralism n the doctrine that moral distinctions are invalid amoralist%1:18:00:: 109789150 amoralist n someone who adheres to the doctrine that ordinary moral distinctions are invalid amorality%1:07:00:: 104854893 amorality n the quality of being amoral amorally%4:02:00:: 400364623 immorally, amorally, immorally, amorally r without regard for morality; "he acted immorally when his own interests were at stake" amorist%1:18:00:: 109789304 amorist n one dedicated to love and lovemaking especially one who writes about love amoristic%3:01:00:: 302618361 amoristic a of or pertaining to romantic love amorous%5:00:01:loving:00 301465061 amative, amorous s inclined toward or displaying love; "feeling amorous" amorous%5:00:02:loving:00 301465214 amatory, amorous, romantic s expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance; "her amatory affairs"; "amorous glances"; "a romantic adventure"; "a romantic moonlight ride" amorously%4:02:00:: 400267950 amorously, amorously r in an amorous manner; "he looked at her amorously" amorousness%1:12:01:: 107544213 amorousness, enamoredness n a feeling of love or fondness amorousness%1:12:02:: 107489059 amorousness, eroticism, erotism, sexiness, amativeness n the arousal of feelings of sexual desire amorpha%1:20:00:: 112504094 amorpha n any plant of the genus Amorpha having odd-pinnate leaves and purplish spicate flowers amorpha_californica%1:20:00:: 112504570 false indigo, bastard indigo, Amorpha californica n an erect to spreading hairy shrub of the Pacific coast of the United States having racemes of red to indigo flowers amorpha_canescens%1:20:00:: 112504306 leadplant, lead plant, Amorpha canescens n shrub of sandy woodlands and stream banks of western United States having hoary pinnate flowers and dull-colored racemose flowers; thought to indicate the presence of lead ore amorpha_fruticosa%1:20:00:: 112504783 false indigo, bastard indigo, Amorpha fruticosa n dense shrub of moist riverbanks and flood plains of the eastern United States having attractive fragrant foliage and dense racemes of dark purple flowers amorphophallus%1:20:00:: 111782761 amorphophallus n any plant of the genus Amorphophallus amorphophallus_campanulatus%1:20:00:: 111782878 pungapung, telingo potato, elephant yam, Amorphophallus paeonifolius, Amorphophallus campanulatus n putrid-smelling aroid of southeastern Asia (especially the Philippines) grown for its edible tuber amorphophallus_paeonifolius%1:20:00:: 111782878 pungapung, telingo potato, elephant yam, Amorphophallus paeonifolius, Amorphophallus campanulatus n putrid-smelling aroid of southeastern Asia (especially the Philippines) grown for its edible tuber amorphophallus_rivieri%1:20:00:: 111783162 devil's tongue, snake palm, umbrella arum, Amorphophallus rivieri n foul-smelling somewhat fleshy tropical plant of southeastern Asia cultivated for its edible corms or in the greenhouse for its large leaves and showy dark red spathe surrounding a large spadix amorphophallus_titanum%1:20:00:: 111783488 krubi, titan arum, Amorphophallus titanum n malodorous tropical plant having a spathe that resembles the corolla of a morning glory and attains a diameter of several feet amorphous%5:00:00:inorganic:02 301680283 amorphous, unstructured s lacking the system or structure characteristic of living bodies amorphous%5:00:00:noncrystalline:00 300269580 amorphous, uncrystallized, uncrystallised s without real or apparent crystalline form; "an amorphous mineral"; "amorphous structure" amorphous%5:00:00:unformed:00 302151837 amorphous, formless, shapeless s having no definite form or distinct shape; "amorphous clouds of insects"; "an aggregate of formless particles"; "a shapeless mass of protoplasm" amorphous_shape%1:25:00:: 113867492 amorphous shape n an ill-defined or arbitrary shape amort%5:00:00:dejected:00 300703366 amort s utterly cast down amortisation%1:04:00:: 101121070 amortization, amortisation n payment of an obligation in a series of installments or transfers amortisation%1:04:01:: 101122938 amortization, amortisation n the reduction of the value of an asset by prorating its cost over a period of years amortise%2:40:00:: 202352263 amortize, amortise v liquidate gradually amortization%1:04:00:: 101121070 amortization, amortisation n payment of an obligation in a series of installments or transfers amortization%1:04:01:: 101122938 amortization, amortisation n the reduction of the value of an asset by prorating its cost over a period of years amortize%2:40:00:: 202352263 amortize, amortise v liquidate gradually amos%1:10:00:: 106439560 Amos, Book of Amos n an Old Testament book telling Amos's prophecies amos%1:18:00:: 110816136 Amos n a Hebrew shepherd and minor prophet amount%1:03:00:: 100033615 measure, quantity, amount n how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify amount%1:07:00:: 105107765 amount n the relative magnitude of something with reference to a criterion; "an adequate amount of food for four people" amount%1:09:00:: 105861067 sum, amount, total n a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers amount%1:21:00:: 113331198 sum, sum of money, amount, amount of money n a quantity of money; "he borrowed a large sum"; "the amount he had in cash was insufficient" amount%2:42:00:: 202627363 come, add up, amount v develop into; "This idea will never amount to anything"; "nothing came of his grandiose plans" amount%2:42:01:: 202645007 total, number, add up, come, amount v add up in number or quantity; "The bills amounted to $2,000"; "The bill came to $2,000" amount%2:42:03:: 202664992 amount v be tantamount or equivalent to; "Her action amounted to a rebellion" amount_of_money%1:21:00:: 113331198 sum, sum of money, amount, amount of money n a quantity of money; "he borrowed a large sum"; "the amount he had in cash was insufficient" amour%1:26:00:: 113931889 affair, affaire, intimacy, liaison, involvement, amour n a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship amour_propre%1:12:00:: 107508996 amour propre, conceit, self-love, vanity n feelings of excessive pride amoxicillin%1:06:00:: 102703894 amoxicillin, Amoxil, Larotid, Polymox, Trimox, Augmentin n an antibiotic; a semisynthetic oral penicillin (trade names Amoxil and Larotid and Polymox and Trimox and Augmentin) used to treat bacterial infections amoxil%1:06:00:: 102703894 amoxicillin, Amoxil, Larotid, Polymox, Trimox, Augmentin n an antibiotic; a semisynthetic oral penicillin (trade names Amoxil and Larotid and Polymox and Trimox and Augmentin) used to treat bacterial infections amoy%1:10:00:: 106930633 Min, Min dialect, Fukien, Fukkianese, Hokkianese, Amoy, Taiwanese n any of the forms of Chinese spoken in Fukien province amp%1:23:00:: 113637376 ampere, amp, A n the basic unit of electric current adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites; "a typical household circuit carries 15 to 50 amps" amp%1:27:00:: 114707710 adenosine monophosphate, AMP, adenylic acid n a nucleotide found in muscle cells and important in metabolism; reversibly convertible to ADP and ATP amperage%1:19:00:: 111424704 amperage n the strength of an electrical current measured in amperes ampere%1:23:00:: 113637376 ampere, amp, A n the basic unit of electric current adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites; "a typical household circuit carries 15 to 50 amps" ampere%1:23:02:: 113637841 ampere, international ampere n a former unit of electric current (slightly smaller than the SI ampere) ampere-hour%1:23:00:: 113637124 ampere-hour n a unit of charge equal to 3600 coulombs ampere-minute%1:23:00:: 113636989 ampere-minute n a unit of charge equal to 60 coulombs ampere-second%1:23:00:: 113636648 coulomb, C, ampere-second n a unit of electrical charge equal to the amount of charge transferred by a current of 1 ampere in 1 second ampere-turn%1:23:00:: 113642122 ampere-turn n a unit of magnetomotive force equal to the magnetomotive force produced by the passage of 1 ampere through 1 complete turn of a coil; equal to 1.257 gilberts ampersand%1:10:00:: 106841873 ampersand n a punctuation mark (&) used to represent conjunction (and) amphetamine%1:06:00:: 102704153 amphetamine, pep pill, upper, speed n a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite; used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression amphetamine_sulfate%1:06:00:: 102704462 amphetamine sulfate, amphetamine sulphate n a sulfate derivative of amphetamine that is used as a stimulant for the central nervous system amphetamine_sulphate%1:06:00:: 102704462 amphetamine sulfate, amphetamine sulphate n a sulfate derivative of amphetamine that is used as a stimulant for the central nervous system amphibia%1:05:00:: 101625747 amphibia, class Amphibia n the class of vertebrates that live on land but breed in water; frogs; toads; newts; salamanders; caecilians amphibian%1:05:00:: 101627424 amphibian n cold-blooded vertebrate typically living on land but breeding in water; aquatic larvae undergo metamorphosis into adult form amphibian%1:06:00:: 102704645 amphibian, amphibious aircraft n an airplane designed to take off and land on water amphibian%1:06:01:: 102704792 amphibian, amphibious vehicle n a flat-bottomed motor vehicle that can travel on land or water amphibian%3:01:00:: 302831979 amphibious, amphibian a relating to or characteristic of animals of the class Amphibia amphibian_family%1:05:00:: 101626134 amphibian family n any family of amphibians amphibian_genus%1:05:00:: 101626600 amphibian genus n any genus of amphibians amphibiotic%5:00:00:amphibious:00 300125553 amphibiotic, semiaquatic s having an aquatic early or larval form and a terrestrial adult form amphibious%3:00:00:: 300125319 amphibious a operating or living on land and in water; "amphibious vehicles"; "amphibious operations"; "amphibious troops"; "frogs are amphibious animals" amphibious%3:01:00:: 302831979 amphibious, amphibian a relating to or characteristic of animals of the class Amphibia amphibious_aircraft%1:06:00:: 102704645 amphibian, amphibious aircraft n an airplane designed to take off and land on water amphibious_assault%1:04:00:: 100981369 amphibious assault n an amphibious operation attacking a land base that is carried out by troops that are landed by naval ships amphibious_demonstration%1:04:00:: 100972319 amphibious demonstration n an amphibious operation conducted for the purpose of deceiving the enemy and leading him into a course of action unfavorable to him amphibious_landing%1:04:00:: 100057748 amphibious landing n a military action of coordinated land, sea, and air forces organized for an invasion; "MacArthur staged a massive amphibious landing behind enemy lines" amphibious_operation%1:04:00:: 100981180 amphibious operation n a military operation by both land and sea forces amphibious_vehicle%1:06:00:: 102704792 amphibian, amphibious vehicle n a flat-bottomed motor vehicle that can travel on land or water amphibole%1:27:00:: 114665767 amphibole n a mineral or mineral variety belonging to the amphibole group amphibole_group%1:27:00:: 114666012 amphibole group n a group of minerals with similar crystal structures containing a silicate chain and combinations of chiefly sodium and calcium and magnesium and iron and aluminum amphibolips%1:05:00:: 102217050 Amphibolips, genus Amphibolips n cynipid