Name: |
Bengali |
SIL classification: |
Indo-European > Indo-Iranian > Indo-Aryan > Eastern zone > Bengali-Assamese > Bengali |
ISO 639-3 code: |
ben |
WALS classification: |
Family: Indo-European > Genus: Indic |
WALS coordinates: |
24° N, 90° E |
Compiler: |
Anju Saxena |
Data entry personnel: |
Anju Saxena, Mohini Pimpalkhare |
S01.100 | the world | বিশ্ব | biśba | The Amazon is the longest river in the world. |
S01.210 | the land | জমি | jami | The captain sighted land in the distance. |
S01.212 | the soil | মাটি | māṭi | The soil is pretty good in this area. |
S01.213 | the dust | ধুলো | dhulo | The house had not been cleaned and there was dust on the furniture. |
S01.214 | the mud | মৃত্তিকা, কাদা | mr̖ttikā, kādā | His shoes were covered with mud. |
S01.215 | the sand | বালি | bāli | There is sand on this part of the beach. |
S01.220 | the mountain or hill | পর্বত, পাহাড় | parbata, pāhār̖ā | -- |
S01.222 | the cliff or precipice | পর্বত, পর্বতগাত্র | parbata, parbatagātra | -- |
S01.230 | the plain | সমতল | samatala | -- |
S01.240 | the valley | উপত্যকা | upatyakā | The valley was surrounded by high mountains. |
S01.250 | the island | দ্বীপ | dbīpa | Sicily is a Mediterranean island. |
S01.260 | the mainland | মূল ভূখন্ড | mūl bhūkhanḍa | -- |
S01.270 | the shore | তীর | tīra | -- |
S01.280 | the cave | গুহা | guhā | The hunter lit a torch and entered the cave. |
S01.310 | the water | পানি, জল | pāni, jala | The inhabitants get their water from the river. |
S01.320 | the sea | সমুদ্র, সাগর | samudra, sāgara | The ship is sailing in the sea. |
S01.322 | calm | শান্ত | śānta | a calm sea |
S01.323 | rough(2) | অশান্ত | aśānta | a rough sea |
S01.324 | the foam | ফেনা | phenā | Foam formed on the polluted river. |
S01.329 | the ocean | সাগর, মহাসাগর | sāgara, mahāsāgara | The Pacific Ocean is larger than the Atlantic Ocean. |
S01.330 | the lake | সরঃ, সরসী, দীঘি | dīghi | This lake's water is safe for drinking. |
S01.340 | the bay | উপসাগর | upasāgara | -- |
S01.341 | the lagoon | উপহ্রদ | upahrada | -- |
S01.342 | the reef | প্রবাল | prabāla | The ship was wrecked on a reef. |
S01.343 | the cape | অন্তরীপ | antarīpa | -- |
S01.350 | the wave | তরঙ্গ | taraṅga | The tallest waves are found in the Pacific Ocean. |
S01.352 | the tide | ঢেউ | ḍheu | -- |
S01.353 | the low tide | মরাকটাল | marākaṭāla | During low tide the rock is exposed. |
S01.354 | the high tide | জোয়ার | joyāra | The rock is not visible during high tide. |
S01.360 | the river or stream | নদী | nadī | -- |
S01.362 | the whirlpool | ঘূর্ণি | ghūrṇi | -- |
S01.370 | the spring or well | কুয়া | kuyā | -- |
S01.380 | the swamp | জলাভূমি | jalābhūmi | Be careful, there are crocodiles in the swamp. |
S01.390 | the waterfall | ঝোরা, ঝর্ণা | jharṇā | The waterfall runs dry in the summer. |
S01.410 | the woods or forest | বন | bana | There are many wild animals in the forest. |
S01.4110 | the savanna | চারণভূমি | cāraṇbhūmi | -- |
S01.430 | the wood | কাঠ | kāṭha | The table is made of wood. |
S01.440 | the stone or rock | পাষাণ, শিলা | pāṣāṇa, śilā | -- |
S01.450 | the earthquake | ভূকম্পন | bhūkampana | The house was destroyed by an earthquake. |
S01.510 | the sky | আকাশ | ākāśa | There were white clouds in the blue sky. |
S01.520 | the sun | সূর্য, অরুণ | sūrya, aruṇa | The sun rises in the east. |
S01.530 | the moon | চাঁদ, চন্দ্র | cānda, candra | The moon shone brightly in the clear night sky. |
S01.540 | the star | তারকা | tārakā | The stars shone brightly in the clear night sky. |
S01.550 | the lightning | বজ্রপাত | bajrapāta | I was momentarily blinded by the lightening. |
S01.560 | the thunder | অশনি, নির্ঘাত, বাজ | bāja | The thunder was deafening. |
S01.570 | the bolt of lightning | বজ্রপাত | bajrapāta | -- |
S01.580 | the storm | বাত্যা, ঝড় | jhaŗa | It's more than just rain-it's a real storm! |
S01.590 | the rainbow | রংধণু | ramdhaṇu | After the storm, a rainbow appeared in the sky. |
S01.610 | the light | আলো, বাতি | ālo, bāti | The fire gave a bright light. |
S01.620 | the darkness | আঁধার | ān̄dhāra | After the sunset, darkness quickly fell. |
S01.630 | the shade or shadow | ছায়া | chāyā | -- |
S01.640 | the dew | শিশির | śiśira | The trees were wet from the morning dew. |
S01.710 | the air | অনিল | anila | The air is cool and fresh here in the mountains. |
S01.720 | the wind | পবন | pabana | The wind blew so hard it knocked down the tree. |
S01.730 | the cloud | মেঘ | megha | There were white clouds in the blue sky. |
S01.740 | the fog | কুয়াশা | kuyāśā | The fog is so thick I can't see the road. |
S01.750 | the rain | বৃষ্টি | br̥ṣṭi | After the rain, the sun appeared again. |
S01.760 | the snow | তুষার | tuṣāra | Snow fell all night and covered the city. |
S01.770 | the ice | বরফ | barapha | A layer of ice formed over the lake. |
S01.7710 | the arctic lights | -- | -- | -- |
S01.7750 | to freeze | জমানো | jamāno | It was so cold tonight that the entire lake froze. |
S01.780 | the weather | আবহাওয়া | ābahāoyā | I hope that tomorrow the weather will be nicer than today. |
S01.810 | the fire | অগ্নি | agni | The fire is brightly burning in the fireplace. |
S01.820 | the flame | বহ্নি | bahni | The flames were so high they reached the helicopter. |
S01.830 | the smoke | ধূম, ধোঁয়া | dhūma, dhon̄yā | Heavy smoke billowed from the burning house. |
S01.8310 | the steam | বাষ্প | bāṣpa | The boiling water filled the room with steam. |
S01.840 | the ash | ছাই | chāi | He let the cigarette ash fall on the floor. |
S01.841 | the embers | অলাত, কয়লা | kayalā | -- |
S01.851 | to burn(1) | জ্বালানো | jbālāno | She burnt all her ex-boyfriend's old letters. |
S01.852 | to burn(2) | পোড়া | por̖ā | Our house is burning! Call the fire fighters! |
S01.860 | to light | জ্বালানো | jbālāno | She lit a match. |
S01.861 | to extinguish | নিভানো | nibhāno | The fire fighters extinguished the fire. |
S01.870 | the match | দিয়াশলাই | diyāśālāi | -- |
S01.880 | the firewood | অগ্নিকাষ্ঠ | agnikāṣṭha | The boys collected firewood and built a bonfire. |
S01.890 | the charcoal | কয়লা | kayalā | This fireplace is lit by charcoal, not wood. |
S01.99901 | the beach | সৈকত | saikata | -- |
S01.99903 | the coal | কয়লা | kayalā | -- |
S01.99904 | the constellation | অঙ্গিরা, নক্ষত্রপুঞ্জ | aṅgirā, nakṣatrapuñja | -- |
S01.99905 | the jade or jadeite | সাধা | sādhā | -- |
S01.99907 | the river | নদী | nadī | -- |
S01.99910 | the spring | -- | jharnā | -- |
S02.100 | the person | ব্যক্তি | byakti | This table can be lifted by one person. |
S02.210 | the man | মানুষ | mānuṣa | The man had a long beard. |
S02.220 | the woman | মহিলা, নারী | mahilā, nārī | The woman wore a pretty dress. |
S02.230 | male(1) | পুরুষ | puruṣa | I have ten male and twelve female students. |
S02.240 | female(1) | মহিলা | mahilā | I have ten male and twelve female students. |
S02.250 | the boy | বালক | bālaka | One day this boy will grow to be a man. |
S02.251 | the young man | ছোকরা | chokarā | The young man was not married. |
S02.260 | the girl | বালিকা | bālikā | One day this girl will grow to be a woman. |
S02.261 | the young woman | ছুঁড়ি | chun̄r̖i | |
S02.270 | the child(1) | শিশু | śiśu | Many children were playing in the water. |
S02.280 | the baby | শিশু | śiśu | She's still a baby and can only have milk. |
S02.310 | the husband | পতি | pati | She married her husband last year. |
S02.320 | the wife | পত্নী | patnī | He married his wife last year. |
S02.330 | to marry | বিবাহ করা | bibāha karā | She married a man 10 years her junior. |
S02.340 | the wedding | বিবাহ | bibāha | When we were married, a thousand people came to the wedding. |
S02.341 | the divorce | বিবাহবিচ্ছেদ | bibāhabiccheda | After the divorce, he married another woman. |
S02.350 | the father | পিতা | pitā | My father came home late last night. |
S02.360 | the mother | মাতা, মা | mātā, mā | My mother came home late last night. |
S02.370 | the parents | পিতামাতা | pitāmātā | My parents live in the village. |
S02.380 | the married man | বিবাহিত পুরুষ | bibāhita puruṣa | As a married man he had more privileges. |
S02.390 | the married woman | বিবাহিত মহিলা | bibāhita mahilā | As a married woman she had more privileges. |
S02.410 | the son | পুত্র | putra | I have one son and one daughter. |
S02.420 | the daughter | কন্যা | kanyā | I have one son and one daughter. |
S02.430 | the child(2) | সন্তান | santāna | I have two children, a son and a daughter. |
S02.440 | the brother | ভাই | bhāi | I have two brothers, one younger and one older than me. |
S02.444 | the older brother | বড় ভাই | bar̖a bhāi | My older brother is married, but my younger brother still lives at home. |
S02.445 | the younger brother | ছোট ভাই | choṭa bhāi | My older brother is married, but my younger brother still lives at home. |
S02.450 | the sister | বোন | bona | I have two sisters, one younger and one older than me. |
S02.454 | the older sister | বড় বোন | bar̖a bona | My older sister is married, but my younger sister still lives at home. |
S02.455 | the younger sister | ছোট বোন | choṭa bona | My older sister is married, but my younger sister still lives at home. |
S02.456 | the sibling | ভাই-বোন | bhāi-bona | I have two siblings, one brother and one sister. |
S02.4561 | the older sibling | বড় ভাই-বোন | bar̖a bhāi-bona | My older sibling is married, but my younger sibling still lives at home. |
S02.4562 | the younger sibling | ছোট ভাই-বোন | choṭa bhāi-bona | My older sibling is married, but my younger sibling still lives at home. |
S02.458 | the twins | যমজ | yamaja | -- |
S02.460 | the grandfather | দাদা, নানা | dādā, nānā | My grandfather is 80 years old. |
S02.461 | the old man | বৃদ্ধ | br̖ddha | That old man looks like my grandfather. |
S02.470 | the grandmother | দাদী, নানী | dādī, nānī | My grandmother is 70 years old. |
S02.471 | the old woman | বুড়ি | bur̖i | That old woman looks like my grandmother. |
S02.4711 | the grandparents | দাদা-দাদী, নানা নানী | dādā-dādī, nānā nānī | Only one of my grandparents is still alive. |
S02.480 | the grandson | নাতি | nāti | My grandson is 5 years older than my granddaughter. |
S02.490 | the granddaughter | নাতনী | nātanī | My grandson is 5 years older than my granddaughter. |
S02.5000 | the grandchild | নাতি, নাতনী | nāti, nātanī | By the time she died, she had 23 grandchildren. |
S02.510 | the uncle | চাচা, খালু, মামা, ফুপা | cācā, khālu, māmā, phupā | I have two uncles, one on my father's side and one on my mother's side. |
S02.511 | the mother's brother | মামা | māmā | -- |
S02.512 | the father's brother | চাচা | cācā | -- |
S02.520 | the aunt | চাচী, খালা, মামী, ফুপু | cācī, khālā, māmī, phupu | -- |
S02.521 | the mother's sister | খালা | khālā | -- |
S02.522 | the father's sister | খালু, ফুপু | khālu, phupu | -- |
S02.530 | the nephew | ভাতিজা | bhātijā | -- |
S02.540 | the niece | ভাতিজী | bhātijī | -- |
S02.5410 | the sibling's child | ভাগ্নে-ভাগ্নী | bhāgne-bhāgnī | -- |
S02.550 | the cousin | -- | -- | -- |
S02.560 | the ancestors | পূর্বসূরী | pūrbasūrī | -- |
S02.570 | the descendants | সন্ততি | santati | -- |
S02.610 | the father-in-law (of a man) | শ্বশুর | śbaśura | -- |
S02.611 | the father-in-law (of a woman) | শ্বশুর | śbaśura | -- |
S02.620 | the mother-in-law (of a man) | শাশুড়ি | śāśur̖i | -- |
S02.621 | the mother-in-law (of a woman) | শাশুড়ি | śāśur̖i | -- |
S02.6220 | the parents-in-law | শ্বশুর-শাশুড়ি | śbaśura-śāśur̖i | -- |
S02.630 | the son-in-law (of a man) | জামাই | jāmāi | -- |
S02.631 | the son-in-law (of a woman) | জামাই | jāmāi | -- |
S02.640 | the daughter-in-law (of a man) | বধূ, বউ | badhū, bau | -- |
S02.641 | the daughter-in-law (of a woman) | বধূ, বউ | badhū, bau | -- |
S02.6411 | the child-in-law | সৎ সন্তান | satt santāna | -- |
S02.6412 | the sibling-in-law | সৎ ভাই-বোন | satt bhāi-bona | -- |
S02.710 | the stepfather | সৎ বাবা | satt bābā | -- |
S02.720 | the stepmother | সৎ মা | satt mā | -- |
S02.730 | the stepson | সৎ ছেলে | satt chele | -- |
S02.740 | the stepdaughter | সৎ মেয়ে | satt meye | -- |
S02.750 | the orphan | অনাথ | anātha | -- |
S02.760 | the widow | বিধবা | bidhabā | -- |
S02.770 | the widower | বিধবা | bidhabā | -- |
S02.810 | the relatives | আত্মীয় | āthīya | -- |
S02.820 | the family | পরিবার | paribāra | -- |
S02.910 | I | আমি | āmi | -- |
S02.920 | you (singular) | তুই, তুমি | tui, tumi | -- |
S02.930 | he/she/it | সে/ সে/ এটা | se/ se/ eṭā | -- |
