Name: |
Telugu |
SIL classification: |
Dravidian > South-Central > Telugu |
ISO 639-3 code: |
tel |
WALS classification: |
Family: Dravidian > Genus: South-Central Dravidian |
WALS coordinates: |
16° N, 79° E |
Compiler: |
Anju Saxena |
Data entry personnel: |
David Karlander, Anju Saxena, K. Taraka Rama |
S01.100 | the world | ila; kuwalayam; jagam, jagattu, jagati | -- | The Amazon is the longest river in the world. |
S01.210 | the land | bhuumi; neela; | bhuumi n. Earth; neela n. Land | The captain sighted land in the distance. |
S01.212 | the soil | iriNam; uppucawDu; ubbaneela; erracawuDu; garapaneela; cawkaneela; tuwwa, duwwa, dubba | iriNam n. saline soil, barren land; uppucawDu n. salty soil. ubbaneela n. marshy soil. erracawuDu n. red salty soil. garapaneela n. light gravelly soil. cawkaneela n. red sandy soil. tuwwa, duwwa, dubba n. ash coloured sandy soil. | The soil is pretty good in this area. |
S01.213 | the dust | awakaram; dummu; duwwa; duusaram; dhuuLi, duuLi; paamśuwu; | -- | The house had not been cleaned and there was dust on the furniture. |
S01.214 | the mud | aDusu; dammu; pankam; banda; burada; rompi | -- | His shoes were covered with mud. |
S01.215 | the sand | waaluka; isuka | isuka n. Sand | There is sand on this part of the beach. |
S01.220 | the mountain or hill | koNDa ; giri; nagam; parvatam | -- | -- |
S01.222 | the cliff or precipice | cariya | -- | -- |
S01.230 | the plain | maydaanam; samatalam | -- | -- |
S01.240 | the valley | koona; cariya; taTam; looya; loowa | -- | The valley was surrounded by high mountains. |
S01.250 | the island | diiwi; dwiipam; lanka | -- | Sicily is a Mediterranean island. |
S01.260 | the mainland | -- | -- | -- |
S01.270 | the shore | oDDu, kaTTa; kuulam; gaTTu; celiyalikaTTa; taTam; tiiram ; dari | -- | -- |
S01.280 | the cave | kuharam; gahwaram; guha; bilam; loNDa | -- | The hunter lit a torch and entered the cave. |
S01.310 | the water | udakam; niiru; niillu | -- | The inhabitants get their water from the river. |
S01.320 | the sea | ambudhi; abdhi; jalaraaśi; niiradhi; samudram; kadali | -- | The ship is sailing in the sea. |
S01.322 | calm | nistaranga | -- | a calm sea |
S01.323 | rough(2) | -- | -- | a rough sea |
S01.324 | the foam | nuccu; pheenam; nuraga | -- | Foam formed on the polluted river. |
S01.329 | the ocean | apaarapaaraawaaram; jaladhi; payoodhi; mahaarNawam, mahaasamudram; waaraaśi | -- | The Pacific Ocean is larger than the Atlantic Ocean. |
S01.330 | the lake | kolanu; saraswati; cheruvu | -- | This lake's water is safe for drinking. |
S01.340 | the bay | akhaatam | -- | -- |
S01.341 | the lagoon | -- | -- | -- |
S01.342 | the reef | -- | -- | The ship was wrecked on a reef. |
S01.343 | the cape | agram | -- | -- |
S01.350 | the wave | ala; keraTam; tarangam, taraga; tera | -- | The tallest waves are found in the Pacific Ocean. |
S01.352 | the tide | pooTu; weelaa; ala | -- | -- |
S01.353 | the low tide | nimna; aaTu | -- | During low tide the rock is exposed. |
S01.354 | the high tide | pooTu; | -- | The rock is not visible during high tide. |
S01.360 | the river or stream | eeru; nadi | -- | -- |
S01.362 | the whirlpool | aawartam; sujñaanam, suDiguNDam | -- | -- |
S01.370 | the spring or well | uurabaawi; baawi, nuyyi | -- | -- |
S01.380 | the swamp | gummi | -- | Be careful, there are crocodiles in the swamp. |
S01.390 | the waterfall | jalapaatam; jharam, jhari | -- | The waterfall runs dry in the summer. |
S01.410 | the woods or forest | aDawi, aTawi; kaantaaram, kaana[nam]; gahana[m] | -- | There are many wild animals in the forest. |
S01.4110 | the savanna | -- | -- | -- |
S01.430 | the wood | karra; kalapa; kaTTa | -- | The table is made of wood. |
S01.440 | the stone or rock | upalam; caTTu; raayi; banDa | -- | -- |
S01.450 | the earthquake | bhuukampam | -- | The house was destroyed by an earthquake. |
S01.510 | the sky | ambaram; aakasam; aakaaśam; upparam; gaganam; diwam; nabham | -- | There were white clouds in the blue sky. |
S01.520 | the sun | aruNuDu, arkam, arkuDu; suuryuDu | -- | The sun rises in the east. |
S01.530 | the moon | amṛtaamśuwu, indu; candamaama | candamaama n. 1 child language moon | The moon shone brightly in the clear night sky. |
S01.540 | the star | taara; nakSatram; rikka; cukka | -- | The stars shone brightly in the clear night sky. |
S01.550 | the lightning | taTittu; piDugu; merupu, merapu; śampa; sawdaamini | -- | I was momentarily blinded by the lightening. |
S01.560 | the thunder | urumu | -- | The thunder was deafening. |
S01.570 | the bolt of lightning | taTillata; meruputiiga; widyullata | -- | -- |
S01.580 | the storm | tupaanu, tuphaanu; hoorugaali, oorugaali | -- | It's more than just rain-it's a real storm! |
S01.590 | the rainbow | indradhanassu; koraDu; hariwillu; koraDu | -- | After the storm, a rainbow appeared in the sky. |
S01.610 | the light | welugu, weluturn, welturu: śoobha | -- | The fire gave a bright light. |
S01.620 | the darkness | andhakaaram; irulu; tamassu; chiikaTi | -- | After the sunset, darkness quickly fell. |
S01.630 | the shade or shadow | tamassu; niiDapaTTu; niiDa | -- | -- |
S01.640 | the dew | tuSaaram; mancu; himam | -- | The trees were wet from the morning dew. |
S01.710 | the air | pawanam; waatam; śwasanam; gaali | -- | The air is cool and fresh here in the mountains. |
S01.720 | the wind | anilam; gaaDpu; waayuwu | -- | The wind blew so hard it knocked down the tree. |
S01.730 | the cloud | jaladharam; jiimuutam; tooyadam; dhaaraadharam; niiradam; meegham | -- | There were white clouds in the blue sky. |
S01.740 | the fog | pogamancu | -- | The fog is so thick I can't see the road. |
S01.750 | the rain | cinuku; vaana; varsham; | -- | After the rain, the sun appeared again. |
S01.760 | the snow | niihaaram; mancu; | -- | Snow fell all night and covered the city. |
S01.770 | the ice | mancu; himam | -- | A layer of ice formed over the lake. |
S01.7710 | the arctic lights | -- | -- | -- |
S01.7750 | to freeze | gaDDakaTTu; ghaniibhawincu | -- | It was so cold tonight that the entire lake froze. |
S01.780 | the weather | waataawaraNam; waayusthiti | -- | I hope that tomorrow the weather will be nicer than today. |
S01.810 | the fire | angaaram; aggi, agni, agnikuNDam, agnihootram; analam; nippu | -- | The fire is brightly burning in the fireplace. |
S01.820 | the flame | agnijwaala; kiila; ciccu; jwaala; maNTa | -- | The flames were so high they reached the helicopter. |
S01.830 | the smoke | dhuumam;poga | -- | Heavy smoke billowed from the burning house. |
S01.8310 | the steam | aawi, aawiri; | -- | The boiling water filled the room with steam. |
S01.840 | the ash | buuDida; | -- | He let the cigarette ash fall on the floor. |
S01.841 | the embers | kappina nippu | niwuru, niguru n. class. ashes; ~ kappina nippu burning embers covered by ashes, hidden fire | -- |
S01.851 | to burn(1) | kaalcu; manDu | manDu v. The house is burning. | She burnt all her ex-boyfriend's old letters. |
S01.852 | to burn(2) | jwalincu | -- | Our house is burning! Call the fire fighters! |
S01.860 | to light | aNTapeTTu, aNTincu; kaalcu | -- | She lit a match. |
S01.861 | to extinguish | aarcu, aarpu; callaarcu | -- | The fire fighters extinguished the fire. |
S01.870 | the match | aggipulla; nippupulla, nippulla | -- | -- |
S01.880 | the firewood | kaTTe; cituku; pulla | cituku1, ciduku1 n., gen. pl. ~ lu dry sticks or twigs, firewood. | The boys collected firewood and built a bonfire. |
S01.890 | the charcoal | angaaram; kaTTeboggu; boggu | -- | This fireplace is lit by charcoal, not wood. |
S01.99903 | the coal | neelaboggu; boggu; raakSasiboggu | -- | -- |
S01.99904 | the constellation | ṛkSam; nakSatram, nakSatramaNDalam; raaśi, raasi | -- | -- |
S01.99905 | the jade or jadeite | -- | -- | -- |
S01.99907 | the river | eeru; nadi | -- | -- |
S01.99910 | the spring | aamani | -- | -- |
S02.100 | the person | naramaanawuDu | "human being" | This table can be lifted by one person. |
S02.210 | the man | maniSi; | -- | The man had a long beard. |
S02.220 | the woman | angana; atiwa; aliweeNi; aaDadi; tiigabooDi; togakaNTi; dayta; nawala; naari; polati; pramada | -- | The woman wore a pretty dress. |
S02.230 | male(1) | gaNDu | -- | I have ten male and twelve female students. |
S02.240 | female(1) | peNTi | -- | I have ten male and twelve female students. |
S02.250 | the boy | abbaayi; kurra, kurrawaaDu, kurraaDu; baaluDu; | -- | One day this boy will grow to be a man. |
S02.251 | the young man | kiśooruDu; taruNuDu; nawayuwakuDu; yawwanuDu; yuwakuDu | -- | The young man was not married. |
S02.260 | the girl | aaDaboTTe; kiśoori; kurradi; ammaayi | -- | One day this girl will grow to be a woman. |
S02.261 | the young woman | gubbeta, gubbalaaDi; jawaraalu; taruNi; nawayuwati; madhya | -- | -- |
S02.270 | the child(1) | kasukaaya | "little child" | Many children were playing in the water. |
S02.280 | the baby | bucci paapa, bujji paapa | "little baby" | She's still a baby and can only have milk. |
S02.310 | the husband | kaantuDu; jiiwiteeśuDu ; dhawuDu; naathuDu; pati; bharta | -- | She married her husband last year. |
S02.320 | the wife | aalu; uuDha; kaLatram; jaani; bhaarya | -- | He married his wife last year. |
S02.330 | to marry | peLL aaDu; karagrahaNam ceeyu; ceTTapaTTu; pariNayam aaDu, pariNayam ceesukonu; peLLaaDu, peLLi ceesukonu; peLLaaDu, peLLi ceesukonu | -- | She married a man 10 years her junior. |
S02.340 | the wedding | peLLi | -- | When we were married, a thousand people came to the wedding. |
S02.341 | the divorce | wiDaakulu | -- | After the divorce, he married another woman. |
S02.350 | the father | abba; ayya; janakuDu; taNDri; pita | -- | My father came home late last night. |
S02.360 | the mother | amma | -- | My mother came home late last night. |
S02.370 | the parents | tallidaNDrulu, talidaNDrulu | -- | My parents live in the village. |
S02.380 | the married man | -- | -- | As a married man he had more privileges. |
S02.390 | the married woman | -- | -- | As a married woman she had more privileges. |
S02.410 | the son | aatmajuDu; kumaaruDu; koDuku | -- | I have one son and one daughter. |
S02.420 | the daughter | ammaayi; aatmaja: kumaari, kumaarte; kuuturu; cinnaari; tanaya; duhita; putri[ka] | -- | I have one son and one daughter. |
S02.430 | the child(2) | -- | -- | I have two children, a son and a daughter. |
S02.440 | the brother | -- | -- | I have two brothers, one younger and one older than me. |
S02.444 | the older brother | agrajuDu; agrajuDu | -- | My older brother is married, but my younger brother still lives at home. |
S02.445 | the younger brother | tammuDu | -- | My older brother is married, but my younger brother still lives at home. |
S02.450 | the sister | bhagini | -- | I have two sisters, one younger and one older than me. |
S02.454 | the older sister | akka | -- | My older sister is married, but my younger sister still lives at home. |
S02.455 | the younger sister | cellelu, celli, cellaayi, celle | these are formal, informal, affectionate and substandard terms respectively | My older sister is married, but my younger sister still lives at home. |
S02.456 | the sibling | -- | -- | I have two siblings, one brother and one sister. |
S02.4561 | the older sibling | -- | -- | My older sibling is married, but my younger sibling still lives at home. |
S02.4562 | the younger sibling | -- | -- | My older sibling is married, but my younger sibling still lives at home. |
S02.458 | the twins | kavalalu | -- | -- |
S02.460 | the grandfather | pitaamahuDu; maataamahuDu; taata | paternal/maternal | My grandfather is 80 years old. |
S02.461 | the old man | mudusali; musalayya; wṛddhuDu; musali waaDu | -- | That old man looks like my grandfather. |
S02.470 | the grandmother | ammamma; awwa; naayanamma; baamma, maamm; maataamahi | ammamma n. grandmother, mother's mother; naayanamma n. 1 grandmother, father's mother; , baamma, maamma I. n. 1 father's mother, grandmother; | My grandmother is 70 years old. |
S02.471 | the old woman | awwa; muttawwa; musalamma | -- | That old woman looks like my grandmother. |
S02.4711 | the grandparents | -- | -- | Only one of my grandparents is still alive. |
S02.480 | the grandson | dawhitruDu; pawtruDu; manumaDu, manamaDu | dawhitruDu n. class. grandson, daughter's son; pawtruDu n. grandson, son's son. | My grandson is 5 years older than my granddaughter. |
S02.490 | the granddaughter | dawhitri; pawtri; manumaraalu, manamaraalu | dawhitri n. class. granddaughter, daughter's daughter; pawtri n. granddaughter, son's daughter. | My grandson is 5 years older than my granddaughter. |
S02.5000 | the grandchild | manawaDu/manawaraalu | -- | By the time she died, she had 23 grandchildren. |
S02.510 | the uncle | -- | -- | I have two uncles, one on my father's side and one on my mother's side. |
S02.511 | the mother's brother | maama, maawa; meenamaama | -- | -- |
S02.512 | the father's brother | kakka; daaddayya, dadda; doDDayya; pinataNDri; pettaNDri, peddayya | (kakka; daaddayya, dadda; pinataNDri) = father's younger brother; (doDDayya; pettaNDri, peddayya ) = father's younger brother | -- |
S02.520 | the aunt | pinatalli; meenatta | meenatta n. paternal aunt, father's sister. | -- |
S02.521 | the mother's sister | peddamma; doDDamma; pinni | First two corresponder elder and the last one to younger | -- |
S02.522 | the father's sister | atta | -- | -- |
S02.530 | the nephew | meenalluDu | -- | -- |
S02.540 | the niece | meenakooDalu | -- | -- |
S02.5410 | the sibling's child | -- | -- | -- |
S02.550 | the cousin | -- | -- | -- |
S02.560 | the ancestors | wamśapuurwikuDu | SG | -- |
S02.570 | the descendants | awrasaputruDu; wamśasthuDu | SG | -- |
S02.610 | the father-in-law (of a man) | -- | -- | -- |
S02.611 | the father-in-law (of a woman) | -- | -- | -- |
S02.620 | the mother-in-law (of a man) | -- | -- | -- |
S02.621 | the mother-in-law (of a woman) | -- | -- | -- |
S02.6220 | the parents-in-law | atta maamalu | -- | -- |
S02.630 | the son-in-law (of a man) | alluDu, jaamaata | -- | -- |
S02.631 | the son-in-law (of a woman) | alluDu, jaamaata | -- | -- |
S02.640 | the daughter-in-law (of a man) | kooDalu; wadhuuTi | -- | -- |
S02.641 | the daughter-in-law (of a woman) | kooDalu; wadhuuTi | -- | -- |
S02.6411 | the child-in-law | -- | -- | -- |
S02.6412 | the sibling-in-law | -- | -- | -- |
S02.710 | the stepfather | -- | -- | -- |
S02.720 | the stepmother | pinatalli; maaru[Ti]talli; sawatitalli, sawititalli | -- | -- |
S02.730 | the stepson | -- | -- | -- |
S02.740 | the stepdaughter | -- | -- | -- |
S02.750 | the orphan | anaatha | -- | -- |
S02.760 | the widow | kunka; tempi; muNDa, booDemma; moopi; witantuwu; widhawa; wedhawa | -- | -- |
S02.770 | the widower | widuruDu | -- | -- |
S02.810 | the relatives | cuTTapakkaalu | -- | -- |
S02.820 | the family | iNTillipaadi | -- | -- |
S02.910 | I | neenu | -- | -- |
S02.920 | you (singular) | niiwu, nuwwu; miiru | miiru personal pron., polite sing. or pl. you. | -- |
S02.930 | he/she/it | -- | -- | -- |
S02.9310 | he | itaDu, itanu; waaDu | -- | -- |
S02.9320 | she | adi; addi; aame; idi | -- | -- |
S02.9330 | it | adi; addi; idi | -- | -- |
S02.940 | we | -- | -- | -- |
S02.941 | we (inclusive) | manam | -- | -- |
S02.942 | we (exclusive) | meem[u] | -- | -- |
S02.950 | you (plural) | miiru | miiru personal pron., polite sing. or pl. you. | -- |
S02.960 | they | waaru; wiiru, wiiLLu | -- | -- |
S02.99905 | the father-in-law | alluDu, jaamaata | -- | -- |
S02.99906 | the German | -- | -- | -- |
S02.99907 | the Hungarian | -- | -- | -- |
S02.99909 | the mother-in-law | atta | -- | -- |
S02.99916 | the spouse | -- | -- | -- |
S02.99917 | the stepchild | -- | -- | -- |
S03.110 | the animal | goDDu; jantuwu; tiryakku; duSTamṛgam . | duSTamṛgam n. wild animal, beast of prey. | On the small island they found rabbits, foxes, snakes, mice and many other animals. |
S03.120 | male(2) | gaNDu | -- | Only male lions have manes. |
S03.130 | female(2) | peNTi | -- | Only female monkeys look after their offspring. |
S03.150 | the livestock | pasugaNam | -- | -- |
S03.160 | the pasture | kance; paccika; biiDu; meeta | -- | -- |
S03.180 | the herdsman | gollawaaDu ; goopaal[ak]uDu | -- | -- |
S03.190 | the stable or stall | laayam; saahiNam | -- | -- |
S03.200 | the cattle | sommulu | dialectal | -- |