gall wasps, especially causing oak-apple galls amphibolite%1:27:00:: 114666369 amphibolite n a metamorphic rock composed chiefly of amphibole and plagioclase amphibology%1:10:00:: 106604743 amphibology, amphiboly n an ambiguous grammatical construction; e.g., `they are flying planes' can mean either that someone is flying planes or that something is flying planes amphiboly%1:10:00:: 106604743 amphibology, amphiboly n an ambiguous grammatical construction; e.g., `they are flying planes' can mean either that someone is flying planes or that something is flying planes amphibrach%1:10:00:: 107095516 amphibrach n a metrical unit with unstressed-stressed-unstressed syllables (e.g., `remember') amphicarpa%1:20:00:: 112505032 Amphicarpaea, genus Amphicarpaea, Amphicarpa, genus Amphicarpa n very small genus of twining vines of North America and Asia: hog peanut amphicarpa_bracteata%1:20:00:: 112505253 hog peanut, wild peanut, Amphicarpaea bracteata, Amphicarpa bracteata n vine widely distributed in eastern North America producing racemes of purple to maroon flowers and abundant (usually subterranean) edible one-seeded pods resembling peanuts amphicarpaea%1:20:00:: 112505032 Amphicarpaea, genus Amphicarpaea, Amphicarpa, genus Amphicarpa n very small genus of twining vines of North America and Asia: hog peanut amphicarpaea_bracteata%1:20:00:: 112505253 hog peanut, wild peanut, Amphicarpaea bracteata, Amphicarpa bracteata n vine widely distributed in eastern North America producing racemes of purple to maroon flowers and abundant (usually subterranean) edible one-seeded pods resembling peanuts amphictyony%1:14:00:: 108360248 amphictyony n an association of neighboring states or tribes in ancient Greece; established originally to defend a common religious center amphidiploid%1:05:00:: 101319932 amphidiploid n (genetics) an organism or cell having a diploid set of chromosomes from each parent amphidiploidy%1:26:00:: 114570581 amphidiploidy n the condition of being amphidiploid amphigory%1:10:00:: 106608035 amphigory, nonsense verse n nonsensical writing (usually verse) amphimixis%1:11:00:: 107373481 amphimixis n union of sperm and egg in sexual reproduction amphimixis%1:22:00:: 113555240 sexual reproduction, amphimixis n reproduction involving the union or fusion of a male and a female gamete amphineura%1:05:00:: 101954202 Amphineura, subclass Amphineura n a class of Gastropoda amphioxidae%1:05:00:: 101467504 Amphioxidae, family Amphioxidae, Branchiostomidae, family Branchiostomidae n lancelets amphioxus%1:05:00:: 101467804 lancelet, amphioxus n small translucent lancet-shaped burrowing marine animal; primitive forerunner of the vertebrates amphipod%1:05:00:: 101992773 amphipod n a kind of malacostracan crustacean amphipoda%1:05:00:: 101992516 Amphipoda, order Amphipoda n small flat-bodied semiterrestrial crustaceans: whale lice; sand-hoppers; skeleton shrimp amphiprion%1:05:00:: 102606926 Amphiprion, genus Amphiprion n damsel fishes amphiprion_percula%1:05:00:: 102607201 clown anemone fish, Amphiprion percula n an anemone fish of the genus Amphiprion amphiprostylar%5:00:00:apteral:00 300139492 amphiprostylar, amphiprostyle, amphistylar, porticoed s marked by columniation having free columns in porticoes either at both ends or at both sides of a structure amphiprostyle%5:00:00:apteral:00 300139492 amphiprostylar, amphiprostyle, amphistylar, porticoed s marked by columniation having free columns in porticoes either at both ends or at both sides of a structure amphiprotic%3:00:00:: 300026515 amphoteric, amphiprotic a having characteristics of both an acid and a base and capable of reacting as either amphisbaena%1:05:00:: 101683036 Amphisbaena, genus Amphisbaena, Amphisbaenia, genus Amphisbaenia n type genus of the Amphisbaenidae amphisbaena%1:18:00:: 109492733 amphisbaena n (classical mythology) a serpent with a head at each end of its body amphisbaenia%1:05:00:: 101683036 Amphisbaena, genus Amphisbaena, Amphisbaenia, genus Amphisbaenia n type genus of the Amphisbaenidae amphisbaenidae%1:05:00:: 101682920 Amphisbaenidae, family Amphisbaenidae n worm lizards amphistylar%5:00:00:apteral:00 300139492 amphiprostylar, amphiprostyle, amphistylar, porticoed s marked by columniation having free columns in porticoes either at both ends or at both sides of a structure amphistylar%5:00:00:columned:00 300140880 amphistylar s having columns either at both ends or at both sides amphitheater%1:06:00:: 102704949 amphitheater, amphitheatre, coliseum n an oval large stadium with tiers of seats; an arena in which contests and spectacles are held amphitheater%1:06:01:: 102705201 amphitheater, amphitheatre n a sloping gallery with seats for spectators (as in an operating room or theater) amphitheatre%1:06:00:: 102704949 amphitheater, amphitheatre, coliseum n an oval large stadium with tiers of seats; an arena in which contests and spectacles are held amphitheatre%1:06:01:: 102705201 amphitheater, amphitheatre n a sloping gallery with seats for spectators (as in an operating room or theater) amphitheatric%3:01:00:: 302618468 amphitheatric, amphitheatrical a of or related to an amphitheater amphitheatrical%3:01:00:: 302618468 amphitheatric, amphitheatrical a of or related to an amphitheater amphitheatrum_flavium%1:06:00:: 103072828 Colosseum, Amphitheatrum Flavium n a large amphitheater in Rome whose construction was begun by Vespasian about AD 75 or 80 amphitropous%3:00:00:: 301029873 amphitropous a (of a plant ovule) partly inverted; turned back 90 degrees on its stalk amphitropous_ovule%1:20:00:: 111679528 amphitropous ovule n a partly inverted ovule turned back 90 degrees on its stalk amphiuma%1:05:00:: 101638722 amphiuma, congo snake, congo eel, blind eel n aquatic eel-shaped salamander having two pairs of very small feet; of still muddy waters in the southern United States amphiumidae%1:05:00:: 101638482 Amphiumidae, family Amphiumidae n congo snakes amphora%1:06:00:: 102705429 amphora n an ancient jar with two handles and a narrow neck; used to hold oil or wine amphoric%3:01:00:: 302618668 amphoric a the sound heard in auscultation resembling the hollow sound made by blowing across the mouth of a bottle; "amphoric breathing indicates a cavity in the lung" amphoteric%3:00:00:: 300026515 amphoteric, amphiprotic a having characteristics of both an acid and a base and capable of reacting as either amphotericin%1:06:00:: 102705558 amphotericin n an antibiotic and antifungal agent ampicillin%1:06:00:: 102705651 ampicillin, Principen, Polycillin, SK-Ampicillin n semisynthetic penicillin (trade names Principen and Polycillin and SK-Ampicillin) ample%3:00:00:: 300105746 ample a more than enough in size or scope or capacity; "had ample food for the party"; "an ample supply" ample%5:00:00:abundant:00 300014490 ample, copious, plenteous, plentiful, rich s affording an abundant supply; "had ample food for the party"; "copious provisions"; "food is plentiful"; "a plenteous grape harvest"; "a rich supply" ample%5:00:00:large:00 301383394 ample, sizable, sizeable s fairly large; "a sizable fortune"; "an ample waistline"; "of ample proportions" ampleness%1:07:00:: 105104256 ampleness n the property of impressive largeness in size; "he admired the ampleness of its proportions" ampleness%1:07:01:: 105112910 ampleness n the property of being more than sufficient; comfortable sufficiency; "the ampleness of her servings more than satisfied his hunger" amplexicaul_leaf%1:20:00:: 113153532 amplexicaul leaf n a leaf with its base clasping the stem amplification%1:04:01:: 100365329 amplification n (electronics) the act of increasing voltage or power or current amplification%1:04:02:: 100371487 amplification, elaboration n addition of extra material or illustration or clarifying detail; "a few remarks added in amplification and defense"; "an elaboration of the sketch followed" amplification%1:07:00:: 105109324 amplification, gain n the amount of increase in signal power or voltage or current expressed as the ratio of output to input amplifier%1:06:00:: 102705944 amplifier n electronic equipment that increases strength of signals passing through it amplify%2:30:00:: 200434077 magnify, amplify v increase in size, volume or significance; "Her terror was magnified in her mind" amplify%2:30:01:: 200263904 amplify v increase the volume of; "amplify sound" amplify%2:30:02:: 200264386 inflate, blow up, expand, amplify v exaggerate or make bigger; "The charges were inflated" amplify%2:32:00:: 200839834 overstate, exaggerate, overdraw, hyperbolize, hyperbolise, magnify, amplify v to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth; "tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South' imagery" amplitude%1:07:01:: 105098311 amplitude n greatness of magnitude amplitude%1:07:02:: 105115418 amplitude, bountifulness, bounty n the property of copious abundance amplitude%1:11:00:: 107444882 amplitude n (physics) the maximum displacement of a periodic wave amplitude_distortion%1:19:00:: 111512144 nonlinear distortion, amplitude distortion n distortion that occurs when the output signal does not have a linear relation to the input signal amplitude_level%1:07:00:: 105098425 amplitude level n the level on a scale of amplitude amplitude_modulation%1:10:00:: 106281594 amplitude modulation, AM n modulation of the amplitude of the (radio) carrier wave amply%4:02:00:: 400397016 amply, richly, amply, richly r to an ample degree or in an ample manner; "these voices were amply represented"; "we benefited richly" amply%4:02:01:: 400178909 amply, fully, amply, fully r sufficiently; more than adequately; "the evidence amply (or fully) confirms our suspicions"; "they were fully (or amply) fed" ampoule%1:06:00:: 103923379 phial, vial, ampule, ampul, ampoule n a small bottle that contains a drug (especially a sealed sterile container for injection by needle) ampul%1:06:00:: 103923379 phial, vial, ampule, ampul, ampoule n a small bottle that contains a drug (especially a sealed sterile container for injection by needle) ampule%1:06:00:: 103923379 phial, vial, ampule, ampul, ampoule n a small bottle that contains a drug (especially a sealed sterile container for injection by needle) ampulla%1:06:00:: 102706221 ampulla n a flask that has two handles; used by Romans for wines or oils ampulla%1:08:00:: 105254197 ampulla n the dilated portion of a canal or duct especially of the semicircular canals of the ear ampullar%3:01:00:: 302618880 ampullar, ampullary a of or related to an ampulla ampullary%3:01:00:: 302618880 ampullar, ampullary a of or related to an ampulla amputate%2:35:00:: 201254692 amputate, cut off v remove surgically; "amputate limbs" amputation%1:04:00:: 100666350 amputation n a surgical removal of all or part of a limb amputation%1:26:00:: 114550469 amputation n a condition of disability resulting from the loss of one or more limbs amputator%1:18:00:: 109789449 amputator n a surgeon who removes part or all of a limb amputee%1:18:00:: 109789566 amputee n someone who has had a limb removed by amputation amrinone%1:06:00:: 102706373 amrinone, Inocor n a drug (trade name Inocor) used intravenously in heart failure; increases strength of contraction of myocardium amsinckia%1:20:00:: 112816753 Amsinckia, genus Amsinckia n rough annual herbs of Europe and the Americas: fiddlenecks