

SIL classification:

Austro-Asiatic > Mon-Khmer > Northern Mon-Khmer > Khasian > Khasi

ISO 639-3 code:


WALS classification:

Family: Austro-Asiatic > Subfamily: Mon-Khmer > Genus: Khasian

WALS coordinates:

25° 30′N, 92° E


Marantha T. Wahlang, Anju Saxena

Data entry personnel:

Muhammad Rafiq, Marantha T. Wahlang


"-" describes echo words and compound words


Nouns where the gender distinction is made, are provided here with the masculine gender (u)


Creative Commons license
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Chapter 1 - The physical world
S01.100 the world pyrthei - The amazon is the longest river in the world.
S01.210 the land ryngkew the hard surface of the earth, when compared to the area covered by sea The captain sighted land in the distance.
S01.212 the soil khyndew the substance that plants naturally grow in The soil is pretty good in this area.
S01.213 the dust dewmet dry powder consisting of extremely small bits of matter, found outside or inside buildings The house had not been cleaned and there was dust on the furniture.
S01.214 the mud ktieh wet earth that has become soft and sticky His shoes were covered with mud.
S01.215 the sand (u) shyiap Nouns where the gender distinction is made, are provided here with the masculine gender (u) - There is sand on this part of the beach.
S01.220 the mountain or hill (u) lúm - -
S01.222 the cliff or precipice riat a high rock with a very steep side (often near the sea) -
S01.230 the plain madan expanse of level ground, open country -
S01.240 the valley pahám - The valley was surrounded by high mountains.
S01.250 the island dewlynnong - Sicily is a mediterranean island.
S01.260 the mainland - the main area of land that forms a country, as compared to islands near it -
S01.270 the shore rud-duriaw “-“ describes echo words and compound words the land along the edge of a large body of water, such as an ocean or a lake -
S01.280 the cave krem - The hunter lit a torch and entered the cave.
S01.310 the water um drinking water The inhabitants get their water from the river.
S01.320 the sea duriaw - The ship is sailing in the sea.
S01.322 calm thanda smooth or having only gentle waves A calm sea
S01.323 rough(2) Sohkhruh-sohkhràm with large waves A rough sea
S01.324 the foam - - Foam formed on the polluted river.
S01.329 the ocean duriaw any of the world's major bodies of salt water'; generally larger than 'sea The pacific ocean is larger than the atlantic ocean.
S01.330 the lake pung - This lake's water is safe for drinking.
S01.340 the bay - an area of the sea that curves inwards towards the land -
S01.341 the lagoon - a body of sea water partly or completely separated from the sea by sand, rock etc., generally smaller than a bay -
S01.342 the reef (u) khah-um a line mass of sharp rocks, often made of coral, near the surface of the sea The ship was wrecked on a reef.
S01.343 the cape - a large piece of land surrounded on three sides by the sea -
S01.350 the wave jingat phyllúng - The tallest waves are found in the pacific ocean.
S01.352 the tide - the regular rising and lowering of the level of the sea -
S01.353 the low tide - - During low tide the rock is exposed.
S01.354 the high tide - - The rock is not visible during high tide.
S01.360 the river or stream wah - -
S01.362 the whirlpool - a powerful current of water that spins around and can pull things down into it -
S01.370 the spring or well pukri natural (spring) or artificial (well) source of water -
S01.380 the swamp ahor - Be careful, there are crocodiles in the swamp.
S01.390 the waterfall kshâit - The waterfall runs dry in the summer.
S01.410 the woods or forest láw-bah - There are many wild animals in the forest.
S01.4110 the savanna - a large open grassland in tropical and subtropical regions -
S01.430 the wood dieng material that people get from trees The table is made of wood.
S01.440 the stone or rock (u) máw-iap, mawbah or mawsiang ` -
S01.450 the earthquake (u) jumái - The house was destroyed by an earthquake.
S01.510 the sky suiñ - There were white clouds in the blue sky.
S01.520 the sun sngi - The sun rises in the east.
S01.530 the moon (u) bynái - The moon shone brightly in the clear night sky.
S01.540 the star (u) khlúr - The stars shone brightly in the clear night sky.
S01.550 the lightning leilieh - I was momentarily blinded by the lightening.
S01.560 the thunder (u) pyrthat - The thunder was deafening.
S01.570 the bolt of lightning jingthaba-leilieh a flash of lightning and a noise of thunder together, which hits something -
S01.580 the storm ér-iong - It's more than just rain-it's a real storm!
S01.590 the rainbow (u) sim-pyllieng - After the storm, a rainbow appeared in the sky.
S01.610 the light jingshai - The fire gave a bright light.
S01.620 the darkness jingdum - After the sunset, darkness quickly fell.
S01.630 the shade or shadow syrngiew - -
S01.640 the dew umjer - The trees were wet from the morning dew.
S01.710 the air l'ér - The air is cool and fresh here in the mountains.
S01.720 the wind l'ér - The wind blew so hard it knocked down the tree.
S01.730 the cloud (u) l'oh - There were white clouds in the blue sky.
S01.740 the fog (u)l'oh khyndew - The fog is so thick i can't see the road.
S01.750 the rain (u) slap - After the rain, the sun appeared again.
S01.760 the snow lór - Snow fell all night and covered the city.
S01.770 the ice (u) thah - A layer of ice formed over the lake.
S01.7710 the arctic lights - aurora borealis -
S01.7750 to freeze dait-thah - It was so cold tonight that the entire lake froze.
S01.780 the weather bneng - I hope that tomorrow the weather will be nicer than today.
S01.810 the fire ding a fire lit deliberately for heating or cooking The fire is brightly burning in the fireplace.
S01.820 the flame thylliej-ding - The flames were so high they reached the helicopter.
S01.830 the smoke tdem - Heavy smoke billowed from the burning house.
S01.8310 the steam jynhaw - The boiling water filled the room with steam.
S01.840 the ash dpei - He let the cigarette ash fall on the floor.
S01.841 the embers - pieces of wood or coal in a fire that are no longer burning but are still red and very hot -
S01.851 to burn(1) ban thang partially or fully destroy with fire She burnt all her ex-boyfriend's old letters.
S01.852 to burn(2) ban ing be on fire, be consumed by fire Our house is burning! Call the fire fighters!
S01.860 to light ban tbeh make something burn She lit a match.
S01.861 to extinguish pynlip - The fire fighters extinguished the fire.
S01.870 the match (u) jingpruidding a small wooden stick used to light a fire
S01.880 the firewood diengthang - The boys collected firewood and built a bonfire.
S01.890 the charcoal (u) rnga - This fireplace is lit by charcoal, not wood.
S01.99901 the beach rud-duriaw - -
S01.99903 the coal (u) dewiong - -
S01.99904 the constellation - - -
S01.99905 the jade or jadeite - - -
S01.99907 the river wah
S01.99910 the spring (season) pyr-em - -

Chapter 2 - Kinship
S02.100 the person briw human being This table can be lifted by one person.
S02.210 the man rangbah, (u) briew (vs. woman) The man had a long beard.
S02.220 the woman kynthei, briew - The woman wore a pretty dress.
S02.230 male(1) shynrang (of humans, cf. 3.12) I have ten male and twelve female students.
S02.240 female(1) kynthei (of humans, cf. 3.13) I have ten male and twelve female students.
S02.250 the boy khynnah - One day this boy will grow to be a man.
S02.251 the young man khynráw - The young man was not married.
S02.260 the girl khynnah - One day this girl will grow to be a woman.
S02.261 the young woman khynráw - The young woman was not married.
S02.270 the child(1) khynnah young human' (not kinship term) (cf. 2.43) Many children were playing in the water.
S02.280 the baby khûnlung very young human that cannot walk yet She's still a baby and can only have milk.
S02.310 the husband tnga, lok - She married her husband last year.
S02.320 the wife tnga, lok - He married his wife last year.
S02.330 to marry poi-kha - She married a man 10 years her junior.
S02.340 the wedding jingiathoh-shongkurim - When we were married, a thousand people came to the wedding.
S02.341 the divorce jingpyllait-sansh'ieng - After the divorce, he married another woman.
S02.350 the father kpa, pa - My father came home late last night.
S02.360 the mother kmie, mei - My mother came home late last night.
S02.370 the parents kmie-ki-kpa - My parents live in the village.
S02.380 the married man - - As a married man he had more privileges.
S02.390 the married woman - - As a married woman she had more privileges.
S02.410 the son (u) khun - I have one son and one daughter.
S02.420 the daughter khun - I have one son and one daughter.
S02.430 the child(2) khún immediate descendant, son or daughter (kinship term) (cf. 2.27) I have two children, a son and a daughter.
S02.440 the brother hynmen-shynrang, para-shynrang hynmen-shynrang(elder), para-shynrang(younger) - I have two brothers, one younger and one older than me.
S02.444 the older brother hynmen-shynrang, bah - My older brother is married, but my younger brother still lives at home.
S02.445 the younger brother hep,para, parashynrang - My older brother is married, but my younger brother still lives at home.
S02.450 the sister hynmen-kynthei, para-kynthei hynmen-kynthei(elder), para-kynthei(younger) - I have two sisters, one younger and one older than me.
S02.454 the older sister kong, hynmen-kynthei - My older sister is married, but my younger sister still lives at home.
S02.455 the younger sister hep,para, para-kynthei - My older sister is married, but my younger sister still lives at home.
S02.456 the sibling ba-shipara(ka/u) - I have two siblings, one brother and one sister.
S02.4561 the older sibling hynmen - My older sibling is married, but my younger sibling still lives at home.
S02.4562 the younger sibling para - My older sibling is married, but my younger sibling still lives at home.
S02.458 the twins synrop - -
S02.460 the grandfather kpa-khâ, kpa-hep, paheb, kpa-hep - My grandfather is 80 years old.
S02.461 the old man (u) men, tymmen - That old man looks like my grandfather.
S02.470 the grandmother kiáw, kmie-râd, kmie-hep, kmiekha - My grandmother is 70 years old.
S02.471 the old woman tymmen - That old woman looks like my grandmother.
S02.4711 the grandparents - - Only one of my grandparents is still alive.
S02.480 the grandson ksiew - My grandson is 5 years older than my granddaughter.
S02.490 the granddaughter ksiew - My grandson is 5 years older than my granddaughter.
S02.5000 the grandchild ksiew, khúnksiew - By the time she died, she had 23 grandchildren.
S02.510 the uncle kñi - I have two uncles, one on my father's side and one on my mother's side.
S02.511 the mother's brother ma-rit mother's younger brother - -
S02.512 the father's brother kpa-nah, kpa-san, pakhynnah, pasan - -
S02.520 the aunt kmie-nah, kmie-san - -
S02.521 the mother's sister kmie-nah, kmie-san - -
S02.522 the father's sister ñiakha - -
S02.530 the nephew pyrsa sibling's son -
S02.540 the niece pyrsa sibling's daughter -
S02.5410 the sibling's child - - -
S02.550 the cousin khun-ruit, khunkha khun-ruit(sister's child), khunkha(brother's child) - -
S02.560 the ancestors longshuwa-manshuwa - -
S02.570 the descendants - - -
S02.610 the father-in-law (of a man) kthâw kurim - -
S02.611 the father-in-law (of a woman) kthâw kurim - -
S02.620 the mother-in-law (of a man) Syngken-kurim, kiaw-kurim - -
S02.621 the mother-in-law (of a woman) Syngken-kurim,kiaw-kurim - -
S02.6220 the parents-in-law - - -
S02.630 the son-in-law (of a man) pyrsa - -
S02.631 the son-in-law (of a woman) pyrsa - -
S02.640 the daughter-in-law (of a man) pyrsa - -
S02.641 the daughter-in-law (of a woman) pyrsa - -
S02.6411 the child-in-law - - -
S02.6412 the sibling-in-law - - -
S02.710 the stepfather kpa-nah - -
S02.720 the stepmother nah - -
S02.730 the stepson khûn-ruid - -
S02.740 the stepdaughter khûn-ruid - -
S02.750 the orphan khûnswet - -
S02.760 the widow - - -
S02.770 the widower - - -
S02.810 the relatives kur, kha kha (paternal relatives) - -
S02.820 the family shi-iing-shisem group of closely related relatives, consisting minimally of parents and children -
S02.910 I nga - -
S02.920 you (singular) me, pha, phi me (2SG.M), pha (2SG.F), phi (HON) - -
S02.930 he/she/it i, u, ka i (HON/DIMINU) u (3SG.M)/ ka (3SG.F) (third person singular pronoun, regardless of gender/sex) -
S02.9310 he u - -
S02.9320 she ka - -
S02.9330 it u/ ka (depending on the gender of the noun) - -
S02.940 we ngi - -
S02.941 we (inclusive) ngi - -
S02.942 we (exclusive) ngi - -
S02.950 you (plural) phi - -
S02.960 they ki - -
S02.99905 the father-in-law kthâw kurim - -
S02.99906 the german german (u/ka) - -
S02.99907 the hungarian hungarian (u/ka) - -
S02.99909 the mother-in-law Syngken-kurim, kiaw-kurim - -
S02.99916 the spouse lok - -
S02.99917 the stepchild - - -