S03.210 | the bull | aambootu; aabootu; ṛSabham; gooNi; wṛSabham | -- | -- |
S03.220 | the ox | eddu | -- | -- |
S03.230 | the cow | goowu; paśuwu 2: | -- | -- |
S03.240 | the calf | tuwwaayi; duDDe; duuDa | -- | -- |
S03.250 | the sheep | gorre | -- | The farmers raised sheep for wool and milk. |
S03.260 | the ram | uraNam; gorrepootu, gorrepoTTeelu; poTTeelu, poTeelu; meeSam | -- | -- |
S03.280 | the ewe | -- | -- | -- |
S03.290 | the lamb | gorrepilla | -- | -- |
S03.320 | the boar | waraaham; waalumekam | -- | The hunter shot the boar in the forest. |
S03.340 | the sow | -- | -- | -- |
S03.350 | the pig | pandi | -- | There are three pigs in the sty. |
S03.360 | the goat | meeka | -- | -- |
S03.370 | the he-goat | eeTa; meekapootu | -- | -- |
S03.380 | the kid | meekapilla | -- | -- |
S03.410 | the horse | aśwam; keesari; gurram; ghooTakam; pancakalyaaNi, pancakaLyaaNi; waaji | -- | The policeman mounted the horse and rode away. |
S03.420 | the stallion | magajaati aśwam | -- | -- |
S03.440 | the mare | gooDiga | -- | -- |
S03.450 | the foal or colt | gurrappilla | -- | -- |
S03.460 | the donkey | kharam; gardabham, gaardabham; gaaDida, gaaDide; lambakarNam | -- | That donkey is almost as large as a horse. |
S03.470 | the mule | kancaragaaDida | -- | -- |
S03.500 | the fowl | kooDi | -- | -- |
S03.520 | the cock/rooster | kooDipunju; punju | -- | The farmer owns ten hens but only two roosters. |
S03.540 | the hen | kooDipeTTa; peTTa | -- | The farmer owns ten hens but only two roosters. |
S03.550 | the chicken | kooDipilla | -- | -- |
S03.560 | the goose | -- | -- | -- |
S03.570 | the duck | baatu | -- | -- |
S03.580 | the nest | -- | -- | Many birds build nests in trees. |
S03.581 | the bird | kiiram; khagam; kheecara[m]; pakSi; patangam; piTTa | -- | -- |
S03.582 | the seagull | -- | -- | -- |
S03.583 | the heron | bakam | "crane, heron" | -- |
S03.584 | the eagle | poolaDu; gadda | -- | -- |
S03.585 | the hawk | śyeenam | "hawk, falcon" | -- |
S03.586 | the vulture | gṛdhram; bandu; raabandu | -- | -- |
S03.591 | the bat | gabbilam | -- | -- |
S03.592 | the parrot | kiiram; cilaka, ciluka; śatapatra; śukam | -- | -- |
S03.593 | the crow | kaaki; waayasam | -- | -- |
S03.594 | the dove | kapootam; guwwa; paawuram, paawuraayi | -- | -- |
S03.596 | the owl | uluukam; guDLa guuba; guuba; ghuukam; diwaandham; peddapulugu | -- | -- |
S03.5970 | the cormorant | -- | -- | -- |
S03.5980 | the toucan | -- | -- | -- |
S03.610 | the dog | kukka; graamasimham; beepi | -- | -- |
S03.614 | the rabbit | -- | -- | -- |
S03.620 | the cat | pilli; biDaalam; maarjaalam | -- | -- |
S03.622 | the opossum | -- | -- | -- |
S03.630 | the mouse or rat | ciTTeluka; cuNDeluka // eluka, elaka; khanakam //muuSikam | mouse // rat // rat/mouse | -- |
S03.650 | the fish | ceepa | -- | -- |
S03.652 | the fin | ceeparekka | -- | -- |
S03.653 | the scale | polusu | -- | -- |
S03.654 | the gill | moppa | -- | -- |
S03.655 | the shell | gawwa | -- | -- |
S03.661 | the shark | sora, soraceepa | -- | -- |
S03.662 | the porpoise or dolphin | -- | -- | -- |
S03.663 | the whale | timingalam | -- | -- |
S03.664 | the stingray | -- | -- | -- |
S03.665 | the freshwater eel | waalugapaamu | "a kind of eel" | -- |
S03.710 | the wolf | tooDeelu; wṛkam | -- | -- |
S03.720 | the lion | kaNThiirawam; keesari; mṛgapati, mṛgaraaju; simham | -- | -- |
S03.730 | the bear | ṛkSam; elugu | -- | -- |
S03.740 | the fox | guNTanakka | -- | -- |
S03.750 | the deer | irri; kurangam; mṛgam | -- | -- |
S03.760 | the monkey | kapi; kooti; tippatimmari; markaTam; muccu; laanguuli; waanaram, waanaruDu; śaakhaamṛgam | -- | -- |
S03.770 | the elephant | eenugu; kari; kunjaram; gajam; | -- | -- |
S03.780 | the camel | uSTram; oNTe; loTipiTa, loTipiTTa | loTipiTa, loTipiTTa n. (obsolete) camel. | -- |
S03.810 | the insect | kiiTakam; krimi; purugu | -- | -- |
S03.811 | the head louse | iipi, iiru; peenu | "louse" | -- |
S03.8112 | the body louse | iipi, iiru; peenu | "louse" | -- |
S03.812 | the nit | iipi, iiru; peenuguDDu, peenupilla | -- | -- |
S03.813 | the flea | matkuNam | "bug, flea" | -- |
S03.814 | the centipede | jerri, jerripootu; rookaTibaNDa; śatapadi, śatapaadajiiwi | -- | -- |
S03.815 | the scorpion | teelu; wṛścikam | -- | -- |
S03.816 | the cockroach | bariNe purugu; boddinka | -- | -- |
S03.817 | the ant | ciima; pipiili, pipiila, pipiilikam; luuta | -- | -- |
S03.818 | the spider | iigapuli; luuta; saaliinaa, saalepurugu | -- | -- |
S03.819 | the spider web | saaleguuDu, saalepaTTu | -- | -- |
S03.820 | the bee | tummeda; teeneTiiga; madhukaram, madhupam | -- | -- |
S03.821 | the beeswax | maynam | "wax" | -- |
S03.822 | the beehive | -- | -- | -- |
S03.823 | the wasp | -- | -- | -- |
S03.830 | the fly | iiga; makSikam | -- | -- |
S03.831 | the sandfly or midge or gnat | maśakam | -- | -- |
S03.832 | the mosquito | dooma | -- | -- |
S03.8330 | the prawns or shrimp | royya | -- | -- |
S03.8340 | the termites | ceda, cada | -- | -- |
S03.8350 | the tick | koNuju; goomaari | -- | |
S03.840 | the worm | krimi | -- | -- |
S03.850 | the snake | kaakoodaram; ciluwa; naagam; pannagam; paamu | -- | -- |
S03.8620 | the coyote | -- | -- | -- |
S03.8630 | the hare | kundeelu; cewulapilli; śaśa[ka]m | -- | -- |
S03.8650 | the quail | puuriiDupiTTa | -- | -- |
S03.8660 | the raccoon | -- | -- | -- |
S03.8690 | the squirrel | uDuta, uData | -- | -- |
S03.8710 | the reindeer/caribou | -- | -- | -- |
S03.8720 | the elk/moose | -- | -- | -- |
S03.8730 | the beaver | -- | -- | -- |
S03.8800 | the kangaroo | -- | -- | -- |
S03.8900 | the anteater | -- | -- | *-- |
S03.9000 | the jaguar | -- | -- | -- |
S03.910 | the firefly | miNuguru purugu | -- | -- |
S03.9130 | the chameleon | uusarawelli | -- | -- |
S03.9170 | the buffalo | enum[u], enubootu; kaarupootu, kaarenumu; kurra; kodama; gamiDi geede; goDDu; gawDigeede; dukkipootu; dunna[pootu]; paDDa; barre; lulaayam | enum[u] n. she buffalo. enubootu n. male buffalo. aarupootu n. wild buffalo (male) kaarenumu n. wild buffalo (female) kurra I. n. 1 boy, child. 2 young male buffalo. kodama I. n. young male buffalo gamiDi geede n. buffalo of large size such as a murra buffalo. geede n. she buffalo. goDDu I. n. 1 beast, animal. 2 head of cattle, buffalo. gawDigeede n. large kind of buffalo. dukkipootu n. ploughing buffalo. dunna[pootu] n. he buffalo. paDDa1 n. 1 three year old female buffalo. barre n. she buffalo. lulaayam n. class. wild buffalo. | -- |
S03.920 | the butterfly | siitaakookaciluka | -- | -- |
S03.930 | the grasshopper | kiicuraayi; gollabhaama; miData; śalabham | -- | -- |
S03.940 | the snail | natta; bankapurugu | -- | -- |
S03.950 | the frog | kappa; bheekam; maNDuukam | -- | -- |
S03.960 | the lizard | balli | -- | -- |
S03.970 | the crocodile or alligator | makara[m]; mosali | -- | -- |
S03.980 | the turtle | kuurmam; taabeelu, taambeelu | -- | -- |
S03.9900 | the tapir | -- | -- | -- |
S03.99933 | the pet | -- | -- | -- |
S03.99941 | the sparrow | picika, piccuka, piciki | -- | -- |
S03.99942 | the tiger | peddapuli; bebbuli; muwwannemekam; wyaaghram; śaarduulam; puli | -- | -- |
S04.110 | the body | angam, aatma, oLLu, kaLeebaram; śariiram | kaLeebaram n. 1 body. 2 corpse. | -- |
S04.120 | the skin or hide | taaTa; charmam | -- | -- |
S04.130 | the flesh | kaNDa; ciyya; maamsam | -- | -- |
S04.140 | the hair | kuntalam; kurulu; keeśam; juTTu | -- | -- |
S04.142 | the beard | gaDDam, geDDam; daaDi | -- | -- |
S04.144 | the body hair | boccu; roomam | -- | -- |
S04.145 | the pubic hair | śaSpam | colloq. | -- |
S04.146 | the dandruff | cuNDu, cuNDru | -- | -- |
S04.150 | the blood | netturu | -- | -- |
S04.151 | the vein or artery | raktanaaLam | -- | -- |
S04.160 | the bone | asthi, asthika; bomike; śalyam | -- | -- |
S04.162 | the rib | pakkemuka; parsuka | -- | -- |
S04.170 | the horn | kommu; wiSaaNam | -- | -- |
S04.180 | the tail | tooka; puccham; laanguulam; waalam | -- | -- |
S04.190 | the back | wiipu; wennu | -- | -- |
S04.191 | the spine | wennupuusa, wennemuka, wennupaTTe; wennu | -- | -- |
S04.200 | the head | uttamaangam; burra; masta[ka]m; tala | -- | -- |
S04.201 | the temples | kaNata | -- | -- |
S04.202 | the skull | kapaalam; karparam; pucce; puNiki; purre; burra; masta[ka]m | -- | -- |
S04.203 | the brain | mastiSkam; medaDu | -- | -- |
S04.204 | the face | Aasyam; mukham; mogamu; moomu | -- | -- |
S04.205 | the forehead | nuduru; nosalu, noSTa; phaalam, phaalabhaagam | -- | -- |
S04.207 | the jaw | dawaDa, dawaDa; hanuwu | -- | The boxer punched his opponent on the jaw. |
S04.208 | the cheek | kapoolam; cempa, cekkili; dawaDa, dawaDa; bugga | -- | -- |
S04.209 | the chin | gaDDam, geDDam; cubukam, cibukam | -- | -- |
S04.210 | the eye | akSi; kalikam; kannu | -- | -- |
S04.212 | the eyebrow | kanuboma, kanubomma; bomma | -- | -- |
S04.213 | the eyelid | kanureppa; reppa | -- | -- |
S04.214 | the eyelash | pakSmam | -- | -- |
S04.215 | to blink | ciikirincu; pulukupuluku cuucu; pulukupuluku cuucu | -- | I blinked as I came out into the sunlight. |
S04.220 | the ear | karNam; cewi | -- | -- |
S04.221 | the earlobe | tamme | -- | -- |
S04.222 | the earwax | gubili, gulimi | -- | -- |
S04.230 | the nose | naasika; mukku | -- | -- |
S04.231 | the nostril | mukkurandhram | -- | -- |
S04.232 | the nasal mucus | ciimiDi, ciimuDu; simhaaNam | -- | -- |
S04.240 | the mouth | aasyam; nooru; muuti | -- | -- |
S04.241 | the beak | mukku | -- | -- |
S04.250 | the lip | adharam; awDu, ooSTham; pedawi; | -- | -- |
S04.260 | the tongue | toNDam; naalika, naaluka | -- | -- |
S04.270 | the tooth | dantam; pannu; palu | -- | -- |
S04.271 | the gums | ciguLLu; | ciguru for singular | -- |
S04.272 | the molar tooth | -- | -- | -- |
S04.280 | the neck | gaLam; griiwam; meDa | -- | -- |
S04.281 | the nape of the neck | mucciliguNTa | -- | -- |
S04.290 | the throat | kaNTham; kutika, kuttuka; gaLam;gontu[ka] ; griiwam | -- | -- |
S04.300 | the shoulder | bhujam, bhujakiirti; bhujaskandham | bhujaskandham n. class. shoulder. | -- |
S04.301 | the shoulderblade | -- | -- | -- |
S04.302 | the collarbone | jatruwu | -- | -- |
S04.310 | the arm | karam; ceyyi, ceeyi; baahuwu | karam n. class. hand, arm; | -- |
S04.312 | the armpit | canka; cakkili; baahumuulam | -- | -- |
S04.320 | the elbow | muDuku, muNuku, muDusu; mooceyyi | -- | -- |
S04.321 | the wrist | maNikaTTu | -- | -- |
S04.330 | the hand | karam; ceyyi, ceeyi; baahuwu; hastam | karam n. class. hand, arm; hastam n. 1 class. hand. | -- |
S04.331 | the palm of the hand | araceeyi, ariceeyi; karatalam | -- | -- |
S04.340 | the finger | anguLi; ceetiweelu | -- | -- |
S04.342 | the thumb | anguSTam ; boTanaweelu | -- | -- |
S04.344 | the fingernail | gooru; nakham | -- | -- |
S04.345 | the claw | gooru; nakham | -- | The cat dug his claws into my leg. |
S04.350 | the leg | kaalu | -- | -- |
S04.351 | the thigh | utsangam; uuruwu; toNTi; pikka | -- | -- |
S04.352 | the calf of the leg | jangha; pikka | -- | -- |
S04.360 | the knee | jaanuwu; muDuku, muNuku, muDusu; mookaalu | jaanuwu n. class. knee. | -- |
S04.370 | the foot | aDugu; kaalu | -- | -- |
S04.371 | the ankle | gulpham, gulbham; ciilamaNDa ; maNDa; siilamaNDa | -- | -- |
S04.372 | the heel | maDama | -- | -- |
S04.374 | the footprint | anja; aDugujaaDa; | -- | -- |
S04.380 | the toe | anguLi; anguLi; mungaalu | -- | -- |
S04.392 | the wing | pakSam,pakSmam; rekka | -- | -- |
S04.393 | the feather | iika; parNam | -- | -- |
S04.400 | the chest | uram, urassu; edururommu; guNDe; chaatii; rommu; wakSasthalam | -- | -- |
S04.410 | the breast | uroojam; kucam; canukaTTu, cannu; baayi | -- | -- |
S04.412 | the nipple or teat | cannu; cucukam, cuucukam; stanam | -- | -- |
S04.420 | the udder | uudham, uudhassu | n. class. udder. | -- |
S04.430 | the navel | pokkili; boDDu | -- | -- |
S04.4310 | the belly | jaTharam; poTTa; bojja | -- | -- |
S04.440 | the heart | antaḥkaraNa[m]; antarangam, antaraantaraalu; antassu; aantaryam; ullam | antaraantaraalu 1 heart. | -- |
S04.441 | the lung | uupirititti; puppusam; śwaasakoośam | -- | -- |
S04.450 | the liver | kaarijam; kaaleeyam | kaarijam n. class liver. | -- |
S04.451 | the kidney | muutrapiNDam | -- | -- |
S04.452 | the spleen | gulmam; pliiham | -- | -- |
S04.460 | the stomach | annakoośam; aamaaśayam; udaram; kaDupu; kukSi; garbham; jiirNakoośam; poTTa | annakoośam n. zool. stomach. | Her stomach could not digest the tough meat. |
S04.461 | the intestines or guts | p[r]eegu | -- | -- |
S04.462 | the waist | naDum; mola | -- | -- |
S04.463 | the hip | toNTi1, tuNTi | -- | -- |
S04.464 | the buttocks | pirra | -- | -- |
S04.4650 | the sinew or tendon | snaayubandhanam | -- | -- |
S04.470 | the womb | kaDupu; kaalagarbham; garbham; jaTharam ; yooni | -- | -- |
S04.490 | the testicles | aNDakoośam; picca, piccakaaya; biijam; wṛSaNam; śukraaśayam | -- | -- |
S04.492 | the penis | culla, culli; bulla[kaaya], bullapaNDu; śiśinam | , bulla[kaaya], bullapaNDu n. (used with ref. to a child) penis. | -- |
S04.4930 | the vagina | kutta; pangu; bhagam; yooni | -- | -- |
S04.4940 | the vulva | -- | -- | -- |
S04.510 | to breathe | uudu; uupiritiiyu; gukkatippukonu;dammukoTTu, dammupaTTu, dammupiilcu, dammulaagu; niśwasincu; piilcu | dammukoTTu, dammupaTTu, dammupiilcu, dammulaagu v.t. to breathe in, inhale; niśwasincu v.i. to breathe out, exhale; piilcu v.t. 1 to breathe in, inhale; | -- |
S04.520 | to yawn | aawalincu, aawulincu; jṛmbhincu | jṛmbhincu v.i. class. 1 to yawn. | -- |
S04.521 | to hiccough | -- | -- | -- |
S04.530 | to cough | daggu | -- | -- |
S04.540 | to sneeze | tummu | -- | -- |
S04.550 | to perspire | -- | -- | -- |
S04.560 | to spit | umiyu; ummi weeyu, ummeeyu; uuyu | umiyu VT; ummi weeyu, ummeeyu VI; uuyu VT | -- |
S04.570 | to vomit | udgaarincu; kakkincu; kakku; Dooku; waanti ceesukonu; weligrakku, weLLagrakku | udgaarincu VT; kakku VT; oth. VI | -- |
S04.580 | to bite | karacu, karucu; kaaTu weeyu; koruku | -- | -- |
S04.590 | to lick | naaku | -- | -- |
S04.591 | to dribble | congakaarcu | -- | Watch out, the baby is dribbling on your shirt! |
S04.610 | to sleep | Kanumuuyu; paDukonu | -- | -- |
S04.612 | to snore | gurakapeTTu, gurrupeTTu; gurru peTTu | -- | -- |
S04.620 | to dream | kala[lu] kanu, kalagaacu | -- | -- |
S04.630 | to wake up | nidra leecu; meelukonu, meelkonu; leepu | -- | I wake up at seven every morning. |
S04.640 | to fart | pittu | vulgar | -- |
S04.650 | to piss | -- | -- | -- |
S04.660 | to shit | -- | -- | -- |
S04.670 | to have sex | dengu; ramincu, ramiyincu | to have sexual intercourse | -- |
S04.680 | to shiver | adaru, aduru, udaru; gaDagaDalaaDu; gijagijalaaDu; jaladarincu; tuLLipaDu; waDaku, waNaku; waNuku | -- | -- |
S04.690 | to bathe | jalakamaaDu, jalakaalaaDu; snaanam ceeyu | -- | She likes to bathe before going to bed. |
S04.710 | to beget | kanu; paDayu | kanu v.t. 1 to bear, give birth to, beget. paDayu v.t. class. 1 to obtain, acquire. 2 to beget. | -- |
S04.720 | to be born | awatarincu, awataaram ettu; udbhawincu; janincu, janmam ettu | -- | -- |
S04.730 | pregnant | garbhavati | -- | -- |
S04.732 | to conceive | garbham dharincu, garbhamtoo uNDu | -- | -- |
S04.740 | to be alive | uNDu; masalu | -- | I thought he was dead, but he's still alive. |
S04.7410 | the life | pancapraaNaalu; praaNam; jiivitam | -- | He had a good long life. |
S04.750 | to die | antarincu; aNagipoowu; awataaram caalincu; astamincu; ukkipoowu; kaDateeru; kanumuuyu; kaalam ceeyu, kaaladharmam ceeyu, kaaladharmam cendu; gatincu, giTTu | -- | -- |
S04.7501 | dead | -- | -- | -- |
S04.751 | to drown | -- | -- | The dog fell into the river and drowned. |
S04.760 | to kill | antam ceeyu, antam ondincu; kuulcu; campu; tunumu, tunmu; tegaTaarcu; nugguceeyu; parimaarcu; balipeTTu; maTTu peTTu; ruupumaapu; wadhincu; samharincu | tunumu, tunmu v.t. class. 2 to kill. | -- |
S04.770 | the corpse | kaTTe; kaLeebaram; piinuga, piinugu; mṛtadeeham; śawam | -- | -- |
S04.7710 | the carcass | piinuga, piinugu | -- | -- |
S04.780 | to bury | nikSeepincu; paatu; puuDcu | -- | -- |
S04.790 | the grave | goyyi, gooyi; bonda; samaadhi | -- | -- |
S04.810 | strong | gaTTi; gaaDha, gaaDhya; ghaaTu; cikka, cikkaTi, cikkani | -- | She's a strong woman and can lift 50 kilos. |
S04.820 | weak | arthahiina; arbhakam; asanaaTu; cappa; durbalam; nirwiirya; nissattuwa | -- | He's so weak that he cannot even lift 5 kilos. |