S02.9310 | he | সে | se/ se/ eṭā | -- |
S02.9320 | she | সে | se/ se/ eṭā | -- |
S02.9330 | it | এটা | eṭā | -- |
S02.940 | we | আমরা | āmarā | -- |
S02.941 | we (inclusive) | আমরা | āmarā | -- |
S02.942 | we (exclusive) | আমরা | āmarā | -- |
S02.950 | you (plural) | তোমরা | tomarā | -- |
S02.960 | they | তারা | tārā | -- |
S02.99905 | the father-in-law | শ্বশুর | śbaśura | -- |
S02.99906 | the German | জার্মান | jārmāna | -- |
S02.99907 | the Hungarian | হাঙ্গেরীয় | hāṅgerīya | -- |
S02.99909 | the mother-in-law | শাশুড়ি | śāśur̖i | -- |
S02.99916 | the spouse | স্বামী, স্ত্রী | sbāmī, strī | -- |
S02.99917 | the stepchild | সৎ সন্তান | satt santāna | -- |
S03.110 | the animal | প্রাণী | prāṇī | On the small island they found rabbits, foxes, snakes, mice and many other animals. |
S03.120 | male(2) | পুরুষ | puruṣa | Only male lions have manes. |
S03.130 | female(2) | মহিলা | mahilā | Only female monkeys look after their offspring. |
S03.150 | the livestock | পশু | paśu | -- |
S03.160 | the pasture | পশুচারণভূমি | paśucāraṇabhūmi | -- |
S03.180 | the herdsman | রাখাল | rākhāla | -- |
S03.190 | the stable or stall | আস্তাবল | āstābala | -- |
S03.200 | the cattle | গবাদি | gabādi | -- |
S03.210 | the bull | ষাঁড় | ṣaṇḍa | -- |
S03.220 | the ox | ষাঁড় | ṣan̄r̖a | |
S03.230 | the cow | গাভী | gābhī | -- |
S03.240 | the calf | বাছুর | bāchura | -- |
S03.250 | the sheep | ভেড়া | bher̖ā | The farmers raised sheep for wool and milk. |
S03.260 | the ram | মেষ | meṣa | -- |
S03.280 | the ewe | ভেড়ী | bher̖ī | -- |
S03.290 | the lamb | ভেড়া | bher̖ā | -- |
S03.320 | the boar | পুংশূকর | puṁśūkara | The hunter shot the boar in the forest. |
S03.340 | the sow | শূকরী | śūkarī | -- |
S03.350 | the pig | শূকর | śūkara | There are three pigs in the sty. |
S03.360 | the goat | ছাগল | chāgala | -- |
S03.370 | the he-goat | ছাগল | chāgala | -- |
S03.380 | the kid | কচিকাঁচা | kacikān̄cā | -- |
S03.410 | the horse | ঘোড়া | ghor̖ā | The policeman mounted the horse and rode away. |
S03.420 | the stallion | প্রজননক্ষম ঘোড়া | prajananakṣa ghor̖ā | -- |
S03.440 | the mare | ঘুড়ি, ঘোটকী | ghur̖i, ghoṭakī | -- |
S03.450 | the foal or colt | অশ্বশাবক | aśbaśābaka | -- |
S03.460 | the donkey | গাধা | gādhā | That donkey is almost as large as a horse. |
S03.470 | the mule | খচ্চর | khaccara | -- |
S03.500 | the fowl | বুনোপাখি | bunopākhi | -- |
S03.520 | the cock/rooster | মোরগ | moraga | The farmer owns ten hens but only two roosters. |
S03.540 | the hen | কুক্কুটী, মুরগী | kukkuṭi, muragī | The farmer owns ten hens but only two roosters. |
S03.550 | the chicken | মুরগি, মুরগীর ছানা | muragi, muragīra chānā | -- |
S03.560 | the goose | রাজহংস | rājahaṁsa | -- |
S03.570 | the duck | হংস | haṁsa | -- |
S03.580 | the nest | নীড় | nīr̖a | Many birds build nests in trees. |
S03.581 | the bird | পাখি | pākhi | -- |
S03.582 | the seagull | সীগাল | sīgāla | -- |
S03.583 | the heron | কাঁক পাখি | kān̄ka pākhi | -- |
S03.584 | the eagle | ঈগল | īgala | -- |
S03.585 | the hawk | বাজপাখি | bāja pākhi | -- |
S03.586 | the vulture | গৃধ্র, শকুন | śakuna | -- |
S03.591 | the bat | বাদুড়,বাদুর | bādur̖a,bādura | -- |
S03.592 | the parrot | তোতা | totā | -- |
S03.593 | the cow | গাই, গাইগোরু | gāi, gāigoru | -- |
S03.594 | the dove | পায়রা | pāyarā | -- |
S03.596 | the owl | পেঁচা | pen̄cā | -- |
S03.5970 | the cormorant | -- | -- | -- |
S03.5980 | the toucan | -- | -- | -- |
S03.610 | the dog | কুকুর | kukura | -- |
S03.614 | the rabbit | খরগোশ | kharagośa | -- |
S03.620 | the cat | বিড়াল | bir̖āla | -- |
S03.622 | the opossum | -- | -- | -- |
S03.630 | the mouse or rat | ইঁদুর | in̄dura | -- |
S03.650 | the fish | মাছ | mācha | -- |
S03.652 | the fin | অংশু | aṁśu | -- |
S03.653 | the scale | শল্ক | śalka | -- |
S03.654 | the gill | কঙ্কত | kaṅkata | -- |
S03.655 | the shell | শেল | śela | -- |
S03.661 | the shark | হাঙর | hāṅara | -- |
S03.662 | the porpoise or dolphin | শুশুক | śuśuka | -- |
S03.663 | the whale | তিমি | timi | -- |
S03.664 | the stingray | -- | -- | -- |
S03.665 | the freshwater eel | -- | -- | -- |
S03.710 | the wolf | শেয়াল | śeyāla | -- |
S03.720 | the lion | সিংহ | siṁha | -- |
S03.730 | the bear | বহন,ভালুক | bahana, bhāluka | -- |
S03.740 | the fox | শিয়াল | śiyāla | -- |
S03.750 | the deer | হরিণ | hariṇa | -- |
S03.760 | the monkey | বানর | bānara | -- |
S03.770 | the elephant | হাতি | hāti | -- |
S03.780 | the camel | উষ্ট্র, ঊট | uṣṭra, ūṭa | -- |
S03.810 | the insect | পতঙ্গ | pataṅga | -- |
S03.811 | the head louse | উকুন | ukuna | -- |
S03.8112 | the body louse | উকুন | ukuna | -- |
S03.812 | the nit | নিকি, উকুনের ডিম | niki, ukunera ḍima | -- |
S03.813 | the flea | উপমক্ষিকা, মক্ষিকা | makṣikā | -- |
S03.814 | the centipede | কেন্নো | kenno | -- |
S03.815 | the scorpion | বৃশ্চিক | briścika | -- |
S03.816 | the cockroach | আরশোলা | āraśolā | -- |
S03.817 | the ant | উই | ui | -- |
S03.818 | the spider | মাকড়সা | mākar̖asā | -- |
S03.819 | the spider web | মাকড়সা ওয়েব | mākar̖asā oyeba | -- |
S03.820 | the bee | ভ্রমর | bhramara | -- |
S03.821 | the beeswax | মোম | moma | -- |
S03.822 | the beehive | মৌচাক | maucāka | -- |
S03.823 | the wasp | বল্লা | ballā | -- |
S03.830 | the fly | ওড়া, - | or̖ā, makṣikā | -- |
S03.831 | the sandfly or midge or gnat | ডাঁশ | ḍān̄śa | -- |
S03.832 | the mosquito | মশা | maśā | -- |
S03.8330 | the prawns or shrimp | চিংড়ি | ciṁr̖i | -- |
S03.8340 | the termites | উই | ui | -- |
S03.8350 | the tick | এঁটুলি, এঁটুল | en̄ṭuli, en̄ṭula | -- |
S03.840 | the worm | কৃমি | krimi | -- |
S03.850 | the snake | সাপ | sāpa | -- |
S03.8620 | the coyote | নেকড়ে | nekar̖e | -- |
S03.8630 | the hare | শশ | śaśa | -- |
S03.8650 | the quail | ভারই | bhārai | -- |
S03.8660 | the raccoon | -- | -- | -- |
S03.8690 | the squirrel | কাঠবিড়াল | kāṭhabir̖āla | |
S03.8710 | the reindeer/caribou | বল্গা-হরিণ | balgā-hariṇa | |
S03.8720 | the elk/moose | বড় হরিণ | bar̖a hariṇa | -- |
S03.8730 | the beaver | -- | -- | -- |
S03.8800 | the kangaroo | ক্যাঙারু | kyāṅāru | -- |
S03.8900 | the anteater | -- | -- | -- |
S03.9000 | the jaguar | জাগুয়ার | jāguyāra | -- |
S03.910 | the firefly | জোনাকি | jonāki | -- |
S03.9130 | the chameleon | গিরগিটি | giragiṭi | -- |
S03.9170 | the buffalo | মহিষ | mahiṣa | -- |
S03.920 | the butterfly | প্রজাপতি | prajāpati | -- |
S03.930 | the grasshopper | পতঙ্গ | pataṅga | -- |
S03.940 | the snail | শামুক | śāmuka | -- |
S03.950 | the frog | ব্যাঙ | byāṅa | -- |
S03.960 | the lizard | টিকটিকি | ṭikaṭiki | -- |
S03.970 | the crocodile or alligator | কুমির | kumira | -- |
S03.980 | the turtle | কচ্ছপ | kacchapa | -- |
S03.9900 | the tapir | -- | -- | -- |
S03.99933 | the pet | পুষা | puṣā | -- |
S03.99941 | the sparrow | চটক | caṭaka | -- |
S03.99942 | the tiger | বাঘ | bāgha | -- |
S04.110 | the body | শরীর, দেহ | śarīra, deha | -- |
S04.120 | the skin or hide | ত্বক | tbaka | -- |
S04.130 | the flesh | মাংস | māṁsa | -- |
S04.140 | the hair | চুল | cula | -- |
S04.142 | the beard | শ্মশ্রু | śmaśru | -- |
S04.144 | the body hair | চুল | cula | -- |
S04.145 | the pubic hair | চুল | cula | -- |
S04.146 | the dandruff | খুশকি | khuśaki | -- |
S04.150 | the blood | রক্ত | rakta | -- |
S04.151 | the vein or artery | শিরা | śirā | -- |
S04.160 | the bone | হাড় | hār̖a | -- |
S04.162 | the rib | পর্শুকা | parśukā | -- |
S04.170 | the horn | শিং | śiṁ | -- |
S04.180 | the tail | লেজ | leja | -- |
S04.190 | the back | পিছনে | pichane | -- |
S04.191 | the spine | মেরুদণ্ড | merudanḍa | -- |
S04.200 | the head | মাথা | māthā | -- |
S04.201 | the temples | রগ | raga | -- |
S04.202 | the skull | খুলি | khuli | |
S04.203 | the brain | বুদ্ধি | buddhi | -- |
S04.204 | the face | মুখ | mukha | -- |
S04.205 | the forehead | ললাট | lalāṭa | -- |
S04.207 | the jaw | চোয়াল | coyāla | The boxer punched his opponent on the jaw. |
S04.208 | the cheek | গাল | gāla | -- |
S04.209 | the chin | থোঁতা | thon̄tā | -- |
S04.210 | the eye | নয়ন | nayana | -- |
S04.212 | the eyebrow | ভুরু | bhuru | -- |
S04.213 | the eyelid | -- | -- | -- |
S04.214 | the eyelash | পক্ষ্ম | pakṣma | -- |
S04.215 | to blink | পলক ফেলা | palaka phelā | |
S04.220 | the ear | কান | kāna | -- |
S04.221 | the earlobe | -- | -- | -- |
S04.222 | the earwax | খইল | khaila | -- |
S04.230 | the nose | নাক | nāka | -- |
S04.231 | the nostril | নাসা | nāsā | -- |
S04.232 | the nasal mucus | শ্লেষ্মা | śleṣmā | -- |
S04.240 | the mouth | মুখ | mukha | -- |
S04.241 | the beak | চঞ্চু | cañcu | -- |
S04.250 | the lip | ঠোঁট | ṭhon̄ṭa | -- |
S04.260 | the tongue | জিহ্বা | jihbā | -- |
S04.270 | the tooth | দাঁত | dān̄ta | -- |
S04.271 | the gums | মাড়ি | mār̖i | -- |
S04.272 | the molar tooth | ইসদন্ত | isadanta | -- |
S04.280 | the neck | ঘাড় | ghār̖a | -- |
S04.281 | the nape of the neck | গ্রীবা | grībā | -- |
S04.290 | the throat | গলা | galā | -- |
S04.300 | the shoulder | কাঁধ | kān̄dha | -- |
S04.301 | the shoulderblade | -- | -- | -- |
S04.302 | the collarbone | কণ্ঠা | kaṇṭhā | -- |
S04.310 | the arm | বাহু | bāhu | -- |
S04.312 | the armpit | বগল | bagala | -- |
S04.320 | the elbow | কনুই | kanui | -- |
S04.321 | the wrist | কব্জি | kabji | -- |
S04.330 | the hand | হাত | hāta | -- |
S04.331 | the palm of the hand | খাবল | khābala | -- |
S04.340 | the finger | আঙুল | āṅula | -- |
S04.342 | the thumb | বৃদ্ধাঙ্গুষ্ঠ | briddhāṅguṣṭha | -- |
S04.344 | the fingernail | নখ | nakha | -- |
S04.345 | the claw | নখ | nakha | The cat dug his claws into my leg. |
S04.350 | the leg | কদম | kadama | -- |
S04.351 | the thigh | ঊরু | ūru | -- |
S04.352 | the calf of the leg | -- | -- | -- |
S04.360 | the knee | জানু | jānu | -- |
S04.370 | the foot | পাদ | pāda | -- |
S04.371 | the ankle | চরণ | caraṇa | -- |
S04.372 | the heel | এড়ি | er̖i | -- |
S04.374 | the footprint | -- | -- | -- |
S04.380 | the toe | পায়ের আঙ্গুল | pāyera āṅgula | -- |
S04.392 | the wing | ডানা | ḍānā | -- |
S04.393 | the feather | পাখনা | pākhanā | -- |
S04.400 | the chest | বুক | buka | -- |
S04.410 | the breast | স্তন | stana | -- |
S04.412 | the nipple or teat | বোটা | boṭā | -- |
S04.420 | the udder | পালান | pālāna | -- |
S04.430 | the navel | নাভি | nābhi | -- |
S04.4310 | the belly | পেট | peṭa | -- |
S04.440 | the heart | হৃদয় | hr̥daya | -- |
S04.441 | the lung | ফুসফুস | phusaphusa | -- |
S04.450 | the liver | লিভার | libhāra | -- |
S04.451 | the kidney | বৃক্ক | brikka | -- |
S04.452 | the spleen | প্লীহা | plīhā | -- |
S04.460 | the stomach | পাকাশয় | pākāśaya | Her stomach could not digest the tough meat. |
S04.461 | the intestines or guts | অন্ত্র | antra | -- |
S04.462 | the waist | কোমর | komara | -- |
S04.463 | the hip | কটি | kaṭi | -- |
S04.464 | the buttocks | নিতম্ব | nitamba | -- |
S04.4650 | the sinew or tendon | স্নায়ু | snāyu | -- |
S04.470 | the womb | জঠর | jaṭhara | -- |
S04.490 | the testicles | মুষ্ক | muṣka | |
S04.492 | the penis | শিশ্ন, লিঙ্গ | śiśna, liṅga | -- |
S04.4930 | the vagina | যোনি | yoni | -- |
S04.4940 | the vulva | যোনিদ্বার | yonidbara | -- |
S04.510 | to breathe | শ্বাস প্রশ্বাস কারা, শ্বাস প্রশ্বাস নেওয়া | śbasa-pbhraśbasa kārā, śbasa-pbhraśbasa neoyā | -- |
S04.520 | to yawn | হাই নেওয়া | hāi neoyā | -- |
S04.521 | to hiccough (to hiccup) | উঁকি নেওয়া, উঁকি আসা | un̄ki neoyā, un̄ki āsā | -- |
S04.530 | to cough | -- | kāśi āsā, kāśi deoyā | -- |
S04.540 | to sneeze | হাঁচা | han̄cā | -- |
S04.550 | to perspire | ঘামা | ghāmā | -- |
S04.560 | to spit | -- | thutu deoyā, thutu phelā | -- |
S04.570 | to vomit | বমি কারা | bami kārā | -- |
S04.580 | to bite | কামড়ানো | kāmar̖āno | -- |
S04.590 | to lick | চাটা | cāṭā | -- |
S04.591 | to dribble | লালাঝরা | lālājharā | Watch out, the baby is dribbling on your shirt! |
S04.610 | to sleep | ঘুমান | ghumāna | -- |
S04.612 | to snore | নাক ডাকার শব্দ | nāka ḍākāra śabda | -- |
S04.620 | to dream | স্বপ্ন আসা | sbapna āsā, sbapna dekhā | -- |
S04.630 | to wake up | ঘুম থেকে ওঠা | ghuma theke oṭhā | I wake up at seven every morning. |
S04.640 | to fart | পাদা | pādā | -- |
S04.650 | to piss | -- | mūtra tyāga | -- |
S04.660 | to shit | পায়খানা করা | pāyakhānā karā | -- |
S04.670 | to have sex | সম্ভোগ করা | sambhoga karā | -- |
S04.680 | to shiver | -- | kāmpana deoyā, kāmpano | -- |
S04.690 | to bathe | নাওয়া | nāoyā | She likes to bathe before going to bed. |
S04.710 | to beget | পয়দা করা | payadā karā | -- |
S04.720 | to be born | উদ্গত হওয়া | udgata haoyā | -- |