Chapter 3 - Animals
S03.110 the animal mrád living creature that can move (including or excluding humans) On the small island they found rabbits, foxes, snakes, mice and many other animals.
S03.120 male(2) shynrang (of animals) cf. 2.23 Only male lions have manes.
S03.130 female(2) kynthei (of animals) cf. 2.24 Only female monkeys look after their offspring.
S03.150 the livestock jingri domestic mammals kept for service or for useful products (cows, horses, donkeys, sheep, goats, pigs, reindeer, camels, etc.) -
S03.160 the pasture jaka-phlang land or field that is covered with grass and is used for livestock to feed on -
S03.180 the herdsman nongapmrad a man who looks after a herd of animals -
S03.190 the stable or stall sem-mrad building where domestic animals (any kind, not just horses) are kept -
S03.200 the cattle jingri (collection of) domestic bovine animals -
S03.210 the bull kyrtong male bovine (not castrated) -
S03.220 the ox lynráw a castrated bull, often used for working on farms -
S03.230 the cow masi, si-lúd female bovine -
S03.240 the calf khúnjeh young of a cow -
S03.250 the sheep langbrot - The farmers raised sheep for wool and milk.
S03.260 the ram u langbrot male sheep -
S03.280 the ewe ka langbrot female sheep -
S03.290 the lamb khun-langbrot young of a sheep -
S03.320 the boar niangbri - The hunter shot the boar in the forest.
S03.340 the sow - female pig -
S03.350 the pig niangbri, Sniang - There are three pigs in the sty.
S03.360 the goat blang (female or generic) goat -
S03.370 the he-goat langsohmoh male goat -
S03.380 the kid khun-blang young of a goat -
S03.410 the horse kulâi - The policeman mounted the horse and rode away.
S03.420 the stallion - male horse -
S03.440 the mare - female horse -
S03.450 the foal or colt - the young of horses -
S03.460 the donkey kada - That donkey is almost as large as a horse.
S03.470 the mule khashór an animal that has a donkey and a horse as parents -
S03.500 the fowl s'iar a bird that is kept for its meat and eggs -
S03.520 the cock/rooster syiar-ryngkuh - The farmer owns ten hens but only two roosters.
S03.540 the hen s'iar - The farmer owns ten hens but only two roosters.
S03.550 the chicken s'iar (Fill in only if there is a general term for 'rooster or hen'.) -
S03.560 the goose radha domesticated goose -
S03.570 the duck hán domesticated duck -
S03.580 the nest skum - Many birds build nests in trees.
S03.581 the bird sim - -
S03.582 the seagull - - -
S03.583 the heron - - -
S03.584 the eagle khlieng - -
S03.585 the hawk kbeit - -
S03.586 the vulture pukni - -
S03.591 the bat lymbit - -
S03.592 the parrot tuta - -
S03.593 the crow tyng-áb - -
S03.594 the dove lyngdykhur - -
S03.596 the owl kit-bru - -
S03.5970 the cormorant - (phalacrocorax etc) -
S03.5980 the toucan - - -
S03.610 the dog ksew - -
S03.614 the rabbit - - -
S03.620 the cat miaw - -
S03.622 the opossum - - -
S03.630 the mouse or rat khnâi - -
S03.650 the fish dohkha - -
S03.652 the fin shnet one of the thin body parts that a fish uses to swim -
S03.653 the scale snep one of the small flat pieces of skin that cover the bodies of fish -
S03.654 the gill sngâp - -
S03.655 the shell pnar - -
S03.661 the shark - - -
S03.662 the porpoise or dolphin hu - -
S03.663 the whale - - -
S03.664 the stingray - - -
S03.665 the freshwater eel triang - -
S03.710 the wolf suri - -
S03.720 the lion sing - -
S03.730 the bear dngiem - -
S03.740 the fox myrsiang, ksâr - -
S03.750 the deer sier - -
S03.760 the monkey shrieh - -
S03.770 the elephant hati - -
S03.780 the camel ut - -
S03.810 the insect khñiang - -
S03.811 the head louse ksi - -
S03.8112 the body louse jynrein - -
S03.812 the nit pylleng ksi an egg of a louse that is sometimes found in people's hair -
S03.813 the flea thyllah - -
S03.814 the centipede ktiar - -
S03.815 the scorpion ñiañlarthám - -
S03.816 the cockroach - - -
S03.817 the ant dkhiew - -
S03.818 the spider thap-bawa - -
S03.819 the spider web snúr-thapbawa - -
S03.820 the bee ngàp - -
S03.821 the beeswax - - -
S03.822 the beehive ksing-ngap, ngàp-tem - -
S03.823 the wasp k'ing - -
S03.830 the fly skain - -
S03.831 the sandfly or midge or gnat dkhew - -
S03.832 the mosquito mait, skain-pyrjong - -
S03.8330 the prawns or shrimp shymprong - -
S03.8340 the termites - (isoptera) -
S03.8350 the tick ñiañ-tyngkhap (phthiraptera) -
S03.840 the worm wieh - -
S03.850 the snake bseiñ - -
S03.8620 the coyote - - -
S03.8630 the hare skei - -
S03.8650 the quail t'ut - -
S03.8660 the raccoon - - -
S03.8690 the squirrel khmúd - -
S03.8710 the reindeer/caribou - - -
S03.8720 the elk/moose - - -
S03.8730 the beaver - - -
S03.8800 the kangaroo - - -
S03.8900 the anteater - - -
S03.9000 the jaguar - - -
S03.910 the firefly ñiañbading - -
S03.9130 the chameleon - - -
S03.9170 the buffalo shynreh, múid - -
S03.920 the butterfly thap-balieh - -
S03.930 the grasshopper puit - -
S03.940 the snail mattah - -
S03.950 the frog hynroh, jakoid - -
S03.960 the lizard tyrpúd - -
S03.970 the crocodile or alligator kurattia - -
S03.980 the turtle - - -
S03.9900 the tapir - - -
S03.99933 the pet - - -
S03.99941 the sparrow sim-khar - -
S03.99942 the tiger khla - -

Chapter 4 - The body
S04.110 the body met the body of a live human -
S04.120 the skin or hide snieh (skin: of a human; hide: of an animal) -
S04.130 the flesh doh-dait - -
S04.140 the hair (u) shñiuh hair on a person's head -
S04.142 the beard (u) máiñmoh - -
S04.144 the body hair - - -
S04.145 the pubic hair - - -
S04.146 the dandruff (u) thyllieh - -
S04.150 the blood snám - -
S04.151 the vein or artery (u) thied-snám - -
S04.160 the bone sh'ieng - -
S04.162 the rib shiengkrung - -
S04.170 the horn reng (e.g. of a cow) -
S04.180 the tail (u) tdong - -
S04.190 the back ing-dong the back of a human body -
S04.191 the spine (u) Sh'ing-búdlúm - -
S04.200 the head khlieh - -
S04.201 the temples moi-moi the two fairly flat areas on each side of people's forehead', or more generally 'the two sides of people's head -
S04.202 the skull shynrong, maloi-khlieh - -
S04.203 the brain jabieng, janor - -
S04.204 the face khmat - -
S04.205 the forehead shyllangmat - -
S04.207 the jaw tyng-am the lower part of people's face that moves when they eat The boxer punched his opponent on the jaw.
S04.208 the cheek ngáp - -
S04.209 the chin tmoh - -
S04.210 the eye khmat - -
S04.212 the eyebrow ñiuhmat - -
S04.213 the eyelid - - -
S04.214 the eyelash ñiuhmat - -
S04.215 to blink khyllipmat to shut and open one's eyes quickly I blinked as i came out into the sunlight.
S04.220 the ear shkor - -
S04.221 the earlobe - - -
S04.222 the earwax eit-mat - -
S04.230 the nose khmut - -
S04.231 the nostril thliew-khmut - -
S04.232 the nasal mucus eit-'mut - -
S04.240 the mouth ktien,Shyntur - -
S04.241 the beak - - -
S04.250 the lip rmiang shyntur - -
S04.260 the tongue thylliej(u) - -
S04.270 the tooth byniat, bniat - -
S04.271 the gums dohbniat - -
S04.272 the molar tooth bniat-tyngam - -
S04.280 the neck (u) ryndang - -
S04.281 the nape of the neck - - -
S04.290 the throat pdot - -
S04.300 the shoulder tymplia, tyrpeng - -
S04.301 the shoulderblade siang-tyrpeng - -
S04.302 the collarbone rupatylli - -
S04.310 the arm ksangkti - -
S04.312 the armpit poh-tit - -
S04.320 the elbow tymbuit - -
S04.321 the wrist ryndang-kti - -
S04.330 the hand kti - -
S04.331 the palm of the hand sla-kti - -
S04.340 the finger shympriah'ti, kti - -
S04.342 the thumb tikmie - -
S04.344 the fingernail tyrsim, prek - -
S04.345 the claw tyrsim the sharp curved nail on the toe of an animal or bird The cat dug his claws into my leg.
S04.350 the leg kjat, pung-kjat - -
S04.351 the thigh lbong the top part of the leg, between the knee and the hip -
S04.352 the calf of the leg - - -
S04.360 the knee khohsiew - -
S04.370 the foot kjat - -
S04.371 the ankle ryndang-kjat - -
S04.372 the heel khongdong-jat - -
S04.374 the footprint dienjat - -
S04.380 the toe shympriah'jat - -
S04.392 the wing thàp-niang - -
S04.393 the feather snér - -
S04.400 the chest shadem - -
S04.410 the breast jymbuiñ the breast of a woman -
S04.412 the nipple or teat soh-jymbuiñ - -
S04.420 the udder - the part of a cow/female goat/... that hangs down between its back legs and that produces milk -
S04.430 the navel soh-pet(u) - -
S04.4310 the belly kpoh, hep-hep kpoh - -
S04.440 the heart (u) klongsnam - -
S04.441 the lung tor - -
S04.450 the liver dohnúd - -
S04.451 the kidney khyllái - -
S04.452 the spleen khlâb - -
S04.460 the stomach nierbah (internal organ, not 'belly') Her stomach could not digest the tough meat.
S04.461 the intestines or guts snier - -
S04.462 the waist syngkái - -
S04.463 the hip syngkai - -
S04.464 the buttocks l'eit, lyeit the fleshy part of one's body that people sit on -
S04.4650 the sinew or tendon - - -
S04.470 the womb synri - -
S04.490 the testicles pylleng - -
S04.492 the penis thloh, 'loh - -
S04.4930 the vagina ka uid, ka sop the passage from a woman's outer sexual organs to her womb -
S04.4940 the vulva - the outer part of a woman's sexual organs -
S04.510 to breathe ban inháw, pynhiar-mynsiem, pyrsat - -
S04.520 to yawn ban sahám - -
S04.521 to hiccough ban sohkdiah - -
S04.530 to cough ban jyrhoh - -
S04.540 to sneeze ban synriah - -
S04.550 to perspire ban s'ep - -
S04.560 to spit ban biah - -
S04.570 to vomit ban phlei, prie - -
S04.580 to bite ban dait - -
S04.590 to lick ban jliah - -
S04.591 to dribble ban jawduid to let saliva flow out of one's mouth onto one's chin Watch out, the baby is dribbling on your shirt!
S04.610 to sleep ban thiah - -
S04.612 to snore ban kynsnok - -
S04.620 to dream ban phohsniew - -
S04.630 to wake up ban khie-thiah kyrsiew is to wake someone up, khie-thiah is to wake up (intransitive) (intransitive) I wake up at seven every morning.
S04.640 to fart ban ksem - -
S04.650 to piss ban su, ban pi - -
S04.660 to shit ban oh, ban eit - -
S04.670 to have sex ban pakór, ban iakhai - -
S04.680 to shiver ban khynniuh - -
S04.690 to bathe ban lasùm, sum (intransitive) She likes to bathe before going to bed.
S04.710 to beget ban pynioh (biblical translation) become the father of -
S04.720 to be born ban kha - -
S04.730 pregnant ar-met literal translation: two body - -
S04.732 to conceive ban pun - She conceived her first child while still in england.
S04.740 to be alive ban im - I thought he was dead, but he's still alive.
S04.7410 the life jingim - He had a good long life.
S04.750 to die ban lap - -
S04.7501 dead lah iap - -
S04.751 to drown lap-jyllop - The dog fell into the river and drowned.
S04.760 to kill ban pyniap -
S04.770 the corpse ka metiap (regardless of the gender of the dead person) body of a dead human -
S04.7710 the carcass ka metiap (regardless of the gender of the dead animal) body of a dead animal -
S04.780 to bury ban tep bury a dead person -
S04.790 the grave jingtep - -
S04.810 strong khlaiñ, khlen-khlen, khôr - She's a strong woman and can lift 50 kilos.
S04.820 weak sator, lwait - He's so weak that he cannot even lift 5 kilos.
S04.830 healthy bhamet, khiah, koit - -
S04.840 sick/ill pang - -
S04.841 the fever khieshit - -
S04.842 the goitre/goiter - a disease of the thyroid gland that makes one's neck very swollen -
S04.843 the cold khriat the common cold He caught a cold after swimming in the lake at night.
S04.8440 the disease jingpang - -
S04.850 the wound or sore prûm, Satrew - -
S04.852 the bruise jingmong - -
S04.853 the swelling jingat - -
S04.854 the itch dait, dkhiat to scratch an itch The itch was caused by an insect bite.
S04.8541 to scratch trúd - Don't scratch an insect bite!
S04.855 the blister - - -
S04.856 the boil (u) tohjáw a painful infected swelling under someone's skin The boy's body is covered in boils.
S04.857 the pus ksuit - -
S04.858 the scar - - -
S04.860 to cure ban pynkhiah - The treatment cured the patient's illness.
S04.870 the physician - - -
S04.880 the medicine dawai drug, medication -
S04.890 the poison bih - -
S04.910 tired lah -thait - -
S04.912 to rest shong-thait - -
S04.920 lazy alhia, jaipdeh - -
S04.930 bald lyndúm, talen - -
S04.940 lame dkoh - -
S04.950 deaf kyllut - -
S04.960 mute - - -
S04.970 blind matlah - -
S04.980 drunk buaid intoxicated They became drunk after drinking too much beer.
S04.990 naked lyngkhuùid - The child does not like to wear clothes, and goes around naked.
S04.99904 the cholesterol - - -
S04.99914 to itch skùiñ - -