amsinckia_grandiflora%1:20:00:: 112817129 large-flowered fiddleneck, Amsinckia grandiflora n annual of the western United States having large coiled flower spikes; a threatened species amsinckia_intermedia%1:20:00:: 112816942 common amsinckia, Amsinckia intermedia n annual of western United States with coiled spikes of yellow-orange coiled flowers amsler_grid%1:09:00:: 105931658 Amsler grid n a pattern of small boxes that is used for self-monitoring by patients who have age-related macular degeneration amsonia%1:20:00:: 111770526 Amsonia, genus Amsonia n genus of herbs and subshrubs with milky juice and showy bluish flowers; Europe to Asia Minor to Japan and North America amsonia_tabernaemontana%1:20:00:: 111770753 blue star, Amsonia tabernaemontana n subshrubs of southeastern United States forming slow-growing clumps and having blue flowers in short terminal cymes amsterdam%1:15:00:: 108949737 Amsterdam, Dutch capital, capital of The Netherlands n an industrial center and the nominal capital of the Netherlands; center of the diamond-cutting industry; seat of an important stock exchange; known for its canals and art museum amuck%4:02:00:: 400273306 amok, amuck, murderously, amok, amuck, murderously r in a murderous frenzy; "rioters running amuck and throwing sticks and bottles and stones" amuck%4:02:01:: 400273504 amok, amuck, amok, amuck r wildly; without self-control; "when the restaurant caught fire the patrons ran amuck, blocking the exit" amuck%5:00:00:insane:00 302074673 amuck, amok, berserk, demoniac, demoniacal, possessed s frenzied as if possessed by a demon; "the soldier was completely amuck"; "berserk with grief"; "a berserk worker smashing windows" amulet%1:06:00:: 102706586 amulet, talisman n a trinket or piece of jewelry usually hung about the neck and thought to be a magical protection against evil or disease amun%1:18:00:: 109511368 Amen, Amon, Amun n a primeval Egyptian personification of air and breath; worshipped especially at Thebes amundsen%1:18:00:: 110816223 Amundsen, Roald Amundsen n Norwegian explorer who was the first to traverse the Northwest Passage and in 1911 the first to reach the South Pole (1872-1928) amun_ra%1:18:00:: 109511519 Amen-Ra, Amon-Ra, Amun Ra n Egyptian sun god; supreme god of the universe in whom Amen and Ra were merged; principal deity during Theban supremacy amur%1:17:00:: 109196103 Amur, Amur River, Heilong Jiang, Heilong n an Asian river between China and Russia; flows into the Sea of Okhotsk amur_privet%1:20:00:: 112308112 Amur privet, Ligustrum amurense n eastern Asian shrub cultivated especially for its persistent foliage amur_river%1:17:00:: 109196103 Amur, Amur River, Heilong Jiang, Heilong n an Asian river between China and Russia; flows into the Sea of Okhotsk amusd%1:10:00:: 106703522 Doctor of Musical Arts, AMusD n a doctor's degree in musical arts amuse%2:32:00:: 200859758 amuse v make (somebody) laugh; "The clown amused the children" amuse%2:41:00:: 202492362 amuse, divert, disport v occupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion; "The play amused the ladies" amused%5:00:00:pleased:00 301805355 amused, diverted, entertained s pleasantly occupied; "We are not amused" -Queen Victoria amusement%1:04:00:: 100429048 entertainment, amusement n an activity that is diverting and that holds the attention amusement%1:12:00:: 107491476 amusement n a feeling of delight at being entertained amusement_arcade%1:06:00:: 102706806 amusement arcade n an arcade featuring coin-operated game machines amusement_park%1:15:00:: 108494231 amusement park, funfair, pleasure ground n a commercially operated park with stalls and shows for amusement amusing%5:00:00:humorous:00 301265308 amusing, comic, comical, funny, laughable, mirthful, risible s arousing or provoking laughter; "an amusing film with a steady stream of pranks and pratfalls"; "an amusing fellow"; "a comic hat"; "a comical look of surprise"; "funny stories that made everybody laugh"; "a very funny writer"; "it would have been laughable if it hadn't hurt so much"; "a mirthful experience"; "risible courtroom antics" amusing%5:00:00:interesting:00 301344485 amusing, amusive, diverting s providing enjoyment; pleasantly entertaining; "an amusing speaker"; "a diverting story" amusingly%4:02:00:: 400094177 amusingly, divertingly, amusingly, divertingly r in an entertaining and amusing manner; "Hollywood has grown too sophisticated to turn out anything really amusingly bad these days" amusive%5:00:00:interesting:00 301344485 amusing, amusive, diverting s providing enjoyment; pleasantly entertaining; "an amusing speaker"; "a diverting story" amygdala%1:08:00:: 105495571 amygdala, amygdaloid nucleus, corpus amygdaloideum n an almond-shaped neural structure in the anterior part of the temporal lobe of the cerebrum; intimately connected with the hypothalamus and the hippocampus and the cingulate gyrus; as part of the limbic system it plays an important role in motivation and emotional behavior amygdalaceae%1:20:00:: 112644464 Amygdalaceae, family Amygdalaceae n used in former classifications for plum and peach and almond trees which are now usually classified as members of the genus Prunus amygdaliform%5:00:00:rounded:00 302044736 almond-shaped, amygdaliform, amygdaloid, amygdaloidal s shaped like an almond amygdalin%1:27:00:: 114887464 amygdalin n a bitter cyanogenic glucoside extracted from the seeds of apricots and plums and bitter almonds amygdaline%3:01:00:: 302619083 amygdaline a related to or resembling an almond amygdaloid%1:27:00:: 114722738 amygdaloid n volcanic rock in which rounded cavities formed by expanding gas have subsequently become filled with mineral deposits amygdaloid%5:00:00:rounded:00 302044736 almond-shaped, amygdaliform, amygdaloid, amygdaloidal s shaped like an almond amygdaloidal%5:00:00:rounded:00 302044736 almond-shaped, amygdaliform, amygdaloid, amygdaloidal s shaped like an almond amygdaloid_nucleus%1:08:00:: 105495571 amygdala, amygdaloid nucleus, corpus amygdaloideum n an almond-shaped neural structure in the anterior part of the temporal lobe of the cerebrum; intimately connected with the hypothalamus and the hippocampus and the cingulate gyrus; as part of the limbic system it plays an important role in motivation and emotional behavior amygdalotomy%1:04:00:: 100683722 amygdalotomy n psychosurgery in which amygdaloid fibers that mediate limbic system activity are severed (in cases of extreme uncontrollable violence) amygdalus%1:20:00:: 112644713 Amygdalus, genus Amygdalus n used in former classifications for peach and almond trees which are now included in genus Prunus amygdalus_communis%1:20:00:: 112645174 almond, sweet almond, Prunus dulcis, Prunus amygdalus, Amygdalus communis n small bushy deciduous tree native to Asia and North Africa having pretty pink blossoms and highly prized edible nuts enclosed in a hard green hull; cultivated in southern Australia and California amygdalus_communis_amara%1:20:00:: 112645530 bitter almond, Prunus dulcis amara, Amygdalus communis amara n almond trees having white blossoms and poisonous nuts yielding an oil used for flavoring and for medicinal purposes amyl%1:27:00:: 114617834 amyl n a hydrocarbon radical that occurs in many organic compounds amylaceous%5:00:00:starchy:00 302299189 starchlike, amylaceous, amyloid, amyloidal, farinaceous s resembling starch amyl_alcohol%1:27:00:: 114744698 amyl alcohol n a mixture of 2 or more isomeric alcohols; used as a solvent and in organic synthesis amylase%1:27:00:: 114735457 amylase n any of a group of proteins found in saliva and pancreatic juice and parts of plants; help convert starch to sugar amyl_nitrate%1:06:00:: 102706916 amyl nitrate n a vasodilator that is sometimes used to treat angina pectoris amyloid%1:27:01:: 114730105 amyloid n (pathology) a waxy translucent complex protein resembling starch that results from degeneration of tissue amyloid%1:27:02:: 115054862 amyloid n a non-nitrogenous food substance consisting chiefly of starch; any substance resembling starch amyloid%5:00:00:starchy:00 302299189 starchlike, amylaceous, amyloid, amyloidal, farinaceous s resembling starch amyloidal%5:00:00:starchy:00 302299189 starchlike, amylaceous, amyloid, amyloidal, farinaceous s resembling starch amyloidosis%1:26:00:: 114065693 amyloidosis n a disorder characterized by deposit of amyloid in organs or tissues; often secondary to chronic rheumatoid arthritis or tuberculosis or multiple myeloma amyloid_plaque%1:08:00:: 105244421 amyloid plaque, amyloid protein plaque n a plaque consisting of tangles of amyloid protein in nervous tissue (a pathological mark of Alzheimer's disease) amyloid_protein_plaque%1:08:00:: 105244421 amyloid plaque, amyloid protein plaque n a plaque consisting of tangles of amyloid protein in nervous tissue (a pathological mark of Alzheimer's disease) amylolysis%1:22:00:: 113430391 amylolysis n conversion of starch to sugar amylolytic%3:01:00:: 302619174 amylolytic a of or related to the process of amylolysis amy_lowell%1:18:00:: 111142517 Lowell, Amy Lowell n United States poet (1874-1925) amylum%1:27:00:: 115053867 starch, amylum n a complex carbohydrate found chiefly in seeds, fruits, tubers, roots and stem pith of plants, notably in corn, potatoes, wheat, and rice; an important foodstuff and used otherwise especially in adhesives and as fillers and stiffeners for paper and textiles amy_lyon%1:18:00:: 111026078 Hamilton, Lady Emma Hamilton, Amy Lyon n English beauty who was the mistress of Admiral Nelson (1765-1815) amyotonia%1:26:00:: 114545845 atonicity, atony, atonia, amyotonia n lack of normal muscular tension or tonus amyotrophia%1:26:00:: 114105629 amyotrophia, amyotrophy n progressive wasting of muscle tissues amyotrophic_lateral_sclerosis%1:26:00:: 114105737 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease n thickening of tissue in the motor tracts of the lateral columns and anterior horns of the spinal cord; results in progressive muscle atrophy that starts in the limbs amyotrophy%1:26:00:: 114105629 amyotrophia, amyotrophy n progressive wasting of muscle tissues amytal%1:06:00:: 102703692 amobarbital sodium, blue, blue angel, blue devil, Amytal n the sodium salt of amobarbital that is used as a barbiturate; used as a sedative and a hypnotic amyxia%1:26:00:: 114338848 amyxia n a condition in which no mucus in produced an%1:10:00:: 106698150 Associate in Nursing, AN n an associate degree in nursing ana%1:14:00:: 108462964 ana n a collection of anecdotes about a person or place ana%1:18:00:: 109507756 Ana n mother of the ancient Irish gods; sometimes identified with Danu anabantidae%1:05:00:: 102556014 Anabantidae, family Anabantidae n small freshwater spiny-finned fishes of Africa and southern Asia anabaptism%1:09:00:: 106231794 Anabaptism n a Protestant movement in the 16th century that believed in the primacy of the Bible, baptised only believers, not infants, and believed in complete separation of church and state anabaptist%1:18:00:: 109677427 Anabaptist n adherent of Anabaptism anabaptist_denomination%1:14:00:: 108093111 Anabaptist denomination n a Protestant sect denying infant baptism and baptising only believers anabas%1:05:00:: 102556195 Anabas, genus Anabas n the type genus of the family Anabantidae; small fish that resemble perch