S04.830 | healthy | aaroogyawanta; pikkalaaNTi; sasi | -- | -- |
S04.840 | sick/ill | jabbu | -- | -- |
S04.841 | the fever | kaaka; jwaram | kaaka n. 1 fever[ishness]; | -- |
S04.842 | the goitre/goiter | gaNDamaala; puTTalamma | -- | -- |
S04.843 | the cold | jalubu | -- | He caught a cold after swimming in the lake at night. |
S04.8440 | the disease | upataapam; roogam | -- | -- |
S04.850 | the wound or sore | udghaatam; kSatam; gaNTu; gaNTu; gaayam, gaayaparacu; tiita | -- | -- |
S04.852 | the bruise | kamuku debba | kamuku debba n. dial. bruise. | -- |
S04.853 | the swelling | ubuku, ubbaram,ubbu,ubbettu; uuda,uuduDu; kadum; gulla; poTamarimpu; buDipa, buDipe, boDipe; boppi; waapu; śoopha | -- | -- |
S04.854 | the itch | kaNDuuti; ciDum; jila; nawa | -- | The itch was caused by an insect bite. |
S04.8541 | to scratch | giiku, giicu, giiru; gooku | -- | Don't scratch an insect bite! |
S04.855 | the blister | pokku; bobba | -- | -- |
S04.856 | the boil | kurupu; gaDDa, geDDa | -- | The boy's body is covered in boils. |
S04.857 | the pus | ciimu; rasi[ka] | -- | -- |
S04.858 | the scar | macca | -- | -- |
S04.860 | to cure | niwaaraNi; maanpu ; swasthaparacu | -- | The treatment cured the patient's illness. |
S04.870 | the physician | waydyuDu | waydyuDu n. doctor, physician. | -- |
S04.880 | the medicine | awSadham; mandu | -- | -- |
S04.890 | the poison | garaLam; naabhi; paaSaaNam; wiSam | -- | -- |
S04.910 | tired | Diilaa; alisi | -- | -- |
S04.912 | to rest | naDum waalcu, naDDi waalcu; paalumaalu | -- | -- |
S04.920 | lazy | jaDDu; baddakam | -- | -- |
S04.930 | bald | baTTa; muNDa[na]m | -- | -- |
S04.940 | lame | kuNTi; coTTa, soTTa; moNDi; soTTa | -- | -- |
S04.950 | deaf | cewiTi; badhira | -- | -- |
S04.960 | mute | muuga | -- | -- |
S04.970 | blind | andha[m], andhawiśwaasam; guDDi | -- | -- |
S04.980 | drunk | unmatta[m], taagi | -- | They became drunk after drinking too much beer. |
S04.990 | naked | daDDu; disa, disamola; nagna; moNDimola | -- | The child does not like to wear clothes, and goes around naked. |
S04.99904 | the cholesterol | -- | -- | -- |
S04.99914 | to itch | ciTaciTalaaDu; cimacimalaaDu; weeDukapaDu; durada peTTu; | all VI | -- |
S05.110 | to eat | katuku; tinu | -- | The child has eaten the fruit. |
S05.120 | the food | p[r]oogu; bhukti; bhoojanam; kuuDu; | p[r]oogu n. 2 food (in a derogatory sense); | -- |
S05.121 | cooked | Pakwa; vanDina; | -- | Cooked bananas taste even better than raw bananas. |
S05.122 | raw | apakwa; kaccaa; pacci; | -- | Cooked bananas taste even better than raw bananas. |
S05.123 | ripe | aaramuggina, muggina; pakwa; | aaramuggina adj. 1 fully ripe. 2 overripe. | Unripe bananas have a green colour, whereas ripe bananas are yellow. |
S05.124 | unripe | apakwa; aparipakwam; kaccaa; pacci; | -- | Unripe bananas have a green colour, whereas ripe bananas are yellow. |
S05.125 | rotten | kuccita, kutsita; puppi, pippi; murugu; kuLLina; | -- | a rotten apple or mango |
S05.130 | to drink | aaragincu; taagu | -- | drink water |
S05.140 | to be hungry | aakalikonu; aakonu; nakanakalaaDu; soTasoTalaadu | nakanakalaaDu v.i. 1 to be very hungry. | -- |
S05.141 | the famine | karuwu; kaaTakam; kSaamam; durbhikSam | -- | -- |
S05.150 | to be thirsty | dappika konu | -- | -- |
S05.160 | to suck | cibuku; ciiku | -- | The baby is sucking milk. |
S05.180 | to chew | kasakasa namalu; namalu, namulu | -- | This meat is so tough I can hardly chew it! |
S05.181 | to swallow | kabaLincu; digamingu; mi m[r]ingu | -- | You need to chew this meat well before you can swallow it. |
S05.190 | to choke | ukkiribikkiri avvu | -- | The smoke was choking the fire fighters./The assailant choked his victim. |
S05.210 | to cook | waNDu | -- | She was cooking a soup for her mother. |
S05.220 | to boil | uDuku, uDakapeTTu, uDukulekkincu, uDukulettincu; kurupu | -- | The water is boiling. |
S05.230 | to roast or fry | kaalcu; bharjincu; vEpu | bharjincu v.t. class. to fry, roast. | -- |
S05.240 | to bake | -- | -- | We are baking some bread. |
S05.250 | the oven | -- | -- | -- |
S05.260 | the pot | kalaśam; kuNDii; kunDa | -- | He is cooking soup for the whole family in a big pot. |
S05.270 | the kettle | -- | -- | The water is boiling in the kettle. |
S05.280 | the pan | penam; buurlamuukuDu | -- | -- |
S05.310 | the dish | kancam; taTTi ; tabuku; paLLem | kancam n. metal dish or tray or plate. | -- |
S05.320 | the plate | kancam; taTTa, taTTi; tabuku; wistara | wistaraaku n. 1 eating plate made of leaves stitched together | -- |
S05.330 | the bowl | kuNDii; ginne; taTTi; puNiki | taTTi n. 1 dish, plate. 2 small cup or bowl. | -- |
S05.340 | the jug/pitcher | jaggu | -- | -- |
S05.350 | the cup | kappu; ginne; taTTi | -- | -- |
S05.360 | the saucer | paLLem | -- | -- |
S05.370 | the spoon | gaNTe | -- | He ate the soup with a spoon. |
S05.380 | the knife(1) | gaNTe ; cancaa, cencaa | -- | -- |
S05.390 | the fork | panga | panga n. 1 two pronged fork. | -- |
S05.391 | the tongs | cimaTaa; pa[T]Takaaru | -- | -- |
S05.410 | the meal | bhojanam | -- | Dinner is the main meal of the day for most people. |
S05.420 | the breakfast | upaahaaram; naastaa | -- | -- |
S05.430 | the lunch | madhyaahnam, madhyaannam ~ bhoojanam | -- | -- |
S05.440 | the dinner | windu | -- | -- |
S05.450 | the supper | -- | -- | -- |
S05.460 | to peel | ekkatiiyu; olucu; tokka tiiyu; | -- | This knife is good for peeling potatoes. |
S05.470 | to sieve or to strain | jallincu, jalleDa paTTu, jalleDa pooyu; taalcu | -- | She strained the coffee before serving it. |
S05.480 | to scrape | giiku, giicu, giita, giiru; gooku; ciiru; cekkipaareeyu; turumu; dooku; bakkuru; raayu | -- | Scrape the carrots and slice them thinly. |
S05.490 | to stir or to mix | kadalabaaru, kadalu, kadalcu, kadilincu; calincu | to stir | -- |
S05.510 | the bread | naanrooTTe; roTTe | -- | -- |
S05.530 | the dough | -- | -- | -- |
S05.540 | to knead | pisuku | -- | Knead the dough for three minutes. |
S05.550 | the flour | piNDi | -- | -- |
S05.560 | to crush or to grind | nuuru; piNDi ceeyu; rubbu | to pulverize | -- |
S05.570 | the mill | girni; mara | -- | -- |
S05.580 | the mortar(1) | roolu | -- | -- |
S05.590 | the pestle | guNDraayi; guuTam; rookali | -- | -- |
S05.610 | the meat | maamsam; kakka; mukka; niicu | -- | -- |
S05.630 | the sausage | -- | -- | -- |
S05.640 | the soup | -- | -- | Clear chicken soup can relieve the symptoms of the common cold. |
S05.650 | the vegetables | kaayaguuralu; kuuragaayalu | -- | -- |
S05.660 | the bean | śamiidhaanyam | -- | -- |
S05.700 | the potato | aalugaDDa | -- | -- |
S05.710 | the fruit | kaapu | -- | -- |
S05.712 | the bunch | guccham; gutti; gela | -- | -- |
S05.750 | the fig | anjuuru | -- | -- |
S05.760 | the grape | anguuru; draakSa | -- | -- |
S05.770 | the nut | pikka | pikka n. 3 stone, nut or kernel of a fruit | -- |
S05.780 | the olive | -- | -- | -- |
S05.790 | the oil | camuru; jiDDu; nuune | -- | -- |
S05.791 | the grease or fat | kowwuL, jiDDu | -- | -- |
S05.810 | the salt | uppu | -- | -- |
S05.820 | the pepper | miriyaalu | black pepper | -- |
S05.821 | the chili pepper | mirapakaaya | -- | -- |
S05.840 | the honey | teene, teeni; madhuwu | -- | -- |
S05.850 | the sugar | cakkera; ciini; pancadaara | -- | -- |
S05.860 | the milk | uudhasyam; kSiiram; taripaalu; paalu | uudhasyam n. class. milk. kSiiram n. class. milk. taripaalu n. fresh milk | -- |
S05.870 | to milk | pituku, piduku | -- | -- |
S05.880 | the cheese | junnu | junnu n. kind of cheese. | -- |
S05.890 | the butter | maskaa; wenna | -- | -- |
S05.900 | the drink | taaguDu | taaguDu | -- |
S05.910 | the mead | -- | -- | -- |
S05.920 | the wine | draakSarasam;draakSarasam; draakSasaaraayi | -- | -- |
S05.930 | the beer | biiru | -- | -- |
S05.940 | the fermented drink | -- | -- | -- |
S05.970 | the egg | aNDam; guDDu; Dimbham | Dimbham n. class. 1 egg. | -- |
S05.971 | the yolk | candamaama; sona | -- | -- |
S05.9830 | the manioc bread | -- | -- | -- |
S05.99903 | the soy sauce | -- | -- | -- |
S05.99905 | the bacon | -- | -- | -- |
S05.99906 | the biscuit | -- | -- | -- |
S05.99907 | the brandy | -- | -- | -- |
S05.99908 | the cabbage | koosugaDDa; goobi[gaDDa] | -- | -- |
S05.99910 | the cream | -- | -- | -- |
S05.99912 | the jelly | -- | -- | -- |
S05.99921 | the tortilla | -- | -- | -- |
S05.99922 | the vinegar | -- | -- | -- |
S06.110 | to put on | tagilincukonu; taalcu; toDukkonu; digaweesukonu | -- | The child can already put on his clothes by himself. |
S06.120 | the clothing or clothes | uDupulu; guDDalu; baTTalu | -- | -- |
S06.130 | the tailor | kuTTupaniwaaDu; darjii | -- | -- |
S06.210 | the cloth | paccaDam; paTam; paTTaa; baTTa | paccaDam n. 1 bed sheet. 2 cloth covering. paTam n. class. cloth. paTTaa n. coarse cloth | -- |
S06.220 | the wool | unni; uulu; uulu | -- | -- |
S06.230 | the linen | guDDa | -- | -- |
S06.240 | the cotton | duudi; duudipinja; nuulu; p[r]atti | duudi n. cleaned cotton before spinning.duudipinja n. cotton wool. nuulu1 n. cotton thread p[r]atti n. 1 cotton bush | -- |
S06.250 | the silk | paTTutaapita; reeSam | taapita n. a variety of silk; paTTu ~ silk cloth. | -- |
S06.270 | the felt | -- | -- | -- |
S06.280 | the fur | -- | -- | -- |
S06.290 | the leather | carmam; toolu | -- | -- |
S06.310 | to spin | waDuku | -- | -- |
S06.320 | the spindle | kaduru | -- | -- |
S06.330 | to weave | allu; neeyu | -- | -- |
S06.340 | the loom | neetayantram; maggam | -- | -- |
S06.350 | to sew | kuTTu | -- | -- |
S06.360 | the needle(1) | suudi | -- | -- |
S06.370 | the awl | aara; Tenki | aara n. 1 shoemaker's awl. Tenki3, Tenke n. 1 cobbler's awl for boring leather | -- |
S06.380 | the thread | tantuwu; daaram | -- | -- |
S06.390 | to dye | rangu; warNam | -- | The weaver dyed the cloth bright red. |
S06.410 | the cloak | aacchaadanam; uttariiyam | -- | -- |
S06.411 | the poncho | -- | -- | -- |
S06.420 | the (woman's) dress | ooNii, waaNii; weeSam | ooNii, waaNii n. 1 half sari, a dress worn by girls on attaining puberty before they begin to wear a full sari. | -- |
S06.430 | the coat | angarakaa, angarkhaa; angii; śarwaaNi | long coat | -- |
S06.440 | the shirt | cokkaa | -- | -- |
S06.450 | the collar | paTakaa | -- | -- |
S06.460 | the skirt | aDDapance; panca; langaa | aDDapance/panca = man's skirt. langaa1 n. woman's skirt. | -- |
S06.461 | the grass-skirt | -- | -- | -- |
S06.480 | the trousers | ijaaru; paNTLaam; Saraabu | -- | -- |
S06.490 | the sock or stocking | mejooLLu | -- | -- |
S06.510 | the shoe | ceppu; paadarakSa | -- | -- |
S06.520 | the boot | kaalijooDu; jooDu | -- | -- |
S06.540 | the shoemaker | aasaadi; goDagari, goDaari | -- | -- |
S06.550 | the hat or cap | kuLaayi; Toopii | -- | -- |
S06.570 | the belt | paTakaa; paTTii | -- | -- |
S06.580 | the glove | -- | -- | -- |
S06.590 | the veil | paradaa; musugu | -- | During the wedding the bride wore a veil that hid her face. |
S06.610 | the pocket | jeebu | -- | He put the money in his shirt pocket. |
S06.620 | the button | guNDii; bottaam | -- | -- |
S06.630 | the pin | aaNi; kiilam; guNDusuudi; ciila | -- | The torn shirt was held together by pins. |
S06.710 | the ornament or adornment | alankaaram; aabharaNam; toDupu | toDupu n. class. ornament. | Her hair was adorned with silver oranments. |
S06.720 | the jewel | upalam; naga; maNDanam; maaNikyam; ratnam | -- | -- |
S06.730 | the ring | anguLiiyakam; anaamika | finger ring | -- |
S06.740 | the bracelet | kankaNam; kaDiyam; gaaju | -- | She wore a solid gold bracelet. |
S06.750 | the necklace | kutikaNTu; candrahaaram; daNDa | -- | Her necklace was made of pearls and coral. |
S06.760 | the bead | puusa | -- | -- |
S06.770 | the earring | uttamśam; kamma; kuNDalam | -- | The pirate wore one earring. |
S06.780 | the headband or headdress | turaayi | -- | -- |
S06.790 | the tattoo | pacca | -- | -- |
S06.810 | the handkerchief or rag | piilika; rumaalu | -- | -- |
S06.820 | the towel | angawastram, angoostram; tuNDuguDDa, tuNDu; tuwwaalu, tuwaalu, tuwwaala, tuwaala; masipaata, masiguDDa, masibaTTa | masipaata, masiguDDa, masibaTTa n. 2 kitchen towel | -- |
S06.910 | the comb | duwwena | -- | -- |
S06.920 | the brush | kunce | -- | He used the brush to thoroughly brush his hair. |
S06.921 | the plait/braid | WeeNi; jaDa | classic | -- |
S06.930 | the razor | kSurika | barber's razor | While he was shaving the razor cut his face. |
S06.940 | the ointment | angaraagam; taylam,paypuuta; wileepanam | -- | -- |
S06.950 | the soap | sabbu | -- | A bar of soap was placed by the sink. |
S06.960 | the mirror | addam; aadarśakam; darpaNam | -- | He looked at himself in the mirror that hung on the wall. |
S06.9800 | the snowshoe | -- | -- | She put on her snowshoes before going out into the cold. |
S06.99901 | the bag | ankem; gootam, gootaam, goonesancii, goonisancii; sanci | -- | -- |
S06.99907 | the sandal | ceppu | -- | -- |
S06.99911 | to wear | kaTTu; tagilincukonu; taalcu; toDukkonu; dharincu; baTTa; veesukonu | -- | -- |
S07.110 | to live | uNDu | dwell | A family of five lives in that large house. |
S07.120 | the house | Tenki; nilayam, niwaasam, niweeśam, niweeśanasthalam; bhawanam; maha[a]l; sadanam; illu | -- | -- |
S07.130 | the hut | kuTiiram; koTTam, koTTaam; guDise; paaka | -- | -- |
S07.131 | the garden-house | -- | -- | -- |
S07.140 | the tent | guDaaram, guDaaru; śibiram | -- | -- |
S07.150 | the yard or court | mungili; mellaa | -- | -- |
S07.160 | the men's house | -- | -- | -- |
S07.170 | the cookhouse | vanTagadi | -- | -- |
S07.180 | the meeting house | samaaVesa mandiram | -- | -- |
S07.210 | the room | aaspadam; irumu, iruwu; koTTu; gadi | -- | -- |
S07.220 | the door or gate | kawaaTam; darwaajaa; dwaaram; talupu | -- | -- |
S07.221 | the doorpost | -- | -- | -- |
S07.230 | the lock | taaLam; biigam | -- | -- |
S07.231 | the latch or door-bolt | uucagoLLem; goLLem | -- | -- |
S07.2320 | the padlock | kappa taaLam, taaLam kappa; taaLamkappa; biigam | -- | -- |
S07.240 | the key | udghaaTanam; kii; taaLamcewi | -- | -- |
S07.250 | the window | taaLamcewi; gawaakSam; kitikii | -- | -- |
S07.260 | the floor | neela | -- | -- |
S07.270 | the wall | kuDyam; bhitti; gooDa | calssic | The walls of our house are very thick. |
S07.310 | the fireplace | cullaa; p[r]oyyi | -- | -- |
S07.320 | the stove | cullaa | -- | She put the kettle on the stove and lit the fire. |
S07.330 | the chimney | cimnii; pogaguuDu, pogagoTTam | -- | -- |
S07.370 | the ladder | niccena; niśreeNi | niśreeNi n. class. ladder. | -- |
S07.420 | the bed | talpam; pakka; mancam; śayanam, śayya | talpam n. class. bed. | -- |
S07.421 | the pillow | upadhaanam; talagaDa; dinDu; metta | -- | -- |
S07.422 | the blanket | kambaLam, kambaLi; buurniisu; rajaayi | -- | -- |
S07.430 | the chair | kurcii | -- | -- |
S07.440 | the table | balla; meejaa | -- | -- |
S07.450 | the lamp or torch | jyooti; diwwe, diipam // ulka; karadiipika; kaagaDa, kaagaDaa; diwiTii | lamp // torch | -- |
S07.460 | the candle | kowwu watti, kowwotti; maynapuwatti | -- | -- |
S07.470 | the shelf | ara | -- | Put it back on the top shelf. |
S07.480 | the trough | ara; aawaapam; toTTi, toTTe | -- | -- |
S07.510 | the roof | iNTikappu; paykappu; cuuru | -- | -- |
S07.520 | the thatch | puuri | -- | -- |
S07.530 | the ridgepole | -- | -- | -- |
S07.540 | the rafter | waasam | -- | -- |
S07.550 | the beam | duulam | -- | -- |
S07.560 | the post or pole | kambam; kunda; gunja; guuTam | -- | a fence post |
S07.570 | the board | cekka; balla | plank or board | -- |
S07.580 | the arch | kamaanu | -- | -- |
S07.610 | the mason | gaDeekaari, taapiipaniwaaDu; beeludaari; mestrii, taapi mestrii | -- | -- |
S07.620 | the brick | iTika, iTike; baTTii | -- | -- |
S07.630 | the mortar(2) | gaccu; gawwa sunnam; gaara | -- | -- |
S07.640 | the adobe | dhaamam | -- | -- |
S07.6500 | the camp | aDangu; śibiram | -- | The nomads built a camp in which they would stay for a week. |
S07.6600 | the hammock | uyaala, uuyala, uyyaala, uuyaala; toTTi uyyaala | -- | -- |
S07.6700 | to tan | padunu ceeyu, padunu peTTu | -- | to tan hides |
S07.99904 | the guestroom | athidhi griham | -- | -- |
S07.99905 | the mosquito net | doomatera | -- | -- |
S08.110 | the farmer | karSakuDu; kaapu; kṛSiiwaluDu; raytu, rayitu ; wyawasaayadaaruDu; seedyagaaDu | -- | The poor farmer did not own the land he cultivated. |