Chapter 5 - Food and drink
S05.110 to eat bâm (transitive) The child has eaten the fruit.
S05.120 the food dana - -
S05.121 cooked ih (contrasting with 'raw') Cooked bananas taste even better than raw bananas.
S05.122 raw - - Cooked bananas taste even better than raw bananas.
S05.123 ripe yáw, ih - Unripe bananas have a green colour, whereas ripe bananas are yellow.
S05.124 unripe im, pleiñ-pleiñ - Unripe bananas have a green colour, whereas ripe bananas are yellow.
S05.125 rotten p'ut (about fruit) A rotten apple or mango
S05.130 to drink ban dih - Drink water
S05.140 to be hungry ban thngan - -
S05.141 the famine nemsniew - -
S05.150 to be thirsty ban thynrang, sliang - -
S05.160 to suck ban kjit, kjup (transitive) The baby is sucking milk.
S05.180 to chew ban ktha - This meat is so tough i can hardly chew it!
S05.181 to swallow ban klùn, ban nguid - You need to chew this meat well before you can swallow it.
S05.190 to choke ban Shár prevent from breathing (not necessarily leading to death) The smoke was choking the firefighters./the assailant choked his victim.
S05.210 to cook ban Shet (transitive) She was cooking a soup for her mother.
S05.220 to boil ban Shot, tiew (intransitive) The water is boiling.
S05.230 to roast or fry ban Sdieh - -
S05.240 to bake - in an oven, using dry heat' (transitive) We are baking some bread.
S05.250 the oven tyndùr - -
S05.260 the pot khiew a container used for cooking which is round, deep, and usually made of metal He is cooking soup for the whole family in a big pot.
S05.270 the kettle (u) ketli a metal container with a lid, a handle, and a spout (= for pouring), used to boil water The water is boiling in the kettle.
S05.280 the pan nar-sdieh a round and relatively flat metal container used for cooking, with one long handle -
S05.310 the dish - a relatively flat, round vessel from which food is served on the table -
S05.320 the plate pliang a flat and usually round vessel that you eat from -
S05.330 the bowl khuri a concave container that is open at the top, usually used to hold food -
S05.340 the jug/pitcher khra a container for holding and pouring liquids with a handle and a spout -
S05.350 the cup khuri, pela a drinking vessel not made of glass -
S05.360 the saucer pirit a small dish for placing a cup -
S05.370 the spoon shamoit - He ate the soup with a spoon.
S05.380 the knife(1) tari knife for eating (as opposed to knife used for preparing food) -
S05.390 the fork proh tool used for picking up and eating food, with a handle and three or four points -
S05.391 the tongs nap-bania a tool that consists of two movable bars joined at one end, used to pick up an object -
S05.410 the meal - an occasion when one eats food, for example breakfast or lunch Dinner is the main meal of the day for most people.
S05.420 the breakfast jastep the meal one has in the morning -
S05.430 the lunch jasngi a meal eaten in the middle of the day -
S05.440 the dinner jamiet the main meal of the day, eaten in the middle of the day or in the evening -
S05.450 the supper - the last meal of the evening -
S05.460 to peel ban khoh remove the skin from food or vegetables This knife is good for peeling potatoes.
S05.470 to sieve or to strain ban pyjar separate solid things from a liquid by pouring the mixture through a sieve (= a container with very small holes in it) She strained the coffee before serving it.
S05.480 to scrape ban khrûd, khûd remove something from a surface, using the edge of a knife, stick, etc. Scrape the carrots and slice them thinly.
S05.490 to stir or to mix ban king - -
S05.510 the bread - a common important food made from flour, water, and yeast -
S05.530 the dough (u) kpu-im a mixture of flour and water ready to be baked into bread, pastry etc. -
S05.540 to knead - press a dough many times with one's hands Knead the dough for three minutes.
S05.550 the flour (u) kpu-rew - -
S05.560 to crush or to grind phroi press [grain] in order to break it into very small pieces or powder -
S05.570 the mill - - -
S05.580 the mortar(1) sorki a hard bowl in which substances are crushed with a pestle -
S05.590 the pestle (u) synrei a short stick with a heavy round end, used for crushing things in a mortar -
S05.610 the meat doh the flesh of animals or birds eaten as food -
S05.630 the sausage - - -
S05.640 the soup syrwa - Clear chicken soup can relieve the symptoms of the common cold.
S05.650 the vegetables (u) jhur an edible plant grown in gardens that is not sweet -
S05.660 the bean (u) rymbái - -
S05.700 the potato (u) phan - -
S05.710 the fruit (u) soh generic name for tree fruit covering apples, pears, mangos, oranges, etc. -
S05.712 the bunch - a group of flowers/fruit that are held together -
S05.750 the fig - - -
S05.760 the grape - - -
S05.770 the nut - - -
S05.780 the olive - - -
S05.790 the oil umphniang a smooth, thick liquid made from plants or animals, used especially in cooking -
S05.791 the grease or fat khleiñ - -
S05.810 the salt mluh - -
S05.820 the pepper (u) sohmrit black pepper, a table seasoning produced from the berries of the plant piper nigrum -
S05.821 the chili pepper (u) sohmyngken the fruit of the plant Capsicum -
S05.840 the honey ngap - -
S05.850 the sugar shini - -
S05.860 the milk dud - -
S05.870 to milk ban khemdut - -
S05.880 the cheese - - -
S05.890 the butter - - -
S05.900 the drink dih any kind of beverage -
S05.910 the mead - - -
S05.920 the wine waiñ - -
S05.930 the beer iad-um - -
S05.940 the fermented drink - - -
S05.970 the egg pylleng - -
S05.971 the yolk khangai the yellow part in the centre of an egg -
S05.9830 the manioc bread - - -
S05.99903 the soy sauce - - -
S05.99905 the bacon - - -
S05.99906 the biscuit (u) biskit - -
S05.99907 the brandy barandi - -
S05.99908 the cabbage (u) kubi - -
S05.99910 the cream malai - -
S05.99912 the jelly - - -
S05.99921 the tortilla - - -
S05.99922 the vinegar - - -

Chapter 6 - Clothing and grooming
S06.110 to put on ban phong (transitive) The child can already put on his clothes by himself.
S06.120 the clothing or clothes jáiñ - -
S06.130 the tailor nongsuhjaiñ - -
S06.210 the cloth jáiñ woven fabric -
S06.220 the wool sâi-wul - -
S06.230 the linen - fabric woven of flax -
S06.240 the cotton rui - -
S06.250 the silk jaiñryndia - -
S06.270 the felt - - -
S06.280 the fur (u) Shñiuh - -
S06.290 the leather Snieh - -
S06.310 to spin thir to draw out and twist fiber into thread -
S06.320 the spindle - a stick used in spinning fiber into thread -
S06.330 to weave ban tháiñ - The village women weave cloth from cotton thread.
S06.340 the loom - - -
S06.350 to sew ban súh - -
S06.360 the needle(1) (u) thyrnia (for sewing) -
S06.370 the awl - pointed tool for marking or piercing wood or leather -
S06.380 the thread (u) ksái - -
S06.390 to dye - - The weaver dyed the cloth bright red.
S06.410 the cloak jaiñkup - -
S06.411 the poncho - - -
S06.420 the (woman's) dress - garment worn by women over the torso extending to the legs -
S06.430 the coat sopti - -
S06.440 the shirt sopti-poh - -
S06.450 the collar - - -
S06.460 the skirt - - -
S06.461 the grass-skirt - - -
S06.480 the trousers patlun - -
S06.490 the sock or stocking muja - -
S06.510 the shoe juti - -
S06.520 the boot - - -
S06.540 the shoemaker - - -
S06.550 the hat or cap tupia - -
S06.570 the belt (u) pánpoh - -
S06.580 the glove - - -
S06.590 the veil - - During the wedding the bride wore a veil that hid her face.
S06.610 the pocket pla (in a garment) He put the money in his shirt pocket.
S06.620 the button (u) budam, kudam - -
S06.630 the pin (u) pin - -
S06.710 the ornament or adornment jingdeng - The torn shirt was held together by pins.
S06.720 the jewel jingdeng - Her hair was adorned with silver oranments.
S06.730 the ring sati (for finger) -
S06.740 the bracelet khadu - She wore a solid gold bracelet.
S06.750 the necklace shán-'dang - Her necklace was made of pearls and coral.
S06.760 the bead (u) kpieng - -
S06.770 the earring sohshkor - The pirate wore one earring.
S06.780 the headband or headdress - - -
S06.790 the tattoo - - -
S06.810 the handkerchief or rag rumar - -
S06.820 the towel tawlia - -
S06.910 the comb snád - -
S06.920 the brush - - He used the brush to thoroughly brush his hair.
S06.921 the plait/braid - a length of hair that has been separated into three parts and then woven together -
S06.930 the razor syrti - While he was shaving the razor cut his face.
S06.940 the ointment malom - -
S06.950 the soap sabon - A bar of soap was placed by the sink.
S06.960 the mirror iit - He looked at himself in the mirror that hung on the wall.
S06.9800 the snowshoe - - She put on her snowshoes before going out into the cold.
S06.99901 the bag jhula - -
S06.99907 the sandal - - -
S06.99911 to wear phong - -