S04.730 | pregnant | গর্ভবতী | garbhabatī | -- |
S04.732 | to conceive | ভাবা | bhābā | |
S04.740 | to be alive | -- | jībita thākā | I thought he was dead, but he's still alive. |
S04.7410 | the life | জীবন | jībana | He had a good long life. |
S04.750 | to die | মরা | marā | -- |
S04.7501 | dead | মৃত | mr̥ta | -- |
S04.751 | to drown | ডুবা | ḍubā | The dog fell into the river and drowned. |
S04.760 | to kill | নিহত করা | nihata karā | -- |
S04.770 | the corpse | লাশ, মৃতদেহ | lāśa , mr̥tadeha | -- |
S04.7710 | the carcass | লাশ | lāśa | -- |
S04.780 | to bury | পোড়ানো | por̖āno | -- |
S04.790 | the grave | কবর | kabara | -- |
S04.810 | strong | বলিষ্ঠ | baliṣṭha | She's a strong woman and can lift 50 kilos. |
S04.820 | weak | দুর্বল | durbala | He's so weak that he cannot even lift 5 kilos. |
S04.830 | healthy | স্বাস্থ্যসম্মত | sbāsthyasammata | -- |
S04.840 | sick/ill | অসুস্থ | asustha | -- |
S04.841 | the fever | জ্বর | jbara | -- |
S04.842 | the goitre/goiter | -- | -- | -- |
S04.843 | the cold | সর্দি | sardi | He caught a cold after swimming in the lake at night. |
S04.8440 | the disease | রোগ | roga | -- |
S04.850 | the wound or sore | ক্ষত | kṣata | -- |
S04.852 | the bruise | কালশিরে | kālaśire | -- |
S04.853 | the swelling | গজ | gaja | -- |
S04.854 | the itch | চুলকানো | culakāno | The itch was caused by an insect bite. |
S04.8541 | to scratch | আঁচড়ানো | ān̄car̖āno | Don't scratch an insect bite! |
S04.855 | the blister | ফোসকা | phosakā | -- |
S04.856 | the boil | ফোড়া | phor̖ā | The boy's body is covered in boils. |
S04.857 | the pus | ফুসকুড়ি | phusakur̖i | -- |
S04.858 | the scar | খুঁত | khun̄ta | |
S04.860 | to cure | আরোগ্য করা | ārogya karā | The treatment cured the patient's illness. |
S04.870 | the physician | কুচিকিত্সক | kucikitsaka | -- |
S04.880 | the medicine | ঔষধ | auṣadha | -- |
S04.890 | the poison | বিষ | biṣa | -- |
S04.910 | tired | শ্রান্ত | śrānta | -- |
S04.912 | to rest | জিরানো | jirāno | -- |
S04.920 | lazy | অলস | alasa | -- |
S04.930 | bald | টাক | ṭāka | -- |
S04.940 | lame | খোঁড়া | khon̄r̖ā | -- |
S04.950 | deaf | বধির | badhira | -- |
S04.960 | mute | নীরব | nīraba | -- |
S04.970 | blind | অন্ধ | andha | -- |
S04.980 | drunk | মাতাল | mātāla | They became drunk after drinking too much beer. |
S04.990 | naked | উলঙ্গ | ulaṅga | The child does not like to wear clothes, and goes around naked. |
S04.99904 | the cholesterol | কোলেস্টেরল | kolesṭerala | -- |
S04.99914 | to itch | চুলকানো | culakāno | -- |
S05.110 | to eat | আহার করা | āhāra karā | The child has eaten the fruit. |
S05.120 | the food | খাদ্য | khādya | -- |
S05.121 | cooked | রাঁধা | ran̄dhā | Cooked bananas taste even better than raw bananas. |
S05.122 | raw | কাঁচা | kān̄cā | Cooked bananas taste even better than raw bananas. |
S05.123 | ripe | পাকা | pākā | Unripe bananas have a green colour, whereas ripe bananas are yellow. |
S05.124 | unripe | আপাকা | āpākā | Unripe bananas have a green colour, whereas ripe bananas are yellow. |
S05.125 | rotten | পচা | pacā | a rotten apple or mango |
S05.130 | to drink | পান করা | pāna karā | drink water |
S05.140 | to be hungry | -- | kṣudhā lāgā | -- |
S05.141 | the famine | আকাল | ākāla | -- |
S05.150 | to be thirsty | -- | -- | -- |
S05.160 | to suck | চোষা | coṣā | The baby is sucking milk. |
S05.180 | to chew | কামড়ানো | kāmar̖āno | This meat is so tough I can hardly chew it! |
S05.181 | to swallow | গেলা | gelā | You need to chew this meat well before you can swallow it. |
S05.190 | to choke | রোধা | rodhā | The smoke was choking the fire fighters./The assailant choked his victim. |
S05.210 | to cook | রাঁধা | rān̄dhā | She was cooking a soup for her mother. |
S05.220 | to boil | সিঝা | sijhā | The water is boiling. |
S05.230 | to roast or fry | ভাজা | bhājā | -- |
S05.240 | to bake | সেকা | sekā | We are baking some bread. |
S05.250 | the oven | চুল্লি | culli | -- |
S05.260 | the pot | পাত্র | pātra | He is cooking soup for the whole family in a big pot. |
S05.270 | the kettle | কেটলি | keṭali | The water is boiling in the kettle. |
S05.280 | the pan | কন্দু | kandu | -- |
S05.310 | the dish | খঞ্চা | khañcā | -- |
S05.320 | the plate | পিরিচ | pirica | -- |
S05.330 | the bowl | জামবাটি | jāmabāṭi | -- |
S05.340 | the jug/pitcher | গাগরি | gāgari | -- |
S05.350 | the cup | পেয়ালা | peyālā | -- |
S05.360 | the saucer | পিরিচ | pirica | -- |
S05.370 | the spoon | চামচ | cāmaca | He ate the soup with a spoon. |
S05.380 | the knife(1) | ছুরি | churi | -- |
S05.390 | the fork | কাঁটা | kān̄ṭā | -- |
S05.391 | the tongs | চিমটা | cimaṭā | -- |
S05.410 | the meal | আহার | āhāra | Dinner is the main meal of the day for most people. |
S05.420 | the breakfast | প্রাতরাশ | prātarāśa | -- |
S05.430 | the lunch | মধ্যাহ্নভোজ | madhyāhnabhoja | -- |
S05.440 | the dinner | ভোজ | bhoja | -- |
S05.450 | the supper | ভোজ | bhoja | -- |
S05.460 | to peel | ছোলা | cholā | This knife is good for peeling potatoes. |
S05.470 | to sieve or to strain | ছাঁকা | chan̄kā | She strained the coffee before serving it. |
S05.480 | to scrape | চাঁচা | cān̄chā | Scrape the carrots and slice them thinly. |
S05.490 | to stir or to mix | ঘাঁটা | ghān̄ṭā | -- |
S05.510 | the bread | রুটি | ruṭi | -- |
S05.530 | the dough | লেচি | leci | -- |
S05.540 | to knead | মাখা | mākhā | Knead the dough for three minutes. |
S05.550 | the flour | আটা | āṭā | -- |
S05.560 | to crush or to grind | পিষা | piṣā | -- |
S05.570 | the mill | ভানা | bhānā | -- |
S05.580 | the mortar(1) | খল | khala | -- |
S05.590 | the pestle | নোড়া | nor̖ā | |
S05.610 | the meat | মাংস | māṁsa | -- |
S05.630 | the sausage | -- | -- | -- |
S05.640 | the soup | সুপ, ঝোল | supa, jhola | Clear chicken soup can relieve the symptoms of the common cold. |
S05.650 | the vegetables | শাকসব্জী | śākasabjī | -- |
S05.660 | the bean | শিম | śima | -- |
S05.700 | the potato | আলু | ālu | -- |
S05.710 | the fruit | ফল | phala | -- |
S05.712 | the bunch | গুচ্ছ | guccha | -- |
S05.750 | the fig | ডুমুর | ḍumura | -- |
S05.760 | the grape | আঙুর | āṅura | -- |
S05.770 | the nut | বাদাম | bādāma | -- |
S05.780 | the olive | জলপাই | jalapāi | -- |
S05.790 | the oil | তেল | tela | -- |
S05.791 | the grease or fat | ঘুষ, তেল | ghuṣa, tela | -- |
S05.810 | the salt | নুন | nuna | -- |
S05.820 | the pepper | গোলমরিচ | golamarica | -- |
S05.821 | the chili pepper | কাঁচা মরিচ | kān̄cā marica | -- |
S05.840 | the honey | মধু | madhu | -- |
S05.850 | the sugar | চিনি | cini | -- |
S05.860 | the milk | দুধ | dudha | -- |
S05.870 | to milk | দোহন করা | dohana karā | -- |
S05.880 | the cheese | পনির | panira | -- |
S05.890 | the butter | মাখন | mākhana | -- |
S05.900 | the drink | পানীয় | pānīya | -- |
S05.910 | the mead | তৃণ | triṇa | -- |
S05.920 | the wine | মদ | mada | -- |
S05.930 | the beer | বিয়ার | biyāra | -- |
S05.940 | the fermented drink | -- | -- | -- |
S05.970 | the egg | ডিম | ḍima | -- |
S05.971 | the yolk | ডিমের কুসুম | ḍimera kusuma | -- |
S05.9830 | the manioc bread | -- | -- | -- |
S05.99903 | the soy sauce | -- | -- | -- |
S05.99905 | the bacon | -- | -- | -- |
S05.99906 | the biscuit | বিস্কুট | biskuṭa | -- |
S05.99907 | the brandy | ব্র্যানডি | bryānaḍi | -- |
S05.99908 | the cabbage | বাঁধাকপি | bān̄dhākapi | -- |
S05.99910 | the cream | ননি, মাখন | nani, mākhana | -- |
S05.99912 | the jelly | মোরব্বা | morabbā | -- |
S05.99921 | the tortilla | -- | -- | -- |
S05.99922 | the vinegar | সির্কা | sirkā | -- |
S06.110 | to put on | -- | por̖āno | The child can already put on his clothes by himself. |
S06.120 | the clothing or clothes | পোষাক | poṣāka | -- |
S06.130 | the tailor | দর্জি | darji | -- |
S06.210 | the cloth | জামাকাপড় | jāmākāpar̖a | -- |
S06.220 | the wool | ঊর্ণা | ūrṇā | -- |
S06.230 | the linen | ক্ষৌম | kṣauma | -- |
S06.240 | the cotton | তুলা | tulā | -- |
S06.250 | the silk | রেশম | reśama | -- |
S06.270 | the felt | পশমি | paśami | -- |
S06.280 | the fur | পশম | paśama | -- |
S06.290 | the leather | চর্ম | carma | -- |
S06.310 | to spin | ঘোরা | ghorā | -- |
S06.320 | the spindle | তর্কু | tarku | -- |
S06.330 | to weave | বোনা | bonā | |
S06.340 | the loom | তাঁত | tān̄ta | -- |
S06.350 | to sew | সেলাই করা | selāi karā | |
S06.360 | the needle(1) | সূচি | sūci | -- |
S06.370 | the awl | আরা | ārā | -- |
S06.380 | the thread | সুতা | sutā | -- |
S06.390 | to dye | রং করা | raṁ karā | The weaver dyed the cloth bright red. |
S06.410 | the cloak | আবরণ | ābaraṇa | -- |
S06.411 | the poncho | -- | -- | -- |
S06.420 | the (woman's) dress | পোশাক | pośāka | -- |
S06.430 | the coat | কোট, আংরাখা | koṭa, āṃrākhā | -- |
S06.440 | the shirt | শার্ট | śārṭa | -- |
S06.450 | the collar | কলার | kalāra | -- |
S06.460 | the skirt | ঘাগরা | ghāgarā | -- |
S06.461 | the grass-skirt | -- | -- | -- |
S06.480 | the trousers | পাতলুন | pātaluna | -- |
S06.490 | the sock or stocking | মোজা | mojā | -- |
S06.510 | the shoe | জুতা | jutā | -- |
S06.520 | the boot | বুট | buṭa | -- |
S06.540 | the shoemaker | চামার | cāmāra | -- |
S06.550 | the hat or cap | টুপি | ṭupi | -- |
S06.570 | the belt | বন্ধনী | bandhanī | -- |
S06.580 | the glove | দস্তানা | dastānā | -- |
S06.590 | the veil | ঘোমটা | ghomaṭā | During the wedding the bride wore a veil that hid her face. |
S06.610 | the pocket | পকেট, জেব | pakeṭa, jeba | He put the money in his shirt pocket. |
S06.620 | the button | বোতাম | botāma | -- |
S06.630 | the pin | খুঁট | khun̄ṭa | The torn shirt was held together by pins. |
S06.710 | the ornament or adornment | -- | -- | Her hair was adorned with silver oranments. |
S06.720 | the jewel | রত্ন | ratna | -- |
S06.730 | the ring | অঙ্গুরি | aṅguri | -- |
S06.740 | the bracelet | চুড় | cur̖ | She wore a solid gold bracelet. |
S06.750 | the necklace | মালা | mālā | Her necklace was made of pearls and coral. |
S06.760 | the bead | পুঁতি | pun̄ti | -- |
S06.770 | the earring | ইয়ারিং | iyāriṁ | The pirate wore one earring. |
S06.780 | the headband or headdress | -- | -- | -- |
S06.790 | the tattoo | উলকি | ulaki | -- |
S06.810 | the handkerchief or rag | রুমাল | rumāla | -- |
S06.820 | the towel | তোয়ালে | toyāle | -- |
S06.910 | the comb | চিরুনি | ciruni | -- |
S06.920 | the brush | ব্রাশ | brāśa | He used the brush to thoroughly brush his hair. |
S06.921 | the plait/braid | বিনুনি | binuni | -- |
S06.930 | the razor | ক্ষুর | kṣura | While he was shaving the razor cut his face. |
S06.940 | the ointment | মলম | malama | -- |
S06.950 | the soap | সাবান | sābāna | A bar of soap was placed by the sink. |
S06.960 | the mirror | আয়না | āyanā | He looked at himself in the mirror that hung on the wall. |
S06.9800 | the snowshoe | -- | -- | She put on her snowshoes before going out into the cold. |
S06.99901 | the bag | থলি | thali | -- |
S06.99907 | the sandal | -- | -- | -- |
S06.99911 | to wear | পরা | parā | -- |
S07.110 | to live | টিকা, টেকা | ṭikā, ṭekā | A family of five lives in that large house. |
S07.120 | the house | ঘর, আবাস | ghara, ābāsa | -- |
S07.130 | the hut | উটজ | uṭaja | -- |
S07.131 | the garden-house | বাগান বাড়ি | bāgāna bār̖i | -- |
S07.140 | the tent | তাঁবু | tān̄bu | -- |
S07.150 | the yard or court | চতুষ্ক | catuṣka | -- |
S07.160 | the men's house | -- | -- | -- |
S07.170 | the cookhouse | বাবুর্চিখানা | bāburcikhānā | -- |
S07.180 | the meeting house | -- | -- | -- |
S07.210 | the room | কামরা | kāmarā | -- |
S07.220 | the door or gate | দরজা | darajā | -- |
S07.221 | the doorpost | -- | -- | -- |
S07.230 | the lock | কুলুপ, তালা | tālā | -- |
S07.231 | the latch or door-bolt | হুড়কা | hur̖kā | -- |
S07.2320 | the padlock | তালা | tālā | -- |
S07.240 | the key | চাবি | cābi | -- |
S07.250 | the window | জানালা | jānālā | -- |
S07.260 | the floor | মেঝে | mejhe | -- |
S07.270 | the wall | দেয়াল | deyāla | The walls of our house are very thick. |
S07.310 | the fireplace | -- | -- | -- |
S07.320 | the stove | চুল্লি | culli | She put the kettle on the stove and lit the fire. |
S07.330 | the chimney | চিমনি | cimani | -- |
S07.370 | the ladder | মই | mai | -- |
S07.420 | the bed | বিছানা | bichānā | -- |
S07.421 | the pillow | উপাধান | upādhāna | -- |
S07.422 | the blanket | কম্বল | kambala | -- |
S07.430 | the chair | কেদারা | kedārā | -- |
S07.440 | the table | মেজ | meja | -- |
S07.450 | the lamp or torch | দীপ | dīpa | -- |
S07.460 | the candle | বাতি | bāti | -- |
S07.470 | the shelf | তাক | tāka | Put it back on the top shelf. |