S08.120 | the field | polam; maagani | -- | The field was planted with cabbage. |
S08.1210 | the paddy | dhaanyam; śaalibiyyam | śaalibiyyam paddy, | The paddy provided rice for the entire village. |
S08.130 | the garden | udyaanam; upawanam; tooTa; wana[m] | -- | Behind the house was a garden where the family grew vegetables. |
S08.150 | to cultivate | paNDincu; saagu ceeyu; seedyam | -- | There is no more land left to cultivate. |
S08.160 | the fence | elugu; kance; kalla; daDi, daDigooDa; welugu | -- | -- |
S08.170 | the ditch | agaDta; kandakam; gaaDi, gaata; gaala | -- | -- |
S08.210 | to plough/plow | dunnu | -- | -- |
S08.212 | the furrow | caalu; siita | -- | -- |
S08.220 | to dig | tawwu | -- | -- |
S08.230 | the spade | tawwukoola; dooku[Du] paara; paara ; selagapaara | -- | -- |
S08.240 | the shovel | -- | -- | -- |
S08.250 | the hoe | guddali | -- | -- |
S08.260 | the fork(2)/pitchfork | -- | -- | -- |
S08.270 | the rake | aaTagorru | aaTagorru n. harrow or rake used to break up clods after ploughing. | -- |
S08.2800 | the digging stick (=yamstick) | -- | -- | -- |
S08.2900 | the lasso | -- | -- | -- |
S08.310 | to sow | callu; wittu; wedacallu, wedajallu; weeyu; paatu | -- | -- |
S08.311 | the seed | ginja; biijam; wittanam, wittu | -- | -- |
S08.320 | to mow | uucakoota kooyu | -- | -- |
S08.330 | the sickle or scythe | koDawali | -- | -- |
S08.340 | to thresh | kuppakoTTu | -- | -- |
S08.350 | the threshing-floor | kaLLam | -- | -- |
S08.410 | the harvest | koota | -- | -- |
S08.420 | the grain | galla; ginja; sasyam | -- | -- |
S08.430 | the wheat | goodhuma | -- | -- |
S08.440 | the barley | yawalu | -- | -- |
S08.450 | the rye | -- | -- | -- |
S08.460 | the oats | -- | -- | -- |
S08.470 | the maize/corn | ennu; mokkajonna | -- | The bought corn-on-the-cob from the vendor in the park. |
S08.480 | the rice | annam; praalu | annam n. cooked rice; praalu class. rice. | They ate their rice with the stew. |
S08.510 | the grass | gaDDi; graasam, gaasam; tṛ tṛNam | -- | Green grass was growing in the forest clearing. |
S08.520 | the hay | eNDu; kasuwu; gaDDi | -- | -- |
S08.530 | the plant | ceTTu; mokka | -- | -- |
S08.531 | to plant | naaTu; paatipeTTu, paatiweeyu, paatu | -- | -- |
S08.540 | the root | veeru | -- | -- |
S08.550 | the branch | komma | -- | -- |
S08.560 | the leaf | aaku | -- | -- |
S08.570 | the flower | kusuma[m]; puwwu, puuwu, puSpam; rooham; lataantam | rooham, lataantam = classic | -- |
S08.600 | the tree | awaniiruham; ceTTu; taruwu; drumam; pogaDa; wṛkSam | awaniiruham n. class. tree. taruwu n. class. tree. drumam n. class. tree. | -- |
S08.610 | the oak | -- | -- | -- |
S08.620 | the beech | -- | -- | -- |
S08.630 | the birch | -- | -- | -- |
S08.640 | the pine | -- | -- | -- |
S08.650 | the fir | -- | -- | -- |
S08.660 | the acorn | -- | -- | -- |
S08.670 | the vine | draakSa, draakSatiiga, draakSawalli; lata | -- | -- |
S08.680 | the tobacco | pogaaku | -- | -- |
S08.690 | to smoke | kaalcu; pogat[r]aagu | a cigarette etc | -- |
S08.691 | the pipe | -- | -- | -- |
S08.720 | the tree stump | kaalu; moNDem; mooDu | -- | -- |
S08.730 | the tree trunk | kaaNDam; dukka; prakaaNDam; skandham | -- | -- |
S08.740 | the forked branch | palawa | palawa n. class. forked branch. | -- |
S08.750 | the bark | oliyup; tokka; paTTaa; beraDu | -- | -- |
S08.760 | the sap | pasa, pasaru; majja; saaram | -- | The farmers collected the sap from the maple trees to make syrup. |
S08.810 | the palm tree | -- | -- | Dates grow on palm trees. |
S08.820 | the coconut | kobbari kaaya; Tenkaaya | -- | The boy picked a green coconut and drank its juice. |
S08.830 | the citrus fruit | -- | -- | -- |
S08.840 | the banana | araTi, ariTi; kadaLam, kadaLi; rambhaaphalam | kadaLam, kadaLi n. class. banana, plantain. rambhaaphalam n. class. plantain, banana. | The monkey peeled the banana and ate it. |
S08.850 | the banyan | waTam, waTawṛkSam | -- | -- |
S08.910 | the sweet potato | genusu; cilagaDa dumpa; telagadumpa | -- | -- |
S08.9110 | the millet or sorghum | -- | -- | -- |
S08.912 | the yam | peNDalam | -- | -- |
S08.920 | the cassava/manioc | -- | -- | The farmer grew cassava/manioc to feed his family. |
S08.930 | the gourd | kuuSmaaNDam; gummaDi | pumpkin, gourd | -- |
S08.931 | the pumpkin or squash | kuuSmaaNDam; gummaDi | pumpkin, gourd | -- |
S08.940 | the bamboo | weduru | -- | -- |
S08.941 | the sugar cane | ceruku | -- | -- |
S08.960 | the fish poison | -- | -- | -- |
S08.970 | the nettle | duradagoNDi[aaku]; duulagoNDi | -- | -- |
S08.980 | the mushroom | śiliindram | -- | -- |
S08.9910 | the larch | -- | -- | -- |
S08.9930 | the needle(2) | -- | -- | -- |
S08.9960 | the cone | -- | -- | -- |
S08.99901 | the almond | baadam[kaaya], baadaam; baadam pappu | -- | -- |
S08.99905 | the apple | aapilu, yaapilu | -- | -- |
S08.99910 | the carrot | erramullangi; gaajara, gaadera | -- | -- |
S08.99911 | the cashew | jeeDi pappu | -- | -- |
S08.99916 | the creeper | tiiga, tiige; paadu; lata; walli, wallika | walli, wallika n. class. creeper, twining plant. | -- |
S08.99918 | the dung | piyya, piyyi; peNTa; peeDa; malam | -- | -- |
S08.99921 | the guava | jaama, jaami | -- | -- |
S08.99930 | the mango | Dilpasandu; maamiDi, maaVidi; | sweet mango | -- |
S08.99931 | the mangrove | maDa; | -- | -- |
S08.99932 | the melon | pucca[kaaya] | -- | -- |
S08.99933 | the millet | korra | -- | -- |
S08.99935 | the onion | ulli[gaDDa], ullipaaya; erragaDDa; niirulli | -- | -- |
S08.99936 | the orange | battaayi; moosambi; santra[a] | sweet orange | -- |
S08.99937 | the pea | baT[h]aanii | -- | -- |
S08.99938 | the pear | -- | -- | -- |
S08.99939 | the pineapple | anaasa | -- | -- |
S08.99941 | the plum | allaneereeDu | black plum | -- |
S08.99946 | the straw | oode; gaDDi; tṛNam | oode n. single sheaf of straw. gaDDi n. 1 grass, straw, hay. 2 rubbish. tṛNam n. 1 straw, grass. | -- |
S08.99952 | the turnip | -- | -- | -- |
S08.99954 | the watermelon | karbuuuja; tarbuujaa | -- | -- |
S08.99960 | to grow(2) | paNDincu; pencu | -- | -- |
S08.99961 | to pick | eeru; kooyu; wiDipincu | -- | -- |
S08.99962 | to raise | ankincu; uddharincu; ettincu; pencu | -- | -- |
S09.110 | to do | kaawinc; kaanichu; ceeyu | -- | A has climbed on a tree. B says to A: "What are you doing up there?" |
S09.1110 | to make | utpaadincu; kalagaceeyu; kaawincu; ceeyu | -- | I'm going to make a cake for Lisi's birthday. |
S09.120 | the work | kaSTapaDu, kaSTincu | -- | I can't go out because I have too much work. |
S09.140 | to bend | oggu; tongu; wangadiiyu; vancu | -- | I'll bend the branches away so that you can get through. |
S09.150 | to fold | maDacu, maData,maDatapeTTu, maDataweeyu,maDupu; muDucu, muDucukonu | -- | She folded the piece of paper and put it in the envelope. |
S09.160 | to tie | aNTakaTTu; egakaTTu ; muDucu | -- | He tied his dog to a tree. |
S09.161 | to untie | uuDatiiyu, uuDcu; wadilincu, wadalcu, wadulcu; wippu; saDalincu | -- | He untied his dog from the tree. |
S09.180 | the chain | golusu; nigaLam; śṛnkhalam | -- | -- |
S09.190 | the rope | paggam; paaśam; t[r]aaDu | -- | They tied up the prisoner with rope. |
S09.192 | the knot | kaTTu; muDi | -- | Can you help me undo this knot? |
S09.210 | to strike or hit or beat | koTTu; moodu; weeyu | -- | -- |
S09.211 | to pound | citakabaadu; dampu; nalagagoTTu; pawnu; mardincu | -- | He pounded the door with his fist. |
S09.220 | to cut | uttarincu; kattirincu; kooyu; cheedincu; tegakoTTu, tegatencu, tegaweeyu; tegaweeyu | -- | The thieves cut the phone wires and entered the house. |
S09.221 | to cut down | celagu; cheedincu | -- | Before building the road, we first have to cut down many trees. |
S09.222 | to chop | naraku, naruku | -- | chopping wood for the fire |
S09.223 | to stab | poDucu; pooTu | -- | Brutus stabbed Caesar to death. |
S09.230 | the knife(2) | katti | -- | To chop the onions I need a knife. |
S09.240 | the scissors or shears | kattera | -- | -- |
S09.250 | the axe/ax | goDDali | -- | -- |
S09.251 | the adze | baaDida, baaDisa | carpenter's adze. | -- |
S09.260 | to break | udghaaTincu; cheedincu; pagalagoTTu; baddalu koTTu; bhangaparacu | -- | The thieves got into the house by breaking a window. |
S09.261 | broken | bokki | -- | The radio is broken, it won't turn on. |
S09.270 | to split | ciiru, ciircu, ciilcu | -- | This log is too large, we have to split it into two. |
S09.280 | to tear | uuDakoTTu; cimpu | -- | She tore a piece of her blouse to use as a bandange. |
S09.290 | to skin | oliyu, olucu; titti olucu, titti tiiyu | -- | The cook skinned the chicken before frying it. |
S09.310 | to rub | aragatiiyu; nulupukonu; ruddu | -- | He rubbed the fragrant leaves between his fingers. |
S09.3110 | to wipe | ottu, wattu; tuDucu; cerupu | -- | The waiter wiped the table with a dirty rag. |
S09.320 | to stretch | caapu; nigaDadannu, niguDcu, nigiDincu; wirucukonu; saagadiiyu | -- | Don't stretch the rubber band too much. |
S09.330 | to pull | iggulaaDu; iiDcu, iiDucu; gunjaayincu, gunju; tooDu; piiku; laagu | -- | Help me move the piano: you push and I'll pull. |
S09.340 | to spread out | wistarincu | -- | They spread out the mat on the ground and sat on it. |
S09.341 | to hang up | tagilincu | -- | Hang your coat up on the hook. |
S09.342 | to press | aanu, aanci | -- | The little boys pressed their noses against the glass. |
S09.343 | to squeeze | adumu; cidumu; nulucu, nulupu; piDucu; pisuku | -- | She squeezed some oranges and drank the juice. |
S09.350 | to pour | dimmarincu; pooyu | -- | He poured the wine into the glass. |
S09.360 | to wash | kaDigeeyu, kaDugu; prakSaaLana ceeyu | -- | She washed her son's feet. |
S09.370 | to sweep | cimmu, jimmu; tuDucu | -- | He swept the path in front of the house. |
S09.380 | the broom | ciipuru, ciipurukaTTa; puucika[la]kaTTa; poraka, paraka | -- | -- |
S09.422 | the tool | aayudham; upakaraNam; parikaram; saadhanam | -- | -- |
S09.430 | the carpenter | waDrangi | -- | -- |
S09.440 | to build | ettincu; kaTTu, kaTTukonu | -- | build a house |
S09.460 | to bore | tolucu, tolacu, t[r]awwu | to bore a hole etc. | -- |
S09.461 | to hollow out | tolipincu; tolucu, tolacu | -- | -- |
S09.480 | the saw | rampam | -- | One needs a saw to cut down a tree. |
S09.490 | the hammer | mudgaram; sutti, sutte | mudgaram n. class. 1 hammer. | -- |
S09.500 | the nail | aaNi; ciila; nemmu; meeku; mola | nemmu n. 1 iron nail. | -- |
S09.560 | the glue | banka; jiguru | -- | -- |
S09.600 | the blacksmith | kammara, kammari | -- | -- |
S09.610 | to forge | -- | -- | From a piece of scrap iron, the blacksmith forged a sword blade. |
S09.620 | the anvil | daagali, daakali; paTTiDi | -- | -- |
S09.630 | to cast | accupooyu; pootapooyu | -- | The goldsmith melted the coins and cast them into a goblet. |
S09.640 | the gold | kanakam, kaancanam; kaancanam; kundanam; pasiDi; puttaDi, puttaLi; payDi; ponnu; bangaaru, bangaaram; suwarNam; swarNam | -- | The bracelet is made of gold. |
S09.650 | the silver | rajatam ; weNDi | rajatam n. class. silver. | The necklace is made of silver. |
S09.660 | the copper | taamram; raagi | -- | The coin is made of copper. |
S09.670 | the iron | inumu | -- | -- |
S09.680 | the lead | siisam | -- | -- |
S09.690 | the tin or tinplate | naagam; wangam | wangam n. class. tin. | The cup was made of tin. |
S09.710 | the potter | kumbhakaaruDu; kummarawaaDu, kummari | -- | The potter made jars. |
S09.720 | to mould/mold | diddi tiircu; buuju; malacu; muusapooyu | -- | She molded the clay into a dish before firing it. |
S09.730 | the clay | aDusu; mṛttika; regaDa, reegaDi, reewaDi | -- | -- |
S09.740 | the glass | kaacam; gaaju; addam | kaacam n. class. glass. | The window is made of glass. |
S09.750 | to weave or plait/braid | neeyu | -- | -- |
S09.760 | the basket | gampa; sajja | -- | She carried the fruit home in a basket. |
S09.770 | the mat | caapa | -- | -- |
S09.771 | the rug | kambaLi | -- | -- |
S09.780 | the netbag | -- | -- | -- |
S09.790 | the fan | pankaa, pankhaa; wiiwana | -- | The lady had a delicate fan made of sandalwood. |
S09.791 | to fan | cerugu; wiicu | -- | People in the audience were fanning themselves with their programmes. |
S09.810 | to carve | cekku; tolucu, tolacu; malacu | -- | Michaelangelo carved this figure from a single block of marble. |
S09.820 | the sculptor | śilpi | -- | Rodin was a French sculptor. |
S09.830 | the statue | wigraham | -- | The sculptor made a statue of a woman. |
S09.840 | the chisel | uli; Tankam; nakku; seeNam, śaaNam, seenam | -- | -- |
S09.8700 | the boomerang | -- | -- | The boomerang hit the wallaby and then came back to the hunter. |
S09.880 | the paint | rangu; warNam | -- | -- |
S09.890 | to paint | citrincu | -- | We need to paint our house. |
S09.9000 | to draw water | ceedu; muncu | -- | She lowered the bucket into the well and drew water. |
S09.9100 | the peg | onke; kiilam, kiilakam; gunja; guuTam; meeku | -- | The scouts fastened the tent to the ground with wooden pegs. |
S09.9200 | the tumpline | -- | -- | -- |
S09.9300 | the whetstone | saana; aakuraayi | -- | Before cutting the meat, he sharpened his knife with a whetstone. |
S09.99915 | the pencil | tuulika | tuulika n. 1 artist's pen. pencil or brush | -- |
S09.99916 | the rust | tuppu; simhaaNam | -- | -- |
S09.99917 | the sack | ankem; gootam, gootaam, goonesancii, goonisancii; bastaa; waLaasam; sanci | -- | -- |
S09.99925 | the well | uurabaawi; kuupam; nuyyi, nuuyi; baawi | uurabaawi n. 1 well used by villagers in common | -- |
S09.99928 | to barbecue | -- | -- | -- |
S09.99929 | to close | muuyu | -- | -- |
S09.99930 | to draw | citrincu; giiyu | -- | -- |
S09.99931 | to dwell | uNDu; niwasincu | -- | -- |
S09.99934 | to prepare | aayattaparacu; tayaaru ceeyu; samakaTTu;siddhaparacu | -- | -- |
S09.99936 | to smear | paamu; pulumu, pulumukonu; puuyu; peemu; raayu | -- | -- |
S09.99938 | to support | uttambhincu; samrakSincu; saayam cheeyu | -- | -- |
S10.110 | to move | oosarincu, oosarillu; kadalcu, kadilincu; jarugu; taralincu, tarlincu | -- | This rock is so heavy that it cannot be moved. |
S10.120 | to turn | tippukonu; meli[kalu]tippu | -- | to turn one's head |
S10.130 | to turn around | ghuurNillu | -- | He heard someone call out his name and turned around. |
S10.140 | to wrap | cuTTukonu | -- | He wrapped the fish in leaves and steamed it. |
S10.150 | to roll | ghuurNillu; Dollu; dorlu; por[a]lu | -- | He rolled the log down the hill. |
S10.160 | to drop | paDa veeyu | -- | We dropped the stone into the water. |
S10.170 | to twist | nulucu, nulupu, nulupukonu; penawweeyu; peenu; meli[kalu]tippu; wampulu tirugu | peenu2 v.i. and t. to twist, entwine. | She twisted the wire around the branch. |
S10.210 | to rise | udayincu; udgamincu; upacayam; tuuru | udayincu v.i. 1 (of the sun) to rise | The sun rises in the east. |
S10.220 | to raise or lift | ankincu; ettincu ; leewadiiyu | -- | -- |
S10.230 | to fall | tiragabaDu; treLLu; patanam awu; raalipaDipoowu, raalu | -- | The ripe coconut fell on the ground. |
S10.240 | to drip | ooDu | -- | The tap is dripping, shut it tightly! |
S10.250 | to throw | ruuwwu; wikSeepincu; weeyu; wisuru | -- | Don't throw stones, it's dangerous! |
S10.252 | to catch | cikkincukonu; paTTukonu | -- | She caught the ball and passed it to her team mate. |
S10.260 | to shake | adirincu; allaarcu; aarpu; ulucu; kudilincu, kudulcu, kadupu | -- | Shake the bottle before pouring out the sauce. |
S10.320 | to flow | ooDu; kaaru; jaaluwaaru; paaru; prawahincu; baTTe kaTTu; srawincu | -- | The river flows to the sea. |
S10.330 | to sink | aDugaNTu; iiDigilu, iiDigilapaDu | -- | The coconut fell into the water and sank. |
S10.340 | to float | teelaaDu, teeliyaaDu; teelu | , teelaaDu, teeliyaaDu v.i. class. to float. | The raft floated on the river. |
S10.350 | to swim | iidu | -- | He drowned because he could not swim. |
S10.351 | to dive | munugu, mulugu | -- | Diving too deeply is dangerous. |
S10.352 | to splash | pulumu; ceduru | -- | The girl splashed water in the boy's face. |
S10.360 | to sail | -- | -- | The ship sailed from America to Australia. |
S10.370 | to fly | udgamincu; eguru | -- | Look at that bird flying up in the sky! |
S10.380 | to blow | uudu; wisaru; wiicu | wisaru; wiicu = only of wind | The wind is blowing hard. |