Chapter 7 - The house
S07.110 to live ban im dwell, reside A family of five lives in that large house.
S07.120 the house kpoh, iing - -
S07.130 the hut trep - -
S07.131 the garden-house - - -
S07.140 the tent dara - -
S07.150 the yard or court phyllâw enclosed area attached to a house, whether outside or an inner court -
S07.160 the men's house - - -
S07.170 the cookhouse - - -
S07.180 the meeting house - - -
S07.210 the room kamra - -
S07.220 the door or gate phalór - -
S07.221 the doorpost - - -
S07.230 the lock tala - -
S07.231 the latch or door-bolt - - -
S07.2320 the padlock - - -
S07.240 the key (u) shabi - -
S07.250 the window jingkhangiit - -
S07.260 the floor tybian - -
S07.270 the wall kynroh - The walls of our house are very thick.
S07.310 the fireplace - - -
S07.320 the stove kyndùr - She put the kettle on the stove and lit the fire.
S07.330 the chimney mustul - -
S07.370 the ladder jingkieng - -
S07.420 the bed jingthiah - -
S07.421 the pillow syngkhlieh - -
S07.422 the blanket - - -
S07.430 the chair mula - -
S07.440 the table miej - -
S07.450 the lamp or torch sharak - -
S07.460 the candle mombati (u) - -
S07.470 the shelf kyndon a long flat narrow board fixed onto a wall or in a frame or cupboard, used for putting things on or storing things on Put it back on the top shelf.
S07.480 the trough - a long narrow open container that holds water or food for animals -
S07.510 the roof tnum - -
S07.520 the thatch satep natural roofing material such as straw, reeds, leaves, etc. -
S07.530 the ridgepole - the highest horizontal beam in a roof -
S07.540 the rafter bhán-khung a horizontal beam that supports the roof -
S07.550 the beam lyphur, khung - -
S07.560 the post or pole jingbnoh - A fence post
S07.570 the board - - -
S07.580 the arch khilon - -
S07.610 the mason - - -
S07.620 the brick maw-it - -
S07.630 the mortar(2) sorki a mixture of lime, sand and water, used in building for joining bricks or stones together -
S07.640 the adobe - earth and straw that are made into bricks for building houses -
S07.6500 the camp - - The nomads built a camp in which they would stay for a week.
S07.6600 the hammock - - -
S07.6700 to tan - to make animal skin into leather by by treating it with tannin (=a kind of acid) To tan hides
S07.99904 the guestroom - - -
S07.99905 the mosquito net musári - -

Chapter 8 - Agriculture and vegetation
S08.110 the farmer nongrep - The poor farmer did not own the land he cultivated.
S08.120 the field lyngkha (for cultivation) The field was planted with cabbage.
S08.1210 the paddy kba, ktieh wet land in which rice is grown The paddy provided rice for the entire village.
S08.130 the garden kpèr - Behind the house was a garden where the family grew vegetables.
S08.150 to cultivate ban rep, thung - There is no more land left to cultivate.
S08.160 the fence syrdeng - -
S08.170 the ditch morsha, khap a long narrow hole cut into the ground at the side of a field, road etc., especially for water to flow through -
S08.210 to plough/plow ban lûr - -
S08.212 the furrow - - -
S08.220 to dig ban tih - -
S08.230 the spade - tool with handle and blade used for digging in the ground -
S08.240 the shovel - tool with handle and scoop for lifting and throwing material such as soil -
S08.250 the hoe (u) mohkhiew tool with handle and blade with two or more prongs used for weeding, raking, etc. -
S08.260 the fork(2)/pitchfork proh - -
S08.270 the rake - - -
S08.2800 the digging stick (=yamstick) - - -
S08.2900 the lasso - - -
S08.310 to sow ban bet - -
S08.311 the seed symbái - -
S08.320 to mow ot - -
S08.330 the sickle or scythe rashi - -
S08.340 to thresh shop - -
S08.350 the threshing-floor kyntem - -
S08.410 the harvest - - -
S08.420 the grain dana (barley, oats, etc.) -
S08.430 the wheat (u) kew - -
S08.440 the barley - - -
S08.450 the rye - - -
S08.460 the oats - - -
S08.470 the maize/corn (u) riewhadem - The bought corn-on-the-cob from the vendor in the park.
S08.480 the rice (u) sohkháw cooked rice as a meal They ate their rice with the stew.
S08.510 the grass (u) phlang - Green grass was growing in the forest clearing.
S08.520 the hay - - -
S08.530 the plant - - -
S08.531 to plant ban thung - -
S08.540 the root tynrái - -
S08.550 the branch tnat - -
S08.560 the leaf sla - -
S08.570 the flower (u) syntiew - -
S08.600 the tree (u) dieng - -
S08.610 the oak (u) diengsning - -
S08.620 the beech - - -
S08.630 the birch - - -
S08.640 the pine kseh - -
S08.650 the fir - - -
S08.660 the acorn soh-ot - -
S08.670 the vine - - -
S08.680 the tobacco duma - -
S08.690 to smoke dihduma to smoke a cigarette -
S08.691 the pipe (u) smuk (for smoking) -
S08.720 the tree stump dienglyngngong - -
S08.730 the tree trunk lympen - -
S08.740 the forked branch - - -
S08.750 the bark myntait - -
S08.760 the sap - - The farmers collected the sap from the maple trees to make syrup.
S08.810 the palm tree tlái - Dates grow on palm trees.
S08.820 the coconut - (fruit, not tree) The boy picked a green coconut and drank its juice.
S08.830 the citrus fruit - - -
S08.840 the banana kait - The monkey peeled the banana and ate it.
S08.850 the banyan - - -
S08.910 the sweet potato (u) phan-karo - -
S08.9110 the millet or sorghum (u) krái - -
S08.912 the yam shriew - -
S08.920 the cassava/manioc - (the tuber, rather than its plant or products) The farmer grew cassava/manioc to feed his family.
S08.930 the gourd (u) patháw - -
S08.931 the pumpkin or squash (u) pathaw - -
S08.940 the bamboo (u) siej - -
S08.941 the sugar cane (u) pai - -
S08.960 the fish poison - (in amazonia, a kind of root is apparently used as fish poison) -
S08.970 the nettle - - -
S08.980 the mushroom (u) tit - -
S08.9910 the larch - a tree (larix) of the pine family -
S08.9930 the needle(2) (u) thyrnia needle of coniferous tree -
S08.9960 the cone - fruit of a pine or fir tree -
S08.99901 the almond - - -
S08.99905 the apple (u) apple - -
S08.99910 the carrot (u) kajor - -
S08.99911 the cashew - - -
S08.99916 the creeper (u) jyrmi - -
S08.99918 the dung eit - -
S08.99921 the guava (u) soh-pri-am - -
S08.99930 the mango (u) soh-pieng - -
S08.99931 the mangrove - - -
S08.99932 the melon - - -
S08.99933 the millet (u) krâi - -
S08.99935 the onion (u) piat - -
S08.99936 the orange (u) sohñiamtra - -
S08.99937 the pea (u) motor - -
S08.99938 the pear (u) soh-phoh - -
S08.99939 the pineapple (u) soh-trun - -
S08.99941 the plum (u) soh-plum - -
S08.99946 the straw (u) soh-shán - -
S08.99952 the turnip - - -
S08.99954 the watermelon - - -
S08.99960 to grow(someone grew something) ban thung - -
S08.99961 to pick ban tam - -
S08.99962 to raise ban mied,kynjih - -

Chapter 9 - Basic actions and technology
S09.110 to do ban-leh (pure action meaning) A has climbed on a tree. b says to a: what are you doing up there?""
S09.1110 to make ban shna produce by working I'm going to make a cake for lisi's birthday.
S09.120 the work kam - I can't go out because i have too much work.
S09.140 to bend ban kdór, dem - I'll bend the branches away so that you can get through.
S09.150 to fold ban khylliap - She folded the piece of paper and put it in the envelope.
S09.160 to tie ban the - He tied his dog to a tree.
S09.161 to untie ban loit - He untied his dog from the tree.
S09.180 the chain (u) kynjri - -
S09.190 the rope (u) tyllái - They tied up the prisoner with rope.
S09.192 the knot - - Can you help me undo this knot?
S09.210 to strike or hit or beat banpatied - He pounded the door with his fist.
S09.211 to pound ban khleh with fist -
S09.220 to cut ban prat - The thieves cut the phone wires and entered the house.
S09.221 to cut down ban khet - Before building the road, we first have to cut down many trees.
S09.222 to chop ban ot - Chopping wood for the fire
S09.223 to stab ban dung - Brutus stabbed caesar to death.
S09.230 the knife(2) tari knife for preparing food To chop the onions I need a knife.
S09.240 the scissors or shears khanshi - -
S09.250 the axe/ax (u) sdie - -
S09.251 the adze - a sharp tool with the blade at a right angle to the handle, used to shape pieces of wood
S09.260 to break ban pàit - The thieves got into the house by breaking a window.
S09.261 broken liar-ngot out of order, not working The radio is broken, it won't turn on.
S09.270 to split ban pharia - This log is too large, we have to split it into two.
S09.280 to tear ban patar damage [paper/cloth] by pulling it too hard She tore a piece of her blouse to use as a bandage.
S09.290 to skin ban khoh strip or pull off the skin or hide of The cook skinned the chicken before frying it.
S09.310 to rub ban kyllán - He rubbed the fragrant leaves between his fingers.
S09.3110 to wipe ban n?iad - The waiter wiped the table with a dirty rag.
S09.320 to stretch ban pyiar, pyn-iar make [something elastic] bigger or looser by pulling it Don't stretch the rubber band too much.
S09.330 to pull ban ring, tán use one's hand to make something move towards one or in the direction that one is moving Help me move the piano: you push and I'll pull.
S09.340 to spread out ban phriang - They spread out the mat on the ground and sat on it.
S09.341 to hang up ban wah - Hang your coat up on the hook.
S09.342 to press ban kshot, shapia push something firmly against a surface The little boys pressed their noses against the glass.
S09.343 to squeeze ban kshot press something tightly She squeezed some oranges and drank the juice.
S09.350 to pour ban phylliew - He poured the wine into the glass.
S09.360 to wash ban sàit (transitive) She washed her son's feet.
S09.370 to sweep ban sâr clean the dust/dirt from the floor/ground using a broom He swept the path in front of the house.
S09.380 the broom (u) synsár a large brush with a long handle, used for sweeping floors -
S09.422 the tool tiar an artifact (such as a hammer, a saw or a screwdriver) held in one's hand to help one in performing a particular job -
S09.430 the carpenter misteri someone whose job is making and repairing wooden objects -
S09.440 to build ban shna, tei - Build a house
S09.460 to bore ban pong make a deep round hole in a hard surface -
S09.461 to hollow out - make a hole or empty space by removing the inside part of something -
S09.480 the saw (u) kurat - One needs a saw to cut down a tree.
S09.490 the hammer (u) tyrnem - -
S09.500 the nail (u) prek a thin pointed piece of metal which one forces into a piece of wood with a hammer to fasten the wood to something else -
S09.560 the glue - a sticky substance used for joining things together -
S09.600 the blacksmith kamar - From a piece of scrap iron, the blacksmith forged a sword blade.
S09.610 to forge - make something from a piece of metal by heating the metal and shaping it -
S09.620 the anvil rniang a heavy iron block on which pieces of metal are shaped using a hammer -
S09.630 to cast shat form metal objects by pouring the molten metal into molds The goldsmith melted the coins and cast them into a goblet.
S09.640 the gold ksiar - The bracelet is made of gold.
S09.650 the silver rupa - The necklace is made of silver.
S09.660 the copper tama - The coin is made of copper.
S09.670 the iron nar - -
S09.680 the lead sisa (a kind of metal) -
S09.690 the tin or tinplate sador - The cup was made of tin.
S09.710 the potter - - The potter made jars.
S09.720 to mould/mold - form articles from clay or other plastic material by molding with the hands She molded the clay into a dish before firing it.
S09.730 the clay dewbyrtha - -
S09.740 the glass yit (the substance, not the drinking vessel) The window is made of glass.
S09.750 to weave or plait/braid ban thaiñ weave (a basket) or plait/braid (someone's hair) -
S09.760 the basket shang - She carried the fruit home in a basket.
S09.770 the mat (u) shylliah a small piece of thick rough material which covers part of the floor -
S09.771 the rug - a piece of thick cloth or wool that is smaller than a carpet and is put on the floor as decoration -
S09.780 the netbag larong bag made of net used in papua to carry things -
S09.790 the fan - - The lady had a delicate fan made of sandalwood.
S09.791 to fan ban pakha - People in the audience were fanning themselves with their programmes.
S09.810 to carve ban oh-shrong cut shapes out of wood or stone Michaelangelo carved this figure from a single block of marble.
S09.820 the sculptor nongohshrong - Rodin was a french sculptor.
S09.830 the statue - - The sculptor made a statue of a woman.
S09.840 the chisel pàiñtali a metal tool with a sharp edge, used to cut wood or stone -
S09.8700 the boomerang - - The boomerang hit the wallaby and then came back to the hunter.
S09.880 the paint rong a liquid that one puts on a surface to make it a particular colour -
S09.890 to paint ban ñiad-rong, ai-rong put paint on a surface We need to paint our house.
S09.9000 to draw water ban tong - She lowered the bucket into the well and drew water.
S09.9100 the peg khuti - The scouts fastened the tent to the ground with wooden pegs.
S09.9200 the tumpline - a strap slung over the forehead or chest used (especially by native americans) for carrying packs or loads -
S09.9300 the whetstone (u) máwshut-wait,mawsiár - Before cutting the meat, he sharpened his knife with a whetstone.
S09.99915 the pencil (u) led - -
S09.99916 the rust sarang - -
S09.99917 the sack byrni - -
S09.99925 the well pukri - -
S09.99928 to barbecue - - -
S09.99929 to close ban khang - -
S09.99930 to draw ban khap - -
S09.99931 to dwell ban shongsah - -
S09.99934 to prepare ban taiár, ban pynkhreh - -
S09.99936 to smear ban tabain - -
S09.99938 to support ban kyrshán - -