anabas_testudineus%1:05:00:: 102556373 climbing perch, Anabas testudineus, A. testudineus n a small perch of India whose gills are modified to allow it to breathe air; has spiny pectoral fins that enable it to travel on land anabatic%3:00:00:: 300109633 anabatic a of an air current or wind; rising especially up a slope; "an anabatic wind" anabiosis%1:26:00:: 114063290 anabiosis n suspended animation in organisms during periods of extreme drought from which they revive when moisture returns anabiotic%3:01:00:: 302619291 anabiotic a of or related to the state of anabiosis anabolic%3:00:00:: 300107648 anabolic a characterized by or promoting constructive metabolism; "some athletes take anabolic steroids to increase muscle size temporarily" anabolic%3:01:00:: 302619404 anabolic a of or related to the synthetic phase of metabolism anabolic_steroid%1:27:00:: 115111116 anabolic steroid n any of a group of synthetic steroid hormones used to stimulate muscle and bone growth; more than 100 have been developed and each requires a prescription to be used legally in the United States; sometimes used illicitly by athletes to increase their strength anabolism%1:22:00:: 113430495 anabolism, constructive metabolism n the synthesis in living organisms of more complex substances (e.g., living tissue) from simpler ones together with the storage of energy anabrus%1:05:00:: 102228565 Anabrus, genus Anabrus n a genus of Tettigoniidae anabrus_simplex%1:05:00:: 102228697 mormon cricket, Anabrus simplex n large dark wingless cricket-like katydid of arid parts of western United States anacanthini%1:05:00:: 102521472 Anacanthini, order Anacanthini n at least partially equivalent to the order Gadiformes in some classifications anacardiaceae%1:20:00:: 112758639 Anacardiaceae, family Anacardiaceae, sumac family n the cashew family; trees and shrubs and vines having resinous (sometimes poisonous) juice; includes cashew and mango and pistachio and poison ivy and sumac anacardium%1:20:00:: 112759120 Anacardium, genus Anacardium n type genus of the Anacardiaceae: cashew anacardium_occidentale%1:20:00:: 112759273 cashew, cashew tree, Anacardium occidentale n tropical American evergreen tree bearing kidney-shaped nuts that are edible only when roasted anachronic%5:00:00:asynchronous:00 302379925 anachronic, anachronous, anachronistic s chronologically misplaced; "English public schools are anachronistic" anachronism%1:06:00:: 102707036 anachronism n an artifact that belongs to another time anachronism%1:18:00:: 109606873 anachronism n a person who seems to be displaced in time; who belongs to another age anachronism%1:28:00:: 115180304 anachronism, mistiming, misdating n something located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred anachronistic%5:00:00:asynchronous:00 302379925 anachronic, anachronous, anachronistic s chronologically misplaced; "English public schools are anachronistic" anachronistically%4:02:00:: 400228112 anachronistically, anachronistically r in an anachronistic manner; "let's look at this phenomenon anachronistically" anachronous%5:00:00:asynchronous:00 302379925 anachronic, anachronous, anachronistic s chronologically misplaced; "English public schools are anachronistic" anacin_iii%1:06:00:: 102674482 acetaminophen, Datril, Tylenol, Panadol, Phenaphen, Tempra, Anacin III n an analgesic for mild pain but not for inflammation; also used as an antipyretic; (Datril, Tylenol, Panadol, Phenaphen, Tempra, and Anacin III are trademarks of brands of acetaminophen tablets) anaclinal%3:00:00:: 300108263 anaclinal a of valleys and rivers; progressing in a direction opposite to the dip in surrounding rock strata anaclisis%1:26:00:: 113930725 anaclisis n (psychoanalysis) relationship marked by strong dependence on others; especially a libidinal attachment to e.g. a parental figure anaclitic%3:01:00:: 302619527 anaclitic a of or related to relationships that are characterized by the strong dependence of one person on another anaclitic_depression%1:26:00:: 114389739 anaclitic depression n severe and progressive depression in infants who lose their mother and do not get a suitable substitute anacoluthia%1:10:00:: 107098989 anacoluthia, anacoluthon n an abrupt change within a sentence from one syntactic structure to another anacoluthic%3:01:00:: 302619686 anacoluthic a of or related to syntactic inconsistencies of the sort known as anacoluthons anacoluthon%1:10:00:: 107098989 anacoluthia, anacoluthon n an abrupt change within a sentence from one syntactic structure to another anaconda%1:05:00:: 101743086 anaconda, Eunectes murinus n large arboreal boa of tropical South America anacyclus%1:20:00:: 111920867 Anacyclus, genus Anacyclus n a Spanish pellitory anacyclus_pyrethrum%1:20:00:: 111920998 pellitory, pellitory-of-Spain, Anacyclus pyrethrum n a small Mediterranean plant containing a volatile oil once used to relieve toothache anadama_bread%1:13:00:: 107680168 anadama bread n a yeast-raised bread made of white flour and cornmeal and molasses anadenanthera%1:20:00:: 111760128 Anadenanthera, genus Anadenanthera n 2 species of tropical American shrubs or trees anadenanthera_colubrina%1:20:00:: 111760294 Anadenanthera colubrina, Piptadenia macrocarpa n Brazilian shrub having twice-pinnate leaves and small spicate flowers followed by flat or irregularly torulose pods; sometimes placed in genus Piptadenia anadiplosis%1:10:00:: 107099598 anadiplosis, reduplication n repetition of the final words of a sentence or line at the beginning of the next anadromous%3:00:00:: 300109261 anadromous a migrating from the sea to fresh water to spawn anaemia%1:26:00:: 114195315 anemia, anaemia n a deficiency of red blood cells anaemia%1:26:01:: 114372738 anemia, anaemia n a lack of vitality anaemic%3:01:00:: 303041331 anemic, anaemic a relating to anemia or suffering from anemia anaemic%5:00:00:weak:00 302324781 anemic, anaemic s lacking vigor or energy; "an anemic attempt to hit the baseball" anaerobe%1:05:00:: 101327028 anaerobe n an organism (especially a bacterium) that does not require air or free oxygen to live anaerobic%3:00:00:: 300069060 anaerobic, anaerobiotic a living or active in the absence of free oxygen; "anaerobic bacteria" anaerobic%3:00:02:: 300069427 anaerobic a not aerobic; "isometric exercises are anaerobic" anaerobic_exercise%1:04:00:: 100625993 bodybuilding, anaerobic exercise, muscle building, musclebuilding n exercise that builds muscles through tension anaerobiotic%3:00:00:: 300069060 anaerobic, anaerobiotic a living or active in the absence of free oxygen; "anaerobic bacteria" anaesthesia%1:26:00:: 114023491 anesthesia, anaesthesia n loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness anaesthetic%1:06:00:: 102710766 anesthetic, anaesthetic, anesthetic agent, anaesthetic agent n a drug that causes temporary loss of bodily sensations anaesthetic%3:01:00:: 303041491 anaesthetic, anesthetic a relating to or producing insensibility anaesthetic%5:00:00:insensible:00 302103052 anesthetic, anaesthetic s characterized by insensibility; "the young girls are in a state of possession--blind and deaf and anesthetic"; "an anesthetic state" anaesthetic_agent%1:06:00:: 102710766 anesthetic, anaesthetic, anesthetic agent, anaesthetic agent n a drug that causes temporary loss of bodily sensations anaesthetise%2:29:00:: 200021065 anesthetize, anaesthetize, anesthetise, anaesthetise, put under, put out v administer an anesthetic drug to; "The patient must be anesthetized before the operation"; "anesthetize the gum before extracting the teeth" anaesthetist%1:18:00:: 109793495 anesthesiologist, anesthetist, anaesthetist n a specialist who administers an anesthetic to a patient before he is treated anaesthetize%2:29:00:: 200021065 anesthetize, anaesthetize, anesthetise, anaesthetise, put under, put out v administer an anesthetic drug to; "The patient must be anesthetized before the operation"; "anesthetize the gum before extracting the teeth" anagallis%1:20:00:: 112092127 Anagallis, genus Anagallis n chiefly Old World herbs anagallis_arvensis%1:20:00:: 112092417 scarlet pimpernel, red pimpernel, poor man's weatherglass, Anagallis arvensis n herb with scarlet or white or purple blossoms that close at approach of rainy weather anagallis_tenella%1:20:00:: 112092629 bog pimpernel, Anagallis tenella n small creeping European herb having delicate pink flowers anagasta%1:05:00:: 102289845 Anagasta, genus Anagasta n moth whose larvae are flour moths anagasta_kuehniella%1:05:00:: 102289988 Mediterranean flour moth, Anagasta kuehniella n small moth whose larvae damage stored grain and flour anaglyph%1:06:01:: 102707188 anaglyph n anything carved in low relief anaglyph%1:06:02:: 102707344 anaglyph n moving or still pictures in contrasting colors that appear three-dimensional when superimposed anaglyphic%3:01:00:: 302619839 anaglyphic, anaglyphical, anaglyptic, anaglyptical a related to anaglyphs or anaglyphy anaglyphical%3:01:00:: 302619839 anaglyphic, anaglyphical, anaglyptic, anaglyptical a related to anaglyphs or anaglyphy anaglyphy%1:22:00:: 113430786 anaglyphy n the process of producing pictures in contrasting colors that appear three-dimensional when superimposed and viewed through spectacles with one red and one green lens anaglyptic%3:01:00:: 302619839 anaglyphic, anaglyphical, anaglyptic, anaglyptical a related to anaglyphs or anaglyphy anaglyptical%3:01:00:: 302619839 anaglyphic, anaglyphical, anaglyptic, anaglyptical a related to anaglyphs or anaglyphy anagnost%1:18:00:: 109789668 anagnost n a cleric in the minor orders of the Eastern Orthodox Church who reads the lessons aloud in the liturgy (analogous to the lector in the Roman Catholic Church) anagoge%1:09:00:: 106246241 anagoge n a mystical or allegorical interpretation (especially of Scripture) anagogic%3:01:00:: 302620134 anagogic, anagogical a based on or exemplifying anagoge anagogical%3:01:00:: 302620134 anagogic, anagogical a based on or exemplifying anagoge anagram%1:10:00:: 106287620 anagram n a word or phrase spelled by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase anagram%2:31:00:: 200625518 anagram, anagrammatize, anagrammatise v read letters out of order to discover a hidden meaning anagrammatic%3:01:00:: 302620252 anagrammatic, anagrammatical a related to anagrams or containing or making an anagram anagrammatical%3:01:00:: 302620252 anagrammatic, anagrammatical a related to anagrams or containing or making an anagram anagrammatise%2:31:00:: 200625518 anagram, anagrammatize, anagrammatise v read letters out of order to discover a hidden meaning anagrammatize%2:31:00:: 200625518 anagram, anagrammatize, anagrammatise v read letters out of order to discover a hidden meaning anagrams%1:04:00:: 100502030 anagrams n a game whose object is to form words from a group of randomly chosen letters anagyris%1:20:00:: 112505563 Anagyris, genus Anagyris n very small genus of shrubs of southern Europe having backward curving seed pods anagyris_foetida%1:20:00:: 112505752 bean trefoil, stinking bean trefoil, Anagyris foetida n shrub with trifoliate leaves and yellow flowers followed by backward curving seed pods; leaves foetid when crushed anaheim%1:15:00:: 109062015 Anaheim n a city in southern California (southeast of Los Angeles); site of Disneyland anal%3:00:00:: 300109966 