S10.410 | to crawl | doogaaDu; paaku, praaku | doogaaDu v.i. to crawl (like a baby), paaku, praaku v.i. 1 to creep, crawl. | The baby is still crawling, it can't walk yet. |
S10.412 | to kneel | muTTikaaLLu weesukonu; mookarincu, mookarillu | -- | The messenger kneeled before the king. |
S10.413 | to crouch | poncu, ponci uNDu | -- | She crouched under the sink to fix the pipes. |
S10.420 | to slide or slip | jarugu; jaaru, jaaripoowu | -- | -- |
S10.430 | to jump | unku; uruku; egasipaDu; gantu, gentu; cindulaaDu; tuLLu; daaTukonu, daaTLuweeyu; dumuku; duuku; langhanam | cindulaaDu v.i. 1 to dance about, jump about. | The children were so happy they jumped up and down. |
S10.431 | to kick | tannu | -- | He kicked the ball. |
S10.440 | to dance | aaDu; cindulutokku | -- | Though the music stopped they kept on dancing. |
S10.450 | to walk | naDucu, naDacu; pacaarum; meTTu | -- | The children walk to school every day. |
S10.451 | to limp | kuNTu | -- | After his foot injury he limped for months. |
S10.460 | to run | uruku; duuTu; parigettu | duuTu v.i. class. to run, rush. | They ran all the way to school. |
S10.470 | to go | arudencu; eegu; eegudencu, eetencu; canu, canudencu; wellu | arudencu v.i. class. to come, go, proceed. canu v.i. class. 1 to go. canudencu v.i. class. to go, come, proceed. | Sometimes I go to school by car, sometimes on foot. |
S10.471 | to go up | ekku | -- | I went up on the roof to get a better view. |
S10.472 | to climb | adhiroohincu; aaroohincu; egapaaku | -- | If you want to pick mangos, you must climb the tree. |
S10.473 | to go down | digu | -- | Come down from the roof or you'll fall down. |
S10.474 | to go out | daaTu | -- | Get out of here before you get hurt! |
S10.480 | to come | arudencu; ceeru, ceerukonu; muTTu | arudencu v.i. class. to come, go, proceed. | When I came to school it was still closed. |
S10.481 | to come back | tippiweeyu; tirugu; | -- | He left and then came back an hour later. |
S10.490 | to leave | tyajincu; daaTu; wiDu | -- | The guest arrived yesterday and left this morning. |
S10.491 | to disappear | antardhaanam awu; adṛśyam awu; egiripoowu; kanumarugawu; gallantu awu; naśincu; poowu; maTumaayam awu; marugu[na]paDu; marugu[na]paDu | -- | The man disappeared without a trace. |
S10.510 | to flee | uuDu; paraaru cittagincu; palaayanam awu, palaayanam cittagincu, palaayana mantram paThincu; paaripoowu, wenniccu | -- | Because of the fire they had to flee their home. |
S10.520 | to follow | anusarincu; tarumu | -- | I came here first, my family followed me later. |
S10.530 | to pursue | tarumu, weNTa tarumu, weNTaaDu, wembaDincu; wennaaDu; weeTaaDu | -- | The policeman pursued the thief. |
S10.550 | to arrive | ceeru, ceerukonu; muTTu | -- | The guest arrived yesterday and left this morning. |
S10.560 | to approach | edureegu; kawiyu; ceera poowu; ceeru; taarukonu; daggirapaDu; daakonu; samiipincu | kawiyu v.i. class. to approach | As we approached the city we could see the lights in the distance. |
S10.570 | to enter | uccu; coccu; corabaaru, jorabaru; tuuru; duuru, duusukonu, duusukupoowu; praweeśincu | -- | She entered the room and sat down. |
S10.5800 | to go or return home | -- | -- | After working in the field the farmer went home. |
S10.610 | to carry | mooyu, paTTukonu | -- | She carried her baby home. |
S10.612 | to carry in hand | ceetilo paTTukonu | -- | She carried a stone in her hand. |
S10.613 | to carry on shoulder | mooyu | -- | He carried the books on his shoulder. |
S10.614 | to carry on head | tala meeda mooyu | -- | She carried the fruit basket on her head. |
S10.615 | to carry under the arm | cankana peTTukonu | -- | She carried her bag under her arm. |
S10.620 | to bring | teccu | -- | Please bring me the book you are holding. |
S10.630 | to send | ancu; uccu; tagulu; pampu; panucu; puttencu | panucu v.t. class. to send. puttencu v.t. class. to send, despatch. | She sent her parents some money. |
S10.640 | to lead | naDupu, naDapu | -- | The dog led the hunter to the fox. |
S10.650 | to drive | naDipincu; pooniccu | -- | He can drive a car, but not a truck. |
S10.660 | to ride | sawaariiceeyu, swaariiceeyu | -- | She rides her horse to work every day. |
S10.670 | to push | irikincu; jarupu; toopu, toopulaaDu; dobbu; nuuku; neTTu; tooyu | -- | Don't push me or I'll fall down. |
S10.710 | the road | teragu, teruwu ; doowa, troowa, towwa; patham; baaTa; maargam; rastaa; wiidhi | teragu n. class. 1 way, path | Many cars drove up and down the road. |
S10.720 | the path | goorje; teragu, teruwu; daari ; doowa, troowa, towwa; patham; punta; maargam | teragu n. class. 1 way, path | The path leads from the house to the field. |
S10.740 | the bridge | wantena; waaradhi; seetuwu | seetuwu n. class. bridge, causeway. | A beautiful bridge stood over the river. |
S10.750 | the cart or wagon | śakaTam | -- | The cart was pulled by a horse. |
S10.760 | the wheel | cakram | -- | The car has four wheels. |
S10.770 | the axle | akSam, irusu | -- | -- |
S10.780 | the yoke | kaaDi; puuju | -- | -- |
S10.7900 | the sledge/sled | saluguDu | -- | -- |
S10.810 | the ship | ooDa: naawa; nawka | -- | -- |
S10.830 | the boat | naawa; paDawa | -- | -- |
S10.831 | the canoe | taaTidoone | taaTidoone n. hollowed out palmyra stump used for directing the flow of water baled from a well or as a canoe for transport. | -- |
S10.832 | the outrigger | -- | -- | -- |
S10.840 | the raft | teppa; ballakaTTu | -- | -- |
S10.850 | the oar | teDDu | -- | -- |
S10.851 | the paddle | kSeepaNi ; teDDu | kSeepaNi n. class. paddle | -- |
S10.852 | to row | -- | -- | -- |
S10.860 | the rudder | cukkaani, cukkaanu | -- | -- |
S10.870 | the mast | kambam; terakoyya | -- | -- |
S10.880 | the sail | teracaapa | -- | -- |
S10.890 | the anchor | langaru | -- | -- |
S10.910 | the port | ooDareewu; nawkaasrayam | -- | -- |
S10.920 | to land | neela miidaki digu | -- | -- |
S10.99901 | to accompany | anusarincu; tooDupoowu; wembaDincu | -- | -- |
S10.99903 | to carry on the back | veepu meeda mooyu | -- | -- |
S10.99904 | to dip | muncu; munaka, munuka | -- | -- |
S11.110 | to have | ondu; kaancu, gaancu | ondu v.t. 1 class. to obtain, possess, have. kaancu, gaancu v.t. 1 class. to have, obtain, acquire, achieve | The boy has a flower in his hand. |
S11.120 | to own | -- | -- | The woman owns a car. |
S11.130 | to take | andukonu; parigrahincu; tiisukonu | andukonu v.i. and t. take up, pick up | I took my bag and walked to the market square. |
S11.140 | to grasp | waDukkonu; paTTukonu | waDukkonu v.t. slang to grasp, grab, take forcibly. | Make sure you grasp the rope with both hands. |
S11.150 | to hold | oDisipaTTu, waDisipaTTu; jumaayincu, jhumaayincu; bigincu | hold frimly, tightly | I held the baby in my arms. |
S11.160 | to get | -- | -- | -- |
S11.170 | to keep | kaapaaDu; takkincukonu, dakkincukonu; padilam ceeyu; bhadramceeyu, bhadraparacu | -- | I like the hat you gave me and I'd like to keep it. |
S11.180 | the thing | artham; dinusu; padaartham; wastuwu; sangati | -- | My brother is rich, and many things in his house are never used. |
S11.210 | to give | andincu; iccu, iwwu; osangu | osangu v.t. class. to give. | The girl gave the boy a flower. |
S11.220 | to give back | phiraayincu | -- | I lent you my watch, and you haven't given it back yet. |
S11.240 | to preserve | jaagrattaceeyu; dakkincu; pukkiTa peTTukonu | -- | I think these traditional customs should be preserved. / The wreck was preserved by the muddy sea bed. |
S11.250 | to rescue | uddharincu; rakshincu | -- | He saved his friend from drowning. |
S11.270 | to destroy | dhwamsincu; naśimpajeeyu; paaDu ceeyu, paaDupeTTu; buggi ceeyu; samayincu | dhwamsincu v.t. class. to destroy. samayincu v.t. class. to destroy | The school was completely destroyed by fire. |
S11.280 | to injure | gaayaparacu; himsincu | -- | The falling tree injured two loggers. |
S11.2900 | to damage | paangoTTu | paangoTTu v.t. dial. to damage, spoil. | The fire damaged the house but it was quickly repaired. |
S11.310 | to look for | anweeSincu; cuucukonu | -- | I am looking for my purse; I must have lost it on my way. |
S11.320 | to find | -- | -- | I had lost my purse but I found it again. |
S11.330 | to lose | koolupoowu, koolpoowu; poogoTTu | -- | I had lost my purse but I found it again. |
S11.340 | to let go | wiDu; wadulu | -- | She let go of the rope. |
S11.430 | the money | artham; kaasu; camuru; cilum; Dabbu, Dabbudaskam; taNDulaalu; taylam; dastu; drawyam; dhana; paykam; ruuka; sommu | camuru I. n. 1 oil. 2 colloq. Money; cilum1 n. 1 verdigris, metal tarnish. 2 metallic taste. 3 colloq. Money; taNDulaalu n. pl. 1 class. rice. 2 colloq. money, cash. dastu n. 1 cash, money.taylam n. 1 oil; 2 ointment. 3 slang money. | A thousand dollars is a lot of money. |
S11.440 | the coin | iccaruupaayi, iccuruupaayi, wiccaruupaayi, wiccuruupaayi; kaasu; naaNem | iccaruupaayi, iccuruupaayi, wiccaruupaayi, wiccuruupaayi n. rupee coin. | I don't have any coins left, only paper money. |
S11.510 | rich | pasiDi; dhanawantuDu | -- | The beggar invested his money so well that he became rich. |
S11.520 | poor | baDugu; biida; | -- | After he became rich, he donated a lot of money to poor people. |
S11.530 | the beggar | tiripekaaDu; bikaari; bhikSukuDu; maadaakabaLam waaDu; muSTiwaaDu | -- | The beggar collected money in a cup. |
S11.540 | stingy | pisinaari, piinaasi | -- | He is so stingy he doesn't heat his house even in winter. |
S11.610 | to lend | iccu; eruwu iccu, eruwiccu | -- | Can you lend me your ladder? |
S11.620 | to borrow | appuceeyu | -- | Can I borrow your ladder? |
S11.630 | to owe | acci uNDu; baakii uNDu | -- | My brother owes me 100 Euros. |
S11.640 | the debt | appu; ṛNam | -- | He now had enough money to pay off his father's outstanding debts. |
S11.650 | to pay | aalakincu; muTTaceppu | -- | I paid 100 Euros for this book. |
S11.660 | the bill | huNDii, uNDii | 3 bill or cheque or draft on a bank. | -- |
S11.690 | the tax | kappam; tiiruwa, tiirwa; mahasuulu, maasuulu; sunkam | -- | If you don't pay your taxes, you go to jail. |
S11.770 | to hire | adde; kiraayi | -- | We need to hire/employ more workers if we want to finish the task in time. |
S11.780 | the wages | weetanam | -- | The job's not very exciting, but he earns a good wage. |
S11.790 | to earn | aarjincu; gaDincu; laabhapaDu, laabham pondu; sampaadincu; samupaarjincu | -- | The job's not very exciting, but he earns a good wage. |
S11.810 | to buy | konu; krayincu; khariidu ceeyu | -- | I bought ten bananas for a dollar. |
S11.820 | to sell | ammu; wikrayincu | -- | He sold his car for five thousand Euros. |
S11.830 | to trade or barter | wastu maarpiDi | -- | The farmer traded his cow for three goats. |
S11.840 | the merchant | koomaTi; wartakuDu; wayśyuDu; wyaapari, wyaapaarasthuDu | -- | -- |
S11.850 | the market | bajaaru; wip[h]aNi | -- | He is going to the market to buy vegetables. |
S11.860 | the shop/store | angaDi; koTTu; dukaaNam; wip[h]aNi | -- | There are no shops in the market, only open stalls. |
S11.870 | the price | khariidu; dhara; paNam; wela | -- | The price of these bananas is two dollars a bunch. |
S11.880 | expensive | khariidayna; wyayapuurita; priyam | -- | Mangos are more expensive than bananas. |
S11.890 | cheap | cawka, cawkabaaru | -- | Bananas are so cheap even poor people can afford them. |
S11.910 | to share | paalupancukonu, paalupancukonu, pancukonu | -- | The girl shared the cookies with her brother. |
S11.920 | to weigh | ettuweeyu; kaaTaa; tuukam weeyu, tuucu, tuugu | -- | The bag weighs 10 kilograms. |
S11.99904 | the property | aasti; aastipaastulu; mulle[e]; sottu, sommu | -- | -- |
S11.99907 | to receive | andukonu; kaykonu, gaykonu; grahincu; parigrahincu; pondu | -- | -- |
S12.0100 | after | awatala; tadanantaram; tarawaata, taruwaata, tarwaata; darimilaa; pimmaTa; weNTa, wembaDi; wenaka, wenuka | -- | After the storm we went outside again. |
S12.0110 | behind | caaTuna; weNTa, wembaDi; wenaka, wenuka, wenakala, wenakaala | -- | I can't see the tree, it's behind the house. |
S12.0120 | in | na; paTTuna; loo; loopala | -- | -- |
S12.0130 | at | kaTTa ; kaDa ; daggira, daggara; na; paTTuna | -- | -- |
S12.0200 | beside | centa | -- | Beside the house there are some trees. |
S12.0300 | down | digasana; diguvuna, k[r]indana | -- | She looked down into the well. |
S12.0400 | before | mungala, mundara, mundaTa; munupu | -- | Before the war people freely crossed the border. |
S12.0410 | in front of | mungala, mundu; mogadala; mroola; mroola | mogadala I. n. front part. II. adv. used postpositionally in front of; gummam ~ in front of the doorway. | In front of the house is a white gate. |
S12.0500 | inside | pukkili ; bukka; loo | -- | What's inside the box? |
S12.0600 | outside | aawala, awala; bayaTa, bayTa; weli; welupala, welapala | -- | It's cold outside. |
S12.0700 | under | kinda, krinda, kindugaa | -- | He hid under the table. |
S12.0800 | up | ega ; miida | -- | She looked up into the sky. |
S12.0810 | above | pay, payna; miidanunci, miinci | -- | Above the house flew a dove. |
S12.110 | the place | antupontu, antupantu; aaTapaTTu; aaśrayam; aaspadam; ikkuwa; immu; irawu, irumu, iruwu; cooTu; T[h]ikaaNaa, Tenki; Thaawu; taawalam, taawaram, taawu; pradeeśam; waaTi[ka]; sthaanam | ikkuwa n. class. 1 place. Thaawu n. class. place. | This place is too hot, let's look for a cooler place. |
S12.120 | to put | peTTu; weesukonu | -- | He put the book on the table. |
S12.130 | to sit | kuur-cuNDu, kuurconu, kuucunu, kuuconu; bayThaayincu | -- | Let's sit under the tree. |
S12.140 | to lie down | orugu; tongu; paNDu; śayanincu | -- | She lay down in her bed but could not fall asleep. |
S12.150 | to stand | nilucu | -- | He got tired of standing and sat down. |
S12.160 | to remain | uNDu | -- | I plan to remain here for a week. |
S12.170 | the remains | -- | -- | After the earthquake, some people continued to live in the remains of their homes. |
S12.210 | to gather | uurcu; eekam ceeyu; kuuDakaTTukonu; gumiguuDu; samakuurcu; samiikarincu; seekarincu; kuuDagaTTu | -- | He gathered wild mushrooms for dinner. |
S12.212 | to pick up | andukonu; ettukonu; eeru | -- | She picked up the stone and then threw it down again. |
S12.213 | to pile up | peerukonu, peercu; raaśipooyu; lagaayincu | -- | He piled up the mushrooms he had collected. |
S12.220 | to join | aNTakaTTu; atikincu; anubandhincu; kalupu; muDiweeyu | -- | He joined the two boards with nails. |
S12.230 | to separate | paapu; wingaDincu; wiDagoTTu wiDadiiyu, wiDipoowu, wiDu; wibhajincu; weeru ceeyu, weeruparacu | -- | He separated the two boards by pulling out the nails. |
S12.232 | to divide | andaceeyu; pancipeTTu, pancu, pampakam ceeyu ; saddu | saddu v.t. to distribute evenly or proportionately | She divided the bananas equally among the children. |
S12.240 | to open | teracu, terucu; wiccu; wippu | -- | He opened the door and went out. |
S12.250 | to shut | kaTTiweeyu, kaTTeeyu; mukuLincu; muuyu | -- | After coming in, he shut the door. |
S12.260 | to cover | apawaarincu; aawarincu; kappi peTTu, kappu; kammu, kammukonu; muuyu | -- | He covered the child with a blanket. |
S12.270 | to hide | kammu, kammukonu; taladaacukonu; daakkonu, daagukonu, daagu, daacukonu; maruguparacu, marugunapeTTu | -- | Hide your money here, so no one can find it. |
S12.310 | high | uThaaNi; uttaalam, uttunga; unnata; ekkuwa; poDagu, poDawu, poDugu, poDuwu; ettu | -- | The eagle flew so high it was hardly visible. |
S12.320 | low | -- | -- | The bat flew so low its wings brushed against the bush. |
S12.330 | the top | agram; upparam; eguwa; Taapu | -- | The top of the tree caught fire. |
S12.340 | the bottom | aDuguna | -- | The coin was lying on the bottom of the pond. |
S12.350 | the end(1) | antam; antupontu, antupantu; miti; civara | -- | At the end of the village stood a small house. |
S12.352 | pointed | koora | -- | He pierced the leather with a pointed knife. |
S12.353 | the edge | ancalam, ancu; upaantam; motta | ancalam n. class. 1 edge, border. motta n. side, edge. | -- |
S12.360 | the side | oora; cempa; taTTu; daNDa; dikku; pakkam; peDa; wanka; waara; waypu | -- | There were trees on both sides of the house. |
S12.370 | the middle | naDi, naDuma; boDDu; madhyam; mayam | mayam n. colloq. middle, centre | -- |
S12.410 | right(1) | kuDi | -- | on the right side |