Chapter 10 - Motion
S10.110 to move ban khih (transitive) This rock is so heavy that it cannot be moved.
S10.120 to turn ban phái (transitive) To turn one's head
S10.130 to turn around ban phaidien (intransitive) He heard someone call out his name and turned around.
S10.140 to wrap ban khum - He wrapped the fish in leaves and steamed it.
S10.150 to roll ban tyllun (transitive) He rolled the log down the hill.
S10.160 to drop ban jáw (transitive) We dropped the stone into the water.
S10.170 to twist ban jirthiaw (transitive) She twisted the wire around the branch.
S10.210 to rise ban mih - The sun rises in the east.
S10.220 to raise or lift ban rah - -
S10.230 to fall ban hap - The ripe coconut fell on the ground.
S10.240 to drip ban jawduid - The tap is dripping, shut it tightly!
S10.250 to throw ban kawang - Don't throw stones, it's dangerous!
S10.252 to catch ban kem - She caught the ball and passed it to her team mate.
S10.260 to shake ban khynñiuh (transitive) Shake the bottle before pouring out the sauce.
S10.320 to flow ban tûid - The river flows to the sea.
S10.330 to sink ban ngam (intransitive) The coconut fell into the water and sank.
S10.340 to float ban pér (intransitive) The raft floated on the river.
S10.350 to swim ban jngi, ban jympa - He drowned because he could not swim.
S10.351 to dive ban ngam-um - Diving too deeply is dangerous.
S10.352 to splash - - The girl splashed water in the boy's face.
S10.360 to sail - - The ship sailed from America to Australia.
S10.370 to fly ban hér (intransitive) Look at that bird flying up in the sky!
S10.380 to blow ban pyrsát (intransitive) The wind is blowing hard.
S10.410 to crawl ban pár - The baby is still crawling, it can't walk yet.
S10.412 to kneel ban dem-khohsiew to get down on one's knees The messenger kneeled before the king.
S10.413 to crouch ban nguh-dem lower one's body close to the ground by bending one's knees completely She crouched under the sink to fix the pipes.
S10.420 to slide or slip ban syntúid (intransitive) -
S10.430 to jump ban rynsied - The children were so happy they jumped up and down.
S10.431 to kick ban kynjat - He kicked the ball.
S10.440 to dance ban shád - Though the music stopped they kept on dancing.
S10.450 to walk ban láid (intransitive) The children walk to school every day.
S10.451 to limp ban soh-tyngkoh - After his foot injury he limped for months.
S10.460 to run ban phet, phet-tbong (intransitive) They ran all the way to school.
S10.470 to go ban leit - Sometimes i go to school by car, sometimes on foot.
S10.471 to go up ban kiew - I went up on the roof to get a better view.
S10.472 to climb ban kiew - If you want to pick mangoes, you must climb the tree.
S10.473 to go down ban hiar - Come down from the roof or you'll fall down.
S10.474 to go out ban leit-kái - Get out of here before you get hurt!
S10.480 to come ban wan - When I came to school it was still closed.
S10.481 to come back ban wanphai - He left and then came back an hour later.
S10.490 to leave ban leitnoh (intransitive) depart, go away The guest arrived yesterday and left this morning.
S10.491 to disappear ban jah - The man disappeared without a trace.
S10.510 to flee ban phetkrad - Because of the fire they had to flee their home.
S10.520 to follow ban bûd, búd-dien - I came here first, my family followed me later.
S10.530 to pursue ban beh - The policeman pursued the thief.
S10.550 to arrive ban poi - The guest arrived yesterday and left this morning.
S10.560 to approach - - As we approached the city we could see the lights in the distance.
S10.570 to enter ban rung - She entered the room and sat down.
S10.5800 to go or return home ban rwing - After working in the field the farmer went home.
S10.610 to carry ban rah - She carried her baby home.
S10.612 to carry in hand ban rah - She carried a stone in her hand.
S10.613 to carry on shoulder ban bah - He carried the books on his shoulder.
S10.614 to carry on head ban tynrong - She carried the fruit basket on her head.
S10.615 to carry under the arm ban rah - She carried her bag under her arm.
S10.620 to bring ban wallam - Please bring me the book you are holding.
S10.630 to send ban phah - She sent her parents some money.
S10.640 to lead ban laiam - The dog led the hunter to the fox.
S10.650 to drive ban ñiah (transitive) He can drive a car, but not a truck.
S10.660 to ride ban shongkulai - She rides her horse to work every day.
S10.670 to push ban khyndat - Don't push me or I'll fall down.
S10.710 the road surok - Many cars drove up and down the road.
S10.720 the path lynti - The path leads from the house to the field.
S10.740 the bridge jingkieng - A beautiful bridge stood over the river.
S10.750 the cart or wagon kali-bordi - The cart was pulled by a horse.
S10.760 the wheel lyntem - The car has four wheels.
S10.770 the axle - - -
S10.780 the yoke - - -
S10.7900 the sledge/sled - - -
S10.810 the ship lieng - -
S10.830 the boat lieng - -
S10.831 the canoe liengkynda - -
S10.832 the outrigger - - -
S10.840 the raft bùr - -
S10.850 the oar - - -
S10.851 the paddle - - -
S10.852 to row king - -
S10.860 the rudder boitha - -
S10.870 the mast - - -
S10.880 the sail - - -
S10.890 the anchor lyngkor - -
S10.910 the port - (= harbour) -
S10.920 to land - - -
S10.99901 to accompany ban wan-on - -
S10.99903 to carry on the back ban bah - -
S10.99904 to dip ban wieh - -

Chapter 11 - Possession
S11.110 to have ban loh have temporarily (including things that one does not strictly speaking possess) The boy has a flower in his hand.
S11.120 to own ban don possess, have permanently as legal possession The woman owns a car.
S11.130 to take ban Shim seize a concrete object in the hand and hold it I took my bag and walked to the market square.
S11.140 to grasp ban bat take and hold something firmly with one's hands Make sure you grasp the rope with both hands.
S11.150 to hold ban bat to have something in one's hand or arms I held the baby in my arms.
S11.160 to get ban loh come into possession of something (neutral between 'obtain' and 'receive') -
S11.170 to keep ban ri, ban buh retain, remain in possession of something I like the hat you gave me and i'd like to keep it.
S11.180 the thing kaei-kaei concrete object of any kind My brother is rich, and many things in his house are never used.
S11.210 to give ban ai physical transfer of an object with one's hands that passes into possession of the recipient The girl gave the boy a flower.
S11.220 to give back ban pynphai give something that was earlier in the recipient's possession I lent you my watch, and you haven't given it back yet.
S11.240 to preserve ban tyngkai save something/someone from being harmed or destroyed I think these traditional customs should be preserved. / the wreck was preserved by the muddy sea bed.
S11.250 to rescue ban pyllait, pyllait-im make someone safe from danger or harm He saved his friend from drowning.
S11.270 to destroy ban pyndûh damage something so badly that it cannot be repaired or so that it no longer exists The school was completely destroyed by fire.
S11.280 to injure ban pynmong to cause bodily harm The falling tree injured two loggers.
S11.2900 to damage ban pynduh - The fire damaged the house but it was quickly repaired.
S11.310 to look for ban khmihlynti - I am looking for my purse; i must have lost it on my way.
S11.320 to find ban shem - I had lost my purse but i found it again.
S11.330 to lose ban jah - I had lost my purse but i found it again.
S11.340 to let go ban pyllait stop holding something/someone She let go of the rope.
S11.430 the money tyngka - A thousand dollars is a lot of money.
S11.440 the coin - - I don't have any coins left, only paper money.
S11.510 rich riewbha, riewspah - The beggar invested his money so well that he became rich.
S11.520 poor kyrdûh, duk - After he became rich, he donated a lot of money to poor people.
S11.530 the beggar nongkhrong - The beggar collected money in a cup.
S11.540 stingy khania, byrtia - He is so stingy he doesn't heat his house even in winter.
S11.610 to lend ban ai-lylliang - Can you lend me your ladder?
S11.620 to borrow ban shim-kylliang - Can I borrow your ladder?
S11.630 to owe - - My brother owes me 100 Euros.
S11.640 the debt ràm sum of money that one owes He now had enough money to pay off his father's outstanding debts.
S11.650 to pay ban siew - I paid 100 Euros for this book.
S11.660 the bill - written list showing how much a customer has to pay -
S11.690 the tax baikhrong - If you don't pay your taxes, you go to jail.
S11.770 to hire - employ We need to hire/employ more workers if we want to finish the task in time.
S11.780 the wages nong the money a worker receives for the work done The job's not very exciting, but he earns a good wage.
S11.790 to earn - receive [money] for regular work The job's not very exciting, but he earns a good wage.
S11.810 to buy ban thied - I bought ten bananas for a dollar.
S11.820 to sell ban die - He sold his car for five thousand euros.
S11.830 to trade or barter ban kha-ii - The farmer traded his cow for three goats.
S11.840 the merchant mahajon someone who buys and sells goods in large quantities -
S11.850 the market lew (place) He is going to the market to buy vegetables.
S11.860 the shop/store dukán - There are no shops in the market, only open stalls.
S11.870 the price dór - The price of these bananas is two dollars a bunch.
S11.880 expensive rem - Mangoes are more expensive than bananas.
S11.890 cheap tat - Bananas are so cheap even poor people can afford them.
S11.910 to share ban sâm let someone have part of something that belongs to oneself The girl shared the cookies with her brother.
S11.920 to weigh ban thew have a certain weight The bag weighs 10 kilograms.
S11.99904 the property jingdon-jingem - -
S11.99907 to receive pdiang - -