anal, anal retentive a a stage in psychosexual development when the child's interest is concentrated on the anal region; fixation at this stage is said to result in orderliness, meanness, stubbornness, compulsiveness, etc. anal%3:01:00:: 302620436 anal a of or related to the anus; "anal thermometer" analbuminemia%1:26:00:: 114072126 analbuminemia n an abnormally low level of albumin in the blood serum analecta%1:10:00:: 106612538 analects, analecta n a collection of excerpts from a literary work analects%1:10:00:: 106612538 analects, analecta n a collection of excerpts from a literary work analeptic%1:06:00:: 102707547 analeptic n a medication used as a stimulant to the central nervous system analeptic%5:00:00:stimulative:00 302309800 analeptic s stimulating the central nervous system; "an analeptic drug stimulates the central nervous system" analgesia%1:26:00:: 114552205 analgesia n absence of the sense of pain without loss of consciousness analgesic%1:06:00:: 102707683 analgesic, anodyne, painkiller, pain pill n a medicine used to relieve pain analgesic%5:00:00:moderating:00 301341490 analgesic, analgetic, anodyne s capable of relieving pain; "the anodyne properties of certain drugs"; "an analgesic effect" analgetic%5:00:00:moderating:00 301341490 analgesic, analgetic, anodyne s capable of relieving pain; "the anodyne properties of certain drugs"; "an analgesic effect" anal_intercourse%1:04:00:: 100849294 sodomy, buggery, anal sex, anal intercourse n intercourse via the anus, committed by a man with a man or woman analog%1:07:00:: 104746430 analogue, analog, parallel n something having the property of being analogous to something else analog%3:00:00:: 300110497 analogue, analog, linear a of a circuit or device having an output that is proportional to the input; "analogue device"; "linear amplifier" analog_clock%1:06:00:: 102708093 analog clock n a clock that displays the time of day by the position of hands on a dial analog_computer%1:06:00:: 102708224 analog computer, analogue computer n a computer that represents information by variable quantities (e.g., positions or voltages) analog-digital_converter%1:06:00:: 103197446 digitizer, digitiser, analog-digital converter, analog-to-digital converter n device for converting analogue signals into digital signals analogical%5:00:00:figurative:00 301419462 analogical s expressing, composed of, or based on an analogy; "the analogical use of a metaphor" analogise%2:31:00:: 200653283 analogize, analogise v make an analogy analogist%1:18:00:: 109789898 analogist n someone who looks for analogies or who reasons by analogy analogize%2:31:00:: 200653283 analogize, analogise v make an analogy analogous%3:00:00:: 301221290 analogous a corresponding in function but not in evolutionary origin; "the wings of a bee and those of a hummingbird are analogous" analogous%5:00:00:similar:00 302071973 analogous, correspondent s similar or equivalent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar; "brains and computers are often considered analogous"; "salmon roe is marketed as analogous to caviar" analogously%4:02:00:: 400070650 analogously, analogously r in an analogous manner; "analogously, we have a variable" analog-to-digital_converter%1:06:00:: 103197446 digitizer, digitiser, analog-digital converter, analog-to-digital converter n device for converting analogue signals into digital signals analogue%1:07:00:: 104746430 analogue, analog, parallel n something having the property of being analogous to something else analogue%3:00:00:: 300110497 analogue, analog, linear a of a circuit or device having an output that is proportional to the input; "analogue device"; "linear amplifier" analogue_computer%1:06:00:: 102708224 analog computer, analogue computer n a computer that represents information by variable quantities (e.g., positions or voltages) analog_watch%1:06:00:: 102708433 analog watch n a watch that represents time by the position of hands on a dial analogy%1:04:00:: 100651176 analogy n drawing a comparison in order to show a similarity in some respect; "the operation of a computer presents and interesting analogy to the working of the brain"; "the models show by analogy how matter is built up" analogy%1:09:00:: 105780339 analogy n an inference that if things agree in some respects they probably agree in others analogy%1:09:01:: 105942579 doctrine of analogy, analogy n the religious belief that between creature and creator no similarity can be found so great but that the dissimilarity is always greater; any analogy between God and humans will always be inadequate anal_personality%1:07:00:: 104619083 anal personality, anal retentive personality n (psychoanalysis) a personality characterized by meticulous neatness and suspicion and reserve; said to be formed in early childhood by fixation during the anal stage of development (usually as a consequence of toilet training) analphabet%1:18:00:: 109790047 analphabet, analphabetic n an illiterate person who does not know the alphabet analphabetic%1:18:00:: 109790047 analphabet, analphabetic n an illiterate person who does not know the alphabet analphabetic%3:00:00:: 300101152 analphabetic a not alphabetic; "an analphabetic arrangement of letters"; "Jesperson's system of phonetic transcription is analphabetic" analphabetic%3:01:00:: 302614435 analphabetic a relating to or expressed by a writing system that is not alphabetic analphabetic%5:00:00:illiterate:00 301421887 analphabetic, unlettered s having little acquaintance with writing; "special tutorials to assist the unlettered sector of society" analphabetism%1:09:00:: 105649256 illiteracy, analphabetism n an inability to read anal_phase%1:28:00:: 115145782 anal stage, anal phase n (psychoanalysis) the second sexual and social stage of a child's development during which bowel control is learned anal_retentive%3:00:00:: 300109966 anal, anal retentive a a stage in psychosexual development when the child's interest is concentrated on the anal region; fixation at this stage is said to result in orderliness, meanness, stubbornness, compulsiveness, etc. anal_retentive_personality%1:07:00:: 104619083 anal personality, anal retentive personality n (psychoanalysis) a personality characterized by meticulous neatness and suspicion and reserve; said to be formed in early childhood by fixation during the anal stage of development (usually as a consequence of toilet training) anal_sex%1:04:00:: 100849294 sodomy, buggery, anal sex, anal intercourse n intercourse via the anus, committed by a man with a man or woman anal_sphincter%1:08:00:: 105571713 anal sphincter, sphincter ani, musculus sphincter ani n the sphincter muscle of the anus anal_stage%1:28:00:: 115145782 anal stage, anal phase n (psychoanalysis) the second sexual and social stage of a child's development during which bowel control is learned analysand%1:18:00:: 109790188 analysand n a person undergoing psychoanalysis analyse%2:31:00:: 200644583 analyze, analyse, study, examine, canvass, canvas v consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning; "analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare"; "analyze the evidence in a criminal trial"; "analyze your real motives" analyse%2:31:01:: 200643473 analyze, analyse, break down, dissect, take apart v make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features; "analyze a specimen"; "analyze a sentence"; "analyze a chemical compound" analyse%2:31:02:: 200643197 analyze, analyse, psychoanalyze, psychoanalyse v subject to psychoanalytic treatment; "I was analyzed in Vienna by a famous psychiatrist" analyse%2:31:04:: 200736216 analyze, analyse v break down into components or essential features; "analyze today's financial market" analyser%1:06:00:: 102708711 analyzer, analyser n an instrument that performs analyses analysis%1:04:00:: 100634276 analysis n an investigation of the component parts of a whole and their relations in making up the whole analysis%1:04:01:: 100704305 psychoanalysis, analysis, depth psychology n a set of techniques for exploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders; based on the theories of Sigmund Freud; "his physician recommended psychoanalysis" analysis%1:09:00:: 105772667 analysis, analytic thinking n the abstract separation of a whole into its constituent parts in order to study the parts and their relations analysis%1:09:02:: 106014043 analysis n a branch of mathematics involving calculus and the theory of limits; sequences and series and integration and differentiation analysis%1:10:00:: 106376014 analysis n a form of literary criticism in which the structure of a piece of writing is analyzed analysis%1:10:01:: 107067876 analysis n the use of closed-class words instead of inflections: e.g., `the father of the bride' instead of `the bride's father' analysis_of_variance%1:09:00:: 106030601 analysis of variance, ANOVA n a statistical method for making simultaneous comparisons between two or more means; a statistical method that yields values that can be tested to determine whether a significant relation exists between variables analysis_situs%1:09:00:: 106017594 topology, analysis situs n the branch of pure mathematics that deals only with the properties of a figure X that hold for every figure into which X can be transformed with a one-to-one correspondence that is continuous in both directions analyst%1:18:00:: 109790482 analyst n someone who is skilled at analyzing data analyst%1:18:01:: 109790278 analyst, psychoanalyst n a licensed practitioner of psychoanalysis analyst%1:18:02:: 109791530 analyst n an expert who studies financial data (on credit or securities or sales or financial patterns etc.) and recommends appropriate business actions analytic%3:00:01:: 300110853 analytic, analytical a of a proposition that is necessarily true independent of fact or experience; "`all spinsters are unmarried' is an analytic proposition" analytic%3:00:02:: 300111415 analytic, uninflected a expressing a grammatical category by using two or more words rather than inflection analytic%3:00:03:: 300112231 analytic, analytical a using or skilled in using analysis (i.e., separating a whole--intellectual or substantial--into its elemental parts or basic principles); "an analytic experiment"; "an analytic approach"; "a keenly analytic man"; "analytical reasoning"; "an analytical mind" analytic%3:01:00:: 302620550 analytic a using or subjected to a methodology using algebra and calculus; "analytic statics" analytical%3:00:03:: 300112231 analytic, analytical a using or skilled in using analysis (i.e., separating a whole--intellectual or substantial--into its elemental parts or basic principles); "an analytic experiment"; "an analytic approach"; "a keenly analytic man"; "analytical reasoning"; "an analytical mind" analytical%3:00:04:: 300110853 analytic, analytical a of a proposition that is necessarily true independent of fact or experience; "`all spinsters are unmarried' is an analytic proposition" analytical_balance%1:06:00:: 102708555 analytical balance, chemical balance n a beam balance of great precision used in quantitative chemical analysis analytical_cubism%1:14:00:: 108476988 analytical cubism n the early phase of cubism analytical_geometry%1:09:00:: 106008382 analytic geometry, analytical geometry, coordinate geometry