S12.420 | left | daapaTa, daapala; eDama | daapaTa, daapala adv. on the left hand side. | on the left side |
S12.430 | near | upaanta; cengaTa; darigaa; daapuna; sannihita; samiipa | cengaTa adv. class. near, close by. | She was standing near enough to hear what they said. |
S12.440 | far | antala pontala; suduura | -- | -- |
S12.450 | the east | tuurpu; tolidikku; puurwam; praacyam | -- | -- |
S12.460 | the west | paDamaraM; pascimam | -- | -- |
S12.470 | the north | uttaram; udiici | udiici n. class. north. | -- |
S12.480 | the south | dakSiNa, dakSiNam | -- | -- |
S12.530 | to grow | pencu | -- | -- |
S12.540 | to measure | kolataweeyu, kolucu | -- | -- |
S12.541 | the fathom | baara | baara n. 1 two stretched arms, six feet, two yards, one fathom | -- |
S12.550 | big | oDDu; gaNDu; doDDu; bhaarii | -- | -- |
S12.560 | small | alpa; koddi, koddipaaTi; kSudra; ciTTi, cituku; cinna; bucci, bujji; sunta; suukSma; swalpa; hraswa | -- | -- |
S12.570 | long | uttaalam; diirgha; niDuda; poDagu, poDawu, poDugu, poDuwu; sudiirgha | -- | -- |
S12.580 | tall | uttunga; poDagu, poDawu, poDugu, poDuwu | -- | -- |
S12.590 | short | kuruca, kuraca; poTTi | -- | -- |
S12.610 | wide | Suwiśaala; weDalpu | wide, extensive | -- |
S12.620 | narrow | iruku; sankucita; sanna | -- | -- |
S12.630 | thick | gahana[m]; daTTam, dappa; daLasari; saandra | -- | a thick board |
S12.650 | thin | arbhakam; Diilu; piila; wakki; sanna | -- | a thin board |
S12.670 | deep | nimna; lootu | -- | -- |
S12.680 | shallow | lootuleeni | -- | -- |
S12.710 | flat | cadunu | -- | -- |
S12.730 | straight | ṛju; niTaaru; tinnaga | -- | -- |
S12.740 | crooked | aSTaawakram; kuncita; kuTila; wankara; wakra; wikaTa | kuncita adj. class. bent, crooked, curved. | -- |
S12.750 | the hook | onke; koNDi; kokkii, kokkem; koliki; wankii | -- | -- |
S12.760 | the corner | kooNam; ceragu; muula | -- | -- |
S12.770 | the cross | siluwa | -- | -- |
S12.780 | the square | gaDi; caturasram; cadaram | geometrical shape | -- |
S12.810 | round | aaNi; uNDa, uNDram; guNDu, guNDra[m], guNDrani; boNDu; wartula; walayaakaara; wṛtta | -- | -- |
S12.820 | the circle | cakram; walayam; wṛttam | -- | -- |
S12.830 | the ball | uNTa; kandukam; gooLam | -- | -- |
S12.840 | the line | ṛjureekha; giiTu; caara; jiira | -- | -- |
S12.850 | the hole | kanta, kranta; kannam; kalugu | -- | -- |
S12.920 | similar | anuruupa; tattulyam; tulita; diiTu | -- | -- |
S12.930 | to change | tappincu; maarcu, maarcukonu, maaripiDiceeyu | -- | The baby changed her life. |
S12.99901 | apart | alaayidaagaa; eDangaa; duurangaa; peDagaa | -- | -- |
S12.99902 | back | tirigi | -- | -- |
S13.0100 | one | eekam; oka | -- | one tree |
S13.0200 | two | reNDu | -- | two trees |
S13.0300 | three | muuDu | -- | three trees |
S13.0400 | four | uDDa, uDDaa; naalugu; punjeDu | -- | four trees |
S13.0500 | five | aydu | -- | five trees |
S13.0600 | six | aaru; SaT | -- | six trees |
S13.0700 | seven | aarunnokaTi; eeDu | aarunnokaTi n. seven (circumlocution to avoid use of the word eeDu | seven trees |
S13.0800 | eight | aSTa; enimidi | -- | eight trees |
S13.0900 | nine | tommidi; nawa | -- | nine trees |
S13.100 | ten | daśa, daśakam; padi | -- | ten trees |
S13.101 | eleven | padakoNDu | -- | eleven trees |
S13.102 | twelve | dwaadaśam; paNDreNDu; panneNDu | paNDreNDu n. class. twelve | twelve trees |
S13.103 | fifteen | padiheenu | -- | fifteen trees |
S13.104 | twenty | iraway; wimśati | -- | twenty trees |
S13.105 | a hundred | wanda; śatam | -- | a hundred trees |
S13.106 | a thousand | weyyi, weeyi; sahasram | -- | a thousand trees |
S13.107 | to count | ennu, ennukonu; lekkaceeyu, lekkapeTTu, lekkincu | -- | The teacher was counting the children as they got on the bus. |
S13.140 | all | antaa; akhila, akhila; aśubhram; ella; tamaam; nikhilam | nikhilam adj. class. all, | All the children got on the bus. |
S13.150 | many | adhika; aneeka; caalaa; jaasti; naanaa; padi; palu; pekku; sphiitam; bahu | sphiitam adj. class. 1 swollen, turgid. 2 much, many. | There are many children on the bus. |
S13.160 | more | jaasti; marinta; lessa; heccu, heccugaa | -- | Today I found more mushrooms than yesterday. |
S13.170 | few | katipaya; punjeDu; konni | -- | There are few mushrooms in this forest. |
S13.180 | enough | saripaDaa | -- | Today I found enough mushrooms for our supper. |
S13.181 | some | antoo intoo; allanta; eemaynaa, eemannaa; okinta; katipaya; kaasta; koncem | -- | Today we found some mushrooms. |
S13.190 | the crowd | uccayam; utkaram; gumpu; gumi; janabaahuLyam; T[h]oolaa; tuugiDii, tungiDii | uccayam n. class. crowd. | There was a large crowd of people waiting outside the theatre. |
S13.210 | full | paripuurNa; puurNa; prapuurNa; ninDu | -- | An empty pot is easier to carry than a full pot. |
S13.220 | empty | abooru; utta, utti, waTTi, oTTi; rikta; śuunya | -- | An empty pot is easier to carry than a full pot. |
S13.230 | the part | angam; amśa; awayawam; minjumala; wibhaagam | -- | The front part of the car was badly damaged. |
S13.2310 | the piece | khaNDam; cheedam; mukka | -- | a piece of cheese |
S13.240 | the half | adda; ara, ardha; sagam, saham | -- | She cut the banana in two halves and gave one half to her husband. |
S13.330 | only | keewalam | -- | Saturn is the only planet with rings. |
S13.3310 | alone | eekaantangaa; oNTigaa; onTari | -- | Don't leave me alone. |
S13.340 | first | agra; uttama; toli; modaTi | -- | You are the first person I see today. |
S13.350 | last | antima, antya; aakharu; kaDa; kona; carama; ciwara, ciwari; tuTTatudi, tuTTatuda, tudi | -- | You were last person I saw before going to bed. |
S13.360 | second | dwitiiya; mali, malu; renDawa | -- | You are the second person I see today. |
S13.370 | the pair | jaNTa; jata; jooDaa, jooDii, jooDu; dwandwam; sangaDi; iruwuru | -- | a pair of shoes |
S13.380 | twice/two times | inumaaru; renDu saarlu | -- | He came over twice today. |
S13.420 | third | tṛtiiya; muuDoo | -- | You are the third person I see today. |
S13.440 | three times | MubbaDi; muuDu saarlu | -- | He came over three times today. |
S13.99901 | a little | aNuleeśam; okinta; kaastaa; kiisa; ciru | -- | -- |
S13.99902 | by | walla | -- | -- |
S13.99903 | each or every | prati | -- | -- |
S13.99904 | the centigram | -- | -- | -- |
S13.99905 | the yard | gajam | -- | -- |
S13.99906 | thirty | mupphay | -- | -- |
S13.99907 | to fill | nincu, nimpu; puuDcu | -- | -- |
S13.99908 | to substitute | badulu | -- | -- |
S13.00000 | zero | śuunyam; haLLi; sunna | -- | The number ten is written as a one and a zero. |
S14.110 | the time | taDawu; tEEpa | -- | Only time can heal her pain. |
S14.120 | the age | mahaayugam; yugam | -- | At this age the baby can only drink milk. |
S14.130 | new | kotta, krotta; taruNa | -- | I bought a new car. |
S14.140 | young | koNDika; kooDe; ciTTi; cinna; cinnakaaru; paDucu; yawwana | koNDika I. n. class. little boy, child II. adj. class. young. | He is too young to eat solid foods. |
S14.150 | old | jiirNa; mudi, mudusali; musali | -- | She is so old that all her teeth are gone. |
S14.160 | early | pendaraaLee, pendaraaDee, pendalaaDee, pendalakaDa, p[r]oddunnanee | -- | Come early, otherwise you won't get any cake. |
S14.170 | late | aalasyam | -- | Don't come late, otherwise you won't get any cake. |
S14.180 | now | ippuDu; iipaTTu[na], iisariki | -- | I was sick last week, but I'm fine now. |
S14.190 | immediately | grakkuna; sadyaḥ; wenTanee | sadyaḥ adv. class. immediately. | Come here immediately! |
S14.210 | fast | cakacaka, cekaceka; tiiwra; twaragaa, twarita; wisawisa; wayLam; śiighra | -- | That man runs as fast as a horse. |
S14.220 | slow | manda; mella | -- | That horse runs as slow as a human. |
S14.230 | to hurry | cekapikalaaDu; takatakalaaDu; tahatahapeTTu; tondarapaDu; weegirapaDu | -- | Please hurry, or we'll be late. |
S14.240 | to be late | aalasyamgaa | -- | We expected her by 10 o'clock, but she was late. |
S14.250 | to begin | andukonu; aarambhincu; awpoosanapaTTu; talapaDu , talapeTTu; praarambham awu; modalawu; lankincu; śriikaaram cuTTu | -- | I began the work yesterday. |
S14.2510 | the beginning | aDugu; aarambham; udghaatam; upakramam; toluta; praarambha, praarambham | -- | At the beginning it was difficult, but now it's easier. |
S14.252 | to last | uNDu; nilucu; mannu | -- | The dry season lasts three months. |
S14.260 | the end(2) | antu; awasaanam;kaDa | -- | At the end of the harvest there is a celebration. |
S14.270 | to finish | temulcukonu; puurti ceeyu; mugincu | -- | I began building my house five years ago, but only finished it this year. |
S14.280 | to cease | eDatiiyu, eDategu, eDapaDu; tolagu; wiramincu[konu] | -- | The two sides promised to cease all hostile acts against each other. |
S14.290 | ready | aayatta; udyukta; tayaaru; sannaddham | -- | I'm ready to go, but my husband is still in the shower. |
S14.310 | always | anayam, anawaratam; eppaTikii, eppuDuu; nityam; sadaa | anayam adv. class. always. | He always comes late. |
S14.320 | often | padee padee | -- | He often comes late, but today he's on time. |
S14.330 | sometimes | appuDappuDu | -- | Sometimes he comes late, but more often he's on time. |
S14.331 | soon | dabbuna; tondaraloo | -- | Don't go yet, he'll be here soon. |
S14.332 | for a long time | kalakaalam; cirasthaayigaa | -- | He waited for a long time, but she never came. |
S14.340 | never | ennaDuu, eppaTikii, eppuDuu | -- | I never eat pork. |
S14.350 | again | krammara; weNDi, weNDiyu; marala; maLLii | krammara adv. class. again. weNDi, weNDiyu adv. class. again, once more. | I was there yesterday, but today I'm going again. |
S14.410 | the day(1) | pagalu | -- | The days are very hot here, but the nights are cool. |
S14.4110 | the day(2) | dinam, diwasam; rooju | diwasam n. class. day. | I am staying here for two days. |
S14.420 | the night | yaamini; rajani; raatri; reeyi; wibhaawari | yaamini, rajani,. ramya n. class. night. | The days very hot here, but the nights are cool. |
S14.430 | the dawn | uSa[ssu]; niśaantam; pratyuuSa; prabhaata[m]; wibhaatam; weekuwa[jaamu] | niśaantam n. class. dawn, daybreak. wibhaatam n. class. dawn. | The sun comes up at dawn. |
S14.440 | the morning | udayam | -- | The children go to school in the morning. |
S14.450 | the midday | madhyaahnam, madhyaannam | -- | We prefer having dinner at midday rather than in the evening. |
S14.451 | the afternoon | aparaahnam; waalupoddu | -- | In the aftertoon I like to take a nap. |
S14.460 | the evening | asurasandhya, asurasanje; astamaanam; maapu; saayantram | -- | We prefer having dinner at midday rather than in the evening. |
S14.470 | today | iwwEELa, iweeLa; iinaaDu; iiwEELa, iiweeLa; neeDu | -- | He's not in today, please call again tomorrow morning. |
S14.480 | tomorrow | reepu | -- | He's not in today, please call again tomorrow morning. |
S14.481 | the day after tomorrow | elluNDi | -- | She's leaving tomorrow and coming back the day after tomorrow. |
S14.490 | yesterday | ninna | -- | She left the day before yesterday and arrived yesterday. |
S14.491 | the day before yesterday | monna | -- | She left the day before yesterday and arrived yesterday. |
S14.510 | the hour | hoora; ganTa | hoora n. class. hour. | The day here lasts 15 hours in midsummer. |
S14.530 | the clock | GhaTiikaaram; gaDiyaaram | ghaTiikaaram n. class. clock. | That clock on the wall was bought by my grandfather. |
S14.610 | the week | saptaaham; waaram | -- | I'm planning to stay for a week or two. |
S14.620 | Sunday | aadiwaaram; bhaanuwaaram | bhaanuwaaram n. class. Sunday. | On Sunday we go to church. |
S14.630 | Monday | soomawaaram | -- | On Monday we go to work. |
S14.640 | Tuesday | angaarakawaaram; mangaLawaaram | -- | On Tuesday we're having a party. |
S14.650 | Wednesday | budhawaaram | -- | On Wednesday there is a holiday. |
S14.660 | Thursday | guruwaaram; bṛhaspatiwaaram; lakSmiiwaaram | -- | On Thursday my mother is arriving. |
S14.670 | Friday | śukrawaaram | -- | On Friday we go to the mosque. |
S14.680 | Saturday | mandawaaram; sthirawaaram; śaniwaaram | -- | On Saturday we go to the synagogue. |
S14.710 | the month | maasam; nela | -- | There are twelve months in a year. |
S14.730 | the year | eeDu; samwastaram; eeDadi | -- | A year normally lasts 365 days. |
S14.740 | the winter | śiita[a]kaalam; siitu; heemantam; cali kaalam | heemantam n. class. winter. | The winters are very cold here. |
S14.750 | the spring(2) | aamani | -- | The tree blooms in the spring. |
S14.760 | the summer | eNDakaalam | -- | The summers are very hot here. |
S14.770 | the autumn/fall | śaratkaalam, saradṛtuwu, śarattu | -- | In the autumn it gets cooler. |
S14.780 | the season | adanu; aawrtti; kaalam; taDawa; tari, taruNam; tuuku; ṛutuwu | -- | There are only two seasons here, the dry season and the wet season. |
S14.99902 | long ago | adeppuDoo; alanaaDeenaaDoo; aanaaDeenaaDoo | -- | -- |
S14.99903 | New Year | kotta eeDadi; kotta samwastaram | -- | -- |
S14.99905 | the period | awadhi; gaDawu, gaDuwu; taDawu | -- | -- |
S15.210 | to smell(1) | aaghraaNincu; taawikonu | taawikonu v.t. class. to smell. | The flower smells pleasant. |
S15.212 | to sniff | egapiilcu[konu]; muucuucu | -- | He opened the milk and sniffed it. |
S15.220 | to smell(2) | adanu; aawrtti; kaalam; taDawa; tari, taruNam; tuuku | tari n. class. time, occasion; | I think I smell gas! |
S15.250 | fragrant | sawgandhika; suwaasana | -- | -- |
S15.260 | stinking | kuLLina | -- | -- |
S15.310 | to taste | aaswaadincu; cawicuucu; rucicuucu | -- | This soup tastes very good. |
S15.350 | sweet | tiipi; madhura; tiiya | -- | The ripe fruit is sweet. |
S15.360 | salty | uppani; cawiTi | -- | The soup is too salty, add some water. |
S15.370 | bitter | ceedu | -- | The medicine is bitter, take it with honey. |
S15.380 | sour | puli | -- | Sprinkle a little sugar over the strawberries if they are sour. |
S15.390 | brackish | -- | -- | brackish water |
S15.410 | to hear | winu | -- | I heard the sound of rain splashing on the window. |
S15.420 | to listen | awadharincu; aakarNinc; aalakincu | -- | Listen to the strange noise in the engine. |
S15.440 | the sound or noise | alikiDi; caDi; cappuDu; dhwaanam; rawam; roda; śabdam; saDi; saddu | -- | There were strange sounds coming from the next room. |
S15.450 | loud | baahaaTam; gaTTigaa | -- | The music is very loud. |
S15.460 | quiet | nemmadi; nemmadi | -- | We have to be quiet so as not to wake the baby. |
S15.510 | to see | arayu, aarayu ; aalookincu; kaanu; cuucu; darśincu; wilookincu | kaanu1 v.t. class. to see, | I see a house in the distance. |
S15.520 | to look | vetuku | -- | I'm looking but I can't see the house. |
S15.550 | to show | aguparacu, awparacu; goocarincu; cuupincu, cuupeTTu; talacuupu | -- | She showed me her house. |
S15.560 | to shine | ullasincu; jwalincu; tanaru; tiiNDrincu; diipincu; nigaarincu; prakaaśincu; raajillu; raaNincu; wibhaasincu; wira[a]jillu; wilasillu; welayincu, welaarcu; welugu, welugondu; śoobhincu, śoobhillu | tanaru v.i. class. 1 to appear. 2 to shine. tiiNDrincu v.i. class. to shine | That lamp is shining in my eyes. |
S15.570 | bright | ujjwala; cikili; teejita; pacca; prakaaśawanta; wibhaata; śoobhana; snigdha | wibhaata adj. class. bright, shining. | I awoke from the bright sunlight. |
S15.610 | the colour/color | caaya; chaaya; wanne; warNam; rangu | -- | My shirt is red, but I'd prefer a different colour. |
S15.620 | light(2) | cawTa; leeta | -- | -- |
S15.630 | dark | ceekaTi | -- | It is dark in the room because the lamp is broken. |
S15.640 | white | arjuna; ella; teli, tella; dhawaLa; dhawaLa; śweeta | arjuna adj. class. white | (snow) |
S15.650 | black | karri; kaaLa, kaala; nalupu; malina; malina; kaaru | -- | (charcoal) |
S15.660 | red | aruNa; kaSaayi; kaawi; kaawi; erupu | -- | (blood) |
S15.670 | blue | niilam | -- | (sky) |
S15.680 | green | pasirika, pasarika; harita; pacca | -- | (leaves) |
S15.690 | yellow | koNDagoogu; pasupupacca; piita, piiti | piita2 adj. class. yellow | (yolk of chicken egg) |
S15.710 | to touch | aNTu; taDawu; puNuku, puDuku; muTTincukonu; samspṛśincu; sparśincu, spṛśincu | samspṛśincu v.t. class. to touch. | The child wanted to touch everything. |
S15.712 | to pinch | giccu; gillu | -- | Mum, the boy pinched me! |
S15.720 | to feel | taDawu | -- | Feel (the quality of) this cloth! |