S07.480 | the trough | তাগারি | tāgāri | -- |
S07.510 | the roof | ছাদ | chāda | -- |
S07.520 | the thatch | চালাঘর | cālāghara | -- |
S07.530 | the ridgepole | -- | -- | -- |
S07.540 | the rafter | -- | -- | -- |
S07.550 | the beam | বিম | bima | -- |
S07.560 | the post or pole | মেরু | meru | a fence post |
S07.570 | the board | পাটা | pāṭā | -- |
S07.580 | the arch | খিলান | khilāna | -- |
S07.610 | the mason | স্হপতি | sthapati | -- |
S07.620 | the brick | ইট | iṭa | -- |
S07.630 | the mortar(2) | খল | khala | -- |
S07.640 | the adobe | বাড়ি | bār̖i | -- |
S07.6500 | the camp | শিবির | śibira | The nomads built a camp in which they would stay for a week. |
S07.6600 | the hammock | -- | -- | -- |
S07.6700 | to tan | চামড়া পাকা করা | cāmar̖ā pākā karā | to tan hides |
S07.99904 | the guestroom | অতিথী কামড়া | atithī kāmar̖ā | -- |
S07.99905 | the mosquito net | মশারি | maśāri | -- |
S08.110 | the farmer | কৃষক | kr̥ṣaka | The poor farmer did not own the land he cultivated. |
S08.120 | the field | মাঠ | māṭha | The field was planted with cabbage. |
S08.1210 | the paddy | ধান | dhāna | The paddy provided rice for the entire village. |
S08.130 | the garden | উদ্দ্যান | uddyāna | Behind the house was a garden where the family grew vegetables. |
S08.150 | to cultivate | চাষ করা | cāṣa karā | There is no more land left to cultivate. |
S08.160 | the fence | বেড়া | ber̖ā | -- |
S08.170 | the ditch | খন্দ | khanda | -- |
S08.210 | to plough/plow | হল | hala | -- |
S08.212 | the furrow | সীতা | sītā | -- |
S08.220 | to dig | কোদলানো | kodalāno | -- |
S08.230 | the spade | কোদাল | kodāla | -- |
S08.240 | the shovel | বেলচা | belacā | -- |
S08.250 | the hoe | নিড়ানো | nir̖āno | -- |
S08.260 | the fork(2)/pitchfork | -- | kānṭā | -- |
S08.270 | the rake | আঁচড়া | ān̄car̖ā | -- |
S08.2800 | the digging stick (=yamstick) | কোদাল | kodāla | -- |
S08.2900 | the lasso | ফাঁস | phān̄sa | -- |
S08.310 | to sow | আজ্জানো, বপন করা | ājjāno, bapana karā | -- |
S08.311 | the seed | বীজ | bīja | -- |
S08.320 | to mow | কাটা | kāṭā | -- |
S08.330 | the sickle or scythe | কাস্তে | kāste | -- |
S08.340 | to thresh | ঝাড়া | jhār̖ā | -- |
S08.350 | the threshing-floor | খামার | khāmāra | -- |
S08.410 | the harvest | ফসল | phasala | -- |
S08.420 | the grain | দানা | dānā | -- |
S08.430 | the wheat | গম | gama | -- |
S08.440 | the barley | যব | yaba | -- |
S08.450 | the rye | রাই | rāi | -- |
S08.460 | the oats | চিড়া | cir̖ā | -- |
S08.470 | the maize/corn | ভুট্টা | bhuṭṭā | The bought corn-on-the-cob from the vendor in the park. |
S08.480 | the rice | ভাত | bhāta | They ate their rice with the stew. |
S08.510 | the grass | ঘাস | ghāsa | Green grass was growing in the forest clearing. |
S08.520 | the hay | পালুই, খড় | pālui, khar̖ | -- |
S08.530 | the plant | গাছপালা, উদ্ভিদ | gāchapālā, udbhida | -- |
S08.531 | to plant | পোঁতা | pon̄tā | -- |
S08.540 | the root | মূল | mūla | -- |
S08.550 | the branch | শাখা | śākhā | -- |
S08.560 | the leaf | পাতা | pātā | -- |
S08.570 | the flower | ফুল | phula | -- |
S08.600 | the tree | গাছ | gācha | -- |
S08.610 | the oak | ওক | oka | -- |
S08.620 | the beech | মসৃণ বাকল | masriṇa bākala | -- |
S08.630 | the birch | ভূর্জ | bhūrja | -- |
S08.640 | the pine | পাইন গাছ | pāina gācha | -- |
S08.650 | the fir | -- | -- | -- |
S08.660 | the acorn | ওক বীজ | oka bīja | -- |
S08.670 | the vine | -- | -- | -- |
S08.680 | the tobacco | তামাক | tāmāka | -- |
S08.690 | to smoke | -- | dhūmapān karā | -- |
S08.691 | the pipe | নল | nala | -- |
S08.720 | the tree stump | গুঁড়ি | gun̄r̖i | -- |
S08.730 | the tree trunk | কান্ড | kānḍa | -- |
S08.740 | the forked branch | -- | -- | -- |
S08.750 | the bark | ছাল | chāla | -- |
S08.760 | the sap | অঙ্কুর | aṅkura | The farmers collected the sap from the maple trees to make syrup. |
S08.810 | the palm tree | তাল গাছ | tāla gācha | Dates grow on palm trees. |
S08.820 | the coconut | নারকোল | nārakola | The boy picked a green coconut and drank its juice. |
S08.830 | the citrus fruit | লেবু | lebu | -- |
S08.840 | the banana | কলা | kalā | The monkey peeled the banana and ate it. |
S08.850 | the banyan | বট গাছ | baṭa gācha | -- |
S08.910 | the sweet potato | মিষ্টি আলু | miṣṭi ālu | -- |
S08.9110 | the millet or sorghum | বজরা | bajarā | -- |
S08.912 | the yam | গাছ আলু | gācha ālu | -- |
S08.920 | the cassava/manioc | -- | -- | The farmer grew cassava/manioc to feed his family. |
S08.930 | the gourd | অলাবু, লাউ | alābu, lāu | -- |
S08.931 | the pumpkin or squash | কুমড়া | kumar̖ā | -- |
S08.940 | the bamboo | বাঁশ | bān̄śa | -- |
S08.941 | the sugar cane | আখ | ākha | -- |
S08.960 | the fish poison | -- | -- | -- |
S08.970 | the nettle | বিছুটি | bichuṭi | -- |
S08.980 | the mushroom | ছত্রাক | chatrāka | -- |
S08.9910 | the larch | -- | -- | -- |
S08.9930 | the needle(2) | সূচ | sūca | -- |
S08.9960 | the cone | মোচা | mocā | -- |
S08.99901 | the almond | বাদাম | bādāma | -- |
S08.99905 | the apple | আপেল | āpela | -- |
S08.99910 | the carrot | গাজর | gājara | -- |
S08.99911 | the cashew | কাজুবাদাম | kājubādāma | -- |
S08.99916 | the creeper | লতা | latā | -- |
S08.99918 | the dung | মল | mala | -- |
S08.99921 | the guava | পেয়ারা | peyārā | -- |
S08.99930 | the mango | আম | āma | -- |
S08.99931 | the mangrove | গরান | garāna | -- |
S08.99932 | the melon | তরমুজ | taramuja | -- |
S08.99933 | the millet | বজরা | bajarā | -- |
S08.99935 | the onion | পেঁয়াজ | pen̄yāja | -- |
S08.99936 | the orange | কমলা | kamalā | -- |
S08.99937 | the pea | মটর | maṭara | -- |
S08.99938 | the pear | নাশপাতি | nāśapāti | -- |
S08.99939 | the pineapple | আনারস | ānārasa | -- |
S08.99941 | the plum | আলুবোখারা | ālubokhārā | -- |
S08.99946 | the straw | খড় | khar̖a | -- |
S08.99952 | the turnip | শালগম | śālagama | -- |
S08.99954 | the watermelon | তরমুজ | taramuja | -- |
S08.99960 | to grow(2) | বাড়া | bār̖ā, janmāno | -- |
S08.99961 | to pick | বাছা | bāchā | -- |
S08.99962 | to raise | তোলা | tolā | -- |
S09.110 | to do | করা | karā | A has climbed on a tree. B says to A: "What are you doing up there?" |
S09.1110 | to make | বানানো | bānāno | I'm going to make a cake for Lisi's birthday. |
S09.120 | the work | কাজ | kāja | I can't go out because I have too much work. |
S09.140 | to bend | -- | bānkāno, bānkā kārā | I'll bend the branches away so that you can get through. |
S09.150 | to fold | ভাঁজ করা | bhān̄ja karā | She folded the piece of paper and put it in the envelope. |
S09.160 | to tie | আবদ্ধ করা | ābaddha karā | He tied his dog to a tree. |
S09.161 | to untie | আলুলায়িত করা, খোলা | ālulāyita karā, kholā | He untied his dog from the tree. |
S09.180 | the chain | শৃঙ্খল | śr̥ṅkhala | -- |
S09.190 | the rope | রশি | raśi | They tied up the prisoner with rope. |
S09.192 | the knot | গিঁট | gin̄ṭa | Can you help me undo this knot? |
S09.210 | to strike or hit or beat | চোটানো, মারা | coṭāno, mārā | -- |
S09.211 | to pound | ছেঁচা | chencā (deoyā) | He pounded the door with his fist. |
S09.220 | to cut | কুচানো, কাঁটা | kucāno, kān̄ṭā | The thieves cut the phone wires and entered the house. |
S09.221 | to cut down | ছিন্ন | chinna | Before building the road, we first have to cut down many trees. |
S09.222 | to chop | কোপানো | kopāno | chopping wood for the fire |
S09.223 | to stab | ছুরি মারা | churi mārā | Brutus stabbed Caesar to death. |
S09.230 | the knife(2) | চাকু | cāku | To chop the onions I need a knife. |
S09.240 | the scissors or shears | কাঁচি | kān̄ci | -- |
S09.250 | the axe/ax | কুঠার | kuṭhāra | -- |
S09.251 | the adze | বাইস | bāisa | -- |
S09.260 | to break | ভাঙা | bhāṅā | The thieves got into the house by breaking a window. |
S09.261 | broken | ভগ্ন | bhagna | The radio is broken, it won't turn on. |
S09.270 | to split | বিভক্ত কারা | bibhakta kārā | This log is too large, we have to split it into two. |
S09.280 | to tear | ছেঁড়া | chen̄r̖ā | She tore a piece of her blouse to use as a bandange. |
S09.290 | to skin | চাঁছা | cān̄chā | The cook skinned the chicken before frying it. |
S09.310 | to rub | কচলানো | kacalāno | He rubbed the fragrant leaves between his fingers. |
S09.3110 | to wipe | মুছা | muchā | The waiter wiped the table with a dirty rag. |
S09.320 | to stretch | টেনে বাড়ানো | ṭene bār̖āno | Don't stretch the rubber band too much. |
S09.330 | to pull | টানা | ṭānā | Help me move the piano: you push and I'll pull. |
S09.340 | to spread out | চারানো | cārāno | They spread out the mat on the ground and sat on it. |
S09.341 | to hang up | টাঙানো | ṭāṅāno | Hang your coat up on the hook. |
S09.342 | to press | ঠাসা | ṭhāsā | The little boys pressed their noses against the glass. |
S09.343 | to squeeze | কচলানো | kacalāno | She squeezed some oranges and drank the juice. |
S09.350 | to pour | ঢালা | ḍhālā | He poured the wine into the glass. |
S09.360 | to wash | ধোয়া | dhoyā | She washed her son's feet. |
S09.370 | to sweep | -- | jhān̄ṭa deoyā | He swept the path in front of the house. |
S09.380 | the broom | ঝাঁটা | jhān̄ṭā | -- |
S09.422 | the tool | যন্ত্রপাতি | yantrapāti | -- |
S09.430 | the carpenter | বাড়ই, ছুতার | bār̖ai, chutāra | -- |
S09.440 | to build | নির্মাণ | nirmāṇa | build a house |
S09.460 | to bore | বিঁধ করা | bin̄dha kārā | -- |
S09.461 | to hollow out | ছিদ্র করা | chidra karā | -- |
S09.480 | the saw | করাত | karāta | One needs a saw to cut down a tree. |
S09.490 | the hammer | হাতুড়ি | hātur̖i | -- |
S09.500 | the nail | পেরেক , নখ | pereka , nakha | -- |
S09.560 | the glue | আঠা | āṭhā | -- |
S09.600 | the blacksmith | কামার | kāmāra | -- |
S09.610 | to forge | -- | -- | From a piece of scrap iron, the blacksmith forged a sword blade. |
S09.620 | the anvil | নিহাই | nihāi | -- |
S09.630 | to cast | ঢালা | ḍhālā | The goldsmith melted the coins and cast them into a goblet. |
S09.640 | the gold | সোনা | sonā | The bracelet is made of gold. |
S09.650 | the silver | রুপা | rupā | The necklace is made of silver. |
S09.660 | the copper | তাম্র | tāmra | The coin is made of copper. |
S09.670 | the iron | লৌহ | lauha | -- |
S09.680 | the lead | সীসা | sīsā | -- |
S09.690 | the tin or tinplate | টিন | ṭina | The cup was made of tin. |
S09.710 | the potter | কুমোর | kumora | The potter made jars. |
S09.720 | to mould/mold | -- | -- | She molded the clay into a dish before firing it. |
S09.730 | the clay | মৃত্ | mr̖ita | -- |
S09.740 | the glass | কাঁচ | kān̄ca | The window is made of glass. |
S09.750 | to weave or plait/braid | বোনা | bonā | -- |
S09.760 | the basket | টুকরি | ṭukari | She carried the fruit home in a basket. |
S09.770 | the mat | গদি | gadi | -- |
S09.771 | the rug | কম্বল | kambala | -- |
S09.780 | the netbag | থলে | thale | -- |
S09.790 | the fan | পাখা | pākhā | The lady had a delicate fan made of sandalwood. |
S09.791 | to fan | বাতাস করা | bātāsa karā | People in the audience were fanning themselves with their programmes. |
S09.810 | to carve | খুদা | khudā | Michaelangelo carved this figure from a single block of marble. |
S09.820 | the sculptor | ভাস্কর | bhāskara | Rodin was a French sculptor. |
S09.830 | the statue | মূর্তি | mūrti | The sculptor made a statue of a woman. |
S09.840 | the chisel | বাটালি | bāṭāli | -- |
S09.8700 | the boomerang | -- | -- | The boomerang hit the wallaby and then came back to the hunter. |
S09.880 | the paint | রং, রঙ | raṁ, raṅa | -- |
S09.890 | to paint | দাগা | dāgā | We need to paint our house. |
S09.9000 | to draw water | -- | -- | She lowered the bucket into the well and drew water. |
S09.9100 | the peg | কীল, কীলক | kīla, kīlaka | The scouts fastened the tent to the ground with wooden pegs. |
S09.9200 | the tumpline | -- | -- | -- |
S09.9300 | the whetstone | শাণ | śāṇa | Before cutting the meat, he sharpened his knife with a whetstone. |
S09.99915 | the pencil | পেনসিল | penasila | -- |
S09.99916 | the rust | মরচে | marace | -- |
S09.99917 | the sack | বস্তা | bastā | -- |
S09.99925 | the well | বেশ, কুয়া | beśa, kūyā | -- |
S09.99928 | to barbecue | -- | -- | -- |
S09.99929 | to close | ভেজানো | bhejāno | -- |
S09.99930 | to draw | আঁকা | ān̄kā | -- |
S09.99931 | to dwell | তিষ্ঠানো, বাস করা | tiṣṭhāno, bāsa karā | -- |
S09.99934 | to prepare | -- | par̖ā, prastuti neoyā, prastuta haoyā | -- |
S09.99936 | to smear | মাখা | mākhā | -- |
S09.99938 | to support | পুষা, পোষা | puṣā, poṣā | -- |
S10.110 | to move | সরা | sarā | This rock is so heavy that it cannot be moved. |