n the use of algebra to study geometric properties; operates on symbols defined in a coordinate system analytically%4:02:00:: 400240533 analytically, analytically r by virtue of analysis; "assuming that the distinction is maintained one may ask which is to be analytically prior?" analytical_review%1:21:00:: 113411785 analytical review n an auditing procedure based on ratios among accounts and tries to identify significant changes analytic_geometry%1:09:00:: 106008382 analytic geometry, analytical geometry, coordinate geometry n the use of algebra to study geometric properties; operates on symbols defined in a coordinate system analyticity%1:07:00:: 105208690 analyticity n the property of being analytic analytic_thinking%1:09:00:: 105772667 analysis, analytic thinking n the abstract separation of a whole into its constituent parts in order to study the parts and their relations analyzable%5:00:00:complex:00 302176741 analyzable, decomposable s capable of being partitioned analyze%2:31:00:: 200644583 analyze, analyse, study, examine, canvass, canvas v consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning; "analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare"; "analyze the evidence in a criminal trial"; "analyze your real motives" analyze%2:31:01:: 200643473 analyze, analyse, break down, dissect, take apart v make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical analysis of; break down into components or essential features; "analyze a specimen"; "analyze a sentence"; "analyze a chemical compound" analyze%2:31:03:: 200643197 analyze, analyse, psychoanalyze, psychoanalyse v subject to psychoanalytic treatment; "I was analyzed in Vienna by a famous psychiatrist" analyze%2:31:04:: 200736216 analyze, analyse v break down into components or essential features; "analyze today's financial market" analyzed%3:00:00:: 300416765 analyzed a examined carefully and methodically; broken down for consideration of constituent parts; "the analyzed data indicated surprising trends"; "a carefully analyzed poem can be like a dead butterfly pinned to a board" analyzer%1:06:00:: 102708711 analyzer, analyser n an instrument that performs analyses anamnesis%1:09:00:: 105761918 remembrance, recollection, anamnesis n the ability to recall past occurrences anamnesis%1:10:00:: 106515297 medical history, medical record, anamnesis n the case history of a medical patient as recalled by the patient anamnestic%3:01:00:: 302620724 anamnestic a of or relating to anamnesis; aiding the memory anamnestic_reaction%1:04:00:: 100860857 anamnestic response, anamnestic reaction n renewed rapid production of an antibody on the second (or subsequent) encounter with the same antigen anamnestic_response%1:04:00:: 100860857 anamnestic response, anamnestic reaction n renewed rapid production of an antibody on the second (or subsequent) encounter with the same antigen anamorphic%3:01:01:: 302620863 anamorphic a pertaining to a kind of distorting optical system; "an anamorphic lense" anamorphic%3:01:02:: 302620992 anamorphic a pertaining to gradual evolution from one type of organism to another anamorphism%1:06:00:: 102708885 anamorphosis, anamorphism n a distorted projection or perspective; especially an image distorted in such a way that it becomes visible only when viewed in a special manner anamorphism%1:22:00:: 113431043 anamorphism n metamorphism that occurs deep under the earth's surface; changes simple minerals into complex minerals anamorphism%1:22:01:: 113431221 anamorphosis, anamorphism n the evolution of one type of organism from another by a long series of gradual changes anamorphosis%1:06:00:: 102708885 anamorphosis, anamorphism n a distorted projection or perspective; especially an image distorted in such a way that it becomes visible only when viewed in a special manner anamorphosis%1:22:00:: 113431221 anamorphosis, anamorphism n the evolution of one type of organism from another by a long series of gradual changes ananas%1:13:00:: 107753275 pineapple, ananas n large sweet fleshy tropical fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves; widely cultivated ananas%1:20:00:: 112607198 Ananas, genus Ananas n a genus of tropical American plants have sword-shaped leaves and a fleshy compound fruits composed of the fruits of several flowers (such as pineapples) ananas_comosus%1:20:00:: 112607456 pineapple, pineapple plant, Ananas comosus n a tropical American plant bearing a large fleshy edible fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves; widely cultivated in the tropics ananias%1:18:00:: 109607055 Ananias n a habitual liar (after a New Testament character who was struck dead for lying) anapaest%1:10:00:: 107095390 anapest, anapaest n a metrical unit with unstressed-unstressed-stressed syllables anapaestic%3:01:00:: 302938689 anapestic, anapaestic a (of a metric foot) characterized by two short syllables followed by a long one anapest%1:10:00:: 107095390 anapest, anapaest n a metrical unit with unstressed-unstressed-stressed syllables anapestic%3:01:00:: 302938689 anapestic, anapaestic a (of a metric foot) characterized by two short syllables followed by a long one anaphalis%1:20:00:: 111921200 Anaphalis, genus Anaphalis n a genus of herbs of north temperate regions having hoary leaves: pearly everlasting anaphalis_margaritacea%1:20:00:: 111921395 pearly everlasting, cottonweed, Anaphalis margaritacea n an American everlasting having foliage with soft wooly hairs and corymbose heads with pearly white bracts anaphase%1:22:00:: 113431380 anaphase n the stage of meiosis or mitosis when chromosomes move toward opposite ends of the nuclear spindle anaphasic%3:01:00:: 302621117 anaphasic a of or related to the stage of mitosis known as anaphase anaphor%1:10:00:: 106287859 anaphor n a word (such as a pronoun) used to avoid repetition; the referent of an anaphor is determined by its antecedent anaphora%1:10:00:: 107100815 anaphora n using a pronoun or similar word instead of repeating a word used earlier anaphora%1:10:01:: 107100678 epanaphora, anaphora n repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses anaphoric%3:01:00:: 302938590 anaphoric a relating to anaphora; "anaphoric reference" anaphoric_pronoun%1:10:00:: 106325576 anaphoric pronoun n a pronoun that refers to an antecedent anaphoric_relation%1:24:00:: 113802805 anaphoric relation n the relation between an anaphor and its antecedent anaphrodisia%1:12:00:: 107488676 anaphrodisia n decline or absence of sexual desire anaphrodisiac%3:00:00:: 302137713 anaphrodisiac a tending to diminish sexual desire anaphylactic%3:01:00:: 303140875 anaphylactic a related to the hypersensitivity known as anaphylaxis; "anaphylactic shock" anaphylactic_shock%1:26:00:: 114067902 anaphylactic shock n a severe and rapid and sometimes fatal hypersensitivity reaction to a substance (especially a vaccine or penicillin or shellfish or insect venom) to which the organism has become sensitized by previous exposure anaphylaxis%1:26:00:: 114533547 anaphylaxis n hypersensitivity reaction to the ingestion or injection of a substance (a protein or drug) resulting from prior contact with a substance anaplasia%1:26:00:: 114369194 anaplasia n loss of structural differentiation within a cell or group of cells often with increased capacity for multiplication, as in a malignant tumor anaplasmosis%1:26:00:: 114260044 anaplasmosis n a disease of cattle that is transmitted by cattle ticks; similar to Texas fever anaplastic%3:01:00:: 302621246 anaplastic a of or relating to anaplasia anaplasty%1:04:00:: 100690501 plastic surgery, reconstructive surgery, anaplasty n surgery concerned with therapeutic or cosmetic reformation of tissue anaprox%1:06:00:: 103808144 naproxen sodium, Aleve, Anaprox, Aflaxen n a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trademarks Aleve and Anaprox and Aflaxen) that fights pain and inflammation anapsid%1:05:00:: 101661592 anapsid, anapsid reptile n primitive reptile having no opening in the temporal region of the skull; all extinct except turtles anapsida%1:05:00:: 101661404 Anapsida, subclass Anapsida n oldest known reptiles; turtles and extinct Permian forms anapsid_reptile%1:05:00:: 101661592 anapsid, anapsid reptile n primitive reptile having no opening in the temporal region of the skull; all extinct except turtles anapurna%1:17:00:: 109197945 Annapurna, Anapurna n a mountain in the Himalayas in Nepal (26,500 feet high) anapurna%1:18:00:: 109527560 Parvati, Anapurna, Annapurna n wife of Siva and a benevolent aspect of Devi: Hindu goddess of plenty anarchic%5:00:00:uncontrolled:00 300600192 anarchic, anarchical, lawless s without law or control; "the system is economically inefficient and politically anarchic" anarchical%5:00:00:uncontrolled:00 300600192 anarchic, anarchical, lawless s without law or control; "the system is economically inefficient and politically anarchic" anarchically%4:02:00:: 400240865 anarchically, anarchically r in a lawless rebellious manner anarchism%1:09:00:: 106213890 anarchism n a political theory favoring the abolition of governments anarchist%1:18:00:: 109791816 anarchist, nihilist, syndicalist n an advocate of anarchism anarchistic%3:01:00:: 302621348 anarchistic a of or related to anarchism or tending toward anarchism anarchy%1:26:00:: 113973059 anarchy, lawlessness n a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government) anarhichadidae%1:05:00:: 102616572 Anarhichadidae, family Anarhichadidae n wolffishes anarhichas%1:05:00:: 102616705 Anarhichas, genus Anarhichas n type genus of the Anarhichadidae anarthria%1:26:00:: 114100092 anarthria n partial or total loss of articulate speech resulting from lesions of the central nervous system anas%1:05:00:: 101847565 Anas, genus Anas n type genus of the Anatidae: freshwater ducks anasa%1:05:00:: 102239659 Anasa, genus Anasa n squash bugs anas_acuta%1:05:00:: 101849157 pintail, pin-tailed duck, Anas acuta n long-necked river duck of the Old and New Worlds having elongated central tail feathers anas_americana%1:05:00:: 101848840 American widgeon, baldpate, Anas americana n a widgeon the male of which has a white crown anasarca%1:26:00:: 114315897 anasarca n generalized edema with accumulation of serum in subcutaneous connective tissue anasarcous%3:01:00:: 302621496 anasarcous a characterized by or affected by dropsy anasa_tristis%1:05:00:: 102239774 squash bug, Anasa tristis n large black American bug that sucks sap of vines of the gourd family anasazi%1:18:00:: 109647473 Anasazi n a Native American who lived in what is now southern Colorado and Utah and northern Arizona and New Mexico and who built cliff dwellings anas_clypeata%1:05:00:: 101848976 shoveler, shoveller, broadbill, Anas clypeata n freshwater duck of the northern hemisphere having a broad flat bill anas_crecca%1:05:00:: 101848323 greenwing, green-winged teal, Anas crecca n common teal of Eurasia and North America anas_discors%1:05:00:: 101848453 bluewing, blue-winged teal, Anas discors n American teal anas_penelope%1:05:00:: 101848648 widgeon, wigeon, Anas penelope n freshwater duck of Eurasia and northern Africa related to mallards and teals anaspid%1:05:00:: 101475940 anaspid n extinct small freshwater jawless fish usually having a heterocercal tail and an armored head; of the Silurian and Devonian