Chapter 12 - Spatial relations
S12.0100 after ynda - After the storm we went outside again.
S12.0110 behind shadien - I can't see the tree, it's behind the house.
S12.0120 in hapoh - -
S12.0130 at ha - -
S12.0200 beside hajan - Beside the house there are some trees.
S12.0300 down shapoh - She looked down into the well.
S12.0400 before mynshuwa - Before the war people freely crossed the border.
S12.0410 in front of ha khmat jong–(object) - In front of the house is a white gate.
S12.0500 inside shapoh - What's inside the box?
S12.0600 outside shabar - It's cold outside.
S12.0700 under hapoh, ha-khrum - He hid under the table.
S12.0800 up sha jrong - She looked up into the sky.
S12.0810 above hajrong - Above the house flew a dove.
S12.110 the place jaka - This place is too hot, let's look for a cooler place.
S12.120 to put ban buh - He put the book on the table.
S12.130 to sit ban shong - Let's sit under the tree.
S12.140 to lie down ban dem - She lay down in her bed but could not fall asleep.
S12.150 to stand ban ieng - He got tired of standing and sat down.
S12.160 to remain ban neh - I plan to remain here for a week.
S12.170 the remains ba-sah - After the earthquake, some people continued to live in the remains of their homes.
S12.210 to gather ban lum (transitive) He gathered wild mushrooms for dinner.
S12.212 to pick up ban tám - She picked up the stone and then threw it down again.
S12.213 to pile up ban tynrong (transitive) He piled up the mushrooms he had collected.
S12.220 to join ban pynbyllan, ban bteng (transitive) He joined the two boards with nails.
S12.230 to separate ban pynkhlad (transitive) He separated the two boards by pulling out the nails.
S12.232 to divide ban lasám (transitive) She divided the bananas equally among the children.
S12.240 to open ban plie (transitive) He opened the door and went out.
S12.250 to shut ban khyrdep, ban set (transitive) After coming in, he shut the door.
S12.260 to cover ban tap - He covered the child with a blanket.
S12.270 to hide ban rieh, ban buhrieh conceal (transitive) Hide your money here, so no one can find it.
S12.310 high jrong - The eagle flew so high it was hardly visible.
S12.320 low poh - The bat flew so low its wings brushed against the bush.
S12.330 the top kliar - The top of the tree caught fire.
S12.340 the bottom trai - The coin was lying on the bottom of the pond.
S12.350 the end(1) tdúh (spatial) At the end of the village stood a small house.
S12.352 pointed nep - He pierced the leather with a pointed knife.
S12.353 the edge thmit - -
S12.360 the side krung - There were trees on both sides of the house.
S12.370 the middle pdeng center -
S12.410 right(1) kamon - On the right side
S12.420 left kadiang - On the left side
S12.430 near hajan (adverb) She was standing near enough to hear what they said.
S12.440 far jngái (adverb) -
S12.450 the east mih'ngi - -
S12.460 the west sep-ngi - -
S12.470 the north shaneng, shatei - -
S12.480 the south sharum - -
S12.530 to grow ban heh - -
S12.540 to measure ban thew (transitive) -
S12.541 the fathom - a unit of length (originally outstretched arms), equal to about 1.8 metres -
S12.550 big khráw - -
S12.560 small rit - -
S12.570 long jlân - -
S12.580 tall jrong - -
S12.590 short lyngkot - -
S12.610 wide lár - -
S12.620 narrow khim - -
S12.630 thick rben (in dimension; as opposed to thin in density, e.g. thick soup, hair) A thick board
S12.650 thin lap-iap, lap-stang (in dimension; as opposed to thick in density, e.g. thin soup, hair) A thin board
S12.670 deep jylliew - -
S12.680 shallow jyndong - -
S12.710 flat madan - -
S12.730 straight beit - -
S12.740 crooked kdor (opposite of straight) -
S12.750 the hook jingbnoh - -
S12.760 the corner kyndong - -
S12.770 the cross - - -
S12.780 the square sawdong - -
S12.810 round pyllun - -
S12.820 the circle jylli - -
S12.830 the ball bôl sphere -
S12.840 the line lynter - -
S12.850 the hole thliew - -
S12.920 similar syriem - -
S12.930 to change ban kylla, ban pynkylla - The baby changed her life.
S12.99901 apart akár - -
S12.99902 back ing-dong - -

Chapter 13 - Quantity
S13.0000 zero nod - The number ten is written as a one and a zero.
S13.0100 one uwei - One tree
S13.0200 two ar - Two trees
S13.0300 three lái - Three trees
S13.0400 four sáw - Four trees
S13.0500 five san - Five trees
S13.0600 six hynriew - Six trees
S13.0700 seven hynñiew - Seven trees
S13.0800 eight phra - Eight trees
S13.0900 nine khyndái - Nine trees
S13.100 ten phew - Ten trees
S13.101 eleven khad-wei - Eleven trees
S13.102 twelve khad-âr - Twelve trees
S13.103 fifteen khad-san - Fifteen trees
S13.104 twenty ar-phew - Twenty trees
S13.105 a hundred shispah - A hundred trees
S13.106 a thousand hajar - A thousand trees
S13.107 to count ban ñiew count objects in a set in order to determine the total The teacher was counting the children as they got on the bus.
S13.140 all baroh the complete set of (applied to a conceptually countable and nonsingular noun) All the children got on the bus.
S13.150 many bún a large number of (applied to a conceptually countable and nonsingular noun) There are many children on the bus.
S13.160 more tarn a larger number of Today I found more mushrooms than yesterday.
S13.170 few khyndiat a small number of There are few mushrooms in this forest.
S13.180 enough biang, dap, kein-noh - Today I found enough mushrooms for our supper.
S13.181 some katto-katne a certain number of (applied to a conceptually countable and nonsingular noun) Today we found some mushrooms.
S13.190 the crowd páit a large number of people in one place There was a large crowd of people waiting outside the theatre.
S13.210 full dap, pura - An empty pot is easier to carry than a full pot.
S13.220 empty suda, thylli - An empty pot is easier to carry than a full pot.
S13.230 the part bynta - The front part of the car was badly damaged.
S13.2310 the piece dhkot - A piece of cheese
S13.240 the half shiteng either of the two equal parts into which something is divided She cut the banana in two halves and gave one half to her husband.
S13.330 only tang - Saturn is the only planet with rings.
S13.3310 alone marwei - Don't leave me alone.
S13.340 first nyngkong - You are the first person I see today.
S13.350 last khadduh - You were last person I saw before going to bed.
S13.360 second ba-ar - You are the second person i see today.
S13.370 the pair shijur two things of the same kind that are used together A pair of shoes
S13.380 twice/two times arsien - He came over twice today.
S13.420 third ba-lai - You are the third person I see today.
S13.440 three times lai-sien - He came over three times today.
S13.99901 a little khyndiat - -
S13.99902 by lyngba - -
S13.99903 each or every màn, baroh - -
S13.99904 the centigram - - -
S13.99905 the yard kot - -
S13.99906 thirty lai-phew - -
S13.99907 to fill ban pyndap - -
S13.99908 to substitute ban iapli, ban bujli - -

Chapter 14 - Time
S14.110 the time pór - Only time can heal her pain.
S14.120 the age rta time of life At this age the baby can only drink milk.
S14.130 new thymmái - I bought a new car.
S14.140 young dangkhie - He is too young to eat solid foods.
S14.150 old tymmen - She is so old that all her teeth are gone.
S14.160 early danglkoi - Come early, otherwise you won't get any cake.
S14.170 late slem - Don't come late, otherwise you won't get any cake.
S14.180 now mynta - I was sick last week, but I'm fine now.
S14.190 immediately kumne kumne - Come here immediately!
S14.210 fast Stet quickly (adverb) That man runs as fast as a horse.
S14.220 slow suki, lyngen (adverb) That horse runs as slow as a human.
S14.230 to hurry ban pynkloi (intransitive) Please hurry, or we'll be late.
S14.240 to be late ban slem to tarry We expected her by 10 o'clock, but she was late.
S14.250 to begin sdang, sydang (transitive) I began the work yesterday.
S14.2510 the beginning dang-sdang, nynkong beginning At the beginning it was difficult, but now it's easier.
S14.252 to last ban neh take up The dry season lasts three months.
S14.260 the end(2) ba-kut (temporal) At the end of the harvest there is a celebration.
S14.270 to finish dep - I began building my house five years ago, but only finished it this year.
S14.280 to cease wái, pdam to stop doing something The two sides promised to cease all hostile acts against each other.
S14.290 ready klói - I'm ready to go, but my husband is still in the shower.
S14.310 always barobor - He always comes late.
S14.320 often bûnsien - He often comes late, but today he's on time.
S14.330 sometimes habadei-badei, teng-teng - Sometimes he comes late, but more often he's on time.
S14.331 soon jangjang, lah-jan - Don't go yet, he'll be here soon.
S14.332 for a long time jlang - He waited for a long time, but she never came.
S14.340 never ym-ju-m ju - I never eat pork.
S14.350 again Shúh - I was there yesterday, but today I'm going again.
S14.410 the day(1) sngi (as opposed to 'night') The days are very hot here, but the nights are cool.
S14.4110 the day(2) sngi (unit of time, 24 hours) I am staying here for two days.
S14.420 the night miet - The days very hot here, but the nights are cool.
S14.430 the dawn step - The sun comes up at dawn.
S14.440 the morning step - The children go to school in the morning.
S14.450 the midday shiteng-sngi - We prefer having dinner at midday rather than in the evening.
S14.451 the afternoon - - In the afternoon I like to take a nap.
S14.460 the evening janmiet - We prefer having dinner at midday rather than in the evening.
S14.470 today mynta-ka sngi - He's not in today, please call again tomorrow morning.
S14.480 tomorrow lashái - He's not in today, please call again tomorrow morning.
S14.481 the day after tomorrow lashisngi (adverbial use) She's leaving tomorrow and coming back the day after tomorrow.
S14.490 yesterday hynnin, mynhynnin - She left the day before yesterday and arrived yesterday.
S14.491 the day before yesterday mynshisngi (adverbial use) She left the day before yesterday and arrived yesterday.
S14.510 the hour kynta - The day here lasts 15 hours in midsummer.
S14.530 the clock baje - That clock on the wall was bought by my grandfather.
S14.610 the week taiew - I'm planning to stay for a week or two.
S14.620 Sunday sngi-u-blei - On sunday we go to church.
S14.630 monday sngi-nyngkong - On monday we go to work.
S14.640 tuesday sngi-ba-ar - On tuesday we're having a party.
S14.650 wednesday sngi-balang - On wednesday there is a holiday.
S14.660 thursday sngi-palei - On thursday my mother is arriving.
S14.670 Friday sngi-thohdieng - On friday we go to the mosque.
S14.680 Saturday sngi-saitjáiñ - On saturday we go to the synagogue.
S14.710 the month bnâi - There are twelve months in a year.
S14.730 the year snem - A year normally lasts 365 days.
S14.740 the winter tlang - The winters are very cold here.
S14.750 the spring(2) pyr-em - The tree blooms in the spring.
S14.760 the summer ka lyiur - The summers are very hot here.
S14.770 the autumn/fall synrái - In the autumn it gets cooler.
S14.780 the season aiom - There are only two seasons here, the dry season and the wet season.
S14.99902 long ago mynshuwa - -
S14.99903 new year snem-thymmai - -
S14.99905 the period pór - -