S10.120 | to turn | ঘুরা, ঘোরা | ghurā, ghorā | to turn one's head |
S10.130 | to turn around | ঘুরা, ঘোরা | ghurā, ghorā | He heard someone call out his name and turned around. |
S10.140 | to wrap | মুড়া, মোড়া | mur̖ā, mor̖ā | He wrapped the fish in leaves and steamed it. |
S10.150 | to roll | গড়ানো | gar̖āno | He rolled the log down the hill. |
S10.160 | to drop | টোপানো | ṭopāno | We dropped the stone into the water. |
S10.170 | to twist | মচকানো | macakāno | She twisted the wire around the branch. |
S10.210 | to rise | ফুটা, ফোটা | phuṭā, phoṭā | The sun rises in the east. |
S10.220 | to raise or lift | তোলা | tolā | -- |
S10.230 | to fall | পড়া | par̖ā | The ripe coconut fell on the ground. |
S10.240 | to drip | ঝরা | jharā | The tap is dripping, shut it tightly! |
S10.250 | to throw | ছুড়া, ছোড়া | chur̖ā, chor̖ā | Don't throw stones, it's dangerous! |
S10.252 | to catch | লোফা | lophā | She caught the ball and passed it to her team mate. |
S10.260 | to shake | ঝাঁকা | jhān̄kā | Shake the bottle before pouring out the sauce. |
S10.320 | to flow | ছুটা, ছোটা | chuṭā, choṭā | The river flows to the sea. |
S10.330 | to sink | ডুবা | ḍubā | The coconut fell into the water and sank. |
S10.340 | to float | -- | bhāsā, bhese thākā | The raft floated on the river. |
S10.350 | to swim | সাঁতরানো | sān̄tarāno | He drowned because he could not swim. |
S10.351 | to dive | ডুব মারা | ḍuba mārā | Diving too deeply is dangerous. |
S10.352 | to splash | ছিটানো | chiṭāno | The girl splashed water in the boy's face. |
S10.360 | to sail | পাল তোলা | pāla tolā | The ship sailed from America to Australia. |
S10.370 | to fly | ওড়া | or̖ā | Look at that bird flying up in the sky! |
S10.380 | to blow | ফুঁকা, ফোঁকা | phun̄kā, phon̄kā | The wind is blowing hard. |
S10.410 | to crawl | -- | hāmā deoyā, hāmāgur̖i | The baby is still crawling, it can't walk yet. |
S10.412 | to kneel | নতজানু হওয়া | natajānu haoyā | The messenger kneeled before the king. |
S10.413 | to crouch | গুড়ি মারা | guri mārā | She crouched under the sink to fix the pipes. |
S10.420 | to slide or slip | পিছলানো | pichalāno | -- |
S10.430 | to jump | তড়পানো, লাফানো | tar̖pāno, lāphāno | The children were so happy they jumped up and down. |
S10.431 | to kick | লাথি মারা | lāthi mārā | He kicked the ball. |
S10.440 | to dance | নাচা | nācā | Though the music stopped they kept on dancing. |
S10.450 | to walk | হাঁটা | hān̄ṭā | The children walk to school every day. |
S10.451 | to limp | ল্যাংচানো | lyāṁcāno | After his foot injury he limped for months. |
S10.460 | to run | দৌড়ানো | daur̖āno | They ran all the way to school. |
S10.470 | to go | চলা | calā | Sometimes I go to school by car, sometimes on foot. |
S10.471 | to go up | চড়া | car̖ā | I went up on the roof to get a better view. |
S10.472 | to climb | চড়া | car̖ā | If you want to pick mangos, you must climb the tree. |
S10.473 | to go down | ঢলা | ḍhalā | Come down from the roof or you'll fall down. |
S10.474 | to go out | বাইরে যাওয়া | bāire yāoyā | Get out of here before you get hurt! |
S10.480 | to come | আসা | āsā | When I came to school it was still closed. |
S10.481 | to come back | ফিরে আসা | phire āsā | He left and then came back an hour later. |
S10.490 | to leave | যাওয়া | yāoyā | The guest arrived yesterday and left this morning. |
S10.491 | to disappear | লুকানো | lukāno | The man disappeared without a trace. |
S10.510 | to flee | পালানো | pālāno | Because of the fire they had to flee their home. |
S10.520 | to follow | অনুসরণ (করা) | anusaraṇa (karā) | I came here first, my family followed me later. |
S10.530 | to pursue | পশ্চাদ্ধাবন করা | paśchāddhaban karā | The policeman pursued the thief. |
S10.550 | to arrive | পৌঁছা | paun̄chā | The guest arrived yesterday and left this morning. |
S10.560 | to approach | নিকটবর্তী হওয়া | nikaṭabartī haoyā | As we approached the city we could see the lights in the distance. |
S10.570 | to enter | ঢোকা | ḍhokā | She entered the room and sat down. |
S10.5800 | to go or return home | নেউটা, নেউটানো | neuṭā, neuṭāno | After working in the field the farmer went home. |
S10.610 | to carry | বহন করা | bahana karā | She carried her baby home. |
S10.612 | to carry in hand | হাতে বহন করা | hāte bahana karā | She carried a stone in her hand. |
S10.613 | to carry on shoulder | কাঁধে বহন করা | kān̄dhe bahana karā | He carried the books on his shoulder. |
S10.614 | to carry on head | মাথায় বহন করা | māthāya bahana karā | She carried the fruit basket on her head. |
S10.615 | to carry under the arm | বগলে বহন করা | bagale bahana karā | She carried her bag under her arm. |
S10.620 | to bring | আনা | ānā | Please bring me the book you are holding. |
S10.630 | to send | পাঠানো | pāṭhāno | She sent her parents some money. |
S10.640 | to lead | নেতৃত্ব দেওয়া | netritba deoyā | The dog led the hunter to the fox. |
S10.650 | to drive | চালানো | cālāno | He can drive a car, but not a truck. |
S10.660 | to ride | চড়া | car̖ā | She rides her horse to work every day. |
S10.670 | to push | নাড়ানো | nār̖āno | Don't push me or I'll fall down. |
S10.710 | the road | রাস্তা | rāstā | Many cars drove up and down the road. |
S10.720 | the path | রাস্তা | rāstā | The path leads from the house to the field. |
S10.740 | the bridge | সেতু | setu | A beautiful bridge stood over the river. |
S10.750 | the cart or wagon | শকট | śakaṭa | The cart was pulled by a horse. |
S10.760 | the wheel | চাকা | cākā | The car has four wheels. |
S10.770 | the axle | অক্ষদন্ড | akṣadanḍa | -- |
S10.780 | the yoke | জোয়াল | joyāla | -- |
S10.7900 | the sledge/sled | স্লেজ গাড়ি | sleja gār̖i | -- |
S10.810 | the ship | জাহাজ | jāhāja | -- |
S10.830 | the boat | নৌকা | naukā | -- |
S10.831 | the canoe | ডিঙি | ḍiṅi | -- |
S10.832 | the outrigger | -- | -- | -- |
S10.840 | the raft | ভেলা | bhelā | -- |
S10.850 | the oar | দাঁড় | dān̄r̖a | -- |
S10.851 | the paddle | বৈঠা | baiṭhā | -- |
S10.852 | to row | বাওয়া | bāoyā | -- |
S10.860 | the rudder | হাল | hāla | -- |
S10.870 | the mast | মাস্তুল, মালুমকাঠ | māstula, mālumakāṭha | -- |
S10.880 | the sail | পাল | pāla | -- |
S10.890 | the anchor | নোঙর | noṅara | -- |
S10.910 | the port | বন্দর | bandara | -- |
S10.920 | to land | -- | -- | -- |
S10.99901 | to accompany | সঙ্গী | saṅgī | -- |
S10.99903 | to carry on the back | পিঠে বহন করা | piṭhe bahana karā | -- |
S10.99904 | to dip | চোবানো | cobāno | -- |
S11.110 | to have | থাকা | thākā | The boy has a flower in his hand. | |
S11.120 | to own | মালিকানা | mālikānā | The woman owns a car. | |
S11.130 | to take | ধরা | dharā | I took my bag and walked to the market square. | |
S11.140 | to grasp | জড়ানো | jar̖āno | Make sure you grasp the rope with both hands. | |
S11.150 | to hold | ধরা | dharā | I held the baby in my arms. | |
S11.160 | to get | পাওয়া | pāoyā | -- | |
S11.170 | to keep | রাখা | rākhā | I like the hat you gave me and I'd like to keep it. | |
S11.180 | the thing | জিনিস | jinisa | My brother is rich, and many things in his house are never used. | |
S11.210 | to give | দেওয়া | deoyā | The girl gave the boy a flower. | |
S11.220 | to give back | ফিরিয়ে দেওয়া | phiriye deoyā | I lent you my watch, and you haven't given it back yet. | |
S11.240 | to preserve | সংরক্ষণ করা | saṃrakṣaṇa kārā | I think these traditional customs should be preserved. / The wreck was preserved by the muddy sea bed. | |
S11.250 | to rescue | রক্ষা করা | rakṣā karā | He saved his friend from drowning. | |
S11.270 | to destroy | ধ্বংস করা | dhbaṁsa karā | The school was completely destroyed by fire. | |
S11.280 | to injure | অপকার | apakāra | The falling tree injured two loggers. | |
S11.2900 | to damage | লোকসান করা | lokasāna kārā | The fire damaged the house but it was quickly repaired. | |
S11.310 | to look for | খোঁজ করা | khon̄ja kārā | I am looking for my purse; I must have lost it on my way. | |
S11.320 | to find | পাওয়া | pāoyā | I had lost my purse but I found it again. | |
S11.330 | to lose | হারানো | hārāno | I had lost my purse but I found it again. | |
S11.340 | to let go | যেতে দেওয়া | yete deoyā | She let go of the rope. | |
S11.430 | the money | টাকা | ṭākā | A thousand dollars is a lot of money. | |
S11.440 | the coin | মুদ্রা | mudrā | I don't have any coins left, only paper money. | |
S11.510 | rich | ধনী, সমৃদ্ধ | dhanī, samr̥d'dha | The beggar invested his money so well that he became rich. | |
S11.520 | poor | গরীব, দরিদ্র | garība, daridra | After he became rich, he donated a lot of money to poor people. | |
S11.530 | the beggar | ভিক্ষুক | bhikṣuka | The beggar collected money in a cup. | |
S11.540 | stingy | কঞ্জুস | kan͂jusa | He is so stingy he doesn't heat his house even in winter. | |
S11.610 | to lend | দেওয়ানো, দেওয়া | deoyāno | Can you lend me your ladder? | |
S11.620 | to borrow | ধার করা | dhāra karā | Can I borrow your ladder? | |
S11.630 | to owe | ধারা, ঋণ করা | dhārā, dhāna karā | My brother owes me 100 Euros. | |
S11.640 | the debt | ঋণ | r̥ṇa | He now had enough money to pay off his father's outstanding debts. | |
S11.650 | to pay | মজুরি দেয়া | majuri deyā | I paid 100 Euros for this book. | |
S11.660 | the bill | বিল | bila | -- | |
S11.690 | the tax | কর | kara | If you don't pay your taxes, you go to jail. | |
S11.770 | to hire | ভারা, ভাড়া | bhārā, bhār̖ā | We need to hire/employ more workers if we want to finish the task in time. | |
S11.780 | the wages | পরিভৃতি, বেতন | paribhr̖ti, betana | The job's not very exciting, but he earns a good wage. | |
S11.790 | to earn | কামানো | kāmāno | The job's not very exciting, but he earns a good wage. | |
S11.810 | to buy | কেনা | kenā | I bought ten bananas for a dollar. | |
S11.820 | to sell | বেচা | becā | He sold his car for five thousand Euros. | |
S11.830 | to trade or barter | বেচাকেনা করা | becākenā karā | The farmer traded his cow for three goats. | |
S11.840 | the merchant | ব্যবসায়ী | byabasāyī | -- | |
S11.850 | the market | বাজার | bājāra | He is going to the market to buy vegetables. | |
S11.860 | the shop/store | দোকান | dokāna | There are no shops in the market, only open stalls. | |
S11.870 | the price | দাম, মূল্য | dāma, mūlya | The price of these bananas is two dollars a bunch. | |
S11.880 | expensive | মূল্যবান | mūlyabāna | Mangos are more expensive than bananas. | |
S11.890 | cheap | সস্তা | sastā | Bananas are so cheap even poor people can afford them. | |
S11.910 | to share | বখরা করা | bakharā kārā | The girl shared the cookies with her brother. | |
S11.920 | to weigh | পরিমাণ করা | parimāṇa kārā | The bag weighs 10 kilograms. | |
S11.99904 | the property | বৈশিষ্ট্য | baiśiṣṭya | -- | |
S11.99907 | to receive | পাওয়া | pāoyā | -- |
S12.0100 | after | পরে | pare | After the storm we went outside again. |
S12.0110 | behind | পেছন | pechana | I can't see the tree, it's behind the house. |
S12.0120 | in | সংশ্লিষ্ট | saṁśliṣṭa | -- |
S12.0130 | at | দিকে | dike | -- |
S12.0200 | beside | পাশে | pāśe | Beside the house there are some trees. |
S12.0300 | down | নিচ | nica | She looked down into the well. |
S12.0400 | before | পূর্বে | pūrbe | Before the war people freely crossed the border. |
S12.0410 | in front of | সামনে | sāmane | In front of the house is a white gate. |
S12.0500 | inside | অভ্যন্তরে | abhyantare | What's inside the box? |
S12.0600 | outside | বাইরে | bāire | It's cold outside. |
S12.0700 | under | অধীনে | adhīne | He hid under the table. |
S12.0800 | up | উপর | upara | She looked up into the sky. |
S12.0810 | above | উপরে | upare | Above the house flew a dove. |
S12.110 | the place | জায়গা | jāyagā | This place is too hot, let's look for a cooler place. |
S12.120 | to put | রাখা | rākhā | He put the book on the table. |
S12.130 | to sit | জেঁকে বসা | jān̄ke basā | Let's sit under the tree. |
S12.140 | to lie down | শয়ন | śayana | She lay down in her bed but could not fall asleep. |
S12.150 | to stand | দাঁড়ান | dān̄r̖āno | He got tired of standing and sat down. |
S12.160 | to remain | থাকা | thākā | I plan to remain here for a week. |
S12.170 | the remains | ধ্বংসাবশেষ | dhbaṃsābaśeṣa | After the earthquake, some people continued to live in the remains of their homes. |
S12.210 | to gather | জড়ো করা | jar̖o karā | He gathered wild mushrooms for dinner. |
S12.212 | to pick up | কুড়ানো | kur̖āno | She picked up the stone and then threw it down again. |