anaspida%1:05:00:: 101475794 Anaspida, order Anaspida n extinct order of jawless vertebrates anas_platyrhynchos%1:05:00:: 101847806 mallard, Anas platyrhynchos n wild dabbling duck from which domestic ducks are descended; widely distributed anas_querquedula%1:05:00:: 101848555 garganey, Anas querquedula n small Eurasian teal anas_rubripes%1:05:00:: 101847978 black duck, Anas rubripes n a dusky duck of northeastern United States and Canada anastalsis%1:22:00:: 113431569 anastalsis n muscular action of the alimentary tract in a direction opposite to peristalsis anastatica%1:20:00:: 111870916 Anastatica, genus Anastatica n one species: rose of Jericho; resurrection plant anastatica_hierochuntica%1:20:00:: 111871059 rose of Jericho, resurrection plant, Anastatica hierochuntica n small grey Asiatic desert plant bearing minute white flowers that rolls up when dry and expands when moist anastigmat%1:06:00:: 102709101 anastigmat n compound lens or lens system designed to be free of astigmatism and able to form approximately point images anastigmatic%3:00:00:: 300108595 anastigmatic, stigmatic a not astigmatic anastigmatic%3:01:00:: 302621609 anastigmatic, stigmatic a pertaining to a lens or lens system free of astigmatism (able to form point images) anastigmatic_lens%1:06:00:: 102709265 anastigmatic lens n a lens designed to correct astigmatism anastomose%2:35:00:: 201292169 anastomose, inosculate v cause to join or open into each other by anastomosis; "anastomose blood vessels" anastomose%2:35:01:: 201292366 anastomose, inosculate v come together or open into each other; "the blood vessels anastomose" anastomosis%1:08:00:: 105249420 anastomosis, inosculation n a natural or surgical joining of parts or branches of tubular structures so as to make or become continuous anastomotic%3:01:00:: 302948363 anastomotic a of or relating to or exhibiting anastomosis anastomotic_vein%1:08:00:: 105357366 anastomotic vein, vena anastomotica n either of two communicating veins serving the brain anastomus%1:05:00:: 102003456 Anastomus, genus Anastomus n openbills anastrophe%1:10:00:: 107101140 anastrophe, inversion n the reversal of the normal order of words anastylosis%1:04:00:: 100269471 anastylosis n the archeological reassembly of ruined monuments from fallen or decayed fragments (incorporating new materials when necessary) anathema%1:10:00:: 107233863 anathema n a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication anathema%1:18:00:: 109792125 anathema, bete noire n a detested person; "he is an anathema to me" anathematisation%1:04:00:: 100206600 anathematization, anathematisation n the formal act of pronouncing (someone or something) accursed anathematise%2:32:00:: 200864910 accurse, execrate, anathemize, comminate, anathemise, anathematize, anathematise v curse or declare to be evil or anathema or threaten with divine punishment anathematization%1:04:00:: 100206600 anathematization, anathematisation n the formal act of pronouncing (someone or something) accursed anathematize%2:32:00:: 200864910 accurse, execrate, anathemize, comminate, anathemise, anathematize, anathematise v curse or declare to be evil or anathema or threaten with divine punishment anathemise%2:32:00:: 200864910 accurse, execrate, anathemize, comminate, anathemise, anathematize, anathematise v curse or declare to be evil or anathema or threaten with divine punishment anathemise%2:32:01:: 200865958 curse, beshrew, damn, bedamn, anathemize, anathemise, imprecate, maledict v wish harm upon; invoke evil upon; "The bad witch cursed the child" anathemize%2:32:00:: 200865958 curse, beshrew, damn, bedamn, anathemize, anathemise, imprecate, maledict v wish harm upon; invoke evil upon; "The bad witch cursed the child" anathemize%2:32:01:: 200864910 accurse, execrate, anathemize, comminate, anathemise, anathematize, anathematise v curse or declare to be evil or anathema or threaten with divine punishment anatidae%1:05:00:: 101845627 Anatidae, family Anatidae n swimming birds having heavy short-legged bodies and bills with a horny tip: swans; geese; ducks anatole_france%1:18:00:: 110977368 France, Anatole France, Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault n French writer of sophisticated novels and short stories (1844-1924) anatolia%1:15:00:: 108701942 Asia Minor, Anatolia n a peninsula in southwestern Asia that forms the Asian part of Turkey anatolian%1:10:00:: 106975594 Anatolian, Anatolian language n an extinct branch of the Indo-European family of languages known from inscriptions and important in the reconstruction of Proto-Indo European anatolian_language%1:10:00:: 106975594 Anatolian, Anatolian language n an extinct branch of the Indo-European family of languages known from inscriptions and important in the reconstruction of Proto-Indo European anatoli_karpov%1:18:00:: 111096991 Karpov, Anatoli Karpov, Anatoli Yevgenevich Karpov n Russian chess master who was world champion from 1975 until 1985 when he was defeated by Gary Kasparov (born in 1951) anatoli_yevgenevich_karpov%1:18:00:: 111096991 Karpov, Anatoli Karpov, Anatoli Yevgenevich Karpov n Russian chess master who was world champion from 1975 until 1985 when he was defeated by Gary Kasparov (born in 1951) anatomic%3:01:00:: 302897524 anatomic, anatomical a of or relating to the structure of the body; "anatomical features" anatomic%3:01:01:: 302897730 anatomic, anatomical a of or relating to the branch of morphology that studies the structure of organisms; "anatomical research" anatomical%1:10:00:: 107151892 anatomical reference, anatomical n an expression that relates to anatomy anatomical%3:01:00:: 302897524 anatomic, anatomical a of or relating to the structure of the body; "anatomical features" anatomical%3:01:01:: 302897730 anatomic, anatomical a of or relating to the branch of morphology that studies the structure of organisms; "anatomical research" anatomically%4:02:00:: 400064083 anatomically, anatomically r with respect to anatomy; "anatomically correct" anatomical_reference%1:10:00:: 107151892 anatomical reference, anatomical n an expression that relates to anatomy anatomical_sphincter%1:08:00:: 105570839 sphincter, anatomical sphincter, sphincter muscle n a ring of muscle that contracts to close an opening anatomical_structure%1:08:00:: 105225602 structure, anatomical structure, complex body part, bodily structure, body structure n a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing; "he has good bone structure" anatomise%2:35:00:: 201550594 anatomize, anatomise v dissect in order to analyze; "anatomize the bodies of the victims of this strange disease" anatomist%1:18:00:: 109792237 anatomist n an expert in anatomy anatomize%2:31:00:: 200645241 anatomize v analyze down to the smallest detail; "This writer anatomized the depth of human behavior" anatomize%2:35:00:: 201550594 anatomize, anatomise v dissect in order to analyze; "anatomize the bodies of the victims of this strange disease" anatomy%1:04:00:: 100646187 anatomy n a detailed analysis; "he studied the anatomy of crimes" anatomy%1:08:00:: 105217168 human body, physical body, material body, soma, build, figure, physique, anatomy, shape, bod, chassis, frame, form, flesh n alternative names for the body of a human being; "Leonardo studied the human body"; "he has a strong physique"; "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" anatomy%1:09:00:: 106057539 anatomy, general anatomy n the branch of morphology that deals with the structure of animals anatotitan%1:05:00:: 101706401 anatotitan n one of the largest and most famous duck-billed dinosaurs anatoxin%1:27:00:: 115034454 anatoxin, toxoid n a bacterial toxin that has been weakened until it is no longer toxic but is strong enough to induce the formation of antibodies and immunity to the specific disease caused by the toxin; "diphtheria toxoid" anatropous%3:00:00:: 301029710 anatropous, inverted a (of a plant ovule) completely inverted; turned back 180 degrees on its stalk anatropous_ovule%1:20:00:: 111679652 anatropous ovule n a completely inverted ovule turned back 180 degrees on its stalk anaxagoras%1:18:00:: 110816424 Anaxagoras n a presocratic Athenian philosopher who maintained that everything is composed of very small particles that were arranged by some eternal intelligence (500-428 BC) anaximander%1:18:00:: 110816644 Anaximander n a presocratic Greek philosopher and student of Thales who believed the universal substance to be infinity rather than something resembling ordinary objects (611-547 BC) anaximenes%1:18:00:: 110816890 Anaximenes n a presocratic Greek philosopher and associate of Anaximander who believed that all things are made of air in different degrees of density (6th century BC) ancestor%1:18:00:: 109792555 ancestor, ascendant, ascendent, antecedent, root n someone from whom you are descended (but usually more remote than a grandparent) ancestor_worship%1:04:00:: 101029323 ancestor worship n worship of ancestors ancestral%3:01:00:: 302604913 ancestral a of or belonging to or inherited from an ancestor ancestral%5:00:00:inheritable:00 301314197 ancestral, hereditary, patrimonial, transmissible s inherited or inheritable by established rules (usually legal rules) of descent; "ancestral home"; "ancestral lore"; "hereditary monarchy"; "patrimonial estate"; "transmissible tradition" ancestress%1:18:00:: 109792896 ancestress n a woman ancestor ancestry%1:07:00:: 104922787 ancestry, lineage, derivation, filiation n inherited properties shared with others of your bloodline ancestry%1:14:00:: 108101937 lineage, line, line of descent, descent, bloodline, blood line, blood, pedigree, ancestry, origin, parentage, stemma, stock n the descendants of one individual; "his entire lineage has been warriors" anchor%1:06:00:: 102709367 anchor, ground tackle n a mechanical device that prevents a vessel from moving anchor%1:09:00:: 105694232 anchor, mainstay, keystone, backbone, linchpin, lynchpin n a central cohesive source of support and stability; "faith is his anchor"; "the keystone of campaign reform was the ban on soft money"; "he is the linchpin of this firm" anchor%1:18:00:: 109792969 anchor, anchorman, anchorperson n a television reporter who coordinates a broadcast to which several correspondents contribute anchor%2:35:00:: 201304716 anchor, cast anchor, drop anchor v secure a vessel with an anchor; "We anchored at Baltimore" anchor%2:35:01:: 201304944 anchor, ground v fix firmly and stably; "anchor the lamppost in concrete" anchorage%1:04:00:: 100052052 anchorage n the act of anchoring anchorage%1:15:00:: 108639776 anchorage, anchorage ground n place for vessels to anchor anchorage%1:15:01:: 109055906 Anchorage n a city in south central Alaska; "Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska" anchorage%1:21:00:: 113320691 anchorage n a fee for anchoring anchorage%1:26:00:: 113923582 anchorage n the condition of being secured to a base; "the plant needs a firm anchorage"; "the mother provides emotional anchorage for the entire family" anchorage_ground%1:15:00:: 108639776 anchorage, anchorage ground n place for vessels to anchor anchor_chain%1:06:00:: 102709637 anchor chain, anchor rope n the chain or rope that attaches an anchor to a vessel anchorite%1:18:00:: 110519126 anchorite, hermit n one retired from society for religious