S15.740 | hard | gaTTi; dṛDha | -- | Diamond is the hardest substance known to man. |
S15.750 | soft | gulla; mṛdula, mṛduwu; metta | -- | a soft pillow |
S15.760 | rough(1) | cittu | -- | Her hands were rough from hard work. |
S15.770 | smooth | nunu, nunupu, nunna; mṛduwu | -- | smooth skin |
S15.780 | sharp | karaku; koosu; waaDi | -- | The knife is very sharp. |
S15.790 | blunt | booDi; moNDi, mokka; moddu; mooTu | -- | This knife is blunt and does not cut well. |
S15.810 | heavy | uddhura; gariSTa; baruwu; baLuwu, baluwu | -- | The suitcase is too heavy for me to carry. |
S15.820 | light(1) | -- | -- | You can carry this bag, it's fairly light. |
S15.830 | wet | aardra; cittaDi; taDi; naanuDu; saardra | -- | He fell into the water, so his clothes are now wet. |
S15.850 | hot | uDuku; uSNam; tiikSNa; wecca; weeDi | -- | It's better to do the work now because later it'll be too hot. |
S15.851 | warm | uSNam; wecca; weeDi | -- | The sun is shining and there's no wind, so it's warm and you can go out without a coat. |
S15.860 | cold | cali, caluwa, calawa, calla; śiita, śiitala, | -- | It's cold outside, so you need warm clothes. |
S15.870 | clean | nirmala; pariśuddha, pariśubhra; pawitra; paawana; śuddha | -- | I washed my hands, so now they are clean. |
S15.880 | dirty | apariśuddha; aśuci; engili; makila; muriki | -- | My hands are dirty from the work, so I need to wash them before the meal. |
S15.890 | wrinkled | muDatalu paDDa | -- | the wrinkled face of a 90-year old man |
S15.99901 | brown | kapila[m] | -- | -- |
S15.99902 | grey | dhuusaram; palita; paawuraayi rangu | -- | -- |
S15.99903 | orange | naarinja | -- | -- |
S15.99904 | pink | aruNima | red or pink | -- |
S15.99906 | violet | uudaarangu; niilaloohita | uudaarangu n. purple or violet colour. niilaloohita adj. sci. violet coloured. | -- |
S16.110 | the soul or spirit | antaraatma, antaryaami; aatma; kSeetrajñuDu; jiiwaatma; hamsa[m] | -- | -- |
S16.150 | surprised or astonished | cakita; wismayam; aaścaryam | -- | -- |
S16.180 | the good luck | adṛSTam; daśa; bhaagyam | luck | -- |
S16.190 | the bad luck | karmawaśaattuu; duradṛSTam; dawrbhaagyam | -- | -- |
S16.230 | happy | kulaasaa, khulaasaa, kuśala; kSeemam; nimmaLam; prasanna; śubha; santooSangala | -- | -- |
S16.250 | to laugh | nagu; nawwu; hasincu | -- | -- |
S16.251 | to smile | nawwu; mandahaasam ceeyu | -- | -- |
S16.260 | to play | aaTalaaDu; aaDu; caralaaDu; ceralaaDu | -- | -- |
S16.270 | to love | abhimaanincu; preemincu; walacu | -- | I love you. |
S16.290 | to kiss | cumbincu; muddaaDu, muddupeTTukonu, muddiDu; muddulaaDu | muddiDu v.t. class. to kiss. | -- |
S16.300 | to embrace | aaśleeSincu; kaawalincu, kaawilincu; kawgilincu; podugu | -- | -- |
S16.310 | the pain | tiita, tiipi; nowwu, noppi; yaatana; weedana; wyadha | -- | -- |
S16.320 | the grief | aTamaTa; aandooLana; aarti; aaweedana; udila; kinca; kSoobha; kheedam; gooDu; glaani; cinta; digulu, digaalu; duḥkham; nirweedam, nirweedana; baamu; wanta; waga | -- | -- |
S16.330 | the anxiety | aadurdaa; aaraaTam; udweegam, udweejanam; kangaaru, khangaaru; kalawaram, tahataha; taapatrayam; digulu, digaalu | -- | -- |
S16.340 | to regret or be sorry | noccukonu; pastaayincu; baadha paDu; wyasanapaDu | -- | I regret my mistake./I am sorrry about my mistake. |
S16.350 | the pity | kanikaram, kanikaaram; karuNa; kaaruNyam; kṛpa; jaali; daya | -- | -- |
S16.370 | to cry | EeDcu; eeDupu | -- | -- |
S16.380 | the tear | aśruwu; kanniiru; cinugu; cirugu; baaSpam | -- | -- |
S16.390 | to groan | muul[u]gu | -- | -- |
S16.410 | to hate | asahyincu; iisaDincu;eewagincu; kaNTagincu; dweeSincu; widweeSincu | -- | -- |
S16.420 | the anger | akkasu; alaka; aakroośam; iisu; ukrooSam | -- | -- |
S16.440 | the envy or jealousy | asuuya; iDugaDa; iirSya, iisu; uuda; oorwami, oorwaleenitanam; kuLLu; cuupoopami; dugdha, durdha | iDugaDa n. class. envy. | -- |
S16.450 | the shame | awamaanam, apamaanam; eggu; cinnatanam; talawampu; b[h]ajiitu; biDiyam; lajja | -- | -- |
S16.480 | proud | ahankaari; udgriiwuDu; garwiSTi | -- | -- |
S16.510 | to dare | tegabaDu, tegabaaru, tegincu; saahasincu | -- | -- |
S16.520 | brave | gaNDu; dhiira | -- | -- |
S16.530 | the fear | adaru bedaru; aadurdaa; udweegam; janku; jaDupu; toNukubeNuku; pangu; biitu; beduru, bedaru; bhiiti; wera[pu] , weracu; bhayam | -- | -- |
S16.540 | the danger | apaayam | -- | -- |
S16.620 | to want | tala[n]cu | -- | -- |
S16.622 | to choose | encu; empikaceeyu; ennukonu; eerukonu; warincu, warincu; swiikarincu | -- | -- |
S16.630 | to hope | aaśincu; aasakonu | -- | -- |
S16.650 | faithful | wiśwaasangala | -- | -- |
S16.660 | true | awyaajya; asalu, asalu sisalu; ṛtam; tathyam, tadhyam; taatwika; nija[mayna]; nirwyaajya; waastawika; satya | -- | -- |
S16.670 | to lie(2) | -- | -- | -- |
S16.680 | the deceit | kapaTam, chadma, chalam; taTamaTa; dambham; buuTakam; bheeSajam; maaya; moosam; wancana[m]; weeDabam; wyaajam | chalam n. class. deception, deceit, | -- |
S16.690 | to forgive | oorcu; mannincu | -- | -- |
S16.710 | good | puNya; baagu; manci; lessa; saadu, saadhu; suSTu; hita | -- | -- |
S16.720 | bad | adhwaanam, adhwaannam, ardhaannam; apuNya; apraśasta; kacaDaa; kaani; kharaabu; ceDu, ceDugu, ceDDa | apuNya adj. class. wicked, bad. | -- |
S16.730 | right(2) | niiti | -- | -- |
S16.740 | wrong | adharma[m]; anarthadaayaka; ayukta; kacaDaa; tappu, tappuDu; porapaaTu | -- | -- |
S16.760 | the fault | agaDu; aparaadha[m]; chidram; tappitam, tappidam, tappu; dooSam; losugu; soDDu | -- | It's your fault we missed the bus! |
S16.770 | the mistake | tappu; dosagu, dooSam; nerasu, neerami; porapaaTu; skhaalityam | dosagu n. class. 1 mistake | -- |
S16.780 | the blame | agaDu; iisaDam; upakroośam; tegaDika; ninda; nepam | -- | -- |
S16.790 | the praise | pogaDika, pogaDta; praśamsa; prastuti; bhuuSaNa, bhuuSincu; meccukoolu, meppu; sannuti; stootram | -- | -- |
S16.810 | beautiful | andaala; cakka; caaru; jaanu; nawakam; manjula; miTaarapu; sogasu; sooyagapu | jaanu adj. class. 1 graceful, beautiful | -- |
S16.820 | ugly | anaakaara; aparuupa; ebbeTTu ; wikaTa, wikaara | -- | -- |
S16.830 | greedy | kaDupaatram; lubdha | -- | -- |
S16.840 | clever | kuśala; gaDusu; teliwayna; paTu[wu] | -- | -- |
S16.99903 | thank you! | dhanyawaadaalu | -- | -- |
S16.99914 | wild | aDawi, aTawi; werri | -- | -- |
S17.110 | the mind | antaḥkaraNa[m]; antarangam; aantaryam; ullam; eda; cittam; Dendam; madi; manam; maanasam | Dendam n. class. heart, mind. | I don't know what's going on in her mind. |
S17.130 | to think(1) | anukonu; aaloocincu; uuhincu; cintincu, cintillu, tala[n]cu; talapooyu | -- | You should think first before speaking. |
S17.140 | to think(2) | anukonu; aaloocincu; uuhincu; ennu; tala[n]cu; talapooyu; | -- | I think that this is not right. |
S17.150 | to believe | nammapaluku, nammu | -- | You shouldn't believe everything you read. |
S17.160 | to understand | artham ceesukonu; awagatam ceesukonu; grahincu | -- | I do not understand why they left us so early. |
S17.170 | to know | arayu, aarayu; aakaLimpu ceesukonu; telusukonu | -- | They know that we are coming today. |
S17.171 | to guess | ujjakonu, ujjaayincu; uuhincu, uuhincukonu | -- | Guess how much money I have. |
S17.172 | to imitate | anukarincu | -- | -- |
S17.180 | to seem | kanipincu; anipincu | -- | The house seems to be empty. |
S17.190 | the idea | uddeeśam; uuha; prasanna, prasannuDu, prasarincu, prasawam, prasawincu, prasaadincu, prasaaram, prasaara, prasiddhaartham, prasiddhiki ekku, prasuuti, prasuutigrham, prasuunam, prastaawana, prastaawana, prastuta, prastutam, prastuti, prastutincu, prastham, prasthaanam, prasthaanam, prasthaanincu, prasphuTa, prasphooTanam, praswanam, prahari[gooDa], praharSam, prahasanam, prahaaram, praheeLi[ka], prahlaadam; buddhi; bhaawam; matam | -- | -- |
S17.210 | wise | buddhigala, wiweekangala | -- | -- |
S17.220 | stupid | awiweeka; cawaTa; jaDa, jaDDi; teliwitakkuwa; buddhitakkuwa,buddhileeni; manda; muurkha | -- | -- |
S17.230 | mad | unmatta[m]; picci | -- | -- |
S17.240 | to learn | abhyasana; telusukonu; paThincu;boodhaparacukonu; walleweeyu, wallincu; neercukonu | -- | Where did you learn to cook so well? |
S17.242 | to study | adhyayanam ceeyu, adhyayanincu; caduwukonu | -- | I have to study for my test. |
S17.250 | to teach | upadeeśincu; karapu, karupu, garupu; neerpincu; boodhakuDu; mappu | -- | -- |
S17.260 | the pupil | śiSyuDu; vidyaarthi | -- | There are 10 pupils in the class, aged 6-7. |
S17.270 | the teacher | adhyaapakuDu; ayyawaaru; upadeeSTa ; guruwu | school teacher | -- |
S17.280 | the school | paaThaśaala; baDi | -- | The children go to school every morning. |
S17.310 | to remember | smarincu; gurtu teccukonu | -- | Do you remember the name of your first teacher? |
S17.320 | to forget | eemarcu; maracu | -- | -- |
S17.340 | clear | tellam; teeTa, teeTatellam; dhawaLa; nirmala; niSkalanka, niSkaLanka; parisphuTa; pratyakSa; widita; wiśada; wyaktam | tellam adj. class. apparent, evident, clear; | a clear explanation |
S17.350 | obscure | ciikaTi; makila | -- | an obscure reason |
S17.360 | secret | gupta; guuDha, guuDham ; pracchanna; rahasya; loopaayakaarii | -- | -- |
S17.370 | certain | tathyam, tadhyam; nirdiSTa; niścaya | -- | It is certain that the theft occurred during the night. |
S17.380 | to explain | upanyasincu; boodha ceeyu; wipuliikarincu; ardha parucu | -- | -- |
S17.410 | the intention | abhipraayam; aaśayam; ingitam; uddeeśam; taatparyam; pharaku; manoogatam; wiwakSa | -- | It was not his intention to wake the baby up. |
S17.420 | the cause | upapatti; katam; kaaraNam; nidaanam; nimittam; sababu; heetuwu | katam n. class. reason, cause. | What was the cause of the accident? |
S17.430 | the doubt | awiśwaasam; aaśanka; gili; wicikitsa; witarkam; śanka; sandigdha[m], sandiyam, sandeeham; samśayam | -- | -- |
S17.440 | to suspect | anumaanapaDu, anumaanincu ; śankincu; sandeehincu; samśayincu | -- | The police suspected that he was a drug dealer. |
S17.441 | to betray | -- | -- | -- |
S17.450 | the need or necessity | akkara; agatyam; awaśyakam, awaśyakata, awasaram; aawaśyakam, aawaśyakata; garaju, garju | -- | -- |
S17.460 | easy | teelika; nistantram; sukha; sulabha[m] | nistantram adj. class. easy. | -- |
S17.470 | difficult | kaThina; kaSTam; kaani; gaDDu; goTTu ; duSkara | -- | -- |
S17.480 | to try | unkincu; paTTi cuucu; prayatnincu; yatnincu | -- | -- |
S17.490 | the manner | karaNi; kramapaddhati; candam; Theewa; tariikha; tiiru | Theewa n. class. 1 beauty. 2 manner. | -- |
S17.510 | and | mariyu | -- | -- |
S17.520 | because | kaaraNangaa | -- | -- |
S17.530 | if | ayte | -- | -- |
S17.540 | or | leeka | -- | -- |
S17.550 | yes | awnu; walle | -- | -- |
S17.560 | no | waddu | -- | -- |
S17.610 | how? | elaa | -- | -- |
S17.620 | how many? | enni | -- | -- |
S17.630 | how much? | enta | -- | -- |
S17.640 | what? | eem, eemi[Ti] | -- | What is that thing on the table? |
S17.650 | when? | eppuDu | -- | -- |
S17.660 | where? | eTa; eedi; ekkaDa | eTa? adv. class. where? | -- |
S17.670 | which? | eevi | -- | -- |
S17.680 | who? | ewaru | -- | -- |
S17.690 | why? | en[du]ceeta, enduku | -- | -- |
S17.99903 | the same | okaTee | -- | -- |
S18.110 | the voice | dhwani; swaram | -- | -- |
S18.120 | to sing | aalapincu; paaDu | -- | -- |
S18.130 | to shout | arucu, aruwu; aaghooSincu; keekapeTTu; bobbarincu | -- | Be careful, he shouted, "a lion!" |
S18.150 | to whisper | uudu; gusagusalaaDu | -- | -- |
S18.160 | to mumble | kotuku | -- | The little boy mumbled something about wanting to go to the toilet. |
S18.170 | to whistle | iila koTTu, iila weeyu; uuyu | -- | -- |
S18.180 | to shriek | -- | -- | -- |
S18.190 | to howl | uula | -- | -- |
S18.210 | to speak or talk | bhaaSincu; maaTLaaDu | -- | -- |
S18.211 | to stutter or stammer | nattu | -- | -- |
S18.220 | to say | anipincu; wacincu; waakonu | -- | She said she'd be late. |
S18.221 | to tell | telupu | -- | Our grandmother told us a story. |
S18.222 | the speech | upanyaasam; prasangam | -- | In his speech, the chief thanked the guests. |
S18.230 | to be silent | uurukonu | -- | -- |
S18.240 | the language | baasa; bhaaSa | -- | -- |
S18.260 | the word | nuDi; padam ; śabdam | -- | -- |
S18.280 | the name | peeru; naamadheeyam; naamam | -- | What's your name? |
S18.310 | to ask(1) | aDugu; kooru | -- | Where is your mother?, he asked. |
S18.320 | to answer | andukonu; maarumaaTLaaDu | -- | I asked him where his mother was, but he didn't answer. |
S18.330 | to admit | angiikarincu; | -- | The suspect admitted he stole the car. |
S18.340 | to deny | apalapincu; kaadanu | apalapincu v.t. class. to deny. | She denied she was the thief. |
S18.350 | to ask(2) | arthincu; kooru | -- | She asked for a glass of water. |
S18.360 | to promise | baasaceeyu; maaTivvu | -- | -- |
S18.370 | to refuse | kaadanu; kaaladannu; moraayincu | -- | -- |
S18.380 | to forbid | niSeedhincu; pratiSeedhincu ; waarincu | -- | -- |
S18.390 | to scold | aaraDipeTTu; kasaru; gadamaayincu, gadumu; ciiwaaTLu peTTu, ciiwaaTLu weeyu; ceDanaaDu; durbhaaSalaaDu | -- | -- |
S18.410 | to call(1) | anu; keekaweeyu | -- | The king called his ministers for a meeting. |
S18.420 | to call(2) | piluwu | -- | The parents decided to call their son David. |
S18.430 | to announce | wellaDi ceeyu, wellaDincu | -- | -- |
S18.440 | to threaten | dengulupeTTu | -- | -- |
S18.450 | to boast | kootalu kooyu; gappaalukoTTu | -- | -- |
S18.510 | to write | bakkuru; racincu; raayu, wraayu; raasukonu; likhincu | bakkuru v.i. dial. 1 to scratch, scrape. 2 slang to write. | -- |
S18.520 | to read | caduwu, caduwukonu; paThincu | -- | -- |
S18.560 | the paper | kaagitam, kaayitam, kaakitam; patram | -- | She took a piece of paper and wrote down her name. |
S18.570 | the pen | kalam; peenaa; leekhini | leekhini n. class. pen. | You must use a pen, not a pencil. |
S18.610 | the book | pustakam | -- | -- |
S18.670 | the poet | ana; kawi | -- | -- |
S18.710 | the flute | kroowi; pillan[a]groowi; muraLi; wamśi; weeNuwu | kroowi n. class. 1 tube. 2 flute. | He plays the flute and she plays the violin. |
S18.720 | the drum | DiNDima; Dappu | -- | Don't beat the drum so hard, it's too loud. |
S18.730 | the horn or trumpet | kaahaLa[m]; tuutuubaakaa; baakaa; buuraa; śṛngam | kaahaLa[m] n. class. trumpet, clarion. | -- |
S18.740 | the rattle | gilaka, gilakkaaya | -- | -- |
S18.99901 | the fairy tale | -- | -- | -- |
S19.110 | the country | gaDDa, geDDa; deeśam; naaDu; siima | -- | He has traveled to Japan, China, India, and many other countries. |
S19.120 | the native country | janmabhuumi | -- | After the civil war ended, the refugees were able to return to their native country. |
S19.150 | the town | paTTaNam, paTNam; bastii; wiiDu | wiiDu n. class. 1 town, city | Farmers come into town to sell their produce. |
S19.160 | the village | uuru; guuDem; palle | -- | The farmers' fields are near their village. |
S19.170 | the boundary | awadhi; ella; mandala; sarihaddu; haddu, addu; hadduraayi | -- | The province boundary is also the border between the two countries. |
S19.210 | the people | janam; janaaniikam; lookulu | -- | The president is unpopular, but the people adore his daughter. |
S19.230 | the clan | kulamu; wamsamu | -- | The entire clan lives in one large house. |
S19.240 | the chieftain | yoodhuDu | feudal chieftain | -- |
S19.250 | the walking stick | aanukarra; uutakarra, uutakoola, uutagaDa; ceetikarra; ponnukarra | -- | -- |
S19.310 | to rule or govern | eelu[konu]; paripaalincu, paalincuśaasincu | -- | The president ruled the country for 25 years. |
S19.320 | the king | arasu, arusu; awaniinaathuDu, awaniipati, awaniipaaluDu, awaniiśuDu; urwiipati; eelika ; kSitipati; janapati; deewara; naathuDu; nṛpaalakuDu; paarthiwuDu; kSitipati; pṛthwiipati; maNDaleeśwaruDu; mahaaraaju; muurdhaabhiSiktuDu; raaju; raayuDu; reeDu | awaniinaathuDu, awaniipati, awaniipaaluDu, awaniiśuDu n. class. king, ruler. kSitipati n. class. king. puDami reeDu n. class. king. pṛthwiipati n. class. king. maNDaleeśwaruDu n. class. king, sovereign. reeDu n. class. 1 king, | King David |
S19.330 | the queen | deeweeri; mahiSi; raajñi; raaNi | mahiSi n. class. 1 queen | Queen Elizabeth |
S19.360 | the noble | Thaakuuru | -- | Nobles are exempt from paying taxes. |