S12.213 | to pile up | স্তুপ করা | stupa kārā | He piled up the mushrooms he had collected. |
S12.220 | to join | জোড়ানো | jor̖āno | He joined the two boards with nails. |
S12.230 | to separate | পৃথক করা | pr̥thaka kārā | He separated the two boards by pulling out the nails. |
S12.232 | to divide | বিভাজন | bibhājana | She divided the bananas equally among the children. |
S12.240 | to open | খোলা | kholā | He opened the door and went out. |
S12.250 | to shut | বন্ধ করা | bandha karā | After coming in, he shut the door. |
S12.260 | to cover | ঢাকা | ḍhākā | He covered the child with a blanket. |
S12.270 | to hide | গোপন করা | gopana kārā | Hide your money here, so no one can find it. |
S12.310 | high | উচ্চ | ucca | The eagle flew so high it was hardly visible. |
S12.320 | low | অল্প | alpa | The bat flew so low its wings brushed against the bush. |
S12.330 | the top | সর্বোচ্চ, শীর্ষ | sarbocca, śīrṣa | The top of the tree caught fire. |
S12.340 | the bottom | তলা | talā | The coin was lying on the bottom of the pond. |
S12.350 | the end(1) | শেষ | śeṣa | At the end of the village stood a small house. |
S12.352 | pointed | তীক্ষ্ণ | tīkṣṇa | He pierced the leather with a pointed knife. |
S12.353 | the edge | কিনারা | kinārā | -- |
S12.360 | the side | পাশ | pāśa | There were trees on both sides of the house. |
S12.370 | the middle | মধ্য | madhya | -- |
S12.410 | right(1) | ডান | ḍāna | on the right side |
S12.420 | left | বাম | bāma | on the left side |
S12.430 | near | নিকট | nikaṭa | She was standing near enough to hear what they said. |
S12.440 | far | দূর | dūra | -- |
S12.450 | the east | পূর্ব | pūrba | -- |
S12.460 | the west | পশ্চিম | paścima | -- |
S12.470 | the north | উত্তর | uttara | -- |
S12.480 | the south | দক্ষিণ | dakṣiṇa | -- |
S12.530 | to grow | গজানো | gajāno | -- |
S12.540 | to measure | মাপা | māpā | -- |
S12.541 | the fathom | গভীরতা মাপা | gabhīratā māpā | -- |
S12.550 | big | বড় | bar̖a | -- |
S12.560 | small | ছোট | choṭa | -- |
S12.570 | long | লম্বা, দীর্ঘ | lambā, dīrgha | -- |
S12.580 | tall | লম্বা | lambā | -- |
S12.590 | short | ছোট | choṭa | -- |
S12.610 | wide | প্রশস্ত | praśasta | -- |
S12.620 | narrow | সরু | saru | -- |
S12.630 | thick | পুরু | puru | a thick board |
S12.650 | thin | পাতলা | pātalā | a thin board |
S12.670 | deep | গভীর | gabhīra | -- |
S12.680 | shallow | অগভীর | agabhīra | -- |
S12.710 | flat | চ্যাপ্টা | cyāpṭā | -- |
S12.730 | straight | সটান | saṭāna | -- |
S12.740 | crooked | কুটিল | kuṭila | -- |
S12.750 | the hook | হুক | huka | -- |
S12.760 | the corner | কোণ | koṇa | -- |
S12.770 | the cross | অতিক্রম | atikrama | -- |
S12.780 | the square | চৌকো | cauko | -- |
S12.810 | round | গোল | gola | -- |
S12.820 | the circle | বৃত্ত | br̥itta | -- |
S12.830 | the ball | বল | bala | -- |
S12.840 | the line | লাইন, সারি | lāina, sāri | -- |
S12.850 | the hole | গর্ত | garta | -- |
S12.920 | similar | অনুরূপ | anurūpa | -- |
S12.930 | to change | পরিবর্তন | paribartana | The baby changed her life. |
S12.99901 | apart | পৃথকভাবে | pr̥thakabhābe | -- |
S12.99902 | back | পিছনে | pichane | -- |
S13.0100 | one | এক | eka | one tree |
S13.0200 | two | দুই | dui | two trees |
S13.0300 | three | তিন | tina | three trees |
S13.0400 | four | চার | cāra | four trees |
S13.0500 | five | পাঁচ | pāmca | five trees |
S13.0600 | six | ছয় | chaya | six trees |
S13.0700 | seven | সাত | sāta | seven trees |
S13.0800 | eight | আট | āṭa | eight trees |
S13.0900 | nine | নয় | naya | nine trees |
S13.100 | ten | দশ | daśa | ten trees |
S13.101 | eleven | এগারো | egāro | eleven trees |
S13.102 | twelve | বারো | bāro | twelve trees |
S13.103 | fifteen | পনের | panera | fifteen trees |
S13.104 | twenty | কুড়ি | kur̖i | twenty trees |
S13.105 | a hundred | শত | śata | a hundred trees |
S13.106 | a thousand | হাজার | hājāra | a thousand trees |
S13.107 | to count | গুনতি করা, গোনা | gunati kārā, gonā | The teacher was counting the children as they got on the bus. |
S13.140 | all | সব | saba | All the children got on the bus. |
S13.150 | many | অনেক | aneka | There are many children on the bus. |
S13.160 | more | বেশি | beśi | Today I found more mushrooms than yesterday. |
S13.170 | few | অল্প | alpa | There are few mushrooms in this forest. |
S13.180 | enough | যথেষ্ট | yatheṣṭa | Today I found enough mushrooms for our supper. |
S13.181 | some | কিছু | kichu | Today we found some mushrooms. |
S13.190 | the crowd | ভীড় | bhīr̖a | There was a large crowd of people waiting outside the theatre. |
S13.210 | full | পূর্ণ | pūrṇa | An empty pot is easier to carry than a full pot. |
S13.220 | empty | ফাঁকা | phān̄kā | An empty pot is easier to carry than a full pot. |
S13.230 | the part | খন্ড | khanḍa | The front part of the car was badly damaged. |
S13.2310 | the piece | টুকরা | ṭukarā | a piece of cheese |
S13.240 | the half | অর্ধেক | ardheka | She cut the banana in two halves and gave one half to her husband. |
S13.330 | only | একমাত্র | ekamātra | Saturn is the only planet with rings. |
S13.3310 | alone | একা | ekā | Don't leave me alone. |
S13.340 | first | প্রথম | prathama | You are the first person I see today. |
S13.350 | last | শেষ | śeṣa | You were last person I saw before going to bed. |
S13.360 | second | দ্বিতীয় | dbitīya | You are the second person I see today. |
S13.370 | the pair | জোড়া | jor̖ā | a pair of shoes |
S13.380 | twice/two times | দুইবার | duibāra | He came over twice today. |
S13.420 | third | তৃতীয় | tr̥tīya | You are the third person I see today. |
S13.440 | three times | তিন বার | ṭina bāra | He came over three times today. |
S13.99901 | a little | অল্প | ālpa | -- |
S13.99902 | by | দ্বারা | dbārā | -- |
S13.99903 | each or every | প্রতি | prati | -- |
S13.99904 | the centigram | -- | senṭigrāma | -- |
S13.99905 | the yard | গজ | gaja | -- |
S13.99906 | thirty | ত্রিশ | triśa | -- |
S13.99907 | to fill | ভরা | bharā | -- |
S13.99908 | to substitute | বদল করা | badala kārā | -- |
S13.00000 | zero | শূন্য | śūnya | The number ten is written as a one and a zero. |
S14.110 | the time | সময় | samaya | Only time can heal her pain. |
S14.120 | the age | বয়স | bayasa | At this age the baby can only drink milk. |
S14.130 | new | নতুন | natuna | I bought a new car. |
S14.140 | young | যুবক | yubaka | He is too young to eat solid foods. |
S14.150 | old | পুরনো, বৃদ্ধ | purano, briddha | She is so old that all her teeth are gone. |
S14.160 | early | আগে | āge | Come early, otherwise you won't get any cake. |
S14.170 | late | দেরি | deri | Don't come late, otherwise you won't get any cake. |
S14.180 | now | এখন | ekhana | I was sick last week, but I'm fine now. |
S14.190 | immediately | এখুনি | ekhuni | Come here immediately! |
S14.210 | fast | দ্রুত | druta | That man runs as fast as a horse. |
S14.220 | slow | ধীর | dhīra | That horse runs as slow as a human. |
S14.230 | to hurry | তাড়াহুড়ো করা | tār̖āhur̖o karā | Please hurry, or we'll be late. |
S14.240 | to be late | দেরী হওয়া | derī haoyā | We expected her by 10 o'clock, but she was late. |
S14.250 | to begin | আরম্ভ করা | ārambha kārā | I began the work yesterday. |
S14.2510 | the beginning | প্রারম্ভ | prārambha | At the beginning it was difficult, but now it's easier. |
S14.252 | to last | টিকানো | ṭikāno | The dry season lasts three months. |
S14.260 | the end(2) | প্রান্ত | prānta | At the end of the harvest there is a celebration. |
S14.270 | to finish | সমাপন করা | samāpana kārā | I began building my house five years ago, but only finished it this year. |
S14.280 | to cease | নিবৃত্ত করা | nibr̖tta kārā | The two sides promised to cease all hostile acts against each other. |
S14.290 | ready | তৈরি | tairi | I'm ready to go, but my husband is still in the shower. |
S14.310 | always | সর্বদা | sarbadā | He always comes late. |
S14.320 | often | প্রায়শই | prāyaśai | He often comes late, but today he's on time. |
S14.330 | sometimes | ক্কচিত্, কখনো | kkacit, kakhano | Sometimes he comes late, but more often he's on time. |
S14.331 | soon | তাড়াতাড়ি | tār̖ātār̖i | Don't go yet, he'll be here soon. |
S14.332 | for a long time | দীর্ঘ সময় | dīrgha samaya | He waited for a long time, but she never came. |
S14.340 | never | কখনো না | kakhano nā | I never eat pork. |
S14.350 | again | আবার | ābāra | I was there yesterday, but today I'm going again. |
S14.410 | the day(1) | দিনের | dinera | The days are very hot here, but the nights are cool. |
S14.4110 | the day(2) | দিন | dina | I am staying here for two days. |
S14.420 | the night | রাত্রি | rātri | The days very hot here, but the nights are cool. |
S14.430 | the dawn | ভোর | bhora | The sun comes up at dawn. |
S14.440 | the morning | সকাল | sakāla | The children go to school in the morning. |
S14.450 | the midday | মধ্যাহ্ন | madhyāhna | We prefer having dinner at midday rather than in the evening. |
S14.451 | the afternoon | অপরাহ্ন | aparāhna | In the aftertoon I like to take a nap. |
S14.460 | the evening | সন্ধ্যা | sandhyā | We prefer having dinner at midday rather than in the evening. |
S14.470 | today | আজ | āja | He's not in today, please call again tomorrow morning. |
S14.480 | tomorrow | আগামীকাল | āgāmīkāla | He's not in today, please call again tomorrow morning. |
S14.481 | the day after tomorrow | পরশু | paraśu | She's leaving tomorrow and coming back the day after tomorrow. |
S14.490 | yesterday | গতকাল | gatakāla | She left the day before yesterday and arrived yesterday. |
S14.491 | the day before yesterday | গত পরশু | gata paraśu | She left the day before yesterday and arrived yesterday. |
S14.510 | the hour | ঘন্টা | ghanṭā | The day here lasts 15 hours in midsummer. |
S14.530 | the clock | ঘড়ি | ghar̖i | That clock on the wall was bought by my grandfather. |
S14.610 | the week | সপ্তাহ | saptāha | I'm planning to stay for a week or two. |
S14.620 | Sunday | রবিবার | rabibāra | On Sunday we go to church. |
S14.630 | Monday | সোমবার | somabāra | On Monday we go to work. |
S14.640 | Tuesday | মঙ্গলবার | maṅgalabāra | On Tuesday we're having a party. |
S14.650 | Wednesday | বুধবার | budhabāra | On Wednesday there is a holiday. |
S14.660 | Thursday | বৃহস্পতিবার | br̥haspatibāra | On Thursday my mother is arriving. |
S14.670 | Friday | শুক্রবার | śukrabāra | On Friday we go to the mosque. |
S14.680 | Saturday | শনিবার | śanibāra | On Saturday we go to the synagogue. |
S14.710 | the month | মাস | māsa | There are twelve months in a year. |
S14.730 | the year | সাল, বছর | sāla, bachara | A year normally lasts 365 days. |
S14.740 | the winter | শীতকাল | śītakāla | The winters are very cold here. |
S14.750 | the spring(2) | বসন্তকাল | basantakāla | The tree blooms in the spring. |
S14.760 | the summer | গ্রীষ্ম | grīṣma | The summers are very hot here. |
S14.770 | the autumn/fall | হেমন্ত | hemanta | In the autumn it gets cooler. |
S14.780 | the season | ঋতু | r̥itu | There are only two seasons here, the dry season and the wet season. |
S14.99902 | long ago | কবে | kabe | -- |
S14.99903 | New Year | নববর্ষ | nababarṣa | -- |
S14.99905 | the period | বার্ষিক | bārṣika | -- |
S15.210 | to smell(1) | শুঁকা | śun̄kā | The flower smells pleasant. | |
S15.212 | to sniff | শুঁকা | śunkā | He opened the milk and sniffed it. | |
S15.220 | to smell(2) | -- | ghrāṇa (neoyā) | I think I smell gas! | |
S15.250 | fragrant | সুগ'ন্ধ | sugandha | -- | |
S15.260 | stinking | দুর্গন্ধ ছড়ানো | dūrgandha char̖āno | -- | |
S15.310 | to taste | চাখা | cākhā | This soup tastes very good. | |
S15.350 | sweet | মিষ্টি | miṣṭi | The ripe fruit is sweet. | |
S15.360 | salty | লবণাক্ত, নোনতা | labaṇākta , nonatā | The soup is too salty, add some water. | |
S15.370 | bitter | তিক্ত | tikta | The medicine is bitter, take it with honey. | |
S15.380 | sour | টক | ṭaka | Sprinkle a little sugar over the strawberries if they are sour. | |
S15.390 | brackish | ঈষৎ লোনা | īṣatta lonā | brackish water | |
S15.410 | to hear | শোনা | śonā | I heard the sound of rain splashing on the window. | |
S15.420 | to listen | শোনা | śonā | Listen to the strange noise in the engine. | |
S15.440 | the sound or noise | কোলাহল | kolāhala | There were strange sounds coming from the next room. | |
S15.450 | loud | প্রবল | prabala | The music is very loud. | |
S15.460 | quiet | ভব্য, শান্ত | bhabya, śānta | We have to be quiet so as not to wake the baby. | |
S15.510 | to see | দেখা | dekhā | I see a house in the distance. | |