Chapter 15 - Sense perception
S15.210 to smell(1) iw (intransitive) to have a particular smell The flower smells pleasant.
S15.212 to sniff kynkhlok, kynslut to inhale through one's nose in order to smell something He opened the milk and sniffed it.
S15.220 to smell(2) sma (transitive) to notice a particular smell I think I smell gas!
S15.250 fragrant sma-iw-bih good smelling -
S15.260 stinking sma-iw-tung bad smelling -
S15.310 to taste mád have a particular taste This soup tastes very good.
S15.350 sweet thiang - The ripe fruit is sweet.
S15.360 salty khthang-mluh - The soup is too salty, add some water.
S15.370 bitter kthang - The medicine is bitter, take it with honey.
S15.380 sour jew - Sprinkle a little sugar over the strawberries if they are sour.
S15.390 brackish - brackish water: water that is not pure but is slightly salty Brackish water
S15.410 to hear bna, byna - I heard the sound of rain splashing on the window.
S15.420 to listen sngap, shahshkór pay attention to a sound that one can hear Listen to the strange noise in the engine.
S15.440 the sound or noise - something that one can hear There were strange sounds coming from the next room.
S15.450 loud hylla - The music is very loud.
S15.460 quiet palei, jar-jar not making much noise We have to be quiet so as not to wake the baby.
S15.510 to see loh-i - I see a house in the distance.
S15.520 to look khmih - I'm looking but i can't see the house.
S15.550 to show pyn-i - She showed me her house.
S15.560 to shine tyngsháin - That lamp is shining in my eyes.
S15.570 bright phyrnai, tyngsháin having a lot of light I awoke from the bright sunlight.
S15.610 the colour/color rong - My shirt is red, but I'd prefer a different colour.
S15.620 light(2) jingshai (as opposed to dark) -
S15.630 dark dum - It is dark in the room because the lamp is broken.
S15.640 white rong-lieh - (snow)
S15.650 black rong-iong - (charcoal)
S15.660 red rong-sáw - (blood)
S15.670 blue rong-suiñ - (sky)
S15.680 green rong-jyrngam - (leaves)
S15.690 yellow rong-stem - (yolk of chicken egg)
S15.710 to touch ban ktah put one's hand on something/someone so that one can feel them The child wanted to touch everything.
S15.712 to pinch jwái, jyrwait press a part of someone's flesh very tightly between one's finger and thumb (so that it hurts) Mum, the boy pinched me!
S15.720 to feel sngew touch something to get a tactile perception of it Feel (the quality of) this cloth!
S15.740 hard eh difficult to press down, break or cut Diamond is the hardest substance known to man.
S15.750 soft jem not hard, easy to press/break/cut A soft pillow
S15.760 rough(1) sohkhruh-sohkhrâm having an uneven surface Her hands were rough from hard work.
S15.770 smooth jlih completely even/flat, so that the hand moves easy over it Smooth skin
S15.780 sharp nep - The knife is very sharp.
S15.790 blunt lúiñ - This knife is blunt and does not cut well.
S15.810 heavy khia, dihia - The suitcase is too heavy for me to carry.
S15.820 light(1) sting (in weight) You can carry this bag, it's fairly light.
S15.830 wet jhieh covered in or full of liquid He fell into the water, so his clothes are now wet.
S15.840 dry rykhiang without water or liquid inside or on the surface The clothes were in the sun for a long time and are now dry.
S15.850 hot shit - It's better to do the work now because later it'll be too hot.
S15.851 warm úm-úm, s'áid - The sun is shining and there's no wind, so it's warm and you can go out without a coat.
S15.860 cold khriat - It's cold outside, so you need warm clothes.
S15.870 clean khûid - I washed my hands, so now they are clean.
S15.880 dirty lali, tngit - My hands are dirty from the work, so i need to wash them before the meal.
S15.890 wrinkled pra - The wrinkled face of a 90-year old man
S15.99901 brown rong-ktieh - -
S15.99902 grey jngum - -
S15.99903 orange rong-soh - -
S15.99904 pink - - -
S15.99906 violet tiew-jami-iang - -

Chapter 16 - Emotions and values
S16.110 the soul or spirit mynsiem - -
S16.150 surprised or astonished dyngheng, kyndit - -
S16.180 the good luck bha-bok - -
S16.190 the bad luck sniew-bok - -
S16.230 happy kmen - -
S16.250 to laugh ban rhkie - -
S16.251 to smile ban wiat-samrkhie - -
S16.260 to play ban lehkái - -
S16.270 to love ban leit - I love you.
S16.290 to kiss ban doh - -
S16.300 to embrace ban piam - -
S16.310 the pain shitom - -
S16.320 the grief jingsngewsih - -
S16.330 the anxiety dukha - -
S16.340 to regret or be sorry ban kyllabamut - I regret my mistake./I am sorry about my mistake.
S16.350 the pity sngewsynei - -
S16.370 to cry ban k'ang, iam to weep -
S16.380 the tear um-mat - -
S16.390 to groan ban úd - -
S16.410 to hate ban shún - -
S16.420 the anger jingdom - -
S16.440 the envy or jealousy jingbishni - -
S16.450 the shame jinglehrain - -
S16.480 proud hanigamei - -
S16.510 to dare ban núd - -
S16.520 brave shlur - -
S16.530 the fear jingtieng - -
S16.540 the danger jingma - -
S16.620 to want ban kwah to desire -
S16.622 to choose ban jied - -
S16.630 to hope ban kyrmen - -
S16.650 faithful iaineh - -
S16.660 TRUE shisha - -
S16.670 to lie(2) lamlér tell lies -
S16.680 the deceit jingthok - -
S16.690 to forgive máp - -
S16.710 good babha - -
S16.720 bad sniew - -
S16.730 right(2) badei correct -
S16.740 wrong bymdei - -
S16.760 the fault pap - It's your fault we missed the bus!
S16.770 the mistake lait - -
S16.780 the blame jingkynnoh - -
S16.790 the praise jingiaroh - -
S16.810 beautiful bhabriew - -
S16.820 ugly sniewbriew - -
S16.830 greedy lalot - -
S16.840 clever sianti - -
S16.99903 thank you! khublei - -
S16.99914 wild sisia - -

Chapter 17 - Cognition
S17.110 the mind jingmut-jingpyrkhat the seat of intelligence (as opposed to 'heart' or 'soul' as the seat of emotions) I don't know what's going on in her mind.
S17.130 to think(1) ban pyrkhat reflect You should think first before speaking.
S17.140 to think(2) ban pyrkhat be of the opinion I think that this is not right.
S17.150 to believe ban ngeit be sure that someone is telling the truth You shouldn't believe everything you read.
S17.160 to understand ban Sngewthuh - I do not understand why they left us so early.
S17.170 to know i-thuh, tip - They know that we are coming today.
S17.171 to guess ban antâd - Guess how much money i have.
S17.172 to imitate ban pyrthuh - -
S17.180 to seem ban páw, i-mat - The house seems to be empty.
S17.190 the idea - - -
S17.210 wise stâd - -
S17.220 stupid bieit - -
S17.230 mad lamwir insane -
S17.240 to learn pule - Where did you learn to cook so well?
S17.242 to study ban pule, khrehkot - I have to study for my test.
S17.250 to teach ban hikai - -
S17.260 the pupil shah-hikai - There are 10 pupils in the class, aged 6-7.
S17.270 the teacher nong-hikai nong- (nominalizer) - -
S17.280 the school skul - The children go to school every morning.
S17.310 to remember ban kynmâw - Do you remember the name of your first teacher?
S17.320 to forget ban klet - -
S17.340 clear sngúr clear to the mind (the opposite of 'obscure') A clear explanation
S17.350 obscure jyngut, jngut obscure to the mind An obscure reason
S17.360 secret - - -
S17.370 certain thikna - It is certain that the theft occurred during the night.
S17.380 to explain ban batai - -
S17.410 the intention jignthmu - It was not his intention to wake the baby up.
S17.420 the cause dáw - What was the cause of the accident?
S17.430 the doubt jingartatien - -
S17.440 to suspect suba - The police suspected that he was a drug dealer.
S17.441 to betray ban shetkylla - -
S17.450 the need or necessity jingdonkam - -
S17.460 easy jem, suk - -
S17.470 difficult eh - -
S17.480 to try ban pyrshang, tynjuh to attempt (to do something) -
S17.490 the manner rukom the way in which something is done or happens -
S17.510 and bad - -
S17.520 because naba, namar - -
S17.530 if lada - -
S17.540 or lane - -
S17.550 yes h'oid - -
S17.560 no em - -
S17.610 how? kumno - -
S17.620 how many? katno - -
S17.630 how much? katno - -
S17.640 what? a-iu, kaei/uei - What is that thing on the table?
S17.650 when? lano, myiino - -
S17.660 where? hangno - -
S17.670 which? uno/kano - -
S17.680 who? mano - -
S17.690 why? balei - -
S17.99903 the same kumjuh - -

Chapter 18 - Speech and language
S18.110 the voice sur - -
S18.120 to sing ban ringsúr - -
S18.130 to shout ban kyrkaw, ban kyrkait - “Be careful", he shouted, "a lion!""
S18.150 to whisper ban pasiaw - -
S18.160 to mumble bañktub, kren khñium-khñium to say something too quitely and not clearly enough, so that it is difficult or impossible to hear The little boy mumbled something about wanting to go to the toilet.
S18.170 to whistle ban siaw - -
S18.180 to shriek ban kyrkait to make a very high, loud sound -
S18.190 to howl ban jláw (dog/wolf/other mammal:) to make a long, loud sound -
S18.210 to speak or talk ban kren - -
S18.211 to stutter or stammer - - -
S18.220 to say ban ong - She said she'd be late.
S18.221 to tell ban iathuh tell (a story) Our grandmother told us a story.
S18.222 the speech jubân, jingkren oration In his speech, the chief thanked the guests.
S18.230 to be silent ban sngapjar - -
S18.240 the language ktien - -
S18.260 the word ktien - -
S18.280 the name kyrteng - What's your name?
S18.310 to ask(1) ban kylli ask a question, inquire “Where is your mother?", he asked.
S18.320 to answer ban jubab - I asked him where his mother was, but he didn't answer.
S18.330 to admit ban phla, kubur - The suspect admitted he stole the car.
S18.340 to deny ban len - She denied she was the thief.
S18.350 to ask(2) ban pan ask for something, request She asked for a glass of water.
S18.360 to promise ban kular - -
S18.370 to refuse ban kyrngah, ban kyntait - -
S18.380 to forbid ban mana - -
S18.390 to scold ban mái to rebuke -
S18.410 to call(1) ban khot to summon The king called his ministers for a meeting.
S18.420 to call(2) ban ai, ban khot-kyrteng to give a name The parents decided to call their son David.
S18.430 to announce ban pynsngew - -
S18.440 to threaten ban byrngem - -
S18.450 to boast ban kren-khrâw - -
S18.510 to write ban thoh - -
S18.520 to read ban pule - -
S18.560 the paper kot - She took a piece of paper and wrote down her name.
S18.570 the pen khulom - You must use a pen, not a pencil.
S18.610 the book kitâb - -
S18.670 the poet - - -
S18.710 the flute basli, bynsong - He plays the flute and she plays the violin.
S18.720 the drum ksing - Don't beat the drum so hard, it's too loud.
S18.730 the horn or trumpet reng, ronsing, turoi - -
S18.740 the rattle - a wooden instrument that makes a loud knocking noise [used by people watching football games] -
S18.99901 the fairy tale puriskam - -