reasons anchoritic%5:00:00:unworldly:00 302578546 anchoritic, eremitic, eremitical, hermitic, hermitical s characterized by ascetic solitude; "the eremitic element in the life of a religious colony"; "his hermitic existence" anchor_light%1:06:00:: 102709763 anchor light, riding light, riding lamp n a light in the rigging of a ship that is riding at anchor anchorman%1:18:00:: 109792969 anchor, anchorman, anchorperson n a television reporter who coordinates a broadcast to which several correspondents contribute anchorperson%1:18:00:: 109792969 anchor, anchorman, anchorperson n a television reporter who coordinates a broadcast to which several correspondents contribute anchor_ring%1:25:00:: 113875392 ring, halo, annulus, doughnut, anchor ring n a toroidal shape; "a ring of ships in the harbor"; "a halo of smoke" anchor_rope%1:06:00:: 102709637 anchor chain, anchor rope n the chain or rope that attaches an anchor to a vessel anchovy%1:05:00:: 102533834 anchovy n small herring-like plankton-eating fishes often canned whole or as paste; abundant in tropical waters worldwide anchovy%1:13:00:: 107783667 anchovy n tiny fishes usually canned or salted; used for hors d'oeuvres or as seasoning in sauces anchovy_butter%1:13:00:: 107856895 anchovy butter n butter blended with mashed anchovies anchovy_dressing%1:13:00:: 107834065 anchovy dressing n vinaigrette and mashed anchovies anchovy_paste%1:13:00:: 107783827 anchovy paste n paste made primarily of anchovies; used in sauces and spreads anchovy_pear%1:13:00:: 107753448 anchovy pear, river pear n West Indian fruit resembling the mango; often pickled anchovy_pear%1:20:00:: 112327528 anchovy pear, anchovy pear tree, Grias cauliflora n West Indian tree bearing edible fruit resembling mango anchovy_pear_tree%1:20:00:: 112327528 anchovy pear, anchovy pear tree, Grias cauliflora n West Indian tree bearing edible fruit resembling mango anchovy_pizza%1:13:00:: 107874343 anchovy pizza n tomato and cheese pizza with anchovies anchovy_sauce%1:13:00:: 107830493 anchovy sauce n made of white sauce and mashed anchovies anchusa%1:20:00:: 112817464 anchusa n any of various Old World herbs of the genus Anchusa having one-sided clusters of trumpet-shaped flowers anchusa_capensis%1:20:00:: 112817855 cape forget-me-not, Anchusa capensis n anchusa of southern Africa having blue flowers with white throats anchusa_officinalis%1:20:00:: 112817694 bugloss, alkanet, Anchusa officinalis n perennial or biennial herb cultivated for its delicate usually blue flowers anchusa_riparia%1:20:00:: 112818004 cape forget-me-not, Anchusa riparia n anchusa of southern Africa having blue to red-purple flowers anchylosis%1:26:00:: 114022520 ankylosis, anchylosis n abnormal adhesion and rigidity of the bones of a joint ancien_regime%1:14:00:: 108051739 ancien regime n a political and social system that no longer governs (especially the system that existed in France before the French Revolution) ancient%1:18:00:: 109793141 ancient n a person who lived in ancient times ancient%1:18:01:: 109793248 ancient, antediluvian n a very old person ancient%5:00:00:old:02 301644847 ancient s very old; "an ancient mariner" ancient%5:00:00:past:00 301728614 ancient s belonging to times long past especially of the historical period before the fall of the Western Roman Empire; "ancient history"; "ancient civilizations such as those of the Etruscans and Sumerians"; "ancient Greece" ancient_greek%1:10:00:: 106977434 Ancient Greek n the Greek language prior to the Roman Empire ancient_history%1:09:00:: 105612531 ancient history n knowledge of some recent fact or event that has become so commonly known that it has lost its original pertinence ancient_history%1:10:00:: 106514529 ancient history n a history of the ancient world anciently%4:02:00:: 400005210 anciently, anciently r in ancient times; long ago; "a concern with what may have happened anciently" ancientness%1:07:00:: 104925756 ancientness, antiquity n extreme oldness ancient_pine%1:20:00:: 111612575 ancient pine, Pinus longaeva n small slow-growing pine of western United States similar to the bristlecone pine; chocolate brown bark in plates and short needles in bunches of 5; crown conic but becoming rough and twisted; oldest plant in the world growing to 5000 years in cold semidesert mountain tops ancients%1:14:00:: 107943646 ancients n people who lived in times long past (especially during the historical period before the fall of the Roman Empire in western Europe) ancillary%5:00:00:supportive:00 302354897 accessory, adjunct, ancillary, adjuvant, appurtenant, auxiliary s furnishing added support; "an ancillary pump"; "an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism"; "The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other" ancistrodon%1:05:00:: 101754190 Agkistrodon, genus Agkistrodon, Ancistrodon, genus Ancistrodon n copperheads ancohuma%1:17:00:: 109196302 Ancohuma n a mountain peak in the Andes in Bolivia (20,960 feet high) anconeous_muscle%1:08:00:: 105292856 anconeous muscle, musculus anconeus n the muscle that extends the forearm and abducts the ulna in pronation of the wrist ancylidae%1:05:00:: 101949684 Ancylidae, family Ancylidae n freshwater gastropod ancylose%2:29:00:: 200096264 ankylose, ancylose v undergo ankylosis; "joints ankylose" ancylose%2:29:01:: 200096396 ankylose, ancylose v produce ankylosis by surgery ancylostomatidae%1:05:00:: 101932800 Ancylostomatidae, family Ancylostomatidae n hookworms ancylus%1:05:00:: 101949817 Ancylus, genus Ancylus n type genus of the family Ancylidae: river limpet ancylus_fluviatilis%1:05:00:: 101949973 river limpet, freshwater limpet, Ancylus fluviatilis n minute conical gastropod superficially resembling a limpet but living and feeding on freshwater plants andalucia%1:15:00:: 108493261 Andalusia, Andalucia n a region in southern Spain on the Atlantic and the Mediterranean; formerly a center of Moorish civilization andalusia%1:15:00:: 108493261 Andalusia, Andalucia n a region in southern Spain on the Atlantic and the Mediterranean; formerly a center of Moorish civilization andalusian%3:01:00:: 302621799 Andalusian a in or relating to Andalusia andaman_marble%1:20:00:: 112770892 marblewood, marble-wood, Andaman marble, Diospyros kurzii n large Asiatic tree having hard marbled zebrawood andaman_redwood%1:20:00:: 112565590 amboyna, Andaman redwood n mottled curly-grained wood of Pterocarpus indicus andaman_sea%1:17:00:: 109196454 Andaman Sea n part of the Bay of Bengal to the west of the Malay Peninsula andante%1:10:00:: 107040148 andante n a musical composition or musical passage to be performed moderately slow andante%1:28:00:: 115265219 andante n a moderately slow tempo (a walking pace) andante%4:02:00:: 400267812 andante, andante r at a moderately slow tempo; "this passage must be played andante" andante%5:00:00:slow:02 300982954 andante s (of tempo) moderately slow andantino%5:00:00:fast:02 300982275 andantino s (of tempo) moderately fast and_circuit%1:06:00:: 102709908 AND circuit, AND gate n a circuit in a computer that fires only when all of its inputs fire andean%3:01:00:: 303025853 Andean a relating to the Andes and their inhabitants andean_condor%1:05:00:: 101619835 Andean condor, Vultur gryphus n large vulture of the high Andes having black plumage and white neck ruff andelmin%1:20:00:: 112506181 angelim, andelmin n any of several tropical American trees of the genus Andira anders_celsius%1:18:00:: 110888891 Celsius, Anders Celsius n Swedish astronomer who devised the centigrade thermometer (1701-1744) andersen%1:18:00:: 110817102 Andersen, Hans Christian Andersen n a Danish author remembered for his fairy stories (1805-1875) anderson%1:18:00:: 110817244 Anderson, Carl Anderson, Carl David Anderson n United States physicist who discovered antimatter in the form of an antielectron that is called the positron (1905-1991) anderson%1:18:01:: 110817458 Anderson, Marian Anderson n United States contralto noted for her performance of spirituals (1902-1993) anderson%1:18:02:: 110817607 Anderson, Maxwell Anderson n United States dramatist (1888-1959) anderson%1:18:03:: 110817717 Anderson, Philip Anderson, Philip Warren Anderson, Phil Anderson n United States physicist who studied the electronic structure of magnetic and disordered systems (1923-) anderson%1:18:04:: 110817935 Anderson, Sherwood Anderson n United States author whose works were frequently autobiographical (1876-1941) andes%1:17:00:: 109196611 Andes n a mountain range in South America running 5000 miles along the Pacific coast andesite%1:27:00:: 114725364 andesite n a dark grey volcanic rock and_gate%1:06:00:: 102709908 AND circuit, AND gate n a circuit in a computer that fires only when all of its inputs fire and_how%4:02:00:: 400152345 and how, you bet, you said it, and how, you bet, you said it r an expression of emphatic agreement andhra_pradesh%1:15:00:: 108904954 Andhra Pradesh n a state of southeastern India on the Bay of Bengal andira%1:20:00:: 112505987 Andira, genus Andira n small genus of evergreen trees of tropical America and western Africa andira_inermis%1:20:00:: 112506341 cabbage bark, cabbage-bark tree, cabbage tree, Andira inermis n tree with shaggy unpleasant-smelling toxic bark and yielding strong durable wood; bark and seeds used as a purgative and vermifuge and narcotic andiron%1:06:00:: 102710044 andiron, firedog, dog, dog-iron n metal supports for logs in a fireplace; "the andirons were too hot to touch" andorra%1:15:00:: 109023118 Andorra, Principality of Andorra n a small republic in the eastern Pyrenees between Spain and France andorran%1:18:00:: 109690496 Andorran n a native or inhabitant of Andorra andorran%3:01:00:: 302978000 Andorran a of or relating to or characteristic of Andorra or its people; "the Andorran hills" andradite%1:27:00:: 114829264 andradite n a garnet consisting of calcium iron silicate and having any color ranging from yellow and green to brown and black; used as gemstone andreaea%1:20:00:: 111539825 Andreaea, genus Andreaea n brown or blackish Alpine mosses having a dehiscent capsule with 4 longitudinal slits andreaeales%1:20:00:: 111539675 Andreaeales, order Andreaeales n comprises a single genus: Andreaea andrea_guarneri%1:18:00:: 111017831 Guarneri, Guarnieri, Guarnerius, Andrea Guarneri n founder of a family of Italian violin makers (1626?-1698) andrea_mantegna%1:18:00:: 111154857 Mantegna, Andrea Mantegna n Italian painter and engraver noted for his frescoes (1431-1506) andrea_palladio%1:18:00:: 111221495 Palladio, Andrea Palladio n highly original and much imitated Italian architect (1508-1580) andreas_vesalius%1:18:00:: 111364419 Vesalius, Andreas Vesalius n a Flemish surgeon who is considered the father of modern anatomy (1514-1564) andre_derain%1:18:00:: 110931333 Derain, Andre Derain n French painter and exponent of fauvism (1880-1954) andre_eglevsky%1:18:00:: 110953344 Eglevsky, Andre Eglevsky n United States ballet dancer (born in Russia) (1917-1977) andre_gide%1:18:00:: 110998651 Gide, Andre Gide, Andre Paul Guillaume Gide n French author and dramatist who is regarded as the father of modern French literature (1869-1951) andrei_andreyevich_gromyko%1:18:00:: 111017118 Gromyko, Andrei Gromyko, Andrei Andreyevich Gromyko n Soviet ambassador to the United States and to the United N