S15.520 | to look | দেখা | dekhā | I'm looking but I can't see the house. | |
S15.550 | to show | দেখানো | dekhāno | She showed me her house. | |
S15.560 | to shine | ঝিলিক দেওয়া | jhilika deoyā | That lamp is shining in my eyes. | |
S15.570 | bright | উজ্জ্বল | ujjbala | I awoke from the bright sunlight. | |
S15.610 | the colour/color | রং | raṁ | My shirt is red, but I'd prefer a different colour. | |
S15.620 | light(2) | লঘু | laghu | -- | |
S15.630 | dark | আঁধার | āmdhāra | It is dark in the room because the lamp is broken. | |
S15.640 | white | সাদা | sādā | (snow) | |
S15.650 | black | কাল | kāla | (charcoal) | |
S15.660 | red | লাল | lāla | (blood) | |
S15.670 | blue | নীল | nīla | (sky) | |
S15.680 | green | সবুজ | sabuja | (leaves) | |
S15.690 | yellow | হলুদ | haluda | (yolk of chicken egg) | |
S15.710 | to touch | ছোঁয়া | chomyā | The child wanted to touch everything. | |
S15.712 | to pinch | টিপা, টেপা | ṭipā, ṭepā | Mum, the boy pinched me! | |
S15.720 | to feel | পরশ | paraśa | Feel (the quality of) this cloth! | |
S15.740 | hard | শক্ত | śakta | Diamond is the hardest substance known to man. | |
S15.750 | soft | নরম | narama | a soft pillow | |
S15.760 | rough(1) | অসমতল | asamatala | Her hands were rough from hard work. | |
S15.770 | smooth | মোলায়েম | molāyema | smooth skin | |
S15.780 | sharp | ধারাল | dhārāla | The knife is very sharp. | |
S15.790 | blunt | ভোঁতা | bhontā | This knife is blunt and does not cut well. | |
S15.810 | heavy | ভারী | bhārī | The suitcase is too heavy for me to carry. | |
S15.820 | light(1) | হালকা | hālakā | You can carry this bag, it's fairly light. | |
S15.830 | wet | আর্দ্র | ārdra | He fell into the water, so his clothes are now wet. | |
S15.840 | dry | শুষ্ক | śuṣka | The clothes were in the sun for a long time and are now dry. | |
S15.850 | hot | গরম | garama | It's better to do the work now because later it'll be too hot. | |
S15.851 | warm | উষ্ণ | uṣṇa | The sun is shining and there's no wind, so it's warm and you can go out without a coat. | |
S15.860 | cold | শীতল | śītala | It's cold outside, so you need warm clothes. | |
S15.870 | clean | পরিষ্কার | pariṣkāra | I washed my hands, so now they are clean. | |
S15.880 | dirty | নোংরা | nonrā | My hands are dirty from the work, so I need to wash them before the meal. | |
S15.890 | wrinkled | -- | bali, kockāno | the wrinkled face of a 90-year old man | bali 'wrinkled (skin)', kockāno 'wrinkled (clothes)' |
S15.99901 | brown | বাদামী | bādāmī | -- | |
S15.99902 | grey | ধূসর | dhūsara | -- | |
S15.99903 | orange | কমলা | kamalā | -- | |
S15.99904 | pink | গোলাপী | golāpī | -- | |
S15.99906 | violet | বেগুনী | begunī | -- |
S16.110 | the soul or spirit | আত্মা | ātmā | -- |
S16.150 | surprised or astonished | বিস্মিত | bismita | -- |
S16.180 | the good luck | ভাল ভাগ্য, সৌভাগ্য | bhāla bhāgya, saubhāgya | -- |
S16.190 | the bad luck | খারাপ ভাগ্য, দূর্ভাগ্য | khārāpa bhāgya, dūrbhāgya | -- |
S16.230 | happy | সুখী | sukhī | -- |
S16.250 | to laugh | হাসা | hāsā | -- |
S16.251 | to smile | হাসা | hāsā | -- |
S16.260 | to play | ক্রীড়া করা, খেলা করা | krīr̖ā karā, khelā karā | -- |
S16.270 | to love | ভালোবাসা | bhālobāsā | I love you. |
S16.290 | to kiss | চুম্বন করা | cumbana karā | -- |
S16.300 | to embrace | জাপটানো | jāpaṭāno | -- |
S16.310 | the pain | বেদনা | bedanā | -- |
S16.320 | the grief | শোক | śoka | -- |
S16.330 | the anxiety | উদ্বেগ | udbēga | -- |
S16.340 | to regret or be sorry | হা-হুতাশ করা | hā-hutāśa kārā | I regret my mistake./I am sorrry about my mistake. |
S16.350 | the pity | দরদ | darada | -- |
S16.370 | to cry | আর্তনাদ করা | ārtanāda karā | -- |
S16.380 | the tear | ছেঁড়া | chen̄r̖ā | -- |
S16.390 | to groan | গোঙানো | goṅāno | -- |
S16.410 | to hate | ঘৃণা করা | ghr̖iṇā kārā | -- |
S16.420 | the anger | রাগ | rāga | -- |
S16.440 | the envy or jealousy | ঈর্ষা | īrṣā | -- |
S16.450 | the shame | লজ্জা | lajjā | -- |
S16.480 | proud | গর্ব | garba | -- |
S16.510 | to dare | সাহস করা | sāhasa kārā | -- |
S16.520 | brave | সাহসী | sāhasī | -- |
S16.530 | the fear | ভয় | bhaya | -- |
S16.540 | the danger | বিপদ | bipada | -- |
S16.620 | to want | চাওয়া | cāoyā | -- |
S16.622 | to choose | বাছা | bāchā | -- |
S16.630 | to hope | আশা করা | āśā kārā | -- |
S16.650 | faithful | বিশ্বাসী | biśbāsī | -- |
S16.660 | true | সত্য | satya | -- |
S16.670 | to lie(2) | মিথ্যা বলা | mitthā balā | -- |
S16.680 | the deceit | ভন্ড | bhanḍa | -- |
S16.690 | to forgive | ক্ষমা করা | kṣamā kārā | -- |
S16.710 | good | ভাল | bhāla | -- |
S16.720 | bad | খারাপ | khārāpa | -- |
S16.730 | right(2) | ঠিক | ṭhika | -- |
S16.740 | wrong | ভুল | bhula | -- |
S16.760 | the fault | দোষ | doṣa | It's your fault we missed the bus! |
S16.770 | the mistake | ভুল | bhula | -- |
S16.780 | the blame | দোষারোপ | doṣāropa | -- |
S16.790 | the praise | প্রশংসা | praśansā | -- |
S16.810 | beautiful | সুন্দর | sundara | -- |
S16.820 | ugly | কুরূপ | kurūpa | -- |
S16.830 | greedy | লোভী | lobhī | -- |
S16.840 | clever | চতুর | catura | -- |
S16.99903 | thank you! | ধন্যবাদ | dhanyabāda | -- |
S16.99914 | wild | বন্য | banya | -- |
S17.110 | the mind | মন | mana | I don't know what's going on in her mind. |
S17.130 | to think(1) | ভাবা | bhābā | You should think first before speaking. |
S17.140 | to think(2) | ভাবা | bhābā | I think that this is not right. |
S17.150 | to believe | বিশ্বাস করা | biśbāsa karā | You shouldn't believe everything you read. |
S17.160 | to understand | বোঝা, সমঝানো | bojhā, samajhāno | I do not understand why they left us so early. |
S17.170 | to know | জানা | jānā | They know that we are coming today. |
S17.171 | to guess | অনুমান করা | ānomāna karā | Guess how much money I have. |
S17.172 | to imitate | অনুকরণ করা | anukaraṇa kārā | -- |
S17.180 | to seem | মনে হওয়া | mane haoyā | The house seems to be empty. |
S17.190 | the idea | ধারনা | dhāranā | -- |
S17.210 | wise | জ্ঞানী | jñānī | -- |
S17.220 | stupid | মূর্খ | mūrkha | -- |
S17.230 | mad | পাগল | pāgala | -- |
S17.240 | to learn | শেখা | śekhā | Where did you learn to cook so well? |
S17.242 | to study | পড়া | par̖ā | I have to study for my test. |
S17.250 | to teach | শিক্ষা দেওয়া | śikṣā deoyā | -- |
S17.260 | the pupil | শিষ্য, ছাত্র | śiṣya, chātra | There are 10 pupils in the class, aged 6-7. |
S17.270 | the teacher | শিক্ষক | śikṣaka | -- |
S17.280 | the school | বিদ্যালয় | bidyālaya | The children go to school every morning. |
S17.310 | to remember | মনে রাখা | mane rākhā | Do you remember the name of your first teacher? |
S17.320 | to forget | ভুলে যাওয়া | bhule yāoyā | -- |
S17.340 | clear | পরিষ্কার | pariṣkāra | a clear explanation |
S17.350 | obscure | অজ্ঞাত | ajñāta | an obscure reason |
S17.360 | secret | গোপন | gopana | -- |
S17.370 | certain | নিশ্চিত | niścita | It is certain that the theft occurred during the night. |
S17.380 | to explain | ব্যাখ্যা করা | byākhyā karā | -- |
S17.410 | the intention | অভিপ্রায় | ābhiprāya | It was not his intention to wake the baby up. |
S17.420 | the cause | কারণ | kāraṇa | What was the cause of the accident? |
S17.430 | the doubt | দ্বন্দ্ব | dbandba | -- |
S17.440 | to suspect | সন্দেহ করা | sandeha kārā | The police suspected that he was a drug dealer. |
S17.441 | to betray | বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করা | biśbāsaghātakatā | -- |
S17.450 | the need or necessity | প্রয়োজন | prayojana | -- |
S17.460 | easy | সহজ | sahaja | -- |
S17.470 | difficult | কঠিন | kaṭhina | -- |
S17.480 | to try | চেষ্টা করা | ceṣṭā kārā | -- |
S17.490 | the manner | পদ্ধতি | paddhati | -- |
S17.510 | and | এবং | ebaṁ | -- |
S17.520 | because | কারণ | kāraṇa | -- |
S17.530 | if | যদি | yadi | -- |
S17.540 | or | অথবা | athabā | -- |
S17.550 | yes | হাঁ | hān̄ | -- |
S17.560 | no | না | nā | -- |
S17.610 | how? | কেমন | kemana | -- |
S17.620 | how many? | কত | kata | -- |
S17.630 | how much? | কত | kata | -- |
S17.640 | what? | কি | ki | What is that thing on the table? |
S17.650 | when? | কখন | kakhana | -- |
S17.660 | where? | কোথায় | kothāya | -- |
S17.670 | which? | কোন | kona | -- |
S17.680 | who? | কে | ke | -- |
S17.690 | why? | কেন | kena | -- |
S17.99903 | the same | একই | ekai | -- |
S18.110 | the voice | স্বর | sbara | -- |
S18.120 | to sing | গাওয়া | gāoyā | -- |
S18.130 | to shout | চিল্লানো | cillāno | Be careful, he shouted, "a lion!" |
S18.150 | to whisper | গুঞ্জরন করা, ফিসফিস করা | guñjarana kārā, phisphis kārā | -- |
S18.160 | to mumble | বিড়বিড় করা | bir̖bir̖ kārā | The little boy mumbled something about wanting to go to the toilet. |
S18.170 | to whistle | সিটি দেওয়া | siṭi deoyā | -- |
S18.180 | to shriek | চিক্কুর মারা | cikkura kārā | -- |
S18.190 | to howl | গর্জন করা | garjāno kārā | -- |
S18.210 | to speak or talk | বলা | balā | |
S18.211 | to stutter or stammer | তোতলামি করা | totalāmi kārā | -- |
S18.220 | to say | বলা | balā | She said she'd be late. |
S18.221 | to tell | বলা | balā | Our grandmother told us a story. |
S18.222 | the speech | বাক, ভাষণ | bhāṣaṇa | In his speech, the chief thanked the guests. |
S18.230 | to be silent | চুপ থাকা | cup thākā | -- |
S18.240 | the language | ভাষা | bhāṣā | -- |
S18.260 | the word | শব্দ | śabda | -- |
S18.280 | the name | নাম | nāma | What's your name? |
S18.310 | to ask(1) | জিজ্ঞাসা করা | jijñāsā kārā | Where is your mother?, he asked. |
S18.320 | to answer | জবাব করা | jabāba kārā | I asked him where his mother was, but he didn't answer. |
S18.330 | to admit | কবুল করা | kabula kārā | The suspect admitted he stole the car. |
S18.340 | to deny | ইনকার করা, অস্বীকার করা | inakāra kārā, asbīkāra karā | She denied she was the thief. |
S18.350 | to ask(2) | চাওয়া | cāoyā | She asked for a glass of water. |
S18.360 | to promise | অঙ্গীকার করা | aṅgīkāra kārā | -- |
S18.370 | to refuse | প্রত্যাখ্যান করা | pratyākhyāna kārā | -- |
S18.380 | to forbid | মানা করা | mānā kārā | -- |
S18.390 | to scold | ধাতানো | dhātāna | -- |
S18.410 | to call(1) | ডাকা | ḍākā | The king called his ministers for a meeting. |
S18.420 | to call(2) | ডাকা | ḍākā | The parents decided to call their son David. |
S18.430 | to announce | ঘোষনা | ghoṣanā | -- |
S18.440 | to threaten | শাসানো | śāsāno | -- |
S18.450 | to boast | -- | dampho | -- |
S18.510 | to write | লেখা | lekhā | -- |
S18.520 | to read | পড়া | par̖ā | -- |
S18.560 | the paper | কাগজ | kāgaja | She took a piece of paper and wrote down her name. |
S18.570 | the pen | কলম | kalama | You must use a pen, not a pencil. |
S18.610 | the book | গ্রন্থ, পুস্তক | grantha, pustaka | -- |
S18.670 | the poet | কবি | kabi | -- |
S18.710 | the flute | বাঁশি | bān̄śi | He plays the flute and she plays the violin. |
S18.720 | the drum | ঢোল | ḍhola | Don't beat the drum so hard, it's too loud. |
S18.730 | the horn or trumpet | ভেঁপু | bhempu | -- |
S18.740 | the rattle | ঝুমঝুমি | jhumajhumi | -- |
S18.99901 | the fairy tale | পরী গল্প | parī galpa | -- |
S19.110 | the country | দেশ | deśa | He has traveled to Japan, China, India, and many other countries. |
S19.120 | the native country | স্থানীয় দেশ | sthānīya deśa | After the civil war ended, the refugees were able to return to their native country. |
S19.150 | the town | শহর | śahara | Farmers come into town to sell their produce. |
S19.160 | the village | গ্রাম | grāma | The farmers' fields are near their village. |
S19.170 | the boundary | সীমানা | sīmānā | The province boundary is also the border between the two countries. |
S19.210 | the people | জনগণ | janagaṇa | The president is unpopular, but the people adore his daughter. |
S19.230 | the clan | গোষ্ঠী | goṣṭhī | The entire clan lives in one large house. |
S19.240 | the chieftain | দলনেতা | dalanetā | -- |
S19.250 | the walking stick | ছড়ি | char̖i | -- |
S19.310 | to rule or govern | শাসন করা | śāsana karā | The president ruled the country for 25 years. |
S19.320 | the king | রাজা | rājā | King David |
S19.330 | the queen | রানী | rānī | Queen Elizabeth |
S19.360 | the noble | উদার | udāra | Nobles are exempt from paying taxes. |
S19.370 | the citizen | নাগরিক | nāgarika | a citizen of Germany |
S19.410 | the master | প্রভু | prabhu | -- |
S19.420 | the slave | দাস | dāsa | -- |
S19.430 | the servant | চাকর | cākara | -- |
S19.440 | the freeman | -- | -- | His mother was a slave, but his father was a freeman. |
S19.4450 | to liberate | স্বাধীন করা | sbādhīna kārā | King Rama V liberated the slaves in Siam. |