Chapter 19 - Social and political relations
S19.110 the country muluk - He has traveled to Japan, China, India, and many other countries.
S19.120 the native country ri-lajong - After the civil war ended, the refugees were able to return to their native country.
S19.150 the town Shnong an urban settlement Farmers come into town to sell their produce.
S19.160 the village Shnong a rural settlement The farmers' fields are near their village.
S19.170 the boundary pûd - The province boundary is also the border between the two countries.
S19.210 the people nongshongshnong the populace, the inhabitants of a country (as opposed to the ruling class) The president is unpopular, but the people adore his daughter.
S19.230 the clan kur extended family The entire clan lives in one large house.
S19.240 the chieftain rangbah leader/ruler of a tribe/clan -
S19.250 the walking stick diengduh - -
S19.310 to rule or govern ban synshár - The president ruled the country for 25 years.
S19.320 the king s'iem - King David
S19.330 the queen - female monarch, not king's wife Queen Elizabeth
S19.360 the noble bakhraw-batri - Nobles are exempt from paying taxes.
S19.370 the citizen trái-shnong - A citizen of Germany
S19.410 the master kynrâd as opposed to slave, servant -
S19.420 the slave mráw, kulâm - -
S19.430 the servant shakri - -
S19.440 the freeman - - His mother was a slave, but his father was a freeman.
S19.4450 to liberate ban pyllait - King Rama V liberated the slaves in siam.
S19.450 to command or order ban kynhied tell someone to do something, using one's authority or power The officer commanded them to line up against the wall.
S19.460 to obey ban kohngûh - Soldiers are expected to obey their superiors.
S19.470 to permit ban shah - I am afraid I cannot permit my daughter to marry you.
S19.510 the friend lok, paralok - -
S19.520 the enemy nongshun - -
S19.540 the neighbour paramarjan - It's hard to sleep because the neighbors are noisy.
S19.550 the stranger myndèr, nongwei someone whom one does not know She's not afraid of strangers.
S19.560 the guest - - -
S19.5650 to invite ban wêr - We invited our neighbors to our place for dinner.
S19.570 the host - - The host offered his guests some wine.
S19.580 to help ban iarap - -
S19.590 to prevent ban khang - The police prevented the demonstrators from entering the building.
S19.610 the custom rukom - -
S19.620 the quarrel jingiania - We have a quarrel with the neighbors over their noise.
S19.630 the plot - conspiracy There was a plot to kill the queen.
S19.650 to meet ban lashem - We agreed to meet in front of the theatre.
S19.720 the prostitute nuti - -
S19.99902 australia Australia - -
S19.99903 China China - -
S19.99904 egypt Egypt - -
S19.99906 greece Greece - -
S19.99907 india India - -
S19.99908 madagascar Madagascar - -
S19.99910 Sir - - -
S19.99911 Spain Spain - -
S19.99913 the brazilian Nong-Brazil - -
S19.99914 the certificate certificate (ka) - -
S19.99915 the Chinese person nong-China - -
S19.99917 the european phareng, saheb - -
S19.99922 the French person nong-France - -
S19.99925 the hockey - - -
S19.99930 the policeman pulit - -
S19.99931 the power (electricity) bor-electrik - -
S19.99935 the sport jingialehkai - -
S19.99936 the student nongpule - -

Chapter 20 - Warfare and hunting
S20.110 to fight lashoh - The two tribes have been fighting for weeks.
S20.130 the war or battle thma - -
S20.140 the peace jingsuk - -
S20.150 the army nongialehthma military forces The roman army conquered jerusalem.
S20.170 the soldier shipài, nongiapam - -
S20.210 the weapons tiar-iapom - -
S20.220 the club rong-shiria large stick used as weapon -
S20.222 the battle-axe (u) sdie - -
S20.230 the sling - - -
S20.240 the bow byntieh, tieh-batur used to shoot arrows -
S20.250 the arrow (u) khnam used as a weapon -
S20.260 the spear (u) sùm - -
S20.270 the sword talwar metal weapon with a handle, blade , and sheath -
S20.280 the gun suloi rifle She shot the thief with a gun.
S20.310 the armour - metal or leather clothing worn by soldiers in former times to protect their body The knight wore a shining armor.
S20.330 the helmet - - Put on your helmet when you ride a motorcycle.
S20.340 the shield stieh, tieh-bah - He held up his shield to protect his head from the attack.
S20.350 the fortress - - -
S20.360 the tower mot - From the tower you can see the entire town.
S20.410 the victory jingjop - -
S20.420 the defeat jingrem - -
S20.430 the attack - - -
S20.440 to defend lada - He defended himself but the robber took his wallet.
S20.450 to retreat - - -
S20.460 to surrender ban aiti - -
S20.470 the captive or prisoner koidi - -
S20.471 the guard nongapshari - I wanted to go in but the guard wouldn't let me.
S20.480 the booty - - -
S20.490 the ambush - - -
S20.510 the fisherman nongkhwaidohkha - -
S20.520 the fishhook (u) khwai - -
S20.530 the fishing line - - -
S20.540 the fishnet - - -
S20.550 the fish trap kuar - -
S20.560 the bait - - Worms are used as bait.
S20.610 to hunt ban behmrâd - -
S20.620 to shoot ban siat - She shot the intruder with her gun.
S20.630 to miss ban phlait miss a target He shot at the bird but missed it.
S20.640 the trap jinriam - The hunter lay a trap for the bear.
S20.650 to trap ban riam - The hunter trapped a fox.
S20.99903 the force (power) bór - -

Chapter 21 - Law
S21.110 the law aiñ a rule that people in a particular country (or administrative area) must obey There ought to be a law against cutting down trees.
S21.150 the court kashari (the judge and/or the jury in a) place where all the information concerning a crime is given so that it can be judged -
S21.160 to adjudicate - decide whether someone is guilty of a crime in court -
S21.170 the judgment jingbishar official decision given by a judge or a court of law -
S21.180 the judge nongbishar - -
S21.210 the plaintiff - - -
S21.220 the defendant - - -
S21.230 the witness sakhi, sáiphla - -
S21.240 to swear smái make a public official promise, especially in a court of law I swear to tell the truth.
S21.250 the oath jingsmai act of swearing -
S21.310 to accuse ban kynnoh - She accused him of stealing her purse.
S21.320 to condemn ban pynrem to find guilty or to sentence The judge condemned the defendant and sentenced him to two years in prison.
S21.330 to convict ban rai-pynrem to find guilty He was convicted and sentenced to life in prison.
S21.340 to acquit - - The defendant was acquitted of all charges.
S21.350 guilty - - The judge found the defendant guilty.
S21.360 innocent loi-loi, lui-lui - He was punished even though he was innocent.
S21.370 the penalty or punishment saja - -
S21.380 the fine jarimana - I had to pay a fine of $100 for speeding.
S21.390 the prison byndi-byndop - -
S21.420 the murder jingpyniap-briew the crime of deliberately killing someone Murder is punished very severely.
S21.430 the adultery jingklim - -
S21.440 the rape jingleh-beijot - -
S21.460 the arson - deliberately setting fire to something to cause damage -
S21.470 the perjury - - -
S21.510 to steal ban tuh - -
S21.520 the thief nongtuh - -

Chapter 22 - Religion and belief
S22.110 the religion niam - -
S22.120 the god blei - -
S22.130 the temple ling -mane, moi-moi general term for house of worship -
S22.1310 the church balang a Christian house of worship -
S22.1320 the mosque - a Muslim house of worship -
S22.140 the altar duwan a raised place on which religious rites are performed -
S22.150 the sacrifice jingainguhthang ritual killing of an animal -
S22.160 to worship ban mane to perform a rite in honor of a deity -
S22.170 to pray ban duai, ban duwai to ask a deity for something The farmers prayed for rain.
S22.180 the priest lyngdoh clergy of any religion -
S22.190 holy kyntang - -
S22.220 to preach ban ialap - -
S22.230 to bless ban kyrkhu - -
S22.240 to curse ban tim,ban tla - -
S22.260 to fast ban shah-jing-it, thiah-jing-it jing- (nominalizer) to refrain from eating -
S22.310 the heaven byneng the abode of deities -
S22.320 the hell dujok - -
S22.350 the demon lasamdoh, ksùid evil spirit -
S22.370 the idol blei-thâw statue of a deity -
S22.420 the magic myntór - -
S22.430 the sorcerer or witch nonglehbyrtong - -
S22.440 the fairy or elf puri - -
S22.450 the ghost mynsiem - -
S22.470 the omen - - -
S22.5000 the circumcision jingotsher - -
S22.5100 the initiation ceremony - - -
S22.99901 Christ khrist - -
S22.99902 Christmas khristmas - -
S22.99903 easter easter - -
S22.99904 the bishop bishop - -
S22.99905 the funeral jingleit-ontep - -
S22.99909 the muslim muslim - -
S22.99910 the rosary rosary - -

Chapter 23 - Modern world
S23.1000 the radio radio - -
S23.1100 the television television - -
S23.1200 the telephone phone - -
S23.1300 the bicycle bicycle - -
S23.1350 the motorcycle bike - -
S23.1400 the car kali motor vehicle -
S23.1500 the bus bos - -
S23.1550 the train rel, train - -
S23.1600 the airplane palne, airplane - -
S23.1700 the electricity bor-electrik - -
S23.1750 the battery battery - -
S23.1800 to brake ban sangeh (when driving a vehicle) -
S23.1850 the motor (u) motor - -
S23.1900 the machine kór - -
S23.1950 the petroleum petrol - -
S23.2000 the hospital hospital - -
S23.2100 the nurse nurse - -
S23.2200 the pill or tablet (u) kuli - -
S23.2300 the injection (u) injektion (of liquid drugs into the body) -
S23.2400 the spectacles/glasses iit-khmat - -
S23.3000 the government sorkar - -
S23.3100 the president president - -
S23.3200 the minister myntri political (not religious) -
S23.3300 the police pulit - -
S23.3400 the driver's license licence kali - -
S23.3500 the license plate - - -
S23.3600 the birth certificate birth-certificate - -
S23.3700 the crime - - -
S23.3800 the election elektion - -
S23.3850 the address address - The address is written on the envelope.
S23.3900 the number tylli - Number two
S23.3950 the street surok - -
S23.4000 the post/mail post - -
S23.4100 the postage stamp mohór - -
S23.4200 the letter shithi epistula -
S23.4300 the postcard postkard - -
S23.4400 the bank (financial institution) bank financial institution -
S23.5000 the tap/faucet kor-um - -
S23.5100 the sink sink washbasin -
S23.5200 the toilet painkhana - -
S23.5300 the mattress tusok - -
S23.5400 the tin/can tin hermetically sealed metal container for preserved food -
S23.5500 the screw khir - -
S23.5550 the screwdriver (u) piskot - -
S23.5600 the bottle (u) bulor glass container for liquids with narrow neck -
S23.5650 the candy/sweets mit-mit - -
S23.5700 the plastic plastik - -
S23.5750 the bomb bomb - -
S23.5800 the workshop - small factory -
S23.5900 the cigarette sikret(u), makyllai makyllai (rolled cigarette) - -
S23.6000 the newspaper kotkhubor - -
S23.6100 the calendar calendar - -
S23.6200 the film/movie phlim movie -
S23.6300 the music jingrwai, jingtem - -
S23.6400 the song jingrwai - -
S23.9000 the tea sha - -
S23.9100 the coffee (u)koffi - -
S23.99901 the license license - -

Chapter 24 - Miscellaneous function words
S24.0100 to be ban long - -
S24.0200 to become ban long - The caterpillar became a butterfly.
S24.0300 without khlem - -
S24.0400 with lem, bad - -
S24.0500 through lyngba - The car went through the tunnel.
S24.0600 not ym - -
S24.0700 this kane - This man
S24.0800 that katei, kathie - That woman
S24.0900 here hangne - -
S24.1000 there hangta, hangtai, hangtai-tai, hangtei, hangthe - -
S24.1100 other kawei-pat - I don't want this one, give me the other one.
S24.1200 next ban-wan - -
S24.1300 same kajuh - The same person
S24.1400 nothing - - I saw nothing
S24.99910 someone uno-re-uno, mano-re-mano - -
S24.99912 then hato, nangta-pat, ynda-kumta - -
S24.99913 they (dual) ki - -
S24.99914 we (dual inclusive) ngi - -
S24.99917 which ino, uno, kano - -
S24.99919 you (dual) maphi, phi - -