S19.370 | the citizen | pawruDu | -- | a citizen of Germany |
S19.410 | the master | adhikaari, adhipati; adhiiśuDu; iiśuDu; kaamandu, khaamandu; jiyya; deewara; dora; dhawuDu; naathuDu; prabhu[wu] ; yajamaani, yajamaanuDu; raayuDu; reeDu | jiyya n. class. god, king, lord, master. dhawuDu n. class. master, lord, husband. | -- |
S19.420 | the slave | kinkaruDu; gulaam; Dingari; tottu; baanisa | -- | -- |
S19.430 | the servant | kaasaa; guNDaDu; jiitagaaDu; nawkaru; panna; paricaruDu, paricaarakuDu; b[h]aTuDu; bhṛtyuDu ; seewi | panna n. class. 1 servant. bhṛtyuDu n. class. Servant. seewi n. class. servant. | -- |
S19.440 | the freeman | swatantruDu | -- | His mother was a slave, but his father was a freeman. |
S19.4450 | to liberate | vimukti ceeyu | -- | King Rama V liberated the slaves in Siam. |
S19.450 | to command or order | nirdeeśincu | -- | The officer commanded them to line up against the wall. |
S19.460 | to obey | taladharincu; | taladharincu v.t. class. to submit to, obey. | Soldiers are expected to obey their superiors. |
S19.470 | to permit | angiikarincu; oppukonu | -- | I am afraid I cannot permit my daughter to marry you. |
S19.510 | the friend | iSTuDu; celikaaDu; neestam; baandhawuDu; mitram, mitruDu; wihituDu; saawaasi; hituDu, hitaySi | -- | -- |
S19.520 | the enemy | araati, ari ; ahituDu; pagawaaDu ; pratikakSi; widweeSi; wiroodhi; wayri; śatruwu | araati n. class. enemy, foe | -- |
S19.540 | the neighbour | irugu porugu waru; | -- | It's hard to sleep because the neighbors are noisy. |
S19.550 | the stranger | andipondaniwaaDu; aparicituDu; koonkiskaa; paradeeśi; paruDu, paraayi waaDu | -- | She's not afraid of strangers. |
S19.560 | the guest | atithi; aahuutuDu; nimantrituDu | nimantrituDu n. class. invitee, guest. | -- |
S19.5650 | to invite | aahwaanincu; nimantrincu; pilucu | nimantrincu v.t. class. to invite. | We invited our neighbors to our place for dinner. |
S19.570 | the host | aatitheeyi; kooTi | aatitheeyi n. class. host. | The host offered his guests some wine. |
S19.580 | to help | TooDawu; saahaaya paDu, saayam ceeyu | -- | -- |
S19.590 | to prevent | aDDu; niwaarincu | -- | The police prevented the demonstrators from entering the building. |
S19.610 | the custom | alawaaTu; aacaaram; aanawaayitii; kaaNDa; nikaNTu[wu]; riwaaju, waaDuka, waaDika | -- | -- |
S19.620 | the quarrel | kacce, kajjaa; kayyam; kalaha; kaaTLaaTa; kiiculaaTa; kummulaaTa; koTLaaTa; jagaDam; jaTTii | -- | We have a quarrel with the neighbors over their noise. |
S19.630 | the plot | guuDupuThaaNii; kutantram; pannagam; kuTra | -- | There was a plot to kill the queen. |
S19.650 | to meet | kalusukonu; samaaweeśam awu | -- | We agreed to meet in front of the theatre. |
S19.720 | the prostitute | aaTaweladi; kaLaawati; kaamuki; gaNika; jaariNi; tottu; daaTLamaari; paDupukatte; muNDa | gaNika n. class. prostitute. | -- |
S19.99902 | Australia | -- | -- | -- |
S19.99903 | China | cayna | -- | -- |
S19.99904 | Egypt | iijipTu | -- | -- |
S19.99906 | Greece | griisu | -- | -- |
S19.99907 | India | aaseetuhimaacalam; dharmakSeetram; bharatakhaNDam, bharatawarSam | aaseetuhimaacalam n. the whole of India | -- |
S19.99908 | Madagascar | -- | -- | -- |
S19.99910 | Sir | ayyaa; dora | -- | -- |
S19.99911 | Spain | -- | -- | -- |
S19.99913 | the Brazilian | -- | -- | -- |
S19.99914 | the certificate | yogyataa patram | -- | -- |
S19.99915 | the Chinese person | -- | -- | -- |
S19.99917 | the European | yuuropiyanu vartakuDu | -- | -- |
S19.99922 | the French person | paraasu deesastuDu | -- | -- |
S19.99925 | the hockey | -- | -- | -- |
S19.99930 | the policeman | rakSakabhaTuDu; pooliisu | -- | -- |
S19.99931 | the power | adhikaaram; taDaakhaa | -- | -- |
S19.99935 | the sport | aaTa; keeLi; kriiDa; celagaaTam; liila; heela | keeLi n. class. 1 play, sport. | -- |
S19.99936 | the student | adhyayana paruDu; chaatruDu; widyaarthi | -- | -- |
S20.110 | to fight | pooTLaaDu; pooraaDu; sangharSincu | -- | The two tribes have been fighting for weeks. |
S20.130 | the war or battle | ani; aaji; utthaanam; raNam; samprahaaram | ani, aaji, samprahaaram n., class. war, battle | -- |
S20.140 | the peace | śaantam, śaanti ; swaantana[m] ; haayi | -- | -- |
S20.150 | the army | utthaanam; daNDu; phawju, pawju; waahini; seena; saynyam | waahini n. class. 1 river. 2 army. | The Roman army conquered Jerusalem. |
S20.170 | the soldier | jawaanu, jamaanu; baNTu; b[h]aTuDu; sipaayi; saynikuDu | -- | -- |
S20.210 | the weapons | astram; aayudham ; śastram | SG | -- |
S20.220 | the club | gada; duDDu; mudgaram; laaThii | -- | -- |
S20.222 | the battle-axe | -- | -- | -- |
S20.230 | the sling | waDise[la] | -- | -- |
S20.240 | the bow | dhanussu; wilu, willu | -- | -- |
S20.250 | the arrow | ampa, ambu ; ammu ; tuupu ; waaji ; śaram; baaNam | ampa, ambu, tuupu, waaji n. class. arrow | -- |
S20.260 | the spear | iiTe; barise ; ballem | -- | -- |
S20.270 | the sword | aDidam; asi ; katti; karawaalam ; khaDgam | aDidam, karawaalam n. class. sword. | -- |
S20.280 | the gun | tupaaki | -- | She shot the thief with a gun. |
S20.310 | the armour | kawacam; sajja | -- | The knight wore a shining armor. |
S20.330 | the helmet | śirastraaNam, śirastram | -- | Put on your helmet when you ride a motorcycle. |
S20.340 | the shield | Daalu | -- | He held up his shield to protect his head from the attack. |
S20.350 | the fortress | kancukooTa; kooTa ; durgam | fort, stronghold | -- |
S20.360 | the tower | śikharam; goopuram | -- | From the tower you can see the entire town. |
S20.410 | the victory | gelupu; jayam ; wijayam | -- | -- |
S20.420 | the defeat | apajayam; asaphalata ; ooTami ; paraajayam; bhangapaaTu | -- | -- |
S20.430 | the attack | aakramaNam; Dhaakaa ; taaku | -- | -- |
S20.440 | to defend | rakSaNa | -- | He defended himself but the robber took his wallet. |
S20.450 | to retreat | tappukonu; tiroogamincu; wenakadiiyu, wenudiiyu, wenakaaDu | -- | -- |
S20.460 | to surrender | śaraNu kooru | -- | -- |
S20.470 | the captive or prisoner | kaydii, khaydii; bandi | -- | -- |
S20.471 | the guard | kaapari; paharaa, paaraa | -- | I wanted to go in but the guard wouldn't let me. |
S20.480 | the booty | kolla | -- | -- |
S20.490 | the ambush | maaTu | -- | -- |
S20.510 | the fisherman | jaalari; daaśuDu; besta[waaDu] ; matsyakaaruDu | daaśuDu n. class. fisherman. | -- |
S20.520 | the fishhook | gaalam, geelam | -- | -- |
S20.530 | the fishing line | -- | -- | -- |
S20.540 | the fishnet | wala | -- | -- |
S20.550 | the fish trap | uudi | -- | -- |
S20.560 | the bait | era | -- | Worms are used as bait. |
S20.610 | to hunt | weeTaaDu | -- | -- |
S20.620 | to shoot | kaalcu | -- | She shot the intruder with her gun. |
S20.630 | to miss | guri tappu | -- | He shot at the bird but missed it. |
S20.640 | the trap | uccu; uri ; waagura | -- | The hunter lay a trap for the bear. |
S20.650 | to trap | wala veeyu | -- | The hunter trapped a fox. |
S20.99903 | the force | taDaakhaa; prataapam ; balam | -- | -- |
S21.110 | the law | caTTam; nyaayam | -- | There ought to be a law against cutting down trees. |
S21.150 | the court | adaalatu; nyaayasthaanam | -- | -- |
S21.160 | to adjudicate | -- | -- | -- |
S21.170 | the judgment | tiirpu | -- | -- |
S21.180 | the judge | tagawari; praaDwiwaakuDu | praaDwiwaakuDu n. class. judge, adjudicator. | -- |
S21.210 | the plaintiff | daawaadaaru; waadi | -- | -- |
S21.220 | the defendant | uttarawaadi; pratiwaadi | -- | -- |
S21.230 | the witness | saakSi | -- | -- |
S21.240 | to swear | pramaaNam ceeyu; śapatham paTTu | -- | I swear to tell the truth. |
S21.250 | the oath | aana; oTTu satyapramaaNam | -- | -- |
S21.310 | to accuse | aaroopincu | -- | She accused him of stealing her purse. |
S21.320 | to condemn | adhikSeepincu; garhincu ; c[h]iikoTTu | -- | The judge condemned the defendant and sentenced him to two years in prison. |
S21.330 | to convict | muddaai; neerastuDu | -- | He was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. |
S21.340 | to acquit | -- | -- | The defendant was acquitted of all charges. |
S21.350 | guilty | dooSi | -- | The judge found the defendant guilty. |
S21.360 | innocent | amaayaka, amaayika, amaayakuDu; beela | -- | He was punished even though he was innocent. |
S21.370 | the penalty or punishment | ; jarimaanaa, julmaanaa; julmaanaa; daNDana, daNDuga, daNDaga; śikSa | -- | -- |
S21.380 | the fine | julmaanaa | -- | I had to pay a fine of $100 for speeding. |
S21.390 | the prison | kaydu, khaydu; cera; bandikaana, bandiikhaanaa | -- | -- |
S21.420 | the murder | kuunii, khuunii; hatya | -- | Murder is punished very severely. |
S21.430 | the adultery | jaaratwam; miNDatanam ; ranku; wyabhicaaram ; swayrawihaaram | -- | -- |
S21.440 | the rape | atyaacaaram; balaatkaaram | -- | -- |
S21.460 | the arson | illu tagulabeTTuTa | -- | -- |
S21.470 | the perjury | apramaaNamu; asatyamu | -- | -- |
S21.510 | to steal | apaharincu; taskarincu; daaTaweeyu, daaTeeyu; dongilincu, dongilu, dobbu; nuuku; m[r]uccilincu | dobbu, nuuku slang to steal, snatch away | -- |
S21.520 | the thief | apharta; cooruDu; Takkari, takkari; taskaruDu ; donga ; mucci; rudraakSapilli | mucci n. class. thief. | -- |
S22.110 | the religion | matam; dharmamu | -- | -- |
S22.120 | the god | adhiiśwaruDu; animiSuDu ; jiyya; deewara; nirwikaaruDu ; parabrahma, paramaatma, parameeśwaruDu; paraatparuDu ; bhagawantuDu ; maadhawuDu; weelupu, weelpu | jiyya n. class. god, king, lord, master. | -- |
S22.130 | the temple | aalayam; guDi ; deewaLam, deewaalayam; mandiram | -- | -- |
S22.1310 | the church | carci | -- | -- |
S22.1320 | the mosque | masiidu | -- | -- |
S22.140 | the altar | weedi[ka] | -- | -- |
S22.150 | the sacrifice | aahuti; upahaaram; kratuwu; bali; makham, magham; meedham; yajñam, yaagam | makham, magham n. class. sacrifice. | -- |
S22.160 | to worship | arcana; aaraadhana ; upasthaanam; upaasanam ; tiruwaaraadhana ; puuja ; seewa | -- | -- |
S22.170 | to pray | abhyarthincu; praarthincu; weeDu[konu] | -- | The farmers prayed for rain. |
S22.180 | the priest | Ojja; arcakuDu; puujaari; aacaari; | -- | -- |
S22.190 | holy | tiru; pariśuddha ; pawitra ; paawana ; puniita ; mahaniiya; śrii | tiru adjvl. prefix holy, sacred | -- |
S22.220 | to preach | upadeeśincu; praboodhincu ; boodha ceeyu, boodha paracu, boodhincu | -- | -- |
S22.230 | to bless | aaśiirwadincu; diiwincu | -- | -- |
S22.240 | to curse | aakroośincu; ceDanaaDu; śapincu; śaapanaarthaalu peTTu | -- | -- |
S22.260 | to fast | upawasincu; upooSam uNDu | -- | -- |
S22.310 | the heaven | uurdhwalookam; diwam ; diwi; naakam, naakalookam; paramapadam | diwi, naakam, naakalookam n. class. heaven, sky. | -- |
S22.320 | the hell | naagalookam; yamakuupam; yamalookam; narakam[u] | -- | -- |
S22.350 | the demon | asura, asuruDu, aasuruDu; dayyam; daanawuDu; daytyuDu; piśaacam, piśaaci; beetaaLam; raakSasuDu; raatrincaruDu | daytyuDu n. class. demon. | -- |
S22.370 | the idol | pratima; wigraham[u] | -- | -- |
S22.420 | the magic | indrajaalam | -- | -- |
S22.430 | the sorcerer or witch | mantragaaDu; maantrikuDu | sorcerer | -- |
S22.440 | the fairy or elf | yakSiNi; moohini; kannika | -- | -- |
S22.450 | the ghost | gaali; niśaacaruDu; preeta[m]; buuci ; bhuutam | -- | -- |
S22.470 | the omen | Nimittam; śakunam[u] | -- | -- |
S22.5000 | the circumcision | sunnati, sunti | -- | -- |
S22.5100 | the initiation ceremony | -- | -- | -- |
S22.99901 | Christ | kriistu | -- | -- |
S22.99902 | Christmas | krismas selawulu; krismas salawulu | -- | -- |
S22.99903 | Easter | -- | -- | -- |
S22.99904 | the bishop | -- | -- | -- |
S22.99905 | the funeral | dinakaaryam; uttara kriya | -- | -- |
S22.99909 | the Muslim | turaka; musalmaan, musliim | -- | -- |
S22.99910 | the rosary | japamaalika | -- | -- |
S23.1000 | the radio | wistantri | wireless, radio | -- |
S23.1100 | the television | duuradarśan | -- | -- |
S23.1200 | the telephone | doora śrawana yantramu | -- | -- |
S23.1300 | the bicycle | saykilu | -- | -- |
S23.1350 | the motorcycle | motaaru saykilu | -- | -- |
S23.1400 | the car | kaaru | -- | -- |
S23.1500 | the bus | bassu | -- | -- |
S23.1550 | the train | raylu, raylubaNDi | -- | -- |
S23.1600 | the airplane | wimaanam | -- | -- |
S23.1700 | the electricity | widyucchakti, widyuttu | -- | -- |
S23.1750 | the battery | -- | -- | -- |
S23.1800 | to brake | breeku | -- | -- |
S23.1850 | the motor | motaaru | -- | -- |
S23.1900 | the machine | jantram; miSanu; yantramu | -- | -- |
S23.1950 | the petroleum | śilaataylam; camuru | -- | -- |
S23.2000 | the hospital | aaspatri; waydyaśaala | -- | -- |
S23.2100 | the nurse | narsu | -- | -- |
S23.2200 | the pill or tablet | guTi[ka]; goolii ; maatra | -- | -- |
S23.2300 | the injection | suudimandu | suudimandu n. colloq. injection. | -- |
S23.2400 | the spectacles/glasses | Suloocanam; kaLLaddaalu | -- | -- |
S23.3000 | the government | prabhutwam | -- | -- |
S23.3100 | the president | adhyakSuDu | -- | -- |
S23.3200 | the minister | amaatyuDu; mantri; saciwuDu | saciwuDu n. class. minister. | -- |
S23.3300 | the police | rakSaka[bhaTa] śaakha | -- | -- |
S23.3400 | the driver's license | -- | -- | -- |
S23.3500 | the license plate | -- | -- | -- |
S23.3600 | the birth certificate | janma dhruwiikarana patramu | -- | -- |
S23.3700 | the crime | atyaacaaram; apacaaram ; daaruNam ;duNDagam; duSkṛtyam; dooSam; neeram; paatakam; paapam | -- | -- |
S23.3800 | the election | ennika | -- | -- |
S23.3850 | the address | cirunaamaa; pattaa | -- | The address is written on the envelope. |
S23.3900 | the number | sankhya | -- | number two |
S23.3950 | the street | bajaaru; wiidhi | -- | -- |
S23.4000 | the post/mail | Tapaa[lu], Tappaa, tapaalaa | -- | -- |
S23.4100 | the postage stamp | accu, accupooyu; mudra; moharu; tapaala biLLa | -- | -- |
S23.4200 | the letter | khattu; jaabu; leekha | leekha n. class. letter, epistle. | -- |
S23.4300 | the postcard | tapaala kaarDu | -- | -- |
S23.4400 | the bank(financialinstitution) | byaanku | -- | -- |
S23.5000 | the tap/faucet | kuLaayi | -- | -- |
S23.5100 | the sink | -- | -- | -- |
S23.5200 | the toilet | paakiidoDDi | -- | -- |
S23.5300 | the mattress | parupu | -- | -- |
S23.5400 | the tin/can | tagaram | -- | -- |
S23.5500 | the screw | mara; siila | -- | -- |
S23.5550 | the screwdriver | -- | -- | -- |
S23.5600 | the bottle | buDDi; siisaa | -- | -- |
S23.5650 | the candy/sweets | kaNDacakkera; kalakaNDa; khaNDasarkara, khaNDaśarkara; paTika bellam; miśri | -- | -- |
S23.5700 | the plastic | -- | -- | -- |
S23.5750 | the bomb | baambu | -- | -- |
S23.5800 | the workshop | kaarkhaanaa | -- | -- |
S23.5900 | the cigarette | cigareTTu, cigireTTu | -- | -- |
S23.6000 | the newspaper | dinapatrika | dinapatrika n. daily newspaper. | -- |
S23.6100 | the calendar | maanam | -- | -- |
S23.6200 | the film/movie | calanacitram; sinimaa | -- | -- |
S23.6300 | the music | sangiitam | -- | -- |
S23.6400 | the song | giitam, giiti ; geeyam; paaTa | -- | -- |
S23.9000 | the tea | teeniiru, teeyaaku | -- | -- |
S23.9100 | the coffee | kaaphii | -- | -- |
S23.99901 | the license | -- | -- | -- |
S24.0100 | to be | awu; awwu | -- | -- |
S24.0200 | to become | awu | -- | The caterpillar became a butterfly. |
S24.0300 | without | -- | -- | -- |
S24.0400 | with | ceeta; wadda | wadda p.p. obs. with | -- |
S24.0500 | through | dwaaraa; madhyanunci; miidanunci, miinci; walla | -- | The car went through the tunnel. |
S24.0600 | not | kaakuNDaa; kaani | -- | -- |
S24.0700 | this | idi: idee ; ii | -- | this man |
S24.0800 | that | adi; adee | -- | that woman |
S24.0900 | here | ikkaDa | -- | -- |
S24.1000 | there | Ata; akkaDa | -- | -- |
S24.1100 | other | takkina; tatima, tatimmaa; migata[a] | -- | I don't want this one, give me the other one. |
S24.1200 | next | anantara; awatali, awatala ; tadanantara ; pakka ; mali, malu | -- | -- |
S24.1300 | same | idee | -- | the same person |
S24.1400 | nothing | eeguDDuu | eeguDDuu n. slang, in neg. constr. nothing | I saw nothing. |
S24.99910 | someone | ewaroo; okaDu, okaru; okaLLu | okaru pron. pl. 1 some persons. 2 polite pl. used for sing, someone, some person. okaLLu pron. pl. always with singular meaning someone. | -- |
S24.99912 | then | antaTa; aaweeLa | -- | -- |
S24.99913 | they (dual) | -- | -- | -- |
S24.99914 | we (dual inclusive) | -- | -- | -- |
S24.99917 | which | eewi | -- | -- |