S19.450 | to command or order | পরিত্রাণ করা, আদেশ করা | paritrāṇa kārā, ādeśa karā | The officer commanded them to line up against the wall. |
S19.460 | to obey | শোনা | śonā | Soldiers are expected to obey their superiors. |
S19.470 | to permit | মঞ্জুর করা | mañjura kārā | I am afraid I cannot permit my daughter to marry you. |
S19.510 | the friend | মিত্র | mitra | -- |
S19.520 | the enemy | শত্রু | śatru | -- |
S19.540 | the neighbour | প্রতিবেশী | pratibeśī | It's hard to sleep because the neighbors are noisy. |
S19.550 | the stranger | অপরিচিত | aparicita | She's not afraid of strangers. |
S19.560 | the guest | অতিথী | atithī | -- |
S19.5650 | to invite | নিমন্ত্রণ করা | nimantraṇa kārā | We invited our neighbors to our place for dinner. |
S19.570 | the host | নিমন্ত্রয়িতা | nimantrayitā | The host offered his guests some wine. |
S19.580 | to help | সাহায্য করা | sāhāyya kārā | -- |
S19.590 | to prevent | নিবার করা | nibāra kārā | The police prevented the demonstrators from entering the building. |
S19.610 | the custom | প্রথা | prathā | -- |
S19.620 | the quarrel | ঝগড়া | jhagar̖ā | We have a quarrel with the neighbors over their noise. |
S19.630 | the plot | পরিকল্পনা | parikalpanā | There was a plot to kill the queen. |
S19.650 | to meet | মিলা | milā | We agreed to meet in front of the theatre. |
S19.720 | the prostitute | রূপোপজীবিনী, গস্তানি, বেশ্যা | rūpopajībinī, gastāni, beśya | -- |
S19.99902 | Australia | অস্ট্রেলিয়া | asṭreliyā | -- |
S19.99903 | China | চীন | cīna | -- |
S19.99904 | Egypt | মিশর | miśara | -- |
S19.99906 | Greece | গ্রিস | grīsa | -- |
S19.99907 | India | ভারত | bhārata | -- |
S19.99908 | Madagascar | মাদাকাসকার | mādāgāsakāra | -- |
S19.99910 | Sir | জনাব | janāba | -- |
S19.99911 | Spain | স্পেন | spena | -- |
S19.99913 | the Brazilian | ব্রাজিলীয় | brājilīya | -- |
S19.99914 | the certificate | প্রশংসাপত্র | praśaṁsapatra | -- |
S19.99915 | the Chinese person | চীনা ব্যক্তি | cīnā byakti | -- |
S19.99917 | the European | ইউরোপিয়ান | iuropiyāna | -- |
S19.99922 | the French person | ফরাসী ব্যক্তি | pharāsī byakti | -- |
S19.99925 | the hockey | হকি | haki | -- |
S19.99930 | the policeman | পুলিশ | puliśa | -- |
S19.99931 | the power | রাজত্ব, শক্তি | rājatba, śakti | -- |
S19.99935 | the sport | খেলা | khelā | -- |
S19.99936 | the student | ছাত্র | chātra | -- |
S20.110 | to fight | লড়া | lar̖ā | The two tribes have been fighting for weeks. |
S20.130 | the war or battle | যুদ্ধ | yuddha , lar̖āi | -- |
S20.140 | the peace | শান্তি | śānti | -- |
S20.150 | the army | সেনাবাহিনী | senābāhinī | The Roman army conquered Jerusalem. |
S20.170 | the soldier | সৈন্য | sainya | -- |
S20.210 | the weapons | অস্ত্রশস্ত্র | astraśastra | -- |
S20.220 | the club | গদা | gadā | -- |
S20.222 | the battle-axe | -- | -- | -- |
S20.230 | the sling | নিক্ষেপণ | nikṣepaṇa | -- |
S20.240 | the bow | ইন্দ্রায়ুধ | indrāyudha | -- |
S20.250 | the arrow | তীর | tīra | -- |
S20.260 | the spear | বর্শা | barśā | -- |
S20.270 | the sword | অসি | asi | -- |
S20.280 | the gun | বন্দুক | banduka | She shot the thief with a gun. |
S20.310 | the armour | কবচ | kabaca | The knight wore a shining armor. |
S20.330 | the helmet | শিরস্ত্র | śirastra | Put on your helmet when you ride a motorcycle. |
S20.340 | the shield | ঢালী | ḍhālī | He held up his shield to protect his head from the attack. |
S20.350 | the fortress | কেল্লা | kellā | -- |
S20.360 | the tower | মিনার | mināra | From the tower you can see the entire town. |
S20.410 | the victory | জয়লাভ | jayalābha | -- |
S20.420 | the defeat | পরাজয় | parājaya | -- |
S20.430 | the attack | আক্রমণ | ākramaṇa | -- |
S20.440 | to defend | সংরক্ষণ করা | saṃrakṣaṇa kārā | He defended himself but the robber took his wallet. |
S20.450 | to retreat | পিছানো | pichāno | -- |
S20.460 | to surrender | সমর্পণ করা | samarpaṇa kārā | -- |
S20.470 | the captive or prisoner | জেলখানা | jelakhānā | -- |
S20.471 | the guard | সান্ত্রি, প্রহরা | sāntri, praharā | I wanted to go in but the guard wouldn't let me. |
S20.480 | the booty | -- | -- | -- |
S20.490 | the ambush | তাক | tāka | -- |
S20.510 | the fisherman | মৎসজীবি | mattsajībi | -- |
S20.520 | the fishhook | বড়শী | bar̖aśī | -- |
S20.530 | the fishing line | ফাতনা | phātanā | -- |
S20.540 | the fishnet | বেড়াজাল | ber̖ājāla | -- |
S20.550 | the fish trap | জাল | jāla | -- |
S20.560 | the bait | টোপ | ṭopa | Worms are used as bait. |
S20.610 | to hunt | শিকার করা | śikāra kārā | -- |
S20.620 | to shoot | এড়া, কিশলয় | er̖ā, kiśalaya | She shot the intruder with her gun. |
S20.630 | to miss | ফসকানো | phasakāno | He shot at the bird but missed it. |
S20.640 | the trap | ফাঁদ | phān̄da | The hunter lay a trap for the bear. |
S20.650 | to trap | ফাঁদে ফালানো | phān̄da phālāno | The hunter trapped a fox. |
S20.99903 | the force | বল | bala | -- |
S21.110 | the law | আইন | āina | There ought to be a law against cutting down trees. |
S21.150 | the court | কাচারি | kācāri | -- |
S21.160 | to adjudicate | সাব্যস্ত করা | sābyasta kārā | -- |
S21.170 | the judgment | সাব্যস্ত | phayasālā | -- |
S21.180 | the judge | ধর্মাধিকারী, জজ | dharmādhikārī, jaja | -- |
S21.210 | the plaintiff | সওয়াল, বাদী | soyāla, bādī | -- |
S21.220 | the defendant | প্রতিবাদী | pratibādī | -- |
S21.230 | the witness | সাক্ষী | sākṣī | -- |
S21.240 | to swear | হলফ করা | halapha kārā | I swear to tell the truth. |
S21.250 | the oath | শপথ | śapatha | -- |
S21.310 | to accuse | অভিযুক্ত | abhiyukta | She accused him of stealing her purse. |
S21.320 | to condemn | ছি-ছি করা | chi-chi kārā | The judge condemned the defendant and sentenced him to two years in prison. |
S21.330 | to convict | -- | -- | He was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. |
S21.340 | to acquit | রেহাই দেওয়া | rehāi deoyā | The defendant was acquitted of all charges. |
S21.350 | guilty | দোষী | doṣī | The judge found the defendant guilty. |
S21.360 | innocent | নির্দোষ | nirdoṣa | He was punished even though he was innocent. |
S21.370 | the penalty or punishment | শাস্তি | śāsti | -- |
S21.380 | the fine | সুন্দর | sundara | I had to pay a fine of $100 for speeding. |
S21.390 | the prison | জেলখানা | jelakhānā | -- |
S21.420 | the murder | খুন | khuna | Murder is punished very severely. |
S21.430 | the adultery | পারদার্য, ব্যভিচার | pāradārya, byābhicāra | -- |
S21.440 | the rape | ধর্ষণ | dharṣaṇa | -- |
S21.460 | the arson | -- | -- | -- |
S21.470 | the perjury | মিথ্যা হলফ | mitthā halapha | -- |
S21.510 | to steal | চুরি করা | curi karā | -- |
S21.520 | the thief | চোর | cora | -- |
S22.110 | the religion | ধর্ম | dharma | -- |
S22.120 | the god | স্রষ্টা | sraṣṭā | -- |
S22.130 | the temple | মন্দির | mandira | -- |
S22.1310 | the church | গির্জা | girjā | -- |
S22.1320 | the mosque | মসজিদ | masajida | -- |
S22.140 | the altar | বেদী | bedī | -- |
S22.150 | the sacrifice | বলি | bali | -- |
S22.160 | to worship | পূজা করা | pūjā karā | -- |
S22.170 | to pray | প্রার্থনা করা | prārthanā karā | The farmers prayed for rain. |
S22.180 | the priest | পুরোহিত | purohita | -- |
S22.190 | holy | পবিত্র | pabitra | -- |
S22.220 | to preach | ধর্মপ্রচার | dharmapracāra | -- |
S22.230 | to bless | আশীর্বাদ করা | āśīrbāda kara | -- |
S22.240 | to curse | অভিশাপ দেওয়া | abhiśāpa deoya | -- |
S22.260 | to fast | উপবাস করা | upabāsa kārā | -- |
S22.310 | the heaven | স্বর্গ | sbarga | -- |
S22.320 | the hell | নরক | naraka | -- |
S22.350 | the demon | দানব | dānaba | -- |
S22.370 | the idol | প্রতিমা | pratimā | -- |
S22.420 | the magic | জাদু | jādu | -- |
S22.430 | the sorcerer or witch | ডাইনি | ḍāinī | -- |
S22.440 | the fairy or elf | পরী | parī | -- |
S22.450 | the ghost | ভূত | bhūta | -- |
S22.470 | the omen | অশুভ সংকেত | aśubha saṁketa | -- |
S22.5000 | the circumcision | সুন্নত | sunnata | -- |
S22.5100 | the initiation ceremony | -- | -- | -- |
S22.99901 | Christ | খ্রিস্ট | khrisṭa | -- |
S22.99902 | Christmas | ক্রিসমাস | krisamāsa | -- |
S22.99903 | Easter | পূর্ব | pūrba | -- |
S22.99904 | the bishop | যাজক | yājaka | -- |
S22.99905 | the funeral | শেষকৃত্য | śeṣakr̥tya | -- |
S22.99909 | the Muslim | মুসলিম | musalima | -- |
S22.99910 | the rosary | তসবি | tasabi | -- |
S23.1000 | the radio | রেডিও, বেতার | reḍio, betāra | -- |
S23.1100 | the television | দূরেক্ষণ | dūrekṣaṇa | -- |
S23.1200 | the telephone | টেলিফোন | ṭeliphona | -- |
S23.1300 | the bicycle | পা-গাড়ি | pā-gār̖i | -- |
S23.1350 | the motorcycle | মোটরসাইকেল | moṭorasāikela | -- |
S23.1400 | the car | গাড়ি | gār̖i | -- |
S23.1500 | the bus | বাস | bāsa | -- |
S23.1550 | the train | ট্রেন | ṭrena | -- |
S23.1600 | the airplane | উড়োজাহাজ | ur̖ojāhāja | -- |
S23.1700 | the electricity | তড়িত | tar̖ita | -- |
S23.1750 | the battery | ব্যাটারি | byāṭāri | -- |
S23.1800 | to brake | ব্রেক কষা | breka kaṣā | -- |
S23.1850 | the motor | মোটর | moṭara | -- |
S23.1900 | the machine | মেশিন | meśina | -- |
S23.1950 | the petroleum | পেট্রোলিয়াম | peṭroliyāma | -- |
S23.2000 | the hospital | হাসপাতাল | hāsapātāla | -- |
S23.2100 | the nurse | সেবিকা | sebikā | -- |
S23.2200 | the pill or tablet | গুলি | guli | -- |
S23.2300 | the injection | ফুঁড়া | phun̄r̖ā | -- |
S23.2400 | the spectacles/glasses | চশমা | caśamā | -- |
S23.3000 | the government | সরকার | sarakāra | -- |
S23.3100 | the president | রাষ্ট্রপতি | rāṣṭrapati | -- |
S23.3200 | the minister | মন্ত্রী | mantrī | -- |
S23.3300 | the police | পুলিশ | puliśa | -- |
S23.3400 | the driver's license | লাইসেন্স, চালকের অনুমতিপত্র | lāisensa, cālakera anumatipatra | -- |
S23.3500 | the license plate | লাইসেন্স পিরিচ | lāisensa pirica | -- |
S23.3600 | the birth certificate | জন্ম সার্টিফিকেট | janma sārṭiphikeṭa | -- |
S23.3700 | the crime | অপরাধ | aparādha | -- |
S23.3800 | the election | নির্বাচন | nirbācana | -- |
S23.3850 | the address | ঠিকানা | ṭhikānā | The address is written on the envelope. |
S23.3900 | the number | সংখ্যা | saṅkhyā | number two |
S23.3950 | the street | রাস্তা | rāstā | -- |
S23.4000 | the post/mail | মেইল | meila, ḍāka | -- |
S23.4100 | the postage stamp | ডাক টিকিট | ḍāka ṭikiṭa | -- |
S23.4200 | the letter | চিঠি | ciṭhi | -- |
S23.4300 | the postcard | পোস্টকার্ড | posṭakārḍa | -- |
S23.4400 | the bank(financialinstitution) | ব্যাংক (আর্থিক) | byāṅka (ārthika) | -- |
S23.5000 | the tap/faucet | কৃমি | kr̖mi | -- |
S23.5100 | the sink | ডোবা | ḍobā | -- |
S23.5200 | the toilet | প্রসাধন | prasādhana | -- |
S23.5300 | the mattress | তোশক | tośaka | -- |
S23.5400 | the tin/can | টিন | ṭina | -- |
S23.5500 | the screw | স্ক্রু | skru | -- |
S23.5550 | the screwdriver | স্ক্রুড্রাইভার | skrudrāibhāra | -- |
S23.5600 | the bottle | বোতল | botala | -- |
S23.5650 | the candy/sweets | মিষ্টি | miṣṭi | -- |
S23.5700 | the plastic | প্লাস্টিক | plāsṭika | -- |
S23.5750 | the bomb | বোমা | bomā | -- |
S23.5800 | the workshop | কর্মশালা | karmaśālā | -- |
S23.5900 | the cigarette | সিগারেট | sigāreṭa | -- |
S23.6000 | the newspaper | সংবাদপত্র | sambādapatra | -- |
S23.6100 | the calendar | ক্যালেনডার, ক্যালেন্ডার, বর্ষপঞ্জি | kyālenaḍāra, kyālenḍāra, barṣapan͂ji | -- |
S23.6200 | the film/movie | চলচ্চিত্র | calaccitra | -- |
S23.6300 | the music | সঙ্গীত | saṅgīta | -- |
S23.6400 | the song | গান | gāna | -- |
S23.9000 | the tea | চা | cā | -- |
S23.9100 | the coffee | কফি | kaphi | -- |
S23.99901 | the license | লাইসেন্স, অনুমতি দেওয়া | lāisensa, anumati deoyā | -- |
S24.0100 | to be | হওয়া | haoyā | -- |
S24.0200 | to become | হয়ে আসা | haye āsā | The caterpillar became a butterfly. |
S24.0300 | without | ব্যতীত | byatīta | -- |
S24.0400 | with | সাথে | sāthe | -- |
S24.0500 | through | মধ্যদিয়ে | madha diye | The car went through the tunnel. |
S24.0600 | not | না | nā | -- |
S24.0700 | this | এই | ei | this man |
S24.0800 | that | সেটা | seṭā | that woman |
S24.0900 | here | এখান | ekhāna | -- |
S24.1000 | there | সেখানে | sekhāne | -- |
S24.1100 | other | অন্যান্য | anyānya | I don't want this one, give me the other one. |
S24.1200 | next | পরবর্তী | parabartī | -- |
S24.1300 | same | একই | ekai | the same person |
S24.1400 | nothing | কিছু না | kichu nā | I saw nothing. |
S24.99910 | someone | কেউ | keu | -- |
S24.99912 | then | তারপর | tārapara | -- |
S24.99913 | they (dual) | তারা | tārā | -- |
S24.99914 | we (dual inclusive) | আমরা | āmarā | -- |
S24.99917 | which | কোন | kona | -- |
S24.99919 | you (dual) | তুই | tui | -- |